From 93957d582a5d4fc76bc9943d16c759bb0aba0ab0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joshua Gigg <>
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2024 13:27:10 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Use symfony/var-exporter to reduce metadata size

 build/BuildMetadataPHPFromXml.php             |   40 +-
 composer.json                                 |    3 +-
 src/AlternateFormatsCountryCodeSet.php        |  106 +-
 src/CountryCodeToRegionCodeMap.php            | 1597 +++++++----------
 src/CountryCodeToRegionCodeMapForTesting.php  |  231 +--
 src/ShortNumbersRegionCodeSet.php             |  496 +++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_255.php  |   68 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_27.php   |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_30.php   |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_31.php   |   68 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_34.php   |   68 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_350.php  |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_351.php  |   90 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_352.php  |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_358.php  |   90 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_359.php  |   90 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_36.php   |   65 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_372.php  |   90 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_373.php  |   68 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_380.php  |   68 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_381.php  |   90 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_385.php  |  112 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_39.php   |   68 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_43.php   |  310 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_44.php   |  134 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_49.php   |  926 +++++-----
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_505.php  |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_506.php  |   43 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_52.php   |   68 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_54.php   |   68 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_55.php   |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_58.php   |   43 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_595.php  |   90 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_61.php   |  103 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_62.php   |  156 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_64.php   |   68 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_66.php   |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_675.php  |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_676.php  |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_679.php  |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_7.php    |  156 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_81.php   |   90 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_84.php   |   90 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_855.php  |   43 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_856.php  |   81 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_90.php   |   68 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_91.php   |  134 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_94.php   |   90 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_95.php   |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_971.php  |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_972.php  |   46 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_995.php  |  156 +-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_800.php          |  241 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_808.php          |  241 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_870.php          |  243 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_878.php          |  241 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_881.php          |  265 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_882.php          |  421 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_883.php          |  337 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_888.php          |  238 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_979.php          |  247 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AC.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AD.php           |  308 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AE.php           |  344 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AF.php           |  296 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AG.php           |  239 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AI.php           |  235 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AL.php           |  368 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AM.php           |  322 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AO.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AR.php           |  708 ++++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AS.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AT.php           |  670 +++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AU.php           |  620 +++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AW.php           |  245 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AX.php           |  268 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AZ.php           |  391 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BA.php           |  402 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BB.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BD.php           |  327 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BE.php           |  332 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BF.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BG.php           |  639 +++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BH.php           |  245 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BI.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BJ.php           |  244 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BL.php           |  221 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BM.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BN.php           |  243 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BO.php           |  313 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BQ.php           |  219 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BR.php           |  515 +++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BS.php           |  235 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BT.php           |  345 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BW.php           |  352 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BY.php           |  388 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BZ.php           |  276 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CA.php           |  253 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CC.php           |  262 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CD.php           |  363 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CF.php           |  243 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CG.php           |  265 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CH.php           |  322 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CI.php           |  264 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CK.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CL.php           |  629 +++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CM.php           |  273 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CN.php           |  896 ++++-----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CO.php           |  366 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CR.php           |  284 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CU.php           |  335 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CV.php           |  244 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CW.php           |  274 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CX.php           |  262 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CY.php           |  247 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CZ.php           |  345 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DE.php           |  776 ++++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DJ.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DK.php           |  244 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DM.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DO.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DZ.php           |  307 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EC.php           |  397 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EE.php           |  337 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EG.php           |  338 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EH.php           |  222 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ER.php           |  248 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ES.php           |  358 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ET.php           |  248 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FI.php           |  535 +++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FJ.php           |  276 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FK.php           |  219 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FM.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FO.php           |  245 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FR.php           |  358 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GA.php           |  291 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GB.php           |  471 +++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GD.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GE.php           |  319 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GF.php           |  266 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GG.php           |  258 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GH.php           |  351 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GI.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GL.php           |  244 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GM.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GN.php           |  276 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GP.php           |  266 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GQ.php           |  266 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GR.php           |  335 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GT.php           |  280 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GU.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GW.php           |  276 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GY.php           |  245 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HK.php           |  354 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HN.php           |  301 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HR.php           |  421 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HT.php           |  244 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HU.php           |  316 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ID.php           |  763 ++++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IE.php           |  489 +++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IL.php           |  451 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IM.php           |  230 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IN.php           |  741 ++++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IO.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IQ.php           |  308 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IR.php           |  348 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IS.php           |  289 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IT.php           |  781 ++++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JE.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JM.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JO.php           |  340 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JP.php           |  799 ++++-----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KE.php           |  312 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KG.php           |  305 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KH.php           |  296 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KI.php           |  228 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KM.php           |  249 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KN.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KP.php           |  303 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KR.php           |  713 ++++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KW.php           |  276 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KY.php           |  232 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KZ.php           |  256 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LA.php           |  306 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LB.php           |  274 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LC.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LI.php           |  328 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LK.php           |  271 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LR.php           |  302 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LS.php           |  243 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LT.php           |  314 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LU.php           |  463 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LV.php           |  245 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LY.php           |  248 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MA.php           |  311 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MC.php           |  386 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MD.php           |  291 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ME.php           |  269 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MF.php           |  221 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MG.php           |  249 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MH.php           |  243 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MK.php           |  299 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ML.php           |  289 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MM.php           |  458 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MN.php           |  357 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MO.php           |  276 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MP.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MQ.php           |  266 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MR.php           |  243 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MS.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MT.php           |  247 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MU.php           |  312 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MV.php           |  284 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MW.php           |  291 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MX.php           |  350 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MY.php           |  390 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MZ.php           |  276 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NA.php           |  322 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NC.php           |  289 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NE.php           |  266 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NF.php           |  273 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NG.php           |  404 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NI.php           |  243 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NL.php           |  611 +++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NO.php           |  297 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NP.php           |  399 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NR.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NU.php           |  247 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NZ.php           |  400 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_OM.php           |  301 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PA.php           |  305 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PE.php           |  342 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PF.php           |  310 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PG.php           |  284 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PH.php           |  446 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PK.php           |  450 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PL.php           |  424 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PM.php           |  295 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PR.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PS.php           |  310 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PT.php           |  272 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PW.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PY.php           |  446 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_QA.php           |  288 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RE.php           |  246 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RO.php           |  331 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RS.php           |  322 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RU.php           |  502 +++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RW.php           |  299 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SA.php           |  360 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SB.php           |  255 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SC.php           |  245 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SD.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SE.php           |  737 ++++----
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SG.php           |  449 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SH.php           |  228 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SI.php           |  336 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SJ.php           |  252 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SK.php           |  504 +++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SL.php           |  248 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SM.php           |  353 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SN.php           |  268 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SO.php           |  370 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SR.php           |  295 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SS.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ST.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SV.php           |  308 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SX.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SY.php           |  279 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SZ.php           |  286 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TA.php           |  218 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TC.php           |  235 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TD.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TG.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TH.php           |  312 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TJ.php           |  328 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TK.php           |  225 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TL.php           |  284 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TM.php           |  286 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TN.php           |  245 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TO.php           |  302 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TR.php           |  471 ++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TT.php           |  235 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TV.php           |  298 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TW.php           |  374 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TZ.php           |  311 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UA.php           |  340 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UG.php           |  304 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_US.php           |  341 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UY.php           |  380 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UZ.php           |  242 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VA.php           |  287 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VC.php           |  235 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VE.php           |  254 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VG.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VI.php           |  231 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VN.php           |  571 +++---
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VU.php           |  259 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_WF.php           |  280 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_WS.php           |  306 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_XK.php           |  327 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_YE.php           |  282 ++-
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_YT.php           |  221 +--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZA.php           |  376 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZM.php           |  339 ++--
 src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZW.php           |  477 +++--
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AC.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AD.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AE.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AF.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AG.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AI.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AL.php           |  184 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AM.php           |  174 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AO.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AR.php           |  180 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AS.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AT.php           |  164 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AU.php           |  210 +--
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AW.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AX.php           |  164 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AZ.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BA.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BB.php           |  157 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BD.php           |  176 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BE.php           |  171 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BF.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BG.php           |  161 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BH.php           |  173 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BI.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BJ.php           |  165 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BL.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BM.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BN.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BO.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BQ.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BR.php           |  185 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BS.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BT.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BW.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BY.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BZ.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CA.php           |  176 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CC.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CD.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CF.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CG.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CH.php           |  200 +--
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CI.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CK.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CL.php           |  184 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CM.php           |  178 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CN.php           |  175 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CO.php           |  174 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CR.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CU.php           |  163 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CV.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CW.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CX.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CY.php           |  161 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CZ.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DE.php           |  174 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DJ.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DK.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DM.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DO.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DZ.php           |  173 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EC.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EE.php           |  181 +-
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 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GD.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GE.php           |  172 +-
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 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GI.php           |  188 +-
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 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GM.php           |  158 +-
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 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GR.php           |  172 +-
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 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IL.php           |  174 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IM.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IN.php           |  220 +--
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IQ.php           |  178 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IR.php           |  182 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IS.php           |  176 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IT.php           |  186 +-
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 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JM.php           |  158 +-
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 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JP.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KE.php           |  169 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KG.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KH.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KI.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KM.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KN.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KP.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KR.php           |  174 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KW.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KY.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KZ.php           |  180 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LA.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LB.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LC.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LI.php           |  164 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LK.php           |  164 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LR.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LS.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LT.php           |  165 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LU.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LV.php           |  190 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LY.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MA.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MC.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MD.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ME.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MF.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MG.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MH.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MK.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ML.php           |  194 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MM.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MN.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MO.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MP.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MQ.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MR.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MS.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MT.php           |  161 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MU.php           |  166 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MV.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MW.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MX.php           |  176 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MY.php           |  174 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MZ.php           |  164 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NA.php           |  166 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NC.php           |  167 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NE.php           |  164 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NF.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NG.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NI.php           |  161 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NL.php           |  176 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NO.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NP.php           |  161 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NR.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NU.php           |  157 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NZ.php           |  169 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_OM.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PA.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PE.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PF.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PG.php           |  180 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PH.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PK.php           |  160 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PL.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PM.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PR.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PS.php           |  168 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PT.php           |  163 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PW.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PY.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_QA.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RE.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RO.php           |  180 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RS.php           |  174 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RU.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RW.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SA.php           |  180 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SB.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SC.php           |  164 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SD.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SE.php           |  181 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SG.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SH.php           |  166 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SI.php           |  165 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SJ.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SK.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SL.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SM.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SN.php           |  196 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SO.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SR.php           |  164 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SS.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ST.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SV.php           |  176 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SX.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SY.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SZ.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TC.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TD.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TG.php           |  164 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TH.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TJ.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TL.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TM.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TN.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TO.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TR.php           |  176 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TT.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TV.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TW.php           |  166 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TZ.php           |  172 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UA.php           |  176 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UG.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_US.php           |  192 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UY.php           |  170 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UZ.php           |  178 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VA.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VC.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VE.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VG.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VI.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VN.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VU.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_WF.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_WS.php           |  157 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_XK.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_YE.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_YT.php           |  158 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZA.php           |  186 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZM.php           |  156 +-
 src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZW.php           |  172 +-
 .../PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_800.php     |  238 +--
 .../PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_882.php     |  238 +--
 .../PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_979.php     |  238 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AD.php |  218 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AE.php |  218 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AM.php |  234 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AO.php |  239 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AR.php |  463 ++---
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AU.php |  280 ++-
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BB.php |  224 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BR.php |  224 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BS.php |  227 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BY.php |  285 ++-
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CA.php |  224 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CC.php |  224 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CN.php |  268 ++-
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CO.php |  264 ++-
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CX.php |  224 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_DE.php |  395 ++--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_FR.php |  241 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_GB.php |  351 ++--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_GG.php |  224 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_IT.php |  336 ++--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_JP.php |  405 ++---
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_KR.php |  541 +++---
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_MX.php |  489 +++--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_NZ.php |  316 ++--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_PL.php |  240 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_RE.php |  241 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_RU.php |  219 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_SE.php |  218 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_SG.php |  306 ++--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_TA.php |  233 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_US.php |  290 ++-
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_UZ.php |  248 +--
 .../data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_YT.php |  220 +--
 583 files changed, 54283 insertions(+), 84245 deletions(-)

diff --git a/build/BuildMetadataPHPFromXml.php b/build/BuildMetadataPHPFromXml.php
index add78a73..ddafab86 100644
--- a/build/BuildMetadataPHPFromXml.php
+++ b/build/BuildMetadataPHPFromXml.php
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 namespace libphonenumber\buildtools;
 use libphonenumber\PhoneMetadata;
+use Symfony\Component\VarExporter\VarExporter;
  * Tool to convert phone number metadata from the XML format to protocol buffer format.
@@ -14,17 +15,12 @@ class BuildMetadataPHPFromXml
     public const GENERATION_COMMENT = <<<EOT
-         * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
-         * See []( for more information.
-         *
-         * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
-         * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
-         * metadata changes.
-         *
-         * Do not modify this file directly!
+         * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+         * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+         * Do not modify!
+         * @internal
     public const MAP_COMMENT = <<<EOT
           // A mapping from a country code to the region codes which denote the
@@ -67,25 +63,28 @@ private function writeMetadataToFile($metadataCollection, $filePrefix)
             $data = '<?php' . PHP_EOL
                 . self::GENERATION_COMMENT . PHP_EOL
-                . 'return ' . \var_export($metadata->toArray(), true) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
+                . 'return ' . VarExporter::export($metadata->toArray()) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
             \file_put_contents($filePrefix . '_' . $regionCode . '.php', $data);
-    private function writeCountryCallingCodeMappingToFile($countryCodeToRegionCodeMap, $outputDir, $mappingClass)
+    /**
+     * @param array<int,array<string>> $countryCodeToRegionCodeMap
+     */
+    private function writeCountryCallingCodeMappingToFile(array $countryCodeToRegionCodeMap, string $outputDir, string $mappingClass): void
         // Find out whether the countryCodeToRegionCodeMap has any region codes or country
         // calling codes listed in it.
         $hasRegionCodes = false;
         foreach ($countryCodeToRegionCodeMap as $key => $listWithRegionCode) {
-            if (\count($listWithRegionCode) > 0) {
+            if ((is_countable($listWithRegionCode) ? \count($listWithRegionCode) : 0) > 0) {
                 $hasRegionCodes = true;
-        $hasCountryCodes = (\count($countryCodeToRegionCodeMap) > 1);
+        $hasCountryCodes = \count($countryCodeToRegionCodeMap) > 1;
         $variableName = \lcfirst($mappingClass);
@@ -97,22 +96,13 @@ private function writeCountryCallingCodeMappingToFile($countryCodeToRegionCodeMa
         if ($hasRegionCodes && $hasCountryCodes) {
             $data .= self::MAP_COMMENT . PHP_EOL;
-            $data .= "   public static \${$variableName} = " . \var_export(
-                $countryCodeToRegionCodeMap,
-                true
-            ) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
+            $data .= "   public static \${$variableName} = " . VarExporter::export($countryCodeToRegionCodeMap) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
         } elseif ($hasCountryCodes) {
             $data .= self::COUNTRY_CODE_SET_COMMENT . PHP_EOL;
-            $data .= "   public static \${$variableName} = " . \var_export(
-                \array_keys($countryCodeToRegionCodeMap),
-                true
-            ) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
+            $data .= "   public static \${$variableName} = " . VarExporter::export(\array_keys($countryCodeToRegionCodeMap)) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             $data .= self::REGION_CODE_SET_COMMENT . PHP_EOL;
-            $data .= "   public static \${$variableName} = " . \var_export(
-                $countryCodeToRegionCodeMap[0],
-                true
-            ) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
+            $data .= "   public static \${$variableName} = " . VarExporter::export($countryCodeToRegionCodeMap[0]) . ';' . PHP_EOL;
         $data .= PHP_EOL .
diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json
index addba79f..edfa4a46 100644
--- a/composer.json
+++ b/composer.json
@@ -69,8 +69,9 @@
     "pear/versioncontrol_git": "^0.7",
     "pear/pear-core-minimal": "^1.10",
     "pear/pear_exception": "^1.0",
-    "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.0",
+    "phpunit/phpunit": "^9.6",
     "symfony/console": "^v5.2",
+    "symfony/var-exporter": "^5.2",
     "php-coveralls/php-coveralls": "^2.0",
     "friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer": "^3.64"
diff --git a/src/AlternateFormatsCountryCodeSet.php b/src/AlternateFormatsCountryCodeSet.php
index 29175e52..699824f1 100644
--- a/src/AlternateFormatsCountryCodeSet.php
+++ b/src/AlternateFormatsCountryCodeSet.php
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
 namespace libphonenumber;
@@ -16,53 +12,53 @@ class AlternateFormatsCountryCodeSet
     // A set of all country codes for which data is available.
-    public static $alternateFormatsCountryCodeSet =  [
-        0 => 7,
-        1 => 27,
-        2 => 30,
-        3 => 31,
-        4 => 34,
-        5 => 36,
-        6 => 39,
-        7 => 43,
-        8 => 44,
-        9 => 49,
-        10 => 52,
-        11 => 54,
-        12 => 55,
-        13 => 58,
-        14 => 61,
-        15 => 62,
-        16 => 64,
-        17 => 66,
-        18 => 81,
-        19 => 84,
-        20 => 90,
-        21 => 91,
-        22 => 94,
-        23 => 95,
-        24 => 255,
-        25 => 350,
-        26 => 351,
-        27 => 352,
-        28 => 358,
-        29 => 359,
-        30 => 372,
-        31 => 373,
-        32 => 380,
-        33 => 381,
-        34 => 385,
-        35 => 505,
-        36 => 506,
-        37 => 595,
-        38 => 675,
-        39 => 676,
-        40 => 679,
-        41 => 855,
-        42 => 856,
-        43 => 971,
-        44 => 972,
-        45 => 995,
+    public static $alternateFormatsCountryCodeSet = [
+        7,
+        27,
+        30,
+        31,
+        34,
+        36,
+        39,
+        43,
+        44,
+        49,
+        52,
+        54,
+        55,
+        58,
+        61,
+        62,
+        64,
+        66,
+        81,
+        84,
+        90,
+        91,
+        94,
+        95,
+        255,
+        350,
+        351,
+        352,
+        358,
+        359,
+        372,
+        373,
+        380,
+        381,
+        385,
+        505,
+        506,
+        595,
+        675,
+        676,
+        679,
+        855,
+        856,
+        971,
+        972,
+        995,
diff --git a/src/CountryCodeToRegionCodeMap.php b/src/CountryCodeToRegionCodeMap.php
index 14e5c74a..ce418616 100644
--- a/src/CountryCodeToRegionCodeMap.php
+++ b/src/CountryCodeToRegionCodeMap.php
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
 namespace libphonenumber;
@@ -19,906 +15,691 @@ class CountryCodeToRegionCodeMap
     // countries sharing a calling code, such as the NANPA countries, the one
     // indicated with "isMainCountryForCode" in the metadata should be first.
-    public static $countryCodeToRegionCodeMap =  [
-        1 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'US',
-             1 => 'AG',
-             2 => 'AI',
-             3 => 'AS',
-             4 => 'BB',
-             5 => 'BM',
-             6 => 'BS',
-             7 => 'CA',
-             8 => 'DM',
-             9 => 'DO',
-             10 => 'GD',
-             11 => 'GU',
-             12 => 'JM',
-             13 => 'KN',
-             14 => 'KY',
-             15 => 'LC',
-             16 => 'MP',
-             17 => 'MS',
-             18 => 'PR',
-             19 => 'SX',
-             20 => 'TC',
-             21 => 'TT',
-             22 => 'VC',
-             23 => 'VG',
-             24 => 'VI',
-         ],
-        7 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'RU',
-             1 => 'KZ',
-         ],
-        20 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'EG',
-         ],
-        27 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'ZA',
-         ],
-        30 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GR',
-         ],
-        31 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NL',
-         ],
-        32 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BE',
-         ],
-        33 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'FR',
-         ],
-        34 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'ES',
-         ],
-        36 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'HU',
-         ],
-        39 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'IT',
-             1 => 'VA',
-         ],
-        40 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'RO',
-         ],
-        41 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CH',
-         ],
-        43 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AT',
-         ],
-        44 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GB',
-             1 => 'GG',
-             2 => 'IM',
-             3 => 'JE',
-         ],
-        45 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'DK',
-         ],
-        46 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SE',
-         ],
-        47 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NO',
-             1 => 'SJ',
-         ],
-        48 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PL',
-         ],
-        49 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'DE',
-         ],
-        51 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PE',
-         ],
-        52 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MX',
-         ],
-        53 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CU',
-         ],
-        54 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AR',
-         ],
-        55 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BR',
-         ],
-        56 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CL',
-         ],
-        57 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CO',
-         ],
-        58 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'VE',
-         ],
-        60 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MY',
-         ],
-        61 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AU',
-             1 => 'CC',
-             2 => 'CX',
-         ],
-        62 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'ID',
-         ],
-        63 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PH',
-         ],
-        64 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NZ',
-         ],
-        65 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SG',
-         ],
-        66 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TH',
-         ],
-        81 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'JP',
-         ],
-        82 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'KR',
-         ],
-        84 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'VN',
-         ],
-        86 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CN',
-         ],
-        90 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TR',
-         ],
-        91 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'IN',
-         ],
-        92 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PK',
-         ],
-        93 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AF',
-         ],
-        94 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'LK',
-         ],
-        95 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MM',
-         ],
-        98 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'IR',
-         ],
-        211 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SS',
-         ],
-        212 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MA',
-             1 => 'EH',
-         ],
-        213 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'DZ',
-         ],
-        216 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TN',
-         ],
-        218 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'LY',
-         ],
-        220 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GM',
-         ],
-        221 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SN',
-         ],
-        222 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MR',
-         ],
-        223 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'ML',
-         ],
-        224 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GN',
-         ],
-        225 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CI',
-         ],
-        226 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BF',
-         ],
-        227 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NE',
-         ],
-        228 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TG',
-         ],
-        229 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BJ',
-         ],
-        230 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MU',
-         ],
-        231 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'LR',
-         ],
-        232 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SL',
-         ],
-        233 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GH',
-         ],
-        234 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NG',
-         ],
-        235 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TD',
-         ],
-        236 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CF',
-         ],
-        237 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CM',
-         ],
-        238 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CV',
-         ],
-        239 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'ST',
-         ],
-        240 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GQ',
-         ],
-        241 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GA',
-         ],
-        242 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CG',
-         ],
-        243 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CD',
-         ],
-        244 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AO',
-         ],
-        245 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GW',
-         ],
-        246 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'IO',
-         ],
-        247 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AC',
-         ],
-        248 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SC',
-         ],
-        249 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SD',
-         ],
-        250 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'RW',
-         ],
-        251 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'ET',
-         ],
-        252 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SO',
-         ],
-        253 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'DJ',
-         ],
-        254 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'KE',
-         ],
-        255 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TZ',
-         ],
-        256 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'UG',
-         ],
-        257 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BI',
-         ],
-        258 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MZ',
-         ],
-        260 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'ZM',
-         ],
-        261 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MG',
-         ],
-        262 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'RE',
-             1 => 'YT',
-         ],
-        263 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'ZW',
-         ],
-        264 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NA',
-         ],
-        265 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MW',
-         ],
-        266 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'LS',
-         ],
-        267 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BW',
-         ],
-        268 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SZ',
-         ],
-        269 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'KM',
-         ],
-        290 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SH',
-             1 => 'TA',
-         ],
-        291 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'ER',
-         ],
-        297 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AW',
-         ],
-        298 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'FO',
-         ],
-        299 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GL',
-         ],
-        350 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GI',
-         ],
-        351 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PT',
-         ],
-        352 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'LU',
-         ],
-        353 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'IE',
-         ],
-        354 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'IS',
-         ],
-        355 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AL',
-         ],
-        356 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MT',
-         ],
-        357 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CY',
-         ],
-        358 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'FI',
-             1 => 'AX',
-         ],
-        359 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BG',
-         ],
-        370 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'LT',
-         ],
-        371 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'LV',
-         ],
-        372 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'EE',
-         ],
-        373 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MD',
-         ],
-        374 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AM',
-         ],
-        375 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BY',
-         ],
-        376 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AD',
-         ],
-        377 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MC',
-         ],
-        378 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SM',
-         ],
-        380 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'UA',
-         ],
-        381 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'RS',
-         ],
-        382 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'ME',
-         ],
-        383 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'XK',
-         ],
-        385 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'HR',
-         ],
-        386 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SI',
-         ],
-        387 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BA',
-         ],
-        389 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MK',
-         ],
-        420 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CZ',
-         ],
-        421 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SK',
-         ],
-        423 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'LI',
-         ],
-        500 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'FK',
-         ],
-        501 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BZ',
-         ],
-        502 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GT',
-         ],
-        503 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SV',
-         ],
-        504 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'HN',
-         ],
-        505 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NI',
-         ],
-        506 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CR',
-         ],
-        507 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PA',
-         ],
-        508 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PM',
-         ],
-        509 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'HT',
-         ],
-        590 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GP',
-             1 => 'BL',
-             2 => 'MF',
-         ],
-        591 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BO',
-         ],
-        592 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GY',
-         ],
-        593 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'EC',
-         ],
-        594 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GF',
-         ],
-        595 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PY',
-         ],
-        596 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MQ',
-         ],
-        597 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SR',
-         ],
-        598 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'UY',
-         ],
-        599 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CW',
-             1 => 'BQ',
-         ],
-        670 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TL',
-         ],
-        672 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NF',
-         ],
-        673 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BN',
-         ],
-        674 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NR',
-         ],
-        675 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PG',
-         ],
-        676 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TO',
-         ],
-        677 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SB',
-         ],
-        678 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'VU',
-         ],
-        679 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'FJ',
-         ],
-        680 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PW',
-         ],
-        681 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'WF',
-         ],
-        682 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CK',
-         ],
-        683 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NU',
-         ],
-        685 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'WS',
-         ],
-        686 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'KI',
-         ],
-        687 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NC',
-         ],
-        688 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TV',
-         ],
-        689 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PF',
-         ],
-        690 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TK',
-         ],
-        691 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'FM',
-         ],
-        692 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MH',
-         ],
-        800 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        808 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        850 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'KP',
-         ],
-        852 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'HK',
-         ],
-        853 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MO',
-         ],
-        855 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'KH',
-         ],
-        856 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'LA',
-         ],
-        870 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        878 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        880 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BD',
-         ],
-        881 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        882 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        883 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        886 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TW',
-         ],
-        888 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        960 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MV',
-         ],
-        961 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'LB',
-         ],
-        962 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'JO',
-         ],
-        963 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SY',
-         ],
-        964 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'IQ',
-         ],
-        965 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'KW',
-         ],
-        966 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SA',
-         ],
-        967 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'YE',
-         ],
-        968 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'OM',
-         ],
-        970 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PS',
-         ],
-        971 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AE',
-         ],
-        972 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'IL',
-         ],
-        973 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BH',
-         ],
-        974 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'QA',
-         ],
-        975 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BT',
-         ],
-        976 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MN',
-         ],
-        977 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NP',
-         ],
-        979 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        992 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TJ',
-         ],
-        993 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TM',
-         ],
-        994 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AZ',
-         ],
-        995 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GE',
-         ],
-        996 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'KG',
-         ],
-        998 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'UZ',
-         ],
+    public static $countryCodeToRegionCodeMap = [
+        1 => [
+            'US',
+            'AG',
+            'AI',
+            'AS',
+            'BB',
+            'BM',
+            'BS',
+            'CA',
+            'DM',
+            'DO',
+            'GD',
+            'GU',
+            'JM',
+            'KN',
+            'KY',
+            'LC',
+            'MP',
+            'MS',
+            'PR',
+            'SX',
+            'TC',
+            'TT',
+            'VC',
+            'VG',
+            'VI',
+        ],
+        7 => [
+            'RU',
+            'KZ',
+        ],
+        20 => [
+            'EG',
+        ],
+        27 => [
+            'ZA',
+        ],
+        30 => [
+            'GR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NL',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'FR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'ES',
+        ],
+        36 => [
+            'HU',
+        ],
+        39 => [
+            'IT',
+            'VA',
+        ],
+        [
+            'RO',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CH',
+        ],
+        43 => [
+            'AT',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GB',
+            'GG',
+            'IM',
+            'JE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'DK',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NO',
+            'SJ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'PL',
+        ],
+        [
+            'DE',
+        ],
+        51 => [
+            'PE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MX',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CU',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CL',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CO',
+        ],
+        [
+            'VE',
+        ],
+        60 => [
+            'MY',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AU',
+            'CC',
+            'CX',
+        ],
+        [
+            'ID',
+        ],
+        [
+            'PH',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NZ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SG',
+        ],
+        [
+            'TH',
+        ],
+        81 => [
+            'JP',
+        ],
+        [
+            'KR',
+        ],
+        84 => [
+            'VN',
+        ],
+        86 => [
+            'CN',
+        ],
+        90 => [
+            'TR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'IN',
+        ],
+        [
+            'PK',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AF',
+        ],
+        [
+            'LK',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MM',
+        ],
+        98 => [
+            'IR',
+        ],
+        211 => [
+            'SS',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MA',
+            'EH',
+        ],
+        [
+            'DZ',
+        ],
+        216 => [
+            'TN',
+        ],
+        218 => [
+            'LY',
+        ],
+        220 => [
+            'GM',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SN',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'ML',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GN',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CI',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BF',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'TG',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BJ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MU',
+        ],
+        [
+            'LR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SL',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GH',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NG',
+        ],
+        [
+            'TD',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CF',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CM',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CV',
+        ],
+        [
+            'ST',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GQ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GA',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CG',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CD',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AO',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GW',
+        ],
+        [
+            'IO',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AC',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SC',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SD',
+        ],
+        [
+            'RW',
+        ],
+        [
+            'ET',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SO',
+        ],
+        [
+            'DJ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'KE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'TZ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'UG',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BI',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MZ',
+        ],
+        260 => [
+            'ZM',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MG',
+        ],
+        [
+            'RE',
+            'YT',
+        ],
+        [
+            'ZW',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NA',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MW',
+        ],
+        [
+            'LS',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BW',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SZ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'KM',
+        ],
+        290 => [
+            'SH',
+            'TA',
+        ],
+        [
+            'ER',
+        ],
+        297 => [
+            'AW',
+        ],
+        [
+            'FO',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GL',
+        ],
+        350 => [
+            'GI',
+        ],
+        [
+            'PT',
+        ],
+        [
+            'LU',
+        ],
+        [
+            'IE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'IS',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AL',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MT',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CY',
+        ],
+        [
+            'FI',
+            'AX',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BG',
+        ],
+        370 => [
+            'LT',
+        ],
+        [
+            'LV',
+        ],
+        [
+            'EE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MD',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AM',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BY',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AD',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MC',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SM',
+        ],
+        380 => [
+            'UA',
+        ],
+        [
+            'RS',
+        ],
+        [
+            'ME',
+        ],
+        [
+            'XK',
+        ],
+        385 => [
+            'HR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SI',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BA',
+        ],
+        389 => [
+            'MK',
+        ],
+        420 => [
+            'CZ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SK',
+        ],
+        423 => [
+            'LI',
+        ],
+        500 => [
+            'FK',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BZ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GT',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SV',
+        ],
+        [
+            'HN',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NI',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'PA',
+        ],
+        [
+            'PM',
+        ],
+        [
+            'HT',
+        ],
+        590 => [
+            'GP',
+            'BL',
+            'MF',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BO',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GY',
+        ],
+        [
+            'EC',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GF',
+        ],
+        [
+            'PY',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MQ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'UY',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CW',
+            'BQ',
+        ],
+        670 => [
+            'TL',
+        ],
+        672 => [
+            'NF',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BN',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'PG',
+        ],
+        [
+            'TO',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SB',
+        ],
+        [
+            'VU',
+        ],
+        [
+            'FJ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'PW',
+        ],
+        [
+            'WF',
+        ],
+        [
+            'CK',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NU',
+        ],
+        685 => [
+            'WS',
+        ],
+        [
+            'KI',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NC',
+        ],
+        [
+            'TV',
+        ],
+        [
+            'PF',
+        ],
+        [
+            'TK',
+        ],
+        [
+            'FM',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MH',
+        ],
+        800 => [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        808 => [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        850 => [
+            'KP',
+        ],
+        852 => [
+            'HK',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MO',
+        ],
+        855 => [
+            'KH',
+        ],
+        [
+            'LA',
+        ],
+        870 => [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        878 => [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        880 => [
+            'BD',
+        ],
+        [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        886 => [
+            'TW',
+        ],
+        888 => [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        960 => [
+            'MV',
+        ],
+        [
+            'LB',
+        ],
+        [
+            'JO',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SY',
+        ],
+        [
+            'IQ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'KW',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SA',
+        ],
+        [
+            'YE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'OM',
+        ],
+        970 => [
+            'PS',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'IL',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BH',
+        ],
+        [
+            'QA',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BT',
+        ],
+        [
+            'MN',
+        ],
+        [
+            'NP',
+        ],
+        979 => [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        992 => [
+            'TJ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'TM',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AZ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'GE',
+        ],
+        [
+            'KG',
+        ],
+        998 => [
+            'UZ',
+        ],
diff --git a/src/CountryCodeToRegionCodeMapForTesting.php b/src/CountryCodeToRegionCodeMapForTesting.php
index 95dec39e..5a060764 100644
--- a/src/CountryCodeToRegionCodeMapForTesting.php
+++ b/src/CountryCodeToRegionCodeMapForTesting.php
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
 namespace libphonenumber;
@@ -19,130 +15,101 @@ class CountryCodeToRegionCodeMapForTesting
     // countries sharing a calling code, such as the NANPA countries, the one
     // indicated with "isMainCountryForCode" in the metadata should be first.
-    public static $countryCodeToRegionCodeMapForTesting =  [
-        1 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'US',
-             1 => 'BB',
-             2 => 'BS',
-             3 => 'CA',
-         ],
-        7 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'RU',
-         ],
-        33 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'FR',
-         ],
-        39 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'IT',
-         ],
-        44 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'GB',
-             1 => 'GG',
-         ],
-        46 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SE',
-         ],
-        48 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'PL',
-         ],
-        49 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'DE',
-         ],
-        52 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'MX',
-         ],
-        54 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AR',
-         ],
-        55 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BR',
-         ],
-        57 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CO',
-         ],
-        61 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AU',
-             1 => 'CC',
-             2 => 'CX',
-         ],
-        64 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'NZ',
-         ],
-        65 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'SG',
-         ],
-        81 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'JP',
-         ],
-        82 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'KR',
-         ],
-        86 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'CN',
-         ],
-        244 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AO',
-         ],
-        262 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'RE',
-             1 => 'YT',
-         ],
-        290 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'TA',
-         ],
-        374 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AM',
-         ],
-        375 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'BY',
-         ],
-        376 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AD',
-         ],
-        800 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        882 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        971 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'AE',
-         ],
-        979 =>
-         [
-             0 => '001',
-         ],
-        998 =>
-         [
-             0 => 'UZ',
-         ],
+    public static $countryCodeToRegionCodeMapForTesting = [
+        1 => [
+            'US',
+            'BB',
+            'BS',
+            'CA',
+        ],
+        7 => [
+            'RU',
+        ],
+        33 => [
+            'FR',
+        ],
+        39 => [
+            'IT',
+        ],
+        44 => [
+            'GB',
+            'GG',
+        ],
+        46 => [
+            'SE',
+        ],
+        48 => [
+            'PL',
+        ],
+        [
+            'DE',
+        ],
+        52 => [
+            'MX',
+        ],
+        54 => [
+            'AR',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BR',
+        ],
+        57 => [
+            'CO',
+        ],
+        61 => [
+            'AU',
+            'CC',
+            'CX',
+        ],
+        64 => [
+            'NZ',
+        ],
+        [
+            'SG',
+        ],
+        81 => [
+            'JP',
+        ],
+        [
+            'KR',
+        ],
+        86 => [
+            'CN',
+        ],
+        244 => [
+            'AO',
+        ],
+        262 => [
+            'RE',
+            'YT',
+        ],
+        290 => [
+            'TA',
+        ],
+        374 => [
+            'AM',
+        ],
+        [
+            'BY',
+        ],
+        [
+            'AD',
+        ],
+        800 => [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        882 => [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        971 => [
+            'AE',
+        ],
+        979 => [
+            '001',
+        ],
+        998 => [
+            'UZ',
+        ],
diff --git a/src/ShortNumbersRegionCodeSet.php b/src/ShortNumbersRegionCodeSet.php
index da33c091..57df010b 100644
--- a/src/ShortNumbersRegionCodeSet.php
+++ b/src/ShortNumbersRegionCodeSet.php
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
 namespace libphonenumber;
@@ -16,248 +12,248 @@ class ShortNumbersRegionCodeSet
     // A set of all region codes for which data is available.
-    public static $shortNumbersRegionCodeSet =  [
-        0 => 'AC',
-        1 => 'AD',
-        2 => 'AE',
-        3 => 'AF',
-        4 => 'AG',
-        5 => 'AI',
-        6 => 'AL',
-        7 => 'AM',
-        8 => 'AO',
-        9 => 'AR',
-        10 => 'AS',
-        11 => 'AT',
-        12 => 'AU',
-        13 => 'AW',
-        14 => 'AX',
-        15 => 'AZ',
-        16 => 'BA',
-        17 => 'BB',
-        18 => 'BD',
-        19 => 'BE',
-        20 => 'BF',
-        21 => 'BG',
-        22 => 'BH',
-        23 => 'BI',
-        24 => 'BJ',
-        25 => 'BL',
-        26 => 'BM',
-        27 => 'BN',
-        28 => 'BO',
-        29 => 'BQ',
-        30 => 'BR',
-        31 => 'BS',
-        32 => 'BT',
-        33 => 'BW',
-        34 => 'BY',
-        35 => 'BZ',
-        36 => 'CA',
-        37 => 'CC',
-        38 => 'CD',
-        39 => 'CF',
-        40 => 'CG',
-        41 => 'CH',
-        42 => 'CI',
-        43 => 'CK',
-        44 => 'CL',
-        45 => 'CM',
-        46 => 'CN',
-        47 => 'CO',
-        48 => 'CR',
-        49 => 'CU',
-        50 => 'CV',
-        51 => 'CW',
-        52 => 'CX',
-        53 => 'CY',
-        54 => 'CZ',
-        55 => 'DE',
-        56 => 'DJ',
-        57 => 'DK',
-        58 => 'DM',
-        59 => 'DO',
-        60 => 'DZ',
-        61 => 'EC',
-        62 => 'EE',
-        63 => 'EG',
-        64 => 'EH',
-        65 => 'ER',
-        66 => 'ES',
-        67 => 'ET',
-        68 => 'FI',
-        69 => 'FJ',
-        70 => 'FK',
-        71 => 'FM',
-        72 => 'FO',
-        73 => 'FR',
-        74 => 'GA',
-        75 => 'GB',
-        76 => 'GD',
-        77 => 'GE',
-        78 => 'GF',
-        79 => 'GG',
-        80 => 'GH',
-        81 => 'GI',
-        82 => 'GL',
-        83 => 'GM',
-        84 => 'GN',
-        85 => 'GP',
-        86 => 'GR',
-        87 => 'GT',
-        88 => 'GU',
-        89 => 'GW',
-        90 => 'GY',
-        91 => 'HK',
-        92 => 'HN',
-        93 => 'HR',
-        94 => 'HT',
-        95 => 'HU',
-        96 => 'ID',
-        97 => 'IE',
-        98 => 'IL',
-        99 => 'IM',
-        100 => 'IN',
-        101 => 'IQ',
-        102 => 'IR',
-        103 => 'IS',
-        104 => 'IT',
-        105 => 'JE',
-        106 => 'JM',
-        107 => 'JO',
-        108 => 'JP',
-        109 => 'KE',
-        110 => 'KG',
-        111 => 'KH',
-        112 => 'KI',
-        113 => 'KM',
-        114 => 'KN',
-        115 => 'KP',
-        116 => 'KR',
-        117 => 'KW',
-        118 => 'KY',
-        119 => 'KZ',
-        120 => 'LA',
-        121 => 'LB',
-        122 => 'LC',
-        123 => 'LI',
-        124 => 'LK',
-        125 => 'LR',
-        126 => 'LS',
-        127 => 'LT',
-        128 => 'LU',
-        129 => 'LV',
-        130 => 'LY',
-        131 => 'MA',
-        132 => 'MC',
-        133 => 'MD',
-        134 => 'ME',
-        135 => 'MF',
-        136 => 'MG',
-        137 => 'MH',
-        138 => 'MK',
-        139 => 'ML',
-        140 => 'MM',
-        141 => 'MN',
-        142 => 'MO',
-        143 => 'MP',
-        144 => 'MQ',
-        145 => 'MR',
-        146 => 'MS',
-        147 => 'MT',
-        148 => 'MU',
-        149 => 'MV',
-        150 => 'MW',
-        151 => 'MX',
-        152 => 'MY',
-        153 => 'MZ',
-        154 => 'NA',
-        155 => 'NC',
-        156 => 'NE',
-        157 => 'NF',
-        158 => 'NG',
-        159 => 'NI',
-        160 => 'NL',
-        161 => 'NO',
-        162 => 'NP',
-        163 => 'NR',
-        164 => 'NU',
-        165 => 'NZ',
-        166 => 'OM',
-        167 => 'PA',
-        168 => 'PE',
-        169 => 'PF',
-        170 => 'PG',
-        171 => 'PH',
-        172 => 'PK',
-        173 => 'PL',
-        174 => 'PM',
-        175 => 'PR',
-        176 => 'PS',
-        177 => 'PT',
-        178 => 'PW',
-        179 => 'PY',
-        180 => 'QA',
-        181 => 'RE',
-        182 => 'RO',
-        183 => 'RS',
-        184 => 'RU',
-        185 => 'RW',
-        186 => 'SA',
-        187 => 'SB',
-        188 => 'SC',
-        189 => 'SD',
-        190 => 'SE',
-        191 => 'SG',
-        192 => 'SH',
-        193 => 'SI',
-        194 => 'SJ',
-        195 => 'SK',
-        196 => 'SL',
-        197 => 'SM',
-        198 => 'SN',
-        199 => 'SO',
-        200 => 'SR',
-        201 => 'SS',
-        202 => 'ST',
-        203 => 'SV',
-        204 => 'SX',
-        205 => 'SY',
-        206 => 'SZ',
-        207 => 'TC',
-        208 => 'TD',
-        209 => 'TG',
-        210 => 'TH',
-        211 => 'TJ',
-        212 => 'TL',
-        213 => 'TM',
-        214 => 'TN',
-        215 => 'TO',
-        216 => 'TR',
-        217 => 'TT',
-        218 => 'TV',
-        219 => 'TW',
-        220 => 'TZ',
-        221 => 'UA',
-        222 => 'UG',
-        223 => 'US',
-        224 => 'UY',
-        225 => 'UZ',
-        226 => 'VA',
-        227 => 'VC',
-        228 => 'VE',
-        229 => 'VG',
-        230 => 'VI',
-        231 => 'VN',
-        232 => 'VU',
-        233 => 'WF',
-        234 => 'WS',
-        235 => 'XK',
-        236 => 'YE',
-        237 => 'YT',
-        238 => 'ZA',
-        239 => 'ZM',
-        240 => 'ZW',
+    public static $shortNumbersRegionCodeSet = [
+        'AC',
+        'AD',
+        'AE',
+        'AF',
+        'AG',
+        'AI',
+        'AL',
+        'AM',
+        'AO',
+        'AR',
+        'AS',
+        'AT',
+        'AU',
+        'AW',
+        'AX',
+        'AZ',
+        'BA',
+        'BB',
+        'BD',
+        'BE',
+        'BF',
+        'BG',
+        'BH',
+        'BI',
+        'BJ',
+        'BL',
+        'BM',
+        'BN',
+        'BO',
+        'BQ',
+        'BR',
+        'BS',
+        'BT',
+        'BW',
+        'BY',
+        'BZ',
+        'CA',
+        'CC',
+        'CD',
+        'CF',
+        'CG',
+        'CH',
+        'CI',
+        'CK',
+        'CL',
+        'CM',
+        'CN',
+        'CO',
+        'CR',
+        'CU',
+        'CV',
+        'CW',
+        'CX',
+        'CY',
+        'CZ',
+        'DE',
+        'DJ',
+        'DK',
+        'DM',
+        'DO',
+        'DZ',
+        'EC',
+        'EE',
+        'EG',
+        'EH',
+        'ER',
+        'ES',
+        'ET',
+        'FI',
+        'FJ',
+        'FK',
+        'FM',
+        'FO',
+        'FR',
+        'GA',
+        'GB',
+        'GD',
+        'GE',
+        'GF',
+        'GG',
+        'GH',
+        'GI',
+        'GL',
+        'GM',
+        'GN',
+        'GP',
+        'GR',
+        'GT',
+        'GU',
+        'GW',
+        'GY',
+        'HK',
+        'HN',
+        'HR',
+        'HT',
+        'HU',
+        'ID',
+        'IE',
+        'IL',
+        'IM',
+        'IN',
+        'IQ',
+        'IR',
+        'IS',
+        'IT',
+        'JE',
+        'JM',
+        'JO',
+        'JP',
+        'KE',
+        'KG',
+        'KH',
+        'KI',
