diff --git a/.github/workflows/triage-issue-comments.yml b/.github/workflows/triage-issue-comments.yml
index 1e80dc69f5ed..717367cd1e94 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/triage-issue-comments.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/triage-issue-comments.yml
@@ -1,61 +1,110 @@
-name: Triage new issue comments
-# **What it does**: Adds label triage to new issue comments in the open source repository.
-# **Why we have it**: Update open source project board for review.
-# **Who does it impact**: Docs open source.
-  issue_comment:
-    types:
-      - created
-  contents: read
-  issues: write
-  triage-issue-comments:
-    if: ${{ github.repository == 'github/docs' && !github.event.issue.pull_request }}
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    steps:
-      - name: Check if the event originated from a team member
-        uses: actions/github-script@e69ef5462fd455e02edcaf4dd7708eda96b9eda0
-        id: is-internal-contributor
-        with:
-          result-encoding: string
-          script: |
-            const repo = context.payload.repository.name
-            const org = context.payload.repository.owner.login
-            const actor = context.actor
-            let collaboratorStatus = ''
-            try {
-              collaboratorStatus = await github.request('GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/collaborators/{username}', {
-                owner: org,
-                repo: repo,
-                username: actor
-              })
-              console.log(`This issue was commented on by a Hubber.`)
-              return 'true'
-            } catch (error) {
-              console.log(`This issue was commented on by an external contributor.`)
-              return 'false'
-            }
-      - name: Check out repo
-        uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
-      - uses: ./.github/actions/node-npm-setup
-      - name: Label issues with new comments with 'triage'
-        uses: ./.github/actions/labeler
-        if: ${{ steps.is-internal-contributor.outputs.result == 'false' }}
-        with:
-          addLabels: 'triage'
-          ignoreIfLabeled: true
-      - uses: ./.github/actions/slack-alert
-        if: ${{ failure() }}
-        with:
-          slack_channel_id: ${{ secrets.DOCS_ALERTS_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID }}
-          slack_token: ${{ secrets.SLACK_DOCS_BOT_TOKEN }}
+            - name: Close Stale Issues
+  uses: actions/stale@v9.0.0
+  with:
+    # Token for the repository. Can be passed in using `{{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}`.
+    repo-token: # optional, default is ${{ github.token }}
+    # The message to post on the issue when tagging it. If none provided, will not mark issues stale.
+    stale-issue-message: # optional
+    # The message to post on the pull request when tagging it. If none provided, will not mark pull requests stale.
+    stale-pr-message: # optional
+    # The message to post on the issue when closing it. If none provided, will not comment when closing an issue.
+    close-issue-message: # optional
+    # The message to post on the pull request when closing it. If none provided, will not comment when closing a pull requests.
+    close-pr-message: # optional
+    # The number of days old an issue or a pull request can be before marking it stale. Set to -1 to never mark issues or pull requests as stale automatically.
+    days-before-stale: # optional, default is 60
+    # The number of days old an issue can be before marking it stale. Set to -1 to never mark issues as stale automatically. Override "days-before-stale" option regarding only the issues.
+    days-before-issue-stale: # optional
+    # The number of days old a pull request can be before marking it stale. Set to -1 to never mark pull requests as stale automatically. Override "days-before-stale" option regarding only the pull requests.
+    days-before-pr-stale: # optional
+    # The number of days to wait to close an issue or a pull request after it being marked stale. Set to -1 to never close stale issues or pull requests.
+    days-before-close: # optional, default is 7
+    # The number of days to wait to close an issue after it being marked stale. Set to -1 to never close stale issues. Override "days-before-close" option regarding only the issues.
+    days-before-issue-close: # optional
+    # The number of days to wait to close a pull request after it being marked stale. Set to -1 to never close stale pull requests. Override "days-before-close" option regarding only the pull requests.
+    days-before-pr-close: # optional
+    # The label to apply when an issue is stale.
+    stale-issue-label: # optional, default is Stale
+    # The label to apply when an issue is closed.
+    close-issue-label: # optional
+    # The labels that mean an issue is exempt from being marked stale. Separate multiple labels with commas (eg. "label1,label2").
+    exempt-issue-labels: # optional, default is 
+    # The reason to use when closing an issue.
+    close-issue-reason: # optional, default is not_planned
+    # The label to apply when a pull request is stale.
+    stale-pr-label: # optional, default is Stale
+    # The label to apply when a pull request is closed.
+    close-pr-label: # optional
+    # The labels that mean a pull request is exempt from being marked as stale. Separate multiple labels with commas (eg. "label1,label2").
+    exempt-pr-labels: # optional, default is 
+    # The milestones that mean an issue or a pull request is exempt from being marked as stale. Separate multiple milestones with commas (eg. "milestone1,milestone2").
+    exempt-milestones: # optional, default is 
+    # The milestones that mean an issue is exempt from being marked as stale. Separate multiple milestones with commas (eg. "milestone1,milestone2"). Override "exempt-milestones" option regarding only the issues.
+    exempt-issue-milestones: # optional, default is 
+    # The milestones that mean a pull request is exempt from being marked as stale. Separate multiple milestones with commas (eg. "milestone1,milestone2"). Override "exempt-milestones" option regarding only the pull requests.
