Challenge 55 involves replicating the MD4 collision generation technique from Wang et al. (2005).
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Challenge55
MyMD4Digest, myMD4Hash
, collideMD4
) where
import Bytes ( HasBytes(..), Bytes, chunksOf )
import Bytes.Integral ( littleEndian )
import Hash ( md4Hash )
import Padding.Hash ( padMD4 )
import Data.Bits ( Bits(..) )
import Data.List ( foldl', scanl' )
import Data.Traversable ( mapAccumL )
import Data.Word ( Word32 )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Vector as V
To get this attack to work, we have to interfere with the steps of the MD4 hash algorithm, so we're going to have to implement it in its entirety. We refer to the MD4 specification.
The MD4 state vector consists of four 32-bit registers, labelled a through d.
data Reg = A | B | C | D deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
data MD4State = MD4State { a, b, c, d :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 }
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
The inital state is a bunch of magic numbers.
initMD4State :: MD4State
initMD4State = MD4State
{ a = 0x67452301
, b = 0xefcdab89
, c = 0x98badcfe
, d = 0x10325476 }
The MD4 digest is just the MD4 state itself.
We give it a HasBytes
type MyMD4Digest = MD4State
instance HasBytes MD4State where
The state is output as four little-endian words.
toBytes MD4State{a=a,b=b,c=c,d=d} =
B.concat $ map (littleEndian 4) [a,b,c,d]
It is thus input by reversing the bytes and converting back to words.
fromBytes bs =
let [a,b,c,d] = map (fromBytes . B.reverse) $ chunksOf 4 bs
in MD4State{a=a,b=b,c=c,d=d}
It is also always the same length: 16 bytes.
numBytes _ = 16
A pass of MD4 over a 64-byte block consists of three rounds, each of 16 steps. A step is of the form
r1 <- (r1 + f(r2,r3,r4) + w[i] + k) `rotateL` s
where r[1234] is some permutation of registers abcd, f and k depend on the round, and w[i] is an element of the input block, which has been split into 16 32-bit words.
- There are only four possible register orderings, one for updating each of the four registers. They always proceed A-D-C-B, with four cycles per round.
- The values of the shift s for each step also come in a cycle of four, which differs from round to round.
- The values of i for each step in a round are from a permutation of [0..15] which depends on the round.
We can describe a round by its f, k, shift cycle, and permutation of i.
data MD4Round = MD4Round
{ roundF :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
, roundK :: Word32
, roundShifts :: [Int]
, roundIndices :: [Int] }
The three possible values for f are simple bitwise functions.
md4F1, md4F2, md4F3 :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
md4F1 x y z = (x .&. y) .|. (complement x .&. z)
md4F2 x y z = (x .&. y) .|. (x .&. z) .|. (y .&. z)
md4F3 x y z = x `xor` y `xor` z
The constants k are magic numbers.
md4K1, md4K2, md4K3 :: Word32
md4K1 = 0x00000000
md4K2 = 0x5A827999
md4K3 = 0x6ED9EBA1
We can now describe the three rounds.
md4Round1 = MD4Round
{ roundF = md4F1, roundK = md4K1, roundShifts = [3,7,11,19]
, roundIndices = [0..15] }
md4Round2 = MD4Round
{ roundF = md4F2, roundK = md4K2, roundShifts = [3,5,9,13]
, roundIndices = [0,4..12] ++ [1,5..13] ++ [2,6..14] ++ [3,7..15] }
md4Round3 = MD4Round
{ roundF = md4F3, roundK = md4K3, roundShifts = [3,9,11,15]
, roundIndices = [0,8,4,12] ++ [2,10,6,14] ++ [1,9,5,13] ++ [3,11,7,15] }
The differences between the different steps in a round are which register we are updating, how large the shift is, and which word of the input block we are reading.
data MD4Step a = MD4Step
{ md4F :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
, md4K :: Word32
, md4Reg :: Reg
, md4Shift :: Int
We can store the index i or the input word w[i], after lookup;
for this reason, we let md4Value
be a parametric type.
, md4Value :: a }
deriving Functor
We can now create an explicit representation of every step in the computation.
