Deutsch • English
Key | R/W | Type | Category | Description |
acp | R/W | TYPE | Config | allowChargePause |
acs | R/W | TYPE | Config | access_control user setting (Open=0, Wait=1, EVCMS=2) |
acu | R | TYPE | Status | How many ampere is the car allowed to charge now? |
adi | R | TYPE | Status | Is the 16A adapter used? Limits the current to 16A |
alw | R | TYPE | Status | Is the car allowed to charge at all now? |
ama | R/W | TYPE | Config | ampere_max limit |
amp | R/W | TYPE | Config | requestedCurrent, used for display on LED ring and logic calculations |
amt | R | TYPE | Status | temperatureCurrentLimit |
ara | R/W | TYPE | Config | automatic stop remain in aWATTar |
ate | R/W | TYPE | Config | nextTripEnergy in Wh |
atp | R | TYPE | Status | nextTripPlanData |
att | R/W | TYPE | Config | automatic stop time in seconds since day begin, calculation: (hours3600)+(minutes60)+(seconds) |
avgfhz | R | TYPE | Status | Stromnetz average frequency (~50Hz) |
awc | R/W | TYPE | Config | awattar country (Austria=0, Germany=1,...) |
awcp | R | TYPE | Status | awattar current price |
awe | R/W | TYPE | Config | useAwattar |
awp | R/W | TYPE | Config | awattarMaxPrice in ct |
awpl | W | TYPE | Status | awattar price list, timestamps are measured in unix-time, seconds since 1970 |
bac | R/W | TYPE | Config | Button allow Current change (0=AlwaysLock, 1=LockWhenCarIsConnected, 2=LockWhenCarIsCharging, 3=NeverLock) |
bar | R/W | TYPE | Config | Button Allow WiFi AP reset (0=AlwaysLock, 1=LockWhenCarIsConnected, 2=LockWhenCarIsCharging, 3=NeverLock) |
car | R | TYPE | Status | charge ctrl car state, null if no connection to chargectrl established (Unknown/Error=0, Idle=1, Charging=2, WaitCar=3, Complete=4, Error=5) |
cards | R/W | TYPE | Config | RFID cards array of objects, if you only want to change the second entry, send an array with 1 empty and 1 filled card config object: [{}, {"name":"","energy":"","rfid":""}] |
cbl | R | TYPE | Status | cable_current_limit in A |
ccd | R | TYPE | Status | Connected controller data |
cco | R/W | TYPE | Config | car consumption (for app) |
ccw | R | TYPE | Status | Currently connected WiFi |
cdi | R | TYPE | Status | charging duration info (null=no charging in progress, type=0 counter going up, type=1 duration in ms) |
cfi | R/W | TYPE | Config | color_finished, format: #RRGGBB |
cid | R/W | TYPE | Config | color_idle, format: #RRGGBB |
cle | R | TYPE | Status | Cloud last error |
clea | R | TYPE | Status | Cloud last error (age) |
cll | R | TYPE | Status | Current limits list |
clp | R/W | TYPE | Config | current limit presets, max. 5 entries |
cmmr | R | TYPE | Config | controllerMdnsMaxResults |
cmp | R | TYPE | Config | controllerMdnsProto |
cms | R | TYPE | Config | controllerMdnsService |
cmse | R | TYPE | Config | controllerMdnsScanEnabled, set to false to completely disable any MDNS searches (debugging) |
csa | R | TYPE | Status | controller scan active |
ct | R/W | TYPE | Config | car type, free text string (max. 64 characters) |
ctrls | R | TYPE | Status | Controllers search result |
cus | R | TYPE | Status | Cable unlock status (Unknown=0, Unlocked=1, UnlockFailed=2, Locked=3, LockFailed=4, LockUnlockPowerout=5) |
cwc | R/W | TYPE | Config | color_waitcar, format: #RRGGBB |
cwe | R/W | TYPE | Config | cloud websocket enabled |
data | R | TYPE | Status | grafana token from cloud for app |