+        'KM',
+        'KN',
+        'KP',
+        'KR',
+        'KW',
+        'KY',
+        'KZ',
+        'LA',
+        'LB',
+        'LC',
+        'LI',
+        'LK',
+        'LR',
+        'LS',
+        'LT',
+        'LU',
+        'LV',
+        'LY',
+        'MA',
+        'MC',
+        'MD',
+        'ME',
+        'MF',
+        'MG',
+        'MH',
+        'MK',
+        'ML',
+        'MM',
+        'MN',
+        'MO',
+        'MP',
+        'MQ',
+        'MR',
+        'MS',
+        'MT',
+        'MU',
+        'MV',
+        'MW',
+        'MX',
+        'MY',
+        'MZ',
+        'NA',
+        'NC',
+        'NE',
+        'NF',
+        'NG',
+        'NI',
+        'NL',
+        'NO',
+        'NP',
+        'NR',
+        'NU',
+        'NZ',
+        'OM',
+        'PA',
+        'PE',
+        'PF',
+        'PG',
+        'PH',
+        'PK',
+        'PL',
+        'PM',
+        'PR',
+        'PS',
+        'PT',
+        'PW',
+        'PY',
+        'QA',
+        'RE',
+        'RO',
+        'RS',
+        'RU',
+        'RW',
+        'SA',
+        'SB',
+        'SC',
+        'SD',
+        'SE',
+        'SG',
+        'SH',
+        'SI',
+        'SJ',
+        'SK',
+        'SL',
+        'SM',
+        'SN',
+        'SO',
+        'SR',
+        'SS',
+        'ST',
+        'SV',
+        'SX',
+        'SY',
+        'SZ',
+        'TC',
+        'TD',
+        'TG',
+        'TH',
+        'TJ',
+        'TL',
+        'TM',
+        'TN',
+        'TO',
+        'TR',
+        'TT',
+        'TV',
+        'TW',
+        'TZ',
+        'UA',
+        'UG',
+        'US',
+        'UY',
+        'UZ',
+        'VA',
+        'VC',
+        'VE',
+        'VG',
+        'VI',
+        'VN',
+        'VU',
+        'WF',
+        'WS',
+        'XK',
+        'YE',
+        'YT',
+        'ZA',
+        'ZM',
+        'ZW',
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_255.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_255.php
index 60090576..0335a677 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_255.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_255.php
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 255,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_27.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_27.php
index 934e6450..3d9d47f6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_27.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_27.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 27,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '86[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '86[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_30.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_30.php
index 0791a604..9b544491 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_30.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_30.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 30,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '21',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '21',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_31.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_31.php
index 17d23cda..5aa6109a 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_31.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_31.php
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 31,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[035]|2[0346]|3[03568]|4[0356]|5[0358]|7|8[4578]|91',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[16-8]|2[259]|3[124]|4[17-9]|5[124679]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[035]|2[0346]|3[03568]|4[0356]|5[0358]|7|8[4578]|91',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[16-8]|2[259]|3[124]|4[17-9]|5[124679]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_34.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_34.php
index 773a49fb..2e1f8623 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_34.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_34.php
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 34,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[5-7]|80[367]|90[1289]|[89][1-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:0[1289]|[1-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[5-7]|80[367]|90[1289]|[89][1-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:0[1289]|[1-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_350.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_350.php
index 45fb8a34..2dc941f9 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_350.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_350.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 350,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_351.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_351.php
index 195fb0ef..3bb284b2 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_351.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_351.php
@@ -1,63 +1,49 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 351,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[12]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[12]|9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[12]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[12]|9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_352.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_352.php
index 9a3b11c1..3500e693 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_352.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_352.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 352,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:[0367]|4[3-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:[0367]|4[3-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_358.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_358.php
index 844d7aab..84f78b16 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_358.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_358.php
@@ -1,63 +1,49 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 358,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2568][1-8]|3(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])|9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12]0[1-9]|4|1[3-9]|29|50|7[15]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2568][1-8]|3(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])|9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2568][1-8]|3(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])|9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[12]0[1-9]|4|1[3-9]|29|50|7[15]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2568][1-8]|3(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])|9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_359.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_359.php
index 24d352c8..0a8a8079 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_359.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_359.php
@@ -1,63 +1,49 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 359,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8|98',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8|98',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8|98',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8|98',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_36.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_36.php
index 47620b21..daf7613b 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_36.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_36.php
@@ -1,50 +1,37 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 36,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_372.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_372.php
index f658f7fc..921b0c9d 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_372.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_372.php
@@ -1,63 +1,49 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 372,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[4-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[4-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[4-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[4-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_373.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_373.php
index e10041f5..5d21c6c9 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_373.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_373.php
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 373,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '22|[367]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '22|[367]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_380.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_380.php
index da943d72..ba466534 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_380.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_380.php
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 380,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[38]9|4[45][0-5]|5(?:0|6(?:3[14-7]|7))|6(?:[12][018]|[36-8])|7|9[1-9]|(?:48|57)[0137-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[38]9|4[45][0-5]|5(?:0|6(?:3[14-7]|7))|6(?:[12][018]|[36-8])|7|9[1-9]|(?:48|57)[0137-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[38]9|4[45][0-5]|5(?:0|6(?:3[14-7]|7))|6(?:[12][018]|[36-8])|7|9[1-9]|(?:48|57)[0137-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[38]9|4[45][0-5]|5(?:0|6(?:3[14-7]|7))|6(?:[12][018]|[36-8])|7|9[1-9]|(?:48|57)[0137-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_381.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_381.php
index 45ddddff..5e2cc571 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_381.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_381.php
@@ -1,63 +1,49 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 381,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[16]|2[0-24-7]|3[0-8]|(?:2[389]|39)[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1|2[0-24-7]|3[0-8]|(?:2[389]|39)[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[16]|2[0-24-7]|3[0-8]|(?:2[389]|39)[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1|2[0-24-7]|3[0-8]|(?:2[389]|39)[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_385.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_385.php
index 85560505..80292456 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_385.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_385.php
@@ -1,75 +1,59 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 385,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-69]|76',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-69]|76',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_39.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_39.php
index b6a7cbf8..0e11a008 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_39.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_39.php
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 39,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0(?:[13-579][2-46-8]|8[236-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0(?:[13-579][2-46-8]|8[236-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0(?:[13-579][2-46-8]|8[236-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0(?:[13-579][2-46-8]|8[236-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_43.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_43.php
index bbb7643f..e044905f 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_43.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_43.php
@@ -1,183 +1,149 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 43,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[079]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[079]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[079]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[079]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{9,12})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[079]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[079]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[079]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[079]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:31|4)6|51|6(?:5[0-3579]|[6-9])|7(?:20|32|8)|[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:31|4)6|51|6(?:5[0-3579]|[6-9])|7(?:20|32|8)|[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         11 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:31|4)6|51|6(?:5[0-3579]|[6-9])|7(?:20|32|8)|[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         12 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2|3(?:1[1-578]|[3-68])|4[2378]|5[2-6]|6(?:[124]|5[468])|7(?:2[1-8]|35|[4-79])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[079]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[079]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[079]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[079]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{9,12})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[079]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[079]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[079]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[079]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:31|4)6|51|6(?:5[0-3579]|[6-9])|7(?:20|32|8)|[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:31|4)6|51|6(?:5[0-3579]|[6-9])|7(?:20|32|8)|[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:31|4)6|51|6(?:5[0-3579]|[6-9])|7(?:20|32|8)|[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2|3(?:1[1-578]|[3-68])|4[2378]|5[2-6]|6(?:[124]|5[468])|7(?:2[1-8]|35|[4-79])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_44.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_44.php
index 25ad86bf..368d7c9f 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_44.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_44.php
@@ -1,87 +1,69 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 44,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '20',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:1|[2-69]1)|20|[389]|7(?:[1-57-9]|624)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '20',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[2-69][02-9]|[78])|3|7(?:[1-57-9]|624)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '20',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:1|[2-69]1)|20|[389]|7(?:[1-57-9]|624)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '20',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[2-69][02-9]|[78])|3|7(?:[1-57-9]|624)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_49.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_49.php
index bbdac507..ab36defb 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_49.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_49.php
@@ -1,519 +1,429 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 49,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[02]|40|[68]9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:0|3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|4[01]|50|6[09]|7(?:0|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6]|9)|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[02]|40|[68]9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{1,2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[02]|40|[68]9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[02]|40|[68]9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[02]|40|[68]9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[1-389]|12[0-8])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|2(?:[13][14]|2[18])|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[1-389]|12[0-8])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|2(?:[13][14]|2[18])|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{1,2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[1-389]|12[0-8])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|2(?:[13][14]|2[18])|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[1-389]|12[0-8])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|2(?:[13][14]|2[18])|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[1-389]|12[0-8])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|2(?:[13][14]|2[18])|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         11 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d)',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[1-389]|12[0-8])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|2(?:[13][14]|2[18])|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         12 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[1-389]|12[0-8])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|2(?:[13][14]|2[18])|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         13 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{1,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|[56]0|7(?:0[2-8]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         14 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|66[2-9]|7(?:1[2-9]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|[5-8]0|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
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-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         15 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
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-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|66[2-9]|7(?:1[2-9]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|[5-8]0|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         16 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|[56]0|7(?:0[2-8]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
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-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         17 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|7(?:8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|[5-7]0|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         18 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{1,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|[56]0|7(?:0[2-8]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         19 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
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-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|3[1468]|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]|9[1468]))|4(?:1|5[02-6]|9[2-6])|7(?:8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|4[02-6]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|[5-7]0|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         20 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '15[1279]|2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|[56]0|7(?:0[2-8]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         21 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|[56]0|7(?:0[2-8]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         22 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|[56]0|7(?:0[2-8]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
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-          ],
-         23 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
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-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:3(?:0[589]|2[03]|3[369]|4[357]|6[0357]|7[0346]|8[347]|9[236-8])|4(?:4[2469]|6[03579]|9[0257])|5(?:0[235]|2[046]|[49][357]|6[09]|7[2579]|8[2479])|6(?:2[05]|3[37]|6[02459]|7[03468]|8[47]|9[246])|7(?:2[09]|4[236]|60|75)|8(?:2[0239]|3[023579]|7[23589]|8[2457])|9(?:0[03568]|3[24689]|4[0258]|60|7[2457]|8[23568]|9[23579]))|3[68]4[2568]|3(?:47|60)[2478]|3[49]2[02469]|3[457]3[2468]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         24 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:3(?:0[589]|2[03]|3[369]|4[357]|6[0357]|7[0346]|8[347]|9[236-8])|4(?:4[2469]|6[03579]|9[0257])|5(?:0[235]|2[046]|[49][357]|6[09]|7[2579]|8[2479])|6(?:2[05]|3[37]|6[02459]|7[03468]|8[47]|9[246])|7(?:2[09]|4[236]|60|75)|8(?:2[0239]|3[023579]|7[23589]|8[2457])|9(?:0[03568]|3[24689]|4[0258]|60|7[2457]|8[23568]|9[23579]))|3[68]4[2568]|3(?:47|60)[2478]|3[49]2[02469]|3[457]3[2468]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         25 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:3(?:0[589]|2[03]|3[369]|4[357]|6[0357]|7[0346]|8[347]|9[236-8])|4(?:4[2469]|6[03579]|9[0257])|5(?:0[235]|2[046]|[49][357]|6[09]|7[2579]|8[2479])|6(?:2[05]|3[37]|6[02459]|7[03468]|8[47]|9[246])|7(?:2[09]|4[236]|60|75)|8(?:2[0239]|3[023579]|7[23589]|8[2457])|9(?:0[03568]|3[24689]|4[0258]|60|7[2457]|8[23568]|9[23579]))|3[68]4[2568]|3(?:47|60)[2478]|3[49]2[02469]|3[457]3[2468]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         26 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '15[1279]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         27 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '15[1279]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         28 =>
-          [
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-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '15[1279]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         29 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '15[1279]',
-               ],
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-          ],
-         30 =>
-          [
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-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[67]|800',
-               ],
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-          ],
-         31 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '1[67]|800',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         32 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
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-          ],
-         33 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
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-          ],
-         34 =>
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-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
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-          ],
-         35 =>
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-                   0 => '900',
-               ],
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-         36 =>
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-                   0 => '900',
-               ],
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-         37 =>
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-         38 =>
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-               [
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-               ],
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-         39 =>
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-               [
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-               ],
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-         40 =>
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-               [
-                   0 => '900',
-               ],
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-     [
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+        [
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+                '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|3[1468]|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]|9[1468]))|4(?:1|5[02-6]|9[2-6])|7(?:8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|4[02-6]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|[5-7]0|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15[1279]|2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|[56]0|7(?:0[2-8]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|[56]0|7(?:0[2-8]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:0[4-6]|1(?:[035-9]|29)|3[0235-9]|7[2-7])|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]))|41|[56]0|7(?:0[2-8]|8[02-5]|9[03-7])|8(?:3[02-46-9]|5[03-9]|6[2-8]|8[024-6])|9(?:0[7-9]|7[02-467])|(?:45|84)[02-6]|3(?:83|99)[1468]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|(?:66|71|80)[2-9]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|(?:22|47|81)[02-79]|3[4579]3[1357]|(?:28|49|5[79]|7[27]|9[589])[02-7]|(?:2[569]|4[2-48]|5[124-6]|6[1-358]|73|82|9[1-4])[02-9]|(?:24|[49]6|5[38]|6[47]|7[4-6]|87)[02-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3(?:3(?:0[589]|2[03]|3[369]|4[357]|6[0357]|7[0346]|8[347]|9[236-8])|4(?:4[2469]|6[03579]|9[0257])|5(?:0[235]|2[046]|[49][357]|6[09]|7[2579]|8[2479])|6(?:2[05]|3[37]|6[02459]|7[03468]|8[47]|9[246])|7(?:2[09]|4[236]|60|75)|8(?:2[0239]|3[023579]|7[23589]|8[2457])|9(?:0[03568]|3[24689]|4[0258]|60|7[2457]|8[23568]|9[23579]))|3[68]4[2568]|3(?:47|60)[2478]|3[49]2[02469]|3[457]3[2468]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3(?:3(?:0[589]|2[03]|3[369]|4[357]|6[0357]|7[0346]|8[347]|9[236-8])|4(?:4[2469]|6[03579]|9[0257])|5(?:0[235]|2[046]|[49][357]|6[09]|7[2579]|8[2479])|6(?:2[05]|3[37]|6[02459]|7[03468]|8[47]|9[246])|7(?:2[09]|4[236]|60|75)|8(?:2[0239]|3[023579]|7[23589]|8[2457])|9(?:0[03568]|3[24689]|4[0258]|60|7[2457]|8[23568]|9[23579]))|3[68]4[2568]|3(?:47|60)[2478]|3[49]2[02469]|3[457]3[2468]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3(?:3(?:0[589]|2[03]|3[369]|4[357]|6[0357]|7[0346]|8[347]|9[236-8])|4(?:4[2469]|6[03579]|9[0257])|5(?:0[235]|2[046]|[49][357]|6[09]|7[2579]|8[2479])|6(?:2[05]|3[37]|6[02459]|7[03468]|8[47]|9[246])|7(?:2[09]|4[236]|60|75)|8(?:2[0239]|3[023579]|7[23589]|8[2457])|9(?:0[03568]|3[24689]|4[0258]|60|7[2457]|8[23568]|9[23579]))|3[68]4[2568]|3(?:47|60)[2478]|3[49]2[02469]|3[457]3[2468]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15[1279]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15[1279]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15[1279]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15[1279]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d)',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[67]|800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[67]|800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})(\\d{2})(\\d{1,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '900',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '900',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '180',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '180',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '180',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,10})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '900',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_505.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_505.php
index f84068a2..f263fb61 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_505.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_505.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 505,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_506.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_506.php
index 1835a10e..40af8c0e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_506.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_506.php
@@ -1,38 +1,27 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 506,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_52.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_52.php
index 260c5adc..e6e62b55 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_52.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_52.php
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 52,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '33|5[56]|81',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24679]|3[0-2457-9]|5[089]|8[02-46-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '33|5[56]|81',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24679]|3[0-2457-9]|5[089]|8[02-46-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_54.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_54.php
index 743c80b2..a224f492 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_54.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_54.php
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 54,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4[6-8])|9(?:[02356]|4[02568]|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04-79]|3[5-8]|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[2-5])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[2578]|5[4-8]|7[36-8]|8[5-8]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:2(?:2[024-9]|3[0-59]|47|6[245]|9[02-8])|3(?:3[28]|4[03-9]|5[2-46-8]|7[1-578]|8[2-9]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4[6-8])|9(?:[02356]|4[02568]|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04-79]|3[5-8]|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[2-5])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[2578]|5[4-8]|7[36-8]|8[5-8]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:2(?:2[024-9]|3[0-59]|47|6[245]|9[02-8])|3(?:3[28]|4[03-9]|5[2-46-8]|7[1-578]|8[2-9]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_55.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_55.php
index 9eddb696..3d2f0186 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_55.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_55.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 55,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12467]|3[1-578]|5[13-5]|[89][1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[12467]|3[1-578]|5[13-5]|[89][1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_58.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_58.php
index bf0131d0..1033e506 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_58.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_58.php
@@ -1,38 +1,27 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 58,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_595.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_595.php
index 5fd60bd7..9721767a 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_595.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_595.php
@@ -1,63 +1,49 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 595,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[26]1|3[289]|4[1246-8]|7[1-3]|8[1-36]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[14-68]|3[26-9]|4[1246-8]|6(?:1|75)|7[1-35]|8[1-36]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[279]|3[13-5]|4[359]|5[1-5]|6(?:[34]|7[1-46-8])|7[46-8]|85',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[26]1|3[289]|4[1246-8]|7[1-3]|8[1-36]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[14-68]|3[26-9]|4[1246-8]|6(?:1|75)|7[1-35]|8[1-36]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[279]|3[13-5]|4[359]|5[1-5]|6(?:[34]|7[1-46-8])|7[46-8]|85',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_61.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_61.php
index 0ebf371f..1a0eaa59 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_61.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_61.php
@@ -1,72 +1,53 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 61,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2378]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2378]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_62.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_62.php
index cfff8a29..56848510 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_62.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_62.php
@@ -1,99 +1,79 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 62,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[124]|[36]1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[124]|[36]1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[124]|[36]1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8[1-35-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[124]|[36]1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[124]|[36]1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[124]|[36]1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8[1-35-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_64.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_64.php
index 74eebcca..06a87b05 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_64.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_64.php
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 64,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3467]|9[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3467]|9[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_66.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_66.php
index e2ca196f..8f0e567c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_66.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_66.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 66,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_675.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_675.php
index a0d195fd..c96ce77c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_675.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_675.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 675,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_676.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_676.php
index 437bf51a..d6a64618 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_676.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_676.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 676,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[5-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[5-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_679.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_679.php
index a2edebf5..572b29b7 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_679.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_679.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 679,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_7.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_7.php
index be188711..79302f9e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_7.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_7.php
@@ -1,99 +1,79 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 7,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3489]|7(?:1(?:[0-356]2|4[29]|7|8[27])|2(?:1[23]|[2-9]2))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3489]|72(?:6|7[457])|7(?:12|2[49])[35]|7(?:1[13-58]|2[1-38])[3-5]|7(?:1[06]|25)[3-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7(?:1|2(?:[1-689]|7[2457]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3489]|7(?:[04-9]|1(?:04|[236]3|4[3-5]|5[34])|2(?:13|34|7[39]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3489]|7(?:[04-9]|1(?:04|[236]3|4[3-5]|5[34])|2(?:13|34|7[39]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3489]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3489]|7(?:1(?:[0-356]2|4[29]|7|8[27])|2(?:1[23]|[2-9]2))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3489]|72(?:6|7[457])|7(?:12|2[49])[35]|7(?:1[13-58]|2[1-38])[3-5]|7(?:1[06]|25)[3-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7(?:1|2(?:[1-689]|7[2457]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3489]|7(?:[04-9]|1(?:04|[236]3|4[3-5]|5[34])|2(?:13|34|7[39]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3489]|7(?:[04-9]|1(?:04|[236]3|4[3-5]|5[34])|2(?:13|34|7[39]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3489]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_81.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_81.php
index cfc8cc6e..95693e53 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_81.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_81.php
@@ -1,63 +1,49 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 81,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:12|57|99)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:12|57|99)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:12|57|99)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:12|57|99)0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:12|57|99)0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:12|57|99)0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_84.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_84.php
index 471d4d5e..8ce5271c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_84.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_84.php
@@ -1,63 +1,49 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 84,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[48]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[48]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_855.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_855.php
index 705d0406..f01599a5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_855.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_855.php
@@ -1,38 +1,27 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 855,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_856.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_856.php
index d077fbb5..d3fd8bb6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_856.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_856.php
@@ -1,60 +1,43 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 856,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_90.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_90.php
index fd291eb3..036d3aea 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_90.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_90.php
@@ -1,51 +1,39 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 90,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-4]|5(?:[02-69]|1[06])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '512|[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-4]|5(?:[02-69]|1[06])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '512|[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_91.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_91.php
index 613bb99f..a5ed90b8 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_91.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_91.php
@@ -1,87 +1,69 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 91,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6(?:[09]|2(?:[02-7]|8[0-35-9])|5[02-689]|6[024-9]|8[124-9])|7(?:[07]|3[025-9]|4[0-35689]|6(?:[02-9]|1[0-257-9])|8[0-79]|9(?:[089]|31))|8(?:0(?:[01589]|6[67])|1[0-57-9]|2[235-9]|3[03-57-9]|[45]|6[02457-9]|7[1-69]|8(?:[0-25-9]|4[0147-9])|9(?:[02-9]|1[0-27-9]))|9|[67]1[013-9]|(?:67|72)[0235-9]|(?:63|75)[02-46-9]|6(?:29|35)[0-46-9]|(?:64|(?:79|80)7)[02-9]|(?:6(?:[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|7[14]|80)|7(?:12|88))[0189]|(?:612|7(?:2[14]|3[134]|4[47]|5[15])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|83))[017-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6(?:[09]|2(?:[02-7]|8[0-35-9])|5[02-689]|6[024-9]|8[124-9])|7(?:[07]|3[025-9]|4[0-35689]|6(?:[02-9]|1[0-257-9])|8[0-79]|9(?:[089]|31))|8(?:0(?:[01589]|6[67])|1[0-57-9]|2[235-9]|3[03-57-9]|[45]|6[02457-9]|7[1-69]|8(?:[0-25-9]|4[0147-9])|9(?:[02-9]|1[0-27-9]))|9|[67]1[013-9]|(?:67|72)[0235-9]|(?:63|75)[02-46-9]|6(?:29|35)[0-46-9]|(?:64|(?:79|80)7)[02-9]|(?:6(?:[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|7[14]|80)|7(?:12|88))[0189]|(?:612|7(?:2[14]|3[134]|4[47]|5[15])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|83))[017-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '79(?:[089]|31|7[02-9])|80(?:[01589]|6[67]|7[02-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7(?:1[013-9]|2[0235-9]|3[025-9]|4[0-35689]|5[02-46-9]|6(?:[02-9]|1[0-257-9])|7|8[0-79])|8(?:1[0-57-9]|2[235-9]|3[03-57-9]|[45]|6[02457-9]|7[1-69]|8(?:[0-25-9]|4[0147-9])|9(?:[02-9]|1[0-27-9]))|7(?:12|88)[0189]|(?:7(?:2[14]|3[134]|4[47]|5[15])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|83))[017-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7(?:1(?:[013-9]|2[0189])|2[0235-9]|3[025-9]|4[0-35689]|5[02-46-9]|6(?:[02-9]|1[0-257-9])|7)|80(?:[01589]|6[67]|7[02-9])|7(?:2[14]|3[134]|4[47]|5[15])[017-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6(?:[09]|2(?:[02-7]|8[0-35-9])|5[02-689]|6[024-9]|8[124-9])|7(?:[07]|3[025-9]|4[0-35689]|6(?:[02-9]|1[0-257-9])|8[0-79]|9(?:[089]|31))|8(?:0(?:[01589]|6[67])|1[0-57-9]|2[235-9]|3[03-57-9]|[45]|6[02457-9]|7[1-69]|8(?:[0-25-9]|4[0147-9])|9(?:[02-9]|1[0-27-9]))|9|[67]1[013-9]|(?:67|72)[0235-9]|(?:63|75)[02-46-9]|6(?:29|35)[0-46-9]|(?:64|(?:79|80)7)[02-9]|(?:6(?:[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|7[14]|80)|7(?:12|88))[0189]|(?:612|7(?:2[14]|3[134]|4[47]|5[15])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|83))[017-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6(?:[09]|2(?:[02-7]|8[0-35-9])|5[02-689]|6[024-9]|8[124-9])|7(?:[07]|3[025-9]|4[0-35689]|6(?:[02-9]|1[0-257-9])|8[0-79]|9(?:[089]|31))|8(?:0(?:[01589]|6[67])|1[0-57-9]|2[235-9]|3[03-57-9]|[45]|6[02457-9]|7[1-69]|8(?:[0-25-9]|4[0147-9])|9(?:[02-9]|1[0-27-9]))|9|[67]1[013-9]|(?:67|72)[0235-9]|(?:63|75)[02-46-9]|6(?:29|35)[0-46-9]|(?:64|(?:79|80)7)[02-9]|(?:6(?:[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|7[14]|80)|7(?:12|88))[0189]|(?:612|7(?:2[14]|3[134]|4[47]|5[15])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|83))[017-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '79(?:[089]|31|7[02-9])|80(?:[01589]|6[67]|7[02-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7(?:1[013-9]|2[0235-9]|3[025-9]|4[0-35689]|5[02-46-9]|6(?:[02-9]|1[0-257-9])|7|8[0-79])|8(?:1[0-57-9]|2[235-9]|3[03-57-9]|[45]|6[02457-9]|7[1-69]|8(?:[0-25-9]|4[0147-9])|9(?:[02-9]|1[0-27-9]))|7(?:12|88)[0189]|(?:7(?:2[14]|3[134]|4[47]|5[15])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|83))[017-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7(?:1(?:[013-9]|2[0189])|2[0235-9]|3[025-9]|4[0-35689]|5[02-46-9]|6(?:[02-9]|1[0-257-9])|7)|80(?:[01589]|6[67]|7[02-9])|7(?:2[14]|3[134]|4[47]|5[15])[017-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_94.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_94.php
index 910f411a..ab323f6d 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_94.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_94.php
@@ -1,63 +1,49 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 94,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_95.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_95.php
index e515da29..dc1f888e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_95.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_95.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 95,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '92',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '92',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_971.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_971.php
index 54959628..8fff63ca 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_971.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_971.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 971,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_972.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_972.php
index 2a5ed5ba..ce7ff424 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_972.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_972.php
@@ -1,39 +1,29 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 972,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-489]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-489]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_995.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_995.php
index 346cdbca..658be042 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_995.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberAlternateFormats_995.php
@@ -1,99 +1,79 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
+return [
     'id' => '',
     'countryCode' => 995,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '32',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '32',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[348]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[348]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '32',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '32',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '32',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '32',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[348]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[348]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '32',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '32',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_800.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_800.php
index 9f44b58b..78a6bef3 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_800.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_800.php
@@ -1,161 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:00|[1-9]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:00|[1-9]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:00|[1-9]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:00|[1-9]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 800,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '\\d',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '\\d',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_808.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_808.php
index ac694a8f..58b9cd8d 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_808.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_808.php
@@ -1,161 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 808,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_870.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_870.php
index 6bc68451..99aeef5e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_870.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_870.php
@@ -1,162 +1,103 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7\\d{11}|[35-7]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[356]|774[45])\\d{8}|7[6-8]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '301234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7\\d{11}|[35-7]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[356]|774[45])\\d{8}|7[6-8]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '301234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 870,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[35-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[35-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_878.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_878.php
index d1b7c890..b565afb5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_878.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_878.php
@@ -1,161 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10\\d{10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10\\d{10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10\\d{10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10\\d{10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 878,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_881.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_881.php
index a34c1d17..6eeb0d1c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_881.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_881.php
@@ -1,174 +1,113 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6\\d{9}|[0-36-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6\\d{9}|[0-36-9]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '612345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6\\d{9}|[0-36-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6\\d{9}|[0-36-9]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '612345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 881,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[0-37-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[0-37-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_882.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_882.php
index a8ed9b5d..b460432e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_882.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_882.php
@@ -1,258 +1,185 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13]\\d{6}(?:\\d{2,5})?|[19]\\d{7}|(?:[25]\\d\\d|4)\\d{7}(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-              5 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '342\\d{4}|(?:337|49)\\d{6}|(?:3(?:2|47|7\\d{3})|50\\d{3})\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3421234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3(?:0[0347]|[13][0139]|2[035]|4[013568]|6[0459]|7[06]|8[15-8]|9[0689])\\d{4}|6\\d{5,10})|(?:345\\d|9[89])\\d{6}|(?:10|2(?:3|85\\d)|3(?:[15]|[69]\\d\\d)|4[15-8]|51)\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '390123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '348[57]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '34851234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13]\\d{6}(?:\\d{2,5})?|[19]\\d{7}|(?:[25]\\d\\d|4)\\d{7}(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '342\\d{4}|(?:337|49)\\d{6}|(?:3(?:2|47|7\\d{3})|50\\d{3})\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3421234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3(?:0[0347]|[13][0139]|2[035]|4[013568]|6[0459]|7[06]|8[15-8]|9[0689])\\d{4}|6\\d{5,10})|(?:345\\d|9[89])\\d{6}|(?:10|2(?:3|85\\d)|3(?:[15]|[69]\\d\\d)|4[15-8]|51)\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '390123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '348[57]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '34851234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 882,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '16|342',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '49',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[36]|9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '16',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '10|23|3(?:[15]|4[57])|4|51',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '34',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,5})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-35]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '16|342',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '49',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[36]|9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '16',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '10|23|3(?:[15]|4[57])|4|51',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '34',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,5})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-35]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_883.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_883.php
index 42440028..cd6cccfd 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_883.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_883.php
@@ -1,213 +1,146 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-4]\\d|51)\\d{6,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-              4 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:00\\d\\d|10)|(?:370[1-9]|51\\d0)\\d)\\d{7}|51(?:00\\d{5}|[24-9]0\\d{4,7})|(?:1[0-79]|2[24-689]|3[02-689]|4[0-4])0\\d{5,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '510012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-4]\\d|51)\\d{6,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:00\\d\\d|10)|(?:370[1-9]|51\\d0)\\d)\\d{7}|51(?:00\\d{5}|[24-9]0\\d{4,7})|(?:1[0-79]|2[24-689]|3[02-689]|4[0-4])0\\d{5,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '510012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 883,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[14]|2[24-689]|3[02-689]|51[24-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '510',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '21',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '51[13]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[235]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[14]|2[24-689]|3[02-689]|51[24-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '510',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '21',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '51[13]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[235]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_888.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_888.php
index d11685dc..de24fa89 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_888.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_888.php
@@ -1,160 +1,100 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{11}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{11}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678901',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{11}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{11}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678901',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 888,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_979.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_979.php
index a490ff77..b0c48978 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_979.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_979.php
@@ -1,163 +1,106 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1359]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1359]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1359]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1359]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 979,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1359]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1359]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AC.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AC.php
index ea99d064..325452ab 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AC.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AC.php
@@ -1,155 +1,98 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[01589]\\d|[46])\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[2-467]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '62889',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0[1-9]|[1589]\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '542011',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[01589]\\d|[46])\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[2-467]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '62889',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0[1-9]|[1589]\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '542011',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AC',
     'countryCode' => 247,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AD.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AD.php
index 2777cb9d..a33cd1d6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AD.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AD.php
@@ -1,196 +1,134 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1|6\\d)\\d{7}|[135-9]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[78]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '712345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '690\\d{6}|[356]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '312345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '180[02]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '912345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1|6\\d)\\d{7}|[135-9]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[78]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '712345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '690\\d{6}|[356]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '312345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '180[02]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '912345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AD',
     'countryCode' => 376,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[135-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[135-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AE.php
index ef25ebd8..19763eb5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AE.php
@@ -1,217 +1,153 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[4-7]\\d|9[0-689])\\d{7}|800\\d{2,9}|[2-4679]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 10,
-              6 => 11,
-              7 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-4679][2-8]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[024-68]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '501234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '400\\d{6}|800\\d{2,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[02]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '700[05]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '700012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '600[25]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '600212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[4-7]\\d|9[0-689])\\d{7}|800\\d{2,9}|[2-4679]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-4679][2-8]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[024-68]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '501234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '400\\d{6}|800\\d{2,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[02]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '700[05]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '700012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '600[25]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '600212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AE',
     'countryCode' => 971,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,9})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '60|8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[236]|[479][2-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[479]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,9})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '60|8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[236]|[479][2-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[479]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AF.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AF.php
index d611fe7d..ffb83626 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AF.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AF.php
@@ -1,191 +1,131 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-7]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[25][0-8]|[34][0-4]|6[0-5])[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-7]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[25][0-8]|[34][0-4]|6[0-5])[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AF',
     'countryCode' => 93,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AG.php
index 48869c5a..a745c704 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AG.php
@@ -1,150 +1,95 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:268|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '268(?:4(?:6[0-38]|84)|56[0-2])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2684601234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '268(?:464|7(?:1[3-9]|[28]\\d|3[0246]|64|7[0-689]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2684641234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '26848[01]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2684801234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '26840[69]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2684061234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:268|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '268(?:4(?:6[0-38]|84)|56[0-2])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2684601234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '268(?:464|7(?:1[3-9]|[28]\\d|3[0246]|64|7[0-689]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2684641234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '26848[01]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2684801234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '26840[69]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2684061234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AG',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -152,12 +97,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([457]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '268$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '268',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AI.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AI.php
index bb2b0c80..bb72ab7f 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AI.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AI.php
@@ -1,148 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:264|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '264(?:292|4(?:6[12]|9[78]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2644612345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '264(?:235|4(?:69|76)|5(?:3[6-9]|8[1-4])|7(?:29|72))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2642351234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '264724\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2647241234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:264|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '264(?:292|4(?:6[12]|9[78]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2644612345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '264(?:235|4(?:69|76)|5(?:3[6-9]|8[1-4])|7(?:29|72))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2642351234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '264724\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2647241234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AI',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -150,12 +95,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2457]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '264$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '264',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AL.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AL.php
index ee30b283..6dc30cdc 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AL.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AL.php
@@ -1,229 +1,165 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:700\\d\\d|900)\\d{3}|8\\d{5,7}|(?:[2-5]|6\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4505[0-2]\\d{3}|(?:[2358][16-9]\\d[2-9]|4410)\\d{4}|(?:[2358][2-5][2-9]|4(?:[2-57-9][2-9]|6\\d))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:[78][2-9]|9\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '672123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[1-9]\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '808[1-9]\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '808123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '700[2-9]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70021234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:700\\d\\d|900)\\d{3}|8\\d{5,7}|(?:[2-5]|6\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4505[0-2]\\d{3}|(?:[2358][16-9]\\d[2-9]|4410)\\d{4}|(?:[2358][2-5][2-9]|4(?:[2-57-9][2-9]|6\\d))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:[78][2-9]|9\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '672123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[1-9]\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '808[1-9]\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '808123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '700[2-9]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70021234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AL',
     'countryCode' => 355,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80|9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '4[2-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2358][2-5]|4',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[23578]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80|9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '4[2-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2358][2-5]|4',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[23578]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AM.php
index f54f6d01..0184110f 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AM.php
@@ -1,208 +1,140 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-489]\\d|55|60|77)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:1[0-25]|47)\\d|2(?:2[2-46]|3[1-8]|4[2-69]|5[2-7]|6[1-9]|8[1-7])|3[12]2)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:33|4[1349]|55|77|88|9[13-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '77123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[016]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[1-4]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '60(?:2[78]|3[5-9]|4[02-9]|5[0-46-9]|[6-8]\\d|9[0-2])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '60271234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-489]\\d|55|60|77)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:1[0-25]|47)\\d|2(?:2[2-46]|3[1-8]|4[2-69]|5[2-7]|6[1-9]|8[1-7])|3[12]2)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:33|4[1349]|55|77|88|9[13-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '77123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[016]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[1-4]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '60(?:2[78]|3[5-9]|4[02-9]|5[0-46-9]|[6-8]\\d|9[0-2])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '60271234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AM',
     'countryCode' => 374,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2|3[12]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1|47',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2|3[12]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1|47',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AO.php
index ce229df8..ddfd2dcb 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AO.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[29]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d(?:[0134][25-9]|[25-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '222123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[1-79]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '923123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[29]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d(?:[0134][25-9]|[25-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '222123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[1-79]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '923123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AO',
     'countryCode' => 244,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[29]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[29]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AR.php
index 902c127d..9a891be2 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AR.php
@@ -1,157 +1,105 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:11|[89]\\d\\d)\\d{8}|[2368]\\d{9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:7(?:1[15]|81)|8(?:21|4[16]|69|9[12]))[46]\\d{5}|(?:2(?:657|9(?:54|66))|3(?:7(?:55|77)|865))[2-8]\\d{5}|(?:2(?:2(?:2[59]|44|52)|3(?:26|44)|473|9(?:[07]2|2[26]|34|46))|3327)[45]\\d{5}|(?:2(?:284|3(?:02|23)|920)|3(?:4(?:46|8[27]|92)|541|878))[2-7]\\d{5}|(?:2(?:(?:26|62)2|320|477|9(?:42|83))|3(?:329|4(?:62|76|89)|564))[2-6]\\d{5}|(?:(?:11[1-8]|670)\\d|2(?:2(?:0[45]|1[2-6]|3[3-6])|3(?:[06]4|7[45])|494|6(?:04|1[2-8]|[36][45]|4[3-6])|80[45]|9(?:[17][4-6]|[48][45]|9[3-6]))|3(?:364|4(?:1[2-8]|[25][4-6]|3[3-6]|84)|5(?:1[2-9]|[38][4-6])|6(?:2[45]|44)|7[069][45]|8(?:0[45]|[17][2-6]|3[4-6]|5[3-6]|8[3-68])))\\d{6}|2(?:2(?:21|4[23]|6[145]|7[1-4]|8[356]|9[267])|3(?:16|3[13-8]|43|5[346-8]|9[3-5])|475|6(?:2[46]|4[78]|5[1568])|9(?:03|2[1457-9]|3[1356]|4[08]|[56][23]|82))4\\d{5}|(?:2(?:2(?:57|81)|3(?:24|46|92)|9(?:01|23|64))|3(?:4(?:42|71)|5(?:25|37|4[347]|71)|7(?:18|35|5[17])))[3-6]\\d{5}|(?:2(?:2(?:02|2[3467]|4[156]|5[45]|6[6-8]|91)|3(?:1[47]|25|[45][25]|96)|47[48]|625|932)|3(?:38[2578]|4(?:0[0-24-9]|3[78]|4[457]|58|6[03-9]|72|83|9[136-8])|5(?:2[124]|[368][23]|4[2689]|7[2-6])|7(?:16|2[15]|3[14]|4[13]|5[468]|7[2-5]|8[26])|8(?:2[5-7]|3[278]|4[3-5]|5[78]|6[1-378]|[78]7|94)))[4-6]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '93(?:7(?:1[15]|81)|8(?:21|4[16]|69|9[12]))[46]\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:657|9(?:54|66))|3(?:7(?:55|77)|865))[2-8]\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:2(?:2[59]|44|52)|3(?:26|44)|473|9(?:[07]2|2[26]|34|46))|3327)[45]\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:284|3(?:02|23)|920)|3(?:4(?:46|8[27]|92)|541|878))[2-7]\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:(?:26|62)2|320|477|9(?:42|83))|3(?:329|4(?:62|76|89)|564))[2-6]\\d{5}|(?:675\\d|9(?:11[1-8]\\d|2(?:2(?:0[45]|1[2-6]|3[3-6])|3(?:[06]4|7[45])|494|6(?:04|1[2-8]|[36][45]|4[3-6])|80[45]|9(?:[17][4-6]|[48][45]|9[3-6]))|3(?:364|4(?:1[2-8]|[25][4-6]|3[3-6]|84)|5(?:1[2-9]|[38][4-6])|6(?:2[45]|44)|7[069][45]|8(?:0[45]|[17][2-6]|3[4-6]|5[3-6]|8[3-68]))))\\d{6}|92(?:2(?:21|4[23]|6[145]|7[1-4]|8[356]|9[267])|3(?:16|3[13-8]|43|5[346-8]|9[3-5])|475|6(?:2[46]|4[78]|5[1568])|9(?:03|2[1457-9]|3[1356]|4[08]|[56][23]|82))4\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:2(?:57|81)|3(?:24|46|92)|9(?:01|23|64))|3(?:4(?:42|71)|5(?:25|37|4[347]|71)|7(?:18|35|5[17])))[3-6]\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:2(?:02|2[3467]|4[156]|5[45]|6[6-8]|91)|3(?:1[47]|25|[45][25]|96)|47[48]|625|932)|3(?:38[2578]|4(?:0[0-24-9]|3[78]|4[457]|58|6[03-9]|72|83|9[136-8])|5(?:2[124]|[368][23]|4[2689]|7[2-6])|7(?:16|2[15]|3[14]|4[13]|5[468]|7[2-5]|8[26])|8(?:2[5-7]|3[278]|4[3-5]|5[78]|6[1-378]|[78]7|94)))[4-6]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '91123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '60[04579]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '810\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8101234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '810\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:11|[89]\\d\\d)\\d{8}|[2368]\\d{9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:7(?:1[15]|81)|8(?:21|4[16]|69|9[12]))[46]\\d{5}|(?:2(?:657|9(?:54|66))|3(?:7(?:55|77)|865))[2-8]\\d{5}|(?:2(?:2(?:2[59]|44|52)|3(?:26|44)|473|9(?:[07]2|2[26]|34|46))|3327)[45]\\d{5}|(?:2(?:284|3(?:02|23)|920)|3(?:4(?:46|8[27]|92)|541|878))[2-7]\\d{5}|(?:2(?:(?:26|62)2|320|477|9(?:42|83))|3(?:329|4(?:62|76|89)|564))[2-6]\\d{5}|(?:(?:11[1-8]|670)\\d|2(?:2(?:0[45]|1[2-6]|3[3-6])|3(?:[06]4|7[45])|494|6(?:04|1[2-8]|[36][45]|4[3-6])|80[45]|9(?:[17][4-6]|[48][45]|9[3-6]))|3(?:364|4(?:1[2-8]|[25][4-6]|3[3-6]|84)|5(?:1[2-9]|[38][4-6])|6(?:2[45]|44)|7[069][45]|8(?:0[45]|[17][2-6]|3[4-6]|5[3-6]|8[3-68])))\\d{6}|2(?:2(?:21|4[23]|6[145]|7[1-4]|8[356]|9[267])|3(?:16|3[13-8]|43|5[346-8]|9[3-5])|475|6(?:2[46]|4[78]|5[1568])|9(?:03|2[1457-9]|3[1356]|4[08]|[56][23]|82))4\\d{5}|(?:2(?:2(?:57|81)|3(?:24|46|92)|9(?:01|23|64))|3(?:4(?:42|71)|5(?:25|37|4[347]|71)|7(?:18|35|5[17])))[3-6]\\d{5}|(?:2(?:2(?:02|2[3467]|4[156]|5[45]|6[6-8]|91)|3(?:1[47]|25|[45][25]|96)|47[48]|625|932)|3(?:38[2578]|4(?:0[0-24-9]|3[78]|4[457]|58|6[03-9]|72|83|9[136-8])|5(?:2[124]|[368][23]|4[2689]|7[2-6])|7(?:16|2[15]|3[14]|4[13]|5[468]|7[2-5]|8[26])|8(?:2[5-7]|3[278]|4[3-5]|5[78]|6[1-378]|[78]7|94)))[4-6]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '93(?:7(?:1[15]|81)|8(?:21|4[16]|69|9[12]))[46]\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:657|9(?:54|66))|3(?:7(?:55|77)|865))[2-8]\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:2(?:2[59]|44|52)|3(?:26|44)|473|9(?:[07]2|2[26]|34|46))|3327)[45]\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:284|3(?:02|23)|920)|3(?:4(?:46|8[27]|92)|541|878))[2-7]\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:(?:26|62)2|320|477|9(?:42|83))|3(?:329|4(?:62|76|89)|564))[2-6]\\d{5}|(?:675\\d|9(?:11[1-8]\\d|2(?:2(?:0[45]|1[2-6]|3[3-6])|3(?:[06]4|7[45])|494|6(?:04|1[2-8]|[36][45]|4[3-6])|80[45]|9(?:[17][4-6]|[48][45]|9[3-6]))|3(?:364|4(?:1[2-8]|[25][4-6]|3[3-6]|84)|5(?:1[2-9]|[38][4-6])|6(?:2[45]|44)|7[069][45]|8(?:0[45]|[17][2-6]|3[4-6]|5[3-6]|8[3-68]))))\\d{6}|92(?:2(?:21|4[23]|6[145]|7[1-4]|8[356]|9[267])|3(?:16|3[13-8]|43|5[346-8]|9[3-5])|475|6(?:2[46]|4[78]|5[1568])|9(?:03|2[1457-9]|3[1356]|4[08]|[56][23]|82))4\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:2(?:57|81)|3(?:24|46|92)|9(?:01|23|64))|3(?:4(?:42|71)|5(?:25|37|4[347]|71)|7(?:18|35|5[17])))[3-6]\\d{5}|9(?:2(?:2(?:02|2[3467]|4[156]|5[45]|6[6-8]|91)|3(?:1[47]|25|[45][25]|96)|47[48]|625|932)|3(?:38[2578]|4(?:0[0-24-9]|3[78]|4[457]|58|6[03-9]|72|83|9[136-8])|5(?:2[124]|[368][23]|4[2689]|7[2-6])|7(?:16|2[15]|3[14]|4[13]|5[468]|7[2-5]|8[26])|8(?:2[5-7]|3[278]|4[3-5]|5[78]|6[1-378]|[78]7|94)))[4-6]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '91123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '60[04579]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '810\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8101234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '810\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
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@@ -159,257 +107,215 @@
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-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0|1(?:0[0-35-7]|1[02-5]|2[015]|3[47]|4[478])|911',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '[1-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:2[024-9]|3[0-59]|47|6[245]|9[02-8])|3(?:3[28]|4[03-9]|5[2-46-8]|7[1-578]|8[2-9])',
-                   1 => '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4[6-8])|9(?:[02356]|4[02568]|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[5-8]|5[4-68]|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[2-5])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[2578]|5[4-8]|7[36-8]|8[5-8]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)',
-                   2 => '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[78]|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[23])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5[56][46]|86[3-6]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|38(?:[58][78]|7[378])|3(?:4[35][56]|58[45]|8(?:[38]5|54|76))[4-6]',
-                   3 => '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3(?:5(?:4[0-25689]|[56])|[78])|58|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8(?:[23]|4(?:[45]|60)|5(?:4[0-39]|5|64)))|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|54(?:4|5[13-7]|6[89])|86[3-6]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|38(?:[58][78]|7[378])|3(?:454|85[56])[46]|3(?:4(?:36|5[56])|8(?:[38]5|76))[4-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         5 =>
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-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
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-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
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-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[68]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$2 15-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:2[2-469]|3[3-578])',
-                   1 => '9(?:2(?:2[024-9]|3[0-59]|47|6[245]|9[02-8])|3(?:3[28]|4[03-9]|5[2-46-8]|7[1-578]|8[2-9]))',
-                   2 => '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4[6-8])|9(?:[02356]|4[02568]|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[5-8]|5[4-68]|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[2-5])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[2578]|5[4-8]|7[36-8]|8[5-8])))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)',
-                   3 => '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[78]|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[23])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5(?:[56][46]|[78])|7[378]|8(?:6[3-6]|[78]))))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|93(?:4[35][56]|58[45]|8(?:[38]5|54|76))[4-6]',
-                   4 => '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3(?:5(?:4[0-25689]|[56])|[78])|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8(?:[23]|4(?:[45]|60)|5(?:4[0-39]|5|64)))|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5(?:4(?:4|5[13-7]|6[89])|[56][46]|[78])|7[378]|8(?:6[3-6]|[78]))))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|93(?:4(?:36|5[56])|8(?:[38]5|76))[4-6]',
-               ],
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-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '91',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
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-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
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-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         11 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-     ],
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-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
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-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:2[024-9]|3[0-59]|47|6[245]|9[02-8])|3(?:3[28]|4[03-9]|5[2-46-8]|7[1-578]|8[2-9])',
-                   1 => '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4[6-8])|9(?:[02356]|4[02568]|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[5-8]|5[4-68]|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[2-5])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[2578]|5[4-8]|7[36-8]|8[5-8]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)',
-                   2 => '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[78]|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[23])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5[56][46]|86[3-6]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|38(?:[58][78]|7[378])|3(?:4[35][56]|58[45]|8(?:[38]5|54|76))[4-6]',
-                   3 => '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3(?:5(?:4[0-25689]|[56])|[78])|58|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8(?:[23]|4(?:[45]|60)|5(?:4[0-39]|5|64)))|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|54(?:4|5[13-7]|6[89])|86[3-6]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|38(?:[58][78]|7[378])|3(?:454|85[56])[46]|3(?:4(?:36|5[56])|8(?:[38]5|76))[4-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
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-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '[68]',
-               ],
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-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:2[2-469]|3[3-578])',
-                   1 => '9(?:2(?:2[024-9]|3[0-59]|47|6[245]|9[02-8])|3(?:3[28]|4[03-9]|5[2-46-8]|7[1-578]|8[2-9]))',
-                   2 => '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4[6-8])|9(?:[02356]|4[02568]|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[5-8]|5[4-68]|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[2-5])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[2578]|5[4-8]|7[36-8]|8[5-8])))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)',
-                   3 => '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[78]|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[23])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5(?:[56][46]|[78])|7[378]|8(?:6[3-6]|[78]))))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|93(?:4[35][56]|58[45]|8(?:[38]5|54|76))[4-6]',
-                   4 => '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3(?:5(?:4[0-25689]|[56])|[78])|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8(?:[23]|4(?:[45]|60)|5(?:4[0-39]|5|64)))|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5(?:4(?:4|5[13-7]|6[89])|[56][46]|[78])|7[378]|8(?:6[3-6]|[78]))))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|93(?:4(?:36|5[56])|8(?:[38]5|76))[4-6]',
-               ],
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '91',
-               ],
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-          ],
-     ],
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+        [
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+                '0|1(?:0[0-35-7]|1[02-5]|2[015]|3[47]|4[478])|911',
+            ],
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+        [
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+                '[1-9]',
+            ],
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+        [
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+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
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+        [
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+                '[1-8]',
+            ],
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+        [
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+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:2[024-9]|3[0-59]|47|6[245]|9[02-8])|3(?:3[28]|4[03-9]|5[2-46-8]|7[1-578]|8[2-9])',
+                '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4[6-8])|9(?:[02356]|4[02568]|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[5-8]|5[4-68]|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[2-5])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[2578]|5[4-8]|7[36-8]|8[5-8]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)',
+                '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[78]|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[23])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5[56][46]|86[3-6]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|38(?:[58][78]|7[378])|3(?:4[35][56]|58[45]|8(?:[38]5|54|76))[4-6]',
+                '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3(?:5(?:4[0-25689]|[56])|[78])|58|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8(?:[23]|4(?:[45]|60)|5(?:4[0-39]|5|64)))|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|54(?:4|5[13-7]|6[89])|86[3-6]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|38(?:[58][78]|7[378])|3(?:454|85[56])[46]|3(?:4(?:36|5[56])|8(?:[38]5|76))[4-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[68]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$2 15-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:2[2-469]|3[3-578])',
+                '9(?:2(?:2[024-9]|3[0-59]|47|6[245]|9[02-8])|3(?:3[28]|4[03-9]|5[2-46-8]|7[1-578]|8[2-9]))',
+                '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4[6-8])|9(?:[02356]|4[02568]|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[5-8]|5[4-68]|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[2-5])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[2578]|5[4-8]|7[36-8]|8[5-8])))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)',
+                '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[78]|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[23])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5(?:[56][46]|[78])|7[378]|8(?:6[3-6]|[78]))))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|93(?:4[35][56]|58[45]|8(?:[38]5|54|76))[4-6]',
+                '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3(?:5(?:4[0-25689]|[56])|[78])|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8(?:[23]|4(?:[45]|60)|5(?:4[0-39]|5|64)))|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5(?:4(?:4|5[13-7]|6[89])|[56][46]|[78])|7[378]|8(?:6[3-6]|[78]))))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|93(?:4(?:36|5[56])|8(?:[38]5|76))[4-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$2 15-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '91',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$2 15-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:2[024-9]|3[0-59]|47|6[245]|9[02-8])|3(?:3[28]|4[03-9]|5[2-46-8]|7[1-578]|8[2-9])',
+                '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4[6-8])|9(?:[02356]|4[02568]|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[5-8]|5[4-68]|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[2-5])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[2578]|5[4-8]|7[36-8]|8[5-8]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)',
+                '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[78]|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[23])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5[56][46]|86[3-6]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|38(?:[58][78]|7[378])|3(?:4[35][56]|58[45]|8(?:[38]5|54|76))[4-6]',
+                '2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3(?:5(?:4[0-25689]|[56])|[78])|58|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8(?:[23]|4(?:[45]|60)|5(?:4[0-39]|5|64)))|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|54(?:4|5[13-7]|6[89])|86[3-6]))|2(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|38(?:[58][78]|7[378])|3(?:454|85[56])[46]|3(?:4(?:36|5[56])|8(?:[38]5|76))[4-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[68]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:2[2-469]|3[3-578])',
+                '9(?:2(?:2[024-9]|3[0-59]|47|6[245]|9[02-8])|3(?:3[28]|4[03-9]|5[2-46-8]|7[1-578]|8[2-9]))',
+                '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4[6-8])|9(?:[02356]|4[02568]|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[5-8]|5[4-68]|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[2-5])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[2578]|5[4-8]|7[36-8]|8[5-8])))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)',
+                '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3[78]|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8[23])|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5(?:[56][46]|[78])|7[378]|8(?:6[3-6]|[78]))))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|93(?:4[35][56]|58[45]|8(?:[38]5|54|76))[4-6]',
+                '9(?:2(?:[23]02|6(?:[25]|4(?:64|[78]))|9(?:[02356]|4(?:[0268]|5[2-6])|72|8[23]))|3(?:3[28]|4(?:[04679]|3(?:5(?:4[0-25689]|[56])|[78])|5(?:4[46]|8)|8[2379])|5(?:[2467]|3[237]|8(?:[23]|4(?:[45]|60)|5(?:4[0-39]|5|64)))|7[1-578]|8(?:[2469]|3[278]|5(?:4(?:4|5[13-7]|6[89])|[56][46]|[78])|7[378]|8(?:6[3-6]|[78]))))|92(?:2[24-9]|3[1-59]|47)|93(?:4(?:36|5[56])|8(?:[38]5|76))[4-6]',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '91',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AS.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AS.php
index 4bf09fa7..770a1dbf 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AS.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AS.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|684|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6846(?:22|33|44|55|77|88|9[19])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6846221234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '684(?:2(?:48|5[2468]|7[26])|7(?:3[13]|70|82))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6847331234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|684|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6846(?:22|33|44|55|77|88|9[19])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6846221234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '684(?:2(?:48|5[2468]|7[26])|7(?:3[13]|70|82))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6847331234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AS',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([267]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '684$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '684',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AT.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AT.php
index 3c8f783c..e0633ef4 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AT.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AT.php
@@ -1,391 +1,305 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{3,12}|2\\d{6,12}|43(?:(?:0\\d|5[02-9])\\d{3,9}|2\\d{4,5}|[3467]\\d{4}|8\\d{4,6}|9\\d{4,7})|5\\d{4,12}|8\\d{7,12}|9\\d{8,12}|(?:[367]\\d|4[0-24-9])\\d{4,11}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-              5 => 9,
-              6 => 10,
-              7 => 11,
-              8 => 12,
-              9 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:11\\d|[2-9]\\d{3,11})|(?:316|463|(?:51|66|73)2)\\d{3,10}|(?:2(?:1[467]|2[13-8]|5[2357]|6[1-46-8]|7[1-8]|8[124-7]|9[1458])|3(?:1[1-578]|3[23568]|4[5-7]|5[1378]|6[1-38]|8[3-68])|4(?:2[1-8]|35|7[1368]|8[2457])|5(?:2[1-8]|3[357]|4[147]|5[12578]|6[37])|6(?:13|2[1-47]|4[135-8]|5[468])|7(?:2[1-8]|35|4[13478]|5[68]|6[16-8]|7[1-6]|9[45]))\\d{4,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:5[0-3579]|6[013-9]|[7-9]\\d)\\d{4,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '664123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-              5 => 12,
