diff --git a/demos.lib b/demos.lib
index db85cd5e..69047082 100644
--- a/demos.lib
+++ b/demos.lib
@@ -1332,38 +1332,6 @@ pospass_demo(x) = analytic_signal, modulator : si.cmul with {
// modulator(n) = exp(sqrt(-1) * 2 * ma.PI * df * n / ma.SR) // if complex ok
-// Illustrate and compare methods for generating pink noise.
-// #### Usage
-// ```
-// echo 'import("stdfaust.lib");' > pink_noise_demo.dsp
-// echo 'process = dm.pink_noise_demo;' >> pink_noise_demo.dsp
-// faust2octave pink_noise_demo.dsp
-// Octave:1> semilogx(20*log10(abs(fft(faustout,8192))(1:4096,:)));
-// ...
-// ```
-// #### Output Figure
-// Author: Julius Smith
-// License: MIT
-pink_noise_demo = pink_noises with {
- f0 = 35; // Lower bandlimit in Hz
- bw3 = 0.7 * ma.SR/2.0 - f0; // Bandwidth in Hz, 3rd order case
- bw9 = 0.8 * ma.SR/2.0 - f0; // Bandwidth in Hz, 9th order case
- pink_tilt_3 = fi.spectral_tilt(3,f0,bw3,-0.5);
- pink_tilt_9 = fi.spectral_tilt(9,f0,bw9,-0.5);
- pink_noises = 1-1' <:
- no.pink_filter, // original designed by invfreqz in Octave
- pink_tilt_3, // newer method using the same filter order
- pink_tilt_9; // newer method using a higher filter order
// end jos section
diff --git a/filters.lib b/filters.lib
index 42b51710..040a097d 100644
--- a/filters.lib
+++ b/filters.lib
@@ -2331,13 +2331,14 @@ peak_eq_rm(Lfx,fx,tanPiBT) = _ <: _,A,_ : +,- : *(0.5),*(K/2.0) : + with {
// between -1 and 1 (ln mag / ln radian freq)
// #### Examples
-// See `spectral_tilt_demo`.
+// See `dm.spectral_tilt_demo` and the documentation for `no.pink_noise`.
// #### Reference
// J.O. Smith and H.F. Smith,
// "Closed Form Fractional Integration and Differentiation via Real Exponentially Spaced Pole-Zero Pairs",
// arXiv.org publication arXiv:1606.06154 [cs.CE], June 7, 2016,
declare spectral_tilt author "Julius O. Smith III";
declare spectral_tilt copyright "Copyright (C) 2003-2019 by Julius O. Smith III ";
diff --git a/noises.lib b/noises.lib
index 750b7c82..53d8c748 100644
--- a/noises.lib
+++ b/noises.lib
@@ -124,20 +124,47 @@ Michon and/or Julius O. Smith III, and are released under the
-// Pink noise (1/f noise) generator (third-order approximation).
-// Use fi.spectral_tilt(order,lowerBandLimit,Bandwidth,-0.5)
-// to customize the design and adapt to any sampling rate, etc.
+// Pink noise (1/f noise) generator (third-order approximation covering the audio band well).
// `pink_noise` is a standard Faust function.
// #### Usage
// ```
// pink_noise : _
// ```
-// #### Reference:
+// #### Reference
+// #### Alternatives
+// Higher-order approximations covering any frequency band can be obtained using
+// ```
+// no.noise : fi.spectral_tilt(order,lowerBandLimit,Bandwidth,p)
+// ```
+// where `p=-0.5` means filter rolloff `f^(-1/2)` which gives 1/f rolloff in the
+// power spectral density, and can be changed to other real values.
+// #### Example
+// // pink_noise_compare.dsp - compare three pinking filters
+// process = pink_noises with {
+// f0 = 35; // Lower bandlimit in Hz
+// bw3 = 0.7 * ma.SR/2.0 - f0; // Bandwidth in Hz, 3rd order case
+// bw9 = 0.8 * ma.SR/2.0 - f0; // Bandwidth in Hz, 9th order case
+// pink_tilt_3 = fi.spectral_tilt(3,f0,bw3,-0.5);
+// pink_tilt_9 = fi.spectral_tilt(9,f0,bw9,-0.5);
+// pink_noises = 1-1' <:
+// no.pink_filter, // original designed by invfreqz in Octave
+// pink_tilt_3, // newer method using the same filter order
+// pink_tilt_9; // newer method using a higher filter order
+// };
+// #### Output of Example
+// ```
+// faust2octave pink_noise_compare.dsp
+// Octave:1> semilogx(20*log10(abs(fft(faustout,8192))(1:4096,:)));
+// ...
+// ```
pink_filter = fi.iir((0.049922035, -0.095993537, 0.050612699, -0.004408786),
(-2.494956002, 2.017265875, -0.522189400));