Here the parameter of MD4Step
is the index i;
we can later get data words by e.g. fmap (ws!!)
md4Steps :: [MD4Step Int]
md4Steps = [ MD4Step (roundF r) (roundK r) g s i
| r <- [md4Round1, md4Round2, md4Round3]
, (g,s,i) <- zip3 (cycle [A,D,C,B])
(cycle $ roundShifts r)
(roundIndices r) ]
Given the description of a step (with the value w[i] rather than i) we can apply the step to a register state.
md4Step :: MD4State -> MD4Step Word32 -> MD4State
md4Step state step =
let MD4State{a=a,b=b,c=c,d=d} = state
MD4Step{ md4F = f, md4K = k, md4Shift = s, md4Value = wi } = step
mdOp r1 r2 r3 r4 = (r1 + f r2 r3 r4 + wi + k) `rotateL` s
in case md4Reg step of
A -> state{ a = mdOp a b c d }
D -> state{ d = mdOp d a b c }
C -> state{ c = mdOp c d a b }
B -> state{ b = mdOp b c d a }
To apply MD4 to an entire 64-byte chunk, we have to apply every step in order.
mdChunk :: MD4State -> V.Vector Word32 -> MD4State
mdChunk st ws =
The description of the steps is in md4Steps
We first use an fmap
to change each index in the step descriptions
to the actual data word referred to.
let steps = map (fmap (ws V.!)) md4Steps
We then use a fold to apply each step to the state in turn.
newSt = foldl' md4Step st steps
Finally, we add the old and new values of each register to generate the new state.
in MD4State { a = a st + a newSt
, b = b st + b newSt
, c = c st + c newSt
, d = d st + d newSt }
We need to convert between 64-byte blocks and Vector
s of sixteen 32-bit words.
chunkBytes :: Bytes -> V.Vector Word32
chunkBytes = V.fromListN 16 . map (fromBytes . B.reverse) . chunksOf 4
unchunkBytes :: V.Vector Word32 -> Bytes
unchunkBytes = B.concat . map (littleEndian 4) . V.toList
Now we can produce an MD4 checksum.
myMD4Hash :: HasBytes text => text -> MyMD4Digest
myMD4Hash text =
We apply MD4 padding and split into 64-byte data blocks,
then into data Vector
let chunks = map chunkBytes $ chunksOf 64 $ padMD4 text
We then use a fold to process each chunk in turn and compute our final state.
in foldl' mdChunk initMD4State chunks
Now we look at finding MD4 collisions. This is all after the paper by Wang et al. in Eurocrypt 2005.
The idea is that we take a 64-byte message block and manipulate its bits so that certain bitwise identities hold for the state registers at various points in the digest computation. There is then a very high probability that a closely related block will have a colliding MD4 hash.
collideMD4 :: Bytes -> Maybe (Bytes,Bytes)
collideMD4 chunk =
We modify the block with the yet-to-be-defined functions
and modifySecondRound
let m = modifySecondRound . modifyFirstRound $ chunkBytes chunk
m0 = unchunkBytes m
The related block is then
m1 = unchunkBytes $ V.zipWith (+) m dm
where the difference vector is (from the paper)
dm1 = 2^31, dm2 = 2^31 - 2^28, dm12 = -2^16:
dm = V.fromListN 16 [0,2^31,2^31-2^28,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-2^16,0,0,0]
We then just ensure that the two blocks differ and their hashes are the same, then return them.
in if m0 /= m1 && md4Hash m0 == md4Hash m1
then Just (m0,m1)
else Nothing
So, what are the mysterious modifications that we have to make to the block so that it is vulnerable to generating collisions? Essentially, in each step of hash generation, there are certain conditions on specific bits of the state register. We run the step, modify the state to ensure that the conditions are met, then determine what the data word would have had to have been to create that state in normal evaluation. The data word is modified and we move to the next step.
All of the requirements (that we're going to care about) are of the form
pi[b] = 0, pi[b] = 1, or pi[b] = q[b]
where p is the register updated in that step, b is the bit index, and q is another register used in the computation of p. i represents p's generation, the number of times it has been updated for this chunk. The initial state has generation 0, the values for registers a, d, c, and b created in the first four steps have generation 1, and so on.
