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Upload Service Testbed

Alex Gotev edited this page Oct 17, 2020 · 18 revisions

When signaling an upload issue, be sure the problem you're facing can be replicated with the upload service testbed, otherwise it may be a network error, your server error or a device specific error with is not related to the library.

If the error can be reproduced, describe the steps to reproduce and add LogCat output + server output to the issue.

How to create the testbed

Following this guide:

  1. Get Upload Service Demo Server. Run the demo server in a terminal window and keep it open.

  2. Get the example app:

    git clone

    Open Android Studio and open the project located in examples/app

  3. Run the demo app on an emulator. Set LogCat to display only output from package net.gotev.uploadservicedemo at debug level.

  4. Open your emulator's browser and download a file from here: It will be stored in the Downloads directory.

  5. get back to the demo app and:

    • tap on "New Multipart Upload"
    • copy the multipart URL from the server's terminal window (e.g. and paste into the appìs text field (long click on the field, release and then select Paste from the popup window)
    • click on "Add file", type "file" and click on next
    • select the file you downloaded at step 4
    • tap on the checkmark in the upper right corner to start the upload
  6. wait for the upload to complete