-              6 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 11,
-              3 => 12,
-              4 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8[69][2-68]|9(?:0[01]|3[019]))\\d{6,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 11,
-              3 => 12,
-              4 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:10|2[018])\\d{6,10}|828\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '810123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-              4 => 12,
-              5 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:0[1-9]|17|[79]\\d)\\d{2,10}|7[28]0\\d{6,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '780123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 10,
-              6 => 11,
-              7 => 12,
-              8 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{3,12}|2\\d{6,12}|43(?:(?:0\\d|5[02-9])\\d{3,9}|2\\d{4,5}|[3467]\\d{4}|8\\d{4,6}|9\\d{4,7})|5\\d{4,12}|8\\d{7,12}|9\\d{8,12}|(?:[367]\\d|4[0-24-9])\\d{4,11}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:11\\d|[2-9]\\d{3,11})|(?:316|463|(?:51|66|73)2)\\d{3,10}|(?:2(?:1[467]|2[13-8]|5[2357]|6[1-46-8]|7[1-8]|8[124-7]|9[1458])|3(?:1[1-578]|3[23568]|4[5-7]|5[1378]|6[1-38]|8[3-68])|4(?:2[1-8]|35|7[1368]|8[2457])|5(?:2[1-8]|3[357]|4[147]|5[12578]|6[37])|6(?:13|2[1-47]|4[135-8]|5[468])|7(?:2[1-8]|35|4[13478]|5[68]|6[16-8]|7[1-6]|9[45]))\\d{4,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:5[0-3579]|6[013-9]|[7-9]\\d)\\d{4,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '664123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8[69][2-68]|9(?:0[01]|3[019]))\\d{6,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:10|2[018])\\d{6,10}|828\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '810123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:0[1-9]|17|[79]\\d)\\d{2,10}|7[28]0\\d{6,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '780123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AT',
     'countryCode' => 43,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '14',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,12})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:11|[2-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '517',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[079]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[18]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,10})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:31|4)6|51|6(?:5[0-3579]|[6-9])|7(?:20|32|8)|[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,9})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-467]|5[2-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,12})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:11|[2-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '517',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[079]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,10})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:31|4)6|51|6(?:5[0-3579]|[6-9])|7(?:20|32|8)|[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,9})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-467]|5[2-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '14',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,12})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:11|[2-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '517',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[079]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[18]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,10})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:31|4)6|51|6(?:5[0-3579]|[6-9])|7(?:20|32|8)|[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,9})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-467]|5[2-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,12})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:11|[2-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '517',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[079]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,10})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:31|4)6|51|6(?:5[0-3579]|[6-9])|7(?:20|32|8)|[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,9})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-467]|5[2-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AU.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AU.php
index 37796487..a4ef0df5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AU.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AU.php
@@ -1,172 +1,120 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[0-79]\\d{7}(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?|8[0-24-9]\\d{7})|[2-478]\\d{8}|1\\d{4,7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 10,
-              6 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:(?:2(?:[0-26-9]\\d|3[0-8]|4[02-9]|5[0135-9])|7(?:[013-57-9]\\d|2[0-8]))\\d|3(?:(?:[0-3589]\\d|6[1-9]|7[0-35-9])\\d|4(?:[0-578]\\d|90)))\\d\\d|8(?:51(?:0(?:0[03-9]|[12479]\\d|3[2-9]|5[0-8]|6[1-9]|8[0-7])|1(?:[0235689]\\d|1[0-69]|4[0-589]|7[0-47-9])|2(?:0[0-79]|[18][13579]|2[14-9]|3[0-46-9]|[4-6]\\d|7[89]|9[0-4])|3\\d\\d)|(?:6[0-8]|[78]\\d)\\d{3}|9(?:[02-9]\\d{3}|1(?:(?:[0-58]\\d|6[0135-9])\\d|7(?:0[0-24-9]|[1-9]\\d)|9(?:[0-46-9]\\d|5[0-79])))))\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:79[01]|83[0-389]|94[0-4])\\d{5}|4(?:[0-36]\\d|4[047-9]|5[0-25-9]|7[02-8]|8[0-24-9]|9[0-37-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '180(?:0\\d{3}|2)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '190[0-26]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '13(?:00\\d{6}(?:\\d{2})?|45[0-4]\\d{3})|13\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1300123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '14(?:5(?:1[0458]|[23][458])|71\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '147101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '163\\d{2,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1631234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3(?:00\\d{5}|45[0-4])|802)\\d{3}|1[38]00\\d{6}|13\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[0-79]\\d{7}(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?|8[0-24-9]\\d{7})|[2-478]\\d{8}|1\\d{4,7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:(?:2(?:[0-26-9]\\d|3[0-8]|4[02-9]|5[0135-9])|7(?:[013-57-9]\\d|2[0-8]))\\d|3(?:(?:[0-3589]\\d|6[1-9]|7[0-35-9])\\d|4(?:[0-578]\\d|90)))\\d\\d|8(?:51(?:0(?:0[03-9]|[12479]\\d|3[2-9]|5[0-8]|6[1-9]|8[0-7])|1(?:[0235689]\\d|1[0-69]|4[0-589]|7[0-47-9])|2(?:0[0-79]|[18][13579]|2[14-9]|3[0-46-9]|[4-6]\\d|7[89]|9[0-4])|3\\d\\d)|(?:6[0-8]|[78]\\d)\\d{3}|9(?:[02-9]\\d{3}|1(?:(?:[0-58]\\d|6[0135-9])\\d|7(?:0[0-24-9]|[1-9]\\d)|9(?:[0-46-9]\\d|5[0-79])))))\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:79[01]|83[0-389]|94[0-4])\\d{5}|4(?:[0-36]\\d|4[047-9]|5[0-25-9]|7[02-8]|8[0-24-9]|9[0-37-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '180(?:0\\d{3}|2)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '190[0-26]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '13(?:00\\d{6}(?:\\d{2})?|45[0-4]\\d{3})|13\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1300123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            8,
+            10,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '14(?:5(?:1[0458]|[23][458])|71\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '147101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '163\\d{2,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1631234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3(?:00\\d{5}|45[0-4])|802)\\d{3}|1[38]00\\d{6}|13\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            10,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AU',
     'countryCode' => 61,
     'internationalPrefix' => '001[14-689]|14(?:1[14]|34|4[17]|[56]6|7[47]|88)0011',
@@ -174,193 +122,161 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '(183[12])|0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '16',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '13',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '19',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '180',
-                   1 => '1802',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '19',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '16',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '14|4',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2378]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC ($1)',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:30|[89])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '130',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '16',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '16',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '14|4',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2378]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC ($1)',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:30|[89])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '16',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '13',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '19',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '180',
+                '1802',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '19',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '16',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '14|4',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2378]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC ($1)',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:30|[89])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '130',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '16',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '16',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '14|4',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2378]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC ($1)',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:30|[89])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AW.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AW.php
index 7e1ab300..bd296dbf 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AW.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AW.php
@@ -1,165 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[25-79]\\d\\d|800)\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:2\\d|8[1-9])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:290|5[69]\\d|6(?:[03]0|22|4[0-2]|[69]\\d)|7(?:[34]\\d|7[07])|9(?:6[45]|9[4-8]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5601234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:28\\d|501)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5011234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[25-79]\\d\\d|800)\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:2\\d|8[1-9])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:290|5[69]\\d|6(?:[03]0|22|4[0-2]|[69]\\d)|7(?:[34]\\d|7[07])|9(?:6[45]|9[4-8]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5601234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:28\\d|501)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5011234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AW',
     'countryCode' => 297,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[25-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[25-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AX.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AX.php
index 7c2d1e0c..42be2557 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AX.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AX.php
@@ -1,164 +1,110 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{4,9}|35\\d{4,5}|(?:60\\d\\d|800)\\d{4,6}|7\\d{5,11}|(?:[14]\\d|3[0-46-9]|50)\\d{4,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 10,
-              6 => 11,
-              7 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18[1-8]\\d{3,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '181234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4946\\d{2,6}|(?:4[0-8]|50)\\d{4,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[67]00\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '600123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '20\\d{4,8}|60[12]\\d{5,6}|7(?:099\\d{4,5}|5[03-9]\\d{3,7})|20[2-59]\\d\\d|(?:606|7(?:0[78]|1|3\\d))\\d{7}|(?:10|29|3[09]|70[1-5]\\d)\\d{4,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{4,9}|35\\d{4,5}|(?:60\\d\\d|800)\\d{4,6}|7\\d{5,11}|(?:[14]\\d|3[0-46-9]|50)\\d{4,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18[1-8]\\d{3,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '181234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4946\\d{2,6}|(?:4[0-8]|50)\\d{4,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[67]00\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '600123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '20\\d{4,8}|60[12]\\d{5,6}|7(?:099\\d{4,5}|5[03-9]\\d{3,7})|20[2-59]\\d\\d|(?:606|7(?:0[78]|1|3\\d))\\d{7}|(?:10|29|3[09]|70[1-5]\\d)\\d{4,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AX',
     'countryCode' => 358,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00|99(?:[01469]|5(?:[14]1|3[23]|5[59]|77|88|9[09]))',
@@ -166,12 +112,8 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '18',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AZ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AZ.php
index 434e9f7b..0b701d72 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AZ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_AZ.php
@@ -1,244 +1,173 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '365\\d{6}|(?:[124579]\\d|60|88)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[12]428|3655[02])\\d{4}|(?:2(?:22[0-79]|63[0-28])|3654)\\d{5}|(?:(?:1[28]|46)\\d|2(?:[014-6]2|[23]3))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '36554\\d{4}|(?:[16]0|4[04]|5[015]|7[07]|99)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '401234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '88\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '881234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900200\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900200123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '365\\d{6}|(?:[124579]\\d|60|88)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[12]428|3655[02])\\d{4}|(?:2(?:22[0-79]|63[0-28])|3654)\\d{5}|(?:(?:1[28]|46)\\d|2(?:[014-6]2|[23]3))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '36554\\d{4}|(?:[16]0|4[04]|5[015]|7[07]|99)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '401234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '88\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '881234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900200\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900200123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AZ',
     'countryCode' => 994,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[28]|2|365|46',
-                   1 => '1[28]|2|365[45]|46',
-                   2 => '1[28]|2|365(?:4|5[02])|46',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[13-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[28]|2|365|46',
-                   1 => '1[28]|2|365[45]|46',
-                   2 => '1[28]|2|365(?:4|5[02])|46',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[13-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[28]|2|365|46',
+                '1[28]|2|365[45]|46',
+                '1[28]|2|365(?:4|5[02])|46',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[13-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[28]|2|365|46',
+                '1[28]|2|365[45]|46',
+                '1[28]|2|365(?:4|5[02])|46',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[13-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BA.php
index 3207bafc..b3a498d5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BA.php
@@ -1,248 +1,180 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6\\d{8}|(?:[35689]\\d|49|70)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:[05-79][2-9]|1[4579]|[23][24-9]|4[2-4689]|8[2457-9])|49[2-579]|5(?:0[2-49]|[13][2-9]|[268][2-4679]|4[4689]|5[2-79]|7[2-69]|9[2-4689]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6040\\d{5}|6(?:03|[1-356]|44|7\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '61123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[08]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[0246]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[12]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '82123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '703[235]0\\d{3}|70(?:2[0-5]|3[0146]|[56]0)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70341234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6\\d{8}|(?:[35689]\\d|49|70)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:[05-79][2-9]|1[4579]|[23][24-9]|4[2-4689]|8[2457-9])|49[2-579]|5(?:0[2-49]|[13][2-9]|[268][2-4679]|4[4689]|5[2-79]|7[2-69]|9[2-4689]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6040\\d{5}|6(?:03|[1-356]|44|7\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '61123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[08]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[0246]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[12]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '82123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '703[235]0\\d{3}|70(?:2[0-5]|3[0146]|[56]0)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70341234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BA',
     'countryCode' => 387,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6[1-3]|[7-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-5]|6[56]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6[1-3]|[7-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-5]|6[56]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6[1-3]|[7-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-5]|6[56]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6[1-3]|[7-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-5]|6[56]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BB.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BB.php
index b02f9560..a87dc26e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BB.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BB.php
@@ -1,151 +1,97 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:246|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '246521[0369]\\d{3}|246(?:2(?:2[78]|7[0-4])|4(?:1[024-6]|2\\d|3[2-9])|5(?:20|[34]\\d|54|7[1-3])|6(?:2\\d|38)|7[35]7|9(?:1[89]|63))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2464123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '246(?:(?:2(?:[3568]\\d|4[0-57-9])|3(?:5[2-9]|6[0-6])|4(?:46|5\\d)|69[5-7]|8(?:[2-5]\\d|83))\\d|52(?:1[147]|20))\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2462501234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:246976|900[2-9]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '24631\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2463101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '246(?:292|367|4(?:1[7-9]|3[01]|4[47-9]|67)|7(?:1[2-9]|2\\d|3[016]|53))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2464301234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:246|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '246521[0369]\\d{3}|246(?:2(?:2[78]|7[0-4])|4(?:1[024-6]|2\\d|3[2-9])|5(?:20|[34]\\d|54|7[1-3])|6(?:2\\d|38)|7[35]7|9(?:1[89]|63))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2464123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '246(?:(?:2(?:[3568]\\d|4[0-57-9])|3(?:5[2-9]|6[0-6])|4(?:46|5\\d)|69[5-7]|8(?:[2-5]\\d|83))\\d|52(?:1[147]|20))\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2462501234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:246976|900[2-9]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '24631\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2463101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '246(?:292|367|4(?:1[7-9]|3[01]|4[47-9]|67)|7(?:1[2-9]|2\\d|3[016]|53))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2464301234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BB',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -153,12 +99,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-9]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '246$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '246',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BD.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BD.php
index 757096b3..e0a0ce89 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BD.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BD.php
@@ -1,209 +1,144 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-469]\\d{9}|8[0-79]\\d{7,8}|[2-79]\\d{8}|[2-9]\\d{7}|[3-9]\\d{6}|[57-9]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4(?:31\\d\\d|423)|5222)\\d{3}(?:\\d{2})?|8332[6-9]\\d\\d|(?:3(?:03[56]|224)|4(?:22[25]|653))\\d{3,4}|(?:3(?:42[47]|529|823)|4(?:027|525|65(?:28|8))|562|6257|7(?:1(?:5[3-5]|6[12]|7[156]|89)|22[589]56|32|42675|52(?:[25689](?:56|8)|[347]8)|71(?:6[1267]|75|89)|92374)|82(?:2[59]|32)56|9(?:03[23]56|23(?:256|373)|31|5(?:1|2[4589]56)))\\d{3}|(?:3(?:02[348]|22[35]|324|422)|4(?:22[67]|32[236-9]|6(?:2[46]|5[57])|953)|5526|6(?:024|6655)|81)\\d{4,5}|(?:2(?:7(?:1[0-267]|2[0-289]|3[0-29]|4[01]|5[1-3]|6[013]|7[0178]|91)|8(?:0[125]|1[1-6]|2[0157-9]|3[1-69]|41|6[1-35]|7[1-5]|8[1-8]|9[0-6])|9(?:0[0-2]|1[0-4]|2[568]|3[3-6]|5[5-7]|6[0136-9]|7[0-7]|8[014-9]))|3(?:0(?:2[025-79]|3[2-4])|181|22[12]|32[2356]|824)|4(?:02[09]|22[348]|32[045]|523|6(?:27|54))|666(?:22|53)|7(?:22[57-9]|42[56]|82[35])8|8(?:0[124-9]|2(?:181|2[02-4679]8)|4[12]|[5-7]2)|9(?:[04]2|2(?:2|328)|81))\\d{4}|(?:2(?:[23]\\d|[45])\\d\\d|3(?:1(?:2[5-7]|[5-7])|425|822)|4(?:033|1\\d|[257]1|332|4(?:2[246]|5[25])|6(?:2[35]|56|62)|8(?:23|54)|92[2-5])|5(?:02[03489]|22[457]|32[35-79]|42[46]|6(?:[18]|53)|724|826)|6(?:023|2(?:2[2-5]|5[3-5]|8)|32[3478]|42[34]|52[47]|6(?:[18]|6(?:2[34]|5[24]))|[78]2[2-5]|92[2-6])|7(?:02|21\\d|[3-589]1|6[12]|72[24])|8(?:217|3[12]|[5-7]1)|9[24]1)\\d{5}|(?:(?:3[2-8]|5[2-57-9]|6[03-589])1|4[4689][18])\\d{5}|[59]1\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '27111234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[13-9]\\d|644)\\d{7}|(?:3[78]|44|66)[02-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1812345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[03]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '96(?:0[469]|1[0-47]|3[389]|43|6[69]|7[78])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9604123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-469]\\d{9}|8[0-79]\\d{7,8}|[2-79]\\d{8}|[2-9]\\d{7}|[3-9]\\d{6}|[57-9]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4(?:31\\d\\d|423)|5222)\\d{3}(?:\\d{2})?|8332[6-9]\\d\\d|(?:3(?:03[56]|224)|4(?:22[25]|653))\\d{3,4}|(?:3(?:42[47]|529|823)|4(?:027|525|65(?:28|8))|562|6257|7(?:1(?:5[3-5]|6[12]|7[156]|89)|22[589]56|32|42675|52(?:[25689](?:56|8)|[347]8)|71(?:6[1267]|75|89)|92374)|82(?:2[59]|32)56|9(?:03[23]56|23(?:256|373)|31|5(?:1|2[4589]56)))\\d{3}|(?:3(?:02[348]|22[35]|324|422)|4(?:22[67]|32[236-9]|6(?:2[46]|5[57])|953)|5526|6(?:024|6655)|81)\\d{4,5}|(?:2(?:7(?:1[0-267]|2[0-289]|3[0-29]|4[01]|5[1-3]|6[013]|7[0178]|91)|8(?:0[125]|1[1-6]|2[0157-9]|3[1-69]|41|6[1-35]|7[1-5]|8[1-8]|9[0-6])|9(?:0[0-2]|1[0-4]|2[568]|3[3-6]|5[5-7]|6[0136-9]|7[0-7]|8[014-9]))|3(?:0(?:2[025-79]|3[2-4])|181|22[12]|32[2356]|824)|4(?:02[09]|22[348]|32[045]|523|6(?:27|54))|666(?:22|53)|7(?:22[57-9]|42[56]|82[35])8|8(?:0[124-9]|2(?:181|2[02-4679]8)|4[12]|[5-7]2)|9(?:[04]2|2(?:2|328)|81))\\d{4}|(?:2(?:[23]\\d|[45])\\d\\d|3(?:1(?:2[5-7]|[5-7])|425|822)|4(?:033|1\\d|[257]1|332|4(?:2[246]|5[25])|6(?:2[35]|56|62)|8(?:23|54)|92[2-5])|5(?:02[03489]|22[457]|32[35-79]|42[46]|6(?:[18]|53)|724|826)|6(?:023|2(?:2[2-5]|5[3-5]|8)|32[3478]|42[34]|52[47]|6(?:[18]|6(?:2[34]|5[24]))|[78]2[2-5]|92[2-6])|7(?:02|21\\d|[3-589]1|6[12]|72[24])|8(?:217|3[12]|[5-7]1)|9[24]1)\\d{5}|(?:(?:3[2-8]|5[2-57-9]|6[03-589])1|4[4689][18])\\d{5}|[59]1\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '27111234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[13-9]\\d|644)\\d{7}|(?:3[78]|44|66)[02-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1812345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[03]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '96(?:0[469]|1[0-47]|3[389]|43|6[69]|7[78])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9604123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BD',
     'countryCode' => 880,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '31[5-8]|[459]1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,7})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:[67]|8[013-9])|4(?:6[168]|7|[89][18])|5(?:6[128]|9)|6(?:[15]|28|4[14])|7[2-589]|8(?:0[014-9]|[12])|9[358]|(?:3[2-5]|4[235]|5[2-578]|6[0389]|76|8[3-7]|9[24])1|(?:44|66)[01346-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,6})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[13-9]|2[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7,8})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '31[5-8]|[459]1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,7})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3(?:[67]|8[013-9])|4(?:6[168]|7|[89][18])|5(?:6[128]|9)|6(?:[15]|28|4[14])|7[2-589]|8(?:0[014-9]|[12])|9[358]|(?:3[2-5]|4[235]|5[2-578]|6[0389]|76|8[3-7]|9[24])1|(?:44|66)[01346-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,6})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[13-9]|2[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7,8})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BE.php
index e042fee0..f131ffc1 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BE.php
@@ -1,211 +1,147 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4\\d{8}|[1-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[2-8]\\d{5}|(?:1[0-69]|[23][2-8]|4[23]|5\\d|6[013-57-9]|71|8[1-79]|9[2-4])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4[5-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '470123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[1-9]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:70(?:2[0-57]|3[04-7]|44|6[4-69]|7[0579])|90\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7879\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '78791234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '78(?:0[57]|1[014-8]|2[25]|3[15-8]|48|[56]0|7[06-8]|9\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '78102345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4\\d{8}|[1-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[2-8]\\d{5}|(?:1[0-69]|[23][2-8]|4[23]|5\\d|6[013-57-9]|71|8[1-79]|9[2-4])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4[5-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '470123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[1-9]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:70(?:2[0-57]|3[04-7]|44|6[4-69]|7[0579])|90\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7879\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '78791234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '78(?:0[57]|1[014-8]|2[25]|3[15-8]|48|[56]0|7[06-8]|9\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '78102345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BE',
     'countryCode' => 32,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:80|9)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[239]|4[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[15-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '4',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:80|9)0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[239]|4[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[15-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '4',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BF.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BF.php
index 7757848c..a78db97d 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BF.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BF.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[025-7]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0(?:49|5[23]|6[5-7]|9[016-9])|4(?:4[569]|5[4-6]|6[5-7]|7[0179])|5(?:[34]\\d|50|6[5-7]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20491234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0[1-7]|5[0-8]|[67]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[025-7]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0(?:49|5[23]|6[5-7]|9[016-9])|4(?:4[569]|5[4-6]|6[5-7]|7[0179])|5(?:[34]\\d|50|6[5-7]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20491234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0[1-7]|5[0-8]|[67]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BF',
     'countryCode' => 226,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[025-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[025-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BG.php
index 35fee803..34671ffe 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BG.php
@@ -1,376 +1,289 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '00800\\d{7}|[2-7]\\d{6,7}|[89]\\d{6,8}|2\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{5,7}|(?:43[1-6]|70[1-9])\\d{4,5}|(?:[36]\\d|4[124-7]|[57][1-9]|8[1-6]|9[1-7])\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:43[07-9]|99[69]\\d)\\d{5}|(?:8[7-9]|98)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '43012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:00800\\d\\d|800)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '700\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '00800\\d{7}|[2-7]\\d{6,7}|[89]\\d{6,8}|2\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{5,7}|(?:43[1-6]|70[1-9])\\d{4,5}|(?:[36]\\d|4[124-7]|[57][1-9]|8[1-6]|9[1-7])\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:43[07-9]|99[69]\\d)\\d{5}|(?:8[7-9]|98)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '43012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:00800\\d\\d|800)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '700\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BG',
     'countryCode' => 359,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '43[1-6]|70[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[356]|4[124-7]|7[1-9]|8[1-6]|9[1-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:70|8)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '43[1-7]|7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[48]|9[08]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '43[1-6]|70[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[356]|4[124-7]|7[1-9]|8[1-6]|9[1-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:70|8)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '43[1-7]|7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[48]|9[08]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '43[1-6]|70[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[356]|4[124-7]|7[1-9]|8[1-6]|9[1-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:70|8)0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '43[1-7]|7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[48]|9[08]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '43[1-6]|70[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[356]|4[124-7]|7[1-9]|8[1-6]|9[1-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:70|8)0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '43[1-7]|7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[48]|9[08]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BH.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BH.php
index e31e116a..83a78c1c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BH.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BH.php
@@ -1,165 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[136-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:3[1356]|6[0156]|7\\d)\\d|6(?:1[16]\\d|500|6(?:0\\d|3[12]|44|55|7[7-9]|88)|9[69][69])|7(?:[07]\\d\\d|1(?:11|78)))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:[0-79]\\d|8[0-57-9])\\d|6(?:3(?:00|33|6[16])|441|6(?:3[03-9]|[69]\\d|7[0-689])))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '36001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[02369]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:87|9[0-8])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '84\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '84123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[136-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:3[1356]|6[0156]|7\\d)\\d|6(?:1[16]\\d|500|6(?:0\\d|3[12]|44|55|7[7-9]|88)|9[69][69])|7(?:[07]\\d\\d|1(?:11|78)))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:[0-79]\\d|8[0-57-9])\\d|6(?:3(?:00|33|6[16])|441|6(?:3[03-9]|[69]\\d|7[0-689])))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '36001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[02369]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:87|9[0-8])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '84\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '84123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BH',
     'countryCode' => 973,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[13679]|8[02-4679]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[13679]|8[02-4679]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BI.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BI.php
index de6a76af..ac8b2628 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BI.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BI.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[267]\\d|31)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:22|31)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:29|[67][125-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '79561234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[267]\\d|31)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:22|31)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:29|[67][125-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '79561234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BI',
     'countryCode' => 257,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2367]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2367]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BJ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BJ.php
index 9091b9d9..c3bc6fe3 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BJ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BJ.php
@@ -1,164 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[24-689]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2090\\d{4}|2(?:02|1[037]|2[45]|3[68]|4\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20211234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[0-8]|[56]\\d|9[013-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90011234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '857[58]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '85751234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '81\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[24-689]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2090\\d{4}|2(?:02|1[037]|2[45]|3[68]|4\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20211234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[0-8]|[56]\\d|9[013-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90011234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '857[58]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '85751234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '81\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BJ',
     'countryCode' => 229,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24-689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24-689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BL.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BL.php
index b508b810..d46b5852 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BL.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BL.php
@@ -1,154 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '590\\d{6}|(?:69|80|9\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '590(?:2[7-9]|3[3-7]|5[12]|87)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '590271234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '69(?:0\\d\\d|1(?:2[2-9]|3[0-5])|4(?:0[89]|1[2-6]|9\\d)|6(?:1[016-9]|5[0-4]|[67]\\d))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '690001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:39[5-7]|76[018])\\d|475[0-5])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '976012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '590\\d{6}|(?:69|80|9\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '590(?:2[7-9]|3[3-7]|5[12]|87)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '590271234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '69(?:0\\d\\d|1(?:2[2-9]|3[0-5])|4(?:0[89]|1[2-6]|9\\d)|6(?:1[016-9]|5[0-4]|[67]\\d))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '690001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:39[5-7]|76[018])\\d|475[0-5])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '976012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BL',
     'countryCode' => 590,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BM.php
index 3519380b..ba16c2d6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BM.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:441|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '441(?:[46]\\d\\d|5(?:4\\d|60|89))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4414123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '441(?:[2378]\\d|5[0-39]|9[02])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4413701234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:441|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '441(?:[46]\\d\\d|5(?:4\\d|60|89))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4414123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '441(?:[2378]\\d|5[0-39]|9[02])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4413701234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BM',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-9]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '441$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '441',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BN.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BN.php
index b86d9d2e..d7291df6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BN.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BN.php
@@ -1,163 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-578]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '22[0-7]\\d{4}|(?:2[013-9]|[34]\\d|5[0-25-9])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:22[89]|[78]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[34]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-578]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '22[0-7]\\d{4}|(?:2[013-9]|[34]\\d|5[0-25-9])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:22[89]|[78]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[34]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BN',
     'countryCode' => 673,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-578]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-578]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BO.php
index cdd76b73..948a74ec 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BO.php
@@ -1,199 +1,140 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8001\\d{5}|(?:[2-467]\\d|50)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:2\\d\\d|5(?:11|[258]\\d|9[67])|6(?:12|2\\d|9[34])|8(?:2[34]|39|62))|3(?:3\\d\\d|4(?:6\\d|8[24])|8(?:25|42|5[257]|86|9[25])|9(?:[27]\\d|3[2-4]|4[248]|5[24]|6[2-6]))|4(?:4\\d\\d|6(?:11|[24689]\\d|72)))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[67]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8001[07]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800171234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '50\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '50123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8001[07]\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8001\\d{5}|(?:[2-467]\\d|50)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:2\\d\\d|5(?:11|[258]\\d|9[67])|6(?:12|2\\d|9[34])|8(?:2[34]|39|62))|3(?:3\\d\\d|4(?:6\\d|8[24])|8(?:25|42|5[257]|86|9[25])|9(?:[27]\\d|3[2-4]|4[248]|5[24]|6[2-6]))|4(?:4\\d\\d|6(?:11|[24689]\\d|72)))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[67]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8001[07]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800171234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '50\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '50123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8001[07]\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BO',
     'countryCode' => 591,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00(?:1\\d)?',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0(1\\d)?',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[235]|4[46]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[235]|4[46]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BQ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BQ.php
index 779991b0..9f2edbd3 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BQ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BQ.php
@@ -1,150 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[34]1|7\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:318[023]|41(?:6[023]|70)|7(?:1[578]|2[05]|50)\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7151234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:31(?:8[14-8]|9[14578])|416[14-9]|7(?:0[01]|7[07]|8\\d|9[056])\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3181234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[34]1|7\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:318[023]|41(?:6[023]|70)|7(?:1[578]|2[05]|50)\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7151234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:31(?:8[14-8]|9[14578])|416[14-9]|7(?:0[01]|7[07]|8\\d|9[056])\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3181234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BQ',
     'countryCode' => 599,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '[347]',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BR.php
index 9ca67415..e81da156 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BR.php
@@ -1,161 +1,110 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-46-9]\\d\\d|5(?:[0-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))\\d{8}|[1-9]\\d{9}|[3589]\\d{8}|[34]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[14689][1-9]|2[12478]|3[1-578]|5[13-5]|7[13-579])[2-5]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[14689][1-9]|2[12478]|3[1-578]|5[13-5]|7[13-579])(?:7|9\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '11961234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '300\\d{6}|[59]00\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '300123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:30[03]\\d{3}|4(?:0(?:0\\d|20)|370))\\d{4}|300\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40041234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '30(?:0\\d{5,7}|3\\d{7})|40(?:0\\d|20)\\d{4}|800\\d{6,7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-46-9]\\d\\d|5(?:[0-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))\\d{8}|[1-9]\\d{9}|[3589]\\d{8}|[34]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[14689][1-9]|2[12478]|3[1-578]|5[13-5]|7[13-579])[2-5]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[14689][1-9]|2[12478]|3[1-578]|5[13-5]|7[13-579])(?:7|9\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '11961234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '300\\d{6}|[59]00\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '300123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:30[03]\\d{3}|4(?:0(?:0\\d|20)|370))\\d{4}|300\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40041234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '30(?:0\\d{5,7}|3\\d{7})|40(?:0\\d|20)\\d{4}|800\\d{6,7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BR',
     'countryCode' => 55,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00(?:1[245]|2[1-35]|31|4[13]|[56]5|99)',
@@ -163,147 +112,123 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '(?:0|90)(?:(1[245]|2[1-35]|31|4[13]|[56]5|99)(\\d{10,11}))?',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '$2',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3,6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:1[25-8]|2[357-9]|3[02-68]|4[12568]|5|6[0-8]|8[015]|9[0-47-9])|321|610',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '300|4(?:0[02]|37)',
-                   1 => '4(?:02|37)0|[34]00',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-57]',
-                   1 => '[2357]|4(?:[0-24-9]|3(?:[0-689]|7[1-9]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:[358]|90)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:[14689][1-9]|2[12478]|3[1-578]|5[13-5]|7[13-579])[2-57]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0 $CC ($1)',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[16][1-9]|[2-57-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0 $CC ($1)',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '300|4(?:0[02]|37)',
-                   1 => '4(?:02|37)0|[34]00',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:[358]|90)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:[14689][1-9]|2[12478]|3[1-578]|5[13-5]|7[13-579])[2-57]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0 $CC ($1)',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[16][1-9]|[2-57-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0 $CC ($1)',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3,6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:1[25-8]|2[357-9]|3[02-68]|4[12568]|5|6[0-8]|8[015]|9[0-47-9])|321|610',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '300|4(?:0[02]|37)',
+                '4(?:02|37)0|[34]00',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-57]',
+                '[2357]|4(?:[0-24-9]|3(?:[0-689]|7[1-9]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:[358]|90)0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:[14689][1-9]|2[12478]|3[1-578]|5[13-5]|7[13-579])[2-57]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0 $CC ($1)',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[16][1-9]|[2-57-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0 $CC ($1)',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '300|4(?:0[02]|37)',
+                '4(?:02|37)0|[34]00',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:[358]|90)0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:[14689][1-9]|2[12478]|3[1-578]|5[13-5]|7[13-579])[2-57]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0 $CC ($1)',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[16][1-9]|[2-57-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0 $CC ($1)',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BS.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BS.php
index 706f0875..9d4627db 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BS.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BS.php
@@ -1,148 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:242|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '242(?:3(?:02|[236][1-9]|4[0-24-9]|5[0-68]|7[347]|8[0-4]|9[2-467])|461|502|6(?:0[1-5]|12|2[013]|[45]0|7[67]|8[78]|9[89])|7(?:02|88))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2423456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '242(?:3(?:5[79]|7[56]|95)|4(?:[23][1-9]|4[1-35-9]|5[1-8]|6[2-8]|7\\d|81)|5(?:2[45]|3[35]|44|5[1-46-9]|65|77)|6[34]6|7(?:27|38)|8(?:0[1-9]|1[02-9]|2\\d|3[0-4]|[89]9))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2423591234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '242300\\d{4}|8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '242225\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2422250123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:242|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '242(?:3(?:02|[236][1-9]|4[0-24-9]|5[0-68]|7[347]|8[0-4]|9[2-467])|461|502|6(?:0[1-5]|12|2[013]|[45]0|7[67]|8[78]|9[89])|7(?:02|88))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2423456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '242(?:3(?:5[79]|7[56]|95)|4(?:[23][1-9]|4[1-35-9]|5[1-8]|6[2-8]|7\\d|81)|5(?:2[45]|3[35]|44|5[1-46-9]|65|77)|6[34]6|7(?:27|38)|8(?:0[1-9]|1[02-9]|2\\d|3[0-4]|[89]9))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2423591234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '242300\\d{4}|8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '242225\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2422250123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BS',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -150,12 +95,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([3-8]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '242$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '242',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BT.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BT.php
index 4a425413..7965b547 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BT.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BT.php
@@ -1,215 +1,152 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]\\d{7}|[2-8]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[3-6]|[34][5-7]|5[236]|6[2-46]|7[246]|8[2-4])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[67]|77)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]\\d{7}|[2-8]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[3-6]|[34][5-7]|5[236]|6[2-46]|7[246]|8[2-4])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[67]|77)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BT',
     'countryCode' => 975,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-68]|7[246]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[67]|7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-68]|7[246]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[67]|7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-68]|7[246]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[67]|7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-68]|7[246]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[67]|7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BW.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BW.php
index 79d0e859..3fbddacb 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BW.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BW.php
@@ -1,220 +1,154 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0800|(?:[37]|800)\\d)\\d{6}|(?:[2-6]\\d|90)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:4[0-48]|6[0-24]|9[0578])|3(?:1[0-35-9]|55|[69]\\d|7[013]|81)|4(?:6[03]|7[1267]|9[0-5])|5(?:3[03489]|4[0489]|7[1-47]|88|9[0-49])|6(?:2[1-35]|5[149]|8[013467]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2401234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:321|7[1-8]\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0800|800\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0800012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '79(?:1(?:[0-2]\\d|3[0-3])|2[0-7]\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '79101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0800|(?:[37]|800)\\d)\\d{6}|(?:[2-6]\\d|90)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:4[0-48]|6[0-24]|9[0578])|3(?:1[0-35-9]|55|[69]\\d|7[013]|81)|4(?:6[03]|7[1267]|9[0-5])|5(?:3[03489]|4[0489]|7[1-47]|88|9[0-49])|6(?:2[1-35]|5[149]|8[013467]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2401234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:321|7[1-8]\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0800|800\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0800012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '79(?:1(?:[0-2]\\d|3[0-3])|2[0-7]\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '79101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BW',
     'countryCode' => 267,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24-6]|3[15-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[37]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24-6]|3[15-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[37]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BY.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BY.php
index 76ae7fbe..597b7987 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BY.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BY.php
@@ -1,156 +1,103 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[12]\\d|33|44|902)\\d{7}|8(?:0[0-79]\\d{5,7}|[1-7]\\d{9})|8(?:1[0-489]|[5-79]\\d)\\d{7}|8[1-79]\\d{6,7}|8[0-79]\\d{5}|8\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:5(?:1[1-5]|[24]\\d|6[2-4]|9[1-7])|6(?:[235]\\d|4[1-7])|7\\d\\d)|2(?:1(?:[246]\\d|3[0-35-9]|5[1-9])|2(?:[235]\\d|4[0-8])|3(?:[26]\\d|3[02-79]|4[024-7]|5[03-7])))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '152450911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:5[5-79]|9[1-9])|(?:33|44)\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '294911911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{3,7}|8(?:0[13]|20\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8011234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:810|902)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9021234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '249\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '249123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{3,7}|(?:8(?:0[13]|10|20\\d)|902)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[12]\\d|33|44|902)\\d{7}|8(?:0[0-79]\\d{5,7}|[1-7]\\d{9})|8(?:1[0-489]|[5-79]\\d)\\d{7}|8[1-79]\\d{6,7}|8[0-79]\\d{5}|8\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:5(?:1[1-5]|[24]\\d|6[2-4]|9[1-7])|6(?:[235]\\d|4[1-7])|7\\d\\d)|2(?:1(?:[246]\\d|3[0-35-9]|5[1-9])|2(?:[235]\\d|4[0-8])|3(?:[26]\\d|3[02-79]|4[024-7]|5[03-7])))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '152450911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:5[5-79]|9[1-9])|(?:33|44)\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '294911911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{3,7}|8(?:0[13]|20\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8011234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:810|902)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9021234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '249\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '249123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{3,7}|(?:8(?:0[13]|10|20\\d)|902)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BY',
     'countryCode' => 375,
     'internationalPrefix' => '810',
@@ -158,85 +105,70 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '8',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0|80?',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:5[169]|6[3-5]|7[179])|2(?:1[35]|2[34]|3[3-5])',
-                   1 => '1(?:5[169]|6(?:3[1-3]|4|5[125])|7(?:1[3-9]|7[0-24-6]|9[2-7]))|2(?:1[35]|2[34]|3[3-5])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[56]|7[467])|2[1-3]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-4]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:5[169]|6[3-5]|7[179])|2(?:1[35]|2[34]|3[3-5])',
+                '1(?:5[169]|6(?:3[1-3]|4|5[125])|7(?:1[3-9]|7[0-24-6]|9[2-7]))|2(?:1[35]|2[34]|3[3-5])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[56]|7[467])|2[1-3]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-4]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BZ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BZ.php
index d2f581c4..d103ade1 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BZ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_BZ.php
@@ -1,179 +1,119 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0800\\d|[2-8])\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[02]\\d|36|[68]0)|[3-58](?:[02]\\d|[68]0)|7(?:[02]\\d|32|[68]0))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2221234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[0-35-7]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6221234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '08001234123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0800\\d|[2-8])\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[02]\\d|36|[68]0)|[3-58](?:[02]\\d|[68]0)|7(?:[02]\\d|32|[68]0))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2221234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[0-35-7]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6221234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '08001234123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BZ',
     'countryCode' => 501,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CA.php
index a0aec54b..9718a955 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CA.php
@@ -1,167 +1,112 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-8]\\d|90)\\d{8}|3\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:04|[23]6|[48]9|50|63)|3(?:06|43|54|6[578]|82)|4(?:03|1[68]|[26]8|3[178]|50|74)|5(?:06|1[49]|48|79|8[147])|6(?:04|[18]3|39|47|72)|7(?:0[59]|42|53|78|8[02])|8(?:[06]7|19|25|7[39])|90[25])[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5062345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:04|[23]6|[48]9|50|63)|3(?:06|43|54|6[578]|82)|4(?:03|1[68]|[26]8|3[178]|50|74)|5(?:06|1[49]|48|79|8[147])|6(?:04|[18]3|39|47|72)|7(?:0[59]|42|53|78|8[02])|8(?:[06]7|19|25|7[39])|90[25])[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5062345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|(?:5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)|622)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '600[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6002012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '310\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-8]\\d|90)\\d{8}|3\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:04|[23]6|[48]9|50|63)|3(?:06|43|54|6[578]|82)|4(?:03|1[68]|[26]8|3[178]|50|74)|5(?:06|1[49]|48|79|8[147])|6(?:04|[18]3|39|47|72)|7(?:0[59]|42|53|78|8[02])|8(?:[06]7|19|25|7[39])|90[25])[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5062345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:04|[23]6|[48]9|50|63)|3(?:06|43|54|6[578]|82)|4(?:03|1[68]|[26]8|3[178]|50|74)|5(?:06|1[49]|48|79|8[147])|6(?:04|[18]3|39|47|72)|7(?:0[59]|42|53|78|8[02])|8(?:[06]7|19|25|7[39])|90[25])[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5062345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|(?:5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)|622)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '600[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6002012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '310\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CA',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
     'nationalPrefix' => '1',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CC.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CC.php
index 5d5a6732..9a7dddf6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CC.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CC.php
@@ -1,160 +1,108 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[0-79]\\d{8}(?:\\d{2})?|8[0-24-9]\\d{7})|[148]\\d{8}|1\\d{5,7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:51(?:0(?:02|31|60|89)|1(?:18|76)|223)|91(?:0(?:1[0-2]|29)|1(?:[28]2|50|79)|2(?:10|64)|3(?:[06]8|22)|4[29]8|62\\d|70[23]|959))\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '891621234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:79[01]|83[0-389]|94[0-4])\\d{5}|4(?:[0-36]\\d|4[047-9]|5[0-25-9]|7[02-8]|8[0-24-9]|9[0-37-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '180(?:0\\d{3}|2)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '190[0-26]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '13(?:00\\d{6}(?:\\d{2})?|45[0-4]\\d{3})|13\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1300123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '14(?:5(?:1[0458]|[23][458])|71\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '147101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[0-79]\\d{8}(?:\\d{2})?|8[0-24-9]\\d{7})|[148]\\d{8}|1\\d{5,7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:51(?:0(?:02|31|60|89)|1(?:18|76)|223)|91(?:0(?:1[0-2]|29)|1(?:[28]2|50|79)|2(?:10|64)|3(?:[06]8|22)|4[29]8|62\\d|70[23]|959))\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '891621234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:79[01]|83[0-389]|94[0-4])\\d{5}|4(?:[0-36]\\d|4[047-9]|5[0-25-9]|7[02-8]|8[0-24-9]|9[0-37-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '180(?:0\\d{3}|2)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '190[0-26]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '13(?:00\\d{6}(?:\\d{2})?|45[0-4]\\d{3})|13\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1300123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            8,
+            10,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '14(?:5(?:1[0458]|[23][458])|71\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '147101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CC',
     'countryCode' => 61,
     'internationalPrefix' => '001[14-689]|14(?:1[14]|34|4[17]|[56]6|7[47]|88)0011',
@@ -163,12 +111,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([59]\\d{7})$|0',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '8$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CD.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CD.php
index 04087628..ac2ce82e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CD.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CD.php
@@ -1,229 +1,160 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:[189]|5\\d)\\d|2)\\d{7}|[1-68]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:12|573)\\d\\d|276)\\d{5}|[1-6]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '88\\d{5}|(?:8[0-69]|9[017-9])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '991234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:[189]|5\\d)\\d|2)\\d{7}|[1-68]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:12|573)\\d\\d|276)\\d{5}|[1-6]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '88\\d{5}|(?:8[0-69]|9[017-9])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '991234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CD',
     'countryCode' => 243,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '88',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '88',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CF.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CF.php
index f49aac92..4e18d48f 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CF.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CF.php
@@ -1,163 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[27]\\d{3}|8776)\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[12]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21612345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[024-7]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8776\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '87761234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[27]\\d{3}|8776)\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[12]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21612345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[024-7]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8776\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '87761234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CF',
     'countryCode' => 236,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[278]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[278]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CG.php
index 3b50cd22..0d556b62 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CG.php
@@ -1,175 +1,112 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '222\\d{6}|(?:0\\d|80)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '222[1-589]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '222123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '026(?:1[0-5]|6[6-9])\\d{4}|0(?:[14-6]\\d\\d|2(?:40|5[5-8]|6[07-9]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '061234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-2]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '222\\d{6}|(?:0\\d|80)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '222[1-589]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '222123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '026(?:1[0-5]|6[6-9])\\d{4}|0(?:[14-6]\\d\\d|2(?:40|5[5-8]|6[07-9]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '061234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-2]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CG',
     'countryCode' => 242,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[02]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[02]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CH.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CH.php
index 908a61d1..7d55aea2 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CH.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CH.php
@@ -1,205 +1,143 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{11}|[2-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[12467]|3[1-4]|4[134]|5[256]|6[12]|[7-9]1)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6[89]|7[235-9])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '781234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[016]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '84[0248]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '840123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '878\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '878123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '74[0248]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '740123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[18]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '581234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '860\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '860123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{11}|[2-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[12467]|3[1-4]|4[134]|5[256]|6[12]|[7-9]1)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6[89]|7[235-9])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '781234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[016]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '84[0248]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '840123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '878\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '878123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '74[0248]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '740123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[18]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '581234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '860\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '860123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CH',
     'countryCode' => 41,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8[047]|90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-79]|81',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8[047]|90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-79]|81',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CI.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CI.php
index 9de4345a..28826864 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CI.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CI.php
@@ -1,174 +1,112 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[02]\\d{9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[15]\\d{3}|7(?:2(?:0[23]|1[2357]|2[245]|3[45]|4[3-5])|3(?:06|1[69]|[2-6]7)))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[157]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[02]\\d{9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[15]\\d{3}|7(?:2(?:0[23]|1[2357]|2[245]|3[45]|4[3-5])|3(?:06|1[69]|[2-6]7)))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[157]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CI',
     'countryCode' => 225,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CK.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CK.php
index 4326f098..d75c6642 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CK.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CK.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-578]\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2\\d|3[13-7]|4[1-5])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[578]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-578]\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2\\d|3[13-7]|4[1-5])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[578]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CK',
     'countryCode' => 682,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-578]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-578]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CL.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CL.php
index 8b786c79..59f915ad 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CL.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CL.php
@@ -1,370 +1,281 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '12300\\d{6}|6\\d{9,10}|[2-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:1982[0-6]|3314[05-9])\\d{3}|(?:2(?:1(?:160|962)|3(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:[03467]\\d|1[0-35-9]|2[1-9]|5[0-24-9]|8[0-3])|600)|646[59])|80[1-9]\\d\\d|9(?:3(?:[0-57-9]\\d\\d|6(?:0[02-9]|[1-9]\\d))|6(?:[0-8]\\d\\d|9(?:[02-79]\\d|1[05-9]))|7[1-9]\\d\\d|9(?:[03-9]\\d\\d|1(?:[0235-9]\\d|4[0-24-9])|2(?:[0-79]\\d|8[0-46-9]))))\\d{4}|(?:22|3[2-5]|[47][1-35]|5[1-3578]|6[13-57]|8[1-9]|9[2458])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '221234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:1982[0-6]|3314[05-9])\\d{3}|(?:2(?:1(?:160|962)|3(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:[03467]\\d|1[0-35-9]|2[1-9]|5[0-24-9]|8[0-3])|600)|646[59])|80[1-9]\\d\\d|9(?:3(?:[0-57-9]\\d\\d|6(?:0[02-9]|[1-9]\\d))|6(?:[0-8]\\d\\d|9(?:[02-79]\\d|1[05-9]))|7[1-9]\\d\\d|9(?:[03-9]\\d\\d|1(?:[0235-9]\\d|4[0-24-9])|2(?:[0-79]\\d|8[0-46-9]))))\\d{4}|(?:22|3[2-5]|[47][1-35]|5[1-3578]|6[13-57]|8[1-9]|9[2458])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '221234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:123|8)00\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '600\\d{7,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '44\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '441234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '600\\d{7,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '12300\\d{6}|6\\d{9,10}|[2-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:1982[0-6]|3314[05-9])\\d{3}|(?:2(?:1(?:160|962)|3(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:[03467]\\d|1[0-35-9]|2[1-9]|5[0-24-9]|8[0-3])|600)|646[59])|80[1-9]\\d\\d|9(?:3(?:[0-57-9]\\d\\d|6(?:0[02-9]|[1-9]\\d))|6(?:[0-8]\\d\\d|9(?:[02-79]\\d|1[05-9]))|7[1-9]\\d\\d|9(?:[03-9]\\d\\d|1(?:[0235-9]\\d|4[0-24-9])|2(?:[0-79]\\d|8[0-46-9]))))\\d{4}|(?:22|3[2-5]|[47][1-35]|5[1-3578]|6[13-57]|8[1-9]|9[2458])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '221234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:1982[0-6]|3314[05-9])\\d{3}|(?:2(?:1(?:160|962)|3(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:[03467]\\d|1[0-35-9]|2[1-9]|5[0-24-9]|8[0-3])|600)|646[59])|80[1-9]\\d\\d|9(?:3(?:[0-57-9]\\d\\d|6(?:0[02-9]|[1-9]\\d))|6(?:[0-8]\\d\\d|9(?:[02-79]\\d|1[05-9]))|7[1-9]\\d\\d|9(?:[03-9]\\d\\d|1(?:[0235-9]\\d|4[0-24-9])|2(?:[0-79]\\d|8[0-46-9]))))\\d{4}|(?:22|3[2-5]|[47][1-35]|5[1-3578]|6[13-57]|8[1-9]|9[2458])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '221234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:123|8)00\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '600\\d{7,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '44\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '441234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '600\\d{7,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CL',
     'countryCode' => 56,
     'internationalPrefix' => '(?:0|1(?:1[0-69]|2[02-5]|5[13-58]|69|7[0167]|8[018]))0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[03-589]|21)|[29]0|78',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '219',
-                   1 => '2196',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '44',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[1-36]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[2-5]|[47]|5[1-3578]|6[13-57]|8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '60|8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '60',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '219',
-                   1 => '2196',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '44',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[1-36]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[2-5]|[47]|5[1-3578]|6[13-57]|8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '60|8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '60',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[03-589]|21)|[29]0|78',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '219',
+                '2196',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '44',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[1-36]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3[2-5]|[47]|5[1-3578]|6[13-57]|8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '60|8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '60',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '219',
+                '2196',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '44',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[1-36]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3[2-5]|[47]|5[1-3578]|6[13-57]|8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '60|8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '60',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CM.php
index b971d62a..a4c5b7af 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CM.php
@@ -1,178 +1,117 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[26]\\d{8}|88\\d{6,7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:22|33)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '222123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:24[23]|6(?:[25-9]\\d|40))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '671234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '88\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '88012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[26]\\d{8}|88\\d{6,7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:22|33)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '222123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:24[23]|6(?:[25-9]\\d|40))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '671234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '88\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '88012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CM',
     'countryCode' => 237,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '88',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[26]|88',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '88',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[26]|88',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CN.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CN.php
index 3ca43d28..2f9fa3d1 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CN.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CN.php
@@ -1,171 +1,121 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:1[03-689]|2\\d)\\d\\d|6)\\d{8}|1\\d{10}|[126]\\d{6}(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?|86\\d{5,6}|(?:[3-579]\\d|8[0-57-9])\\d{5,9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-              5 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:10(?:[02-79]\\d\\d|[18](?:0[1-9]|[1-9]\\d))|2(?:[02-57-9]\\d{3}|1(?:[18](?:0[1-9]|[1-9]\\d)|[2-79]\\d\\d))|(?:41[03]|8078|9(?:78|94))\\d\\d)\\d{5}|(?:10|2[0-57-9])(?:1(?:00|23)\\d\\d|95\\d{3,4})|(?:41[03]|9(?:78|94))(?:100\\d\\d|95\\d{3,4})|8078123|(?:43[35]|754|851)\\d{7,8}|(?:43[35]|754|851)(?:1(?:00\\d|23)\\d|95\\d{3,4})|(?:3(?:11|7[179])|4(?:[15]1|3[12])|5(?:1\\d|2[37]|3[12]|51|7[13-79]|9[15])|7(?:[39]1|5[57]|6[09])|8(?:71|98))(?:[02-8]\\d{7}|1(?:0(?:0\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?|[1-9]\\d{5})|[13-9]\\d{6}|2(?:[0-24-9]\\d{5}|3\\d(?:\\d{4})?))|9(?:[0-46-9]\\d{6}|5\\d{3}(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?))|(?:3(?:1[02-9]|35|49|5\\d|7[02-68]|9[1-68])|4(?:1[24-9]|2[179]|3[46-9]|5[2-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:3[03-9]|4[36]|5[02-9]|6[1-46]|7[028]|80|9[2-46-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[17]\\d|2[248]|3[04-9]|4[3-6]|5[0-3689]|6[2368]|9[02-9])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|3\\d|5[2-9]|7[02-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-7])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))(?:[02-8]\\d{6}|1(?:0(?:0\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?|[1-9]\\d{4})|[13-9]\\d{5}|2(?:[0-24-9]\\d{4}|3\\d(?:\\d{3})?))|9(?:[0-46-9]\\d{5}|5\\d{3,5}))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1740[0-5]\\d{6}|1(?:[38]\\d|4[57]|[59][0-35-9]|6[25-7]|7[0-35-8])\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '13123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:10|21)8|8)00\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '16[08]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '16812345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10(?:10\\d{4}|96\\d{3,4})|400\\d{7}|950\\d{7,8}|(?:2[0-57-9]|3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[14-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))96\\d{3,4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:10|21)8|[48])00\\d{7}|950\\d{7,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-              2 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:1[03-689]|2\\d)\\d\\d|6)\\d{8}|1\\d{10}|[126]\\d{6}(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?|86\\d{5,6}|(?:[3-579]\\d|8[0-57-9])\\d{5,9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:10(?:[02-79]\\d\\d|[18](?:0[1-9]|[1-9]\\d))|2(?:[02-57-9]\\d{3}|1(?:[18](?:0[1-9]|[1-9]\\d)|[2-79]\\d\\d))|(?:41[03]|8078|9(?:78|94))\\d\\d)\\d{5}|(?:10|2[0-57-9])(?:1(?:00|23)\\d\\d|95\\d{3,4})|(?:41[03]|9(?:78|94))(?:100\\d\\d|95\\d{3,4})|8078123|(?:43[35]|754|851)\\d{7,8}|(?:43[35]|754|851)(?:1(?:00\\d|23)\\d|95\\d{3,4})|(?:3(?:11|7[179])|4(?:[15]1|3[12])|5(?:1\\d|2[37]|3[12]|51|7[13-79]|9[15])|7(?:[39]1|5[57]|6[09])|8(?:71|98))(?:[02-8]\\d{7}|1(?:0(?:0\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?|[1-9]\\d{5})|[13-9]\\d{6}|2(?:[0-24-9]\\d{5}|3\\d(?:\\d{4})?))|9(?:[0-46-9]\\d{6}|5\\d{3}(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?))|(?:3(?:1[02-9]|35|49|5\\d|7[02-68]|9[1-68])|4(?:1[24-9]|2[179]|3[46-9]|5[2-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:3[03-9]|4[36]|5[02-9]|6[1-46]|7[028]|80|9[2-46-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[17]\\d|2[248]|3[04-9]|4[3-6]|5[0-3689]|6[2368]|9[02-9])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|3\\d|5[2-9]|7[02-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-7])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))(?:[02-8]\\d{6}|1(?:0(?:0\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?|[1-9]\\d{4})|[13-9]\\d{5}|2(?:[0-24-9]\\d{4}|3\\d(?:\\d{3})?))|9(?:[0-46-9]\\d{5}|5\\d{3,5}))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1740[0-5]\\d{6}|1(?:[38]\\d|4[57]|[59][0-35-9]|6[25-7]|7[0-35-8])\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '13123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:10|21)8|8)00\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '16[08]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '16812345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10(?:10\\d{4}|96\\d{3,4})|400\\d{7}|950\\d{7,8}|(?:2[0-57-9]|3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[14-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))96\\d{3,4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:10|21)8|[48])00\\d{7}|950\\d{7,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CN',
     'countryCode' => 86,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00|1(?:[12]\\d|79)\\d\\d00',
@@ -173,341 +123,289 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '(1(?:[12]\\d|79)\\d\\d)|0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:00|2[13])|9[56]',
-                   1 => '1(?:00|2(?:1|39))|9[56]',
-                   2 => '1(?:00|2(?:1|395))|9[56]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:0|23)|781|[1-9]12',
-                   1 => '1(?:0|23)|7812|[1-9]123',
-                   2 => '1(?:0|23(?:[0-8]|9[0-46-9]))|78123|[1-9]123',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:10|2[0-57-9])[19]|3(?:[157]|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|6[47-9]|7|8[23])|5(?:[1357]|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80)|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:07|1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9])|(?:4[35]|59|85)[1-9]',
-                   1 => '(?:10|2[0-57-9])(?:1[02]|9[56])|8078|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))1',
-                   2 => '10(?:1(?:0|23)|9[56])|2[0-57-9](?:1(?:00|23)|9[56])|80781|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))12',
-                   3 => '10(?:1(?:0|23)|9[56])|2[0-57-9](?:1(?:00|23)|9[56])|807812|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))123',
-                   4 => '10(?:1(?:0|23)|9[56])|2[0-57-9](?:1(?:00|23)|9[56])|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:078|1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))123',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-9]',
-                   1 => '1[1-9]|26|[3-9]|(?:10|2[0-57-9])(?:[0-8]|9[0-47-9])',
-                   2 => '1(?:0(?:[02-8]|1(?:[013-9]|2[0-24-9])|9[0-47-9])|[1-9])|2(?:[0-57-9](?:[02-8]|1(?:0[1-9]|[13-9]|2[0-24-9])|9[0-47-9])|6)|[3-9]',
-                   3 => '1(?:0(?:[02-8]|1(?:[013-9]|2[0-24-9])|9[0-47-9])|[1-9])|2(?:[0-57-9](?:[02-8]|1(?:0[1-9]|[13-9]|2[0-24-9])|9[0-47-9])|6)|3(?:[0268]|3[0-46-9]|4[0-8]|9[079])|4(?:[049]|1[03]|2[02-68]|[35]0|6[0-356]|8[014-9])|5(?:0|2[0-24-689]|4[0-2457-9]|6[057-9]|8[1-9]|90)|6(?:[0-24578]|3[06-9]|6[14-79]|9[03-9])|7(?:0[02-9]|2[0135-79]|3[23]|4[0-27-9]|6[1457]|8)|8(?:[046]|1[01459]|2[0-489]|50|8[0-2459]|9[09])|9(?:0[0457]|1[08]|[268]|4[024-9]|5[06-9]|78|94)|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))(?:[02-9]|1(?:[013-9]|2[0-24-9]))',
-                   4 => '1(?:0(?:[02-8]|1(?:[013-9]|2[0-24-9])|9[0-47-9])|[1-9])|2(?:[0-57-9](?:[02-8]|1(?:0[1-9]|[13-9]|2[0-24-9])|9[0-47-9])|6)|3(?:[0268]|3[0-46-9]|4[0-8]|9[079])|4(?:[049]|1[03]|2[02-68]|[35]0|6[0-356]|8[014-9])|5(?:0|2[0-24-689]|4[0-2457-9]|6[057-9]|8[1-9]|90)|6(?:[0-24578]|3[06-9]|6[14-79]|9[03-9])|7(?:0[02-9]|2[0135-79]|3[23]|4[0-27-9]|6[1457]|8)|8(?:0(?:[0-689]|7[0-79])|1[01459]|2[0-489]|[46]|50|8[0-2459]|9[09])|9(?:0[0457]|1[08]|[268]|4[024-9]|5[06-9]|78|94)|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:078|1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))(?:[02-9]|1(?:[013-9]|2[0-24-9]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '16[08]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:[157]|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]|2[179]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80)|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]|4[13]|5[1-5])|(?:4[35]|59|85)[1-9]',
-                   1 => '(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))[19]',
-                   2 => '85[23](?:10|95)|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[14-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))(?:10|9[56])',
-                   3 => '85[23](?:100|95)|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[14-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))(?:100|9[56])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-9]',
-                   1 => '1(?:0(?:[02-8]|1[1-9]|9[0-47-9])|[1-9])|2(?:[0-57-9](?:[0-8]|9[0-47-9])|6)|[3-9]',
-                   2 => '1(?:0(?:[02-8]|1[1-9]|9[0-47-9])|[1-9])|26|3(?:[0268]|4[0-8]|9[079])|4(?:[049]|2[02-68]|[35]0|6[0-356]|8[014-9])|5(?:0|2[0-24-689]|4[0-2457-9]|6[057-9]|8[1-9]|90)|6(?:[0-24578]|3[06-9]|6[14-79]|9[03-9])|7(?:0[02-9]|2[0135-79]|3[23]|4[0-27-9]|6[1457]|8)|8(?:[046]|1[01459]|2[0-489]|5(?:0|[23][0-8])|8[0-2459]|9[09])|9(?:0[0457]|1[08]|[268]|4[024-9]|5[06-9])|(?:33|85[23]9)[0-46-9]|(?:2[0-57-9]|3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[14-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))(?:[0-8]|9[0-47-9])',
-                   3 => '1(?:0[02-8]|[1-9])|2(?:[0-57-9][0-8]|6)|3(?:[0268]|3[0-46-9]|4[0-8]|9[079])|4(?:[049]|2[02-68]|[35]0|6[0-356]|8[014-9])|5(?:0|2[0-24-689]|4[0-2457-9]|6[057-9]|90)|6(?:[0-24578]|3[06-9]|6[14-79]|9[03-9])|7(?:0[02-9]|2[0135-79]|3[23]|4[0-27-9]|6[1457]|8)|8(?:[046]|1[01459]|2[0-489]|5(?:0|[23](?:[02-8]|1[1-9]|9[0-46-9]))|8[0-2459]|9[09])|9(?:0[0457]|1[08]|[268]|4[024-9]|5[06-9])|(?:10|2[0-57-9])9[0-47-9]|(?:101|58|85[23]10)[1-9]|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[14-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))(?:[02-8]|1(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])|9[0-47-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:4|80)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '10|2(?:[02-57-9]|1[1-9])',
-                   1 => '10|2(?:[02-57-9]|1[1-9])',
-                   2 => '10[0-79]|2(?:[02-57-9]|1[1-79])|(?:10|21)8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:[3-59]|7[02-68])|4(?:[26-8]|3[3-9]|5[2-9])|5(?:3[03-9]|[468]|7[028]|9[2-46-9])|6|7(?:[0-247]|3[04-9]|5[0-4689]|6[2368])|8(?:[1-358]|9[1-7])|9(?:[013479]|5[1-5])|(?:[34]1|55|79|87)[02-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         11 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         12 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-578]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         13 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[3-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         14 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:10|2[0-57-9])[19]|3(?:[157]|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|6[47-9]|7|8[23])|5(?:[1357]|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80)|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:07|1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9])|(?:4[35]|59|85)[1-9]',
-                   1 => '(?:10|2[0-57-9])(?:1[02]|9[56])|8078|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))1',
-                   2 => '10(?:1(?:0|23)|9[56])|2[0-57-9](?:1(?:00|23)|9[56])|80781|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))12',
-                   3 => '10(?:1(?:0|23)|9[56])|2[0-57-9](?:1(?:00|23)|9[56])|807812|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))123',
-                   4 => '10(?:1(?:0|23)|9[56])|2[0-57-9](?:1(?:00|23)|9[56])|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:1[124-9]|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|7\\d|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:078|1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|3\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]|7[0-79]|9[0-35-9]))123',
-               ],
