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executable file
160 lines (112 loc) · 9.36 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
160 lines (112 loc) · 9.36 KB



  • I got this warning message on installation:

        Rewrite Base is possibly not activated, this is needed when you choose to hide index.php.

If you are sure that your mod_rewrite is activated, you can continue at your own risk ``` I ignore it, and the installation was succeed, but now I cannot open any page. How to fix it?

- Delete your `/.htaccess` file
- Open up `/application/config/routes.php`, change this line:

        $config['index_page'] = '';

    into this:

        $config['index_page'] = 'index.php';
  • I got this warning message on installation:

        Rewrite Base is possibly not activated, this is needed when you choose to hide index.php.

If you are sure that your mod_rewrite is activated, you can continue at your own risk ``` I really want to hide index.php. I have a ssh access to the server since I own it by myself. How can I install mod_rewrite?

Do this:

    sudo a2enmod rewrite

sudo service apache2 restart ```

Deleting unnecessary files

Some files and directories can be deleted if you don't need some features.

  • /
  • /.gitignore
  • /assets/grocery_crud/themes/datatables/
  • /assets/grocery_crud/themes/flexigrid/
  • /assets/grocery_crud/themes/twitter-bootstrap/
  • /tests/

Some documentations can also be deleted safely:

  • /
  • /doc/
  • /template_user_guide/
  • /ci_user_guide/

If you don't use multisite feature, you can delete installation folders:

  • /application/config/first-time/

    This folder contains default CodeIgniter's configuration files.

  • /modules/installer/

    This folder contains No-CMS installation script

After deactivate any unused modules (CMS Management | Modules), you can also safely remove the modules in

  • /modules/

    Be careful to not delete any modules in used. Also, never delete main module at any cost.

You can also delete any unused themes (except neutral theme) in

  • /themes/

Third Party Authentication

  • I didn't enable third party authentication while installing No-CMS, since I thought I wouldn't need it. Now I change my mind. How could I re-enable third party authentication?

    Go to CMS Management | Setting, click Third party authentication tab.

  • How could I get my facebook_app_id and facebook_app_secret?

    Open up Create new app if you don't have any. Fill the setting. Now you should get facebook_app_id and facebook_app_secret. The similar things also applied twitter, google, yahoo, live etc.

Google Analytic

  • How could I enable google analytic in No-CMS?

    Go to CMS Management | Configuration Management, look for cms_google_analytic_property_id (it is on page 2). Edit it, fill the Configuration value with your google analytic property id.

  • How could I know my google analytic property id?

    Open up Look for something like UA-xxxxxxx-x

Email sending

  • I want a user to click on activation link before register. The activation link should be sent to their email. How could I do this?

    First of all, set up your email configuration correctly, then go to CMS Management | Configuration Management, look for cms_signup_activation. Edit it, fill the Configuration value with TRUE.

  • The forgot password feature doesn't work. How could I enable this?

    Set up your email configuration correctly.

  • How could I set up my email configuration correctly?

    Simply go to CMS Management | Setting. or

    Configure these configuration values (CMS Management | Configuration Management):

    Configuration Key Configuration Value
    cms_email_reply_address Your email address or something like
    cms_email_reply_name Your name, or something like admin of your_website
    cms_email_forgot_subject Forgot-password email subject, something like Reactivate your account at
    cms_email_forgot_message Forgot-password email message.
    cms_email_signup_subject Activation email subject
    cms_email_signup_message Activation email message
    cms_email_useragent Codeigniter
    cms_email_protocol Usually smtp. You can also use mail or sendmail, depend on your server configuration
    cms_email_mailpath If you choose mail or sendmail in previous configuration, this should be point to your sendmail file location. Typically it is /usr/sbin/sendmail on linux server
    cms_email_smtp_host Your smtp host. If you use gmail, it should be ssl://
    cms_email_smtp_user Your smtp user. If you use gmail, it should be [email protected]
    cms_email_smtp_pass Your smtp password. If you use gmail, it should be your gmail password.
    cms_email_smtp_port Your smtp port. Gmail use 465
    cms_email_smtp_timeout smtp time out, let it be 30
    cms_email_wordwrap Set it TRUE if you want your email word-wrapped, or set it FALSE otherwise.
    cms_email_wrapchars How many character to activate word-wrap. Only usefull if you set cms_email_wordwrap into TRUE. By default, it is 76
    cms_email_mailtype Let it be html
    cms_email_charset Let it be utf-8
    cms_email_validate FALSE if you don't want to validate email address, TRUE otherwise
    cms_email_priority Let it be 3
    cms_email_bcc_batch_mode Let it be FALSE
    cms_email_bcc_batch_size Let it be 200

How could I add a quicklink that run a javascript function?

Go to CMS Management | Setting, click Page Partials tab, paste this script into custom script textarea:

    var additional_quicklink = '<li class="dropdown"><a id="qlink" href="#">Test</a></li>';
        window.alert("Hi hi hi");