del | W | TYPE | Unknown | set this to 0-9 to clear card (erases card name, energy and rfid id) |
deltaa | R | TYPE | Unknown | deltaA |
deltap | R | TYPE | Status | deltaP |
delw | W | TYPE | Unknown | set this to 0-9 to delete sta config (erases ssid, key, ...) |
di1 | R/W | TYPE | Config | digital Input 1-phase |
die | R/W | TYPE | Config | digital Input Enabled |
dii | R/W | TYPE | Config | digital Input Inverted |
dll | R | TYPE | Status | download link for app csv export |
dns | R | TYPE | Status | dns servers |
dsrc | R | TYPE | Status | inverter data source |
dwo | R/W | TYPE | Config | energy limit, measured in Wh, null means disabled, not the next trip energy |
err | R | TYPE | Status | charge ctrl error, null if no connection to charge ctrl established (None=0, FiAc=1, FiDc=2, Phase=3, Overvolt=4, Overamp=5, Diode=6, PpInvalid=7, GndInvalid=8, ContactorStuck=9, ContactorMiss=10, StatusLockStuckOpen=12, StatusLockStuckLocked=13, FiUnknown=14, Unknown=15, Overtemp=16, NoComm=17, CpInvalid=18) |
esk | R/W | TYPE | Config | energy set kwh (for app) |
eto | R | TYPE | Status | energy_total, measured in Wh |
ffb | R | TYPE | Status | lock feedback (NoProblem=0, ProblemLock=1, ProblemUnlock=2) |
fhz | R | TYPE | Status | Stromnetz frequency (~50Hz) or 0 if unknown |
fmt | R/W | TYPE | Config | minChargeTime in milliseconds |
fna | R/W | TYPE | Config | friendlyName |
frc | R/W | TYPE | Config | forceState (Neutral=0, Off=1, On=2) |
frm | R/W | TYPE | Config | roundingMode PreferPowerFromGrid=0, Default=1, PreferPowerToGrid=2 |
fsp | R/W | TYPE | Status | force_single_phase |
fsptws | R | TYPE | Status | force single phase toggle wished since |
fst | R/W | TYPE | Config | startingPower in watts |
fup | R/W | TYPE | Config | usePvSurplus |
fwv | R | TYPE | Status | FW_VERSION |
fzf | R/W | TYPE | Config | zeroFeedin |
gmtr | R/W | TYPE | Config | gridMonitoringTimeReconnection in seconds |
gsa | R/W | TYPE | Status | gridMonitoring last failure |
hai | R/W | TYPE | Config | httpApiEnabled (allows /api/status and /api/set requests) |
hla | R/W | TYPE | Config | httpLegacyApiEnabled (allows /status and /mqtt requests) |
host | R | TYPE | Status | configured hostname |
hsa | W | TYPE | Config | httpStaAuthentication |
ids | W | TYPE | Status | inverter data setter {"pGrid": 1000., "pPv": 1000., "pAkku": 1000.} |
inva | R | TYPE | Status | age of inverter data |
la1 | R/W | TYPE | Config | limit adapter 1-phase (in A) |
la3 | R/W | TYPE | Config | limit adapter 3-phase (in A) |
lbl | R | TYPE | Config | lastButtonHoldLong |
lbp | R | TYPE | Config | lastButtonPress |
lbr | R/W | TYPE | Config | led_bright, 0-255 |
lccfc | R | TYPE | Status | lastCarStateChangedFromCharging (in ms) |
lccfi | R | TYPE | Status | lastCarStateChangedFromIdle (in ms) |
lcctc | R | TYPE | Status | lastCarStateChangedToCharging (in ms) |
lck | R | TYPE | Status | Effective lock setting, as sent to Charge Ctrl (Normal=0, AutoUnlock=1, AlwaysLock=2, ForceUnlock=3) |
lcs | R | TYPE | Status | last controller scan timestamp in milliseconds since boot time |
led | R | TYPE | Status | LED animation |
lfspt | R | TYPE | Status | last force single phase toggle |
lmo | R/W | TYPE | Config | logic mode (Default=3, Awattar=4, NextTrip=5) |
lmsc | R | TYPE | Status | last model status change |
loa | R | TYPE | Status | load balancing ampere |