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-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:[157]|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]|2[179]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80)|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]|4[13]|5[1-5])|(?:4[35]|59|85)[1-9]',
-                   1 => '(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))[19]',
-                   2 => '85[23](?:10|95)|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[14-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))(?:10|9[56])',
-                   3 => '85[23](?:100|95)|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[14-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))(?:100|9[56])',
-               ],
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-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
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-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:4|80)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '10|2(?:[02-57-9]|1[1-9])',
-                   1 => '10|2(?:[02-57-9]|1[1-9])',
-                   2 => '10[0-79]|2(?:[02-57-9]|1[1-79])|(?:10|21)8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:[3-59]|7[02-68])|4(?:[26-8]|3[3-9]|5[2-9])|5(?:3[03-9]|[468]|7[028]|9[2-46-9])|6|7(?:[0-247]|3[04-9]|5[0-4689]|6[2368])|8(?:[1-358]|9[1-7])|9(?:[013479]|5[1-5])|(?:[34]1|55|79|87)[02-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-578]',
-               ],
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-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[3-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5,6})',
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+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:00|2[13])|9[56]',
+                '1(?:00|2(?:1|39))|9[56]',
+                '1(?:00|2(?:1|395))|9[56]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5,6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:0|23)|781|[1-9]12',
+                '1(?:0|23)|7812|[1-9]123',
+                '1(?:0|23(?:[0-8]|9[0-46-9]))|78123|[1-9]123',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,6})',
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+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3(?:[157]|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]|2[179]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80)|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]|4[13]|5[1-5])|(?:4[35]|59|85)[1-9]',
+                '(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[1-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))[19]',
+                '85[23](?:10|95)|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[14-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))(?:10|9[56])',
+                '85[23](?:100|95)|(?:3(?:[157]\\d|35|49|9[1-68])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[179]|[35][1-9]|6[47-9]|8[23])|5(?:[1357]\\d|2[37]|4[36]|6[1-46]|80|9[1-9])|6(?:3[1-5]|6[0238]|9[12])|7(?:01|[1579]\\d|2[248]|3[014-9]|4[3-6]|6[023689])|8(?:1[236-8]|2[5-7]|[37]\\d|5[14-9]|8[36-8]|9[1-8])|9(?:0[1-3689]|1[1-79]|[379]\\d|4[13]|5[1-5]))(?:100|9[56])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:4|80)0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '10|2(?:[02-57-9]|1[1-9])',
+                '10|2(?:[02-57-9]|1[1-9])',
+                '10[0-79]|2(?:[02-57-9]|1[1-79])|(?:10|21)8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3(?:[3-59]|7[02-68])|4(?:[26-8]|3[3-9]|5[2-9])|5(?:3[03-9]|[468]|7[028]|9[2-46-9])|6|7(?:[0-247]|3[04-9]|5[0-4689]|6[2368])|8(?:[1-358]|9[1-7])|9(?:[013479]|5[1-5])|(?:[34]1|55|79|87)[02-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-578]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[3-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[12]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CO.php
index 61b5ef6b..dd5b03bf 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CO.php
@@ -1,229 +1,163 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '60\\d{8}|(?:1\\d|[39])\\d{9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '601055(?:[0-4]\\d|50)\\d\\d|6010(?:[0-4]\\d|5[0-4])\\d{4}|60(?:[124-7][2-9]|8[1-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '333301[0-5]\\d{3}|3333(?:00|2[5-9]|[3-9]\\d)\\d{4}|(?:3(?:24[1-9]|3(?:00|3[0-24-9]))|9101)\\d{6}|3(?:0[0-5]|1\\d|2[0-3]|5[01]|70)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3211234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:19(?:0[01]|4[78])|901)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '19001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '60\\d{8}|(?:1\\d|[39])\\d{9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '601055(?:[0-4]\\d|50)\\d\\d|6010(?:[0-4]\\d|5[0-4])\\d{4}|60(?:[124-7][2-9]|8[1-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '333301[0-5]\\d{3}|3333(?:00|2[5-9]|[3-9]\\d)\\d{4}|(?:3(?:24[1-9]|3(?:00|3[0-24-9]))|9101)\\d{6}|3(?:0[0-5]|1\\d|2[0-3]|5[01]|70)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3211234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:19(?:0[01]|4[78])|901)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '19001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CO',
     'countryCode' => 57,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00(?:4(?:[14]4|56)|[579])',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0([3579]|4(?:[14]4|56))?',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6|90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[0-357]|91',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6|90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[0-357]|91',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6|90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3[0-357]|91',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6|90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3[0-357]|91',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CR.php
index 29aa64e2..9c1dcd63 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CR.php
@@ -1,184 +1,124 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8\\d|90)\\d{8}|(?:[24-8]\\d{3}|3005)\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '210[7-9]\\d{4}|2(?:[024-7]\\d|1[1-9])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3005\\d|6500[01])\\d{3}|(?:5[07]|6[0-4]|7[0-3]|8[3-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '83123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[059]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:210[0-6]|4\\d{3}|5100)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8\\d|90)\\d{8}|(?:[24-8]\\d{3}|3005)\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '210[7-9]\\d{4}|2(?:[024-7]\\d|1[1-9])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3005\\d|6500[01])\\d{3}|(?:5[07]|6[0-4]|7[0-3]|8[3-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '83123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[059]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:210[0-6]|4\\d{3}|5100)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CR',
     'countryCode' => 506,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '(19(?:0[0-2468]|1[09]|20|66|77|99))',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-7]|8[3-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-7]|8[3-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CU.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CU.php
index 534bfaf5..3ed86ce7 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CU.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CU.php
@@ -1,212 +1,149 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-7]|8\\d\\d)\\d{7}|[2-47]\\d{6}|[34]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[23]|4[89])\\d{4,6}|(?:31|4[36]|8(?:0[25]|78)\\d)\\d{6}|(?:2[1-4]|4[1257]|7\\d)\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5\\d|6[2-4])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '51234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '807\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8071234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-7]|8\\d\\d)\\d{7}|[2-47]\\d{6}|[34]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[23]|4[89])\\d{4,6}|(?:31|4[36]|8(?:0[25]|78)\\d)\\d{6}|(?:2[1-4]|4[1257]|7\\d)\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5\\d|6[2-4])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '51234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '807\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8071234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CU',
     'countryCode' => 53,
     'internationalPrefix' => '119',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[1-4]|[34]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{6,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[56]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[1-4]|[34]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{6,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[56]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CV.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CV.php
index 30ffcaf5..9e546ec2 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CV.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CV.php
@@ -1,164 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-59]\\d\\d|800)\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:2[1-7]|3[0-8]|4[12]|5[1256]|6\\d|7[1-3]|8[1-5])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2211234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:36|5[1-389]|9\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9911234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[3-5]|4[356])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3401234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-59]\\d\\d|800)\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:2[1-7]|3[0-8]|4[12]|5[1256]|6\\d|7[1-3]|8[1-5])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2211234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:36|5[1-389]|9\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9911234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[3-5]|4[356])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3401234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CV',
     'countryCode' => 238,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-589]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-589]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CW.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CW.php
index 0fe7938e..93060d7c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CW.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CW.php
@@ -1,179 +1,117 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[34]1|60|(?:7|9\\d)\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:4(?:3[0-5]|4[14]|6\\d)|50\\d|7(?:2[014]|3[02-9]|4[4-9]|6[357]|77|8[7-9])|8(?:3[39]|[46]\\d|7[01]|8[57-9]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '94351234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '953[01]\\d{4}|9(?:5[12467]|6[5-9])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '95181234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '60[0-2]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '955\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '95581234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[34]1|60|(?:7|9\\d)\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:4(?:3[0-5]|4[14]|6\\d)|50\\d|7(?:2[014]|3[02-9]|4[4-9]|6[357]|77|8[7-9])|8(?:3[39]|[46]\\d|7[01]|8[57-9]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '94351234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '953[01]\\d{4}|9(?:5[12467]|6[5-9])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '95181234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '60[0-2]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '955\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '95581234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CW',
     'countryCode' => 599,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3467]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9[4-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3467]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9[4-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'leadingDigits' => '[69]',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CX.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CX.php
index 972b160b..fd01b240 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CX.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CX.php
@@ -1,160 +1,108 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[0-79]\\d{8}(?:\\d{2})?|8[0-24-9]\\d{7})|[148]\\d{8}|1\\d{5,7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:51(?:0(?:01|30|59|88)|1(?:17|46|75)|2(?:22|35))|91(?:00[6-9]|1(?:[28]1|49|78)|2(?:09|63)|3(?:12|26|75)|4(?:56|97)|64\\d|7(?:0[01]|1[0-2])|958))\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '891641234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:79[01]|83[0-389]|94[0-4])\\d{5}|4(?:[0-36]\\d|4[047-9]|5[0-25-9]|7[02-8]|8[0-24-9]|9[0-37-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '180(?:0\\d{3}|2)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '190[0-26]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '13(?:00\\d{6}(?:\\d{2})?|45[0-4]\\d{3})|13\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1300123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '14(?:5(?:1[0458]|[23][458])|71\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '147101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[0-79]\\d{8}(?:\\d{2})?|8[0-24-9]\\d{7})|[148]\\d{8}|1\\d{5,7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:51(?:0(?:01|30|59|88)|1(?:17|46|75)|2(?:22|35))|91(?:00[6-9]|1(?:[28]1|49|78)|2(?:09|63)|3(?:12|26|75)|4(?:56|97)|64\\d|7(?:0[01]|1[0-2])|958))\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '891641234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:79[01]|83[0-389]|94[0-4])\\d{5}|4(?:[0-36]\\d|4[047-9]|5[0-25-9]|7[02-8]|8[0-24-9]|9[0-37-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '180(?:0\\d{3}|2)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '190[0-26]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '13(?:00\\d{6}(?:\\d{2})?|45[0-4]\\d{3})|13\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1300123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            8,
+            10,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '14(?:5(?:1[0458]|[23][458])|71\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '147101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CX',
     'countryCode' => 61,
     'internationalPrefix' => '001[14-689]|14(?:1[14]|34|4[17]|[56]6|7[47]|88)0011',
@@ -163,12 +111,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([59]\\d{7})$|0',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '8$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CY.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CY.php
index acc360c7..c9b96cbb 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CY.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CY.php
@@ -1,167 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[279]\\d|[58]0)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[2-6]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:10|[4-79]\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '96123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[09]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[1-9]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '700\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:50|77)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '77123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[279]\\d|[58]0)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[2-6]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:10|[4-79]\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '96123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[09]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[1-9]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '700\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:50|77)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '77123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CY',
     'countryCode' => 357,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[257-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[257-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CZ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CZ.php
index 05d5f51c..981508f7 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CZ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_CZ.php
@@ -1,216 +1,151 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-578]\\d|60)\\d{7}|9\\d{8,11}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 11,
-              3 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2\\d|3[1257-9]|4[16-9]|5[13-9])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:60[1-8]\\d|7(?:0(?:[2-5]\\d|60)|19[01]|[2379]\\d\\d))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '601123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0[05689]|76)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[134]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '811234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[01]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '700123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[17]0\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '910123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:5\\d|7[2-4])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '972123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:3\\d{9}|6\\d{7,10})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '93123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-578]\\d|60)\\d{7}|9\\d{8,11}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2\\d|3[1257-9]|4[16-9]|5[13-9])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:60[1-8]\\d|7(?:0(?:[2-5]\\d|60)|19[01]|[2379]\\d\\d))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '601123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0[05689]|76)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[134]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '811234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[01]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '700123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[17]0\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '910123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:5\\d|7[2-4])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '972123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:3\\d{9}|6\\d{7,10})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '93123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CZ',
     'countryCode' => 420,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-8]|9[015-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '96',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-8]|9[015-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '96',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DE.php
index c4bffd2b..c52b4501 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DE.php
@@ -1,446 +1,356 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2579]\\d{5,14}|49(?:[34]0|69|8\\d)\\d\\d?|49(?:37|49|60|7[089]|9\\d)\\d{1,3}|49(?:2[024-9]|3[2-689]|7[1-7])\\d{1,8}|(?:1|[368]\\d|4[0-8])\\d{3,13}|49(?:[015]\\d|2[13]|31|[46][1-8])\\d{1,9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-              5 => 9,
-              6 => 10,
-              7 => 11,
-              8 => 12,
-              9 => 13,
-              10 => 14,
-              11 => 15,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '32\\d{9,11}|49[1-6]\\d{10}|322\\d{6}|49[0-7]\\d{3,9}|(?:[34]0|[68]9)\\d{3,13}|(?:2(?:0[1-689]|[1-3569]\\d|4[0-8]|7[1-7]|8[0-7])|3(?:[3569]\\d|4[0-79]|7[1-7]|8[1-8])|4(?:1[02-9]|[2-48]\\d|5[0-6]|6[0-8]|7[0-79])|5(?:0[2-8]|[124-6]\\d|[38][0-8]|[79][0-7])|6(?:0[02-9]|[1-358]\\d|[47][0-8]|6[1-9])|7(?:0[2-8]|1[1-9]|[27][0-7]|3\\d|[4-6][0-8]|8[0-5]|9[013-7])|8(?:0[2-9]|1[0-79]|2\\d|3[0-46-9]|4[0-6]|5[013-9]|6[1-8]|7[0-8]|8[0-24-6])|9(?:0[6-9]|[1-4]\\d|[589][0-7]|6[0-8]|7[0-467]))\\d{3,12}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 10,
-              6 => 11,
-              7 => 12,
-              8 => 13,
-              9 => 14,
-              10 => 15,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '15310\\d{6}|1(?:6[023]|7[0-57-9])\\d{7,8}|1(?:5[0-25-9]|76)\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7,12}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-              2 => 12,
-              3 => 13,
-              4 => 14,
-              5 => 15,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:137[7-9]|900(?:[135]|9\\d))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '180\\d{5,11}|13(?:7[1-6]\\d\\d|8)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-              5 => 12,
-              6 => 13,
-              7 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '700\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '16(?:4\\d{1,10}|[89]\\d{1,11})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '16412345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-              5 => 9,
-              6 => 10,
-              7 => 11,
-              8 => 12,
-              9 => 13,
-              10 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18(?:1\\d{5,11}|[2-9]\\d{8})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18500123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-              4 => 12,
-              5 => 13,
-              6 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:6(?:013|255|399)|7(?:(?:[015]1|[69]3)3|[2-4]55|[78]99))\\d{7,8}|15(?:(?:[03-68]00|113)\\d|2\\d55|7\\d99|9\\d33)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '177991234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 12,
-              1 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2579]\\d{5,14}|49(?:[34]0|69|8\\d)\\d\\d?|49(?:37|49|60|7[089]|9\\d)\\d{1,3}|49(?:2[024-9]|3[2-689]|7[1-7])\\d{1,8}|(?:1|[368]\\d|4[0-8])\\d{3,13}|49(?:[015]\\d|2[13]|31|[46][1-8])\\d{1,9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+            15,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '32\\d{9,11}|49[1-6]\\d{10}|322\\d{6}|49[0-7]\\d{3,9}|(?:[34]0|[68]9)\\d{3,13}|(?:2(?:0[1-689]|[1-3569]\\d|4[0-8]|7[1-7]|8[0-7])|3(?:[3569]\\d|4[0-79]|7[1-7]|8[1-8])|4(?:1[02-9]|[2-48]\\d|5[0-6]|6[0-8]|7[0-79])|5(?:0[2-8]|[124-6]\\d|[38][0-8]|[79][0-7])|6(?:0[02-9]|[1-358]\\d|[47][0-8]|6[1-9])|7(?:0[2-8]|1[1-9]|[27][0-7]|3\\d|[4-6][0-8]|8[0-5]|9[013-7])|8(?:0[2-9]|1[0-79]|2\\d|3[0-46-9]|4[0-6]|5[013-9]|6[1-8]|7[0-8]|8[0-24-6])|9(?:0[6-9]|[1-4]\\d|[589][0-7]|6[0-8]|7[0-467]))\\d{3,12}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+            15,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '15310\\d{6}|1(?:6[023]|7[0-57-9])\\d{7,8}|1(?:5[0-25-9]|76)\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7,12}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+            15,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:137[7-9]|900(?:[135]|9\\d))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '180\\d{5,11}|13(?:7[1-6]\\d\\d|8)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '700\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '16(?:4\\d{1,10}|[89]\\d{1,11})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '16412345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18(?:1\\d{5,11}|[2-9]\\d{8})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18500123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:6(?:013|255|399)|7(?:(?:[015]1|[69]3)3|[2-4]55|[78]99))\\d{7,8}|15(?:(?:[03-68]00|113)\\d|2\\d55|7\\d99|9\\d33)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '177991234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DE',
     'countryCode' => 49,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,13})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[02]|40|[68]9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,12})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[1-389]|1[124]|2[18]|3[14])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
-                   1 => '2(?:0[1-389]|12[0-8])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|2(?:[13][14]|2[18])|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,11})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24-6]|3(?:[3569][02-46-9]|4[2-4679]|7[2-467]|8[2-46-8])|70[2-8]|8(?:0[2-9]|[1-8])|90[7-9]|[79][1-9]',
-                   1 => '[24-6]|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|3[1468]|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]|9[1468]))|70[2-8]|8(?:0[2-9]|[1-8])|90[7-9]|[79][1-9]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|3[4579]3[1357]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '138',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{2,10})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,11})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '181',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{4,10})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:3|80)|9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7,12})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '185',
-                   1 => '1850',
-                   2 => '18500',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         11 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '18[68]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         12 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '15[1279]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         13 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '15[03568]',
-                   1 => '15(?:[0568]|31)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         14 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '18',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         15 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{7,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:6[023]|7)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         16 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '15[279]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         17 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '15',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,13})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3[02]|40|[68]9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,12})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:0[1-389]|1[124]|2[18]|3[14])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
+                '2(?:0[1-389]|12[0-8])|3(?:[35-9][15]|4[015])|906|2(?:[13][14]|2[18])|(?:2[4-9]|4[2-9]|[579][1-9]|[68][1-8])1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,11})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24-6]|3(?:[3569][02-46-9]|4[2-4679]|7[2-467]|8[2-46-8])|70[2-8]|8(?:0[2-9]|[1-8])|90[7-9]|[79][1-9]',
+                '[24-6]|3(?:3(?:0[1-467]|2[127-9]|3[124578]|7[1257-9]|8[1256]|9[145])|4(?:2[135]|4[13578]|9[1346])|5(?:0[14]|2[1-3589]|6[1-4]|7[13468]|8[13568])|6(?:2[1-489]|3[124-6]|6[13]|7[12579]|8[1-356]|9[135])|7(?:2[1-7]|4[145]|6[1-5]|7[1-4])|8(?:21|3[1468]|6|7[1467]|8[136])|9(?:0[12479]|2[1358]|4[134679]|6[1-9]|7[136]|8[147]|9[1468]))|70[2-8]|8(?:0[2-9]|[1-8])|90[7-9]|[79][1-9]|3[68]4[1347]|3(?:47|60)[1356]|3(?:3[46]|46|5[49])[1246]|3[4579]3[1357]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '138',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{2,10})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,11})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '181',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{4,10})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:3|80)|9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7,12})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '185',
+                '1850',
+                '18500',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '18[68]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15[1279]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15[03568]',
+                '15(?:[0568]|31)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '18',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{7,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:6[023]|7)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15[279]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DJ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DJ.php
index 212c1120..a321cd7e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DJ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DJ.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2\\d|77)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:1[2-5]|7[45])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21360003',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '77\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '77831001',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2\\d|77)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:1[2-5]|7[45])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21360003',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '77\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '77831001',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DJ',
     'countryCode' => 253,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[27]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[27]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DK.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DK.php
index 1ada06c6..e94c9e82 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DK.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DK.php
@@ -1,164 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:2\\d|9[1-46-9])\\d|3(?:[0-37]\\d|4[013]|5[0-58]|6[01347-9]|8[0-8]|9[0-79])|4(?:[0-25]\\d|[34][02-9]|6[013-579]|7[013579]|8[0-47]|9[0-27])|5(?:[0-36]\\d|4[0146-9]|5[03-57-9]|7[0568]|8[0-358]|9[0-69])|6(?:[013578]\\d|2[0-68]|4[02-8]|6[01689]|9[015689])|7(?:[0-69]\\d|7[03-9]|8[0147])|8(?:[16-9]\\d|2[0-58]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '32123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-7]\\d|8[126-9]|9[1-46-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '34412345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:2\\d|9[1-46-9])\\d|3(?:[0-37]\\d|4[013]|5[0-58]|6[01347-9]|8[0-8]|9[0-79])|4(?:[0-25]\\d|[34][02-9]|6[013-579]|7[013579]|8[0-47]|9[0-27])|5(?:[0-36]\\d|4[0146-9]|5[03-57-9]|7[0568]|8[0-358]|9[0-69])|6(?:[013578]\\d|2[0-68]|4[02-8]|6[01689]|9[015689])|7(?:[0-69]\\d|7[03-9]|8[0147])|8(?:[16-9]\\d|2[0-58]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '32123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-7]\\d|8[126-9]|9[1-46-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '34412345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DK',
     'countryCode' => 45,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DM.php
index a491480f..c178511c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DM.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|767|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '767(?:2(?:55|66)|4(?:2[01]|4[0-25-9])|50[0-4])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7674201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '767(?:2(?:[2-4689]5|7[5-7])|31[5-7]|61[1-8]|70[1-6])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7672251234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|767|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '767(?:2(?:55|66)|4(?:2[01]|4[0-25-9])|50[0-4])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7674201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '767(?:2(?:[2-4689]5|7[5-7])|31[5-7]|61[1-8]|70[1-6])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7672251234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DM',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-7]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '767$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '767',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DO.php
index 2a830247..7e19473c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DO.php
@@ -1,158 +1,99 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:[04]9[2-9]\\d\\d|29(?:2(?:[0-59]\\d|6[04-9]|7[0-27]|8[0237-9])|3(?:[0-35-9]\\d|4[7-9])|[45]\\d\\d|6(?:[0-27-9]\\d|[3-5][1-9]|6[0135-8])|7(?:0[013-9]|[1-37]\\d|4[1-35689]|5[1-4689]|6[1-57-9]|8[1-79]|9[1-8])|8(?:0[146-9]|1[0-48]|[248]\\d|3[1-79]|5[01589]|6[013-68]|7[124-8]|9[0-8])|9(?:[0-24]\\d|3[02-46-9]|5[0-79]|60|7[0169]|8[57-9]|9[02-9])))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8092345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[024]9[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8092345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00(?:14|[2-9]\\d)|(?:33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:[04]9[2-9]\\d\\d|29(?:2(?:[0-59]\\d|6[04-9]|7[0-27]|8[0237-9])|3(?:[0-35-9]\\d|4[7-9])|[45]\\d\\d|6(?:[0-27-9]\\d|[3-5][1-9]|6[0135-8])|7(?:0[013-9]|[1-37]\\d|4[1-35689]|5[1-4689]|6[1-57-9]|8[1-79]|9[1-8])|8(?:0[146-9]|1[0-48]|[248]\\d|3[1-79]|5[01589]|6[013-68]|7[124-8]|9[0-8])|9(?:[0-24]\\d|3[02-46-9]|5[0-79]|60|7[0169]|8[57-9]|9[02-9])))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8092345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[024]9[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8092345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00(?:14|[2-9]\\d)|(?:33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DO',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
     'nationalPrefix' => '1',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '8001|8[024]9',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DZ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DZ.php
index 377161b4..0c38cd9a 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DZ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_DZ.php
@@ -1,198 +1,135 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-4]|[5-79]\\d|80)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9619\\d{5}|(?:1\\d|2[013-79]|3[0-8]|4[013-689])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5(?:4[0-29]|5\\d|6[0-3])|6(?:[569]\\d|7[0-6])|7[7-9]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '551234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[3-689]1\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '808123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[12]1\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '98[23]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '983123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-4]|[5-79]\\d|80)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9619\\d{5}|(?:1\\d|2[013-79]|3[0-8]|4[013-689])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5(?:4[0-29]|5\\d|6[0-3])|6(?:[569]\\d|7[0-6])|7[7-9]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '551234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[3-689]1\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '808123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[12]1\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '98[23]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '983123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DZ',
     'countryCode' => 213,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-4]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[5-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-4]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[5-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EC.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EC.php
index 3891d458..d66770ef 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EC.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EC.php
@@ -1,245 +1,178 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{9,10}|(?:[2-7]|9\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-7][2-7]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '964[0-2]\\d{5}|9(?:39|[57][89]|6[0-36-9]|[89]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '991234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{7}|1[78]00\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-7]890\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '28901234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{9,10}|(?:[2-7]|9\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-7][2-7]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '964[0-2]\\d{5}|9(?:39|[57][89]|6[0-36-9]|[89]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '991234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{7}|1[78]00\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-7]890\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '28901234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'EC',
     'countryCode' => 593,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-7]',
-               ],
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-7]',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EE.php
index 650675c3..b83eb4af 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EE.php
@@ -1,212 +1,147 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{9}|[4578]\\d{7}|(?:[3-8]\\d|90)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[23589]|4[3-8]|6\\d|7[1-9]|88)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5\\d{5}|8(?:1(?:0(?:0(?:00|[178]\\d)|[3-9]\\d\\d)|(?:1(?:0[236]|1\\d)|(?:2[0-59]|[3-79]\\d)\\d)\\d)|2(?:0(?:0(?:00|4\\d)|(?:19|[2-7]\\d)\\d)|(?:(?:[124-6]\\d|3[5-9])\\d|7(?:[0-79]\\d|8[13-9])|8(?:[2-6]\\d|7[01]))\\d)|[349]\\d{4}))\\d\\d|5(?:(?:[02]\\d|5[0-478])\\d|1(?:[0-8]\\d|95)|6(?:4[0-4]|5[1-589]))\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '51234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800(?:(?:0\\d\\d|1)\\d|[2-9])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:40\\d\\d|900)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[0-2]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[2-9]\\d{3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{9}|[4578]\\d{7}|(?:[3-8]\\d|90)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[23589]|4[3-8]|6\\d|7[1-9]|88)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5\\d{5}|8(?:1(?:0(?:0(?:00|[178]\\d)|[3-9]\\d\\d)|(?:1(?:0[236]|1\\d)|(?:2[0-59]|[3-79]\\d)\\d)\\d)|2(?:0(?:0(?:00|4\\d)|(?:19|[2-7]\\d)\\d)|(?:(?:[124-6]\\d|3[5-9])\\d|7(?:[0-79]\\d|8[13-9])|8(?:[2-6]\\d|7[01]))\\d)|[349]\\d{4}))\\d\\d|5(?:(?:[02]\\d|5[0-478])\\d|1(?:[0-8]\\d|95)|6(?:4[0-4]|5[1-589]))\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '51234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800(?:(?:0\\d\\d|1)\\d|[2-9])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:40\\d\\d|900)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[0-2]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[2-9]\\d{3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'EE',
     'countryCode' => 372,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[369]|4[3-8]|5(?:[0-2]|5[0-478]|6[45])|7[1-9]|88',
-                   1 => '[369]|4[3-8]|5(?:[02]|1(?:[0-8]|95)|5[0-478]|6(?:4[0-4]|5[1-589]))|7[1-9]|88',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[45]|8(?:00|[1-49])',
-                   1 => '[45]|8(?:00[1-9]|[1-49])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[369]|4[3-8]|5(?:[0-2]|5[0-478]|6[45])|7[1-9]|88',
+                '[369]|4[3-8]|5(?:[02]|1(?:[0-8]|95)|5[0-478]|6(?:4[0-4]|5[1-589]))|7[1-9]|88',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[45]|8(?:00|[1-49])',
+                '[45]|8(?:00[1-9]|[1-49])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EG.php
index 12289bed..17d3be69 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EG.php
@@ -1,213 +1,151 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[189]\\d{8,9}|[24-6]\\d{8}|[135]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '13[23]\\d{6}|(?:15|57)\\d{6,7}|(?:2\\d|3|4[05-8]|5[05]|6[24-689]|8[2468]|9[235-7])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[0-25]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[189]\\d{8,9}|[24-6]\\d{8}|[135]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '13[23]\\d{6}|(?:15|57)\\d{6,7}|(?:2\\d|3|4[05-8]|5[05]|6[24-689]|8[2468]|9[235-7])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[0-25]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'EG',
     'countryCode' => 20,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[35]|[4-6]|8[2468]|9[235-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[35]|[4-6]|8[2468]|9[235-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EH.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EH.php
index 36db2b2e..08b34783 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EH.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_EH.php
@@ -1,155 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[5-8]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '528[89]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '528812345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6(?:[0-79]\\d|8[0-247-9])|7(?:[0167]\\d|2[0-4]|5[01]|8[0-3]))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '650123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-7]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '89\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '891234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:592(?:4[0-2]|93)|80[89]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '592401234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[5-8]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '528[89]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '528812345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6(?:[0-79]\\d|8[0-247-9])|7(?:[0167]\\d|2[0-4]|5[01]|8[0-3]))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '650123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-7]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '89\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '891234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:592(?:4[0-2]|93)|80[89]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '592401234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'EH',
     'countryCode' => 212,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '528[89]',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ER.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ER.php
index 65a72823..a2bb414f 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ER.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ER.php
@@ -1,166 +1,108 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[178]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:1[12568]|[24]0|55|6[146])|8\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8370362',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:17[1-3]|7\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[178]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:1[12568]|[24]0|55|6[146])|8\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8370362',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:17[1-3]|7\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ER',
     'countryCode' => 291,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[178]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[178]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ES.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ES.php
index 72ce4930..815925e3 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ES.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ES.php
@@ -1,227 +1,153 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[5-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '96906(?:0[0-8]|1[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)\\d\\d|9(?:69(?:0[0-57-9]|[1-9]\\d)|73(?:[0-8]\\d|9[1-9]))\\d{4}|(?:8(?:[1356]\\d|[28][0-8]|[47][1-9])|9(?:[135]\\d|[268][0-8]|4[1-9]|7[124-9]))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '810123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:590[16]00\\d|9(?:6906(?:09|10)|7390\\d\\d))\\d\\d|(?:6\\d|7[1-48])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '612345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[89]00\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[367]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '803123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[12]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '901123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '51\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '511234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[5-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '96906(?:0[0-8]|1[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)\\d\\d|9(?:69(?:0[0-57-9]|[1-9]\\d)|73(?:[0-8]\\d|9[1-9]))\\d{4}|(?:8(?:[1356]\\d|[28][0-8]|[47][1-9])|9(?:[135]\\d|[268][0-8]|4[1-9]|7[124-9]))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '810123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:590[16]00\\d|9(?:6906(?:09|10)|7390\\d\\d))\\d\\d|(?:6\\d|7[1-48])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '612345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[89]00\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[367]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '803123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[12]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '901123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '51\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '511234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ES',
     'countryCode' => 34,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '905',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[79]9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]00',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[5-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]00',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[5-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '905',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[79]9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]00',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[5-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]00',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[5-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ET.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ET.php
index 3e17ad3e..1438279a 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ET.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ET.php
@@ -1,166 +1,108 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:11|[2-579]\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11667[01]\\d{3}|(?:11(?:1(?:1[124]|2[2-7]|3[1-5]|5[5-8]|8[6-8])|2(?:13|3[6-8]|5[89]|7[05-9]|8[2-6])|3(?:2[01]|3[0-289]|4[1289]|7[1-4]|87)|4(?:1[69]|3[2-49]|4[0-3]|6[5-8]|7\\d)|5(?:1[578]|44|5[0-4])|6(?:1[578]|2[69]|39|4[5-7]|5[0-5]|6[0-59]|8[015-8]))|2(?:2(?:11[1-9]|22[0-7]|33\\d|44[1467]|66[1-68])|5(?:11[124-6]|33[2-8]|44[1467]|55[14]|66[1-3679]|77[124-79]|880))|3(?:3(?:11[0-46-8]|(?:22|55)[0-6]|33[0134689]|44[04]|66[01467])|4(?:44[0-8]|55[0-69]|66[0-3]|77[1-5]))|4(?:6(?:119|22[0-24-7]|33[1-5]|44[13-69]|55[14-689]|660|88[1-4])|7(?:(?:11|22)[1-9]|33[13-7]|44[13-6]|55[1-689]))|5(?:7(?:227|55[05]|(?:66|77)[14-8])|8(?:11[149]|22[013-79]|33[0-68]|44[013-8]|550|66[1-5]|77\\d)))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '700[1-9]\\d{5}|(?:7(?:0[1-9]|1[0-8]|22|77|86|99)|9\\d\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:11|[2-579]\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11667[01]\\d{3}|(?:11(?:1(?:1[124]|2[2-7]|3[1-5]|5[5-8]|8[6-8])|2(?:13|3[6-8]|5[89]|7[05-9]|8[2-6])|3(?:2[01]|3[0-289]|4[1289]|7[1-4]|87)|4(?:1[69]|3[2-49]|4[0-3]|6[5-8]|7\\d)|5(?:1[578]|44|5[0-4])|6(?:1[578]|2[69]|39|4[5-7]|5[0-5]|6[0-59]|8[015-8]))|2(?:2(?:11[1-9]|22[0-7]|33\\d|44[1467]|66[1-68])|5(?:11[124-6]|33[2-8]|44[1467]|55[14]|66[1-3679]|77[124-79]|880))|3(?:3(?:11[0-46-8]|(?:22|55)[0-6]|33[0134689]|44[04]|66[01467])|4(?:44[0-8]|55[0-69]|66[0-3]|77[1-5]))|4(?:6(?:119|22[0-24-7]|33[1-5]|44[13-69]|55[14-689]|660|88[1-4])|7(?:(?:11|22)[1-9]|33[13-7]|44[13-6]|55[1-689]))|5(?:7(?:227|55[05]|(?:66|77)[14-8])|8(?:11[149]|22[013-79]|33[0-68]|44[013-8]|550|66[1-5]|77\\d)))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '700[1-9]\\d{5}|(?:7(?:0[1-9]|1[0-8]|22|77|86|99)|9\\d\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ET',
     'countryCode' => 251,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-579]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-579]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FI.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FI.php
index 2a0dacc8..fa46641b 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FI.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FI.php
@@ -1,165 +1,110 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-35689]\\d{4}|7\\d{10,11}|(?:[124-7]\\d|3[0-46-9])\\d{8}|[1-9]\\d{5,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 10,
-              6 => 11,
-              7 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[35-7][1-8]\\d{3,6}|(?:1[49][1-8]|[23568][1-8]\\d|9(?:00|[1-8]\\d))\\d{2,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '131234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4946\\d{2,6}|(?:4[0-8]|50)\\d{4,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[67]00\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '600123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '20\\d{4,8}|60[12]\\d{5,6}|7(?:099\\d{4,5}|5[03-9]\\d{3,7})|20[2-59]\\d\\d|(?:606|7(?:0[78]|1|3\\d))\\d{7}|(?:10|29|3[09]|70[1-5]\\d)\\d{4,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '20(?:2[023]|9[89])\\d{1,6}|(?:60[12]\\d|7099)\\d{4,5}|(?:606|7(?:0[78]|1|3\\d))\\d{7}|(?:[1-3]00|7(?:0[1-5]\\d\\d|5[03-9]))\\d{3,7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-35689]\\d{4}|7\\d{10,11}|(?:[124-7]\\d|3[0-46-9])\\d{8}|[1-9]\\d{5,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[35-7][1-8]\\d{3,6}|(?:1[49][1-8]|[23568][1-8]\\d|9(?:00|[1-8]\\d))\\d{2,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '131234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4946\\d{2,6}|(?:4[0-8]|50)\\d{4,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[67]00\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '600123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '20\\d{4,8}|60[12]\\d{5,6}|7(?:099\\d{4,5}|5[03-9]\\d{3,7})|20[2-59]\\d\\d|(?:606|7(?:0[78]|1|3\\d))\\d{7}|(?:10|29|3[09]|70[1-5]\\d)\\d{4,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '20(?:2[023]|9[89])\\d{1,6}|(?:60[12]\\d|7099)\\d{4,5}|(?:606|7(?:0[78]|1|3\\d))\\d{7}|(?:[1-3]00|7(?:0[1-5]\\d\\d|5[03-9]))\\d{3,7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FI',
     'countryCode' => 358,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00|99(?:[01469]|5(?:[14]1|3[23]|5[59]|77|88|9[09]))',
@@ -167,156 +112,130 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '75[12]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '20[2-59]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '11',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:[1-3]0|[68])0|70[07-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[14]|2[09]|50|7[135]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6,10})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4,9})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:1[49]|[2568])[1-8]|3(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])|9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '20[2-59]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:[1-3]0|[68])0|70[07-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[14]|2[09]|50|7[135]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6,10})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4,9})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:1[49]|[2568])[1-8]|3(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])|9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '75[12]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '20[2-59]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '11',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:[1-3]0|[68])0|70[07-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[14]|2[09]|50|7[135]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6,10})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4,9})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:1[49]|[2568])[1-8]|3(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])|9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '20[2-59]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:[1-3]0|[68])0|70[07-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[14]|2[09]|50|7[135]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6,10})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4,9})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:1[49]|[2568])[1-8]|3(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])|9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'leadingDigits' => '1[03-79]|[2-9]',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FJ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FJ.php
index 3eeee71a..333965e8 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FJ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FJ.php
@@ -1,180 +1,120 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '45\\d{5}|(?:0800\\d|[235-9])\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '603\\d{4}|(?:3[0-5]|6[25-7]|8[58])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[279]\\d|45|5[01568]|8[034679])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '08001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '45\\d{5}|(?:0800\\d|[235-9])\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '603\\d{4}|(?:3[0-5]|6[25-7]|8[58])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[279]\\d|45|5[01568]|8[034679])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '08001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FJ',
     'countryCode' => 679,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0(?:0|52)',
     'preferredInternationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[235-9]|45',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[235-9]|45',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FK.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FK.php
index 2fcd87e9..f8a546dc 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FK.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FK.php
@@ -1,150 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-7]\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-47]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '31234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[56]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '51234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-7]\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-47]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '31234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[56]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '51234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FK',
     'countryCode' => 500,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FM.php
index 754195a8..46158f6a 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FM.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[39]\\d\\d|820)\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '31(?:00[67]|208|309)\\d\\d|(?:3(?:[2357]0[1-9]|602|804|905)|(?:820|9[2-6]\\d)\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '31(?:00[67]|208|309)\\d\\d|(?:3(?:[2357]0[1-9]|602|804|905)|(?:820|9[2-7]\\d)\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3501234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[39]\\d\\d|820)\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '31(?:00[67]|208|309)\\d\\d|(?:3(?:[2357]0[1-9]|602|804|905)|(?:820|9[2-6]\\d)\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '31(?:00[67]|208|309)\\d\\d|(?:3(?:[2357]0[1-9]|602|804|905)|(?:820|9[2-7]\\d)\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3501234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FM',
     'countryCode' => 691,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[389]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[389]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FO.php
index c4d25a81..94b58aef 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FO.php
@@ -1,166 +1,103 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:20|[34]\\d|8[19])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[27][1-9]|5\\d|9[16])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[257-9]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '802123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90(?:[13-5][15-7]|2[125-7]|9\\d)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '901123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6[0-36]|88)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '601234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:20|[34]\\d|8[19])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[27][1-9]|5\\d|9[16])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[257-9]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '802123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90(?:[13-5][15-7]|2[125-7]|9\\d)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '901123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6[0-36]|88)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '601234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FO',
     'countryCode' => 298,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '(10(?:01|[12]0|88))',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FR.php
index 04704a03..41e70956 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_FR.php
@@ -1,229 +1,155 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:26[013-9]|59[1-35-9])\\d{6}|(?:[13]\\d|2[0-57-9]|4[1-9]|5[0-8])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6(?:[0-24-8]\\d|3[0-8]|9[589])|7[3-9]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '612345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '836(?:0[0-36-9]|[1-9]\\d)\\d{4}|8(?:1[2-9]|2[2-47-9]|3[0-57-9]|[569]\\d|8[0-35-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '891123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:1[01]|2[0156]|4[024]|84)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '884012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[6-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '806123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:26[013-9]|59[1-35-9])\\d{6}|(?:[13]\\d|2[0-57-9]|4[1-9]|5[0-8])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6(?:[0-24-8]\\d|3[0-8]|9[589])|7[3-9]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '612345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '836(?:0[0-36-9]|[1-9]\\d)\\d{4}|8(?:1[2-9]|2[2-47-9]|3[0-57-9]|[569]\\d|8[0-35-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '891123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:1[01]|2[0156]|4[024]|84)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '884012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[6-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '806123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FR',
     'countryCode' => 33,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '10',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '10',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GA.php
index b1cec170..44c856bb 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GA.php
@@ -1,190 +1,127 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[067]\\d|11)\\d{6}|[2-7]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]1\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01441234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:0[2-7]|7[467])\\d|6(?:0[0-4]|10|[256]\\d))\\d{5}|[2-7]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '06031234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[067]\\d|11)\\d{6}|[2-7]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]1\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01441234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:0[2-7]|7[467])\\d|6(?:0[0-4]|10|[256]\\d))\\d{5}|[2-7]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '06031234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GA',
     'countryCode' => 241,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0(11\\d{6}|60\\d{6}|61\\d{6}|6[256]\\d{6}|7[467]\\d{6})',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '11|[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '11|[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GB.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GB.php
index 7adbd587..96100eb5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GB.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GB.php
@@ -1,166 +1,114 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-357-9]\\d{9}|[18]\\d{8}|8\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:1(?:3(?:[0-58]\\d\\d|73[0-35])|4(?:(?:[0-5]\\d|70)\\d|69[7-9])|(?:(?:5[0-26-9]|[78][0-49])\\d|6(?:[0-4]\\d|50))\\d)|(?:2(?:(?:0[024-9]|2[3-9]|3[3-79]|4[1-689]|[58][02-9]|6[0-47-9]|7[013-9]|9\\d)\\d|1(?:[0-7]\\d|8[0-3]))|(?:3(?:0\\d|1[0-8]|[25][02-9]|3[02-579]|[468][0-46-9]|7[1-35-79]|9[2-578])|4(?:0[03-9]|[137]\\d|[28][02-57-9]|4[02-69]|5[0-8]|[69][0-79])|5(?:0[1-35-9]|[16]\\d|2[024-9]|3[015689]|4[02-9]|5[03-9]|7[0-35-9]|8[0-468]|9[0-57-9])|6(?:0[034689]|1\\d|2[0-35689]|[38][013-9]|4[1-467]|5[0-69]|6[13-9]|7[0-8]|9[0-24578])|7(?:0[0246-9]|2\\d|3[0236-8]|4[03-9]|5[0-46-9]|6[013-9]|7[0-35-9]|8[024-9]|9[02-9])|8(?:0[35-9]|2[1-57-9]|3[02-578]|4[0-578]|5[124-9]|6[2-69]|7\\d|8[02-9]|9[02569])|9(?:0[02-589]|[18]\\d|2[02-689]|3[1-57-9]|4[2-9]|5[0-579]|6[2-47-9]|7[0-24578]|9[2-57]))\\d)\\d)|2(?:0[013478]|3[0189]|4[017]|8[0-46-9]|9[0-2])\\d{3})\\d{4}|1(?:2(?:0(?:46[1-4]|87[2-9])|545[1-79]|76(?:2\\d|3[1-8]|6[1-6])|9(?:7(?:2[0-4]|3[2-5])|8(?:2[2-8]|7[0-47-9]|8[3-5])))|3(?:6(?:38[2-5]|47[23])|8(?:47[04-9]|64[0157-9]))|4(?:044[1-7]|20(?:2[23]|8\\d)|6(?:0(?:30|5[2-57]|6[1-8]|7[2-8])|140)|8(?:052|87[1-3]))|5(?:2(?:4(?:3[2-79]|6\\d)|76\\d)|6(?:26[06-9]|686))|6(?:06(?:4\\d|7[4-79])|295[5-7]|35[34]\\d|47(?:24|61)|59(?:5[08]|6[67]|74)|9(?:55[0-4]|77[23]))|7(?:26(?:6[13-9]|7[0-7])|(?:442|688)\\d|50(?:2[0-3]|[3-68]2|76))|8(?:27[56]\\d|37(?:5[2-5]|8[239])|843[2-58])|9(?:0(?:0(?:6[1-8]|85)|52\\d)|3583|4(?:66[1-8]|9(?:2[01]|81))|63(?:23|3[1-4])|9561))\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1212345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:457[0-57-9]|700[01]|911[028])\\d{5}|7(?:[1-3]\\d\\d|4(?:[0-46-9]\\d|5[0-689])|5(?:0[0-8]|[13-9]\\d|2[0-35-9])|7(?:0[1-9]|[1-7]\\d|8[02-9]|9[0-689])|8(?:[014-9]\\d|[23][0-8])|9(?:[024-9]\\d|1[02-9]|3[0-689]))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7400123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[08]\\d{7}|800\\d{6}|8001111',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:4[2-5]|7[0-3])|9(?:[01]\\d|8[2-49]))\\d{7}|845464\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5612345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '76(?:464|652)\\d{5}|76(?:0[0-28]|2[356]|34|4[01347]|5[49]|6[0-369]|77|8[14]|9[139])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7640123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[0347]|55)\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-357-9]\\d{9}|[18]\\d{8}|8\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:1(?:3(?:[0-58]\\d\\d|73[0-35])|4(?:(?:[0-5]\\d|70)\\d|69[7-9])|(?:(?:5[0-26-9]|[78][0-49])\\d|6(?:[0-4]\\d|50))\\d)|(?:2(?:(?:0[024-9]|2[3-9]|3[3-79]|4[1-689]|[58][02-9]|6[0-47-9]|7[013-9]|9\\d)\\d|1(?:[0-7]\\d|8[0-3]))|(?:3(?:0\\d|1[0-8]|[25][02-9]|3[02-579]|[468][0-46-9]|7[1-35-79]|9[2-578])|4(?:0[03-9]|[137]\\d|[28][02-57-9]|4[02-69]|5[0-8]|[69][0-79])|5(?:0[1-35-9]|[16]\\d|2[024-9]|3[015689]|4[02-9]|5[03-9]|7[0-35-9]|8[0-468]|9[0-57-9])|6(?:0[034689]|1\\d|2[0-35689]|[38][013-9]|4[1-467]|5[0-69]|6[13-9]|7[0-8]|9[0-24578])|7(?:0[0246-9]|2\\d|3[0236-8]|4[03-9]|5[0-46-9]|6[013-9]|7[0-35-9]|8[024-9]|9[02-9])|8(?:0[35-9]|2[1-57-9]|3[02-578]|4[0-578]|5[124-9]|6[2-69]|7\\d|8[02-9]|9[02569])|9(?:0[02-589]|[18]\\d|2[02-689]|3[1-57-9]|4[2-9]|5[0-579]|6[2-47-9]|7[0-24578]|9[2-57]))\\d)\\d)|2(?:0[013478]|3[0189]|4[017]|8[0-46-9]|9[0-2])\\d{3})\\d{4}|1(?:2(?:0(?:46[1-4]|87[2-9])|545[1-79]|76(?:2\\d|3[1-8]|6[1-6])|9(?:7(?:2[0-4]|3[2-5])|8(?:2[2-8]|7[0-47-9]|8[3-5])))|3(?:6(?:38[2-5]|47[23])|8(?:47[04-9]|64[0157-9]))|4(?:044[1-7]|20(?:2[23]|8\\d)|6(?:0(?:30|5[2-57]|6[1-8]|7[2-8])|140)|8(?:052|87[1-3]))|5(?:2(?:4(?:3[2-79]|6\\d)|76\\d)|6(?:26[06-9]|686))|6(?:06(?:4\\d|7[4-79])|295[5-7]|35[34]\\d|47(?:24|61)|59(?:5[08]|6[67]|74)|9(?:55[0-4]|77[23]))|7(?:26(?:6[13-9]|7[0-7])|(?:442|688)\\d|50(?:2[0-3]|[3-68]2|76))|8(?:27[56]\\d|37(?:5[2-5]|8[239])|843[2-58])|9(?:0(?:0(?:6[1-8]|85)|52\\d)|3583|4(?:66[1-8]|9(?:2[01]|81))|63(?:23|3[1-4])|9561))\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1212345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:457[0-57-9]|700[01]|911[028])\\d{5}|7(?:[1-3]\\d\\d|4(?:[0-46-9]\\d|5[0-689])|5(?:0[0-8]|[13-9]\\d|2[0-35-9])|7(?:0[1-9]|[1-7]\\d|8[02-9]|9[0-689])|8(?:[014-9]\\d|[23][0-8])|9(?:[024-9]\\d|1[02-9]|3[0-689]))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7400123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[08]\\d{7}|800\\d{6}|8001111',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:4[2-5]|7[0-3])|9(?:[01]\\d|8[2-49]))\\d{7}|845464\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5612345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '76(?:464|652)\\d{5}|76(?:0[0-28]|2[356]|34|4[01347]|5[49]|6[0-369]|77|8[14]|9[139])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7640123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[0347]|55)\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GB',
     'countryCode' => 44,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
@@ -168,118 +116,99 @@
     'preferredExtnPrefix' => ' x',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-                   1 => '8001',
-                   2 => '80011',
-                   3 => '800111',
-                   4 => '8001111',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '845',
-                   1 => '8454',
-                   2 => '84546',
-                   3 => '845464',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:38|5[23]|69|76|94)',
-                   1 => '1(?:(?:38|69)7|5(?:24|39)|768|946)',
-                   2 => '1(?:3873|5(?:242|39[4-6])|(?:697|768)[347]|9467)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[2-69][02-9]|[78])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[25]|7(?:0|6[02-9])',
-                   1 => '[25]|7(?:0|6(?:[03-9]|2[356]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1389]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+                '8001',
+                '80011',
+                '800111',
+                '8001111',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '845',
+                '8454',
+                '84546',
+                '845464',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:38|5[23]|69|76|94)',
+                '1(?:(?:38|69)7|5(?:24|39)|768|946)',
+                '1(?:3873|5(?:242|39[4-6])|(?:697|768)[347]|9467)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[2-69][02-9]|[78])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[25]|7(?:0|6[02-9])',
+                '[25]|7(?:0|6(?:[03-9]|2[356]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1389]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GD.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GD.php
index 263a64ef..dbc7896b 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GD.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GD.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:473|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '473(?:2(?:3[0-2]|69)|3(?:2[89]|86)|4(?:[06]8|3[5-9]|4[0-4]|5[579]|73|90)|63[68]|7(?:58|84)|800|938)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4732691234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '473(?:4(?:0[2-79]|1[04-9]|2[0-5]|49|5[68])|5(?:2[01]|3[3-8])|901)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4734031234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:473|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '473(?:2(?:3[0-2]|69)|3(?:2[89]|86)|4(?:[06]8|3[5-9]|4[0-4]|5[579]|73|90)|63[68]|7(?:58|84)|800|938)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4732691234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '473(?:4(?:0[2-79]|1[04-9]|2[0-5]|49|5[68])|5(?:2[01]|3[3-8])|901)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4734031234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GD',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-9]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '473$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '473',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GE.php
index 40fd7599..b9d14c01 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GE.php
@@ -1,206 +1,139 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[3-57]\\d\\d|800)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:[256]\\d|4[124-9]|7[0-4])|4(?:1\\d|2[2-7]|3[1-79]|4[2-8]|7[239]|9[1-7]))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '322123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:(?:(?:0555|1(?:[17]77|555))[5-9]|757(?:7[7-9]|8[01]))\\d|22252[0-4])\\d\\d|(?:5(?:0(?:0(?:0\\d|11|22|3[0-6]|44|5[05]|77|88|9[09])|111|22[02]|77\\d)|1(?:1(?:[03][01]|[124]\\d)|4\\d\\d)|[23]555|4(?:4\\d\\d|555)|5(?:[0157-9]\\d\\d|200)|6[89]\\d\\d|7(?:[0147-9]\\d\\d|5(?:00|[57]5))|8(?:0(?:[018]\\d|2[0-4])|5(?:55|8[89])|8(?:55|88))|9(?:090|[1-35-9]\\d\\d))|790\\d\\d)\\d{4}|5(?:0(?:0[17]0|505)|1(?:0[01]0|1(?:07|33|51))|2(?:0[02]0|2[25]2)|3(?:0[03]0|3[35]3)|(?:40[04]|900)0|5222)[0-4]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '555123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[67]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '706123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[67]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[3-57]\\d\\d|800)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:[256]\\d|4[124-9]|7[0-4])|4(?:1\\d|2[2-7]|3[1-79]|4[2-8]|7[239]|9[1-7]))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '322123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:(?:(?:0555|1(?:[17]77|555))[5-9]|757(?:7[7-9]|8[01]))\\d|22252[0-4])\\d\\d|(?:5(?:0(?:0(?:0\\d|11|22|3[0-6]|44|5[05]|77|88|9[09])|111|22[02]|77\\d)|1(?:1(?:[03][01]|[124]\\d)|4\\d\\d)|[23]555|4(?:4\\d\\d|555)|5(?:[0157-9]\\d\\d|200)|6[89]\\d\\d|7(?:[0147-9]\\d\\d|5(?:00|[57]5))|8(?:0(?:[018]\\d|2[0-4])|5(?:55|8[89])|8(?:55|88))|9(?:090|[1-35-9]\\d\\d))|790\\d\\d)\\d{4}|5(?:0(?:0[17]0|505)|1(?:0[01]0|1(?:07|33|51))|2(?:0[02]0|2[25]2)|3(?:0[03]0|3[35]3)|(?:40[04]|900)0|5222)[0-4]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '555123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[67]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '706123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[67]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GE',
     'countryCode' => 995,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '70',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '32',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[57]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[348]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '70',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '32',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[57]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[348]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GF.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GF.php
index 5f2fda88..6fe99f8e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GF.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GF.php
@@ -1,178 +1,114 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[56]94\\d{6}|(?:80|9\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '594(?:[02-49]\\d|1[0-5]|5[6-9]|6[0-3]|80)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '594101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '694(?:[0-249]\\d|3[0-8])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '694201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:396|76\\d)\\d|476[0-5])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '976012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[56]94\\d{6}|(?:80|9\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '594(?:[02-49]\\d|1[0-5]|5[6-9]|6[0-3]|80)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '594101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '694(?:[0-249]\\d|3[0-8])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '694201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:396|76\\d)\\d|476[0-5])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '976012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GF',
     'countryCode' => 594,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[56]|9[47]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[56]|9[47]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GG.php
index c9f85e96..e6df50c2 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GG.php
@@ -1,158 +1,106 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1481|[357-9]\\d{3})\\d{6}|8\\d{6}(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1481[25-9]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1481256789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:(?:781|839)\\d|911[17])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7781123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[08]\\d{7}|800\\d{6}|8001111',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:4[2-5]|7[0-3])|9(?:[01]\\d|8[0-3]))\\d{7}|845464\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5612345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '76(?:464|652)\\d{5}|76(?:0[0-28]|2[356]|34|4[01347]|5[49]|6[0-369]|77|8[14]|9[139])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7640123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[0347]|55)\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1481|[357-9]\\d{3})\\d{6}|8\\d{6}(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1481[25-9]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1481256789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:(?:781|839)\\d|911[17])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7781123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[08]\\d{7}|800\\d{6}|8001111',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:4[2-5]|7[0-3])|9(?:[01]\\d|8[0-3]))\\d{7}|845464\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5612345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '76(?:464|652)\\d{5}|76(?:0[0-28]|2[356]|34|4[01347]|5[49]|6[0-369]|77|8[14]|9[139])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7640123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[0347]|55)\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GG',
     'countryCode' => 44,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
@@ -160,12 +108,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([25-9]\\d{5})$|0',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '1481$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GH.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GH.php
index 88921f69..06bca043 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GH.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GH.php
@@ -1,220 +1,157 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[235]\\d{3}|800)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3082[0-5]\\d{4}|3(?:0(?:[237]\\d|8[01])|[167](?:2[0-6]|7\\d|80)|2(?:2[0-5]|7\\d|80)|3(?:2[0-3]|7\\d|80)|4(?:2[013-9]|3[01]|7\\d|80)|5(?:2[0-7]|7\\d|80)|8(?:2[0-2]|7\\d|80)|9(?:[28]0|7\\d))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '302345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[0346-9]\\d|5[67])|5(?:[03-7]\\d|9[1-9]))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '231234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[235]\\d{3}|800)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3082[0-5]\\d{4}|3(?:0(?:[237]\\d|8[01])|[167](?:2[0-6]|7\\d|80)|2(?:2[0-5]|7\\d|80)|3(?:2[0-3]|7\\d|80)|4(?:2[013-9]|3[01]|7\\d|80)|5(?:2[0-7]|7\\d|80)|8(?:2[0-2]|7\\d|80)|9(?:[28]0|7\\d))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '302345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[0346-9]\\d|5[67])|5(?:[03-7]\\d|9[1-9]))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '231234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GH',
     'countryCode' => 233,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[237]|8[0-2]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[235]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[235]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[237]|8[0-2]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[235]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[235]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GI.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GI.php
index 84f35100..e75bd2f9 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GI.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GI.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[25]\\d|60)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2190[0-2]\\d{3}|2(?:0(?:[02]\\d|3[01])|16[24-9]|2[2-5]\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5251[0-4]\\d{3}|(?:5(?:[146-8]\\d\\d|250)|60(?:1[01]|6\\d))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '57123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[25]\\d|60)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2190[0-2]\\d{3}|2(?:0(?:[02]\\d|3[01])|16[24-9]|2[2-5]\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5251[0-4]\\d{3}|(?:5(?:[146-8]\\d\\d|250)|60(?:1[01]|6\\d))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '57123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GI',
     'countryCode' => 350,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GL.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GL.php
index c88ef2d5..d5ec8a8b 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GL.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GL.php
@@ -1,164 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:19|[2-689]\\d|70)\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:19|3[1-7]|[68][1-9]|70|9\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '321000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[245]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '221234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[89]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '381234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:19|[2-689]\\d|70)\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:19|3[1-7]|[68][1-9]|70|9\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '321000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[245]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '221234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[89]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '381234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GL',
     'countryCode' => 299,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '19|[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '19|[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GM.php
index 9e2ad985..0ae669ae 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GM.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4(?:[23]\\d\\d|4(?:1[024679]|[6-9]\\d))|5(?:5(?:3\\d|4[0-7])|6[67]\\d|7(?:1[04]|2[035]|3[58]|48))|8\\d{3})\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5661234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[23679]\\d|4[015]|5[0-489])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4(?:[23]\\d\\d|4(?:1[024679]|[6-9]\\d))|5(?:5(?:3\\d|4[0-7])|6[67]\\d|7(?:1[04]|2[035]|3[58]|48))|8\\d{3})\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5661234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[23679]\\d|4[015]|5[0-489])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GM',
     'countryCode' => 220,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GN.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GN.php
index 5a363f91..0ea59775 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GN.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GN.php
@@ -1,179 +1,119 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '722\\d{6}|(?:3|6\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:0(?:24|3[12]|4[1-35-7]|5[13]|6[189]|[78]1|9[1478])|1\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30241234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[0-356]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '601123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '722\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '722123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '722\\d{6}|(?:3|6\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:0(?:24|3[12]|4[1-35-7]|5[13]|6[189]|[78]1|9[1478])|1\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30241234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[0-356]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '601123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '722\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '722123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GN',
     'countryCode' => 224,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GP.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GP.php
index 5041dab0..70aa9917 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GP.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GP.php
@@ -1,178 +1,114 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '590\\d{6}|(?:69|80|9\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '590(?:0[1-68]|[14][0-24-9]|2[0-68]|3[1-9]|5[3-579]|[68][0-689]|7[08]|9\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '590201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '69(?:0\\d\\d|1(?:2[2-9]|3[0-5])|4(?:0[89]|1[2-6]|9\\d)|6(?:1[016-9]|5[0-4]|[67]\\d))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '690001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:39[5-7]|76[018])\\d|475[0-5])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '976012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '590\\d{6}|(?:69|80|9\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '590(?:0[1-68]|[14][0-24-9]|2[0-68]|3[1-9]|5[3-579]|[68][0-689]|7[08]|9\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '590201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '69(?:0\\d\\d|1(?:2[2-9]|3[0-5])|4(?:0[89]|1[2-6]|9\\d)|6(?:1[016-9]|5[0-4]|[67]\\d))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '690001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:39[5-7]|76[018])\\d|475[0-5])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '976012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GP',
     'countryCode' => 590,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[569]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[569]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GQ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GQ.php
index 2b58d090..4cafb3d3 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GQ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GQ.php
@@ -1,176 +1,112 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '222\\d{6}|(?:3\\d|55|[89]0)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '33[0-24-9]\\d[46]\\d{4}|3(?:33|5\\d)\\d[7-9]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '333091234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:222|55\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '222123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d[1-9]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d[1-9]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '222\\d{6}|(?:3\\d|55|[89]0)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '33[0-24-9]\\d[46]\\d{4}|3(?:33|5\\d)\\d[7-9]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '333091234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:222|55\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '222123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d[1-9]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d[1-9]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GQ',
     'countryCode' => 240,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[235]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[235]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GR.php
index ee3c6cd7..e82be412 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GR.php
@@ -1,211 +1,146 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5005000\\d{3}|8\\d{9,11}|(?:[269]\\d|70)\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-              2 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:1\\d\\d|2(?:2[1-46-9]|[36][1-8]|4[1-7]|5[1-4]|7[1-5]|[89][1-9])|3(?:1\\d|2[1-57]|[35][1-3]|4[13]|7[1-7]|8[124-6]|9[1-79])|4(?:1\\d|2[1-8]|3[1-4]|4[13-5]|6[1-578]|9[1-5])|5(?:1\\d|[29][1-4]|3[1-5]|4[124]|5[1-6])|6(?:1\\d|[269][1-6]|3[1245]|4[1-7]|5[13-9]|7[14]|8[1-5])|7(?:1\\d|2[1-5]|3[1-6]|4[1-7]|5[1-57]|6[135]|9[125-7])|8(?:1\\d|2[1-5]|[34][1-4]|9[1-57]))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '68[57-9]\\d{7}|(?:69|94)\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6912345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[19]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9091234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:0[16]|12|[27]5|50)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8011234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5005000\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5005000123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5005000\\d{3}|8\\d{9,11}|(?:[269]\\d|70)\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:1\\d\\d|2(?:2[1-46-9]|[36][1-8]|4[1-7]|5[1-4]|7[1-5]|[89][1-9])|3(?:1\\d|2[1-57]|[35][1-3]|4[13]|7[1-7]|8[124-6]|9[1-79])|4(?:1\\d|2[1-8]|3[1-4]|4[13-5]|6[1-578]|9[1-5])|5(?:1\\d|[29][1-4]|3[1-5]|4[124]|5[1-6])|6(?:1\\d|[269][1-6]|3[1245]|4[1-7]|5[13-9]|7[14]|8[1-5])|7(?:1\\d|2[1-5]|3[1-6]|4[1-7]|5[1-57]|6[135]|9[125-7])|8(?:1\\d|2[1-5]|[34][1-4]|9[1-57]))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '68[57-9]\\d{7}|(?:69|94)\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6912345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[19]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9091234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:0[16]|12|[27]5|50)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8011234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5005000\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5005000123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GR',
     'countryCode' => 30,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '21|7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:2|3[2-57-9]|4[2-469]|5[2-59]|6[2-9]|7[2-69]|8[2-49])|5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '21|7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:2|3[2-57-9]|4[2-469]|5[2-59]|6[2-9]|7[2-69]|8[2-49])|5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GT.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GT.php
index dae3d40e..d7004155 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GT.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GT.php
@@ -1,181 +1,121 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}|(?:1\\d{3}|[2-7])\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[267][2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[3-5]\\d\\d|80[0-4])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '51234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18[01]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18001112222',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '19001112222',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}|(?:1\\d{3}|[2-7])\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[267][2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[3-5]\\d\\d|80[0-4])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '51234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18[01]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18001112222',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '19001112222',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GT',
