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Cheat Sheet: Clojure

gilch edited this page Nov 22, 2024 · 18 revisions

This is a cheat sheet, not a tutorial. It's meant to refresh your memory or help you find search terms for the docs, for those familiar with Clojure. Not all alternatives are macros. Not all macros are listed, only those that correspond to Clojure features.

For a more Clojure-like experience, also check out toolz, pyrsistent, and Garden of EDN.

Clojure Special Forms Alternatives
def define
if if-else/when
do progn
let* let*from (does simple destructuring and self-shadowing),
letfn my#. Maybe type.
quote Same: quote/'.
var proxy#. See also: defvar, contextvars.
fn lambda, fun
loop/recur loop-from/recur-from
set! set! (items), set@ (attributes)
throw throw. See also: throw-from.
try engarde (prelude)
monitor-enter/monitor-exit Maybe enter (prelude) combined with the threading module and locks. Not really used in "user"-level Clojure.
Clojure Macros Alternatives
->/->> ->/-<>>
. (.bar self ...) (methods), (attribute from identifier), @##' (attribute lookup tag), getattr (builtin function)
.. (from identifier) or -> with @#', like (-> foo @#'bar.baz)
alias alias
amap map and array.
and ands. Python's truthiness is different from Clojure's.
areduce /#, /XY#, functools..reduce
as-> -<>> with :<>. Maybe combined with my# or X# for repeats.
assert assure. See also: avow.
binding binding (see defvar, contextvars). Maybe unittest.mock.patch (like with-redefs).
bound-fn/bound-fn* ???
case case
comment Useless? Try ()_#(-) or similar. Trivial to implement yourself.
cond cond
cond->/cond->> ???
condp ??? (maybe just use cond?)
declare (define foo None), probably. Python mostly doesn't need it, but it affects template quotes, which mostly work anyway.
definline ??? ("Experimental" in Clojure?)
definterface abc., probably. Python is not Java.
defmacro defmacro
defmethod/defmulti deftypeonce/defun, probably. Maybe :@##functools..singledispatch. Not properly reloadable (but neither are Clojure multimethods).
defn defun
defn- defun and prepend an underscore to the name. Python mostly doesn't enforce privacy, but this is the convention.
defonce defonce
defprotocol abc., probably. Python's not Java.
defrecord deftupleonce
deftype deftypeonce
delay Probably Ensue (prelude).
deref (.get foo), if foo is a context variable.
doseq any-map
dosync No STM in Python (ClojureScript either, really). Maybe in-memory sqlite3.
dotimes any-map on a range
doto doto
extend-protocol Not applicable, duck typing.
extend-type Maybe register (if using @singledispatch). Python classes are mutable.
for Ensue, probably. Also the iterator builtins and itertools (i#). Maybe with my#. Maybe mix on a Python comprehension.
future concurrent.futures.
gen-class types..new_class. (See also: exec, type, deftypeonce, @dataclass.)
gen-interface abc., probably. Python's not Java.
if-let my# on if-else or when
if-not unless
if-some my# on if-else or when, with an is not None check or something.
import define on a fully qualified name. Prefer aliases.
io! Not applicable. No STM, but see sqlite3.
lazy-cat chain, chain#.
lazy-seq Ensue (prelude). See also: tee.
let destruct->. Yes, this is a macro in Clojure. You can macroexpand it to let*. See also: let.
locking enter (prelude) with threading. locks.
memfn No need. Python's not Java.
ns prelude, alias. Need something to set _macro_, rather than *ns*.
or ors. Python's truthiness is different from Clojure's.
proxy, proxy-super type, probably. Usually not required due to duck typing (ClojureScript either).
refer define on a fully qualified name. E.g., (define
refer-clojure prelude, or custom variants.
reify type, probably. Usually not required due to duck typing.
require importlib., module handles, define, alias.
some->/some->> ???
sync No STM, but see sqlite3.
time time#, timeit..timeit
vswap! Not applicable. (Everything's on the heap in Python.)
when when
when-first Wouldn't work in Python. Iterators are mutable. Empty collections are already falsey.
when-let my# on when
when-not unless
when-some my# on when, with an is not None check or something.
while takewhile, dropwhile, loop-from, Ensue (prelude).
Clojure with- Macros Alternatives (See enter from prelude)
with-in-str with mk#patch on sys.stdin, replaced with an io..StringIO.
with-local-vars my#
with-open with contextlib..closing
with-out-str with contextlib..redirect_stdout
with-precision with decimal..localcontext
with-redefs with mk#patch
Clojure Special Reader Syntax Alternatives
#inst inst#
#uuid uuid#
*data-readers* _macro_
*default-data-reader-fn* __getattr__ (In _macro_'s class.)
#? Not applicable, but .#(cond- could be similar.
#?@ Not applicable, but .#` and ,@(cond- could be similar.
' '
\x "x". Use a length-1 string instead (also works in ClojureScript).
\space "\N{space}" (Any Unicode name, not case sensitive.)
; ; Beware these can be arguments for tags.
@ (.get-) for context vars. No STM types.
^ __annotations__ (for functions). attach (only compatible types). weakref..WeakKeyDictionary (only compatible types). Maybe mk#Mock.
#{-} (#-)
#"regex" re..compile#|regex|. Compiles as a pickle, so no better than run time, but re. allows strings arguments and caches their patterns automatically.
#' proxy#. See also: defvar, contextvars.
#(-) %# or Xᵢ# from the macro tutorial. See also, O#, X#, XY#, XYZ#, XYZW#, en#X#/!##.
#_ _#
` `
~ , (Use an extra space or comment for grouping instead.)
~@ ,@
foo# (auto gensym) $#foo. Unlike Clojure, these also work in an unquote context.
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