- Exam, Basics
- Array, Object
Create a fully functional image gallery using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
- valid html, css, js
- page has title
- nice header
- show main/first image
- main arrows swipe the main image (previous and next)
- Image title shown
- make it your own, design the style of the gallery
- background
- sizes, positioning and orientation
- borders
- fonts
- CSS / JS animations
- list of thumbnails for all the images
- clicking on thumbnail loads the image to the main container
- only a few thumbnails showing, can move left and right with the arrows on the list
- Imagine what you have to do
- Create sketch-up(s)
- Design your code, what will be where
- Plan your functions and variables
- Not necessarily in trello, but its a nice thing to do
- Break down the functions to simple ones, like:
- Show the main image
- Replace the main image with js
- ...