     'countryCode' => 502,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GU.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GU.php
index 21988e11..81fb591c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GU.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GU.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|671|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '671(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:00|3[39]|4[349]|55|6[26])|4(?:00|56|7[1-9]|8[02-46-9])|5(?:55|6[2-5]|88)|6(?:3[2-578]|4[24-9]|5[34]|78|8[235-9])|7(?:[0479]7|2[0167]|3[45]|8[7-9])|8(?:[2-57-9]8|6[48])|9(?:2[29]|6[79]|7[1279]|8[7-9]|9[78]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6713001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '671(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:00|3[39]|4[349]|55|6[26])|4(?:00|56|7[1-9]|8[02-46-9])|5(?:55|6[2-5]|88)|6(?:3[2-578]|4[24-9]|5[34]|78|8[235-9])|7(?:[0479]7|2[0167]|3[45]|8[7-9])|8(?:[2-57-9]8|6[48])|9(?:2[29]|6[79]|7[1279]|8[7-9]|9[78]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6713001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|671|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '671(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:00|3[39]|4[349]|55|6[26])|4(?:00|56|7[1-9]|8[02-46-9])|5(?:55|6[2-5]|88)|6(?:3[2-578]|4[24-9]|5[34]|78|8[235-9])|7(?:[0479]7|2[0167]|3[45]|8[7-9])|8(?:[2-57-9]8|6[48])|9(?:2[29]|6[79]|7[1279]|8[7-9]|9[78]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6713001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '671(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:00|3[39]|4[349]|55|6[26])|4(?:00|56|7[1-9]|8[02-46-9])|5(?:55|6[2-5]|88)|6(?:3[2-578]|4[24-9]|5[34]|78|8[235-9])|7(?:[0479]7|2[0167]|3[45]|8[7-9])|8(?:[2-57-9]8|6[48])|9(?:2[29]|6[79]|7[1279]|8[7-9]|9[78]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6713001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GU',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-9]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '671$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '671',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GW.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GW.php
index a5bdebed..54fc1a26 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GW.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GW.php
@@ -1,179 +1,119 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[49]\\d{8}|4\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '443\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '443201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:5\\d|6[569]|77)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '955012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '40\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[49]\\d{8}|4\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '443\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '443201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:5\\d|6[569]|77)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '955012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '40\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GW',
     'countryCode' => 245,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '40',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[49]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '40',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[49]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GY.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GY.php
index 3bb39335..a331fc5c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GY.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_GY.php
@@ -1,165 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-8]\\d{3}|9008)\\d{3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:1[6-9]|2[0-35-9]|3[1-4]|5[3-9]|6\\d|7[0-79])|3(?:2[25-9]|3\\d)|4(?:4[0-24]|5[56])|50[0-6]|77[1-57])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '510\\d{4}|(?:6\\d|7[0-5])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6091234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:289|8(?:00|6[28]|88|99))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2891234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9008\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9008123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '515\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5151234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-8]\\d{3}|9008)\\d{3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:1[6-9]|2[0-35-9]|3[1-4]|5[3-9]|6\\d|7[0-79])|3(?:2[25-9]|3\\d)|4(?:4[0-24]|5[56])|50[0-6]|77[1-57])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '510\\d{4}|(?:6\\d|7[0-5])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6091234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:289|8(?:00|6[28]|88|99))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2891234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9008\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9008123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '515\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5151234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GY',
     'countryCode' => 592,
     'internationalPrefix' => '001',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HK.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HK.php
index 2914ebcd..5fa510fc 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HK.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HK.php
@@ -1,221 +1,157 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[0-46-9]\\d{6,7}|9\\d{4,7}|(?:[2-7]|9\\d{3})\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[13-9]\\d|2[013-9])\\d|3(?:(?:[1569][0-24-9]|4[0-246-9]|7[0-24-69])\\d|8(?:4[0-8]|[579]\\d|6[0-2]))|58(?:0[1-9]|1[2-9]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4(?:44[0-25-9]|6(?:1[0-7]|4[0-57-9]|6[0-4])|74[0-2])|5(?:73[0-6]|95[0-8])|6(?:26[013-8]|66[0-3])|70(?:7[1-8]|8[0-4])|84(?:4[0-2]|8[0-35-9])|9(?:29[013-9]|39[01]|59[0-4]|899))\\d{4}|(?:4(?:4[0-35-9]|6[02357-9]|70)|5(?:[1-59][0-46-9]|6[0-4689]|7[0-246-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[13-59]\\d|[268][0-57-9]|7[0-79])|70[1-39]|84[0-39]|9(?:0[1-9]|1[02-9]|[2358][0-8]|[467]\\d))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '51234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900(?:[0-24-9]\\d{7}|3\\d{1,4})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:1[0-4679]\\d|2(?:[0-36]\\d|7[0-4])|3(?:[034]\\d|2[09]|70))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:1(?:0[0-38]|1[0-3679]|3[013]|69|9[0136])|2(?:[02389]\\d|1[18]|7[27-9])|3(?:[0-38]\\d|7[0-369]|9[2357-9])|47\\d|5(?:[178]\\d|5[0-5])|6(?:0[0-7]|2[236-9]|[35]\\d)|7(?:[27]\\d|8[7-9])|8(?:[23689]\\d|7[1-9])|9(?:[025]\\d|6[0-246-8]|7[0-36-9]|8[238]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '30(?:0[1-9]|[15-7]\\d|2[047]|89)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30161234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[0-46-9]\\d{6,7}|9\\d{4,7}|(?:[2-7]|9\\d{3})\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[13-9]\\d|2[013-9])\\d|3(?:(?:[1569][0-24-9]|4[0-246-9]|7[0-24-69])\\d|8(?:4[0-8]|[579]\\d|6[0-2]))|58(?:0[1-9]|1[2-9]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4(?:44[0-25-9]|6(?:1[0-7]|4[0-57-9]|6[0-4])|74[0-2])|5(?:73[0-6]|95[0-8])|6(?:26[013-8]|66[0-3])|70(?:7[1-8]|8[0-4])|84(?:4[0-2]|8[0-35-9])|9(?:29[013-9]|39[01]|59[0-4]|899))\\d{4}|(?:4(?:4[0-35-9]|6[02357-9]|70)|5(?:[1-59][0-46-9]|6[0-4689]|7[0-246-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[13-59]\\d|[268][0-57-9]|7[0-79])|70[1-39]|84[0-39]|9(?:0[1-9]|1[02-9]|[2358][0-8]|[467]\\d))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '51234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900(?:[0-24-9]\\d{7}|3\\d{1,4})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:1[0-4679]\\d|2(?:[0-36]\\d|7[0-4])|3(?:[034]\\d|2[09]|70))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:1(?:0[0-38]|1[0-3679]|3[013]|69|9[0136])|2(?:[02389]\\d|1[18]|7[27-9])|3(?:[0-38]\\d|7[0-369]|9[2357-9])|47\\d|5(?:[178]\\d|5[0-5])|6(?:0[0-7]|2[236-9]|[35]\\d)|7(?:[27]\\d|8[7-9])|8(?:[23689]\\d|7[1-9])|9(?:[025]\\d|6[0-246-8]|7[0-36-9]|8[238]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '30(?:0[1-9]|[15-7]\\d|2[047]|89)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30161234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'HK',
     'countryCode' => 852,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00(?:30|5[09]|[126-9]?)',
     'preferredInternationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '900',
-                   1 => '9003',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-7]|8[1-4]|9(?:0[1-9]|[1-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '900',
+                '9003',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-7]|8[1-4]|9(?:0[1-9]|[1-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HN.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HN.php
index 19f660ad..36700567 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HN.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HN.php
@@ -1,192 +1,131 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{10}|[237-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:2(?:0[0-59]|1[1-9]|[23]\\d|4[02-6]|5[57]|6[245]|7[0135689]|8[01346-9]|9[0-2])|4(?:0[578]|2[3-59]|3[13-9]|4[0-68]|5[1-3589])|5(?:0[2357-9]|1[1-356]|4[03-5]|5\\d|6[014-69]|7[04]|80)|6(?:[056]\\d|17|2[067]|3[047]|4[0-378]|[78][0-8]|9[01])|7(?:0[5-79]|6[46-9]|7[02-9]|8[034]|91)|8(?:79|8[0-357-9]|9[1-57-9]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[37-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '91234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8002\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80021234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8002\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{10}|[237-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:2(?:0[0-59]|1[1-9]|[23]\\d|4[02-6]|5[57]|6[245]|7[0135689]|8[01346-9]|9[0-2])|4(?:0[578]|2[3-59]|3[13-9]|4[0-68]|5[1-3589])|5(?:0[2357-9]|1[1-356]|4[03-5]|5\\d|6[014-69]|7[04]|80)|6(?:[056]\\d|17|2[067]|3[047]|4[0-378]|[78][0-8]|9[01])|7(?:0[5-79]|6[46-9]|7[02-9]|8[034]|91)|8(?:79|8[0-357-9]|9[1-57-9]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[37-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '91234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8002\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80021234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8002\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'HN',
     'countryCode' => 504,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[237-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[237-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[237-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[237-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HR.php
index d8884c27..7776718c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HR.php
@@ -1,258 +1,189 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[24-69]\\d|3[0-79])\\d{7}|80\\d{5,7}|[1-79]\\d{7}|6\\d{5,6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{7}|(?:2[0-3]|3[1-5]|4[02-47-9]|5[1-3])\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:0[1-9]|[12589]\\d)\\d\\d|7(?:[0679]\\d\\d|5(?:[01]\\d|44|55|77|9[5-7])))\\d{4}|98\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '921234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{5,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[01459]\\d{6}|6[01]\\d{4,5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '611234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[45]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '74123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '62\\d{6,7}|72\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '62123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[24-69]\\d|3[0-79])\\d{7}|80\\d{5,7}|[1-79]\\d{7}|6\\d{5,6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{7}|(?:2[0-3]|3[1-5]|4[02-47-9]|5[1-3])\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:0[1-9]|[12589]\\d)\\d\\d|7(?:[0679]\\d\\d|5(?:[01]\\d|44|55|77|9[5-7])))\\d{4}|98\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '921234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{5,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[01459]\\d{6}|6[01]\\d{4,5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '611234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[45]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '74123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '62\\d{6,7}|72\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '62123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'HR',
     'countryCode' => 385,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6[01]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6|7[245]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-57]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6[01]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6|7[245]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-57]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HT.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HT.php
index 2a887ffc..6c5475b0 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HT.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HT.php
@@ -1,164 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-489]\\d|55)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:2\\d|5[1-5]|81|9[149])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22453300',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[34]\\d|55)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '34101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:[67][0-4]|8[0-3589]|9\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '98901234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-489]\\d|55)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:2\\d|5[1-5]|81|9[149])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22453300',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[34]\\d|55)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '34101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:[67][0-4]|8[0-3589]|9\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '98901234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'HT',
     'countryCode' => 509,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-589]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-589]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HU.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HU.php
index 26c2f19e..15dd301b 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HU.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_HU.php
@@ -1,202 +1,140 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[235-7]\\d{8}|[1-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1\\d|[27][2-9]|3[2-7]|4[24-9]|5[2-79]|6[23689]|8[2-57-9]|9[2-69])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[257]0|3[01])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '201234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[48]0\\d|680[29])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[01]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '21\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '38\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '381234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[48]0\\d|680[29])\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[235-7]\\d{8}|[1-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1\\d|[27][2-9]|3[2-7]|4[24-9]|5[2-79]|6[23689]|8[2-57-9]|9[2-69])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[257]0|3[01])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '201234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[48]0\\d|680[29])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[01]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '21\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '38\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '381234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[48]0\\d|680[29])\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'HU',
     'countryCode' => 36,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '06',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '06',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(06 $1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[27][2-9]|3[2-7]|4[24-9]|5[2-79]|6|8[2-57-9]|9[2-69]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(06 $1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '06 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(06 $1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[27][2-9]|3[2-7]|4[24-9]|5[2-79]|6|8[2-57-9]|9[2-69]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(06 $1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '06 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ID.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ID.php
index 32e4dae9..0edc717a 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ID.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ID.php
@@ -1,441 +1,348 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '00[1-9]\\d{9,14}|(?:[1-36]|8\\d{5})\\d{6}|00\\d{9}|[1-9]\\d{8,10}|[2-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-              5 => 12,
-              6 => 13,
-              7 => 14,
-              8 => 15,
-              9 => 16,
-              10 => 17,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[124]\\d{7,8}|619\\d{8}|2(?:1(?:14|500)|2\\d{3})\\d{3}|61\\d{5,8}|(?:2(?:[35][1-4]|6[0-8]|7[1-6]|8\\d|9[1-8])|3(?:1|[25][1-8]|3[1-68]|4[1-3]|6[1-3568]|7[0-469]|8\\d)|4(?:0[1-589]|1[01347-9]|2[0-36-8]|3[0-24-68]|43|5[1-378]|6[1-5]|7[134]|8[1245])|5(?:1[1-35-9]|2[25-8]|3[124-9]|4[1-3589]|5[1-46]|6[1-8])|6(?:[25]\\d|3[1-69]|4[1-6])|7(?:02|[125][1-9]|[36]\\d|4[1-8]|7[0-36-9])|9(?:0[12]|1[013-8]|2[0-479]|5[125-8]|6[23679]|7[159]|8[01346]))\\d{5,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '218350123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[1-35-9]\\d{7,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '812345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 11,
-              3 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '00(?:1803\\d{5,11}|7803\\d{7})|(?:177\\d|800)\\d{5,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-              4 => 12,
-              5 => 13,
-              6 => 14,
-              7 => 15,
-              8 => 16,
-              9 => 17,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '809\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8091234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '804\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8041234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1500|8071\\d{3})\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8071123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '001803\\d{5,11}|(?:007803\\d|8071)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-              2 => 12,
-              3 => 13,
-              4 => 14,
-              5 => 15,
-              6 => 16,
-              7 => 17,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '00[1-9]\\d{9,14}|(?:[1-36]|8\\d{5})\\d{6}|00\\d{9}|[1-9]\\d{8,10}|[2-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+            15,
+            16,
+            17,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[124]\\d{7,8}|619\\d{8}|2(?:1(?:14|500)|2\\d{3})\\d{3}|61\\d{5,8}|(?:2(?:[35][1-4]|6[0-8]|7[1-6]|8\\d|9[1-8])|3(?:1|[25][1-8]|3[1-68]|4[1-3]|6[1-3568]|7[0-469]|8\\d)|4(?:0[1-589]|1[01347-9]|2[0-36-8]|3[0-24-68]|43|5[1-378]|6[1-5]|7[134]|8[1245])|5(?:1[1-35-9]|2[25-8]|3[124-9]|4[1-3589]|5[1-46]|6[1-8])|6(?:[25]\\d|3[1-69]|4[1-6])|7(?:02|[125][1-9]|[36]\\d|4[1-8]|7[0-36-9])|9(?:0[12]|1[013-8]|2[0-479]|5[125-8]|6[23679]|7[159]|8[01346]))\\d{5,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '218350123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[1-35-9]\\d{7,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '812345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '00(?:1803\\d{5,11}|7803\\d{7})|(?:177\\d|800)\\d{5,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+            15,
+            16,
+            17,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '809\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8091234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '804\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8041234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1500|8071\\d{3})\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8071123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '001803\\d{5,11}|(?:007803\\d|8071)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+            15,
+            16,
+            17,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ID',
     'countryCode' => 62,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00[89]',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '15',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,9})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[124]|[36]1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8[1-35-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '804',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '001',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '15',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,9})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[124]|[36]1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8[1-35-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '804',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,9})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[124]|[36]1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8[1-35-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '804',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '001',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,9})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[124]|[36]1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8[1-35-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '804',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IE.php
index 8a594baa..f129e412 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IE.php
@@ -1,295 +1,220 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1\\d|[2569])\\d{6,8}|4\\d{6,9}|7\\d{8}|8\\d{8,9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1\\d|21)\\d{6,7}|(?:2[24-9]|4(?:0[24]|5\\d|7)|5(?:0[45]|1\\d|8)|6(?:1\\d|[237-9])|9(?:1\\d|[35-9]))\\d{5}|(?:23|4(?:[1-469]|8\\d)|5[23679]|6[4-6]|7[14]|9[04])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:22|[35-9]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '850123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '15(?:1[2-8]|[2-8]0|9[089])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1520123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18[59]0\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1850123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '700\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '700123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '76\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '761234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '818\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '818123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '88210[1-9]\\d{4}|8(?:[35-79]5\\d\\d|8(?:[013-9]\\d\\d|2(?:[01][1-9]|[2-9]\\d)))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8551234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18[59]0\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1\\d|[2569])\\d{6,8}|4\\d{6,9}|7\\d{8}|8\\d{8,9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1\\d|21)\\d{6,7}|(?:2[24-9]|4(?:0[24]|5\\d|7)|5(?:0[45]|1\\d|8)|6(?:1\\d|[237-9])|9(?:1\\d|[35-9]))\\d{5}|(?:23|4(?:[1-469]|8\\d)|5[23679]|6[4-6]|7[14]|9[04])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:22|[35-9]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '850123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '15(?:1[2-8]|[2-8]0|9[089])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1520123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18[59]0\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1850123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '700\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '700123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '76\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '761234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '818\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '818123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '88210[1-9]\\d{4}|8(?:[35-79]5\\d\\d|8(?:[013-9]\\d\\d|2(?:[01][1-9]|[2-9]\\d)))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8551234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18[59]0\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IE',
     'countryCode' => 353,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[24-9]|47|58|6[237-9]|9[35-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[45]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2569]|4[1-69]|7[14]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '70',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '81',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[78]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '4',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[24-9]|47|58|6[237-9]|9[35-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[45]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2569]|4[1-69]|7[14]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '70',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '81',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[78]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '4',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IL.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IL.php
index 0ae049e7..74aa6f59 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IL.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IL.php
@@ -1,274 +1,203 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{6}(?:\\d{3,5})?|[57]\\d{8}|[1-489]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-              5 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '153\\d{8,9}|29[1-9]\\d{5}|(?:2[0-8]|[3489]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 11,
-              2 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '55(?:410|57[0-289])\\d{4}|5(?:(?:[0-2][02-9]|[36]\\d|[49][2-9]|8[3-7])\\d|5(?:01|2\\d|3[0-3]|4[34]|5[0-25689]|6[6-8]|7[0-267]|8[7-9]|9[1-9]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '502345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:255|80[019]\\d{3})\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1212\\d{4}|1(?:200|9(?:0[0-2]|19))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1919123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1700\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1700123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:38(?:0\\d|5[0-2569]|88)|8(?:33|55|77|81)\\d)\\d{4}|7(?:18|2[23]|3[237]|47|6[258]|7\\d|82|9[2-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '771234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1599\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1599123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '151\\d{8,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15112340000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-              1 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1700\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{6}(?:\\d{3,5})?|[57]\\d{8}|[1-489]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '153\\d{8,9}|29[1-9]\\d{5}|(?:2[0-8]|[3489]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '55(?:410|57[0-289])\\d{4}|5(?:(?:[0-2][02-9]|[36]\\d|[49][2-9]|8[3-7])\\d|5(?:01|2\\d|3[0-3]|4[34]|5[0-25689]|6[6-8]|7[0-267]|8[7-9]|9[1-9]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '502345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:255|80[019]\\d{3})\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1212\\d{4}|1(?:200|9(?:0[0-2]|19))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1919123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1700\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1700123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:38(?:0\\d|5[0-2569]|88)|8(?:33|55|77|81)\\d)\\d{4}|7(?:18|2[23]|3[237]|47|6[258]|7\\d|82|9[2-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '771234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1599\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1599123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '151\\d{8,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15112340000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1700\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IL',
     'countryCode' => 972,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0(?:0|1[2-9])',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '125',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '121',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-489]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[57]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '12',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '159',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[7-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{1,2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '15',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '125',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '121',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-489]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[57]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '12',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '159',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[7-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{1,2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IM.php
index e9c1f895..3248f464 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IM.php
@@ -1,147 +1,89 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1624\\d{6}|(?:[3578]\\d|90)\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1624(?:230|[5-8]\\d\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1624756789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '76245[06]\\d{4}|7(?:4576|[59]24\\d|624[0-4689])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7924123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '808162\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8081624567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:440[49]06|72299\\d)\\d{3}|(?:8(?:45|70)|90[0167])624\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9016247890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5612345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3440[49]06\\d{3}|(?:3(?:08162|3\\d{4}|45624|7(?:0624|2299))|55\\d{4})\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1624\\d{6}|(?:[3578]\\d|90)\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1624(?:230|[5-8]\\d\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1624756789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '76245[06]\\d{4}|7(?:4576|[59]24\\d|624[0-4689])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7924123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '808162\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8081624567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:440[49]06|72299\\d)\\d{3}|(?:8(?:45|70)|90[0167])624\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9016247890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5612345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3440[49]06\\d{3}|(?:3(?:08162|3\\d{4}|45624|7(?:0624|2299))|55\\d{4})\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IM',
     'countryCode' => 44,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
@@ -149,12 +91,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([25-8]\\d{5})$|0',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '1624$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '74576|(?:16|7[56])24',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IN.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IN.php
index 99f7531c..c9df9dff 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IN.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IN.php
@@ -1,431 +1,336 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:000800|[2-9]\\d\\d)\\d{7}|1\\d{7,12}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-              4 => 12,
-              5 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2717(?:[2-7]\\d|95)\\d{4}|(?:271[0-689]|782[0-6])[2-7]\\d{5}|(?:170[24]|2(?:(?:[02][2-79]|90)\\d|80[13468])|(?:3(?:23|80)|683|79[1-7])\\d|4(?:20[24]|72[2-8])|552[1-7])\\d{6}|(?:11|33|4[04]|80)[2-7]\\d{7}|(?:342|674|788)(?:[0189][2-7]|[2-7]\\d)\\d{5}|(?:1(?:2[0-249]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[59][14]|6[014]|7[1257]|8[01346])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[0158]|78|8[1568]|9[14])|3(?:26|4[13]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|3[15]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[014-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|[578]1|9[15])|6(?:12|[2-47]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)|7(?:12|2[14]|3[134]|4[47]|5[15]|[67]1)|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|8[34]|91))[2-7]\\d{6}|(?:1(?:2[35-8]|3[346-9]|4[236-9]|[59][0235-9]|6[235-9]|7[34689]|8[257-9])|2(?:1[134689]|3[24-8]|4[2-8]|5[25689]|6[2-4679]|7[3-79]|8[2-479]|9[235-9])|3(?:01|1[79]|2[1245]|4[5-8]|5[125689]|6[235-7]|7[157-9]|8[2-46-8])|4(?:1[14578]|2[5689]|3[2-467]|5[4-7]|6[35]|73|8[2689]|9[2389])|5(?:[16][146-9]|2[14-8]|3[1346]|4[14-69]|5[46]|7[2-4]|8[2-8]|9[246])|6(?:1[1358]|2[2457]|3[2-4]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[124-6])|7(?:1[013-9]|2[0235-9]|3[2679]|4[1-35689]|5[2-46-9]|[67][02-9]|8[013-7]|9[089])|8(?:1[1357-9]|2[235-8]|3[03-57-9]|4[0-24-9]|5\\d|6[2457-9]|7[1-6]|8[1256]|9[2-4]))\\d[2-7]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7410410123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:61279|7(?:887[02-9]|9(?:313|79[07-9]))|8(?:079[04-9]|(?:84|91)7[02-8]))\\d{5}|(?:6(?:12|[2-47]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)[0189]|7(?:1(?:2[0189]|9[0-5])|2(?:[14][017-9]|8[0-59])|3(?:2[5-8]|[34][017-9]|9[016-9])|4(?:1[015-9]|[29][89]|39|8[389])|5(?:[15][017-9]|2[04-9]|9[7-9])|6(?:0[0-47]|1[0-257-9]|2[0-4]|3[19]|5[4589])|70[0289]|88[089]|97[02-8])|8(?:0(?:6[67]|7[02-8])|70[017-9]|84[01489]|91[0-289]))\\d{6}|(?:7(?:31|4[47])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[78]|83))(?:[0189]\\d|7[02-8])\\d{5}|(?:6(?:[09]\\d|1[04679]|2[03689]|3[05-9]|4[0489]|50|6[069]|7[07]|8[7-9])|7(?:0\\d|2[0235-79]|3[05-8]|40|5[0346-8]|6[6-9]|7[1-9]|8[0-79]|9[089])|8(?:0[01589]|1[0-57-9]|2[235-9]|3[03-57-9]|[45]\\d|6[02457-9]|7[1-69]|8[0-25-9]|9[02-9])|9\\d\\d)\\d{7}|(?:6(?:(?:1[1358]|2[2457]|3[2-4]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|8[124-6])\\d|7(?:[235689]\\d|4[0189]))|7(?:1(?:[013-8]\\d|9[6-9])|28[6-8]|3(?:2[0-49]|9[2-5])|4(?:1[2-4]|[29][0-7]|3[0-8]|[56]\\d|8[0-24-7])|5(?:2[1-3]|9[0-6])|6(?:0[5689]|2[5-9]|3[02-8]|4\\d|5[0-367])|70[13-7]|881))[0189]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000800\\d{7}|1(?:600\\d{6}|80(?:0\\d{4,9}|3\\d{9}))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '186[12]\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1861123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1860\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18603451234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '140\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1409305260',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:600\\d{6}|800\\d{4,9})|(?:000800|18(?:03\\d\\d|6(?:0|[12]\\d\\d)))\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:000800|[2-9]\\d\\d)\\d{7}|1\\d{7,12}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2717(?:[2-7]\\d|95)\\d{4}|(?:271[0-689]|782[0-6])[2-7]\\d{5}|(?:170[24]|2(?:(?:[02][2-79]|90)\\d|80[13468])|(?:3(?:23|80)|683|79[1-7])\\d|4(?:20[24]|72[2-8])|552[1-7])\\d{6}|(?:11|33|4[04]|80)[2-7]\\d{7}|(?:342|674|788)(?:[0189][2-7]|[2-7]\\d)\\d{5}|(?:1(?:2[0-249]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[59][14]|6[014]|7[1257]|8[01346])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[0158]|78|8[1568]|9[14])|3(?:26|4[13]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|3[15]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[014-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|[578]1|9[15])|6(?:12|[2-47]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)|7(?:12|2[14]|3[134]|4[47]|5[15]|[67]1)|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|8[34]|91))[2-7]\\d{6}|(?:1(?:2[35-8]|3[346-9]|4[236-9]|[59][0235-9]|6[235-9]|7[34689]|8[257-9])|2(?:1[134689]|3[24-8]|4[2-8]|5[25689]|6[2-4679]|7[3-79]|8[2-479]|9[235-9])|3(?:01|1[79]|2[1245]|4[5-8]|5[125689]|6[235-7]|7[157-9]|8[2-46-8])|4(?:1[14578]|2[5689]|3[2-467]|5[4-7]|6[35]|73|8[2689]|9[2389])|5(?:[16][146-9]|2[14-8]|3[1346]|4[14-69]|5[46]|7[2-4]|8[2-8]|9[246])|6(?:1[1358]|2[2457]|3[2-4]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[124-6])|7(?:1[013-9]|2[0235-9]|3[2679]|4[1-35689]|5[2-46-9]|[67][02-9]|8[013-7]|9[089])|8(?:1[1357-9]|2[235-8]|3[03-57-9]|4[0-24-9]|5\\d|6[2457-9]|7[1-6]|8[1256]|9[2-4]))\\d[2-7]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7410410123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:61279|7(?:887[02-9]|9(?:313|79[07-9]))|8(?:079[04-9]|(?:84|91)7[02-8]))\\d{5}|(?:6(?:12|[2-47]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)[0189]|7(?:1(?:2[0189]|9[0-5])|2(?:[14][017-9]|8[0-59])|3(?:2[5-8]|[34][017-9]|9[016-9])|4(?:1[015-9]|[29][89]|39|8[389])|5(?:[15][017-9]|2[04-9]|9[7-9])|6(?:0[0-47]|1[0-257-9]|2[0-4]|3[19]|5[4589])|70[0289]|88[089]|97[02-8])|8(?:0(?:6[67]|7[02-8])|70[017-9]|84[01489]|91[0-289]))\\d{6}|(?:7(?:31|4[47])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[78]|83))(?:[0189]\\d|7[02-8])\\d{5}|(?:6(?:[09]\\d|1[04679]|2[03689]|3[05-9]|4[0489]|50|6[069]|7[07]|8[7-9])|7(?:0\\d|2[0235-79]|3[05-8]|40|5[0346-8]|6[6-9]|7[1-9]|8[0-79]|9[089])|8(?:0[01589]|1[0-57-9]|2[235-9]|3[03-57-9]|[45]\\d|6[02457-9]|7[1-69]|8[0-25-9]|9[02-9])|9\\d\\d)\\d{7}|(?:6(?:(?:1[1358]|2[2457]|3[2-4]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|8[124-6])\\d|7(?:[235689]\\d|4[0189]))|7(?:1(?:[013-8]\\d|9[6-9])|28[6-8]|3(?:2[0-49]|9[2-5])|4(?:1[2-4]|[29][0-7]|3[0-8]|[56]\\d|8[0-24-7])|5(?:2[1-3]|9[0-6])|6(?:0[5689]|2[5-9]|3[02-8]|4\\d|5[0-367])|70[13-7]|881))[0189]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000800\\d{7}|1(?:600\\d{6}|80(?:0\\d{4,9}|3\\d{9}))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '186[12]\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1861123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1860\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18603451234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '140\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1409305260',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:600\\d{6}|800\\d{4,9})|(?:000800|18(?:03\\d\\d|6(?:0|[12]\\d\\d)))\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IN',
     'countryCode' => 91,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '575',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5(?:0|2[23]|3[03]|[67]1|88)',
-                   1 => '5(?:0|2(?:21|3)|3(?:0|3[23])|616|717|888)',
-                   2 => '5(?:0|2(?:21|3)|3(?:0|3[23])|616|717|8888)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '180',
-                   1 => '1800',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '140',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79[1-7]|80[2-46]',
-                   1 => '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79(?:[1-6]|7[19])|80(?:[2-4]|6[0-589])',
-                   2 => '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79(?:[124-6]|3(?:[02-9]|1[0-24-9])|7(?:1|9[1-6]))|80(?:[2-4]|6[0-589])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:2[0-249]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[68]|7[1257])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[0158]|78|8[1568])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|5[12]|[78]1)|6(?:12|[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)|7(?:12|3[134]|4[47]|61|88)|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|8[34]|91)|(?:43|59|75)[15]|(?:1[59]|29|67|72)[14]',
-                   1 => '1(?:2[0-24]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[59][14]|6[1-9]|7[1257]|8[1-57-9])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[058]|78|8[1568]|9[14])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|3[15]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|[578]1|9[15])|674|7(?:(?:2[14]|3[34]|5[15])[2-6]|61[346]|88[0-8])|8(?:70[2-6]|84[235-7]|91[3-7])|(?:1(?:29|60|8[06])|261|552|6(?:12|[2-47]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)|7(?:12|31|4[47])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[78]|83))[2-7]',
-                   2 => '1(?:2[0-24]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[59][14]|6[1-9]|7[1257]|8[1-57-9])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[058]|78|8[1568]|9[14])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|3[15]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|[578]1|9[15])|6(?:12(?:[2-6]|7[0-8])|74[2-7])|7(?:(?:2[14]|5[15])[2-6]|3171|61[346]|88(?:[2-7]|82))|8(?:70[2-6]|84(?:[2356]|7[19])|91(?:[3-6]|7[19]))|73[134][2-6]|(?:74[47]|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[78]|83))(?:[2-6]|7[19])|(?:1(?:29|60|8[06])|261|552|6(?:[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|7(?:1|4[0189])|80)|7(?:12|88[01]))[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[2-479]|5[0235-9])|[2-5]|6(?:1[1358]|2[2457-9]|3[2-5]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[1-6])|7(?:1[013-9]|28|3[129]|4[1-35689]|5[29]|6[02-5]|70)|807',
-                   1 => '1(?:[2-479]|5[0235-9])|[2-5]|6(?:1[1358]|2(?:[2457]|84|95)|3(?:[2-4]|55)|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[1-6])|7(?:1(?:[013-8]|9[6-9])|28[6-8]|3(?:17|2[0-49]|9[2-57])|4(?:1[2-4]|[29][0-7]|3[0-8]|[56]|8[0-24-7])|5(?:2[1-3]|9[0-6])|6(?:0[5689]|2[5-9]|3[02-8]|4|5[0-367])|70[13-7])|807[19]',
-                   2 => '1(?:[2-479]|5(?:[0236-9]|5[013-9]))|[2-5]|6(?:2(?:84|95)|355|83)|73179|807(?:1|9[1-3])|(?:1552|6(?:1[1358]|2[2457]|3[2-4]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[124-6])\\d|7(?:1(?:[013-8]\\d|9[6-9])|28[6-8]|3(?:2[0-49]|9[2-57])|4(?:1[2-4]|[29][0-7]|3[0-8]|[56]\\d|8[0-24-7])|5(?:2[1-3]|9[0-6])|6(?:0[5689]|2[5-9]|3[02-8]|4\\d|5[0-367])|70[13-7]))[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[6-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:6|8[06])',
-                   1 => '1(?:6|8[06]0)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '18',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5(?:0|2[23]|3[03]|[67]1|88)',
-                   1 => '5(?:0|2(?:21|3)|3(?:0|3[23])|616|717|888)',
-                   2 => '5(?:0|2(?:21|3)|3(?:0|3[23])|616|717|8888)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '180',
-                   1 => '1800',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '140',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79[1-7]|80[2-46]',
-                   1 => '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79(?:[1-6]|7[19])|80(?:[2-4]|6[0-589])',
-                   2 => '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79(?:[124-6]|3(?:[02-9]|1[0-24-9])|7(?:1|9[1-6]))|80(?:[2-4]|6[0-589])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:2[0-249]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[68]|7[1257])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[0158]|78|8[1568])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|5[12]|[78]1)|6(?:12|[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)|7(?:12|3[134]|4[47]|61|88)|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|8[34]|91)|(?:43|59|75)[15]|(?:1[59]|29|67|72)[14]',
-                   1 => '1(?:2[0-24]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[59][14]|6[1-9]|7[1257]|8[1-57-9])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[058]|78|8[1568]|9[14])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|3[15]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|[578]1|9[15])|674|7(?:(?:2[14]|3[34]|5[15])[2-6]|61[346]|88[0-8])|8(?:70[2-6]|84[235-7]|91[3-7])|(?:1(?:29|60|8[06])|261|552|6(?:12|[2-47]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)|7(?:12|31|4[47])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[78]|83))[2-7]',
-                   2 => '1(?:2[0-24]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[59][14]|6[1-9]|7[1257]|8[1-57-9])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[058]|78|8[1568]|9[14])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|3[15]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|[578]1|9[15])|6(?:12(?:[2-6]|7[0-8])|74[2-7])|7(?:(?:2[14]|5[15])[2-6]|3171|61[346]|88(?:[2-7]|82))|8(?:70[2-6]|84(?:[2356]|7[19])|91(?:[3-6]|7[19]))|73[134][2-6]|(?:74[47]|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[78]|83))(?:[2-6]|7[19])|(?:1(?:29|60|8[06])|261|552|6(?:[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|7(?:1|4[0189])|80)|7(?:12|88[01]))[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[2-479]|5[0235-9])|[2-5]|6(?:1[1358]|2[2457-9]|3[2-5]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[1-6])|7(?:1[013-9]|28|3[129]|4[1-35689]|5[29]|6[02-5]|70)|807',
-                   1 => '1(?:[2-479]|5[0235-9])|[2-5]|6(?:1[1358]|2(?:[2457]|84|95)|3(?:[2-4]|55)|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[1-6])|7(?:1(?:[013-8]|9[6-9])|28[6-8]|3(?:17|2[0-49]|9[2-57])|4(?:1[2-4]|[29][0-7]|3[0-8]|[56]|8[0-24-7])|5(?:2[1-3]|9[0-6])|6(?:0[5689]|2[5-9]|3[02-8]|4|5[0-367])|70[13-7])|807[19]',
-                   2 => '1(?:[2-479]|5(?:[0236-9]|5[013-9]))|[2-5]|6(?:2(?:84|95)|355|83)|73179|807(?:1|9[1-3])|(?:1552|6(?:1[1358]|2[2457]|3[2-4]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[124-6])\\d|7(?:1(?:[013-8]\\d|9[6-9])|28[6-8]|3(?:2[0-49]|9[2-57])|4(?:1[2-4]|[29][0-7]|3[0-8]|[56]\\d|8[0-24-7])|5(?:2[1-3]|9[0-6])|6(?:0[5689]|2[5-9]|3[02-8]|4\\d|5[0-367])|70[13-7]))[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[6-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:6|8[06])',
-                   1 => '1(?:6|8[06]0)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '18',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '575',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5(?:0|2[23]|3[03]|[67]1|88)',
+                '5(?:0|2(?:21|3)|3(?:0|3[23])|616|717|888)',
+                '5(?:0|2(?:21|3)|3(?:0|3[23])|616|717|8888)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '180',
+                '1800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '140',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79[1-7]|80[2-46]',
+                '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79(?:[1-6]|7[19])|80(?:[2-4]|6[0-589])',
+                '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79(?:[124-6]|3(?:[02-9]|1[0-24-9])|7(?:1|9[1-6]))|80(?:[2-4]|6[0-589])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:2[0-249]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[68]|7[1257])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[0158]|78|8[1568])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|5[12]|[78]1)|6(?:12|[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)|7(?:12|3[134]|4[47]|61|88)|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|8[34]|91)|(?:43|59|75)[15]|(?:1[59]|29|67|72)[14]',
+                '1(?:2[0-24]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[59][14]|6[1-9]|7[1257]|8[1-57-9])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[058]|78|8[1568]|9[14])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|3[15]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|[578]1|9[15])|674|7(?:(?:2[14]|3[34]|5[15])[2-6]|61[346]|88[0-8])|8(?:70[2-6]|84[235-7]|91[3-7])|(?:1(?:29|60|8[06])|261|552|6(?:12|[2-47]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)|7(?:12|31|4[47])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[78]|83))[2-7]',
+                '1(?:2[0-24]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[59][14]|6[1-9]|7[1257]|8[1-57-9])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[058]|78|8[1568]|9[14])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|3[15]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|[578]1|9[15])|6(?:12(?:[2-6]|7[0-8])|74[2-7])|7(?:(?:2[14]|5[15])[2-6]|3171|61[346]|88(?:[2-7]|82))|8(?:70[2-6]|84(?:[2356]|7[19])|91(?:[3-6]|7[19]))|73[134][2-6]|(?:74[47]|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[78]|83))(?:[2-6]|7[19])|(?:1(?:29|60|8[06])|261|552|6(?:[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|7(?:1|4[0189])|80)|7(?:12|88[01]))[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[2-479]|5[0235-9])|[2-5]|6(?:1[1358]|2[2457-9]|3[2-5]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[1-6])|7(?:1[013-9]|28|3[129]|4[1-35689]|5[29]|6[02-5]|70)|807',
+                '1(?:[2-479]|5[0235-9])|[2-5]|6(?:1[1358]|2(?:[2457]|84|95)|3(?:[2-4]|55)|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[1-6])|7(?:1(?:[013-8]|9[6-9])|28[6-8]|3(?:17|2[0-49]|9[2-57])|4(?:1[2-4]|[29][0-7]|3[0-8]|[56]|8[0-24-7])|5(?:2[1-3]|9[0-6])|6(?:0[5689]|2[5-9]|3[02-8]|4|5[0-367])|70[13-7])|807[19]',
+                '1(?:[2-479]|5(?:[0236-9]|5[013-9]))|[2-5]|6(?:2(?:84|95)|355|83)|73179|807(?:1|9[1-3])|(?:1552|6(?:1[1358]|2[2457]|3[2-4]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[124-6])\\d|7(?:1(?:[013-8]\\d|9[6-9])|28[6-8]|3(?:2[0-49]|9[2-57])|4(?:1[2-4]|[29][0-7]|3[0-8]|[56]\\d|8[0-24-7])|5(?:2[1-3]|9[0-6])|6(?:0[5689]|2[5-9]|3[02-8]|4\\d|5[0-367])|70[13-7]))[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[6-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:6|8[06])',
+                '1(?:6|8[06]0)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '18',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5(?:0|2[23]|3[03]|[67]1|88)',
+                '5(?:0|2(?:21|3)|3(?:0|3[23])|616|717|888)',
+                '5(?:0|2(?:21|3)|3(?:0|3[23])|616|717|8888)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '180',
+                '1800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '140',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79[1-7]|80[2-46]',
+                '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79(?:[1-6]|7[19])|80(?:[2-4]|6[0-589])',
+                '11|2[02]|33|4[04]|79(?:[124-6]|3(?:[02-9]|1[0-24-9])|7(?:1|9[1-6]))|80(?:[2-4]|6[0-589])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:2[0-249]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[68]|7[1257])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[0158]|78|8[1568])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|5[12]|[78]1)|6(?:12|[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)|7(?:12|3[134]|4[47]|61|88)|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[078]|8[34]|91)|(?:43|59|75)[15]|(?:1[59]|29|67|72)[14]',
+                '1(?:2[0-24]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[59][14]|6[1-9]|7[1257]|8[1-57-9])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[058]|78|8[1568]|9[14])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|3[15]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|[578]1|9[15])|674|7(?:(?:2[14]|3[34]|5[15])[2-6]|61[346]|88[0-8])|8(?:70[2-6]|84[235-7]|91[3-7])|(?:1(?:29|60|8[06])|261|552|6(?:12|[2-47]1|5[17]|6[13]|80)|7(?:12|31|4[47])|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[78]|83))[2-7]',
+                '1(?:2[0-24]|3[0-25]|4[145]|[59][14]|6[1-9]|7[1257]|8[1-57-9])|2(?:1[257]|3[013]|4[01]|5[0137]|6[058]|78|8[1568]|9[14])|3(?:26|4[1-3]|5[34]|6[01489]|7[02-46]|8[159])|4(?:1[36]|2[1-47]|3[15]|5[12]|6[0-26-9]|7[0-24-9]|8[013-57]|9[014-7])|5(?:1[025]|22|[36][25]|4[28]|[578]1|9[15])|6(?:12(?:[2-6]|7[0-8])|74[2-7])|7(?:(?:2[14]|5[15])[2-6]|3171|61[346]|88(?:[2-7]|82))|8(?:70[2-6]|84(?:[2356]|7[19])|91(?:[3-6]|7[19]))|73[134][2-6]|(?:74[47]|8(?:16|2[014]|3[126]|6[136]|7[78]|83))(?:[2-6]|7[19])|(?:1(?:29|60|8[06])|261|552|6(?:[2-4]1|5[17]|6[13]|7(?:1|4[0189])|80)|7(?:12|88[01]))[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[2-479]|5[0235-9])|[2-5]|6(?:1[1358]|2[2457-9]|3[2-5]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[1-6])|7(?:1[013-9]|28|3[129]|4[1-35689]|5[29]|6[02-5]|70)|807',
+                '1(?:[2-479]|5[0235-9])|[2-5]|6(?:1[1358]|2(?:[2457]|84|95)|3(?:[2-4]|55)|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[1-6])|7(?:1(?:[013-8]|9[6-9])|28[6-8]|3(?:17|2[0-49]|9[2-57])|4(?:1[2-4]|[29][0-7]|3[0-8]|[56]|8[0-24-7])|5(?:2[1-3]|9[0-6])|6(?:0[5689]|2[5-9]|3[02-8]|4|5[0-367])|70[13-7])|807[19]',
+                '1(?:[2-479]|5(?:[0236-9]|5[013-9]))|[2-5]|6(?:2(?:84|95)|355|83)|73179|807(?:1|9[1-3])|(?:1552|6(?:1[1358]|2[2457]|3[2-4]|4[235-7]|5[2-689]|6[24578]|7[235689]|8[124-6])\\d|7(?:1(?:[013-8]\\d|9[6-9])|28[6-8]|3(?:2[0-49]|9[2-57])|4(?:1[2-4]|[29][0-7]|3[0-8]|[56]\\d|8[0-24-7])|5(?:2[1-3]|9[0-6])|6(?:0[5689]|2[5-9]|3[02-8]|4\\d|5[0-367])|70[13-7]))[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[6-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:6|8[06])',
+                '1(?:6|8[06]0)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '18',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IO.php
index e0b876ee..4d5a92a3 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IO.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '37\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3709100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '38\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3801234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '37\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3709100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '38\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3801234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IO',
     'countryCode' => 246,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IQ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IQ.php
index 5f5feceb..76fd6965 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IQ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IQ.php
@@ -1,197 +1,137 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1|7\\d\\d)\\d{7}|[2-6]\\d{7,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{7}|(?:2[13-5]|3[02367]|4[023]|5[03]|6[026])\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[3-9]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7912345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1|7\\d\\d)\\d{7}|[2-6]\\d{7,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{7}|(?:2[13-5]|3[02367]|4[023]|5[03]|6[026])\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[3-9]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7912345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IQ',
     'countryCode' => 964,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IR.php
index 1675bca5..c1caf2ae 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IR.php
@@ -1,218 +1,156 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{9}|(?:[1-8]\\d\\d|9)\\d{3,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[137]|2[13-68]|3[1458]|4[145]|5[1468]|6[16]|7[1467]|8[13467])(?:[03-57]\\d{7}|[16]\\d{3}(?:\\d{4})?|[289]\\d{3}(?:\\d(?:\\d{3})?)?)|94(?:000[09]|(?:12\\d|30[0-2])\\d|2(?:121|[2689]0\\d)|4(?:111|40\\d))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:0(?:[0-35]\\d|4[4-6])|(?:[13]\\d|2[0-3])\\d)\\d|9(?:[0-46]\\d\\d|5[15]0|8(?:[12]\\d|88)|9(?:0[0-3]|[19]\\d|21|69|77|8[7-9])))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '96(?:0[12]|2[16-8]|3(?:08|[14]5|[23]|66)|4(?:0|80)|5[01]|6[89]|86|9[19])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9601',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:4440\\d{5}|6(?:0[12]|2[16-8]|3(?:08|[14]5|[23]|66)|4(?:0|80)|5[01]|6[89]|86|9[19]))',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{9}|(?:[1-8]\\d\\d|9)\\d{3,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[137]|2[13-68]|3[1458]|4[145]|5[1468]|6[16]|7[1467]|8[13467])(?:[03-57]\\d{7}|[16]\\d{3}(?:\\d{4})?|[289]\\d{3}(?:\\d(?:\\d{3})?)?)|94(?:000[09]|(?:12\\d|30[0-2])\\d|2(?:121|[2689]0\\d)|4(?:111|40\\d))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:0(?:[0-35]\\d|4[4-6])|(?:[13]\\d|2[0-3])\\d)\\d|9(?:[0-46]\\d\\d|5[15]0|8(?:[12]\\d|88)|9(?:0[0-3]|[19]\\d|21|69|77|8[7-9])))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '96(?:0[12]|2[16-8]|3(?:08|[14]5|[23]|66)|4(?:0|80)|5[01]|6[89]|86|9[19])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9601',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:4440\\d{5}|6(?:0[12]|2[16-8]|3(?:08|[14]5|[23]|66)|4(?:0|80)|5[01]|6[89]|86|9[19]))',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IR',
     'countryCode' => 98,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '96',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:1[137]|2[13-68]|3[1458]|4[145]|5[1468]|6[16]|7[1467]|8[13467])[12689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '96',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:1[137]|2[13-68]|3[1458]|4[145]|5[1468]|6[16]|7[1467]|8[13467])[12689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IS.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IS.php
index f1e11229..f4703cf3 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IS.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IS.php
@@ -1,187 +1,126 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:38\\d|[4-9])\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4(?:1[0-24-69]|2[0-7]|[37][0-8]|4[0-24589]|5[0-68]|6\\d|8[0-36-8])|5(?:05|[156]\\d|2[02578]|3[0-579]|4[03-7]|7[0-2578]|8[0-35-9]|9[013-689])|872)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:38[589]\\d\\d|6(?:1[1-8]|2[0-6]|3[026-9]|4[014679]|5[0159]|6[0-69]|70|8[06-8]|9\\d)|7(?:5[057]|[6-9]\\d)|8(?:2[0-59]|[3-69]\\d|8[238]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6111234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-8]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90(?:0\\d|1[5-79]|2[015-79]|3[135-79]|4[125-7]|5[25-79]|7[1-37]|8[0-35-7])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '49[0-24-79]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4921234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '809\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8091234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:689|8(?:7[18]|80)|95[48])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6891234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:38\\d|[4-9])\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4(?:1[0-24-69]|2[0-7]|[37][0-8]|4[0-24589]|5[0-68]|6\\d|8[0-36-8])|5(?:05|[156]\\d|2[02578]|3[0-579]|4[03-7]|7[0-2578]|8[0-35-9]|9[013-689])|872)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:38[589]\\d\\d|6(?:1[1-8]|2[0-6]|3[026-9]|4[014679]|5[0159]|6[0-69]|70|8[06-8]|9\\d)|7(?:5[057]|[6-9]\\d)|8(?:2[0-59]|[3-69]\\d|8[238]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6111234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-8]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90(?:0\\d|1[5-79]|2[015-79]|3[135-79]|4[125-7]|5[25-79]|7[1-37]|8[0-35-7])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '49[0-24-79]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4921234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '809\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8091234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:689|8(?:7[18]|80)|95[48])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6891234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IS',
     'countryCode' => 354,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00|1(?:0(?:01|[12]0)|100)',
     'preferredInternationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[4-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[4-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IT.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IT.php
index 250ae9a0..21535bf6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IT.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_IT.php
@@ -1,451 +1,352 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0\\d{5,10}|1\\d{8,10}|3(?:[0-8]\\d{7,10}|9\\d{7,8})|(?:43|55|70)\\d{8}|8\\d{5}(?:\\d{2,4})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 11,
-              6 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0669[0-79]\\d{1,6}|0(?:1(?:[0159]\\d|[27][1-5]|31|4[1-4]|6[1356]|8[2-57])|2\\d\\d|3(?:[0159]\\d|2[1-4]|3[12]|[48][1-6]|6[2-59]|7[1-7])|4(?:[0159]\\d|[23][1-9]|4[245]|6[1-5]|7[1-4]|81)|5(?:[0159]\\d|2[1-5]|3[2-6]|4[1-79]|6[4-6]|7[1-578]|8[3-8])|6(?:[0-57-9]\\d|6[0-8])|7(?:[0159]\\d|2[12]|3[1-7]|4[2-46]|6[13569]|7[13-6]|8[1-59])|8(?:[0159]\\d|2[3-578]|3[1-356]|[6-8][1-5])|9(?:[0159]\\d|[238][1-5]|4[12]|6[1-8]|7[1-6]))\\d{2,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0212345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[2-9]\\d{7,8}|(?:31|43)\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:0\\d{3}|3)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0878\\d{3}|89(?:2\\d|3[04]|4(?:[0-4]|[5-9]\\d\\d)|5[0-4]))\\d\\d|(?:1(?:44|6[346])|89(?:38|5[5-9]|9))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '899123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '84(?:[08]\\d{3}|[17])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '848123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:78\\d|99)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1781234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '55\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[2-8]\\d{9,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '33101234501',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-              1 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '848\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0\\d{5,10}|1\\d{8,10}|3(?:[0-8]\\d{7,10}|9\\d{7,8})|(?:43|55|70)\\d{8}|8\\d{5}(?:\\d{2,4})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0669[0-79]\\d{1,6}|0(?:1(?:[0159]\\d|[27][1-5]|31|4[1-4]|6[1356]|8[2-57])|2\\d\\d|3(?:[0159]\\d|2[1-4]|3[12]|[48][1-6]|6[2-59]|7[1-7])|4(?:[0159]\\d|[23][1-9]|4[245]|6[1-5]|7[1-4]|81)|5(?:[0159]\\d|2[1-5]|3[2-6]|4[1-79]|6[4-6]|7[1-578]|8[3-8])|6(?:[0-57-9]\\d|6[0-8])|7(?:[0159]\\d|2[12]|3[1-7]|4[2-46]|6[13569]|7[13-6]|8[1-59])|8(?:[0159]\\d|2[3-578]|3[1-356]|[6-8][1-5])|9(?:[0159]\\d|[238][1-5]|4[12]|6[1-8]|7[1-6]))\\d{2,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0212345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[2-9]\\d{7,8}|(?:31|43)\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:0\\d{3}|3)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0878\\d{3}|89(?:2\\d|3[04]|4(?:[0-4]|[5-9]\\d\\d)|5[0-4]))\\d\\d|(?:1(?:44|6[346])|89(?:38|5[5-9]|9))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '899123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '84(?:[08]\\d{3}|[17])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '848123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:78\\d|99)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1781234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '55\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[2-8]\\d{9,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '33101234501',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '848\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IT',
     'countryCode' => 39,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:0|9[246])',
-                   1 => '1(?:0|9(?:2[2-9]|[46]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:1|92)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[26]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[13-57-9][0159]|8(?:03|4[17]|9[2-5])',
-                   1 => '0[13-57-9][0159]|8(?:03|4[17]|9(?:2|3[04]|[45][0-4]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0(?:[13-579][2-46-8]|8[236-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '894',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[26]|5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:44|[679])|[378]|43',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[13-57-9][0159]|14',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[26]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         11 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[26]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[13-57-9][0159]|8(?:03|4[17]|9[2-5])',
-                   1 => '0[13-57-9][0159]|8(?:03|4[17]|9(?:2|3[04]|[45][0-4]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0(?:[13-579][2-46-8]|8[236-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '894',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[26]|5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:44|[679])|[378]|43',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[13-57-9][0159]|14',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[26]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:0|9[246])',
+                '1(?:0|9(?:2[2-9]|[46]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:1|92)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[26]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[13-57-9][0159]|8(?:03|4[17]|9[2-5])',
+                '0[13-57-9][0159]|8(?:03|4[17]|9(?:2|3[04]|[45][0-4]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0(?:[13-579][2-46-8]|8[236-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '894',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[26]|5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:44|[679])|[378]|43',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[13-57-9][0159]|14',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[26]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[26]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[13-57-9][0159]|8(?:03|4[17]|9[2-5])',
+                '0[13-57-9][0159]|8(?:03|4[17]|9(?:2|3[04]|[45][0-4]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0(?:[13-579][2-46-8]|8[236-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '894',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[26]|5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:44|[679])|[378]|43',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[13-57-9][0159]|14',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[26]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JE.php
index a1896d79..7080471c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JE.php
@@ -1,148 +1,89 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1534\\d{6}|(?:[3578]\\d|90)\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1534[0-24-8]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1534456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:(?:(?:50|82)9|937)\\d|7(?:00[378]|97\\d))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7797712345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:07(?:35|81)|8901)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8007354567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:4(?:4(?:4(?:05|42|69)|703)|5(?:041|800))|7(?:0002|1206))|90(?:066[59]|1810|71(?:07|55)))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9018105678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '701511\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7015115678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5612345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '76(?:464|652)\\d{5}|76(?:0[0-28]|2[356]|34|4[01347]|5[49]|6[0-369]|77|8[14]|9[139])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7640123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:0(?:07(?:35|81)|8901)|3\\d{4}|4(?:4(?:4(?:05|42|69)|703)|5(?:041|800))|7(?:0002|1206))|55\\d{4})\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1534\\d{6}|(?:[3578]\\d|90)\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1534[0-24-8]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1534456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:(?:(?:50|82)9|937)\\d|7(?:00[378]|97\\d))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7797712345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:07(?:35|81)|8901)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8007354567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:4(?:4(?:4(?:05|42|69)|703)|5(?:041|800))|7(?:0002|1206))|90(?:066[59]|1810|71(?:07|55)))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9018105678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '701511\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7015115678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5612345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '76(?:464|652)\\d{5}|76(?:0[0-28]|2[356]|34|4[01347]|5[49]|6[0-369]|77|8[14]|9[139])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7640123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:0(?:07(?:35|81)|8901)|3\\d{4}|4(?:4(?:4(?:05|42|69)|703)|5(?:041|800))|7(?:0002|1206))|55\\d{4})\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'JE',
     'countryCode' => 44,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
@@ -150,12 +91,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([0-24-8]\\d{5})$|0',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '1534$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JM.php
index 2cdd08f5..655ea3db 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JM.php
@@ -1,158 +1,99 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|658|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8766060\\d{3}|(?:658(?:2(?:[0-8]\\d|9[0-46-9])|[3-9]\\d\\d)|876(?:52[35]|6(?:0[1-3579]|1[0235-9]|[23]\\d|40|5[06]|6[2-589]|7[0-25-9]|8[04]|9[4-9])|7(?:0[2-689]|[1-6]\\d|8[056]|9[45])|9(?:0[1-8]|1[02378]|[2-8]\\d|9[2-468])))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8765230123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:658295|876(?:2(?:0[1-9]|[13-9]\\d|2[013-9])|[348]\\d\\d|5(?:0[1-9]|[1-9]\\d)|6(?:4[89]|6[67])|7(?:0[07]|7\\d|8[1-47-9]|9[0-36-9])|9(?:[01]9|9[0579])))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8762101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|658|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8766060\\d{3}|(?:658(?:2(?:[0-8]\\d|9[0-46-9])|[3-9]\\d\\d)|876(?:52[35]|6(?:0[1-3579]|1[0235-9]|[23]\\d|40|5[06]|6[2-589]|7[0-25-9]|8[04]|9[4-9])|7(?:0[2-689]|[1-6]\\d|8[056]|9[45])|9(?:0[1-8]|1[02378]|[2-8]\\d|9[2-468])))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8765230123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:658295|876(?:2(?:0[1-9]|[13-9]\\d|2[013-9])|[348]\\d\\d|5(?:0[1-9]|[1-9]\\d)|6(?:4[89]|6[67])|7(?:0[07]|7\\d|8[1-47-9]|9[0-36-9])|9(?:[01]9|9[0579])))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8762101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'JM',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
     'nationalPrefix' => '1',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '658|876',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JO.php
index b2d90fa1..ecd14e08 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JO.php
@@ -1,215 +1,151 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:[2689]|7\\d)\\d|32|53)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '87(?:000|90[01])\\d{3}|(?:2(?:6(?:2[0-35-9]|3[0-578]|4[24-7]|5[0-24-8]|[6-8][023]|9[0-3])|7(?:0[1-79]|10|2[014-7]|3[0-689]|4[019]|5[0-3578]))|32(?:0[1-69]|1[1-35-7]|2[024-7]|3\\d|4[0-3]|[5-7][023])|53(?:0[0-3]|[13][023]|2[0-59]|49|5[0-35-9]|6[15]|7[45]|8[1-6]|9[0-36-9])|6(?:2(?:[05]0|22)|3(?:00|33)|4(?:0[0-25]|1[2-7]|2[0569]|[38][07-9]|4[025689]|6[0-589]|7\\d|9[0-2])|5(?:[01][056]|2[034]|3[0-57-9]|4[178]|5[0-69]|6[0-35-9]|7[1-379]|8[0-68]|9[0239]))|87(?:20|7[078]|99))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '62001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:[78][0-25-9]|9\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '790123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '85\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '85012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '700123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '74(?:66|77)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '746612345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:10|8\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '88101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:[2689]|7\\d)\\d|32|53)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '87(?:000|90[01])\\d{3}|(?:2(?:6(?:2[0-35-9]|3[0-578]|4[24-7]|5[0-24-8]|[6-8][023]|9[0-3])|7(?:0[1-79]|10|2[014-7]|3[0-689]|4[019]|5[0-3578]))|32(?:0[1-69]|1[1-35-7]|2[024-7]|3\\d|4[0-3]|[5-7][023])|53(?:0[0-3]|[13][023]|2[0-59]|49|5[0-35-9]|6[15]|7[45]|8[1-6]|9[0-36-9])|6(?:2(?:[05]0|22)|3(?:00|33)|4(?:0[0-25]|1[2-7]|2[0569]|[38][07-9]|4[025689]|6[0-589]|7\\d|9[0-2])|5(?:[01][056]|2[034]|3[0-57-9]|4[178]|5[0-69]|6[0-35-9]|7[1-379]|8[0-68]|9[0239]))|87(?:20|7[078]|99))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '62001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:[78][0-25-9]|9\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '790123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '85\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '85012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '700123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '74(?:66|77)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '746612345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:10|8\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '88101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'JO',
     'countryCode' => 962,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2356]|87',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '70',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2356]|87',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '70',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JP.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JP.php
index ff6ba954..d13812cc 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JP.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_JP.php
@@ -1,162 +1,107 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '00[1-9]\\d{6,14}|[257-9]\\d{9}|(?:00|[1-9]\\d\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-              4 => 12,
-              5 => 13,
-              6 => 14,
-              7 => 15,
-              8 => 16,
-              9 => 17,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:1[235-8]|2[3-6]|3[3-9]|4[2-6]|[58][2-8]|6[2-7]|7[2-9]|9[1-9])|(?:2[2-9]|[36][1-9])\\d|4(?:[2-578]\\d|6[02-8]|9[2-59])|5(?:[2-589]\\d|6[1-9]|7[2-8])|7(?:[25-9]\\d|3[4-9]|4[02-9])|8(?:[2679]\\d|3[2-9]|4[5-9]|5[1-9]|8[03-9])|9(?:[2-58]\\d|[679][1-9]))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '312345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[7-9]0[1-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '00777(?:[01]|5\\d)\\d\\d|(?:00(?:7778|882[1245])|(?:120|800\\d)\\d\\d)\\d{4}|00(?:37|66|78)\\d{6,13}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '120123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '990\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '990123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '60\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '601234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '50[1-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '20\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '570\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '570123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '00(?:777(?:[01]|(?:5|8\\d)\\d)|882[1245]\\d\\d)\\d\\d|00(?:37|66|78)\\d{6,13}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '00[1-9]\\d{6,14}|[257-9]\\d{9}|(?:00|[1-9]\\d\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+            15,
+            16,
+            17,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:1[235-8]|2[3-6]|3[3-9]|4[2-6]|[58][2-8]|6[2-7]|7[2-9]|9[1-9])|(?:2[2-9]|[36][1-9])\\d|4(?:[2-578]\\d|6[02-8]|9[2-59])|5(?:[2-589]\\d|6[1-9]|7[2-8])|7(?:[25-9]\\d|3[4-9]|4[02-9])|8(?:[2679]\\d|3[2-9]|4[5-9]|5[1-9]|8[03-9])|9(?:[2-58]\\d|[679][1-9]))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '312345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[7-9]0[1-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '00777(?:[01]|5\\d)\\d\\d|(?:00(?:7778|882[1245])|(?:120|800\\d)\\d\\d)\\d{4}|00(?:37|66|78)\\d{6,13}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '120123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '990\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '990123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '60\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '601234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '50[1-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '20\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '570\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '570123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '00(?:777(?:[01]|(?:5|8\\d)\\d)|882[1245]\\d\\d)\\d\\d|00(?:37|66|78)\\d{6,13}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'JP',
     'countryCode' => 81,
     'internationalPrefix' => '010',
@@ -164,302 +109,254 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '(000[259]\\d{6})$|(?:(?:003768)0?)|0',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '007',
-                   1 => '0077',
-                   2 => '00777',
-                   3 => '00777[01]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:12|57|99)0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d)(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:26|3[79]|4[56]|5[4-68]|6[3-5])|499|5(?:76|97)|746|8(?:3[89]|47|51)|9(?:80|9[16])',
-                   1 => '1(?:267|3(?:7[247]|9[278])|466|5(?:47|58|64)|6(?:3[245]|48|5[4-68]))|499[2468]|5(?:76|97)9|7468|8(?:3(?:8[7-9]|96)|477|51[2-9])|9(?:802|9(?:1[23]|69))|1(?:45|58)[67]',
-                   2 => '1(?:267|3(?:7[247]|9[278])|466|5(?:47|58|64)|6(?:3[245]|48|5[4-68]))|499[2468]|5(?:769|979[2-69])|7468|8(?:3(?:8[7-9]|96[2457-9])|477|51[2-9])|9(?:802|9(?:1[23]|69))|1(?:45|58)[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '60',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[36]|4(?:2[09]|7[01])',
-                   1 => '[36]|4(?:2(?:0|9[02-69])|7(?:0[019]|1))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:1|5[45]|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2[1-37]|3[0-269]|4[59]|5|6[24]|7[1-358]|8[1369]|9[0-38])|4(?:[28][1-9]|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-579]|9[29])|5(?:2|3[0459]|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-389])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9[2-6])|8(?:2[124589]|3[26-9]|49|51|6|7[0-468]|8[68]|9[019])|9(?:[23][1-9]|4[15]|5[138]|6[1-3]|7[156]|8[189]|9[1-489])',
-                   1 => '1(?:1|5(?:4[018]|5[017])|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2(?:[127]|3[014-9])|3[0-269]|4[59]|5(?:[1-3]|5[0-69]|9[19])|62|7(?:[1-35]|8[0189])|8(?:[16]|3[0134]|9[0-5])|9(?:[028]|17))|4(?:2(?:[13-79]|8[014-6])|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-47]|8[1-9]|9[29])|5(?:2|3(?:[045]|9[0-8])|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-3])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9(?:[23]|4[0-59]|5[01569]|6[0167]))|8(?:2(?:[1258]|4[0-39]|9[0-2469])|3(?:[29]|60)|49|51|6(?:[0-24]|36|5[0-3589]|7[23]|9[01459])|7[0-468]|8[68])|9(?:[23][1-9]|4[15]|5[138]|6[1-3]|7[156]|8[189]|9(?:[1289]|3[34]|4[0178]))|(?:264|837)[016-9]|2(?:57|93)[015-9]|(?:25[0468]|422|838)[01]|(?:47[59]|59[89]|8(?:6[68]|9))[019]',
-                   2 => '1(?:1|5(?:4[018]|5[017])|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2[127]|3[0-269]|4[59]|5(?:[1-3]|5[0-69]|9(?:17|99))|6(?:2|4[016-9])|7(?:[1-35]|8[0189])|8(?:[16]|3[0134]|9[0-5])|9(?:[028]|17))|4(?:2(?:[13-79]|8[014-6])|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-47]|9[29])|5(?:2|3(?:[045]|9(?:[0-58]|6[4-9]|7[0-35689]))|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-3])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9(?:[23]|4[0-59]|5[01569]|6[0167]))|8(?:2(?:[1258]|4[0-39]|9[0169])|3(?:[29]|60|7(?:[017-9]|6[6-8]))|49|51|6(?:[0-24]|36[2-57-9]|5(?:[0-389]|5[23])|6(?:[01]|9[178])|7(?:2[2-468]|3[78])|9[0145])|7[0-468]|8[68])|9(?:4[15]|5[138]|7[156]|8[189]|9(?:[1289]|3(?:31|4[357])|4[0178]))|(?:8294|96)[1-3]|2(?:57|93)[015-9]|(?:223|8699)[014-9]|(?:25[0468]|422|838)[01]|(?:48|8292|9[23])[1-9]|(?:47[59]|59[89]|8(?:68|9))[019]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[14]|[289][2-9]|5[3-9]|7[2-4679]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '007',
-                   1 => '0077',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         8 =>
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-               [
-                   0 => '008',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
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-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
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-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         10 =>
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-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[257-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         11 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         12 =>
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-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         13 =>
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-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
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-          ],
-         14 =>
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-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
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-         0 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '(?:12|57|99)0',
-               ],
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-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         1 =>
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-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d)(\\d{4})',
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-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:26|3[79]|4[56]|5[4-68]|6[3-5])|499|5(?:76|97)|746|8(?:3[89]|47|51)|9(?:80|9[16])',
-                   1 => '1(?:267|3(?:7[247]|9[278])|466|5(?:47|58|64)|6(?:3[245]|48|5[4-68]))|499[2468]|5(?:76|97)9|7468|8(?:3(?:8[7-9]|96)|477|51[2-9])|9(?:802|9(?:1[23]|69))|1(?:45|58)[67]',
-                   2 => '1(?:267|3(?:7[247]|9[278])|466|5(?:47|58|64)|6(?:3[245]|48|5[4-68]))|499[2468]|5(?:769|979[2-69])|7468|8(?:3(?:8[7-9]|96[2457-9])|477|51[2-9])|9(?:802|9(?:1[23]|69))|1(?:45|58)[67]',
-               ],
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-         2 =>
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-               [
-                   0 => '60',
-               ],
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-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '[36]|4(?:2[09]|7[01])',
-                   1 => '[36]|4(?:2(?:0|9[02-69])|7(?:0[019]|1))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
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-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:1|5[45]|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2[1-37]|3[0-269]|4[59]|5|6[24]|7[1-358]|8[1369]|9[0-38])|4(?:[28][1-9]|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-579]|9[29])|5(?:2|3[0459]|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-389])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9[2-6])|8(?:2[124589]|3[26-9]|49|51|6|7[0-468]|8[68]|9[019])|9(?:[23][1-9]|4[15]|5[138]|6[1-3]|7[156]|8[189]|9[1-489])',
-                   1 => '1(?:1|5(?:4[018]|5[017])|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2(?:[127]|3[014-9])|3[0-269]|4[59]|5(?:[1-3]|5[0-69]|9[19])|62|7(?:[1-35]|8[0189])|8(?:[16]|3[0134]|9[0-5])|9(?:[028]|17))|4(?:2(?:[13-79]|8[014-6])|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-47]|8[1-9]|9[29])|5(?:2|3(?:[045]|9[0-8])|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-3])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9(?:[23]|4[0-59]|5[01569]|6[0167]))|8(?:2(?:[1258]|4[0-39]|9[0-2469])|3(?:[29]|60)|49|51|6(?:[0-24]|36|5[0-3589]|7[23]|9[01459])|7[0-468]|8[68])|9(?:[23][1-9]|4[15]|5[138]|6[1-3]|7[156]|8[189]|9(?:[1289]|3[34]|4[0178]))|(?:264|837)[016-9]|2(?:57|93)[015-9]|(?:25[0468]|422|838)[01]|(?:47[59]|59[89]|8(?:6[68]|9))[019]',
-                   2 => '1(?:1|5(?:4[018]|5[017])|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2[127]|3[0-269]|4[59]|5(?:[1-3]|5[0-69]|9(?:17|99))|6(?:2|4[016-9])|7(?:[1-35]|8[0189])|8(?:[16]|3[0134]|9[0-5])|9(?:[028]|17))|4(?:2(?:[13-79]|8[014-6])|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-47]|9[29])|5(?:2|3(?:[045]|9(?:[0-58]|6[4-9]|7[0-35689]))|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-3])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9(?:[23]|4[0-59]|5[01569]|6[0167]))|8(?:2(?:[1258]|4[0-39]|9[0169])|3(?:[29]|60|7(?:[017-9]|6[6-8]))|49|51|6(?:[0-24]|36[2-57-9]|5(?:[0-389]|5[23])|6(?:[01]|9[178])|7(?:2[2-468]|3[78])|9[0145])|7[0-468]|8[68])|9(?:4[15]|5[138]|7[156]|8[189]|9(?:[1289]|3(?:31|4[357])|4[0178]))|(?:8294|96)[1-3]|2(?:57|93)[015-9]|(?:223|8699)[014-9]|(?:25[0468]|422|838)[01]|(?:48|8292|9[23])[1-9]|(?:47[59]|59[89]|8(?:68|9))[019]',
-               ],
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-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
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-               [
-                   0 => '[14]|[289][2-9]|5[3-9]|7[2-4679]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         6 =>
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-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
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-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
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-          ],
-         7 =>
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-               [
-                   0 => '[257-9]',
-               ],
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-          ],
-     ],
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+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
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+                '007',
+                '0077',
+                '00777',
+                '00777[01]',
+            ],
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+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
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+                '(?:12|57|99)0',
+            ],
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+        [
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+                '1(?:26|3[79]|4[56]|5[4-68]|6[3-5])|499|5(?:76|97)|746|8(?:3[89]|47|51)|9(?:80|9[16])',
+                '1(?:267|3(?:7[247]|9[278])|466|5(?:47|58|64)|6(?:3[245]|48|5[4-68]))|499[2468]|5(?:76|97)9|7468|8(?:3(?:8[7-9]|96)|477|51[2-9])|9(?:802|9(?:1[23]|69))|1(?:45|58)[67]',
+                '1(?:267|3(?:7[247]|9[278])|466|5(?:47|58|64)|6(?:3[245]|48|5[4-68]))|499[2468]|5(?:769|979[2-69])|7468|8(?:3(?:8[7-9]|96[2457-9])|477|51[2-9])|9(?:802|9(?:1[23]|69))|1(?:45|58)[67]',
+            ],
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+        ],
+        [
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+                '60',
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+        [
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+                '[36]|4(?:2[09]|7[01])',
+                '[36]|4(?:2(?:0|9[02-69])|7(?:0[019]|1))',
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+        [