We represent a bit value by its register and bit index.
data BitValue = BV Reg Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
A bit constraint is a zero, a one, or an indication to look at a previous register.
data BitConstraint = Zero | One | Reg Reg deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
A bit condition is a pairing of the two.
data CollideCondition = CC BitValue BitConstraint deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
Now the constraints from Table 6 in the paper. If all of these 121 constraints are satisfied, then the block is guaranteed to have a hash collision. We copy only the constraints on the first 22 rounds; after that, we start seeing constraints of the form pi[b] = NOT q[b]. However, it isn't really necessary to maintain 22 rounds of constraints; even enforcing only 18 rounds of constraints, there are only 2^16 or so unenforced bits, so we can still find collisions in only a few seconds.
conditions :: V.Vector [CollideCondition]
conditions =
We define a few functions to ease our data entry. First, the bit indices in the paper count from one, so we subtract 1 to zero-index the bit indices. The data in the paper also includes the generation, which we don't need and remove.
let v r _i b = BV r (b-1)
Second, we create an inline alias for the constraint constructor CC
(.==) = CC
Now we proceed to entering the table. The ith entry lists all of the constraints for step i of the computation.
in V.fromList
[ [ v A 1 7 .== Reg B ]
, [ v D 1 7 .== Zero , v D 1 8 .== Reg A, v D 1 11 .== Reg A ]
, [ v C 1 7 .== One , v C 1 8 .== One , v C 1 11 .== Zero
, v C 1 26 .== Reg D ]
, [ v B 1 7 .== One , v B 1 8 .== Zero , v B 1 11 .== Zero
, v B 1 26 .== Zero ]
, [ v A 2 8 .== One , v A 2 11 .== One , v A 2 26 .== Zero
, v A 2 14 .== Reg B ]
, [ v D 2 14 .== Zero , v D 2 19 .== Reg A, v D 2 20 .== Reg A
, v D 2 21 .== Reg A, v D 2 22 .== Reg A, v D 2 26 .== One ]
, [ v C 2 13 .== Reg D, v C 2 14 .== Zero , v C 2 15 .== Reg D
, v C 2 19 .== Zero , v C 2 20 .== Zero , v C 2 21 .== One
, v C 2 22 .== Zero ]
, [ v B 2 13 .== One , v B 2 14 .== One , v B 2 15 .== Zero
, v B 2 17 .== Reg C, v B 2 19 .== Zero , v B 2 20 .== Zero
, v B 2 21 .== Zero , v B 2 22 .== Zero ]
, [ v A 3 13 .== One , v A 3 14 .== One , v A 3 15 .== One
, v A 3 17 .== Zero , v A 3 19 .== Zero , v A 3 20 .== Zero
, v A 3 21 .== Zero , v A 3 23 .== Reg B, v A 3 22 .== One -- sic
, v A 3 26 .== Reg B ]
, [ v D 3 13 .== One , v D 3 14 .== One , v D 3 15 .== One
, v D 3 17 .== Zero , v D 3 20 .== Zero , v D 3 21 .== One
, v D 3 22 .== One , v D 3 23 .== Zero , v D 3 26 .== One
, v D 3 30 .== Reg A ]
, [ v C 3 17 .== One , v C 3 20 .== Zero , v C 3 21 .== Zero
, v C 3 22 .== Zero , v C 3 23 .== Zero , v C 3 26 .== Zero
, v C 3 30 .== One , v C 3 32 .== Reg D ]
, [ v B 3 20 .== Zero , v B 3 21 .== One , v B 3 22 .== One
, v B 3 23 .== Reg C, v B 3 26 .== One , v B 3 30 .== Zero
, v B 3 32 .== Zero ]
, [ v A 4 23 .== Zero , v A 4 26 .== Zero , v A 4 27 .== Reg B
, v A 4 29 .== Reg B, v A 4 30 .== One , v A 4 32 .== Zero ]
, [ v D 4 23 .== Zero , v D 4 26 .== Zero , v D 4 27 .== One
, v D 4 29 .== One , v D 4 30 .== Zero , v D 4 32 .== One ]
, [ v C 4 19 .== Reg D, v C 4 23 .== One , v C 4 26 .== One
, v C 4 27 .== Zero , v C 4 29 .== Zero , v C 4 30 .== Zero ]
, [ v B 4 19 .== Zero , v B 4 26 .== One , v B 4 27 .== One
, v B 4 29 .== One , v B 4 30 .== Zero ]
, [ v A 5 19 .== Reg C, v A 5 26 .== One , v A 5 27 .== Zero
, v A 5 29 .== One , v A 5 32 .== One ]
, [ v D 5 19 .== Reg A, v D 5 26 .== Reg B, v D 5 27 .== Reg B
, v D 5 29 .== Reg B, v D 5 32 .== Reg B ]
, [ v C 5 26 .== Reg D, v C 5 27 .== Reg D, v C 5 29 .== Reg D
, v C 5 30 .== Reg D, v C 5 32 .== Reg D ]
, [ v B 5 29 .== Reg C, v B 5 30 .== One , v B 5 32 .== Zero ]
, [ v A 6 29 .== One , v A 6 32 .== One ]
, [ v D 6 29 .== Reg B ]
, [ v C 6 29 .== Reg D ]
Phew! Now, let's go about enforcing these constraints. First, some prepatory functions.
