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A library of linear algebra functions. Its official prefix is la.


This library adds some new linear algebra functions:










matMul matrix multiplication




How does it work? An NxM matrix can be flattened into a bus si.bus(N*M). These buses can be passed to functions as long as N and sometimes M (if the matrix need not be square) are passed too.


Some things to think about going forward

Implications for ML in Faust

Next step of making a "Dense"/"Linear" layer from machine learning +Where in the libraries should ReLU go? +What about 3D tensors instead of 2D matrices? Image convolutions take place on 3D tensors shaped HxWxC.

Design of matMul

Currently the design is matMul(J, K, L, M, leftHandMat, rightHandMat) where leftHandMat is JxK and rightHandMat is LxM.


It would also be neat to have matMul(J, K, rightHandMat, L, M, leftHandMat).


Then a "packed" matrix could be consistently stored as a combination of a 2-channel "header" N, M and the values si.bus(N*M).


This would ultimately enable result = packedLeftHand : matMul(packedRightHand); for the equivalent numpy code: result = packedLeftHand @ packedRightHand;.



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Calculates the determinant of a bus that represents +an NxN matrix.



si.bus(N*N) : determinant(N) : _


  • N: the size of each axis of the matrix.
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This is a utility for finding the matrix minor when inverting a matrix. +It returns the determinant of the submatrix formed by deleting the row at +index ROW and column at index COL. +The following implementation doesn't work but looks simple.

minor(N, ROW, COL) = par(r, N, par(c, N, select2((ROW==r)||(COL==c),_,!))) : determinant(N-1);


si.bus(N*N) : minor(N, ROW, COL) : _


  • N: the size of each axis of the matrix.
  • +
  • ROW: the selected position on 0th dimension of the matrix (0 <= ROW < N)
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  • COL: the selected position on the 1st dimension of the matrix (0 <= COL < N)
  • +

References: +* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minor_(linear_algebra)#First_minor




This inverts a matrix. The incoming bus represents an NxN matrix. +Note, this is an unsafe operation since not all matrices are invertible.



si.bus(N*N) : inverse(N) : si.bus(N*N)


  • N: the size of each axis of the matrix.
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Transposes an NxM matrix stored in row-major order, resulting +in an MxN matrix stored in row-major order.



si.bus(N*M) : transpose(N, M) : si.bus(M*N)


  • N: the number of rows in the input matrix
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  • M: the number of columns in the input matrix
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Multiply a JxK matrix (mat1) and an LxM matrix (mat2) to produce a JxM matrix. +Note that K==L. +Both matrices should use row-major order. +In terms of numpy, this function is mat1 @ mat2.



matMul(J, K, L, M, si.bus(J*K), si.bus(L*M)) : si.bus(J*M)


  • J: the number of rows in mat1
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  • K: the number of columns in mat1
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  • L: the number of rows in mat2
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  • M: the number of columns in mat2
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Creates an NxN identity matrix.



identity(N) : si.bus(N*N)


  • N: The size of each axis of the identity matrix.
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