diff --git a/README.adoc b/README.adoc
index 878de6a..6bfb40f 100644
--- a/README.adoc
+++ b/README.adoc
@@ -94,6 +94,51 @@ include::samples/app.groovy[]
This chunk of code is Groovy (http://groovy.codehaus.org). It contains the `@RestController` to flag the entire class as being a controller that
returns values directly back to the client, without invoking any views.
+Every line of a code listing is marked **Code [Packt]** except the last. It's marked **Code End [Packt]**.
+==== Console outputs
+Create a listing block, but don't prefix it with a source flag, and this backend will instead mark it up with **Command Line[Packt]**.
+$ asciidoctor -T slim -b packt README.adoc
+$ xmllint -format README.fodt | tail -10
+ This README page is structured in the theme of Packt. It might not render perfectly on GitHub, but when viewed through a text editor,
+and certainly when converted by this backend to LibreOffice, it should provide a nice example of writing a manuscript for Packt.
+ Be advised, the nature of this doc is Packt-like, but don’t assume it represents the proper formatting of a book. This is how to
+style things. Formatting governs what sections you’ll have in a chapter. When to use tips, quotes, etc. is strictly editorial and
+YOUR responsibility.
+ NOTHING is done to make it look good on GitHub, because that is not the target. BUT…why waste a keen opportunity to document both
+Every line of a code listing is marked **Command Line [Packt]** except the last. It's marked **Command Line End [Packt]**.
+==== Screen Text
+Text seen on the screen must be wrapped with **Screen Text [Packt]**.
+| Field | Value
+| _Group_ | `learningspringboot`
+| _Artifact_ | `issue-manager`
+| _Name_ | `Issue Manager`
+| _Description_ | `Learning Spring Boot`
+| _Package Name_ | `learningspringboot`
+| _Styles_ | _Thymeleaf_
+| _Type_ | _Maven Project_
+| _Packaging_ | _Jar_
+| _Java Version_ | _1.7_
+| _Language_ | _Java_
+This table contains embedded options picked from the screen as well as things typed in.
===== Subsections
Yes, we handle subsections, but so far, only levels 2-5.
@@ -124,8 +169,14 @@ following table.
==== Images
+Images are embedded through base64 encoding. They are NOT linked to external files.
image::samples/cat.jpg[width="65%" height="30%"]
+The backend also embeds a Layout[Packt] tag afterwards with the basename of the file.
+NOTE: It's up to YOU to properly name the images according to Packt guidelines.
==== What are some of the things you don't cover?
Well, there are actually a lot of other styles provided by Packt not handled here.
diff --git a/doc b/doc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f2bbba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+asciidoctor README.adoc
+asciidoctor -T slim -b packt README.adoc
diff --git a/slim/packt/inline_quoted.fodt.slim b/slim/packt/inline_quoted.fodt.slim
index 2a79b9a..26356f3 100644
--- a/slim/packt/inline_quoted.fodt.slim
+++ b/slim/packt/inline_quoted.fodt.slim
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- case @type
- when :strong
- / the double underscore is escaped so it doesn't get interpretted as an unconstrained emphasis
text:span text:style-name="Key_20_Word_20_5b_PACKT_5d_"
- when :monospaced
text:span text:style-name="Code_20_In_20_Text_20_5b_PACKT_5d_"
- when :emphasis
- =text
+ text:span text:style-name="Screen_20_Text_20_5b_PACKT_5d_"
+ =text
- else
text:span text:style="strong" data-style="else"