loc | R | TYPE | Status | local time |
loe | R/W | TYPE | Config | Load balancing enabled |
lof | R/W | TYPE | Config | load_fallback |
log | R/W | TYPE | Config | load_group_id |
lop | R/W | TYPE | Config | load_priority |
lopr | R/W | TYPE | Config | load balancing protected |
lot | R/W | TYPE | Config | load balancing total amp |
loty | R/W | TYPE | Config | load balancing type (Static=false, Dynamic=true) |
lpsc | R | TYPE | Status | last pv surplus calcuation |
lrc | R | TYPE | Status | last rfid card index |
lri | R | TYPE | Status | last rfid id (only available when sendRfid) |
lrn | W | TYPE | Config | set this to 0-9 to learn last read card id |
lrr | R | TYPE | Status | last rfid read (milliseconds since boot) |
lse | R/W | TYPE | Config | led_save_energy |
lto | R | TYPE | Status | local time offset in milliseconds, tab + rbt + lto = local time |
lwf | R | TYPE | Status | last wifi connect failed (milliseconds since boot) |
map | R/W | TYPE | Config | load_mapping (uint8_t[3]) |
mca | R/W | TYPE | Config | minChargingCurrent |
mcc | R | TYPE | Status | MQTT connected |
mcca | R | TYPE | Status | MQTT connected (age) |
mce | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT enabled |
mci | R/W | TYPE | Config | minimumChargingInterval in milliseconds (0 means disabled) |
mcpd | R/W | TYPE | Config | minChargePauseDuration in milliseconds (0 means disabled) |
mcpea | R/W | TYPE | Config | minChargePauseEndsAt (set to null to abort current minChargePauseDuration) |
mcr | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT readonly (don't allow api writes from mqtt broker) |
mcs | R | TYPE | Status | MQTT started |
mcu | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT broker url |
men | R/W | TYPE | Config | modbus slave enabled |
mhe | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT enable homeassistant discovery |
mht | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT homeassistant topic prefix (set to null to reset back to the default) |
mlr | R | TYPE | Status | MQTT last error |
mlra | R | TYPE | Status | MQTT last error (age) |
mmp | R | TYPE | Status | maximumMeasuredChargingPower |
modelStatus | R | TYPE | Status | Reason why we allow charging or not right now (NotChargingBecauseNoChargeCtrlData=0, NotChargingBecauseOvertemperature=1, NotChargingBecauseAccessControl=2, ChargingBecauseForceStateOn=3, NotChargingBecauseForceStateOff=4, NotChargingBecauseScheduler=5, NotChargingBecauseEnergyLimit=6, ChargingBecauseAwattarPriceLow=7, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStopTestLadung=8, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStopNotEnoughTime=9, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStop=10, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStopNoClock=11, ChargingBecausePvSurplus=12, ChargingBecauseFallbackV2Default=13, ChargingBecauseFallbackV2Scheduler=14, ChargingBecauseFallbackDefault=15, NotChargingBecauseFallbackV2Awattar=16, NotChargingBecauseFallbackAwattar=17, NotChargingBecauseFallbackAutomaticStop=18, ChargingBecauseCarCompatibilityKeepAlive=19, ChargingBecauseChargePauseNotAllowed=20, NotChargingBecauseSimulateUnplugging=22, NotChargingBecausePhaseSwitch=23, NotChargingBecauseMinPauseDuration=24, NotChargingBecauseError=26, NotChargingBecauseLoadManagementDoesntWant=27, NotChargingBecauseOcppDoesntWant=28, NotChargingBecauseReconnectDelay=29, NotChargingBecauseAdapterBlocking=30, NotChargingBecauseUnderfrequencyControl=31, NotChargingBecauseUnbalancedLoad=32, ChargingBecauseDischargingPvBattery=33, NotChargingBecauseGridMonitoring=34, NotChargingBecauseOcppFallback=35) |