We have a getter and a setter that look at the state register
corresponding to a given Reg
getReg :: Reg -> MD4State -> Word32
getReg A MD4State{a=a} = a
getReg B MD4State{b=b} = b
getReg C MD4State{c=c} = c
getReg D MD4State{d=d} = d
setReg :: Reg -> Word32 -> MD4State -> MD4State
setReg A a' st = st{ a = a' }
setReg B b' st = st{ b = b' }
setReg C c' st = st{ c = c' }
setReg D d' st = st{ d = d' }
We can combine this with the bit functions to create a getter and setter for a single bit value.
getBV :: BitValue -> MD4State -> Bool
getBV (BV r i) = flip testBit i . getReg r
setBV :: BitValue -> Bool -> MD4State -> MD4State
setBV (BV r i) v st =
let w = getReg r st
w' = (if v then setBit else clearBit) w i
in setReg r w' st
The helper function vValue
tells us what the target value of the bit is.
For conditions on Zero
or One
, this is easy.
vValue :: CollideCondition -> MD4State -> Bool
vValue (CC _ Zero) _ = False
vValue (CC _ One ) _ = True
For a condition based on another register, we have to test that register's bit.
vValue (CC (BV _ i) (Reg r)) st = getBV (BV r i) st
We can grab the entire state evolution using a scan.
(This is essentially just mdChunk
with scanl
instead of foldl
and not performing the state addition at the end.)
stateEvolution :: MD4State -> V.Vector Word32 -> [MD4State]
stateEvolution st ws =
let steps = map (fmap (ws V.!)) md4Steps
in tail $ scanl' md4Step st steps
Enforcing a given constraint entails looking up a target bit value and either setting or clearing a bit in the given register.
enforceReg :: CollideCondition -> MD4State -> MD4State
enforceReg cc@(CC bv _) st = setBV bv (vValue cc st) st
Now we can enforce a condition on the target register. How do we modify the data words to accomodate this? Recall that each MD4 step alters a register r to
r' = (r + f o p q + wi + k) `rotateL` s
Clearly, we can invert this to see that
wi = (r' `rotateR` s) - r - f o p q - k.
performs this procedure,
undoing an MD4 step to determine the data word
that would have created the state change performed.
md4Unstep :: MD4State -> MD4Step a -> Word32 -> Word32
md4Unstep state step oldReg =
let MD4State{a=a,b=b,c=c,d=d} = state
MD4Step{ md4F = f, md4K = k, md4Shift = s } = step
mdUnop r1 r2 r3 r4 = (r1 `rotateR` s) - oldReg - f r2 r3 r4 - k
in case md4Reg step of
A -> mdUnop a b c d
D -> mdUnop d a b c
C -> mdUnop c d a b
B -> mdUnop b c d a
Now we can perform all of the modifications of the sixteen steps that make up the first round. These modifications are simpler because each step depends on exactly one of the words of the data chunk; each word can thus be modified without any regard for the values in previous steps.
The function condStep
performs a single MD4 step
subject to a list of bit conditions.
It takes the current state and a description of the step,
along with the unmodified original data word,
and produces the new state (with enforced conditions)
and the modified data word that produces that state.
condStep :: MD4State -> (MD4Step Word32, [CollideCondition])
-> (MD4State, Word32)
condStep state (step,conds) =
The state after processing the unmodified data word is
let cState = md4Step state step
We enforce each of the conditions in turn, creating a state that satisfies all of them.
vState = foldr ($) cState $ map enforceReg conds
We can now reverse the step to find the new value of the data word.
oldReg = getReg (md4Reg step) state
w = md4Unstep vState step oldReg
Finally, we return the valid state and the modified data word.
in (vState, w)
We perform our first-round modifications, then,
by simply running condStep
for all of the first-round steps.