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+                '1(?:1|5[45]|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2[1-37]|3[0-269]|4[59]|5|6[24]|7[1-358]|8[1369]|9[0-38])|4(?:[28][1-9]|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-579]|9[29])|5(?:2|3[0459]|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-389])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9[2-6])|8(?:2[124589]|3[26-9]|49|51|6|7[0-468]|8[68]|9[019])|9(?:[23][1-9]|4[15]|5[138]|6[1-3]|7[156]|8[189]|9[1-489])',
+                '1(?:1|5(?:4[018]|5[017])|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2(?:[127]|3[014-9])|3[0-269]|4[59]|5(?:[1-3]|5[0-69]|9[19])|62|7(?:[1-35]|8[0189])|8(?:[16]|3[0134]|9[0-5])|9(?:[028]|17))|4(?:2(?:[13-79]|8[014-6])|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-47]|8[1-9]|9[29])|5(?:2|3(?:[045]|9[0-8])|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-3])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9(?:[23]|4[0-59]|5[01569]|6[0167]))|8(?:2(?:[1258]|4[0-39]|9[0-2469])|3(?:[29]|60)|49|51|6(?:[0-24]|36|5[0-3589]|7[23]|9[01459])|7[0-468]|8[68])|9(?:[23][1-9]|4[15]|5[138]|6[1-3]|7[156]|8[189]|9(?:[1289]|3[34]|4[0178]))|(?:264|837)[016-9]|2(?:57|93)[015-9]|(?:25[0468]|422|838)[01]|(?:47[59]|59[89]|8(?:6[68]|9))[019]',
+                '1(?:1|5(?:4[018]|5[017])|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2[127]|3[0-269]|4[59]|5(?:[1-3]|5[0-69]|9(?:17|99))|6(?:2|4[016-9])|7(?:[1-35]|8[0189])|8(?:[16]|3[0134]|9[0-5])|9(?:[028]|17))|4(?:2(?:[13-79]|8[014-6])|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-47]|9[29])|5(?:2|3(?:[045]|9(?:[0-58]|6[4-9]|7[0-35689]))|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-3])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9(?:[23]|4[0-59]|5[01569]|6[0167]))|8(?:2(?:[1258]|4[0-39]|9[0169])|3(?:[29]|60|7(?:[017-9]|6[6-8]))|49|51|6(?:[0-24]|36[2-57-9]|5(?:[0-389]|5[23])|6(?:[01]|9[178])|7(?:2[2-468]|3[78])|9[0145])|7[0-468]|8[68])|9(?:4[15]|5[138]|7[156]|8[189]|9(?:[1289]|3(?:31|4[357])|4[0178]))|(?:8294|96)[1-3]|2(?:57|93)[015-9]|(?:223|8699)[014-9]|(?:25[0468]|422|838)[01]|(?:48|8292|9[23])[1-9]|(?:47[59]|59[89]|8(?:68|9))[019]',
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+        [
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+        [
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+                '0077',
+            ],
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+        [
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+                '800',
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+                '[257-9]',
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+        [
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+                '0',
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+                '0',
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+                '0',
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+                '0',
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+                '(?:12|57|99)0',
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+        [
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+                '1(?:267|3(?:7[247]|9[278])|466|5(?:47|58|64)|6(?:3[245]|48|5[4-68]))|499[2468]|5(?:76|97)9|7468|8(?:3(?:8[7-9]|96)|477|51[2-9])|9(?:802|9(?:1[23]|69))|1(?:45|58)[67]',
+                '1(?:267|3(?:7[247]|9[278])|466|5(?:47|58|64)|6(?:3[245]|48|5[4-68]))|499[2468]|5(?:769|979[2-69])|7468|8(?:3(?:8[7-9]|96[2457-9])|477|51[2-9])|9(?:802|9(?:1[23]|69))|1(?:45|58)[67]',
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+                '60',
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+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[36]|4(?:2[09]|7[01])',
+                '[36]|4(?:2(?:0|9[02-69])|7(?:0[019]|1))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:1|5[45]|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2[1-37]|3[0-269]|4[59]|5|6[24]|7[1-358]|8[1369]|9[0-38])|4(?:[28][1-9]|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-579]|9[29])|5(?:2|3[0459]|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-389])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9[2-6])|8(?:2[124589]|3[26-9]|49|51|6|7[0-468]|8[68]|9[019])|9(?:[23][1-9]|4[15]|5[138]|6[1-3]|7[156]|8[189]|9[1-489])',
+                '1(?:1|5(?:4[018]|5[017])|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2(?:[127]|3[014-9])|3[0-269]|4[59]|5(?:[1-3]|5[0-69]|9[19])|62|7(?:[1-35]|8[0189])|8(?:[16]|3[0134]|9[0-5])|9(?:[028]|17))|4(?:2(?:[13-79]|8[014-6])|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-47]|8[1-9]|9[29])|5(?:2|3(?:[045]|9[0-8])|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-3])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9(?:[23]|4[0-59]|5[01569]|6[0167]))|8(?:2(?:[1258]|4[0-39]|9[0-2469])|3(?:[29]|60)|49|51|6(?:[0-24]|36|5[0-3589]|7[23]|9[01459])|7[0-468]|8[68])|9(?:[23][1-9]|4[15]|5[138]|6[1-3]|7[156]|8[189]|9(?:[1289]|3[34]|4[0178]))|(?:264|837)[016-9]|2(?:57|93)[015-9]|(?:25[0468]|422|838)[01]|(?:47[59]|59[89]|8(?:6[68]|9))[019]',
+                '1(?:1|5(?:4[018]|5[017])|77|88|9[69])|2(?:2[127]|3[0-269]|4[59]|5(?:[1-3]|5[0-69]|9(?:17|99))|6(?:2|4[016-9])|7(?:[1-35]|8[0189])|8(?:[16]|3[0134]|9[0-5])|9(?:[028]|17))|4(?:2(?:[13-79]|8[014-6])|3[0-57]|[45]|6[248]|7[2-47]|9[29])|5(?:2|3(?:[045]|9(?:[0-58]|6[4-9]|7[0-35689]))|4[0-369]|5[29]|8[02389]|9[0-3])|7(?:2[02-46-9]|34|[58]|6[0249]|7[57]|9(?:[23]|4[0-59]|5[01569]|6[0167]))|8(?:2(?:[1258]|4[0-39]|9[0169])|3(?:[29]|60|7(?:[017-9]|6[6-8]))|49|51|6(?:[0-24]|36[2-57-9]|5(?:[0-389]|5[23])|6(?:[01]|9[178])|7(?:2[2-468]|3[78])|9[0145])|7[0-468]|8[68])|9(?:4[15]|5[138]|7[156]|8[189]|9(?:[1289]|3(?:31|4[357])|4[0178]))|(?:8294|96)[1-3]|2(?:57|93)[015-9]|(?:223|8699)[014-9]|(?:25[0468]|422|838)[01]|(?:48|8292|9[23])[1-9]|(?:47[59]|59[89]|8(?:68|9))[019]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[14]|[289][2-9]|5[3-9]|7[2-4679]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[257-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KE.php
index 078841e1..76a27100 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KE.php
@@ -1,200 +1,138 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[17]\\d\\d|900)\\d{6}|(?:2|80)0\\d{6,7}|[4-6]\\d{6,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[245]|5[1-79]|6[01457-9])\\d{5,7}|(?:4[136]|5[08]|62)\\d{7}|(?:[24]0|66)\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '202012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:0[0-8]|1[0-7]|2[014]|30)|7\\d\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '712123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[02-8]\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800223456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[02-9]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900223456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[17]\\d\\d|900)\\d{6}|(?:2|80)0\\d{6,7}|[4-6]\\d{6,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[245]|5[1-79]|6[01457-9])\\d{5,7}|(?:4[136]|5[08]|62)\\d{7}|(?:[24]0|66)\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '202012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:0[0-8]|1[0-7]|2[014]|30)|7\\d\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '712123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[02-8]\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800223456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[02-9]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900223456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KE',
     'countryCode' => 254,
     'internationalPrefix' => '000',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[17]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[17]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KG.php
index 4ea9c29a..2177a346 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KG.php
@@ -1,196 +1,135 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{9}|[235-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '312(?:5[0-79]\\d|9(?:[0-689]\\d|7[0-24-9]))\\d{3}|(?:3(?:1(?:2[0-46-8]|3[1-9]|47|[56]\\d)|2(?:22|3[0-479]|6[0-7])|4(?:22|5[6-9]|6\\d)|5(?:22|3[4-7]|59|6\\d)|6(?:22|5[35-7]|6\\d)|7(?:22|3[468]|4[1-9]|59|[67]\\d)|9(?:22|4[1-8]|6\\d))|6(?:09|12|2[2-4])\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '312123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '312(?:58\\d|973)\\d{3}|(?:2(?:0[0-35]|2\\d)|5[0-24-7]\\d|600|7(?:[07]\\d|55)|88[08]|9(?:12|9[05-9]))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '700123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{9}|[235-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '312(?:5[0-79]\\d|9(?:[0-689]\\d|7[0-24-9]))\\d{3}|(?:3(?:1(?:2[0-46-8]|3[1-9]|47|[56]\\d)|2(?:22|3[0-479]|6[0-7])|4(?:22|5[6-9]|6\\d)|5(?:22|3[4-7]|59|6\\d)|6(?:22|5[35-7]|6\\d)|7(?:22|3[468]|4[1-9]|59|[67]\\d)|9(?:22|4[1-8]|6\\d))|6(?:09|12|2[2-4])\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '312123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '312(?:58\\d|973)\\d{3}|(?:2(?:0[0-35]|2\\d)|5[0-24-7]\\d|600|7(?:[07]\\d|55)|88[08]|9(?:12|9[05-9]))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '700123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KG',
     'countryCode' => 996,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:1[346]|[24-79])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[235-79]|88',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3(?:1[346]|[24-79])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[235-79]|88',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KH.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KH.php
index c49e06d6..2465c95c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KH.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KH.php
@@ -1,190 +1,132 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{9}|[1-9]\\d{7,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '23(?:4(?:[2-4]|[56]\\d)|[568]\\d\\d)\\d{4}|23[236-9]\\d{5}|(?:2[4-6]|3[2-6]|4[2-4]|[5-7][2-5])(?:(?:[237-9]|4[56]|5\\d)\\d{5}|6\\d{5,6})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '23756789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:1[28]|3[18]|9[67])\\d|6[016-9]|7(?:[07-9]|[16]\\d)|8(?:[013-79]|8\\d))\\d{6}|(?:1\\d|9[0-57-9])\\d{6}|(?:2[3-6]|3[2-6]|4[2-4]|[5-7][2-5])48\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '91234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800(?:1\\d|2[019])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1900(?:1\\d|2[09])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{9}|[1-9]\\d{7,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '23(?:4(?:[2-4]|[56]\\d)|[568]\\d\\d)\\d{4}|23[236-9]\\d{5}|(?:2[4-6]|3[2-6]|4[2-4]|[5-7][2-5])(?:(?:[237-9]|4[56]|5\\d)\\d{5}|6\\d{5,6})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '23756789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:1[28]|3[18]|9[67])\\d|6[016-9]|7(?:[07-9]|[16]\\d)|8(?:[013-79]|8\\d))\\d{6}|(?:1\\d|9[0-57-9])\\d{6}|(?:2[3-6]|3[2-6]|4[2-4]|[5-7][2-5])48\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '91234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800(?:1\\d|2[019])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1900(?:1\\d|2[09])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KH',
     'countryCode' => 855,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00[14-9]',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KI.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KI.php
index ac3dbedb..f4ecc65d 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KI.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KI.php
@@ -1,156 +1,98 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[37]\\d|6[0-79])\\d{6}|(?:[2-48]\\d|50)\\d{3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[24]\\d|3[1-9]|50|65(?:02[12]|12[56]|22[89]|[3-5]00)|7(?:27\\d\\d|3100|5(?:02[12]|12[56]|22[89]|[34](?:00|81)|500))|8[0-5])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '31234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6200[01]|7(?:310[1-9]|5(?:02[03-9]|12[0-47-9]|22[0-7]|[34](?:0[1-9]|8[02-9])|50[1-9])))\\d{3}|(?:63\\d\\d|7(?:(?:[0146-9]\\d|2[0-689])\\d|3(?:[02-9]\\d|1[1-9])|5(?:[0-2][013-9]|[34][1-79]|5[1-9]|[6-9]\\d)))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '72001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '30(?:0[01]\\d\\d|12(?:11|20))\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30010000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[37]\\d|6[0-79])\\d{6}|(?:[2-48]\\d|50)\\d{3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[24]\\d|3[1-9]|50|65(?:02[12]|12[56]|22[89]|[3-5]00)|7(?:27\\d\\d|3100|5(?:02[12]|12[56]|22[89]|[34](?:00|81)|500))|8[0-5])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '31234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6200[01]|7(?:310[1-9]|5(?:02[03-9]|12[0-47-9]|22[0-7]|[34](?:0[1-9]|8[02-9])|50[1-9])))\\d{3}|(?:63\\d\\d|7(?:(?:[0146-9]\\d|2[0-689])\\d|3(?:[02-9]\\d|1[1-9])|5(?:[0-2][013-9]|[34][1-79]|5[1-9]|[6-9]\\d)))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '72001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '30(?:0[01]\\d\\d|12(?:11|20))\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30010000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KI',
     'countryCode' => 686,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KM.php
index 81a49df3..200d78a8 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KM.php
@@ -1,165 +1,106 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[3478]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[4-7]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7712345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[34]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[3478]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[4-7]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7712345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[34]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KM',
     'countryCode' => 269,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3478]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3478]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KN.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KN.php
index b05f22f2..a6c4a7c3 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KN.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KN.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '869(?:2(?:29|36)|302|4(?:6[015-9]|70)|56[5-7])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8692361234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '869(?:48[89]|55[6-8]|66\\d|76[02-7])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8697652917',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '869(?:2(?:29|36)|302|4(?:6[015-9]|70)|56[5-7])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8692361234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '869(?:48[89]|55[6-8]|66\\d|76[02-7])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8697652917',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KN',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-7]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '869$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '869',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KP.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KP.php
index af57ef5a..f26cb6b6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KP.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KP.php
@@ -1,195 +1,134 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '85\\d{6}|(?:19\\d|[2-7])\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:195|2)\\d|3[19]|4[159]|5[37]|6[17]|7[39]|85)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1-3]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1921234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '238[02-9]\\d{4}|2(?:[0-24-9]\\d|3[0-79])\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '85\\d{6}|(?:19\\d|[2-7])\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:195|2)\\d|3[19]|4[159]|5[37]|6[17]|7[39]|85)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1-3]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1921234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '238[02-9]\\d{4}|2(?:[0-24-9]\\d|3[0-79])\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KP',
     'countryCode' => 850,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00|99',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KR.php
index eaf233a8..4aaa4098 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KR.php
@@ -1,414 +1,325 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '00[1-9]\\d{8,11}|(?:[12]|5\\d{3})\\d{7}|[13-6]\\d{9}|(?:[1-6]\\d|80)\\d{7}|[3-6]\\d{4,5}|(?:00|7)0\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 11,
-              6 => 12,
-              7 => 13,
-              8 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2|3[1-3]|[46][1-4]|5[1-5])[1-9]\\d{6,7}|(?:3[1-3]|[46][1-4]|5[1-5])1\\d{2,3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05(?:[0-8]\\d|9[0-6])|22[13]\\d)\\d{4,5}|1(?:0[0-46-9]|[16-9]\\d|2[013-9])\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1020000000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '00(?:308\\d{6,7}|798\\d{7,9})|(?:00368|[38]0)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 11,
-              2 => 12,
-              3 => 13,
-              4 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '60[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '602345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '50\\d{8,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '15\\d{7,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1523456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:5(?:22|33|44|66|77|88|99)|6(?:[07]0|44|6[0168]|88)|8(?:00|33|55|77|99))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15441234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '00(?:3(?:08\\d{6,7}|68\\d{7})|798\\d{7,9})',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-              1 => 12,
-              2 => 13,
-              3 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '00[1-9]\\d{8,11}|(?:[12]|5\\d{3})\\d{7}|[13-6]\\d{9}|(?:[1-6]\\d|80)\\d{7}|[3-6]\\d{4,5}|(?:00|7)0\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2|3[1-3]|[46][1-4]|5[1-5])[1-9]\\d{6,7}|(?:3[1-3]|[46][1-4]|5[1-5])1\\d{2,3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05(?:[0-8]\\d|9[0-6])|22[13]\\d)\\d{4,5}|1(?:0[0-46-9]|[16-9]\\d|2[013-9])\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1020000000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '00(?:308\\d{6,7}|798\\d{7,9})|(?:00368|[38]0)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '60[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '602345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '50\\d{8,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '15\\d{7,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1523456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:5(?:22|33|44|66|77|88|99)|6(?:[07]0|44|6[0168]|88)|8(?:00|33|55|77|99))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15441234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '00(?:3(?:08\\d{6,7}|68\\d{7})|798\\d{7,9})',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KR',
     'countryCode' => 82,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00(?:[125689]|3(?:[46]5|91)|7(?:00|27|3|55|6[126]))',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0(8(?:[1-46-8]|5\\d\\d))?',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[016-9]1',
-                   1 => '1[016-9]11',
-                   2 => '1[016-9]114',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:3[1-3]|[46][1-4]|5[1-5])1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[36]0|8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1346]|5[1-5]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[57]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '003',
-                   1 => '0030',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:3[1-3]|[46][1-4]|5[1-5])1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[36]0|8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1346]|5[1-5]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[57]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[016-9]1',
+                '1[016-9]11',
+                '1[016-9]114',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:3[1-3]|[46][1-4]|5[1-5])1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[36]0|8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1346]|5[1-5]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[57]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '003',
+                '0030',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:3[1-3]|[46][1-4]|5[1-5])1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[36]0|8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1346]|5[1-5]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[57]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC-$1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KW.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KW.php
index 1b1a5187..f6726569 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KW.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KW.php
@@ -1,179 +1,119 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18\\d{5}|(?:[2569]\\d|41)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[23]\\d\\d|4(?:[1-35-9]\\d|44)|5(?:0[034]|[2-46]\\d|5[1-3]|7[1-7]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:41\\d\\d|5(?:(?:[05]\\d|1[0-7]|6[56])\\d|2(?:22|5[25])|7(?:55|77)|88[58])|6(?:(?:0[034679]|5[015-9]|6\\d)\\d|1(?:00|11|6[16])|2[26]2|3[36]3|4[46]4|7(?:0[013-9]|[67]\\d)|8[68]8|9(?:[069]\\d|3[039]))|9(?:(?:[04679]\\d|8[057-9])\\d|1(?:1[01]|99)|2(?:00|2\\d)|3(?:00|3[03])|5(?:00|5\\d)))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '50012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1801234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18\\d{5}|(?:[2569]\\d|41)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[23]\\d\\d|4(?:[1-35-9]\\d|44)|5(?:0[034]|[2-46]\\d|5[1-3]|7[1-7]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:41\\d\\d|5(?:(?:[05]\\d|1[0-7]|6[56])\\d|2(?:22|5[25])|7(?:55|77)|88[58])|6(?:(?:0[034679]|5[015-9]|6\\d)\\d|1(?:00|11|6[16])|2[26]2|3[36]3|4[46]4|7(?:0[013-9]|[67]\\d)|8[68]8|9(?:[069]\\d|3[039]))|9(?:(?:[04679]\\d|8[057-9])\\d|1(?:1[01]|99)|2(?:00|2\\d)|3(?:00|3[03])|5(?:00|5\\d)))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '50012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1801234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KW',
     'countryCode' => 965,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[169]|2(?:[235]|4[1-35-9])|52',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[245]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[169]|2(?:[235]|4[1-35-9])|52',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[245]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KY.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KY.php
index 2b661166..6b7d2258 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KY.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KY.php
@@ -1,147 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:345|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '345(?:2(?:22|3[23]|44|66)|333|444|6(?:23|38|40)|7(?:30|4[35-79]|6[6-9]|77)|8(?:00|1[45]|[48]8)|9(?:14|4[035-9]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3452221234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '345(?:32[1-9]|42[0-4]|5(?:1[67]|2[5-79]|4[6-9]|50|76)|649|82[56]|9(?:1[679]|2[2-9]|3[06-9]|90))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3453231234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:345976|900[2-9]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '345849\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3458491234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:345|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '345(?:2(?:22|3[23]|44|66)|333|444|6(?:23|38|40)|7(?:30|4[35-79]|6[6-9]|77)|8(?:00|1[45]|[48]8)|9(?:14|4[035-9]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3452221234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '345(?:32[1-9]|42[0-4]|5(?:1[67]|2[5-79]|4[6-9]|50|76)|649|82[56]|9(?:1[679]|2[2-9]|3[06-9]|90))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3453231234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:345976|900[2-9]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '345849\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3458491234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KY',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -149,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-9]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '345$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '345',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KZ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KZ.php
index 242705dd..da92cfef 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KZ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_KZ.php
@@ -1,157 +1,105 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:33622|8\\d{8})\\d{5}|[78]\\d{9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:33622|7(?:1(?:0(?:[23]\\d|4[0-3]|59|63)|1(?:[23]\\d|4[0-79]|59)|2(?:[23]\\d|59)|3(?:2\\d|3[0-79]|4[0-35-9]|59)|4(?:[24]\\d|3[013-9]|5[1-9]|97)|5(?:2\\d|3[1-9]|4[0-7]|59)|6(?:[2-4]\\d|5[19]|61)|72\\d|8(?:[27]\\d|3[1-46-9]|4[0-5]|59))|2(?:1(?:[23]\\d|4[46-9]|5[3469])|2(?:2\\d|3[0679]|46|5[12679])|3(?:[2-4]\\d|5[139])|4(?:2\\d|3[1-35-9]|59)|5(?:[23]\\d|4[0-8]|59|61)|6(?:2\\d|3[1-9]|4[0-4]|59)|7(?:[2379]\\d|40|5[279])|8(?:[23]\\d|4[0-3]|59)|9(?:2\\d|3[124578]|59))))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:0[0-25-8]|47|6[0-4]|7[15-8]|85)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7710009998',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|108\\d{3})\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '809\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8091234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '808\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8081234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '751\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7511234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '751\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:33622|8\\d{8})\\d{5}|[78]\\d{9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:33622|7(?:1(?:0(?:[23]\\d|4[0-3]|59|63)|1(?:[23]\\d|4[0-79]|59)|2(?:[23]\\d|59)|3(?:2\\d|3[0-79]|4[0-35-9]|59)|4(?:[24]\\d|3[013-9]|5[1-9]|97)|5(?:2\\d|3[1-9]|4[0-7]|59)|6(?:[2-4]\\d|5[19]|61)|72\\d|8(?:[27]\\d|3[1-46-9]|4[0-5]|59))|2(?:1(?:[23]\\d|4[46-9]|5[3469])|2(?:2\\d|3[0679]|46|5[12679])|3(?:[2-4]\\d|5[139])|4(?:2\\d|3[1-35-9]|59)|5(?:[23]\\d|4[0-8]|59|61)|6(?:2\\d|3[1-9]|4[0-4]|59)|7(?:[2379]\\d|40|5[279])|8(?:[23]\\d|4[0-3]|59)|9(?:2\\d|3[124578]|59))))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:0[0-25-8]|47|6[0-4]|7[15-8]|85)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7710009998',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|108\\d{3})\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '809\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8091234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '808\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8081234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '751\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7511234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '751\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KZ',
     'countryCode' => 7,
     'internationalPrefix' => '810',
@@ -159,12 +107,8 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '8',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '8',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '33|7',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LA.php
index 8a8fccee..9ff73617 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LA.php
@@ -1,196 +1,136 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[23]\\d{9}|3\\d{8}|(?:[235-8]\\d|41)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[13]|[35-7][14]|41|8[1468])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21212862',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '208[78]\\d{6}|(?:20[23579]|30[24])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2023123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '30[0135-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '301234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[23]\\d{9}|3\\d{8}|(?:[235-8]\\d|41)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[13]|[35-7][14]|41|8[1468])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21212862',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '208[78]\\d{6}|(?:20[23579]|30[24])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2023123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '30[0135-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '301234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LA',
     'countryCode' => 856,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[13]|3[14]|[4-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '30[0135-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[13]|3[14]|[4-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '30[0135-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LB.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LB.php
index f75aac78..79ba6e84 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LB.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LB.php
@@ -1,181 +1,119 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[27-9]\\d{7}|[13-9]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:62|8[0-7]|9[04-9])\\d{4}|(?:[14-69]\\d|2(?:[14-69]\\d|[78][1-9])|7[2-57]|8[02-9])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '793(?:[01]\\d|2[0-4])\\d{3}|(?:(?:3|81)\\d|7(?:[01]\\d|6[013-9]|8[89]|9[12]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[01]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[27-9]\\d{7}|[13-9]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:62|8[0-7]|9[04-9])\\d{4}|(?:[14-69]\\d|2(?:[14-69]\\d|[78][1-9])|7[2-57]|8[02-9])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '793(?:[01]\\d|2[0-4])\\d{3}|(?:(?:3|81)\\d|7(?:[01]\\d|6[013-9]|8[89]|9[12]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[01]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LB',
     'countryCode' => 961,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[13-69]|7(?:[2-57]|62|8[0-7]|9[04-9])|8[02-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[27-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[13-69]|7(?:[2-57]|62|8[0-7]|9[04-9])|8[02-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[27-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LC.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LC.php
index 47e5abf8..85e8e0fd 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LC.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LC.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|758|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '758(?:234|4(?:30|5\\d|6[2-9]|8[0-2])|57[0-2]|(?:63|75)8)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7584305678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '758(?:28[4-7]|384|4(?:6[01]|8[4-9])|5(?:1[89]|20|84)|7(?:1[2-9]|2\\d|3[0-3])|812)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7582845678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|758|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '758(?:234|4(?:30|5\\d|6[2-9]|8[0-2])|57[0-2]|(?:63|75)8)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7584305678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '758(?:28[4-7]|384|4(?:6[01]|8[4-9])|5(?:1[89]|20|84)|7(?:1[2-9]|2\\d|3[0-3])|812)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7582845678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LC',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-8]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '758$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '758',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LI.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LI.php
index 372fa1e0..a0a38b56 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LI.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LI.php
@@ -1,210 +1,144 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[68]\\d{8}|(?:[2378]\\d|90)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:01|1[27]|2[02]|3\\d|6[02-578]|96)|3(?:[24]0|33|7[0135-7]|8[048]|9[0269]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6(?:(?:4[5-9]|5[0-469])\\d|6(?:[024-6]\\d|[17]0|3[7-9]))\\d|7(?:[37-9]\\d|42|56))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '660234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8002[28]\\d\\d|80(?:05\\d|9)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002222',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90(?:02[258]|1(?:23|3[14])|66[136])\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002222',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '870(?:28|87)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8702812',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '697(?:42|56|[78]\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '697861234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[68]\\d{8}|(?:[2378]\\d|90)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:01|1[27]|2[02]|3\\d|6[02-578]|96)|3(?:[24]0|33|7[0135-7]|8[048]|9[0269]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6(?:(?:4[5-9]|5[0-469])\\d|6(?:[024-6]\\d|[17]0|3[7-9]))\\d|7(?:[37-9]\\d|42|56))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '660234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8002[28]\\d\\d|80(?:05\\d|9)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002222',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90(?:02[258]|1(?:23|3[14])|66[136])\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002222',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '870(?:28|87)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8702812',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '697(?:42|56|[78]\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '697861234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LI',
     'countryCode' => 423,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '(1001)|0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2379]|8(?:0[09]|7)',
-                   1 => '[2379]|8(?:0(?:02|9)|7)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '69',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2379]|8(?:0[09]|7)',
+                '[2379]|8(?:0(?:02|9)|7)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '69',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LK.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LK.php
index 0ec05e1e..91ec143b 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LK.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LK.php
@@ -1,179 +1,118 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:12[2-9]|602|8[12]\\d|9(?:1\\d|22|9[245]))\\d{6}|(?:11|2[13-7]|3[1-8]|4[157]|5[12457]|6[35-7])[2-57]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:[0-25-8]\\d|4[0-4])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '712345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1973\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '197312345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:12[2-9]|602|8[12]\\d|9(?:1\\d|22|9[245]))\\d{6}|(?:11|2[13-7]|3[1-8]|4[157]|5[12457]|6[35-7])[2-57]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:[0-25-8]\\d|4[0-4])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '712345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1973\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '197312345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LK',
     'countryCode' => 94,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LR.php
index b0badd80..02252731 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LR.php
@@ -1,195 +1,133 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[245]\\d|33|77|88)\\d{7}|(?:2\\d|[4-6])\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:(?:22|33)0|555|(?:77|88)\\d)\\d|4(?:240|[67]))\\d{5}|[56]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '770123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '332(?:02|[34]\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '332021234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[245]\\d|33|77|88)\\d{7}|(?:2\\d|[4-6])\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:(?:22|33)0|555|(?:77|88)\\d)\\d|4(?:240|[67]))\\d{5}|[56]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '770123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '332(?:02|[34]\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '332021234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LR',
     'countryCode' => 231,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '4[67]|[56]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-578]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '4[67]|[56]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-578]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LS.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LS.php
index 9b25d0fa..17dc0c48 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LS.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LS.php
@@ -1,163 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[256]\\d\\d|800)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[56]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '50123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[1256]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80021234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[256]\\d\\d|800)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[56]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '50123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[1256]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80021234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LS',
     'countryCode' => 266,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2568]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2568]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LT.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LT.php
index a45ac2a9..eab1b137 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LT.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LT.php
@@ -1,206 +1,134 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[3469]\\d|52|[78]0)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[1478]|4[124-6]|52)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '31234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '61234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[02]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0[0239]|10)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '808\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80812345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[05]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[89]01\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[67]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70712345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[3469]\\d|52|[78]0)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[1478]|4[124-6]|52)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '31234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '61234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[02]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0[0239]|10)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '808\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80812345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[05]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[89]01\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[67]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70712345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LT',
     'countryCode' => 370,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '[08]',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '52[0-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0-$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[7-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '37|4(?:[15]|6[1-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0-$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0-$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '52[0-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0-$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[7-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '37|4(?:[15]|6[1-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0-$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0-$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LU.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LU.php
index fa9b8a68..daba6569 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LU.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LU.php
@@ -1,281 +1,206 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '35[013-9]\\d{4,8}|6\\d{8}|35\\d{2,4}|(?:[2457-9]\\d|3[0-46-9])\\d{2,9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-              5 => 9,
-              6 => 10,
-              7 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:35[013-9]|80[2-9]|90[89])\\d{1,8}|(?:2[2-9]|3[0-46-9]|[457]\\d|8[13-9]|9[2-579])\\d{2,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '27123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:[269][18]|5[1568]|7[189]|81)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '628123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[015]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '801\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '20(?:1\\d{5}|[2-689]\\d{1,7})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-              5 => 9,
-              6 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '35[013-9]\\d{4,8}|6\\d{8}|35\\d{2,4}|(?:[2457-9]\\d|3[0-46-9])\\d{2,9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:35[013-9]|80[2-9]|90[89])\\d{1,8}|(?:2[2-9]|3[0-46-9]|[457]\\d|8[13-9]|9[2-579])\\d{2,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '27123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:[269][18]|5[1568]|7[189]|81)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '628123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[015]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '801\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '20(?:1\\d{5}|[2-689]\\d{1,7})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LU',
     'countryCode' => 352,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '(15(?:0[06]|1[12]|[35]5|4[04]|6[26]|77|88|99)\\d)',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[2-689]|[2-9])|[3-57]|8(?:0[2-9]|[13-9])|9(?:0[89]|[2-579])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[2-689]|[2-9])|[3-57]|8(?:0[2-9]|[13-9])|9(?:0[89]|[2-579])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '20[2-689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{1,2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:[0367]|4[3-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80[01]|90[015]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '20',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{1,2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:[0367]|4[3-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{1,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-57]|8[13-9]|9(?:0[89]|[2-579])|(?:2|80)[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:0[2-689]|[2-9])|[3-57]|8(?:0[2-9]|[13-9])|9(?:0[89]|[2-579])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:0[2-689]|[2-9])|[3-57]|8(?:0[2-9]|[13-9])|9(?:0[89]|[2-579])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '20[2-689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{1,2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:[0367]|4[3-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80[01]|90[015]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '20',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{1,2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:[0367]|4[3-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{1,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-57]|8[13-9]|9(?:0[89]|[2-579])|(?:2|80)[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LV.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LV.php
index 14aaca13..69de4cf7 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LV.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LV.php
@@ -1,165 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[268]\\d|90)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '63123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '23(?:23[0-57-9]|33[0238])\\d{3}|2(?:[0-24-9]\\d\\d|3(?:0[07]|[14-9]\\d|2[024-9]|3[0-24-9]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '81\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[268]\\d|90)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '63123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '23(?:23[0-57-9]|33[0238])\\d{3}|2(?:[0-24-9]\\d\\d|3(?:0[07]|[14-9]\\d|2[024-9]|3[0-24-9]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '81\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LV',
     'countryCode' => 371,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[269]|8[01]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[269]|8[01]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LY.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LY.php
index 315810a0..b8eecc5c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LY.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_LY.php
@@ -1,166 +1,108 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:0[56]|[1-6]\\d|7[124579]|8[124])|3(?:1\\d|2[2356])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[1-357]|5[2-4]|8[124])|5(?:[1347]\\d|2[1-469]|5[13-5]|8[1-4])|6(?:[1-479]\\d|5[2-57]|8[1-5])|7(?:[13]\\d|2[13-79])|8(?:[124]\\d|5[124]|84))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[1-6]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:0[56]|[1-6]\\d|7[124579]|8[124])|3(?:1\\d|2[2356])|4(?:[17]\\d|2[1-357]|5[2-4]|8[124])|5(?:[1347]\\d|2[1-469]|5[13-5]|8[1-4])|6(?:[1-479]\\d|5[2-57]|8[1-5])|7(?:[13]\\d|2[13-79])|8(?:[124]\\d|5[124]|84))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[1-6]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LY',
     'countryCode' => 218,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MA.php
index c9404722..dbc75e44 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MA.php
@@ -1,203 +1,134 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[5-8]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:2(?:[0-25-79]\\d|3[1-578]|4[02-46-8]|8[0235-7])|3(?:[0-47]\\d|5[02-9]|6[02-8]|8[014-9]|9[3-9])|(?:4[067]|5[03])\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '520123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6(?:[0-79]\\d|8[0-247-9])|7(?:[0167]\\d|2[0-4]|5[01]|8[0-3]))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '650123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-7]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '89\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '891234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:592(?:4[0-2]|93)|80[89]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '592401234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[5-8]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:2(?:[0-25-79]\\d|3[1-578]|4[02-46-8]|8[0235-7])|3(?:[0-47]\\d|5[02-9]|6[02-8]|8[014-9]|9[3-9])|(?:4[067]|5[03])\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '520123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6(?:[0-79]\\d|8[0-247-9])|7(?:[0167]\\d|2[0-4]|5[01]|8[0-3]))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '650123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-7]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '89\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '891234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:592(?:4[0-2]|93)|80[89]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '592401234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MA',
     'countryCode' => 212,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[45]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5(?:2[2-46-9]|3[3-9]|9)|8(?:0[89]|92)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[5-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[45]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5(?:2[2-46-9]|3[3-9]|9)|8(?:0[89]|92)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[5-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MC.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MC.php
index e62f99f2..9d20ca60 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MC.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MC.php
@@ -1,241 +1,171 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[3489]|6\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:870|9[2-47-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '99123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:[469]\\d|5[1-9])\\d{5}|(?:3|6\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '612345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:800|90\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[07]0\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[3489]|6\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:870|9[2-47-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '99123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:[469]\\d|5[1-9])\\d{5}|(?:3|6\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '612345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:800|90\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[07]0\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MC',
     'countryCode' => 377,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '87',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '4',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[389]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '4',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[389]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '87',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '4',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[389]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '4',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[389]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MD.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MD.php
index 3fc8076d..66f29e3d 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MD.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MD.php
@@ -1,193 +1,124 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[235-7]\\d|[89]0)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:2[1-9]|3[1-79])\\d|5(?:33|5[257]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '562\\d{5}|(?:6\\d|7[16-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '62112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[056]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '808\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80812345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[08]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '803\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80312345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[235-7]\\d|[89]0)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:2[1-9]|3[1-79])\\d|5(?:33|5[257]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '562\\d{5}|(?:6\\d|7[16-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '62112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[056]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '808\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80812345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[08]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '803\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80312345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MD',
     'countryCode' => 373,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '22|3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[25-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '22|3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[25-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ME.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ME.php
index 1c76b341..98718ce8 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ME.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ME.php
@@ -1,176 +1,119 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:20|[3-79]\\d)\\d{6}|80\\d{6,7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:20[2-8]|3(?:[0-2][2-7]|3[24-7])|4(?:0[2-467]|1[2467])|5(?:0[2467]|1[24-7]|2[2-467]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:[07-9]\\d|3[024]|6[0-25])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '67622901',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:[0-2578]|9\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80080002',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:4[1568]|5[178])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '94515151',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '78[1-49]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '78108780',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '77[1-9]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '77273012',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:20|[3-79]\\d)\\d{6}|80\\d{6,7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:20[2-8]|3(?:[0-2][2-7]|3[24-7])|4(?:0[2-467]|1[2467])|5(?:0[2467]|1[24-7]|2[2-467]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:[07-9]\\d|3[024]|6[0-25])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '67622901',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:[0-2578]|9\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80080002',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:4[1568]|5[178])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '94515151',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '78[1-49]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '78108780',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '77[1-9]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '77273012',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ME',
     'countryCode' => 382,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MF.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MF.php
index 4f4ad08c..7d07dec6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MF.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MF.php
@@ -1,154 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '590\\d{6}|(?:69|80|9\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '590(?:0[079]|[14]3|[27][79]|3[03-7]|5[0-268]|87)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '590271234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '69(?:0\\d\\d|1(?:2[2-9]|3[0-5])|4(?:0[89]|1[2-6]|9\\d)|6(?:1[016-9]|5[0-4]|[67]\\d))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '690001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:39[5-7]|76[018])\\d|475[0-5])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '976012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '590\\d{6}|(?:69|80|9\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '590(?:0[079]|[14]3|[27][79]|3[03-7]|5[0-268]|87)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '590271234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '69(?:0\\d\\d|1(?:2[2-9]|3[0-5])|4(?:0[89]|1[2-6]|9\\d)|6(?:1[016-9]|5[0-4]|[67]\\d))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '690001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:39[5-7]|76[018])\\d|475[0-5])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '976012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MF',
     'countryCode' => 590,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MG.php
index dff832d5..308637d3 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MG.php
@@ -1,143 +1,89 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[23]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2072[29]\\d{4}|20(?:2\\d|4[47]|5[3467]|6[279]|7[35]|8[268]|9[245])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '202123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[2-47-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '321234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '22\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '221234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[23]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2072[29]\\d{4}|20(?:2\\d|4[47]|5[3467]|6[279]|7[35]|8[268]|9[245])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '202123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[2-47-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '321234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '22\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '221234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MG',
     'countryCode' => 261,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
@@ -145,24 +91,19 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([24-9]\\d{6})$|0',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '20$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MH.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MH.php
index 4bc44fae..998ace65 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MH.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MH.php
@@ -1,165 +1,104 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '329\\d{4}|(?:[256]\\d|45)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:247|528|625)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2471234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:23|54)5|329|45[35-8])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2351234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '635\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6351234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '329\\d{4}|(?:[256]\\d|45)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:247|528|625)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2471234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:23|54)5|329|45[35-8])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2351234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '635\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6351234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MH',
     'countryCode' => 692,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
     'nationalPrefix' => '1',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MK.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MK.php
index 3daa3458..5093413c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MK.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MK.php
@@ -1,195 +1,130 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-578]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:2(?:62|77)0|3444)\\d|4[56]440)\\d{3}|(?:34|4[357])700\\d{3}|(?:2(?:[0-3]\\d|5[0-578]|6[01]|82)|3(?:1[3-68]|[23][2-68]|4[23568])|4(?:[23][2-68]|4[3-68]|5[2568]|6[25-8]|7[24-68]|8[4-68]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:3555|(?:474|9[019]7)7)\\d{3}|7(?:[0-25-8]\\d\\d|3(?:[1-48]\\d|6[01]|7[01578])|4(?:2\\d|60|7[01578])|9(?:[2-4]\\d|5[01]|7[015]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '72345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '50012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-578]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:2(?:62|77)0|3444)\\d|4[56]440)\\d{3}|(?:34|4[357])700\\d{3}|(?:2(?:[0-3]\\d|5[0-578]|6[01]|82)|3(?:1[3-68]|[23][2-68]|4[23568])|4(?:[23][2-68]|4[3-68]|5[2568]|6[25-8]|7[24-68]|8[4-68]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:3555|(?:474|9[019]7)7)\\d{3}|7(?:[0-25-8]\\d\\d|3(?:[1-48]\\d|6[01]|7[01578])|4(?:2\\d|60|7[01578])|9(?:[2-4]\\d|5[01]|7[015]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '72345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '50012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MK',
     'countryCode' => 389,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2|34[47]|4(?:[37]7|5[47]|64)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[347]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[58]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2|34[47]|4(?:[37]7|5[47]|64)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[347]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[58]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ML.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ML.php
index 2c9193b3..6ef52c74 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ML.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ML.php
@@ -1,188 +1,123 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[24-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:07[0-8]|12[67])\\d{4}|(?:2(?:02|1[4-689])|4(?:0[0-4]|4[1-39]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0(?:01|79)|17\\d)\\d{4}|(?:5[01]|[679]\\d|8[2-49])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '65012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[24-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:07[0-8]|12[67])\\d{4}|(?:2(?:02|1[4-689])|4(?:0[0-4]|4[1-39]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0(?:01|79)|17\\d)\\d{4}|(?:5[01]|[679]\\d|8[2-49])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '65012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ML',
     'countryCode' => 223,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '67[057-9]|74[045]',
-                   1 => '67(?:0[09]|[59]9|77|8[89])|74(?:0[02]|44|55)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '67[057-9]|74[045]',
+                '67(?:0[09]|[59]9|77|8[89])|74(?:0[02]|44|55)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MM.php
index 20a0b55a..08c7d71a 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MM.php
@@ -1,278 +1,206 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{5,7}|95\\d{6}|(?:[4-7]|9[0-46-9])\\d{6,8}|(?:2|8\\d)\\d{5,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:(?:2\\d|3[56]|[89][0-6])\\d|4(?:2[29]|62|7[0-2]|83)|6)|2(?:2(?:00|8[34])|4(?:0\\d|[26]2|7[0-2]|83)|51\\d\\d)|4(?:2(?:2\\d\\d|48[013])|3(?:20\\d|4(?:70|83)|56)|420\\d|5470)|6(?:0(?:[23]|88\\d)|(?:124|[56]2\\d)\\d|2472|3(?:20\\d|470)|4(?:2[04]\\d|472)|7(?:(?:3\\d|8[01459])\\d|4[67]0)))\\d{4}|5(?:2(?:2\\d{5,6}|47[02]\\d{4})|(?:3472|4(?:2(?:1|86)|470)|522\\d|6(?:20\\d|483)|7(?:20\\d|48[01])|8(?:20\\d|47[02])|9(?:20\\d|470))\\d{4})|7(?:(?:0470|4(?:25\\d|470)|5(?:202|470|96\\d))\\d{4}|1(?:20\\d{4,5}|4(?:70|83)\\d{4}))|8(?:1(?:2\\d{5,6}|4(?:10|7[01]\\d)\\d{3})|2(?:2\\d{5,6}|(?:320|490\\d)\\d{3})|(?:3(?:2\\d\\d|470)|4[24-7]|5(?:(?:2\\d|51)\\d|4(?:[1-35-9]\\d|4[0-57-9]))|6[23])\\d{4})|(?:1[2-6]\\d|4(?:2[24-8]|3[2-7]|[46][2-6]|5[3-5])|5(?:[27][2-8]|3[2-68]|4[24-8]|5[23]|6[2-4]|8[24-7]|9[2-7])|6(?:[19]20|42[03-6]|(?:52|7[45])\\d)|7(?:[04][24-8]|[15][2-7]|22|3[2-4])|8(?:1[2-689]|2[2-8]|[35]2\\d))\\d{4}|25\\d{5,6}|(?:2[2-9]|6(?:1[2356]|[24][2-6]|3[24-6]|5[2-4]|6[2-8]|7[235-7]|8[245]|9[24])|8(?:3[24]|5[245]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:17[01]|9(?:2(?:[0-4]|[56]\\d\\d)|(?:3(?:[0-36]|4\\d)|(?:6\\d|8[89]|9[4-8])\\d|7(?:3|40|[5-9]\\d))\\d|4(?:(?:[0245]\\d|[1379])\\d|88)|5[0-6])\\d)\\d{4}|9[69]1\\d{6}|9(?:[68]\\d|9[089])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '92123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80080(?:0[1-9]|2\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8008001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1333\\d{4}|[12]468\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '13331234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{5,7}|95\\d{6}|(?:[4-7]|9[0-46-9])\\d{6,8}|(?:2|8\\d)\\d{5,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:(?:2\\d|3[56]|[89][0-6])\\d|4(?:2[29]|62|7[0-2]|83)|6)|2(?:2(?:00|8[34])|4(?:0\\d|[26]2|7[0-2]|83)|51\\d\\d)|4(?:2(?:2\\d\\d|48[013])|3(?:20\\d|4(?:70|83)|56)|420\\d|5470)|6(?:0(?:[23]|88\\d)|(?:124|[56]2\\d)\\d|2472|3(?:20\\d|470)|4(?:2[04]\\d|472)|7(?:(?:3\\d|8[01459])\\d|4[67]0)))\\d{4}|5(?:2(?:2\\d{5,6}|47[02]\\d{4})|(?:3472|4(?:2(?:1|86)|470)|522\\d|6(?:20\\d|483)|7(?:20\\d|48[01])|8(?:20\\d|47[02])|9(?:20\\d|470))\\d{4})|7(?:(?:0470|4(?:25\\d|470)|5(?:202|470|96\\d))\\d{4}|1(?:20\\d{4,5}|4(?:70|83)\\d{4}))|8(?:1(?:2\\d{5,6}|4(?:10|7[01]\\d)\\d{3})|2(?:2\\d{5,6}|(?:320|490\\d)\\d{3})|(?:3(?:2\\d\\d|470)|4[24-7]|5(?:(?:2\\d|51)\\d|4(?:[1-35-9]\\d|4[0-57-9]))|6[23])\\d{4})|(?:1[2-6]\\d|4(?:2[24-8]|3[2-7]|[46][2-6]|5[3-5])|5(?:[27][2-8]|3[2-68]|4[24-8]|5[23]|6[2-4]|8[24-7]|9[2-7])|6(?:[19]20|42[03-6]|(?:52|7[45])\\d)|7(?:[04][24-8]|[15][2-7]|22|3[2-4])|8(?:1[2-689]|2[2-8]|[35]2\\d))\\d{4}|25\\d{5,6}|(?:2[2-9]|6(?:1[2356]|[24][2-6]|3[24-6]|5[2-4]|6[2-8]|7[235-7]|8[245]|9[24])|8(?:3[24]|5[245]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:17[01]|9(?:2(?:[0-4]|[56]\\d\\d)|(?:3(?:[0-36]|4\\d)|(?:6\\d|8[89]|9[4-8])\\d|7(?:3|40|[5-9]\\d))\\d|4(?:(?:[0245]\\d|[1379])\\d|88)|5[0-6])\\d)\\d{4}|9[69]1\\d{6}|9(?:[68]\\d|9[089])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '92123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80080(?:0[1-9]|2\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8008001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1333\\d{4}|[12]468\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '13331234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MM',
     'countryCode' => 95,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '16|2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[45]|6(?:0[23]|[1-689]|7[235-7])|7(?:[0-4]|5[2-7])|8[1-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[4-7]|8[1-35]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:2[0-4]|[35-9]|4[137-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '92',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '16|2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[45]|6(?:0[23]|[1-689]|7[235-7])|7(?:[0-4]|5[2-7])|8[1-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[12]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[4-7]|8[1-35]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:2[0-4]|[35-9]|4[137-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '92',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MN.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MN.php
index bd9b9d36..02a249b9 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MN.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MN.php
@@ -1,224 +1,159 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d{7,9}|[5-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]2[1-3]\\d{5,6}|(?:(?:[12](?:1|27)|5[368])\\d\\d|7(?:0(?:[0-5]\\d|7[078]|80)|128))\\d{4}|[12](?:3[2-8]|4[2-68]|5[1-4689])\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '53123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:83[01]|92[039])\\d{5}|(?:5[05]|6[069]|8[015689]|9[013-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '88123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '712[0-79]\\d{4}|7(?:1[013-9]|[25-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '75123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d{7,9}|[5-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]2[1-3]\\d{5,6}|(?:(?:[12](?:1|27)|5[368])\\d\\d|7(?:0(?:[0-5]\\d|7[078]|80)|128))\\d{4}|[12](?:3[2-8]|4[2-68]|5[1-4689])\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '53123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:83[01]|92[039])\\d{5}|(?:5[05]|6[069]|8[015689]|9[013-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '88123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '712[0-79]\\d{4}|7(?:1[013-9]|[25-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '75123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MN',
     'countryCode' => 976,
     'internationalPrefix' => '001',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12]1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[5-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12]2[1-3]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12](?:27|3[2-8]|4[2-68]|5[1-4689])',
-                   1 => '[12](?:27|3[2-8]|4[2-68]|5[1-4689])[0-3]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[12]1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[5-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[12]2[1-3]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[12](?:27|3[2-8]|4[2-68]|5[1-4689])',
+                '[12](?:27|3[2-8]|4[2-68]|5[1-4689])[0-3]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[12]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MO.php
index fd4dce4d..fe988159 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MO.php
@@ -1,179 +1,119 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{3}|(?:28|[68]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:28[2-9]|8(?:11|[2-57-9]\\d))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '28212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6800[0-79]\\d{3}|6(?:[235]\\d\\d|6(?:0[0-5]|[1-9]\\d)|8(?:0[1-9]|[14-8]\\d|2[5-9]|[39][0-4]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '66123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0800501',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{3}|(?:28|[68]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:28[2-9]|8(?:11|[2-57-9]\\d))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '28212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6800[0-79]\\d{3}|6(?:[235]\\d\\d|6(?:0[0-5]|[1-9]\\d)|8(?:0[1-9]|[14-8]\\d|2[5-9]|[39][0-4]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '66123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0800501',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MO',
     'countryCode' => 853,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[268]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[268]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MP.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MP.php
index 1bf6a4b2..45afb6c5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MP.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MP.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[58]\\d{9}|(?:67|90)0\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '670(?:2(?:3[3-7]|56|8[4-8])|32[1-38]|4(?:33|8[348])|5(?:32|55|88)|6(?:64|70|82)|78[3589]|8[3-9]8|989)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6702345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '670(?:2(?:3[3-7]|56|8[4-8])|32[1-38]|4(?:33|8[348])|5(?:32|55|88)|6(?:64|70|82)|78[3589]|8[3-9]8|989)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6702345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[58]\\d{9}|(?:67|90)0\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '670(?:2(?:3[3-7]|56|8[4-8])|32[1-38]|4(?:33|8[348])|5(?:32|55|88)|6(?:64|70|82)|78[3589]|8[3-9]8|989)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6702345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '670(?:2(?:3[3-7]|56|8[4-8])|32[1-38]|4(?:33|8[348])|5(?:32|55|88)|6(?:64|70|82)|78[3589]|8[3-9]8|989)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6702345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MP',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-9]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '670$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '670',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MQ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MQ.php
index a18a647b..18f39730 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MQ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MQ.php
@@ -1,178 +1,114 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '596\\d{6}|(?:69|80|9\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '596(?:[03-7]\\d|1[05]|2[7-9]|8[0-39]|9[04-9])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '596301234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '69(?:6(?:[0-46-9]\\d|5[0-6])|727)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '696201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:397[0-3]|477[0-5]|76(?:6\\d|7[0-367]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '976612345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '596\\d{6}|(?:69|80|9\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '596(?:[03-7]\\d|1[05]|2[7-9]|8[0-39]|9[04-9])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '596301234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '69(?:6(?:[0-46-9]\\d|5[0-6])|727)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '696201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:397[0-3]|477[0-5]|76(?:6\\d|7[0-367]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '976612345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MQ',
     'countryCode' => 596,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[569]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[569]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MR.php
index 4b27f23f..7c964de7 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MR.php
@@ -1,163 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-4]\\d\\d|800)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:25[08]|35\\d|45[1-7])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '35123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-4][0-46-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-4]\\d\\d|800)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:25[08]|35\\d|45[1-7])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '35123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-4][0-46-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MR',
     'countryCode' => 222,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-48]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-48]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MS.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MS.php
index b83ce1be..88370764 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MS.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MS.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|664|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6644(?:1[0-3]|91)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6644912345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '664(?:3(?:49|9[1-6])|49[2-6])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6644923456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|664|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6644(?:1[0-3]|91)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6644912345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '664(?:3(?:49|9[1-6])|49[2-6])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6644923456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MS',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([34]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '664$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '664',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MT.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MT.php
index 6c6371e3..3fe0e3d1 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MT.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MT.php
@@ -1,167 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3550\\d{4}|(?:[2579]\\d\\d|800)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '20(?:3[1-4]|6[059])\\d{4}|2(?:0[19]|[1-357]\\d|60)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7(?:210|[79]\\d\\d)|9(?:[29]\\d\\d|69[67]|8(?:1[1-3]|89|97)))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '96961234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800(?:02|[3467]\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80071234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:0(?:0(?:37|43)|(?:6\\d|70|9[0168])\\d)|[12]\\d0[1-5])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '50037123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3550\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '35501234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7117\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71171234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '501\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '50112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3550\\d{4}|(?:[2579]\\d\\d|800)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '20(?:3[1-4]|6[059])\\d{4}|2(?:0[19]|[1-357]\\d|60)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7(?:210|[79]\\d\\d)|9(?:[29]\\d\\d|69[67]|8(?:1[1-3]|89|97)))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '96961234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800(?:02|[3467]\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80071234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:0(?:0(?:37|43)|(?:6\\d|70|9[0168])\\d)|[12]\\d0[1-5])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '50037123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3550\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '35501234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7117\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71171234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '501\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '50112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MT',
     'countryCode' => 356,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2357-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2357-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MU.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MU.php
index 1b6cb894..70c1f2b9 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MU.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MU.php
@@ -1,199 +1,137 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[57]|8\\d\\d)\\d{7}|[2-468]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[0346-8]\\d|1[0-7])|4(?:[013568]\\d|2[4-8]|71)|54(?:[3-5]\\d|71)|6\\d\\d|8(?:14|3[129]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '54480123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:4(?:2[1-389]|7[1-9])|87[15-8])\\d{4}|(?:5(?:2[5-9]|4[3-689]|[57]\\d|8[0-689]|9[0-8])|7(?:0[0-4]|3[013]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '52512345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '802\\d{7}|80[0-2]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '30\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:20|9\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[57]|8\\d\\d)\\d{7}|[2-468]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[0346-8]\\d|1[0-7])|4(?:[013568]\\d|2[4-8]|71)|54(?:[3-5]\\d|71)|6\\d\\d|8(?:14|3[129]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '54480123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:4(?:2[1-389]|7[1-9])|87[15-8])\\d{4}|(?:5(?:2[5-9]|4[3-689]|[57]\\d|8[0-689]|9[0-8])|7(?:0[0-4]|3[013]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '52512345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '802\\d{7}|80[0-2]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '30\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:20|9\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MU',
     'countryCode' => 230,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0(?:0|[24-7]0|3[03])',
     'preferredInternationalPrefix' => '020',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-46]|8[013]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[57]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-46]|8[013]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[57]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MV.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MV.php
index 1691d338..94bc483c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MV.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MV.php
@@ -1,184 +1,124 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:800|9[0-57-9]\\d)\\d{7}|[34679]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:0[0-3]|3[0-59])|6(?:[58][024689]|6[024-68]|7[02468]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6701234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:46[46]|[79]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7712345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:0[01]|50)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:800|9[0-57-9]\\d)\\d{7}|[34679]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:0[0-3]|3[0-59])|6(?:[58][024689]|6[024-68]|7[02468]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6701234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:46[46]|[79]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7712345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:0[01]|50)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MV',
     'countryCode' => 960,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0(?:0|19)',
     'preferredInternationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[34679]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[34679]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MW.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MW.php
index 68783a92..47287ee0 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MW.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MW.php
@@ -1,190 +1,127 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1289]\\d|31|77)\\d{7}|1\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[2-9]|2[12]\\d\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '111\\d{6}|(?:31|77|[89][89])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '991234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1289]\\d|31|77)\\d{7}|1\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[2-9]|2[12]\\d\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '111\\d{6}|(?:31|77|[89][89])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '991234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MW',
     'countryCode' => 265,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[137-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[137-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MX.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MX.php
index 5ff6518b..c2474d02 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MX.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MX.php
@@ -1,221 +1,153 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '657[12]\\d{6}|(?:2(?:0[01]|2\\d|3[1-35-8]|4[13-9]|7[1-689]|8[1-578]|9[467])|3(?:1[1-79]|[2458][1-9]|3\\d|7[1-8]|9[1-5])|4(?:1[1-57-9]|[267][1-9]|3[1-8]|[45]\\d|8[1-35-9]|9[2-689])|5(?:[56]\\d|88|9[1-79])|6(?:1[2-68]|[2-4][1-9]|5[1-3689]|6[0-57-9]|7[1-7]|8[67]|9[4-8])|7(?:[1346][1-9]|[27]\\d|5[13-9]|8[1-69]|9[17])|8(?:1\\d|2[13-689]|3[1-6]|4[124-6]|6[1246-9]|7[0-378]|9[12479])|9(?:1[346-9]|2[1-4]|3[2-46-8]|5[1348]|[69]\\d|7[12]|8[1-8]))\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '657[12]\\d{6}|(?:2(?:2\\d|3[1-35-8]|4[13-9]|7[1-689]|8[1-578]|9[467])|3(?:1[1-79]|[2458][1-9]|3\\d|7[1-8]|9[1-5])|4(?:1[1-57-9]|[267][1-9]|3[1-8]|[45]\\d|8[1-35-9]|9[2-689])|5(?:[56]\\d|88|9[1-79])|6(?:1[2-68]|[2-4][1-9]|5[1-3689]|6[0-57-9]|7[1-7]|8[67]|9[4-8])|7(?:[1346][1-9]|[27]\\d|5[13-9]|8[1-69]|9[17])|8(?:1\\d|2[13-689]|3[1-6]|4[124-6]|6[1246-9]|7[0-378]|9[12479])|9(?:1[346-9]|2[1-4]|3[2-46-8]|5[1348]|[69]\\d|7[12]|8[1-8]))\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2221234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|88)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '300\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '500\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '657[12]\\d{6}|(?:2(?:0[01]|2\\d|3[1-35-8]|4[13-9]|7[1-689]|8[1-578]|9[467])|3(?:1[1-79]|[2458][1-9]|3\\d|7[1-8]|9[1-5])|4(?:1[1-57-9]|[267][1-9]|3[1-8]|[45]\\d|8[1-35-9]|9[2-689])|5(?:[56]\\d|88|9[1-79])|6(?:1[2-68]|[2-4][1-9]|5[1-3689]|6[0-57-9]|7[1-7]|8[67]|9[4-8])|7(?:[1346][1-9]|[27]\\d|5[13-9]|8[1-69]|9[17])|8(?:1\\d|2[13-689]|3[1-6]|4[124-6]|6[1246-9]|7[0-378]|9[12479])|9(?:1[346-9]|2[1-4]|3[2-46-8]|5[1348]|[69]\\d|7[12]|8[1-8]))\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '657[12]\\d{6}|(?:2(?:2\\d|3[1-35-8]|4[13-9]|7[1-689]|8[1-578]|9[467])|3(?:1[1-79]|[2458][1-9]|3\\d|7[1-8]|9[1-5])|4(?:1[1-57-9]|[267][1-9]|3[1-8]|[45]\\d|8[1-35-9]|9[2-689])|5(?:[56]\\d|88|9[1-79])|6(?:1[2-68]|[2-4][1-9]|5[1-3689]|6[0-57-9]|7[1-7]|8[67]|9[4-8])|7(?:[1346][1-9]|[27]\\d|5[13-9]|8[1-69]|9[17])|8(?:1\\d|2[13-689]|3[1-6]|4[124-6]|6[1246-9]|7[0-378]|9[12479])|9(?:1[346-9]|2[1-4]|3[2-46-8]|5[1348]|[69]\\d|7[12]|8[1-8]))\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2221234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|88)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '300\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '500\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MX',
     'countryCode' => 52,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0[09]',
     'preferredInternationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '53',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '33|5[56]|81',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '33|5[56]|81',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '53',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '33|5[56]|81',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '33|5[56]|81',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MY.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MY.php
index dcb7ddaf..ead5d8ff 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MY.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MY.php
@@ -1,241 +1,175 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{8,9}|(?:3\\d|[4-9])\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4270\\d{4}|(?:3(?:2[0-36-9]|3[0-368]|4[0-278]|5[0-24-8]|6[0-467]|7[1246-9]|8\\d|9[0-57])\\d|4(?:2[0-689]|[3-79]\\d|8[1-35689])|5(?:2[0-589]|[3468]\\d|5[0-489]|7[1-9]|9[23])|6(?:2[2-9]|3[1357-9]|[46]\\d|5[0-6]|7[0-35-9]|85|9[015-8])|7(?:[2579]\\d|3[03-68]|4[0-8]|6[5-9]|8[0-35-9])|8(?:[24][2-8]|3[2-5]|5[2-7]|6[2-589]|7[2-578]|[89][2-9])|9(?:0[57]|13|[25-7]\\d|[3489][0-8]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '323856789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1888[689]|4400|8(?:47|8[27])[0-4])\\d{4}|1(?:0(?:[23568]\\d|4[0-6]|7[016-9]|9[0-8])|1(?:[1-5]\\d\\d|6(?:0[5-9]|[1-9]\\d)|7(?:[0-4]\\d|5[0-7]))|(?:[269]\\d|[37][1-9]|4[235-9])\\d|5(?:31|9\\d\\d)|8(?:1[23]|[236]\\d|4[06]|5(?:46|[7-9])|7[016-9]|8[01]|9[0-8]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[378]00\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1300123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1600\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1600123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '15(?:4(?:6[0-4]\\d|8(?:0[125]|[17]\\d|21|3[01]|4[01589]|5[014]|6[02]))|6(?:32[0-6]|78\\d))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1546012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{8,9}|(?:3\\d|[4-9])\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4270\\d{4}|(?:3(?:2[0-36-9]|3[0-368]|4[0-278]|5[0-24-8]|6[0-467]|7[1246-9]|8\\d|9[0-57])\\d|4(?:2[0-689]|[3-79]\\d|8[1-35689])|5(?:2[0-589]|[3468]\\d|5[0-489]|7[1-9]|9[23])|6(?:2[2-9]|3[1357-9]|[46]\\d|5[0-6]|7[0-35-9]|85|9[015-8])|7(?:[2579]\\d|3[03-68]|4[0-8]|6[5-9]|8[0-35-9])|8(?:[24][2-8]|3[2-5]|5[2-7]|6[2-589]|7[2-578]|[89][2-9])|9(?:0[57]|13|[25-7]\\d|[3489][0-8]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '323856789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1888[689]|4400|8(?:47|8[27])[0-4])\\d{4}|1(?:0(?:[23568]\\d|4[0-6]|7[016-9]|9[0-8])|1(?:[1-5]\\d\\d|6(?:0[5-9]|[1-9]\\d)|7(?:[0-4]\\d|5[0-7]))|(?:[269]\\d|[37][1-9]|4[235-9])\\d|5(?:31|9\\d\\d)|8(?:1[23]|[236]\\d|4[06]|5(?:46|[7-9])|7[016-9]|8[01]|9[0-8]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[378]00\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1300123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1600\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1600123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '15(?:4(?:6[0-4]\\d|8(?:0[125]|[17]\\d|21|3[01]|4[01589]|5[014]|6[02]))|6(?:32[0-6]|78\\d))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1546012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MY',
