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Solution to Challenge 52

module Challenge52
  , chainHashCollision
  ) where

import Bytes ( HasBytes(..), Bytes )
import Hash.Collision ( multiBlockCollision )
import Hash.MerkleDamgard ( mdHash, mdHashOne, mdIV )

import Control.Monad ( replicateM )
import Data.List ( foldl', unfoldr )
import Data.Maybe ( fromJust )

import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC

We specialize the general multiBlockCollision to work with MD hashes of a given strength.

multiBlockMDCollision :: Int -> Bytes -> [(Bytes,Bytes)]
multiBlockMDCollision hashSize iv =
  multiBlockCollision (mdHashOne hashSize) iv candidates

The candidate blocks for every position are just all possible blocks in our alphabet, the lower-case letters. The list can be simply generated by running replicateM in the list monad.

  candidates = repeat $ map BC.pack $ replicateM 16 ['a'..'z']

Allegedly, chaining hash functions strengthens them. A chained hash is built by combining two MD hash functions of different strengths:

mdChained :: HasBytes text => Int -> Int -> text -> Bytes
mdChained h1 h2 text = mdHash h1 text <> mdHash h2 text

But it's easy to find collisions here too.

chainHashCollision :: Int -> Int -> (Bytes,Bytes)
chainHashCollision hWeak hStrong =
  let hs1 = mdHashOne hStrong

We first generate a bunch of collisions for the weaker hash function:

      weakCollisions = multiBlockMDCollision hWeak (mdIV hWeak)

Every element of weakCollisions has 2 colliding choices for each block, so from an n-element sequence we can create 2^n possible n-block sequences, all of which collide after every block. Now we're going to move along the list of colliding blocks and compute the strong hashes for every combination at every point. We will collect these in a Map from hashes to sequences; or, because it makes finding collisions simpler, from hashes to Either Collision Blocks.

      initMap = M.singleton (mdIV hStrong) (Right B.empty)

For each successive block, we want to augment the map of hashes, adding both blocks to every sequence. This is done in a left-scan, which creates a sequence of maps.

      hashMaps = scanl nextBlock initMap weakCollisions

We add the next collided block to our map with the nextBlock function.

      nextBlock m (b1,b2) =

From each element (hash, Right sequence) in the map we create two new elements, each representing the hash and sequence obtained by adding each of the colliding input blocks. The new hash is the hash function applied to the block, with the old hash as the initial state; the new sequence just appends the new block.

        let newAssocs = [ (hs1 iv b, Right $ seq <> b)
                        | (iv, Right seq) <- M.assocs m
                        , b <- [b1,b2] ]

When we combine these elements back into a map, we look out for hash collisions, which will be key collisions in the map. Map's fromListWith function creates a map from a bunch of elements, calling the given function on key collisions. Our function records collisions as Left values.

            collide (Right w1) (Right w2) = Left (w1,w2)
            collide (Left ws) _ = Left ws
            collide _ (Left ws) = Left ws
       in   M.fromListWith collide newAssocs

Left values, i.e. collisions, can be extracted from a map by calling sequence on it. We can thus easily find the first collision.

  in  head [ (seq1,seq2) | Left (seq1,seq2) <- map sequence hashMaps ]