modifyFirstRound :: V.Vector Word32 -> V.Vector Word32
modifyFirstRound ws =
The updated data words are all created and collected in a single mapAccumL
with the MD4 state as the accumulator.
snd $ mapAccumL condStep initMD4State $
The input vector, pairing steps and conditions, is build it with zipWith3
V.zipWith3 (\s c w -> (w <$ s, c))
(V.fromListN 16 md4Steps)
Enforcing the conditions for the rest of the steps is a tricky procedure because they use data words we've already changed; we have to be careful that we don't undo a change performed in a previous step. For the first three steps of the second round (which is all this code implements), this isn't too bad; we can ensure that our state is unchanged by rewinding multiple steps and modifying multiple message words.
Take round 17 as an example. We enforce conditions on the state in round 17 by modifying its message word, which happens to be message word 0 again. However, we've already modified word 0 in the first round, and a further modification to this word will cause the register computed in that step to be different than before. Rather than restarting the entire process, however, it turns out to be possible to ensure that the MD4 state eventually ends up in the same place.
We can write an MD4 state by the generation of each register. The initial state is (a0,b0,c0,d0), the next state (a1,b0,c0,d0), the next (a1,b0,c0,d1), the fifteenth (a4,b3,c4,d4), and so on. After step 17, the state is (a5,b4,c4,d4). In order to satisfy a constraint on a5, we have to modify w0. But w0 is also used in step 1 to produce a1; a modified w0 will produce a modified register a1'.
Notice, however, that a1 is only in the state
for the first four rounds;
after round 5, the state is (a2,b1,c1,d1).
We can keep the state at round 5 (and thus all further rounds) the same
by using md4Unstep
to find the modified message words w1 through w4
that produce the succession of states
(a1',b0,c0,d1), (a1',b0,c1,d1), (a1',b1,c1,d1), (a2,b1,c1,d1).
If the state after round 5 is the same, then we're OK, and the rest of the computation will proceed as before.
These multi-step modifications are done individually for each condition.
multiStepModification :: Int -> CollideCondition -> V.Vector Word32
-> V.Vector Word32
multiStepModification stepIdx cc ws =
We need the state evolution for the old message words.
let statesOld = stateEvolution initMD4State ws
To perform an unstep, we'll need the states before and after stepIdx
prevState:state:_ = drop (stepIdx - 1) statesOld
We change the value of the data word modified in this step.
step@MD4Step{ md4Reg = reg, md4Value = idx } = md4Steps !! stepIdx
w0' = md4Unstep (enforceReg cc state) step (getReg reg prevState)
Now we have to undo four more steps to find new values for the next few message words. We can (thanks to laziness) build the new message vector:
ws' = ws V.// zip [idx..] [w0',w1',w2',w3',w4']
statesNew = stateEvolution initMD4State ws'
We grab the old and new register values from old and new states:
MD4State{a=a1',b=b0,c=c0,d=d0} = statesNew !! idx
MD4State{a=a2 ,b=b1,c=c1,d=d1} = statesOld !! (idx + 4)
The altered message words are computed from the desired state transitions:
w1' = md4Unstep (MD4State a1' b0 c0 d1) (md4Steps !! (idx + 1)) d0
w2' = md4Unstep (MD4State a1' b0 c1 d1) (md4Steps !! (idx + 2)) c0
w3' = md4Unstep (MD4State a1' b1 c1 d1) (md4Steps !! (idx + 3)) b0
w4' = md4Unstep (MD4State a2 b1 c1 d1) (md4Steps !! (idx + 4)) a1'
We then return the new message vector.
in ws'
The multi-step modification above works for enforcing conditions on step 17, because fixing these conditions does not change the conditions we enforced during the first round. Unfortunately, the same is not true of conditions on steps 18 and 19; fixing them can break the work we did earlier. We have a few options here:
- Apply what Wang et al. call "more precise modification". These involve normal multi-step modifications, along with extra conditions to be applied in earlier rounds. The paper doesn't really go into how to derive these conditions, so I'm going to ignore them.
- Ignore the conditions that can break earlier work. This leaves us with 21 unenforced constraints, or about one collision per two million attempts. This is still pretty fast, but we can do much better.
- Just apply the normal multi-step modifications, ignoring the possibility of breaking things. This is perfectly feasible; enforcing the five step 18 conditions can potentially break only three conditions in steps 5 and 6, and enforcing the five conditions on step 19 can only break three conditions on step 9. We are thus on average seven bits ahead, leaving us with about one collision per 150,000 trials.
