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Monero tools

The active repository is at

This is a Common Lisp toolbox to work with the Monero cryptocurrency.

There are several systems:

  • monero-utils: Basic utility functions (integer/bytes conversion, base58 encoding, etc…).
  • monero-tools: Tools that can be used offline (crypto functions, address generation, etc…).
  • monero-rpc: HTTP RPCs to communicate with a running monerod or monero-wallet-rpc daemon.
  • monero-binary-rpc: Binary RPCs to communicate with a running monerod daemon.
  • monero-zmq-rpc: ZeroMQ RPCs to communicate with a running monerod daemon.
  • monero-custom-rpc: Some custom RPCs to communicate with a running monerod daemon.
  • monero-p2p: Tools to communicate with remote Monero nodes.

This library is in alpha quality stage, so the API might change.


To load the monero-tools library, put it in a directory where your Common Lisp implementation can see it, and use the usual:

(asdf:load-system "monero-tools")


(ql:quickload "monero-tools")



monero-utils requires the following libraries:

  • alexandria
  • babel
  • cffi
  • cl-json
  • ironclad


After loading the monero-utils system, the following functions and variables are in the monero-utils package.

  • +base58-checksum-size+
  • base58-decode
  • base58-decoded-length
  • base58-encode
  • base58-encoded-length
  • bytes->hex-string
  • bytes->integer
  • bytes->string
  • bytes->utf-8-string
  • c-array->lisp-array
  • decode-json-from-string
  • encode-json-to-string
  • format-float
  • geta
  • get-unix-time
  • hex-string->bytes
  • integer->bytes
  • join-bytes
  • json-name->lisp-name
  • lisp-array->c-array
  • lisp-name->json-name
  • octet-vector
  • read-float
  • split-bytes
  • string->bytes
  • utf-8-string->bytes



monero-tools requires the following libraries:

  • alexandria
  • babel
  • bordeaux-threads
  • cffi
  • cl-json
  • cl-octet-streams
  • cl-ppcre
  • cl-qrencode
  • dexador
  • ieee-floats
  • iterate
  • ironclad
  • monero-utils
  • png-read
  • split-sequence


  • a running randomx-service daemon (to compute RandomX hashes)
  • the unbound C library (to resolve OpenAlias names)
  • the zbar C library (to read QR codes)

If the optional C libraries are not available, the system should load successfully but some functions will not work.


After loading the monero-tools system, the following functions and variables are in the monero-tools package.


  • acceptable-hash-p
  • compute-block-hash
  • compute-block-hash-from-data
  • compute-miner-transaction-hash
  • compute-miner-transaction-hash-from-data
  • compute-transaction-hash
  • compute-transaction-hash-from-data
  • compute-transaction-tree-hash


  • *randomx-service-host*
  • *randomx-service-port*
  • *slow-hash-height*
  • *slow-hash-seed*
  • *slow-hash-variant*
  • chacha8
  • chacha20
  • compute-key-image
  • compute-multisig-blinded-secret
  • compute-multisig-keys-m/n
  • compute-multisig-keys-n/n
  • compute-multisig-public-keys
  • compute-multisig-public-spend-key
  • compute-multisig-secret-spend-key
  • compute-multisig-secret-view-key
  • compute-subaddress-indexes-table
  • derive-key
  • derive-output-public-key
  • derive-output-secret-key
  • derive-output-secret-subkey
  • derive-public-spend-subkey
  • derive-secret-spend-subkey
  • derive-subkey-secret
  • fast-hash
  • generate-chacha-key
  • generate-keys
  • generate-secret-key
  • generate-ring-signature
  • generate-signature
  • output-public-key->public-spend-subkey
  • public-spend-subkey->public-view-subkey
  • randomx-seed-height
  • randomx-service-hash
  • randomx-service-hash-batch
  • randomx-service-info
  • randomx-service-reseed
  • recover-keys
  • secret-key->public-key
  • secret-spend-key->secret-view-key
  • slow-hash
  • tree-hash
  • valid-ring-signature-p
  • valid-signature-p


