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Lab Instructions: Create and style a webpage

In this exercise you will you will practice building your webpage using HTML and CSS.

Tips: Before you Begin

To view your code and instructions side-by-side, select the following in your VSCode toolbar:

  • View -> Editor Layout -> Two Columns
  • To view this file in Preview mode, right click on this file and Open Preview
  • Select your code file in the code tree, which will open it up in a new VSCode tab.
  • Drag your assessment code files over to the second column.
  • Great work! You can now see instructions and code at the same time.

Task 1: Create the HTML file.


  • Add photo.jpg to the webpage.
  • Add your name as a heading to the webpage.
  • Add an unordered list of your five favorite music artists.
  • Add an ordered list of your top five favorite films.
  • Add a hyperlink to your Facebook profile, or,

Follow the Step by Step instructions below:

  1. Open the index.html file and set up the following basic HTML document structure:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. Set the title of the HTML document to your name:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>your name</title>
  3. Link to styles.css in the head element.

  4. Add five divider elements to the body element.

  5. Add a heading 1 to the first divider element that displays your name.

  6. Add photo.jpg using an image element in the second divider element..

  7. Add an ID attribute with the value photo on the image element.

  8. Add a heading 2 for Favorite Music Artists in the third divider element. In the same divider add an unordered list with your top 5 favorite artists.

  9. Add a heading 2 for Favorite Films in the fourth divider element. In the same divider add an ordered list with your top 5 favorite films.

  10. Add a hyperlink to your Facebook profile page in the last divider element. Alternatively, add a hyperlink to As a last step, add My Profile to the descriptive text of the <a> tag.

Task 2: Style the webpage using CSS.


  • Style the webpage using CSS.

Follow the Step by Step instructions below:

  1. Open the styles.css file.

  2. Add a CSS rule for your image that sets the border property to 2 pixels wide with a solid blue color.

  3. Add a CSS rule for heading 1 containing your name and set its color to blue.

  4. Add a CSS rule for all <h2> headings and set their color to grey.

  5. Add a CSS rule that applies a margin of 4 pixels to the divider elements.

Final Step: Let's submit your code!

Nice work! To complete this assessment:

  • Save your file through File -> Save
  • Select "Submit Assignment" in your Lab toolbar.

Your code will be autograded and return feedback shortly on the "Grades" tab.
You can also see your score in your Programming Assignment "My Submission" tab.


  • Make sure that HTML tags are closed properly.
  • Use a different heading type for your name.
  • Remember the box model.
  • Review the lessons Creating a HTML document, Adding Images, Selecting and Styling, and Different types of selectors.