- Apply the multi-step modifications; then, if some first-round conditions were broken, fix them up and restart the second-round modifications. I suppose this has the potential of falling into an infinite loop, but I have never witnessed it in hundreds of thousands of trials. Each trial takes longer, but we can get down to eleven unenforced constraints, leaving us with a collision every couple of thousand attempts.
Option 2 is the simplest to implement:
modifySecondRound2 :: V.Vector Word32 -> V.Vector Word32
modifySecondRound2 =
let funs = map (multiStepModification 16) (conditions V.! 16) ++
map (multiStepModification 17) (conditions V.! 17) ++
map (multiStepModification 18) (conditions V.! 18)
in foldl (flip (.)) id funs
For the tests, however, I'm going to implement option 4, which seems faster (even if it has the potential of looping indefinitely). We'll need a function to test if the first-round conditions are satisfied after second-round modification.
tests if the given condition is satisfied
in the given state.
satisfies :: MD4State -> CollideCondition -> Bool
satisfies st cc@(CC bv _) = vValue cc st == getBV bv st
During multi-step modifications for steps 18 and 19, the only modified registers are a2 and a3. This means that only a small subset of the bit conditions have to be considered.
aConditions :: V.Vector [CollideCondition]
aConditions = V.imap aSubset $ V.take 16 conditions
First, all of the conditions on the as themselves should be rechecked.
aSubset i cs
| i `rem` 4 == 0 = cs
Second, any conditions on the later registers that reference A should also be kept.
| otherwise = filter (\case
CC _ (Reg A) -> True
_ -> False) cs
We can check for these conditions during the multi-step modification itself. This modified function returns, in addition to the altered data block, a flag reporting whether the conditions were still satisfied by the new states.
multiStepModification' :: Int -> CollideCondition -> V.Vector Word32
-> (V.Vector Word32,Bool)
multiStepModification' stepIdx cc ws =
let statesOld = stateEvolution initMD4State ws
prevState:state:_ = drop (stepIdx - 1) statesOld
step@MD4Step{ md4Reg = reg, md4Value = idx } = md4Steps !! stepIdx
w0' = md4Unstep (enforceReg cc state) step (getReg reg prevState)
ws' = ws V.// zip [idx..] [w0',w1',w2',w3',w4']
statesNew = stateEvolution initMD4State ws'
MD4State{a=a1',b=b0,c=c0,d=d0} = statesNew !! idx
MD4State{a=a2 ,b=b1,c=c1,d=d1} = statesOld !! (idx + 4)
w1' = md4Unstep (MD4State a1' b0 c0 d1) (md4Steps !! (idx + 1)) d0
w2' = md4Unstep (MD4State a1' b0 c1 d1) (md4Steps !! (idx + 2)) c0
w3' = md4Unstep (MD4State a1' b1 c1 d1) (md4Steps !! (idx + 3)) b0
w4' = md4Unstep (MD4State a2 b1 c1 d1) (md4Steps !! (idx + 4)) a1'
We can check our conditions by checking the A-conditions for
the four modified states (statesNew
at indices idx
through idx + 3
satVec = V.take 4 $ V.drop idx $
V.zipWith (\st -> all (st `satisfies`))
(V.fromList statesNew) aConditions
We then return the new message vector and the ANDing of all of the conditions.
in (ws', and satVec)
With this new multi-step modification, the total second-round modifications are only a little more complex.
modifySecondRound :: V.Vector Word32 -> V.Vector Word32
modifySecondRound =
Step 17 is the easiest:
let funs17 = map (multiStepModification 16) (conditions V.! 16)
modify17 = foldl (flip (.)) id funs17
The modifications for steps 18 and 19 are as for step 17, just using the augmented modification function:
funs1819 = map (multiStepModification' 17) (conditions V.! 17) ++
map (multiStepModification' 18) (conditions V.! 18)
We apply the modifications one at a time, and check if the first round conditions are still satisfied.
modify1819 [] ws = ws
modify1819 (f:fs) ws = case f ws of
If all are still satisfied, we can continue to the next function.
(ws', True) -> modify1819 fs ws'
Otherwise, we have to rerun all of the modifications.
(ws', False) -> modifySecondRound $ modifyFirstRound ws'
in modify1819 funs1819 . modify17