     'countryCode' => 60,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[4-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[02469]|[378][1-9]|53)|8',
-                   1 => '1(?:[02469]|[37][1-9]|53|8(?:[1-46-9]|5[7-9]))|8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[367]|80)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '15',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[4-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[02469]|[378][1-9]|53)|8',
+                '1(?:[02469]|[37][1-9]|53|8(?:[1-46-9]|5[7-9]))|8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[367]|80)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '15',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MZ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MZ.php
index 09d5ae28..24d5e6d0 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MZ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_MZ.php
@@ -1,179 +1,119 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2|8\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[1346]\\d|5[0-2]|[78][12]|93)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[2-79]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '821234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2|8\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[1346]\\d|5[0-2]|[78][12]|93)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[2-79]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '821234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MZ',
     'countryCode' => 258,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2|8[2-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2|8[2-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NA.php
index 6a1535ed..d16a6817 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NA.php
@@ -1,207 +1,141 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[68]\\d{7,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '64426\\d{3}|6(?:1(?:2[2-7]|3[01378]|4[0-4])|254|32[0237]|4(?:27|41|5[25])|52[236-8]|626|7(?:2[2-4]|30))\\d{4,5}|6(?:1(?:(?:0\\d|2[0189]|3[24-69]|4[5-9])\\d|17|69|7[014])|2(?:17|5[0-36-8]|69|70)|3(?:17|2[14-689]|34|6[289]|7[01]|81)|4(?:17|2[0-2]|4[06]|5[0137]|69|7[01])|5(?:17|2[0459]|69|7[01])|6(?:17|25|38|42|69|7[01])|7(?:17|2[569]|3[13]|6[89]|7[01]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '61221234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:60|8[1245])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '811234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8701\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '870123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:3\\d\\d|86)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '88612345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[68]\\d{7,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '64426\\d{3}|6(?:1(?:2[2-7]|3[01378]|4[0-4])|254|32[0237]|4(?:27|41|5[25])|52[236-8]|626|7(?:2[2-4]|30))\\d{4,5}|6(?:1(?:(?:0\\d|2[0189]|3[24-69]|4[5-9])\\d|17|69|7[014])|2(?:17|5[0-36-8]|69|70)|3(?:17|2[14-689]|34|6[289]|7[01]|81)|4(?:17|2[0-2]|4[06]|5[0137]|69|7[01])|5(?:17|2[0459]|69|7[01])|6(?:17|25|38|42|69|7[01])|7(?:17|2[569]|3[13]|6[89]|7[01]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '61221234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:60|8[1245])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '811234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8701\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '870123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:3\\d\\d|86)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '88612345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NA',
     'countryCode' => 264,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '88',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '87',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '88',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '87',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NC.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NC.php
index dc78cbc7..fc7da93b 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NC.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NC.php
@@ -1,188 +1,123 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:050|[2-57-9]\\d\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[03-9]|3[0-5]|4[1-7]|88)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5[0-4]|[79]\\d|8[0-79])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '751234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '050\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '050012',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '36\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '366711',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:050|[2-57-9]\\d\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[03-9]|3[0-5]|4[1-7]|88)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5[0-4]|[79]\\d|8[0-79])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '751234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '050\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '050012',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '36\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '366711',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NC',
     'countryCode' => 687,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5[6-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1.$2.$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[02-57-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1.$2.$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[02-57-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5[6-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1.$2.$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[02-57-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1.$2.$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[02-57-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NE.php
index 5ca038e7..c1a0bdc0 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NE.php
@@ -1,176 +1,112 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[027-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0(?:20|3[1-8]|4[13-5]|5[14]|6[14578]|7[1-578])|1(?:4[145]|5[14]|6[14-68]|7[169]|88))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:23|7[0467]|[89]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '93123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '08\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '08123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '09\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '09123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[027-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0(?:20|3[1-8]|4[13-5]|5[14]|6[14578]|7[1-578])|1(?:4[145]|5[14]|6[14-68]|7[169]|88))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:23|7[0467]|[89]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '93123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '08\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '08123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '09\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '09123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NE',
     'countryCode' => 227,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '08',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[089]|2[013]|7[0467]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '08',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[089]|2[013]|7[0467]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NF.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NF.php
index 6590d8c9..c5f4459e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NF.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NF.php
@@ -1,179 +1,120 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:06|17|28|39)|3[0-2]\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '106609',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:14|3[58])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '381234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:06|17|28|39)|3[0-2]\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '106609',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:14|3[58])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '381234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NF',
     'countryCode' => 672,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([0-258]\\d{4})$',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '3$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[0-3]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[13]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[0-3]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[13]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NG.php
index 3d9bf7e8..fe14ee1c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NG.php
@@ -1,248 +1,182 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '38\\d{6}|[78]\\d{9,13}|(?:20|9\\d)\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 11,
-              3 => 12,
-              4 => 13,
-              5 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:20(?:[1259]\\d|3[013-9]|4[1-8]|6[024-689]|7[1-79]|8[2-9])|38)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2033123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:702[0-24-9]|819[01])\\d{6}|(?:7(?:0[13-9]|[12]\\d)|8(?:0[1-9]|1[0-8])|9(?:0[1-9]|1[1-6]))\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8021234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7,11}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80017591759',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-              2 => 12,
-              3 => 13,
-              4 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '700\\d{7,11}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-              2 => 12,
-              3 => 13,
-              4 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '38\\d{6}|[78]\\d{9,13}|(?:20|9\\d)\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:20(?:[1259]\\d|3[013-9]|4[1-8]|6[024-689]|7[1-79]|8[2-9])|38)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2033123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:702[0-24-9]|819[01])\\d{6}|(?:7(?:0[13-9]|[12]\\d)|8(?:0[1-9]|1[0-8])|9(?:0[1-9]|1[1-6]))\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8021234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7,11}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80017591759',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '700\\d{7,11}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NG',
     'countryCode' => 234,
     'internationalPrefix' => '009',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[7-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '20[129]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[78]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[78]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[7-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '20[129]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[78]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})(\\d{5,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[78]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NI.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NI.php
index 0ba3eca4..fa5d8897 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NI.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NI.php
@@ -1,163 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1800|[25-8]\\d{3})\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5(?:5[0-7]|[78]\\d)|6(?:20|3[035]|4[045]|5[05]|77|8[1-9]|9[059])|(?:7[5-8]|8\\d)\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1800|[25-8]\\d{3})\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5(?:5[0-7]|[78]\\d)|6(?:20|3[035]|4[045]|5[05]|77|8[1-9]|9[059])|(?:7[5-8]|8\\d)\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NI',
     'countryCode' => 505,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[125-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[125-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NL.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NL.php
index c711d6a7..e4d62a50 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NL.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NL.php
@@ -1,361 +1,276 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[124-7]\\d\\d|3(?:[02-9]\\d|1[0-8]))\\d{6}|8\\d{6,9}|9\\d{6,10}|1\\d{4,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 10,
-              6 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:[035]\\d|1[13-578]|6[124-8]|7[24]|8[0-467])|2(?:[0346]\\d|2[2-46-9]|5[125]|9[479])|3(?:[03568]\\d|1[3-8]|2[01]|4[1-8])|4(?:[0356]\\d|1[1-368]|7[58]|8[15-8]|9[23579])|5(?:[0358]\\d|[19][1-9]|2[1-57-9]|4[13-8]|6[126]|7[0-3578])|7\\d\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6[1-58]|970\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '612345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[069]\\d{4,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9061234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:85|91)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '851234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '66\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '662345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '140(?:1[035]|2[0346]|3[03568]|4[0356]|5[0358]|8[458])|(?:140(?:1[16-8]|2[259]|3[124]|4[17-9]|5[124679]|7)|8[478]\\d{6})\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '14020',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '140(?:1[035]|2[0346]|3[03568]|4[0356]|5[0358]|8[458])|140(?:1[16-8]|2[259]|3[124]|4[17-9]|5[124679]|7)\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[124-7]\\d\\d|3(?:[02-9]\\d|1[0-8]))\\d{6}|8\\d{6,9}|9\\d{6,10}|1\\d{4,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:[035]\\d|1[13-578]|6[124-8]|7[24]|8[0-467])|2(?:[0346]\\d|2[2-46-9]|5[125]|9[479])|3(?:[03568]\\d|1[3-8]|2[01]|4[1-8])|4(?:[0356]\\d|1[1-368]|7[58]|8[15-8]|9[23579])|5(?:[0358]\\d|[19][1-9]|2[1-57-9]|4[13-8]|6[126]|7[0-3578])|7\\d\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6[1-58]|970\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '612345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[069]\\d{4,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9061234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:85|91)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '851234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '66\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '662345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '140(?:1[035]|2[0346]|3[03568]|4[0356]|5[0358]|8[458])|(?:140(?:1[16-8]|2[259]|3[124]|4[17-9]|5[124679]|7)|8[478]\\d{6})\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '14020',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '140(?:1[035]|2[0346]|3[03568]|4[0356]|5[0358]|8[458])|140(?:1[16-8]|2[259]|3[124]|4[17-9]|5[124679]|7)\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NL',
     'countryCode' => 31,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[238]|[34]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '14',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '66',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[16-8]|2[259]|3[124]|4[17-9]|5[124679]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-578]|91',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '66',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[16-8]|2[259]|3[124]|4[17-9]|5[124679]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-578]|91',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[238]|[34]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '14',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '66',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[16-8]|2[259]|3[124]|4[17-9]|5[124679]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-578]|91',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '66',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[16-8]|2[259]|3[124]|4[17-9]|5[124679]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-578]|91',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NO.php
index 024cf705..1c51cc55 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NO.php
@@ -1,190 +1,129 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0|[2-9]\\d{3})\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[1-4]|3[1-3578]|5[1-35-7]|6[1-4679]|7[0-8])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[015-8]|9\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40612345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[01]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '82[09]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '82012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '810(?:0[0-6]|[2-8]\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81021234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '880\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '88012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '85[0-5]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '85012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0[2-9]|81(?:0(?:0[7-9]|1\\d)|5\\d\\d))\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '02000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '81[23]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0|[2-9]\\d{3})\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[1-4]|3[1-3578]|5[1-35-7]|6[1-4679]|7[0-8])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[015-8]|9\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40612345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[01]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '82[09]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '82012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '810(?:0[0-6]|[2-8]\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81021234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '880\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '88012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '85[0-5]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '85012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0[2-9]|81(?:0(?:0[7-9]|1\\d)|5\\d\\d))\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '02000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '81[23]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NO',
     'countryCode' => 47,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'leadingDigits' => '[02-689]|7[0-8]',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NP.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NP.php
index a93cd375..7c7f3e38 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NP.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NP.php
@@ -1,246 +1,179 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1\\d|9)\\d{9}|[1-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[0-6]\\d|99[02-6])\\d{5}|(?:2[13-79]|3[135-8]|4[146-9]|5[135-7]|6[13-9]|7[15-9]|8[1-46-9]|9[1-7])[2-6]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '14567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:00|6[0-3]|7[024-6]|8[0-24-68])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9841234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:66001|800\\d\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '16600101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1\\d|9)\\d{9}|[1-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[0-6]\\d|99[02-6])\\d{5}|(?:2[13-79]|3[135-8]|4[146-9]|5[135-7]|6[13-9]|7[15-9]|8[1-46-9]|9[1-7])[2-6]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '14567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:00|6[0-3]|7[024-6]|8[0-24-68])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9841234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:66001|800\\d\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '16600101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NP',
     'countryCode' => 977,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[2-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[01]|[2-8]|9(?:[1-59]|[67][2-6])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[2-6]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[01]|[2-8]|9(?:[1-59]|[67][2-6])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[2-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[01]|[2-8]|9(?:[1-59]|[67][2-6])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[2-6]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[01]|[2-8]|9(?:[1-59]|[67][2-6])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NR.php
index f6fb07dd..cddde240 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NR.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:444|(?:55|8\\d)\\d|666)\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '444\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4441234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:55[3-9]|666|8\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5551234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:444|(?:55|8\\d)\\d|666)\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '444\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4441234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:55[3-9]|666|8\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5551234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NR',
     'countryCode' => 674,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[4-68]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[4-68]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NU.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NU.php
index 16d3eef8..cbe93dc5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NU.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NU.php
@@ -1,164 +1,105 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[4-7]|888\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[47]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7012',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[56]|888[1-9])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8884012',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[4-7]|888\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[47]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7012',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[56]|888[1-9])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8884012',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NU',
     'countryCode' => 683,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NZ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NZ.php
index d920814a..a819a6e9 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NZ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_NZ.php
@@ -1,162 +1,109 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1289]\\d{9}|50\\d{5}(?:\\d{2,3})?|[27-9]\\d{7,8}|(?:[34]\\d|6[0-35-9])\\d{6}|8\\d{4,6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '240\\d{5}|(?:3[2-79]|[49][2-9]|6[235-9]|7[2-57-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '32345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[0-27-9]\\d|6)\\d{6,7}|2(?:1\\d|75)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '508\\d{6,7}|80\\d{6,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[13-57-9]\\d{5}|50(?:0[08]|30|66|77|88))\\d{3}|90\\d{6,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:1[16-9]|22|3\\d|4[045]|5[459]|6[235-9]|7[0-3579]|90)\\d{2,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '83012378',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1289]\\d{9}|50\\d{5}(?:\\d{2,3})?|[27-9]\\d{7,8}|(?:[34]\\d|6[0-35-9])\\d{6}|8\\d{4,6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '240\\d{5}|(?:3[2-79]|[49][2-9]|6[235-9]|7[2-57-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '32345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[0-27-9]\\d|6)\\d{6,7}|2(?:1\\d|75)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '508\\d{6,7}|80\\d{6,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[13-57-9]\\d{5}|50(?:0[08]|30|66|77|88))\\d{3}|90\\d{6,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:1[16-9]|22|3\\d|4[045]|5[459]|6[235-9]|7[0-3579]|90)\\d{2,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '83012378',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NZ',
     'countryCode' => 64,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0(?:0|161)',
@@ -164,85 +111,70 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8[1-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '50[036-8]|8|90',
-                   1 => '50(?:[0367]|88)|8|90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '24|[346]|7[2-57-9]|9[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:10|74)|[589]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1|2[028]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:[169]|7[0-35-9])|7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8[1-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '50[036-8]|8|90',
+                '50(?:[0367]|88)|8|90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '24|[346]|7[2-57-9]|9[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:10|74)|[589]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1|2[028]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:[169]|7[0-35-9])|7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_OM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_OM.php
index bfcca12c..eae03543 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_OM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_OM.php
@@ -1,193 +1,130 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1505|[279]\\d{3}|500)\\d{4}|800\\d{5,6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[1-6]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '23123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1505|90[1-9]\\d)\\d{4}|(?:7[126-9]|9[1-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '92123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8007\\d{4,5}|(?:500|800[05])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80071234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1505|[279]\\d{3}|500)\\d{4}|800\\d{5,6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[1-6]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '23123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1505|90[1-9]\\d)\\d{4}|(?:7[126-9]|9[1-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '92123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8007\\d{4,5}|(?:500|800[05])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80071234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'OM',
     'countryCode' => 968,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[58]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[179]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[58]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[179]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PA.php
index 8460f465..4ca36311 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PA.php
@@ -1,195 +1,132 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:00800|8\\d{3})\\d{6}|[68]\\d{7}|[1-57-9]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:0\\d|1[479]|2[37]|3[0137]|4[17]|5[05]|6[058]|7[0167]|8[2358]|9[1389])|2(?:[0235-79]\\d|1[0-7]|4[013-9]|8[02-9])|3(?:[07-9]\\d|1[0-7]|2[0-5]|33|4[0-79]|5[0-35]|6[068])|4(?:00|3[0-579]|4\\d|7[0-57-9])|5(?:[01]\\d|2[0-7]|[56]0|79)|7(?:0[09]|2[0-26-8]|3[03]|4[04]|5[05-9]|6[0156]|7[0-24-9]|8[5-9]|90)|8(?:09|2[89]|3\\d|4[0-24-689]|5[014]|8[02])|9(?:0[5-9]|1[0135-8]|2[036-9]|3[35-79]|40|5[0457-9]|6[05-9]|7[04-9]|8[35-8]|9\\d))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[16]1|21[89]|6\\d{3}|8(?:1[01]|7[23]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '61234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4,5}|(?:00800|800\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:22|55|60|7[78]|86)|9(?:00|81))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8601234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:00800|8\\d{3})\\d{6}|[68]\\d{7}|[1-57-9]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:0\\d|1[479]|2[37]|3[0137]|4[17]|5[05]|6[058]|7[0167]|8[2358]|9[1389])|2(?:[0235-79]\\d|1[0-7]|4[013-9]|8[02-9])|3(?:[07-9]\\d|1[0-7]|2[0-5]|33|4[0-79]|5[0-35]|6[068])|4(?:00|3[0-579]|4\\d|7[0-57-9])|5(?:[01]\\d|2[0-7]|[56]0|79)|7(?:0[09]|2[0-26-8]|3[03]|4[04]|5[05-9]|6[0156]|7[0-24-9]|8[5-9]|90)|8(?:09|2[89]|3\\d|4[0-24-689]|5[014]|8[02])|9(?:0[5-9]|1[0135-8]|2[036-9]|3[35-79]|40|5[0457-9]|6[05-9]|7[04-9]|8[35-8]|9\\d))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[16]1|21[89]|6\\d{3}|8(?:1[01]|7[23]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '61234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4,5}|(?:00800|800\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:22|55|60|7[78]|86)|9(?:00|81))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8601234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PA',
     'countryCode' => 507,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-57-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[68]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-57-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[68]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PE.php
index ba1a1a20..75be09c4 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PE.php
@@ -1,155 +1,104 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[14-8]|9\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:(?:4[34]|5[14])[0-8]|687)\\d|7(?:173|(?:3[0-8]|55)\\d)|8(?:10[05689]|6(?:0[06-9]|1[6-9]|29)|7(?:0[0569]|[56]0)))\\d{4}|(?:1[0-8]|4[12]|5[236]|6[1-7]|7[246]|8[2-4])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '11234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '805\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80512345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '801\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[24]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[14-8]|9\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:(?:4[34]|5[14])[0-8]|687)\\d|7(?:173|(?:3[0-8]|55)\\d)|8(?:10[05689]|6(?:0[06-9]|1[6-9]|29)|7(?:0[0569]|[56]0)))\\d{4}|(?:1[0-8]|4[12]|5[236]|6[1-7]|7[246]|8[2-4])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '11234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '805\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80512345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '801\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[24]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PE',
     'countryCode' => 51,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00|19(?:1[124]|77|90)00',
@@ -158,60 +107,49 @@
     'preferredExtnPrefix' => ' Anexo ',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[4-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[4-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PF.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PF.php
index 8935c555..9c501fc1 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PF.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PF.php
@@ -1,197 +1,135 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4\\d{5}(?:\\d{2})?|8\\d{7,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:0[4-689]|9[4-68])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40412345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[7-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '87123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '499\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '49901234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '44\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '440123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '44\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4\\d{5}(?:\\d{2})?|8\\d{7,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:0[4-689]|9[4-68])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40412345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[7-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '87123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '499\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '49901234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '44\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '440123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '44\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PF',
     'countryCode' => 689,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '44',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '4|8[7-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '44',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '4|8[7-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PG.php
index 0fd82f0a..47eb97af 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PG.php
@@ -1,184 +1,124 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:180|[78]\\d{3})\\d{4}|(?:[2-589]\\d|64)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:3[0-2]|4[257]|5[34]|9[78])\\d|64[1-9]|85[02-46-9])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7\\d|8[1-38])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '180\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1801234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0[0-57]|7[568])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2751234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '27[01]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2700123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:180|[78]\\d{3})\\d{4}|(?:[2-589]\\d|64)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:3[0-2]|4[257]|5[34]|9[78])\\d|64[1-9]|85[02-46-9])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7\\d|8[1-38])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '180\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1801234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0[0-57]|7[568])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2751234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '27[01]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2700123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PG',
     'countryCode' => 675,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00|140[1-3]',
     'preferredInternationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '18|[2-69]|85',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[78]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '18|[2-69]|85',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[78]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PH.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PH.php
index f130ea09..c6dfd337 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PH.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PH.php
@@ -1,271 +1,201 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-7]|9\\d)\\d{8}|2\\d{5}|(?:1800|8)\\d{7,9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-              5 => 12,
-              6 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:2[3-8]|3[2-68]|4[2-9]|5[2-6]|6[2-58]|7[24578])\\d{3}|88(?:22\\d\\d|42))\\d{4}|(?:2|8[2-8]\\d\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '232345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:1[37]|9[5-8])|9(?:0[5-9]|1[0-24-9]|[235-7]\\d|4[2-9]|8[135-9]|9[1-9]))\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9051234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{7,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '180012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-              1 => 12,
-              2 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-7]|9\\d)\\d{8}|2\\d{5}|(?:1800|8)\\d{7,9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:2[3-8]|3[2-68]|4[2-9]|5[2-6]|6[2-58]|7[24578])\\d{3}|88(?:22\\d\\d|42))\\d{4}|(?:2|8[2-8]\\d\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '232345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:1[37]|9[5-8])|9(?:0[5-9]|1[0-24-9]|[235-7]\\d|4[2-9]|8[135-9]|9[1-9]))\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9051234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{7,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '180012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PH',
     'countryCode' => 63,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:23|39|46)|4(?:2[3-6]|[35]9|4[26]|76)|544|88[245]|(?:52|64|86)2',
-                   1 => '3(?:230|397|461)|4(?:2(?:35|[46]4|51)|396|4(?:22|63)|59[347]|76[15])|5(?:221|446)|642[23]|8(?:622|8(?:[24]2|5[13]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '346|4(?:27|9[35])|883',
-                   1 => '3469|4(?:279|9(?:30|56))|8834',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-7]|8[2-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{1,2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3(?:23|39|46)|4(?:2[3-6]|[35]9|4[26]|76)|544|88[245]|(?:52|64|86)2',
+                '3(?:230|397|461)|4(?:2(?:35|[46]4|51)|396|4(?:22|63)|59[347]|76[15])|5(?:221|446)|642[23]|8(?:622|8(?:[24]2|5[13]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '346|4(?:27|9[35])|883',
+                '3469|4(?:279|9(?:30|56))|8834',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-7]|8[2-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{1,2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PK.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PK.php
index 56ff5c9a..746c9556 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PK.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PK.php
@@ -1,273 +1,203 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '122\\d{6}|[24-8]\\d{10,11}|9(?:[013-9]\\d{8,10}|2(?:[01]\\d\\d|2(?:[06-8]\\d|1[01]))\\d{7})|(?:[2-8]\\d{3}|92(?:[0-7]\\d|8[1-9]))\\d{6}|[24-9]\\d{8}|[89]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-              4 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:21|42)[2-9]|58[126])\\d{7}|(?:2[25]|4[0146-9]|5[1-35-7]|6[1-8]|7[14]|8[16]|91)[2-9]\\d{6,7}|(?:2(?:3[2358]|4[2-4]|9[2-8])|45[3479]|54[2-467]|60[468]|72[236]|8(?:2[2-689]|3[23578]|4[3478]|5[2356])|9(?:2[2-8]|3[27-9]|4[2-6]|6[3569]|9[25-8]))[2-9]\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:[0-247]\\d|3[0-79]|55|64)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}(?:\\d{3})?',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '122\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '122044444',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[125]|3[2358]|4[2-4]|9[2-8])|4(?:[0-246-9]|5[3479])|5(?:[1-35-7]|4[2-467])|6(?:0[468]|[1-8])|7(?:[14]|2[236])|8(?:[16]|2[2-689]|3[23578]|4[3478]|5[2356])|9(?:1|22|3[27-9]|4[2-6]|6[3569]|9[2-7]))111\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21111825888',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-              1 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '122\\d{6}|[24-8]\\d{10,11}|9(?:[013-9]\\d{8,10}|2(?:[01]\\d\\d|2(?:[06-8]\\d|1[01]))\\d{7})|(?:[2-8]\\d{3}|92(?:[0-7]\\d|8[1-9]))\\d{6}|[24-9]\\d{8}|[89]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:21|42)[2-9]|58[126])\\d{7}|(?:2[25]|4[0146-9]|5[1-35-7]|6[1-8]|7[14]|8[16]|91)[2-9]\\d{6,7}|(?:2(?:3[2358]|4[2-4]|9[2-8])|45[3479]|54[2-467]|60[468]|72[236]|8(?:2[2-689]|3[23578]|4[3478]|5[2356])|9(?:2[2-8]|3[27-9]|4[2-6]|6[3569]|9[25-8]))[2-9]\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:[0-247]\\d|3[0-79]|55|64)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}(?:\\d{3})?',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '122\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '122044444',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[125]|3[2358]|4[2-4]|9[2-8])|4(?:[0-246-9]|5[3479])|5(?:[1-35-7]|4[2-467])|6(?:0[468]|[1-8])|7(?:[14]|2[236])|8(?:[16]|2[2-689]|3[23578]|4[3478]|5[2356])|9(?:1|22|3[27-9]|4[2-6]|6[3569]|9[2-7]))111\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21111825888',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PK',
     'countryCode' => 92,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:3[2358]|4[2-4]|9[2-8])|45[3479]|54[2-467]|60[468]|72[236]|8(?:2[2-689]|3[23578]|4[3478]|5[2356])|9(?:2[2-8]|3[27-9]|4[2-6]|6[3569]|9[25-8])',
-                   1 => '9(?:2[3-8]|98)|(?:2(?:3[2358]|4[2-4]|9[2-8])|45[3479]|54[2-467]|60[468]|72[236]|8(?:2[2-689]|3[23578]|4[3478]|5[2356])|9(?:22|3[27-9]|4[2-6]|6[3569]|9[25-7]))[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:2[125]|4[0-246-9]|5[1-35-7]|6[1-8]|7[14]|8[16]|91)[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '58',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[125]|4[0-246-9]|5[1-35-7]|6[1-8]|7[14]|8[16]|91',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:3[2358]|4[2-4]|9[2-8])|45[3479]|54[2-467]|60[468]|72[236]|8(?:2[2-689]|3[23578]|4[3478]|5[2356])|9(?:2[2-8]|3[27-9]|4[2-6]|6[3569]|9[25-8])',
+                '9(?:2[3-8]|98)|(?:2(?:3[2358]|4[2-4]|9[2-8])|45[3479]|54[2-467]|60[468]|72[236]|8(?:2[2-689]|3[23578]|4[3478]|5[2356])|9(?:22|3[27-9]|4[2-6]|6[3569]|9[25-7]))[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:2[125]|4[0-246-9]|5[1-35-7]|6[1-8]|7[14]|8[16]|91)[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '58',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[125]|4[0-246-9]|5[1-35-7]|6[1-8]|7[14]|8[16]|91',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PL.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PL.php
index 2b91dc83..ada36832 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PL.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PL.php
@@ -1,258 +1,188 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6|8\\d\\d)\\d{7}|[1-9]\\d{6}(?:\\d{2})?|[26]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '47\\d{7}|(?:1[2-8]|2[2-69]|3[2-4]|4[1-468]|5[24-689]|6[1-3578]|7[14-7]|8[1-79]|9[145])(?:[02-9]\\d{6}|1(?:[0-8]\\d{5}|9\\d{3}(?:\\d{2})?))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '21(?:1[013-5]|2\\d)\\d{5}|(?:45|5[0137]|6[069]|7[2389]|88)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '512345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[01346-8]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '801\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '39\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '391234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '64\\d{4,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '641234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '804\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '804123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6|8\\d\\d)\\d{7}|[1-9]\\d{6}(?:\\d{2})?|[26]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '47\\d{7}|(?:1[2-8]|2[2-69]|3[2-4]|4[1-468]|5[24-689]|6[1-3578]|7[14-7]|8[1-79]|9[145])(?:[02-9]\\d{6}|1(?:[0-8]\\d{5}|9\\d{3}(?:\\d{2})?))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '21(?:1[013-5]|2\\d)\\d{5}|(?:45|5[0137]|6[069]|7[2389]|88)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '512345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70[01346-8]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '801\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '39\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '391234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '64\\d{4,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '641234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '804\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '804123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PL',
     'countryCode' => 48,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '19',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '11|20|64',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:1[2-8]|2[2-69]|3[2-4]|4[1-468]|5[24-689]|6[1-3578]|7[14-7]|8[1-79]|9[145])1',
-                   1 => '(?:1[2-8]|2[2-69]|3[2-4]|4[1-468]|5[24-689]|6[1-3578]|7[14-7]|8[1-79]|9[145])19',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '64',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '21|39|45|5[0137]|6[0469]|7[02389]|8(?:0[14]|8)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[2-8]|[2-7]|8[1-79]|9[145]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '19',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '11|20|64',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:1[2-8]|2[2-69]|3[2-4]|4[1-468]|5[24-689]|6[1-3578]|7[14-7]|8[1-79]|9[145])1',
+                '(?:1[2-8]|2[2-69]|3[2-4]|4[1-468]|5[24-689]|6[1-3578]|7[14-7]|8[1-79]|9[145])19',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '64',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '21|39|45|5[0137]|6[0469]|7[02389]|8(?:0[14]|8)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[2-8]|[2-7]|8[1-79]|9[145]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PM.php
index 0fae9b63..cb29370b 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PM.php
@@ -1,192 +1,129 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[45]\\d{5}|(?:708|80\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[1-35-7]|5[01])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '430123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[02-4]|5[056]|708[45][0-5])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '551234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[45]\\d{5}|(?:708|80\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[1-35-7]|5[01])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '430123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[02-4]|5[056]|708[45][0-5])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '551234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PM',
     'countryCode' => 508,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[45]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[45]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PR.php
index 2610877b..2c1cf547 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PR.php
@@ -1,158 +1,99 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[589]\\d\\d|787)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:787|939)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7872345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:787|939)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7872345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[589]\\d\\d|787)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:787|939)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7872345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:787|939)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7872345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PR',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
     'nationalPrefix' => '1',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '787|939',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PS.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PS.php
index 04ddeff5..4eb5eda3 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PS.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PS.php
@@ -1,198 +1,138 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2489]2\\d{6}|(?:1\\d|5)\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:22[2-47-9]|42[45]|82[014-68]|92[3569])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[69]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '599123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1700\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1700123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2489]2\\d{6}|(?:1\\d|5)\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:22[2-47-9]|42[45]|82[014-68]|92[3569])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[69]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '599123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1700\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1700123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PS',
     'countryCode' => 970,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2489]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2489]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PT.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PT.php
index 8cef61cb..8ddb70f2 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PT.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PT.php
@@ -1,182 +1,112 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1693\\d{5}|(?:[26-9]\\d|30)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[12]\\d|3[1-689]|4[1-59]|[57][1-9]|6[1-35689]|8[1-69]|9[1256])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:[06]92(?:30|9\\d)|[35]92(?:[049]\\d|3[034]))\\d{3}|(?:(?:16|6[0356])93|9(?:[1-36]\\d\\d|480))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[02]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6(?:0[178]|4[68])\\d|76(?:0[1-57]|1[2-47]|2[237]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '760123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:8\\d|9[1579])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '808123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '884[0-4689]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '884123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '30\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '301234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:222\\d|8988)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '622212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70(?:38[01]|596|(?:7\\d|8[17])\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '707123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '600\\d{6}|6[06]92(?:0\\d|3[349]|49)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '600110000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1693\\d{5}|(?:[26-9]\\d|30)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[12]\\d|3[1-689]|4[1-59]|[57][1-9]|6[1-35689]|8[1-69]|9[1256])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:[06]92(?:30|9\\d)|[35]92(?:[049]\\d|3[034]))\\d{3}|(?:(?:16|6[0356])93|9(?:[1-36]\\d\\d|480))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[02]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6(?:0[178]|4[68])\\d|76(?:0[1-57]|1[2-47]|2[237]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '760123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:8\\d|9[1579])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '808123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '884[0-4689]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '884123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '30\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '301234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:222\\d|8988)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '622212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70(?:38[01]|596|(?:7\\d|8[17])\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '707123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '600\\d{6}|6[06]92(?:0\\d|3[349]|49)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '600110000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PT',
     'countryCode' => 351,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[12]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '16|[236-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[12]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '16|[236-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PW.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PW.php
index d323b74c..fb200c9b 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PW.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PW.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[24-8]\\d\\d|345|900)\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:55|77)|345|488|5(?:35|44|87)|6(?:22|54|79)|7(?:33|47)|8(?:24|55|76)|900)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2771234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:46|83)[0-5]|6[2-4689]0)\\d{4}|(?:45|77|88)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[24-8]\\d\\d|345|900)\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:55|77)|345|488|5(?:35|44|87)|6(?:22|54|79)|7(?:33|47)|8(?:24|55|76)|900)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2771234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:46|83)[0-5]|6[2-4689]0)\\d{4}|(?:45|77|88)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PW',
     'countryCode' => 680,
     'internationalPrefix' => '01[12]',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PY.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PY.php
index cf181324..f0ca1abb 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PY.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_PY.php
@@ -1,271 +1,201 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '59\\d{4,6}|9\\d{5,10}|(?:[2-46-8]\\d|5[0-8])\\d{4,7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[26]1|3[289]|4[1246-8]|7[1-3]|8[1-36])\\d{5,7}|(?:2(?:2[4-68]|[4-68]\\d|7[15]|9[1-5])|3(?:18|3[167]|4[2357]|51|[67]\\d)|4(?:3[12]|5[13]|9[1-47])|5(?:[1-4]\\d|5[02-4])|6(?:3[1-3]|44|7[1-8])|7(?:4[0-4]|5\\d|6[1-578]|75|8[0-8])|858)\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:51|6[129]|7[1-6]|8[1-7]|9[1-5])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '961456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9800\\d{5,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '98000123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8700[0-4]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '870012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]0\\d{4,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '201234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '59\\d{4,6}|9\\d{5,10}|(?:[2-46-8]\\d|5[0-8])\\d{4,7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[26]1|3[289]|4[1246-8]|7[1-3]|8[1-36])\\d{5,7}|(?:2(?:2[4-68]|[4-68]\\d|7[15]|9[1-5])|3(?:18|3[167]|4[2357]|51|[67]\\d)|4(?:3[12]|5[13]|9[1-47])|5(?:[1-4]\\d|5[02-4])|6(?:3[1-3]|44|7[1-8])|7(?:4[0-4]|5\\d|6[1-578]|75|8[0-8])|858)\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:51|6[129]|7[1-6]|8[1-7]|9[1-5])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '961456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9800\\d{5,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '98000123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8700[0-4]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '870012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]0\\d{4,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '201234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PY',
     'countryCode' => 595,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[26]1|3[289]|4[1246-8]|7[1-3]|8[1-36]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[279]|3[13-5]|4[359]|5|6(?:[34]|7[1-46-8])|7[46-8]|85',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[14-68]|3[26-9]|4[1246-8]|6(?:1|75)|7[1-35]|8[1-36]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '87',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:[5-79]|8[1-7])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[26]1|3[289]|4[1246-8]|7[1-3]|8[1-36]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[279]|3[13-5]|4[359]|5|6(?:[34]|7[1-46-8])|7[46-8]|85',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[14-68]|3[26-9]|4[1246-8]|6(?:1|75)|7[1-35]|8[1-36]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '87',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:[5-79]|8[1-7])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_QA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_QA.php
index 9dd7bf60..830a1c2e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_QA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_QA.php
@@ -1,185 +1,125 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4}|(?:2|800)\\d{6}|(?:0080|[3-7])\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:1111|2022)\\d{3}|4(?:[04]\\d\\d|14[0-6]|999)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '44123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[35-7]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '33123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4}|(?:0080[01]|800)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[16]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4}|(?:2|800)\\d{6}|(?:0080|[3-7])\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:1111|2022)\\d{3}|4(?:[04]\\d\\d|14[0-6]|999)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '44123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[35-7]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '33123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{4}|(?:0080[01]|800)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[16]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'QA',
     'countryCode' => 974,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[16]|8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[16]|8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RE.php
index 25319e84..8e37dde7 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RE.php
@@ -1,168 +1,104 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:26|[689]\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '26(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:0\\d|1[0-6]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '262161234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '69(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:[06][0-6]|1[013]|2[0-2]|3[0-39]|4\\d|5[0-5]|7[0-37]|8[0-8]|9[0-479]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '692123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '89[1-37-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '891123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:1[019]|2[0156]|84|90)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '810123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:399[0-3]|479[0-5]|76(?:2[278]|3[0-37]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '939901234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:26|[689]\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '26(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:0\\d|1[0-6]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '262161234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '69(?:2\\d\\d|3(?:[06][0-6]|1[013]|2[0-2]|3[0-39]|4\\d|5[0-5]|7[0-37]|8[0-8]|9[0-479]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '692123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '89[1-37-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '891123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:1[019]|2[0156]|84|90)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '810123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:399[0-3]|479[0-5]|76(?:2[278]|3[0-37]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '939901234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RE',
     'countryCode' => 262,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RO.php
index 87a11038..6fcc68f6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RO.php
@@ -1,150 +1,96 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[236-8]\\d|90)\\d{7}|[23]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[23][13-6]\\d{7}|(?:2(?:19\\d|[3-6]\\d9)|31\\d\\d)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:630|702)0\\d{5}|(?:6(?:00|2\\d)|7(?:0[013-9]|1[0-3]|[2-7]\\d|8[03-8]|9[0-39]))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '712034567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[0136]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '801\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:37\\d|80[578])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '372123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[236-8]\\d|90)\\d{7}|[23]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[23][13-6]\\d{7}|(?:2(?:19\\d|[3-6]\\d9)|31\\d\\d)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:630|702)0\\d{5}|(?:6(?:00|2\\d)|7(?:0[013-9]|1[0-3]|[2-7]\\d|8[03-8]|9[0-39]))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '712034567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[0136]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '801\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:37\\d|80[578])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '372123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RO',
     'countryCode' => 40,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
@@ -152,61 +98,50 @@
     'preferredExtnPrefix' => ' int ',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[3-6]',
-                   1 => '2[3-6]\\d9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '219|31',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[23]1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[236-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[3-6]',
+                '2[3-6]\\d9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '219|31',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[23]1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[236-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RS.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RS.php
index f96d5f57..be067193 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RS.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RS.php
@@ -1,204 +1,144 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '38[02-9]\\d{6,9}|6\\d{7,9}|90\\d{4,8}|38\\d{5,6}|(?:7\\d\\d|800)\\d{3,9}|(?:[12]\\d|3[0-79])\\d{5,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 11,
-              6 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:11[1-9]\\d|(?:2[389]|39)(?:0[2-9]|[2-9]\\d))\\d{3,8}|(?:1[02-9]|2[0-24-7]|3[0-8])[2-9]\\d{4,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-              5 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:[0-689]|7\\d)\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '601234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{3,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:78\\d|90[0169])\\d{3,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[06]\\d{4,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '700123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '38[02-9]\\d{6,9}|6\\d{7,9}|90\\d{4,8}|38\\d{5,6}|(?:7\\d\\d|800)\\d{3,9}|(?:[12]\\d|3[0-79])\\d{5,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:11[1-9]\\d|(?:2[389]|39)(?:0[2-9]|[2-9]\\d))\\d{3,8}|(?:1[02-9]|2[0-24-7]|3[0-8])[2-9]\\d{4,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:[0-689]|7\\d)\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '601234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{3,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:78\\d|90[0169])\\d{3,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[06]\\d{4,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '700123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RS',
     'countryCode' => 381,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,9})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:2[389]|39)0|[7-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,10})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-36]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,9})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:2[389]|39)0|[7-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,10})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-36]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RU.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RU.php
index 2c705f54..f1350912 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RU.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RU.php
@@ -1,150 +1,98 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{13}|[347-9]\\d{9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 14,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:0[12]|4[1-35-79]|5[1-3]|65|8[1-58]|9[0145])|4(?:01|1[1356]|2[13467]|7[1-5]|8[1-7]|9[1-689])|8(?:1[1-8]|2[01]|3[13-6]|4[0-8]|5[15]|6[1-35-79]|7[1-37-9]))\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3011234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:0[04]|108\\d{3})\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[39]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8091234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '808\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8081234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{13}|[347-9]\\d{9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            14,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:0[12]|4[1-35-79]|5[1-3]|65|8[1-58]|9[0145])|4(?:01|1[1356]|2[13467]|7[1-5]|8[1-7]|9[1-689])|8(?:1[1-8]|2[01]|3[13-6]|4[0-8]|5[15]|6[1-35-79]|7[1-37-9]))\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3011234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:0[04]|108\\d{3})\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[39]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8091234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '808\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8081234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RU',
     'countryCode' => 7,
     'internationalPrefix' => '810',
@@ -152,152 +100,128 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '8',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '8',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[0-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7(?:1[0-8]|2[1-9])',
-                   1 => '7(?:1(?:[0-356]2|4[29]|7|8[27])|2(?:1[23]|[2-9]2))',
-                   2 => '7(?:1(?:[0-356]2|4[29]|7|8[27])|2(?:13[03-69]|62[013-9]))|72[1-57-9]2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7(?:1[0-68]|2[1-9])',
-                   1 => '7(?:1(?:[06][3-6]|[18]|2[35]|[3-5][3-5])|2(?:[13][3-5]|[24-689]|7[457]))',
-                   2 => '7(?:1(?:0(?:[356]|4[023])|[18]|2(?:3[013-9]|5)|3[45]|43[013-79]|5(?:3[1-8]|4[1-7]|5)|6(?:3[0-35-9]|[4-6]))|2(?:1(?:3[178]|[45])|[24-689]|3[35]|7[457]))|7(?:14|23)4[0-8]|71(?:33|45)[1-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[349]|8(?:[02-7]|1[1-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7(?:1[0-8]|2[1-9])',
-                   1 => '7(?:1(?:[0-356]2|4[29]|7|8[27])|2(?:1[23]|[2-9]2))',
-                   2 => '7(?:1(?:[0-356]2|4[29]|7|8[27])|2(?:13[03-69]|62[013-9]))|72[1-57-9]2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7(?:1[0-68]|2[1-9])',
-                   1 => '7(?:1(?:[06][3-6]|[18]|2[35]|[3-5][3-5])|2(?:[13][3-5]|[24-689]|7[457]))',
-                   2 => '7(?:1(?:0(?:[356]|4[023])|[18]|2(?:3[013-9]|5)|3[45]|43[013-79]|5(?:3[1-8]|4[1-7]|5)|6(?:3[0-35-9]|[4-6]))|2(?:1(?:3[178]|[45])|[24-689]|3[35]|7[457]))|7(?:14|23)4[0-8]|71(?:33|45)[1-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[349]|8(?:[02-7]|1[1-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[0-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7(?:1[0-8]|2[1-9])',
+                '7(?:1(?:[0-356]2|4[29]|7|8[27])|2(?:1[23]|[2-9]2))',
+                '7(?:1(?:[0-356]2|4[29]|7|8[27])|2(?:13[03-69]|62[013-9]))|72[1-57-9]2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7(?:1[0-68]|2[1-9])',
+                '7(?:1(?:[06][3-6]|[18]|2[35]|[3-5][3-5])|2(?:[13][3-5]|[24-689]|7[457]))',
+                '7(?:1(?:0(?:[356]|4[023])|[18]|2(?:3[013-9]|5)|3[45]|43[013-79]|5(?:3[1-8]|4[1-7]|5)|6(?:3[0-35-9]|[4-6]))|2(?:1(?:3[178]|[45])|[24-689]|3[35]|7[457]))|7(?:14|23)4[0-8]|71(?:33|45)[1-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[349]|8(?:[02-7]|1[1-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7(?:1[0-8]|2[1-9])',
+                '7(?:1(?:[0-356]2|4[29]|7|8[27])|2(?:1[23]|[2-9]2))',
+                '7(?:1(?:[0-356]2|4[29]|7|8[27])|2(?:13[03-69]|62[013-9]))|72[1-57-9]2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7(?:1[0-68]|2[1-9])',
+                '7(?:1(?:[06][3-6]|[18]|2[35]|[3-5][3-5])|2(?:[13][3-5]|[24-689]|7[457]))',
+                '7(?:1(?:0(?:[356]|4[023])|[18]|2(?:3[013-9]|5)|3[45]|43[013-79]|5(?:3[1-8]|4[1-7]|5)|6(?:3[0-35-9]|[4-6]))|2(?:1(?:3[178]|[45])|[24-689]|3[35]|7[457]))|7(?:14|23)4[0-8]|71(?:33|45)[1-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[349]|8(?:[02-7]|1[1-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 ($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'leadingDigits' => '3[04-689]|[489]',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RW.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RW.php
index 075806c5..b462da80 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RW.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_RW.php
@@ -1,194 +1,131 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:06|[27]\\d\\d|[89]00)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:06|2[23568]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '250123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[237-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '720123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:06|[27]\\d\\d|[89]00)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:06|2[23568]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '250123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[237-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '720123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RW',
     'countryCode' => 250,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[7-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[7-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SA.php
index 77dee7b2..3a94c05d 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SA.php
@@ -1,225 +1,161 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '92\\d{7}|(?:[15]|8\\d)\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1\\d|2[24-8]|3[35-8]|4[3-68]|6[2-5]|7[235-7])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '579[01]\\d{5}|5(?:[013-689]\\d|7[0-8])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '512345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '925\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '925012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '920\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '920012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '811\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8110123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '92\\d{7}|(?:[15]|8\\d)\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1\\d|2[24-8]|3[35-8]|4[3-68]|6[2-5]|7[235-7])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '579[01]\\d{5}|5(?:[013-689]\\d|7[0-8])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '512345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '925\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '925012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '920\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '920012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '811\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8110123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SA',
     'countryCode' => 966,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '81',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '81',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SB.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SB.php
index 272938ee..7a7d908c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SB.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SB.php
@@ -1,168 +1,109 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[6-9]\\d{6}|[1-6]\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[4-79]|[23]\\d|4[0-2]|5[03]|6[0-37])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '48\\d{3}|(?:(?:6[89]|7[1-9]|8[4-9])\\d|9(?:1[2-9]|2[013-9]|3[0-2]|[46]\\d|5[0-46-9]|7[0-689]|8[0-79]|9[0-8]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7421234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[38]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[12]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '51123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[6-9]\\d{6}|[1-6]\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[4-79]|[23]\\d|4[0-2]|5[03]|6[0-37])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '48\\d{3}|(?:(?:6[89]|7[1-9]|8[4-9])\\d|9(?:1[2-9]|2[013-9]|3[0-2]|[46]\\d|5[0-46-9]|7[0-689]|8[0-79]|9[0-8]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7421234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[38]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[12]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '51123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SB',
     'countryCode' => 677,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0[01]',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6[89]|7|8[4-9]|9(?:[1-8]|9[0-8])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6[89]|7|8[4-9]|9(?:[1-8]|9[0-8])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SC.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SC.php
index 074e20e7..ed36d66c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SC.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SC.php
@@ -1,166 +1,103 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2489]\\d|64)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4[2-46]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4217123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[125-8]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2510123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[08]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8000000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '85\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8512345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '971\\d{4}|(?:64|95)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6412345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2489]\\d|64)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4[2-46]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4217123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[125-8]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2510123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[08]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8000000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '85\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8512345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '971\\d{4}|(?:64|95)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6412345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SC',
     'countryCode' => 248,
     'internationalPrefix' => '010|0[0-2]',
     'preferredInternationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[246]|9[57]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[246]|9[57]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SD.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SD.php
index fac65247..68470f32 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SD.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SD.php
@@ -1,164 +1,104 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:5\\d|8[35-7])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '153123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[0-2]|9[0-3569])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911231234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:5\\d|8[35-7])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '153123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[0-2]|9[0-3569])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911231234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SD',
     'countryCode' => 249,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[19]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[19]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SE.php
index cc923bf4..bb164326 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SE.php
@@ -1,433 +1,330 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[26]\\d\\d|9)\\d{9}|[1-9]\\d{8}|[1-689]\\d{7}|[1-4689]\\d{6}|2\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:[12][136]|3[356]|4[0246]|6[03]|8\\d)\\d|90[1-9])\\d{4,6}|(?:1(?:2[0-35]|4[0-4]|5[0-25-9]|7[13-6]|[89]\\d)|2(?:2[0-7]|4[0136-8]|5[0138]|7[018]|8[01]|9[0-57])|3(?:0[0-4]|1\\d|2[0-25]|4[056]|7[0-2]|8[0-3]|9[023])|4(?:1[013-8]|3[0135]|5[14-79]|7[0-246-9]|8[0156]|9[0-689])|5(?:0[0-6]|[15][0-5]|2[0-68]|3[0-4]|4\\d|6[03-5]|7[013]|8[0-79]|9[01])|6(?:1[1-3]|2[0-4]|4[02-57]|5[0-37]|6[0-3]|7[0-2]|8[0247]|9[0-356])|9(?:1[0-68]|2\\d|3[02-5]|4[0-3]|5[0-4]|[68][01]|7[0135-8]))\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[02369]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '20\\d{4,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '649\\d{6}|99[1-59]\\d{4}(?:\\d{3})?|9(?:00|39|44)[1-8]\\d{3,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '77[0-7]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '771234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '75[1-8]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '751234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '74[02-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '740123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-8]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '102345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:25[245]|67[3-68])\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '254123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[26]\\d\\d|9)\\d{9}|[1-9]\\d{8}|[1-689]\\d{7}|[1-4689]\\d{6}|2\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:[12][136]|3[356]|4[0246]|6[03]|8\\d)\\d|90[1-9])\\d{4,6}|(?:1(?:2[0-35]|4[0-4]|5[0-25-9]|7[13-6]|[89]\\d)|2(?:2[0-7]|4[0136-8]|5[0138]|7[018]|8[01]|9[0-57])|3(?:0[0-4]|1\\d|2[0-25]|4[056]|7[0-2]|8[0-3]|9[023])|4(?:1[013-8]|3[0135]|5[14-79]|7[0-246-9]|8[0156]|9[0-689])|5(?:0[0-6]|[15][0-5]|2[0-68]|3[0-4]|4\\d|6[03-5]|7[013]|8[0-79]|9[01])|6(?:1[1-3]|2[0-4]|4[02-57]|5[0-37]|6[0-3]|7[0-2]|8[0247]|9[0-356])|9(?:1[0-68]|2\\d|3[02-5]|4[0-3]|5[0-4]|[68][01]|7[0135-8]))\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[02369]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '20\\d{4,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '649\\d{6}|99[1-59]\\d{4}(?:\\d{3})?|9(?:00|39|44)[1-8]\\d{3,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '77[0-7]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '771234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '75[1-8]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '751234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '74[02-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '740123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-8]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '102345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:25[245]|67[3-68])\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '254123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SE',
     'countryCode' => 46,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '20',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:00|39|44|9)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12][136]|3[356]|4[0246]|6[03]|90[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[2457]|2(?:[247-9]|5[0138])|3[0247-9]|4[1357-9]|5[0-35-9]|6(?:[125689]|4[02-57]|7[0-2])|9(?:[125-8]|3[02-5]|4[0-3])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:00|39|44)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[13689]|2[0136]|3[1356]|4[0246]|54|6[03]|90[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '10|7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[13-5]|2(?:[247-9]|5[0138])|6(?:[124-689]|7[0-2])|9(?:[125-8]|3[02-5]|4[0-3])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         11 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[26]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '20',
-               ],
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:00|39|44|9)',
-               ],
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[12][136]|3[356]|4[0246]|6[03]|90[1-9]',
-               ],
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[2457]|2(?:[247-9]|5[0138])|3[0247-9]|4[1357-9]|5[0-35-9]|6(?:[125689]|4[02-57]|7[0-2])|9(?:[125-8]|3[02-5]|4[0-3])',
-               ],
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:00|39|44)',
-               ],
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[13689]|2[0136]|3[1356]|4[0246]|54|6[03]|90[1-9]',
-               ],
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '10|7',
-               ],
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[13-5]|2(?:[247-9]|5[0138])|6(?:[124-689]|7[0-2])|9(?:[125-8]|3[02-5]|4[0-3])',
-               ],
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-          ],
-         11 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[26]',
-               ],
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '20',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:00|39|44|9)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[12][136]|3[356]|4[0246]|6[03]|90[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[2457]|2(?:[247-9]|5[0138])|3[0247-9]|4[1357-9]|5[0-35-9]|6(?:[125689]|4[02-57]|7[0-2])|9(?:[125-8]|3[02-5]|4[0-3])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:00|39|44)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[13689]|2[0136]|3[1356]|4[0246]|54|6[03]|90[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '10|7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[13-5]|2(?:[247-9]|5[0138])|6(?:[124-689]|7[0-2])|9(?:[125-8]|3[02-5]|4[0-3])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[26]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '20',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:00|39|44|9)',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[12][136]|3[356]|4[0246]|6[03]|90[1-9]',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[2457]|2(?:[247-9]|5[0138])|3[0247-9]|4[1357-9]|5[0-35-9]|6(?:[125689]|4[02-57]|7[0-2])|9(?:[125-8]|3[02-5]|4[0-3])',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:00|39|44)',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[13689]|2[0136]|3[1356]|4[0246]|54|6[03]|90[1-9]',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '10|7',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[13-5]|2(?:[247-9]|5[0138])|6(?:[124-689]|7[0-2])|9(?:[125-8]|3[02-5]|4[0-3])',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4 $5',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[26]',
+            ],
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SG.php
index eb53aaa3..09691d42 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SG.php
@@ -1,272 +1,199 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:1\\d|8)\\d\\d|7000)\\d{7}|[3689]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '662[0-24-9]\\d{4}|6(?:[0-578]\\d|6[013-57-9]|9[0-35-9])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '61234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:0(?:[1-8]\\d|9[0-689])|[1-8]\\d\\d|9(?:[0-4]\\d|5[0-3]|62))|9[0-8]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:18|8)00\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1900\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '19001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[12]\\d|666)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '31234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7000\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:1\\d|8)\\d\\d|7000)\\d{7}|[3689]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '662[0-24-9]\\d{4}|6(?:[0-578]\\d|6[013-57-9]|9[0-35-9])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '61234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:0(?:[1-8]\\d|9[0-689])|[1-8]\\d\\d|9(?:[0-4]\\d|5[0-3]|62))|9[0-8]\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:18|8)00\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1900\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '19001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[12]\\d|666)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '31234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7000\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SG',
     'countryCode' => 65,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0[0-3]\\d',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[013-9]|77',
-                   1 => '1(?:[013-8]|9(?:0[1-9]|[1-9]))|77',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[369]|8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[369]|8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[013-9]|77',
+                '1(?:[013-8]|9(?:0[1-9]|[1-9]))|77',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[369]|8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[369]|8(?:0[1-9]|[1-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SH.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SH.php
index 2139e35c..67787c8f 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SH.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SH.php
@@ -1,154 +1,96 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[256]\\d|8)\\d{3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[0-57-9]\\d|6[4-9])\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22158',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[56]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '51234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '262\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '26212',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[256]\\d|8)\\d{3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[0-57-9]\\d|6[4-9])\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22158',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[56]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '51234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '262\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '26212',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SH',
     'countryCode' => 290,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'leadingDigits' => '[256]',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SI.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SI.php
index 540b2454..8c435acd 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SI.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SI.php
@@ -1,153 +1,100 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-7]\\d{7}|8\\d{4,7}|90\\d{4,6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-357][2-8]|4[24-8])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '65(?:[178]\\d|5[56]|6[01])\\d{4}|(?:[37][01]|4[0139]|51|6[489])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '31234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{4,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '89[1-3]\\d{2,5}|90\\d{4,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:59\\d\\d|8(?:1(?:[67]\\d|8[0-589])|2(?:0\\d|2[0-37-9]|8[0-2489])|3[389]\\d))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '59012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-7]\\d{7}|8\\d{4,7}|90\\d{4,6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-357][2-8]|4[24-8])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '65(?:[178]\\d|5[56]|6[01])\\d{4}|(?:[37][01]|4[0139]|51|6[489])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '31234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{4,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '89[1-3]\\d{2,5}|90\\d{4,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:59\\d\\d|8(?:1(?:[67]\\d|8[0-589])|2(?:0\\d|2[0-37-9]|8[0-2489])|3[389]\\d))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '59012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SI',
     'countryCode' => 386,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00|10(?:22|66|88|99)',
@@ -155,60 +102,49 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8[09]|9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '59|8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[37][01]|4[0139]|51|6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-57]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8[09]|9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '59|8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[37][01]|4[0139]|51|6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-57]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SJ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SJ.php
index bb8dffc9..48680f10 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SJ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SJ.php