mptwt | R/W | TYPE | Config | min phase toggle wait time (in milliseconds) |
mpwst | R/W | TYPE | Config | min phase wish switch time (in milliseconds) |
mqcn | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT skipCertCommonNameCheck |
mqg | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT useGlobalCaStore |
mqss | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT skipServerVerification |
msb | R/W | TYPE | Config | modbus slave swap bytes |
msp | R/W | TYPE | Config | modbus slave port (requires off/on toggle) |
msr | R/W | TYPE | Config | modbus slave swap registers |
mtp | R/W | TYPE | Config | MQTT topic prefix (set to null to reset back to the default) |
nif | R | TYPE | Status | Default route |
nmo | R/W | TYPE | Config | norway_mode / ground check enabled when norway mode is disabled |
nrg | R | TYPE | Status | energy array, U (L1, L2, L3, N), I (L1, L2, L3), P (L1, L2, L3, N, Total), pf (L1, L2, L3, N) |
ocppa | R | TYPE | Status | OCPP connected and accepted |
ocppaa | R | TYPE | Status | OCPP connected and accepted (age) |
ocppai | R/W | TYPE | Config | ocppClockAlignedDataInterval |
ocppao | R/W | TYPE | Status | OCPP AllowOfflineTxForUnknownId |
ocppc | R | TYPE | Status | OCPP connected |
ocppca | R | TYPE | Status | OCPP connected (age) |
ocppcm | R/W | TYPE | Status | OCPP LocalAuthListEnabled |
ocppcn | R/W | TYPE | Config | OCPP skipCertCommonNameCheck |
ocppcs | R | TYPE | Status | OCPP connector status (0=Available, 1=Preparing, 2=Charging, 3=SuspendedEVSE, 4=SuspendedEV, 5=Finishing, 6=Reserved, 7=Unavailable, 8=Faulted) |
ocppd | R/W | TYPE | Config | OCPP dummy card id (used when no card has been used and charging is already allowed / starting) |
ocppe | R/W | TYPE | Config | OCPP enabled |
ocppf | R/W | TYPE | Config | OCPP fallback current |
ocppg | R/W | TYPE | Config | OCPP useGlobalCaStore |
ocpph | R/W | TYPE | Config | ocppHeartbeatInterval |
ocppi | R/W | TYPE | Config | ocppMeterValueSampleInterval |
ocppla | R/W | TYPE | Status | OCPP LocalAuthListEnabled |
ocpple | R | TYPE | Status | OCPP last error |
ocpplea | R | TYPE | Status | OCPP last error (age) |
ocpplo | R/W | TYPE | Status | OCPP LocalAuthorizeOffline |
ocppr | R/W | TYPE | Config | OCPP rotate phases on charger |
ocpprl | R/W | TYPE | Config | OCPP remote log |
ocpps | R | TYPE | Status | OCPP started |
ocppss | R/W | TYPE | Config | OCPP skipServerVerification |
ocppti | R/W | TYPE | Status | OCPP transaction id |
ocppu | R/W | TYPE | Config | OCPP server url |
oct | W | TYPE | Config | ota from cloud url trigger |
ocu | R | TYPE | Config | ota from cloud url, url to download new firmware code from |
oem | R | TYPE | Constant | OEM manufacturer |
pakku | R | TYPE | Status | pAkku in W |
pco | R | TYPE | Config | controllerCloudKey |
pdi | R/W | TYPE | Config | protect Digital Input |
pgr | R/W | TYPE | Config | protect Grid Requirements |
pgrid | R | TYPE | Status | pGrid in W |
pgt | R/W | TYPE | Config | pGridTarget in W |
pha | R | TYPE | Status | phases |
pnp | R | TYPE | Status | numberOfPhases |
po | R/W | TYPE | Config | prioOffset in W |
ppv | R | TYPE | Status | pPv in W |
