> git clone https://github.com/greaveselliott/portal.git
> cd portal
> yarn
> yarn start
- Implement Redux async action/reducer for authenticating
- Handle successful auth
- Handle failed auth
- Implement experiation timer async action/reducer for auth experiation
- Implement async action for fetching a list of the users apps
- Handle successful fetch
- Handle failed fetch
- Implement async action for fetching paged list of users associated with app.
- Handle successful fetch
- Handle failed fetch
- Configure Webpack loader Mini CSS extract plugin
- Split bundle
- Server-side render initial view
- Add monorepo
- Configure Redux
- Configure Redux thunk
- Configure Jest
- Configure Enzyme
- Configure Enzyme matchers
- Configure Webpack loader SASS
- Button
- Image
- Input
- Icon
- Link
- Header
- Pagination
- Tiles
- Stage
- Profile
- Progress bar
- Page
- Login
- All Apps
- Single App
- Edit App page