This module implements the entire Bleichenbacher padding oracle attack on RSA. Although in the Challenges it's split into two (47 and 48), I think it's just easier to do the whole thing rather than piecemeal.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Challenge48
, bb98Attack
) where
import Bytes ( HasBytes(..), convBytes )
import Util ( cdiv )
import Interval ( Interval(..), Intervals, mkIntervals, getIntervals
, intervalsLength, unionAllIntervals, intersectInterval )
import Modulo ( mkMod, modulo, (^%) )
import Padding.PKCS1 ( padPKCS1, validatePKCS1 )
import PublicKey ( KeyPair(..), PublicKey(..), publicPart )
import PublicKey.RSA ( RSAPublicKey, RSAKeyPair, rsaBlockSize, cryptRSA )
import Data.List ( mapAccumL )
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
First up is the padding oracle. It attempts to decrypt and validate the padding of a provided ciphertext.
pkcs1Oracle :: HasBytes ctext => RSAKeyPair -> ctext -> Bool
pkcs1Oracle kp ctext =
let blockSize = rsaBlockSize (publicPart kp)
block = cryptRSA (kpPrivate kp) ctext
in isJust (validatePKCS1 blockSize block)
The attack is conceptually similar to Challenge 46, the RSA parity oracle attack. Valid PKCS1 padding for padding type 2 starts with 0x0002. We will multiply the ciphtertext by larger and larger numbers s then check the oracle on the plaintext; if we have valid padding, then we know that s*p mod n starts with 0x0002, so we can reduce our range of possibilities for p.
(It is actually very slightly possible (1 chance in 2^64 or so) that we get a valid type 1 padding instead. I have no idea how to deal with this; therefore, this code ignores this (remote) possibility.)
The step numbers and descriptions are taken from Bleichenbacher's paper.
bb98Attack :: HasBytes ctext
=> RSAPublicKey -> (Integer -> Bool) -> ctext -> [Integer]
bb98Attack pk oracle ctext =
let (e,n) = pkKey pk
c = convBytes ctext
- "Step 1: Blinding" is not necessary. We start off with a valid ciphertext; thus, our initial bounds are between 00:02:00...00 and 00:02:ff..ff.
bee = 2 ^ (8 * (rsaBlockSize pk - 2))
padBottom = 2 * bee
padTop = 3 * bee - 1
initRange = mkIntervals padBottom padTop
- "Step 2a: Starting the search". We want to find the smallest integer that multiplies the plaintext to create another padding-compliant plaintext. Note that any integer below (n / padTop) will not wrap the plaintext around n even once, so we start looking with that value.
initS = nextS [ n `cdiv` padTop .. ]
The function nextS
goes through the provided list
and finds the first s value which,
when multiplied by the plaintext,
creates a plaintext that satisfies the oracle.
nextS = head . filter (oracle . homoMult)
homoMult s = (fromInteger c * (mkMod s ^% e)) `modulo` n
"Step 2b: Searching with more than one interval left" is just moving to the next bigger s, i.e.
nextS [s+1..]
. -
"Step 2c: Searching with one interval left" lets us find a new s given a single interval [a,b].
increaseS :: Interval -> Integer -> Integer
increaseS (Interval a b) lastS =
We know that
padBottom <= s*m mod n <= padTop,
so there is an integer r such that
padBottom <= s*m - r*n <= padTop.
r is the number of times that we wrap around n when multiplying by s. We see then that for a given value of r,
(r*n + padBottom) / b <= s <= (r*n + padTop) / a.
We can simplify our search for s by just checking these few values for each instance of r; we only have to start off with a large enough r.
nextS [ s' | r <- [rStart..]
, let sStart = (r*n + padBottom) `div` b
, let sEnd = (r*n + padTop) `cdiv` a
, s' <- [sStart .. sEnd] ]
We don't build the list in this way, however. This direct construction will contain some s values more than once; in fact, as many times as there are rs which satisfy
(r*n + padBottom) / b <= s <= (r*n + padTop) / a.
We instead build the list by carrying along the highest s value reached so far and starting our list of valid s there.
nextS $ concat . snd $ mapAccumL nextR lastS [rStart..]
nextR highS r =
let sStart = max (highS+1) $ (r*n + padBottom) `div` b
sEnd = (r*n + padTop) `cdiv` a
in (sEnd, [sStart..sEnd])
Just as in the previous Challenge, we halve our search space each step by doubling r; the old r satisfies
(s*a - padTop) / n <= r <= (s*b - padBottom) / n
so the next r is at least
rStart = 2 * (lastS * b - padBottom) `div` n
- "Step 3: Narrowing the set of solutions" is how we reduce the interval, given the new value of s.
narrowRange :: Intervals -> Integer -> Intervals
narrowRange oldRange s =
The fact that multiple r values correspond to a single s value
is also why we have to use Intervals
instead of a single interval (a,b)
like in the last Challenge.
Since we don't actually know what the corresponding value of r is,
i.e. how many times that multiplication wraps around n,
we have to come up with a separate interval for each possibility.
For a given value of s on interval (a,b), we know that
(s*a - padTop) / n <= r <= (s*b - padBottom) / n;
let rsFor (Interval a b) = [(s*a - padTop) `div` n ..
(s*b - padBottom) `cdiv` n]
The interval corresponding to a given value for r is
intervalFor r = mkIntervals ((padBottom + r*n) `cdiv` s)
((padTop + r*n) `div` s)
Then all of the intervals that a given (a,b) fragments into are just the union of all of these, for all possible r, intersected with the original interval.
fragments i = intersectInterval i $
unionAllIntervals $
map intervalFor (rsFor i)
Finally, we map this over all of the intervals in the old range and combine them to get the total possible range for the message.
in unionAllIntervals $ map fragments $ getIntervals oldRange
- "Step 4: Computing the solution" is now straightforward.
We create an ever-more-constraining series of interval ranges for the plaintext by increasing s.
decreasingRanges = iterate nextIter (initS, narrowRange initRange initS)
nextIter :: (Integer,Intervals) -> (Integer,Intervals)
nextIter (!s,ivs) =
If we have only one constraining interval,
then we can limit the number of possible s values that might pass the oracle;
this is done by increaseS
Otherwise, we just try the next integer in sequence with nextS
let s' = case getIntervals ivs of
[] -> error "Range went to empty in bb98Attack.nextIter"
[i] -> increaseS i s
_ -> nextS [s+1..]
Once we have a value of s that multiplies to valid padding, we narrow the range of our current intervals and return for the next iteration.
in (s', narrowRange ivs s')
For the answer, we just grab intervals until they shrink to a single value, then extract their upper bounds.
in map (hiBound . last . getIntervals) $
takeUntil ((==1) . intervalsLength) $
map snd decreasingRanges
The helper function takeUntil
is like takeWhile (not f)
but also takes the first value for which the predicate is true.
takeUntil :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
takeUntil _ [] = []
takeUntil p (x:xs)
| p x = [x]
| otherwise = x : takeUntil p xs