module Challenge40
) where
import Math ( iroot, crt )
If the same message m is encrypted into three different private keys (d1,n1), (d2,n2), (d3,n3) to get ciphertexts c1, c2, c3, then we have
ci = m^e mod ni;
since e = 3 for all three keys, we can use the Chinese remainder theorem to find
cx = m^3 mod (n1*n2*n3)
Since m < ni and the nis are about the same size,
m^3 = (m^3 mod n1*n2*n3) = cx
and the cube root of cx is just m.
The attack takes a number of pairs (ci,ni) and returns the message.
broadcastAttack :: [(Integer,Integer)] -> Integer
broadcastAttack = iroot 3 . crt . take 3