Regroup all lendings views in one that could be included.
Make a better book list.
Make an author profile.
Make multi-ownership for books. Many people could have the same book.
Add ownership so that someone can have the same book twice (or more).
Make it possible to edit your ownerships.
Make a better display of different ownerships on book detail page.
Fix book publishing date sorting
Add default beginning date to lending creation.
Add the possibility to have the same book twice with two different covers/editors (edit book creation).
Add verification of book's availability during the creation of a lending.
Add a form to create user.
Add pictures to profiles.
Add Wysiwyg text editor.
User profile
Set lending depending on ownership and not book anymore.
Add discussion system. Discussion forum, by theme and by book for example. Not deleted when the element is removed.
Rules and CGV pages
Add Time widget for date fields.
Sort and display queue on book page.
Add alert when book given back and queue status changed.
Add buttons to leave the status queue
Remove from status queue when borrowing !
People should appear only once in the queue.
Send mail in user locale.
- Display and allow actions only for your books/ownerships/lendings unless certain permission.
Notation on books : adds notation system with grades from 0 to 5.
Write unit tests:
Test determine_new_ownership_necessary
Test ownership creation
Remove book from library.
Test CRUD on library.
Author: birthdate before deathdate.
Test CRUD on messages.
Test CRUD on discussion.
Availability of book copies.
End date before beginning date ?
Add a borrowing button on book list that display different copies existing.