  • miner
  • mining-profitability
  • modify-block-template

Mnemonic seed

  • available-mnemonic-seed-languages
  • decrypt-mnemonic-seed
  • encrypt-mnemonic-seed
  • mnemonic-seed->secret-key
  • secret-key->mnemonic-seed


  • *dns-server*
  • *dnssec-trust-anchors*
  • get-openalias-info


  • deserialize-block
  • deserialize-block-header
  • deserialize-from-binary-storage
  • deserialize-transaction
  • deserialize-transaction-prefix
  • serialize-block
  • serialize-block-header
  • serialize-to-binary-storage
  • serialize-transaction
  • serialize-transaction-prefix


  • +monero-unit+
  • bruteforce-wallet-keys
  • decode-address
  • decode-multisig-extra-info
  • decode-multisig-info
  • decode-multisig-seed
  • decode-qr-code
  • decode-uri
  • decrypt-amount
  • decrypt-payment-id
  • decrypt-wallet-keys
  • encrypt-payment-id
  • get-wallet-keys
  • make-integrated-address
  • make-multisig-extra-info
  • make-multisig-info
  • make-multisig-seed
  • make-qr-code
  • make-uri
  • output-destination-address
  • output-for-address-p
  • prove-inbound-transaction
  • prove-outbound-transaction
  • prove-payment
  • public-keys->address
  • public-keys->subaddress
  • received-amount
  • secret-spend-key->address
  • secret-spend-key->subaddress
  • sign-file
  • sign-message
  • spent-key-images
  • valid-address-p
  • valid-file-signature-p
  • valid-inbound-transaction-proof-p
  • valid-message-signature-p
  • valid-outbound-transaction-proof-p
  • valid-payment-proof-p


The tests require the fiveam library.

(asdf:test-system "monero-tools")



monero-rpc requires the following libraries:

  • cl-base64
  • cl-json
  • dexador
  • ironclad
  • monero-tools
  • monero-utils
  • split-sequence


After loading the monero-rpc system, the following functions and variables are available in the monero-rpc package.

  • *rpc-client-secret-key*
  • *rpc-host*
  • *rpc-password*
  • *rpc-port*
  • *rpc-user*
  • compute-digest-authentication-response
  • defjsonrpc
  • defrawrpc
  • defrpc
  • generate-rpc-payment-signature
  • json-rpc
  • parse-digest-authentication-challenge
  • rpc

Calling monerod

After loading the monero-rpc system, the following functions and variables are available in the monero-daemon-rpc package.


The following functions are thin wrappers for the HTTP JSON RPCs of monerod. They use alists instead of JSON objects, where a key named some_key in a JSON object becomes :some-key in the alist. The specifications of these RPCs can be found in

  • banned
  • flush-cache
  • flush-txpool
  • generateblocks
  • get-alternate-chain
  • get-bans
  • get-block
  • get-block-count
  • get-block-hash
  • get-block-header-by-hash
  • get-block-header-by-height
  • get-block-headers-range
  • get-block-template
  • get-coinbase-tx-sum
  • get-connections
  • get-fee-estimate
  • get-info
  • get-last-block-header
  • get-output-distribution
  • get-output-histogram
  • get-txpool-backlog
  • get-version
  • hard-fork-info
  • prune-blockchain
  • relay-tx
  • rpc-access-account
  • rpc-access-data
  • rpc-access-info
  • rpc-access-pay
  • rpc-access-submit-nonce
  • rpc-access-tracking
  • set-bans
  • submit-block
  • sync-info


The following functions are thin wrappers for the HTTP RPCs of monerod. They use alists instead of JSON objects, where a key named some_key in a JSON object becomes :some-key in the alist. The specifications of these RPCs can be found in

  • get-alt-blocks-hashes
  • get-height
  • get-limit
  • get-net-stats
  • get-outs
  • get-peer-list
  • get-public-nodes
  • get-transaction-pool
  • get-transaction-pool-hashes
  • get-transaction-pool-stats
  • get-transactions
  • in-peers
  • is-key-image-spent
  • mining-status
  • out-peers
  • pop-blocks
  • save-bc
  • send-raw-transaction
  • set-bootstrap-daemon
  • set-limit
  • set-log-categories
  • set-log-hashrate
  • set-log-level
  • start-mining
  • start-save-graph
  • stop-daemon
  • stop-mining
  • stop-save-graph
  • update

Calling monero-wallet-rpc

After loading the monero-rpc system, the following functions and variables are available in the monero-wallet-rpc package.

