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Configuration File toolchain.cfg

WXbet edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 53 revisions

HOME » Documentation » Configuration-Files » toolchain.cfg

file location: /opt/s3_releases/support/toolchains.cfg/{TOOLCHAIN_NAME}

Option Description Sample
_toolchainname Name of the corresponding cross toolchain in the s3's toolchain folder. The name of the cross toolchain configuration file and the cross toolchain name should match. _toolchainname="mipsel";
_description Cross toolchain description used in simplebuild menus. _description="Dreambox & VU+ (OE 1.6)";
_compiler File name of the cross toolchains gcc compiler binary file without the ending gcc. _compiler="mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu-";
_sysroot Relative path of the cross toolchain sysroot folder. _sysroot="mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu/sys-root/usr";
(currently not used)
Additional library search directory for the gcc compiler to search for required libraries during the build process _libsearchdir="/lib";
Indicates (0|1) whether the cross toolchain needs the additional environment variable STAGING_DIR is set when building or not. If _stagingdir="1", s3 sets the STAGING_DIR automatically during build process. _stagingdir="1";
Indicates (0|1) whether the cross toolchain was created on the build computer or not. This variable is automatically set up in the toolchain configuration file, e.g. by the s3TUP plugin after creating a new cross toolchain. _self_build="1";
default_use Standard build configuration variables for oscam used by this cross toolchain.
_oscamconfdir_default Default configuration directory where oscam expects its configuration files. _oscamconfdir_default="/var/tuxbox/config";
_oscamconfdir_custom Custom configuration directory where oscam expects its configuration files. _oscamconfdir_custom="";
_toolchainfilename base64 encoded name of the archive containing the cross toolchain. The archive is downloaded and saved in the in the s3's downloads folder. _toolchainfilename="TUlQUy1UdXhib3gtT0UxLjZfc191X3AudGFyLnh6";
_md5sum MD5 sum and name of the cross toolchain archive downloaded and saved in the in the s3's downloads folder. _md5sum="09cfbf19e4f4e7c1a2c033dd12a09b4a Toolchain-MIPS-Tuxbox-OE1.6_s_u_p.tar.xz";
_tc_info Extended information about the cross toolchain. This info is displayed in simplebuild menus. `_tc_info="\n
  !!! Dreambox & VU+ (OE 1.6) !!!\n<br/>     this toolchain is compatible with\n<br/>\n<br/>Dreambox: dm500,dm800,500HD,800HD,800SE,7020HD,<br/>          7025,8000\n<br/>VU+     : Zero,Solo²,SoloSE,SoloSE(V2),Duo,Duo²";` |

| _tc_infolines | Number of lines of the cross toolchain information in _tc_info. | _tc_infolines="6"; |

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