A working demo of Baxter sinking a shot can be found at: Demo
Make sure to clone this repo into your home directory in order to user the install file. That is:
cd ~
git clone <OUR-REPO>
We've provided an install file that will set up the Baxter simulator within a ROS Kinetic environment. Make sure you've got pip3, catkin, and a GitHub account.
cd ~/Baxter-The-Pool-Wiz
Now edit Baxter-The-Pool-Wiz/baxter.sh
and make sure the 30th ish line reads:
Whenever running any commands, make sure you are in a terminal window and have run the commands:
source ~/Baxter-The-Pool-Wiz/devel/setup.bash
cd ~/Baxter-The-Pool-Wiz
./baxter.sh sim
Setup a terminal window and run:
# Launch Baxter in an empty world
roslaunch baxter_gazebo baxter_world.launch
Wait for Gazebo to spin up. You should see the robot in the world. In another setup terminal window, run:
# Enable the robot
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -e
# run test
rosrun baxter_examples joint_velocity_wobbler.py
The Baxter should be waving its arms :)
Now to test MoveIt!, stop the wobbler script and run:
# Start trajectory controller
rosrun baxter_interface joint_trajectory_action_server.py
In another setup window:
# Start Rviz MoveIt! plugin
roslaunch baxter_moveit_config baxter_grippers.launch
Wait until you see the message You can start planning now!
. Move the gripper around using the tool overlaying the gripper. Once a destination pose is selected (marked in orange), go to the planning
tab and click plan
. You should see the animated trajectory.
Keep dependencies in src/dep
up to date with command:
gitman update
Make sure to put the contents of the meshes
directory into your gazebo models directory located at ~/.gazebo/models
Whenever running any commands, make sure you are in a terminal window and have run the commands:
source ~/Baxter-The-Pool-Wiz/devel/setup.bash
cd ~/Baxter-The-Pool-Wiz
./baxter.sh sim
# launch sim
roslaunch baxter_pool_sim pool.launch
# Enable the robot
rosrun baxter_tools enable_robot.py -e
# Start trajectory controller
rosrun baxter_interface joint_trajectory_action_server.py
# Start Rviz MoveIt! plugin
roslaunch baxter_moveit_config baxter_grippers.launch
# moveit pose planner
roslaunch pool_planner pose_planner.launch