+    exempt-pr-milestones: # optional, default is 
+    # Exempt all issues and pull requests with milestones from being marked as stale. Default to false.
+    exempt-all-milestones: # optional, default is false
+    # Exempt all issues with milestones from being marked as stale. Override "exempt-all-milestones" option regarding only the issues.
+    exempt-all-issue-milestones: # optional, default is 
+    # Exempt all pull requests with milestones from being marked as stale. Override "exempt-all-milestones" option regarding only the pull requests.
+    exempt-all-pr-milestones: # optional, default is 
+    # Only issues or pull requests with all of these labels are checked if stale. Defaults to `` (disabled) and can be a comma-separated list of labels.
+    only-labels: # optional, default is 
+    # Only issues or pull requests with at least one of these labels are checked if stale. Defaults to `` (disabled) and can be a comma-separated list of labels.
+    any-of-labels: # optional, default is 
+    # Only issues with at least one of these labels are checked if stale. Defaults to `` (disabled) and can be a comma-separated list of labels. Override "any-of-labels" option regarding only the issues.
+    any-of-issue-labels: # optional, default is 
+    # Only pull requests with at least one of these labels are checked if stale. Defaults to `` (disabled) and can be a comma-separated list of labels. Override "any-of-labels" option regarding only the pull requests.
+    any-of-pr-labels: # optional, default is 
+    # Only issues with all of these labels are checked if stale. Defaults to `[]` (disabled) and can be a comma-separated list of labels. Override "only-labels" option regarding only the issues.
+    only-issue-labels: # optional, default is 
+    # Only pull requests with all of these labels are checked if stale. Defaults to `[]` (disabled) and can be a comma-separated list of labels. Override "only-labels" option regarding only the pull requests.
+    only-pr-labels: # optional, default is 
+    # The maximum number of operations per run, used to control rate limiting (GitHub API CRUD related).
+    operations-per-run: # optional, default is 30
+    # Remove stale labels from issues and pull requests when they are updated or commented on.
+    remove-stale-when-updated: # optional, default is true
+    # Remove stale labels from issues when they are updated or commented on. Override "remove-stale-when-updated" option regarding only the issues.
+    remove-issue-stale-when-updated: # optional, default is 
+    # Remove stale labels from pull requests when they are updated or commented on. Override "remove-stale-when-updated" option regarding only the pull requests.
+    remove-pr-stale-when-updated: # optional, default is 
+    # Run the processor in debug mode without actually performing any operations on live issues.
+    debug-only: # optional, default is false
+    # The order to get issues or pull requests. Defaults to false, which is descending.
+    ascending: # optional, default is false
+    # Delete the git branch after closing a stale pull request.
+    delete-branch: # optional, default is false
+    # The date used to skip the stale action on issue/pull request created before it (ISO 8601 or RFC 2822).
+    start-date: # optional, default is 
+    # The assignees which exempt an issue or a pull request from being marked as stale. Separate multiple assignees with commas (eg. "user1,user2").
+    exempt-assignees: # optional, default is 
+    # The assignees which exempt an issue from being marked as stale. Separate multiple assignees with commas (eg. "user1,user2"). Override "exempt-assignees" option regarding only the issues.
+    exempt-issue-assignees: # optional, default is 
+    # The assignees which exempt a pull request from being marked as stale. Separate multiple assignees with commas (eg. "user1,user2"). Override "exempt-assignees" option regarding only the pull requests.
+    exempt-pr-assignees: # optional, default is 
+    # Exempt all issues and pull requests with assignees from being marked as stale. Default to false.
+    exempt-all-assignees: # optional, default is false
+    # Exempt all issues with assignees from being marked as stale. Override "exempt-all-assignees" option regarding only the issues.
+    exempt-all-issue-assignees: # optional, default is 
+    # Exempt all pull requests with assignees from being marked as stale. Override "exempt-all-assignees" option regarding only the pull requests.
+    exempt-all-pr-assignees: # optional, default is 
+    # Exempt draft pull requests from being marked as stale. Default to false.
+    exempt-draft-pr: # optional, default is false
+    # Display some statistics at the end regarding the stale workflow (only when the logs are enabled).
+    enable-statistics: # optional, default is true
+    # A comma delimited list of labels to add when an issue or pull request becomes unstale.
+    labels-to-add-when-unstale: # optional, default is 
+    # A comma delimited list of labels to remove when an issue or pull request becomes stale.
+    labels-to-remove-when-stale: # optional, default is 
+    # A comma delimited list of labels to remove when an issue or pull request becomes unstale.
+    labels-to-remove-when-unstale: # optional, default is 
+    # Any update (update/comment) can reset the stale idle time on the issues and pull requests.
+    ignore-updates: # optional, default is false
+    # Any update (update/comment) can reset the stale idle time on the issues. Override "ignore-updates" option regarding only the issues.
+    ignore-issue-updates: # optional, default is 
+    # Any update (update/comment) can reset the stale idle time on the pull requests. Override "ignore-updates" option regarding only the pull requests.
+    ignore-pr-updates: # optional, default is 
+    # Only the issues or the pull requests with an assignee will be marked as stale automatically.
+    include-only-assigned: # optional, default is false