The following functions are thin wrappers for the HTTP JSON RPCs of monero-wallet-rpc. They use alists instead of JSON objects, where a key named some_key in a JSON object becomes :some-key in the alist. The specifications of these RPCs can be found in

  • add-address-book
  • auto-refresh
  • change-wallet-password
  • check-reserve-proof
  • check-spend-proof
  • check-tx-key
  • check-tx-proof
  • close-wallet
  • create-account
  • create-address
  • create-wallet
  • delete-address-book
  • describe-transfer
  • exchange-multisig-keys
  • export-key-images
  • export-multisig-info
  • export-outputs
  • finalize-multisig
  • generate-from-keys
  • get-account-tags
  • get-accounts
  • get-address
  • get-address-book
  • get-address-index
  • get-attribute
  • get-balance
  • get-bulk-payments
  • get-height
  • get-languages
  • get-payments
  • get-reserve-proof
  • get-spend-proof
  • get-transfer-by-txid
  • get-transfers
  • get-tx-key
  • get-tx-notes
  • get-tx-proof
  • get-version
  • import-key-images
  • import-multisig-info
  • import-outputs
  • incoming_transfers
  • is-multisig
  • label-account
  • label-address
  • make-integrated-address
  • make-multisig
  • make-uri
  • open-wallet
  • parse-uri
  • prepare-multisig
  • query-key
  • refresh
  • relay-tx
  • rescan-blockchain
  • rescan-spent
  • restore-deterministic-wallet
  • set-account-tag-description
  • set-attribute
  • set-daemon
  • set-log-categories
  • set-log-level
  • set-tx-notes
  • sign
  • sign-multisig
  • sign-transfer
  • split-integrated-address
  • start-mining
  • stop-mining
  • stop-wallet
  • store
  • submit-multisig
  • submit-transfer
  • sweep-all
  • sweep-dust
  • sweep-single
  • tag-accounts
  • transfer
  • transfer-split
  • untag-accounts
  • validate-address
  • verify



monero-binary-rpc requires the following libraries:

  • dexador
  • iterate
  • monero-rpc
  • monero-tools
  • monero-utils


After loading the monero-binary-rpc system, the following functions and variables are available in the monero-binary-rpc package.

  • binary-rpc
  • defbinrpc
  • get-blocks.bin
  • get-blocks-by-height.bin
  • get-hashes.bin
  • get-o-indexes.bin
  • get-outs.bin
  • get-random-outs.bin
  • get-random-rctouts.bin
  • get-transaction-pool-hashes.bin



monero-zmq-rpc requires the following libraries:

  • monero-rpc
  • monero-utils
  • pzmq


After loading the monero-zmq-rpc system, the following functions and variables are available in the monero-zmq-rpc package.

  • get-block
  • get-blocks
  • get-info
  • get-transactions
  • zmq-json-rpc



monero-custom-rpc requires the following libraries:

  • bordeaux-threads
  • iterate
  • monero-binary-rpc
  • monero-rpc
  • monero-tools
  • monero-utils


After loading the monero-custom-rpc system, the following functions and variables are available in the monero-custom-rpc package.

  • mine-block
  • transaction-history



monero-p2p requires the following libraries:

  • alexandria
  • ironclad
  • iterate
  • monero-tools
  • monero-utils
  • usocket


After loading the monero-p2p system, the following functions and variables are available in the monero-p2p package.

  • *network-id*
  • *p2p-port*
  • *peer-id*
  • close-connection
  • open-connection