psh | R/W | TYPE | Config | phaseSwitchHysteresis in W |
psmd | R/W | TYPE | Config | forceSinglePhaseDuration (in milliseconds) |
pvopt_averagePAkku | R | TYPE | Status | averagePAkku |
pvopt_averagePGrid | R | TYPE | Status | averagePGrid |
pvopt_averagePPv | R | TYPE | Status | averagePPv |
pwm | R | TYPE | Status | phase wish mode for debugging / only for pv optimizing / used for timers later (Force_3=0, Wish_1=1, Wish_3=2) |
rbc | R | TYPE | Status | reboot_counter |
rbt | R | TYPE | Status | time since boot in milliseconds |
rdbf | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStartFlexibleTariffCharging in seconds |
rdbfe | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStartFlexibleTariffChargingEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayStartFlexibleTariffCharging) |
rdbs | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStartScheduledCharging in seconds |
rdbse | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStartScheduledChargingEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayStartScheduledCharging) |
rde | R/W | TYPE | Config | send rfid serial to cloud/api/mqtt (enable lri api key to show rfid numbers) |
rdef | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStopFlexibleTariffCharging in seconds |
rdefe | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStopFlexibleTariffChargingEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayStopFlexibleTariffCharging) |
rdes | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStopScheduledCharging in seconds |
rdese | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayStopScheduledChargingEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayStopScheduledCharging) |
rdpl | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayWhenPluggingCar in seconds |
rdple | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayWhenPluggingCarEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayWhenPluggingCar) |
rdre | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayReconnection in seconds |
rdree | R/W | TYPE | Config | randomDelayReconnectionEndsAt (set to null to abort current randomDelayReconnection) |
rfb | R | TYPE | Status | relay feedback |
rmaf | R/W | TYPE | Config | reconnectionMaximumFrequency in Hz |
rmav | R/W | TYPE | Config | reconnectionMaximumVoltage in Volt |
rmif | R/W | TYPE | Config | reconnectionMinimumFrequency in Hz |
rmiv | R/W | TYPE | Config | reconnectionMinimumVoltage in Volt |
rsa | R/W | TYPE | Status | rampup started at |
rsre | R/W | TYPE | Config | rampupAtStartAndReconnectionEnabled |
rsrr | R/W | TYPE | Config | rampupAtStartAndReconnectionRate in %/s |
rssi | R | TYPE | Status | RSSI signal strength |
rst | W | TYPE | Unknown | Reset the charger and chargectrl |
scaa | R | TYPE | Status | wifi scan age |
scan | R | TYPE | Status | wifi scan result (encryptionType: OPEN=0, WEP=1, WPA_PSK=2, WPA2_PSK=3, WPA_WPA2_PSK=4, WPA2_ENTERPRISE=5, WPA3_PSK=6, WPA2_WPA3_PSK=7) |
sch_satur | R/W | TYPE | Config | scheduler_saturday, control enum values: Disabled=0, Allow=1, Block=2, AllowFromGrid=3, BlockFromGrid=4 |
sch_sund | R/W | TYPE | Config | scheduler_sunday, control enum values: Disabled=0, Allow=1, Block=2, AllowFromGrid=3, BlockFromGrid=4 |
sch_week | R/W | TYPE | Config | scheduler_weekday, control enum values: Disabled=0, Allow=1, Block=2, AllowFromGrid=3, BlockFromGrid=4 |
