I got this warning message on installation:
Rewrite Base is possibly not activated, this is needed when you choose to hide index.php.
If you are sure that your mod_rewrite is activated, you can continue at your own risk ``` I ignore it, and the installation was succeed, but now I cannot open any page. How to fix it?
- Delete your `/.htaccess` file
- Open up `/application/config/routes.php`, change this line:
$config['index_page'] = '';
into this:
$config['index_page'] = 'index.php';
I got this warning message on installation:
Rewrite Base is possibly not activated, this is needed when you choose to hide index.php.
If you are sure that your mod_rewrite is activated, you can continue at your own risk ``` I really want to hide index.php. I have a ssh access to the server since I own it by myself. How can I install mod_rewrite?
Do this:
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo service apache2 restart ```
Some files and directories can be deleted if you don't need some features.
- /reset-installation.sh
- /.gitignore
- /assets/grocery_crud/themes/datatables/
- /assets/grocery_crud/themes/flexigrid/
- /assets/grocery_crud/themes/twitter-bootstrap/
- /tests/
Some documentations can also be deleted safely:
- /developer-note.md
- /doc/
- /template_user_guide/
- /ci_user_guide/
If you don't use multisite
feature, you can delete installation folders:
This folder contains default CodeIgniter's configuration files.
This folder contains No-CMS installation script
After deactivate any unused modules (CMS Management | Modules
), you can also safely remove the modules in
Be careful to not delete any modules in used. Also, never delete
module at any cost.
You can also delete any unused themes (except neutral
theme) in
- /themes/
I didn't enable third party authentication while installing No-CMS, since I thought I wouldn't need it. Now I change my mind. How could I re-enable third party authentication?
Go to
CMS Management | Setting
, click Third party authentication tab. -
How could I get my
?Open up http://developer.facebook.com. Create new app if you don't have any. Fill the setting. Now you should get
. The similar things also applied twitter, google, yahoo, live etc.
How could I enable google analytic in No-CMS?
Go to
CMS Management | Configuration Management
, look forcms_google_analytic_property_id
(it is on page 2). Edit it, fill the Configuration value with your google analytic property id. -
How could I know my google analytic property id?
Open up https://www.google.com/analytics/web/?hl=en. Look for something like
I want a user to click on activation link before register. The activation link should be sent to their email. How could I do this?
First of all, set up your email configuration correctly, then go to
CMS Management | Configuration Management
, look forcms_signup_activation
. Edit it, fill the Configuration value withTRUE
. -
The forgot password feature doesn't work. How could I enable this?
Set up your email configuration correctly.
How could I set up my email configuration correctly?
Simply go to
CMS Management | Setting
. orConfigure these configuration values (
CMS Management | Configuration Management
):Configuration Key Configuration Value cms_email_reply_address Your email address or something like no-reply@your_website.com
cms_email_reply_name Your name, or something like admin of your_website
cms_email_forgot_subject Forgot-password email subject, something like Reactivate your account at your_website.com
cms_email_forgot_message Forgot-password email message. cms_email_signup_subject Activation email subject cms_email_signup_message Activation email message cms_email_useragent Codeigniter cms_email_protocol Usually smtp
. You can also usemail
, depend on your server configurationcms_email_mailpath If you choose mail
in previous configuration, this should be point to your sendmail file location. Typically it is/usr/sbin/sendmail
on linux servercms_email_smtp_host Your smtp host. If you use gmail, it should be ssl://smtp.googlemail.com
cms_email_smtp_user Your smtp user. If you use gmail, it should be [email protected]
cms_email_smtp_pass Your smtp password. If you use gmail, it should be your gmail password. cms_email_smtp_port Your smtp port. Gmail use 465
cms_email_smtp_timeout smtp time out, let it be 30
cms_email_wordwrap Set it TRUE
if you want your email word-wrapped, or set itFALSE
otherwise.cms_email_wrapchars How many character to activate word-wrap. Only usefull if you set cms_email_wordwrap
. By default, it is76
cms_email_mailtype Let it be html
cms_email_charset Let it be utf-8
cms_email_validate FALSE
if you don't want to validate email address,TRUE
otherwisecms_email_priority Let it be 3
cms_email_bcc_batch_mode Let it be FALSE
cms_email_bcc_batch_size Let it be 200
Go to CMS Management | Setting
, click Page Partials
tab, paste this script into custom script
var additional_quicklink = '<li class="dropdown"><a id="qlink" href="#">Test</a></li>';
window.alert("Hi hi hi");