sdp | R/W | TYPE | Config | Button Allow Force change (0=AlwaysLock, 1=LockWhenCarIsConnected, 2=LockWhenCarIsCharging, 3=NeverLock) |
sh | R/W | TYPE | Config | stopHysteresis in W |
smd | R | TYPE | Status | smart meter data |
spl3 | R/W | TYPE | Config | threePhaseSwitchLevel |
sse | R | TYPE | Constant | serial number |
su | R/W | TYPE | Config | simulateUnpluggingShort |
sua | R/W | TYPE | Config | simulateUnpluggingAlways |
sumd | R/W | TYPE | Config | simulate unpluging duration (in milliseconds) |
t0h | R/W | TYPE | Config | led strip T0H |
t0l | R/W | TYPE | Config | led strip T0L |
t1h | R/W | TYPE | Config | led strip T1H |
t1l | R/W | TYPE | Config | led strip T1L |
tab | R | TYPE | Status | time at boot in utc in milliseconds, add rbt to get to current utc time |
tcl | R/W | TYPE | Config | temporary current limit (does not change the user current limit, will be reset after 10min if not updated regulary) |
tds | R/W | TYPE | Config | timezone daylight saving mode, None=0, EuropeanSummerTime=1, UsDaylightTime=2, AustralianDaylightTime=3 |
tlf | R | TYPE | Status | testLadungFinished |
tls | R | TYPE | Status | testLadungStarted |
tma | R | TYPE | Status | temperature sensors |
tof | R/W | TYPE | Config | timezone offset in minutes |
tpa | R | TYPE | Status | 30 seconds total power average (not used by next-trip, use mmp for next-trip related power) |
trx | R/W | TYPE | Status | transaction, null when no transaction, 0 when without card, otherwise cardIndex + 1 (1: 0. card, 2: 1. card, ...) |
tse | R/W | TYPE | Config | time server enabled |
tsi | R | TYPE | Status | transaction start rfidid (only available when sendRfid) |
tsss | R | TYPE | Status | time server sync status (RESET=0, COMPLETED=1, IN_PROGRESS=2) |
typ | R | TYPE | Constant | Devicetype |
tzt | R/W | TYPE | Config | timezone type, freetext string for app selection |
ufa | R/W | TYPE | Config | Underfrequency Control activation threshold |
ufe | R/W | TYPE | Config | Underfrequency Control enabled |
ufm | R/W | TYPE | Config | Underfrequency Control mode (TypeNominal=0, TypeActual=1) |
ufs | R/W | TYPE | Config | Underfrequency Control stop frequency |
upo | R/W | TYPE | Config | unlock_power_outage |
ust | R/W | TYPE | Config | unlock_setting (Normal=0, AutoUnlock=1, AlwaysLock=2) |
utc | R/W | TYPE | Status | utc time |
var | R | TYPE | Constant | variant: max Ampere value of unit (11: 11kW/16A, 22: 22kW/32A) |
wbw | R | TYPE | Config | WiFi Bandwidth (for both AP and STA) WIFI_BW_HT20=1, WIFI_BW_HT40=2 |
wcb | R | TYPE | Status | WiFi current mac address (bssid connecting to) |
wda | R/W | TYPE | Config | disable AccessPoint when cloud is connected |
wfb | R | TYPE | Status | WiFi failed mac addresses (bssids) |
wh | R | TYPE | Status | energy in Wh since car connected |
wifis | R/W | TYPE | Config | wifi configurations with ssids and keys, if you only want to change the second entry, send an array with 1 empty and 1 filled wifi config object: [{}, {"ssid":"","key":""}] |
wpb | R | TYPE | Status | WiFi planned mac addresses (future bssids) |
wsc | R | TYPE | Status | WiFi STA error count |
wsl | R | TYPE | Status | WiFi STA error messages log |
wsm | R | TYPE | Status | WiFi STA error message |
wsms | R | TYPE | Status | WiFi state machine state (None=0, Scanning=1, Connecting=2, Connected=3) |
zfo | R/W | TYPE | Config | zeroFeedinOffset in W |