@@ -1,166 +1,108 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0\\d{4}|(?:[489]\\d|79)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '79\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '79123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[015-8]|9\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '41234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[01]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '82[09]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '82012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '810(?:0[0-6]|[2-8]\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81021234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '880\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '88012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '85[0-5]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '85012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0[2-9]|81(?:0(?:0[7-9]|1\\d)|5\\d\\d))\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '02000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '81[23]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0\\d{4}|(?:[489]\\d|79)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '79\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '79123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:4[015-8]|9\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '41234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[01]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '82[09]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '82012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '810(?:0[0-6]|[2-8]\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81021234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '880\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '88012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '85[0-5]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '85012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0[2-9]|81(?:0(?:0[7-9]|1\\d)|5\\d\\d))\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '02000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '81[23]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SJ',
     'countryCode' => 47,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '79',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SK.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SK.php
index 433864c7..dd385c40 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SK.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SK.php
@@ -1,304 +1,226 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-689]\\d{8}|[2-59]\\d{6}|[2-5]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:16|[2-9]\\d{3})|(?:(?:[3-5][1-8]\\d|819)\\d|601[1-5])\\d)\\d{4}|(?:2|[3-5][1-8])1[67]\\d{3}|[3-5][1-8]16\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '221234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '909[1-9]\\d{5}|9(?:0[1-8]|1[0-24-9]|4[03-57-9]|5\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '912123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:00|[78]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[5-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '850123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:02|5[0-4]|9[0-6])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '690123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9090\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9090123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '96\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '961234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9090\\d{3}|(?:602|8(?:00|[5-9]\\d)|9(?:00|[78]\\d))\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-689]\\d{8}|[2-59]\\d{6}|[2-5]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:16|[2-9]\\d{3})|(?:(?:[3-5][1-8]\\d|819)\\d|601[1-5])\\d)\\d{4}|(?:2|[3-5][1-8])1[67]\\d{3}|[3-5][1-8]16\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '221234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '909[1-9]\\d{5}|9(?:0[1-8]|1[0-24-9]|4[03-57-9]|5\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '912123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:00|[78]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[5-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '850123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:02|5[0-4]|9[0-6])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '690123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9090\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9090123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '96\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '961234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9090\\d{3}|(?:602|8(?:00|[5-9]\\d)|9(?:00|[78]\\d))\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SK',
     'countryCode' => 421,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '21',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-5][1-8]1',
-                   1 => '[3-5][1-8]1[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '909',
-                   1 => '9090',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1/$2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1/$2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-5]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '21',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-5][1-8]1',
-                   1 => '[3-5][1-8]1[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1/$2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1/$2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-5]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '21',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-5][1-8]1',
+                '[3-5][1-8]1[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '909',
+                '9090',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1/$2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1/$2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-5]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '21',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-5][1-8]1',
+                '[3-5][1-8]1[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1/$2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1/$2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-5]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SL.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SL.php
index bd7b9bb3..53c155ee 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SL.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SL.php
@@ -1,166 +1,108 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[237-9]\\d|66)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '22[2-4][2-9]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22221234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:25|3[0-5]|66|7[2-9]|8[08]|9[09])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '25123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[237-9]\\d|66)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '22[2-4][2-9]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22221234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:25|3[0-5]|66|7[2-9]|8[08]|9[09])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '25123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SL',
     'countryCode' => 232,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[236-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[236-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SM.php
index a50d8373..00c084a6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SM.php
@@ -1,221 +1,158 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0549|[5-7]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0549(?:8[0157-9]|9\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0549886377',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[16]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '66661212',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[178]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[158]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '58001110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0549|[5-7]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0549(?:8[0157-9]|9\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0549886377',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[16]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '66661212',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[178]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[158]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '58001110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SM',
     'countryCode' => 378,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([89]\\d{5})$',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '0549$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[5-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[5-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[5-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[5-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SN.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SN.php
index eb7aeea1..71eac885 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SN.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SN.php
@@ -1,178 +1,112 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[378]\\d|93)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:0(?:1[0-2]|80)|282|3(?:8[1-9]|9[3-9])|611)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '301012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:(?:[06-8]\\d|[19]0|21)\\d|5(?:0[01]|[19]0|2[25]|[38]3|[4-7]\\d))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '88[4689]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '884123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '81[02468]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '810123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:392|9[01]\\d)\\d|93(?:3[13]0|929))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '933301234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[378]\\d|93)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:0(?:1[0-2]|80)|282|3(?:8[1-9]|9[3-9])|611)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '301012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:(?:[06-8]\\d|[19]0|21)\\d|5(?:0[01]|[19]0|2[25]|[38]3|[4-7]\\d))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '88[4689]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '884123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '81[02468]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '810123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:392|9[01]\\d)\\d|93(?:3[13]0|929))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '933301234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SN',
     'countryCode' => 221,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[379]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[379]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SO.php
index 2c30f310..f92e1282 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SO.php
@@ -1,232 +1,164 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[346-9]\\d{8}|[12679]\\d{7}|[1-5]\\d{6}|[1348]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1\\d|2[0-79]|3[0-46-8]|4[0-7]|5[57-9])\\d{5}|(?:[134]\\d|8[125])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:15|(?:3[59]|4[89]|6\\d|7[79]|8[08])\\d|9(?:0\\d|[2-9]))\\d|2(?:4\\d|8))\\d{5}|(?:[67]\\d\\d|904)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[346-9]\\d{8}|[12679]\\d{7}|[1-5]\\d{6}|[1348]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1\\d|2[0-79]|3[0-46-8]|4[0-7]|5[57-9])\\d{5}|(?:[134]\\d|8[125])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:15|(?:3[59]|4[89]|6\\d|7[79]|8[08])\\d|9(?:0\\d|[2-9]))\\d|2(?:4\\d|8))\\d{5}|(?:[67]\\d\\d|904)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SO',
     'countryCode' => 252,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8[125]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[134]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[15]|2[0-79]|3[0-46-8]|4[0-7]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:2|90)4|[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[348]|64|79|90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1|28|6[0-35-9]|77|9[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8[125]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[134]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[15]|2[0-79]|3[0-46-8]|4[0-7]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:2|90)4|[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[348]|64|79|90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1|28|6[0-35-9]|77|9[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SR.php
index 706ca246..c3ac0d10 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SR.php
@@ -1,190 +1,127 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-5]|68|[78]\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[1-3]|3[0-7]|(?:4|68)\\d|5[2-58])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7[124-7]|8[124-9])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7412345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '561234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-5]|68|[78]\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[1-3]|3[0-7]|(?:4|68)\\d|5[2-58])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7[124-7]|8[124-9])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7412345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '561234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SR',
     'countryCode' => 597,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '56',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-5]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[6-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '56',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-5]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[6-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SS.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SS.php
index 39917905..571429e4 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SS.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SS.php
@@ -1,164 +1,104 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[89]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '181234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:12|9[1257-9])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '977123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[89]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '181234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:12|9[1257-9])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '977123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SS',
     'countryCode' => 211,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[19]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[19]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ST.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ST.php
index e4b7ca62..4525c08d 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ST.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ST.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:22|9\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '22\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2221234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[5-9]\\d{3}|9(?:0[1-9]|[89]\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9812345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:22|9\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '22\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2221234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[5-9]\\d{3}|9(?:0[1-9]|[89]\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9812345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ST',
     'countryCode' => 239,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[29]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[29]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SV.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SV.php
index 0eee0cdf..306aee5a 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SV.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SV.php
@@ -1,196 +1,134 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[267]\\d{7}|(?:80\\d|900)\\d{4}(?:\\d{4})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:79(?:0[0347-9]|[1-9]\\d)|89(?:0[024589]|[1-9]\\d))\\d{3}|2(?:[1-69]\\d|[78][0-8])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[67]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{8}|80[01]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{4}(?:\\d{4})?',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[267]\\d{7}|(?:80\\d|900)\\d{4}(?:\\d{4})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:79(?:0[0347-9]|[1-9]\\d)|89(?:0[024589]|[1-9]\\d))\\d{3}|2(?:[1-69]\\d|[78][0-8])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[67]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{8}|80[01]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{4}(?:\\d{4})?',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SV',
     'countryCode' => 503,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[267]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[267]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SX.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SX.php
index 6aad5d3d..0d484146 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SX.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SX.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7215\\d{6}|(?:[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7215(?:4[2-8]|8[239]|9[056])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7215425678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7215(?:1[02]|2\\d|5[034679]|8[014-8])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7215205678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7215\\d{6}|(?:[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7215(?:4[2-8]|8[239]|9[056])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7215425678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7215(?:1[02]|2\\d|5[034679]|8[014-8])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7215205678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SX',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '(5\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '721$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '721',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SY.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SY.php
index f976d388..327027da 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SY.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SY.php
@@ -1,182 +1,123 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-39]\\d{8}|[1-5]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '21\\d{6,7}|(?:1(?:[14]\\d|[2356])|2[235]|3(?:[13]\\d|4)|4[134]|5[1-3])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[1-689]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '944567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-39]\\d{8}|[1-5]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '21\\d{6,7}|(?:1(?:[14]\\d|[2356])|2[235]|3(?:[13]\\d|4)|4[134]|5[1-3])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[1-689]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '944567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SY',
     'countryCode' => 963,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-5]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-5]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SZ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SZ.php
index 135f0c6e..f6b09757 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SZ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_SZ.php
@@ -1,184 +1,124 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{4}|(?:[237]\\d|900)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[23][2-5]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22171234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[6-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '76123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '08001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{4}|(?:[237]\\d|900)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[23][2-5]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22171234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[6-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '76123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '08001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SZ',
     'countryCode' => 268,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[0237]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[0237]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TA.php
index a079839a..256edfd5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TA.php
@@ -1,149 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TA',
     'countryCode' => 290,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '8',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TC.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TC.php
index 2d96b5cb..628aa843 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TC.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TC.php
@@ -1,148 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|649|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '649(?:266|712|9(?:4\\d|50))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6497121234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '649(?:2(?:3[129]|4[1-79])|3\\d\\d|4[34][1-3])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6492311234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '649(?:71[01]|966)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6497101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|649|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '649(?:266|712|9(?:4\\d|50))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6497121234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '649(?:2(?:3[129]|4[1-79])|3\\d\\d|4[34][1-3])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6492311234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '649(?:71[01]|966)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6497101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TC',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -150,12 +95,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-479]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '649$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '649',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TD.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TD.php
index bf261830..f06182bd 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TD.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TD.php
@@ -1,163 +1,103 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:22|[689]\\d|77)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '22(?:[37-9]0|5[0-5]|6[89])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22501234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[69]\\d|77|8[56])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '63012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:22|[689]\\d|77)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '22(?:[37-9]0|5[0-5]|6[89])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22501234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[69]\\d|77|8[56])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '63012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TD',
     'countryCode' => 235,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00|16',
     'preferredInternationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[26-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[26-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TG.php
index 4f4a136b..b67c0fdc 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TG.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[279]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:2[2-7]|3[23]|4[45]|55|6[67]|77)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7[019]|9[0-36-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[279]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:2[2-7]|3[23]|4[45]|55|6[67]|77)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7[019]|9[0-36-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TG',
     'countryCode' => 228,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[279]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[279]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TH.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TH.php
index b93e36d8..d40ebe43 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TH.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TH.php
@@ -1,200 +1,138 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:001800|[2-57]|[689]\\d)\\d{7}|1\\d{7,9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[0689]|2\\d|3[2-9]|4[2-5]|5[2-6]|7[3-7])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '67(?:1[0-8]|2[4-7])\\d{5}|(?:14|6[1-6]|[89]\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '812345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:001800\\d|1800)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1900\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[08]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '601234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:001800|[2-57]|[689]\\d)\\d{7}|1\\d{7,9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[0689]|2\\d|3[2-9]|4[2-5]|5[2-6]|7[3-7])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '67(?:1[0-8]|2[4-7])\\d{5}|(?:14|6[1-6]|[89]\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '812345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:001800\\d|1800)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1900\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[08]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '601234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TH',
     'countryCode' => 66,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00[1-9]',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[13-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[13-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TJ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TJ.php
index d466cd2b..c86a7e66 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TJ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TJ.php
@@ -1,208 +1,144 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0-57-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:1[3-5]|2[245]|3[12]|4[24-7]|5[25]|72)|4(?:46|74|87))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '372123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:33[03-9]|4(?:1[18]|4[02-479])|81[1-9])\\d{6}|(?:[09]\\d|1[017]|2[02]|[34]0|5[05]|7[01578]|8[078])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '917123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0-57-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3(?:1[3-5]|2[245]|3[12]|4[24-7]|5[25]|72)|4(?:46|74|87))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '372123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:33[03-9]|4(?:1[18]|4[02-479])|81[1-9])\\d{6}|(?:[09]\\d|1[017]|2[02]|[34]0|5[05]|7[01578]|8[078])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '917123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TJ',
     'countryCode' => 992,
     'internationalPrefix' => '810',
     'preferredInternationalPrefix' => '8~10',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{6})(\\d)(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '331',
-                   1 => '3317',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '44[02-479]|[34]7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d)(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3(?:[1245]|3[12])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[0-57-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{6})(\\d)(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '331',
+                '3317',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '44[02-479]|[34]7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d)(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3(?:[1245]|3[12])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[0-57-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TK.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TK.php
index 5d44bd8e..6247c85a 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TK.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TK.php
@@ -1,153 +1,94 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-47]\\d{3,6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[2-4]|[34]\\d)\\d{2,5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[2-4]\\d{2,5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7290',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-47]\\d{3,6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[2-4]|[34]\\d)\\d{2,5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[2-4]\\d{2,5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7290',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TK',
     'countryCode' => 690,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TL.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TL.php
index abc59e3b..fde3ed00 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TL.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TL.php
@@ -1,183 +1,123 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7\\d{7}|(?:[2-47]\\d|[89]0)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[1-5]|3[1-9]|4[1-4])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[2-8]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '77212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7\\d{7}|(?:[2-47]\\d|[89]0)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[1-5]|3[1-9]|4[1-4])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[2-8]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '77212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TL',
     'countryCode' => 670,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-489]|70',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-489]|70',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TM.php
index 9bd26cd5..a6daa3f9 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TM.php
@@ -1,140 +1,85 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-6]\\d|71)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:2\\d|3[1-9])|2(?:22|4[0-35-8])|3(?:22|4[03-9])|4(?:22|3[128]|4\\d|6[15])|5(?:22|5[7-9]|6[014-689]))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6\\d|71)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '66123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[1-6]\\d|71)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:2\\d|3[1-9])|2(?:22|4[0-35-8])|3(?:22|4[03-9])|4(?:22|3[128]|4\\d|6[15])|5(?:22|5[7-9]|6[014-689]))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6\\d|71)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '66123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TM',
     'countryCode' => 993,
     'internationalPrefix' => '810',
@@ -142,48 +87,39 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '8',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '8',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '12',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(8 $1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-5]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(8 $1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '12',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(8 $1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-5]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(8 $1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TN.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TN.php
index cd787f6a..f789d33d 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TN.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TN.php
@@ -1,165 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-57-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '81200\\d{3}|(?:3[0-2]|7\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30010123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:001|[12]40)\\d{4}|(?:(?:[259]\\d|4[0-8])\\d|3(?:1[1-35]|6[0-4]|91))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8010\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '88\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '88123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[12]10\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-57-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '81200\\d{3}|(?:3[0-2]|7\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30010123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:001|[12]40)\\d{4}|(?:(?:[259]\\d|4[0-8])\\d|3(?:1[1-35]|6[0-4]|91))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8010\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '88\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '88123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[12]10\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TN',
     'countryCode' => 216,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-57-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-57-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TO.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TO.php
index 5ec3d8b4..a5570651 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TO.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TO.php
@@ -1,193 +1,131 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0800|(?:[5-8]\\d\\d|999)\\d)\\d{3}|[2-8]\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2\\d|3[0-8]|4[0-4]|50|6[09]|7[0-24-69]|8[05])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5(?:4[0-5]|5[4-6])|6(?:[09]\\d|3[02]|8[15-9])|(?:7\\d|8[46-9])\\d|999)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7715123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0800222',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '55[0-37-9]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5510123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0800|(?:[5-8]\\d\\d|999)\\d)\\d{3}|[2-8]\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2\\d|3[0-8]|4[0-4]|50|6[09]|7[0-24-69]|8[05])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5(?:4[0-5]|5[4-6])|6(?:[09]\\d|3[02]|8[15-9])|(?:7\\d|8[46-9])\\d|999)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7715123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0800\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0800222',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '55[0-37-9]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5510123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TO',
     'countryCode' => 676,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-4]|50|6[09]|7[0-24-69]|8[05]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[5-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-4]|50|6[09]|7[0-24-69]|8[05]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[5-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TR.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TR.php
index 60f492f5..8f9f79be 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TR.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TR.php
@@ -1,285 +1,212 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4\\d{6}|8\\d{11,12}|(?:[2-58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 12,
-              3 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[13][26]|[28][2468]|[45][268]|[67][246])|3(?:[13][28]|[24-6][2468]|[78][02468]|92)|4(?:[16][246]|[23578][2468]|4[26]))\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '561(?:011|61\\d)\\d{4}|5(?:0[15-7]|1[06]|24|[34]\\d|5[1-59]|9[46])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00\\d{7}(?:\\d{2,3})?|11\\d{7})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 12,
-              2 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8[89]8|900)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '592(?:21[12]|461)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5922121234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '850\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8500123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '512\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '444\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4441444',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:444|811\\d{3})\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4\\d{6}|8\\d{11,12}|(?:[2-58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:[13][26]|[28][2468]|[45][268]|[67][246])|3(?:[13][28]|[24-6][2468]|[78][02468]|92)|4(?:[16][246]|[23578][2468]|4[26]))\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '561(?:011|61\\d)\\d{4}|5(?:0[15-7]|1[06]|24|[34]\\d|5[1-59]|9[46])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00\\d{7}(?:\\d{2,3})?|11\\d{7})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8[89]8|900)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '592(?:21[12]|461)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5922121234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '850\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8500123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '512\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '444\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4441444',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:444|811\\d{3})\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TR',
     'countryCode' => 90,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '444',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '512|8[01589]|90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5(?:[0-59]|61)',
-                   1 => '5(?:[0-59]|61[06])',
-                   2 => '5(?:[0-59]|61[06]1)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24][1-8]|3[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{6,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '512|8[01589]|90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5(?:[0-59]|61)',
-                   1 => '5(?:[0-59]|61[06])',
-                   2 => '5(?:[0-59]|61[06]1)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24][1-8]|3[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{6,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '444',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '512|8[01589]|90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5(?:[0-59]|61)',
+                '5(?:[0-59]|61[06])',
+                '5(?:[0-59]|61[06]1)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24][1-8]|3[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{6,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '512|8[01589]|90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5(?:[0-59]|61)',
+                '5(?:[0-59]|61[06])',
+                '5(?:[0-59]|61[06]1)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24][1-8]|3[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{6,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TT.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TT.php
index 19314cda..a16ceaf6 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TT.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TT.php
@@ -1,148 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '868(?:2(?:01|1[5-9]|[23]\\d|4[0-2])|6(?:0[7-9]|1[02-8]|2[1-9]|[3-69]\\d|7[0-79])|82[124])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8682211234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '868(?:(?:2[5-9]|3\\d)\\d|4(?:3[0-6]|[6-9]\\d)|6(?:20|78|8\\d)|7(?:0[1-9]|1[02-9]|[2-9]\\d))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8682911234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '868619\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8686191234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '868(?:2(?:01|1[5-9]|[23]\\d|4[0-2])|6(?:0[7-9]|1[02-8]|2[1-9]|[3-69]\\d|7[0-79])|82[124])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8682211234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '868(?:(?:2[5-9]|3\\d)\\d|4(?:3[0-6]|[6-9]\\d)|6(?:20|78|8\\d)|7(?:0[1-9]|1[02-9]|[2-9]\\d))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8682911234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '868619\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8686191234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TT',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -150,12 +95,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-46-8]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '868$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '868',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TV.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TV.php
index 407446a8..8ee42ef7 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TV.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TV.php
@@ -1,191 +1,129 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2|7\\d\\d|90)\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[02-9]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7[01]\\d|90)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '901234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2|7\\d\\d|90)\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[02-9]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7[01]\\d|90)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '901234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TV',
     'countryCode' => 688,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '90',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '90',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TW.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TW.php
index b247acab..5b8def46 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TW.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TW.php
@@ -1,160 +1,107 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-689]\\d{8}|7\\d{9,10}|[2-8]\\d{7}|2\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-              4 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[2-8]\\d|370|55[01]|7[1-9])\\d{6}|4(?:(?:0(?:0[1-9]|[2-48]\\d)|1[023]\\d)\\d{4,5}|(?:[239]\\d\\d|4(?:0[56]|12|49))\\d{5})|6(?:[01]\\d{7}|4(?:0[56]|12|24|4[09])\\d{4,5})|8(?:(?:2(?:3\\d|4[0-269]|[578]0|66)|36[24-9]|90\\d\\d)\\d{4}|4(?:0[56]|12|24|4[09])\\d{4,5})|(?:2(?:2(?:0\\d\\d|4(?:0[68]|[249]0|3[0-467]|5[0-25-9]|6[0235689]))|(?:3(?:[09]\\d|1[0-4])|(?:4\\d|5[0-49]|6[0-29]|7[0-5])\\d)\\d)|(?:(?:3[2-9]|5[2-8]|6[0-35-79]|8[7-9])\\d\\d|4(?:2(?:[089]\\d|7[1-9])|(?:3[0-4]|[78]\\d|9[01])\\d))\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '221234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:40001[0-2]|9[0-8]\\d{4})\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-79]\\d{6}|800\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '20(?:[013-9]\\d\\d|2)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '203123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '990123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7010(?:[0-2679]\\d|3[0-7]|8[0-5])\\d{5}|70\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '50[0-46-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '500123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-689]\\d{8}|7\\d{9,10}|[2-8]\\d{7}|2\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[2-8]\\d|370|55[01]|7[1-9])\\d{6}|4(?:(?:0(?:0[1-9]|[2-48]\\d)|1[023]\\d)\\d{4,5}|(?:[239]\\d\\d|4(?:0[56]|12|49))\\d{5})|6(?:[01]\\d{7}|4(?:0[56]|12|24|4[09])\\d{4,5})|8(?:(?:2(?:3\\d|4[0-269]|[578]0|66)|36[24-9]|90\\d\\d)\\d{4}|4(?:0[56]|12|24|4[09])\\d{4,5})|(?:2(?:2(?:0\\d\\d|4(?:0[68]|[249]0|3[0-467]|5[0-25-9]|6[0235689]))|(?:3(?:[09]\\d|1[0-4])|(?:4\\d|5[0-49]|6[0-29]|7[0-5])\\d)\\d)|(?:(?:3[2-9]|5[2-8]|6[0-35-79]|8[7-9])\\d\\d|4(?:2(?:[089]\\d|7[1-9])|(?:3[0-4]|[78]\\d|9[01])\\d))\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '221234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:40001[0-2]|9[0-8]\\d{4})\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-79]\\d{6}|800\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '20(?:[013-9]\\d\\d|2)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '203123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '990123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7010(?:[0-2679]\\d|3[0-7]|8[0-5])\\d{5}|70\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '50[0-46-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '500123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TW',
     'countryCode' => 886,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0(?:0[25-79]|19)',
@@ -162,73 +109,60 @@
     'preferredExtnPrefix' => '#',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '202',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[258]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[23568]|4(?:0[02-48]|[1-47-9])|7[1-9]',
-                   1 => '[23568]|4(?:0[2-48]|[1-47-9])|(?:400|7)[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[49]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d)(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '202',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[258]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[23568]|4(?:0[02-48]|[1-47-9])|7[1-9]',
+                '[23568]|4(?:0[2-48]|[1-47-9])|(?:400|7)[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[49]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TZ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TZ.php
index 358edec5..482a689c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TZ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_TZ.php
@@ -1,204 +1,133 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[25-8]\\d|41|90)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[2-8]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '222345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6[125-9]|7[13-9])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '621234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[08]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:40|6[01])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '840123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '41\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:[04]0|6[01])|90\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[25-8]\\d|41|90)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[2-8]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '222345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:6[125-9]|7[13-9])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '621234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[08]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:40|6[01])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '840123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '41\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:8(?:[04]0|6[01])|90\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TZ',
     'countryCode' => 255,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00[056]',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '5',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[67]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '5',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[67]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UA.php
index 09965fbd..a9801e62 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UA.php
@@ -1,153 +1,100 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[89]\\d{9}|[3-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[1-8]|4[13-8]|5[1-7]|6[12459])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '311234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:39|50|6[36-8]|7[1-357]|9[1-9])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '501234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[1-8]\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[239]\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '89[1-579]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '891234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[89]\\d{9}|[3-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[1-8]|4[13-8]|5[1-7]|6[12459])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '311234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:39|50|6[36-8]|7[1-357]|9[1-9])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '501234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[1-8]\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[239]\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '89[1-579]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '891234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'UA',
     'countryCode' => 380,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
@@ -155,62 +102,51 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6[12][29]|(?:3[1-8]|4[136-8]|5[12457]|6[49])2|(?:56|65)[24]',
-                   1 => '6[12][29]|(?:35|4[1378]|5[12457]|6[49])2|(?:56|65)[24]|(?:3[1-46-8]|46)2[013-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3[1-8]|4(?:[1367]|[45][6-9]|8[4-6])|5(?:[1-5]|6[0135689]|7[4-6])|6(?:[12][3-7]|[459])',
-                   1 => '3[1-8]|4(?:[1367]|[45][6-9]|8[4-6])|5(?:[1-5]|6(?:[015689]|3[02389])|7[4-6])|6(?:[12][3-7]|[459])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-7]|89|9[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6[12][29]|(?:3[1-8]|4[136-8]|5[12457]|6[49])2|(?:56|65)[24]',
+                '6[12][29]|(?:35|4[1378]|5[12457]|6[49])2|(?:56|65)[24]|(?:3[1-46-8]|46)2[013-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3[1-8]|4(?:[1367]|[45][6-9]|8[4-6])|5(?:[1-5]|6[0135689]|7[4-6])|6(?:[12][3-7]|[459])',
+                '3[1-8]|4(?:[1367]|[45][6-9]|8[4-6])|5(?:[1-5]|6(?:[015689]|3[02389])|7[4-6])|6(?:[12][3-7]|[459])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-7]|89|9[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UG.php
index 0603c123..0df76ec0 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UG.php
@@ -1,197 +1,133 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}|(?:[29]0|[347]\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '20(?:(?:240|30[67])\\d|6(?:00[0-2]|30[0-4]))\\d{3}|(?:20(?:[017]\\d|2[5-9]|3[1-4]|5[0-4]|6[15-9])|[34]\\d{3})\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '312345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '72(?:[48]0|6[01])\\d{5}|7(?:[015-8]\\d|20|36|4[0-5]|9[89])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '712345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[1-3]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[1-3]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '901123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}|(?:[29]0|[347]\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '20(?:(?:240|30[67])\\d|6(?:00[0-2]|30[0-4]))\\d{3}|(?:20(?:[017]\\d|2[5-9]|3[1-4]|5[0-4]|6[15-9])|[34]\\d{3})\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '312345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '72(?:[48]0|6[01])\\d{5}|7(?:[015-8]\\d|20|36|4[0-5]|9[89])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '712345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800[1-3]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[1-3]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '901123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'UG',
     'countryCode' => 256,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00[057]',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '202',
-                   1 => '2024',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[27-9]|4(?:6[45]|[7-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[34]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '202',
+                '2024',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[27-9]|4(?:6[45]|[7-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[34]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_US.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_US.php
index 2e186fb1..275087f9 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_US.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_US.php
@@ -1,217 +1,150 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{9}|3\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3052(?:0[0-8]|[1-9]\\d)|5056(?:[0-35-9]\\d|4[468])|7302[0-4]\\d)\\d{4}|(?:305[3-9]|472[24]|505[2-57-9]|7306|983[2-47-9])\\d{6}|(?:2(?:0[1-35-9]|1[02-9]|2[03-57-9]|3[1459]|4[08]|5[1-46]|6[0279]|7[0269]|8[13])|3(?:0[1-47-9]|1[02-9]|2[013569]|3[0-24679]|4[167]|5[0-2]|6[01349]|8[056])|4(?:0[124-9]|1[02-579]|2[3-5]|3[0245]|4[023578]|58|6[349]|7[0589]|8[04])|5(?:0[1-47-9]|1[0235-8]|20|3[0149]|4[01]|5[179]|6[1-47]|7[0-5]|8[0256])|6(?:0[1-35-9]|1[024-9]|2[03689]|3[016]|4[0156]|5[01679]|6[0-279]|78|8[0-29])|7(?:0[1-46-8]|1[2-9]|2[04-8]|3[1247]|4[037]|5[47]|6[02359]|7[0-59]|8[156])|8(?:0[1-68]|1[02-8]|2[068]|3[0-2589]|4[03578]|5[046-9]|6[02-5]|7[028])|9(?:0[1346-9]|1[02-9]|2[0589]|3[0146-8]|4[01357-9]|5[12469]|7[0-389]|8[04-69]))[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2015550123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3052(?:0[0-8]|[1-9]\\d)|5056(?:[0-35-9]\\d|4[468])|7302[0-4]\\d)\\d{4}|(?:305[3-9]|472[24]|505[2-57-9]|7306|983[2-47-9])\\d{6}|(?:2(?:0[1-35-9]|1[02-9]|2[03-57-9]|3[1459]|4[08]|5[1-46]|6[0279]|7[0269]|8[13])|3(?:0[1-47-9]|1[02-9]|2[013569]|3[0-24679]|4[167]|5[0-2]|6[01349]|8[056])|4(?:0[124-9]|1[02-579]|2[3-5]|3[0245]|4[023578]|58|6[349]|7[0589]|8[04])|5(?:0[1-47-9]|1[0235-8]|20|3[0149]|4[01]|5[179]|6[1-47]|7[0-5]|8[0256])|6(?:0[1-35-9]|1[024-9]|2[03689]|3[016]|4[0156]|5[01679]|6[0-279]|78|8[0-29])|7(?:0[1-46-8]|1[2-9]|2[04-8]|3[1247]|4[037]|5[47]|6[02359]|7[0-59]|8[156])|8(?:0[1-68]|1[02-8]|2[068]|3[0-2589]|4[03578]|5[046-9]|6[02-5]|7[028])|9(?:0[1346-9]|1[02-9]|2[0589]|3[0146-8]|4[01357-9]|5[12469]|7[0-389]|8[04-69]))[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2015550123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '305209\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3052090123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{9}|3\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3052(?:0[0-8]|[1-9]\\d)|5056(?:[0-35-9]\\d|4[468])|7302[0-4]\\d)\\d{4}|(?:305[3-9]|472[24]|505[2-57-9]|7306|983[2-47-9])\\d{6}|(?:2(?:0[1-35-9]|1[02-9]|2[03-57-9]|3[1459]|4[08]|5[1-46]|6[0279]|7[0269]|8[13])|3(?:0[1-47-9]|1[02-9]|2[013569]|3[0-24679]|4[167]|5[0-2]|6[01349]|8[056])|4(?:0[124-9]|1[02-579]|2[3-5]|3[0245]|4[023578]|58|6[349]|7[0589]|8[04])|5(?:0[1-47-9]|1[0235-8]|20|3[0149]|4[01]|5[179]|6[1-47]|7[0-5]|8[0256])|6(?:0[1-35-9]|1[024-9]|2[03689]|3[016]|4[0156]|5[01679]|6[0-279]|78|8[0-29])|7(?:0[1-46-8]|1[2-9]|2[04-8]|3[1247]|4[037]|5[47]|6[02359]|7[0-59]|8[156])|8(?:0[1-68]|1[02-8]|2[068]|3[0-2589]|4[03578]|5[046-9]|6[02-5]|7[028])|9(?:0[1346-9]|1[02-9]|2[0589]|3[0146-8]|4[01357-9]|5[12469]|7[0-389]|8[04-69]))[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2015550123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3052(?:0[0-8]|[1-9]\\d)|5056(?:[0-35-9]\\d|4[468])|7302[0-4]\\d)\\d{4}|(?:305[3-9]|472[24]|505[2-57-9]|7306|983[2-47-9])\\d{6}|(?:2(?:0[1-35-9]|1[02-9]|2[03-57-9]|3[1459]|4[08]|5[1-46]|6[0279]|7[0269]|8[13])|3(?:0[1-47-9]|1[02-9]|2[013569]|3[0-24679]|4[167]|5[0-2]|6[01349]|8[056])|4(?:0[124-9]|1[02-579]|2[3-5]|3[0245]|4[023578]|58|6[349]|7[0589]|8[04])|5(?:0[1-47-9]|1[0235-8]|20|3[0149]|4[01]|5[179]|6[1-47]|7[0-5]|8[0256])|6(?:0[1-35-9]|1[024-9]|2[03689]|3[016]|4[0156]|5[01679]|6[0-279]|78|8[0-29])|7(?:0[1-46-8]|1[2-9]|2[04-8]|3[1247]|4[037]|5[47]|6[02359]|7[0-59]|8[156])|8(?:0[1-68]|1[02-8]|2[068]|3[0-2589]|4[03578]|5[046-9]|6[02-5]|7[028])|9(?:0[1346-9]|1[02-9]|2[0589]|3[0146-8]|4[01357-9]|5[12469]|7[0-389]|8[04-69]))[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2015550123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '305209\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3052090123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'US',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
     'nationalPrefix' => '1',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '310',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24-9]|3(?:[02-9]|1[1-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '($1) $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '310',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-9]',
-               ],
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '310',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24-9]|3(?:[02-9]|1[1-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '($1) $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '310',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-9]',
+            ],
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UY.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UY.php
index ffba6e0b..9ec3026e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UY.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UY.php
@@ -1,153 +1,100 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0004\\d{2,9}|[1249]\\d{7}|(?:[49]\\d|80)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 11,
-              6 => 12,
-              7 => 13,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:770|9(?:20|[89]7))|(?:2\\d|4[2-7])\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '21231234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[1-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '94231234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0004\\d{2,9}|(?:405|80[05])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[0-8]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0004\\d{2,9}|[1249]\\d{7}|(?:[49]\\d|80)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+            13,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:770|9(?:20|[89]7))|(?:2\\d|4[2-7])\\d\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '21231234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[1-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '94231234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0004\\d{2,9}|(?:405|80[05])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[0-8]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'UY',
     'countryCode' => 598,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0(?:0|1[3-9]\\d)',
@@ -156,84 +103,69 @@
     'preferredExtnPrefix' => ' int. ',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[49]0|8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[124]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[49]0|8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[124]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UZ.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UZ.php
index c8e69b3d..d34027d0 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UZ.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_UZ.php
@@ -1,162 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:20|33|[5-79]\\d|88)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:55\\d\\d|6(?:1(?:22|3[124]|4[1-4]|5[1-3578]|64)|2(?:22|3[0-57-9]|41)|5(?:22|3[3-7]|5[024-8])|[69]\\d\\d|7(?:[23]\\d|7[69]))|7(?:0(?:5[4-9]|6[0146]|7[124-6]|9[135-8])|(?:1[12]|[68]\\d)\\d|2(?:22|3[13-57-9]|4[1-3579]|5[14])|3(?:2\\d|3[1578]|4[1-35-7]|5[1-57]|61)|4(?:2\\d|3[1-579]|7[1-79])|5(?:22|5[1-9]|6[1457])|9(?:22|5[1-9])))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '669050123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:[25]0|33|88|9[0-57-9])\\d{3}|6(?:1(?:2(?:2[01]|98)|35[0-4]|50\\d|61[23]|7(?:[01][017]|4\\d|55|9[5-9]))|2(?:(?:11|7\\d)\\d|2(?:[12]1|9[01379])|5(?:[126]\\d|3[0-4]))|5(?:19[01]|2(?:27|9[26])|(?:30|59|7\\d)\\d)|6(?:2(?:1[5-9]|2[0367]|38|41|52|60)|(?:3[79]|9[0-3])\\d|4(?:56|83)|7(?:[07]\\d|1[017]|3[07]|4[047]|5[057]|67|8[0178]|9[79]))|7(?:2(?:24|3[237]|4[5-9]|7[15-8])|5(?:7[12]|8[0589])|7(?:0\\d|[39][07])|9(?:0\\d|7[079])))|7(?:[07]\\d{3}|1(?:13[01]|6(?:0[47]|1[67]|66)|71[3-69]|98\\d)|2(?:2(?:2[79]|95)|3(?:2[5-9]|6[0-6])|57\\d|7(?:0\\d|1[17]|2[27]|3[37]|44|5[057]|66|88))|3(?:2(?:1[0-6]|21|3[469]|7[159])|(?:33|9[4-6])\\d|5(?:0[0-4]|5[579]|9\\d)|7(?:[0-3579]\\d|4[0467]|6[67]|8[078]))|4(?:2(?:29|5[0257]|6[0-7]|7[1-57])|5(?:1[0-4]|8\\d|9[5-9])|7(?:0\\d|1[024589]|2[0-27]|3[0137]|[46][07]|5[01]|7[5-9]|9[079])|9(?:7[015-9]|[89]\\d))|5(?:112|2(?:0\\d|2[29]|[49]4)|3[1568]\\d|52[6-9]|7(?:0[01578]|1[017]|[23]7|4[047]|[5-7]\\d|8[78]|9[079]))|9(?:22[128]|3(?:2[0-4]|7\\d)|57[02569]|7(?:2[05-9]|3[37]|4\\d|60|7[2579]|87|9[07]))))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:20|33|[5-79]\\d|88)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:55\\d\\d|6(?:1(?:22|3[124]|4[1-4]|5[1-3578]|64)|2(?:22|3[0-57-9]|41)|5(?:22|3[3-7]|5[024-8])|[69]\\d\\d|7(?:[23]\\d|7[69]))|7(?:0(?:5[4-9]|6[0146]|7[124-6]|9[135-8])|(?:1[12]|[68]\\d)\\d|2(?:22|3[13-57-9]|4[1-3579]|5[14])|3(?:2\\d|3[1578]|4[1-35-7]|5[1-57]|61)|4(?:2\\d|3[1-579]|7[1-79])|5(?:22|5[1-9]|6[1457])|9(?:22|5[1-9])))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '669050123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:(?:[25]0|33|88|9[0-57-9])\\d{3}|6(?:1(?:2(?:2[01]|98)|35[0-4]|50\\d|61[23]|7(?:[01][017]|4\\d|55|9[5-9]))|2(?:(?:11|7\\d)\\d|2(?:[12]1|9[01379])|5(?:[126]\\d|3[0-4]))|5(?:19[01]|2(?:27|9[26])|(?:30|59|7\\d)\\d)|6(?:2(?:1[5-9]|2[0367]|38|41|52|60)|(?:3[79]|9[0-3])\\d|4(?:56|83)|7(?:[07]\\d|1[017]|3[07]|4[047]|5[057]|67|8[0178]|9[79]))|7(?:2(?:24|3[237]|4[5-9]|7[15-8])|5(?:7[12]|8[0589])|7(?:0\\d|[39][07])|9(?:0\\d|7[079])))|7(?:[07]\\d{3}|1(?:13[01]|6(?:0[47]|1[67]|66)|71[3-69]|98\\d)|2(?:2(?:2[79]|95)|3(?:2[5-9]|6[0-6])|57\\d|7(?:0\\d|1[17]|2[27]|3[37]|44|5[057]|66|88))|3(?:2(?:1[0-6]|21|3[469]|7[159])|(?:33|9[4-6])\\d|5(?:0[0-4]|5[579]|9\\d)|7(?:[0-3579]\\d|4[0467]|6[67]|8[078]))|4(?:2(?:29|5[0257]|6[0-7]|7[1-57])|5(?:1[0-4]|8\\d|9[5-9])|7(?:0\\d|1[024589]|2[0-27]|3[0137]|[46][07]|5[01]|7[5-9]|9[079])|9(?:7[015-9]|[89]\\d))|5(?:112|2(?:0\\d|2[29]|[49]4)|3[1568]\\d|52[6-9]|7(?:0[01578]|1[017]|[23]7|4[047]|[5-7]\\d|8[78]|9[079]))|9(?:22[128]|3(?:2[0-4]|7\\d)|57[02569]|7(?:2[05-9]|3[37]|4\\d|60|7[2579]|87|9[07]))))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'UZ',
     'countryCode' => 998,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[235-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[235-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VA.php
index b8d5cec6..77ccde51 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VA.php
@@ -1,183 +1,126 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0\\d{5,10}|3[0-8]\\d{7,10}|55\\d{8}|8\\d{5}(?:\\d{2,4})?|(?:1\\d|39)\\d{7,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 11,
-              6 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '06698\\d{1,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0669812345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[1-9]\\d{8}|3[2-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:0\\d{3}|3)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0878\\d{3}|89(?:2\\d|3[04]|4(?:[0-4]|[5-9]\\d\\d)|5[0-4]))\\d\\d|(?:1(?:44|6[346])|89(?:38|5[5-9]|9))\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '899123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '84(?:[08]\\d{3}|[17])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '848123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:78\\d|99)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1781234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '55\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[2-8]\\d{9,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '33101234501',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-              1 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0\\d{5,10}|3[0-8]\\d{7,10}|55\\d{8}|8\\d{5}(?:\\d{2,4})?|(?:1\\d|39)\\d{7,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '06698\\d{1,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0669812345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[1-9]\\d{8}|3[2-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:0\\d{3}|3)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0878\\d{3}|89(?:2\\d|3[04]|4(?:[0-4]|[5-9]\\d\\d)|5[0-4]))\\d\\d|(?:1(?:44|6[346])|89(?:38|5[5-9]|9))\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '899123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '84(?:[08]\\d{3}|[17])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '848123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:78\\d|99)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1781234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '55\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5512345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[2-8]\\d{9,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '33101234501',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VA',
     'countryCode' => 39,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '06698',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VC.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VC.php
index 593a1d71..e751f02b 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VC.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VC.php
@@ -1,148 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|784|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '784(?:266|3(?:6[6-9]|7\\d|8[0-6])|4(?:38|5[0-36-8]|8[0-8])|5(?:55|7[0-2]|93)|638|784)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7842661234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '784(?:4(?:3[0-5]|5[45]|89|9[0-8])|5(?:2[6-9]|3[0-4])|720)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7844301234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '78451[0-2]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7845101234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d\\d|784|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '784(?:266|3(?:6[6-9]|7\\d|8[0-6])|4(?:38|5[0-36-8]|8[0-8])|5(?:55|7[0-2]|93)|638|784)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7842661234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '784(?:4(?:3[0-5]|5[45]|89|9[0-8])|5(?:2[6-9]|3[0-4])|720)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7844301234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '78451[0-2]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7845101234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VC',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -150,12 +95,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-7]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '784$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '784',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VE.php
index 0b168708..97552fc4 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VE.php
@@ -1,170 +1,110 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[68]00\\d{7}|(?:[24]\\d|[59]0)\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:12|3[457-9]|[467]\\d|[58][1-9]|9[1-6])|[4-6]00)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2121234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:1[24-8]|2[46])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4121234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[01]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '501\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5010123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[68]00\\d{7}|(?:[24]\\d|[59]0)\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:12|3[457-9]|[467]\\d|[58][1-9]|9[1-6])|[4-6]00)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2121234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:1[24-8]|2[46])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4121234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '90[01]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '501\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5010123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VE',
     'countryCode' => 58,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[24-689]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[24-689]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VG.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VG.php
index e059cf33..35d59b4e 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VG.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VG.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:284|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '284(?:229|4(?:22|9[45])|774|8(?:52|6[459]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2842291234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '284(?:245|3(?:0[0-3]|4[0-7]|68|9[34])|4(?:4[0-6]|68|9[69])|5(?:4[0-7]|68|9[69]))\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2843001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:284|[58]\\d\\d|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '284(?:229|4(?:22|9[45])|774|8(?:52|6[459]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2842291234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '284(?:245|3(?:0[0-3]|4[0-7]|68|9[34])|4(?:4[0-6]|68|9[69])|5(?:4[0-7]|68|9[69]))\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2843001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VG',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-578]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '284$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '284',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VI.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VI.php
index bb3d7518..a95f3882 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VI.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VI.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[58]\\d{9}|(?:34|90)0\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '340(?:2(?:0\\d|10|2[06-8]|4[49]|77)|3(?:32|44)|4(?:2[23]|44|7[34]|89)|5(?:1[34]|55)|6(?:2[56]|4[23]|77|9[023])|7(?:1[2-57-9]|2[57]|7\\d)|884|998)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3406421234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '340(?:2(?:0\\d|10|2[06-8]|4[49]|77)|3(?:32|44)|4(?:2[23]|44|7[34]|89)|5(?:1[34]|55)|6(?:2[56]|4[23]|77|9[023])|7(?:1[2-57-9]|2[57]|7\\d)|884|998)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3406421234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[58]\\d{9}|(?:34|90)0\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '340(?:2(?:0\\d|10|2[06-8]|4[49]|77)|3(?:32|44)|4(?:2[23]|44|7[34]|89)|5(?:1[34]|55)|6(?:2[56]|4[23]|77|9[023])|7(?:1[2-57-9]|2[57]|7\\d)|884|998)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3406421234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '340(?:2(?:0\\d|10|2[06-8]|4[49]|77)|3(?:32|44)|4(?:2[23]|44|7[34]|89)|5(?:1[34]|55)|6(?:2[56]|4[23]|77|9[023])|7(?:1[2-57-9]|2[57]|7\\d)|884|998)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3406421234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|33|44|55|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '52(?:3(?:[2-46-9][02-9]\\d|5(?:[02-46-9]\\d|5[0-46-9]))|4(?:[2-478][02-9]\\d|5(?:[034]\\d|2[024-9]|5[0-46-9])|6(?:0[1-9]|[2-9]\\d)|9(?:[05-9]\\d|2[0-5]|49)))\\d{4}|52[34][2-9]1[02-9]\\d{4}|5(?:00|2[125-9]|33|44|66|77|88)[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5002345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VI',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,12 +93,8 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '([2-9]\\d{6})$|1',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '340$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '340',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VN.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VN.php
index 1249dbcb..8a19bafd 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VN.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VN.php
@@ -1,340 +1,257 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d{9}|[135-9]\\d{8}|[16]\\d{7}|[16-8]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0[3-9]|1[0-689]|2[0-25-9]|[38][2-9]|4[2-8]|5[124-9]|6[0-39]|7[0-7]|9[0-4679])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2101234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5(?:2[238]|59)|89[6-9]|99[013-9])\\d{6}|(?:3\\d|5[1689]|7[06-9]|8[1-8]|9[0-8])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{4,6}|12(?:0[13]|28)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1900\\d{4,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '672\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '672012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[17]99|80\\d)\\d{4}|69\\d{5,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1992000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]99\\d{4}|69\\d{5,6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d{9}|[135-9]\\d{8}|[16]\\d{7}|[16-8]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0[3-9]|1[0-689]|2[0-25-9]|[38][2-9]|4[2-8]|5[124-9]|6[0-39]|7[0-7]|9[0-4679])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2101234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5(?:2[238]|59)|89[6-9]|99[013-9])\\d{6}|(?:3\\d|5[1689]|7[06-9]|8[1-8]|9[0-8])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{4,6}|12(?:0[13]|28)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1900\\d{4,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '672\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '672012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[17]99|80\\d)\\d{4}|69\\d{5,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1992000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]99\\d{4}|69\\d{5,6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VN',
     'countryCode' => 84,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[17]99',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '69',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[357-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[48]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[357-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[48]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[17]99',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '69',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[357-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[48]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[357-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[48]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VU.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VU.php
index 7a4e3e65..2fdd9e6a 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VU.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_VU.php
@@ -1,170 +1,111 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[57-9]\\d{6}|(?:[238]\\d|48)\\d{3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:38[0-8]|48[4-9])\\d\\d|(?:2[02-9]|3[4-7]|88)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d|7[013-7])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5912345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '81[18]\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0[1-9]|1[01])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9010123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[03]|900\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[57-9]\\d{6}|(?:[238]\\d|48)\\d{3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:38[0-8]|48[4-9])\\d\\d|(?:2[02-9]|3[4-7]|88)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[58]\\d|7[013-7])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5912345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '81[18]\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0[1-9]|1[01])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9010123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[03]|900\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VU',
     'countryCode' => 678,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[57-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[57-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_WF.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_WF.php
index 148dee58..543528ac 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_WF.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_WF.php
@@ -1,181 +1,121 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:40|72)\\d{4}|8\\d{5}(?:\\d{3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '72\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '721234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:72|8[23])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '821234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[48]0\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '401234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:40|72)\\d{4}|8\\d{5}(?:\\d{3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '72\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '721234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:72|8[23])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '821234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80[0-5]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[48]0\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '401234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'WF',
     'countryCode' => 681,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[478]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[478]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_WS.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_WS.php
index b842361b..23f376c5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_WS.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_WS.php
@@ -1,195 +1,133 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-6]|8\\d{5})\\d{4}|[78]\\d{6}|[68]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[1-9]\\d{3}|(?:[2-5]|60)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7[1-35-7]|8(?:[3-7]|9\\d{3}))\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7212345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[2-6]|8\\d{5})\\d{4}|[78]\\d{6}|[68]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6[1-9]\\d{3}|(?:[2-5]|60)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7[1-35-7]|8(?:[3-7]|9\\d{3}))\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7212345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'WS',
     'countryCode' => 685,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-5]|6[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[68]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-5]|6[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[68]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_XK.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_XK.php
index b8966162..995034ad 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_XK.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_XK.php
@@ -1,209 +1,144 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{7,8}|3\\d{7,11}|(?:4\\d\\d|[89]00)\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-              4 => 12,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '38\\d{6,10}|(?:2[89]|39)(?:0\\d{5,6}|[1-9]\\d{5})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '28012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4[3-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '43201234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d{7,8}|3\\d{7,11}|(?:4\\d\\d|[89]00)\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+            12,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '38\\d{6,10}|(?:2[89]|39)(?:0\\d{5,6}|[1-9]\\d{5})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '28012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4[3-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '43201234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'XK',
     'countryCode' => 383,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-4]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2|39',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7,10})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-4]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2|39',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7,10})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_YE.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_YE.php
index 5a8c3c14..fd210f5f 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_YE.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_YE.php
@@ -1,183 +1,125 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1|7\\d)\\d{7}|[1-7]\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '78[0-7]\\d{4}|17\\d{6}|(?:[12][2-68]|3[2358]|4[2-58]|5[2-6]|6[3-58]|7[24-6])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[01378]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '712345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1|7\\d)\\d{7}|[1-7]\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '78[0-7]\\d{4}|17\\d{6}|(?:[12][2-68]|3[2358]|4[2-58]|5[2-6]|6[3-58]|7[24-6])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[01378]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '712345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'YE',
     'countryCode' => 967,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-6]|7(?:[24-6]|8[0-7])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-6]|7(?:[24-6]|8[0-7])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_YT.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_YT.php
index 0a22b2b0..22faced5 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_YT.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_YT.php
@@ -1,154 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:80|9\\d)\\d{7}|(?:26|63)9\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '269(?:0[0-467]|15|5[0-4]|6\\d|[78]0)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '269601234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '639(?:0[0-79]|1[019]|[267]\\d|3[09]|40|5[05-9]|9[04-79])\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '639012345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:39|47)8[01]|769\\d)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '939801234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:80|9\\d)\\d{7}|(?:26|63)9\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '269(?:0[0-467]|15|5[0-4]|6\\d|[78]0)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '269601234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '639(?:0[0-79]|1[019]|[267]\\d|3[09]|40|5[05-9]|9[04-79])\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '639012345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:(?:39|47)8[01]|769\\d)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '939801234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'YT',
     'countryCode' => 262,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZA.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZA.php
index 33d61540..e8db483d 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZA.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZA.php
@@ -1,234 +1,168 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-79]\\d{8}|8\\d{4,9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:0330|4302)|52087)0\\d{3}|(?:1[0-8]|2[1-378]|3[1-69]|4\\d|5[1346-8])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:3492[0-25]|4495[0235]|549(?:20|5[01]))|4[34]492[01])\\d{3}|8[1-4]\\d{3,7}|(?:2[27]|47|54)4950\\d{3}|(?:1(?:049[2-4]|9[12]\\d\\d)|(?:6\\d\\d|7(?:[0-46-9]\\d|5[0-4]))\\d\\d|8(?:5\\d{3}|7(?:08[67]|158|28[5-9]|310)))\\d{4}|(?:1[6-8]|28|3[2-69]|4[025689]|5[36-8])4920\\d{3}|(?:12|[2-5]1)492\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '711234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:86[2-9]|9[0-2]\\d)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '862345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '860\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '860123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '87(?:08[0-589]|15[0-79]|28[0-4]|31[1-9])\\d{4}|87(?:[02][0-79]|1[0-46-9]|3[02-9]|[4-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '871234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '861\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '861123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-79]\\d{8}|8\\d{4,9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2(?:0330|4302)|52087)0\\d{3}|(?:1[0-8]|2[1-378]|3[1-69]|4\\d|5[1346-8])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:3492[0-25]|4495[0235]|549(?:20|5[01]))|4[34]492[01])\\d{3}|8[1-4]\\d{3,7}|(?:2[27]|47|54)4950\\d{3}|(?:1(?:049[2-4]|9[12]\\d\\d)|(?:6\\d\\d|7(?:[0-46-9]\\d|5[0-4]))\\d\\d|8(?:5\\d{3}|7(?:08[67]|158|28[5-9]|310)))\\d{4}|(?:1[6-8]|28|3[2-69]|4[025689]|5[36-8])4920\\d{3}|(?:12|[2-5]1)492\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '711234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:86[2-9]|9[0-2]\\d)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '862345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '860\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '860123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '87(?:08[0-589]|15[0-79]|28[0-4]|31[1-9])\\d{4}|87(?:[02][0-79]|1[0-46-9]|3[02-9]|[4-9]\\d)\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '871234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '861\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '861123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ZA',
     'countryCode' => 27,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8[1-4]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8[1-4]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '860',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8[1-4]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2,3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8[1-4]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '860',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZM.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZM.php
index 0a985958..db82af40 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZM.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZM.php
@@ -1,216 +1,149 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}|(?:21|63|[79]\\d)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '21[1-8]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7[5-79]|9[5-8])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '955123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '63\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '630123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}|(?:21|63|[79]\\d)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '21[1-8]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:7[5-79]|9[5-8])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '955123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '63\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '630123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ZM',
     'countryCode' => 260,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[28]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[28]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[28]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[28]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZW.php b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZW.php
index 15588933..91b5785c 100644
--- a/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZW.php
+++ b/src/data/PhoneNumberMetadata_ZW.php
@@ -1,289 +1,214 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[0-57-9]\\d{6,8}|6[0-24-9]\\d{6,7})|[38]\\d{9}|[35-8]\\d{8}|[3-6]\\d{7}|[1-689]\\d{6}|[1-3569]\\d{5}|[1356]\\d{4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-              3 => 8,
-              4 => 9,
-              5 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:(?:3\\d|9)\\d|[4-8])|2(?:(?:(?:0(?:2[014]|5)|(?:2[0157]|31|84|9)\\d\\d|[56](?:[14]\\d\\d|20)|7(?:[089]|2[03]|[35]\\d\\d))\\d|4(?:2\\d\\d|8))\\d|1(?:2|[39]\\d{4}))|3(?:(?:123|(?:29\\d|92)\\d)\\d\\d|7(?:[19]|[56]\\d))|5(?:0|1[2-478]|26|[37]2|4(?:2\\d{3}|83)|5(?:25\\d\\d|[78])|[689]\\d)|6(?:(?:[16-8]21|28|52[013])\\d\\d|[39])|8(?:[1349]28|523)\\d\\d)\\d{3}|(?:4\\d\\d|9[2-9])\\d{4,5}|(?:(?:2(?:(?:(?:0|8[146])\\d|7[1-7])\\d|2(?:[278]\\d|92)|58(?:2\\d|3))|3(?:[26]|9\\d{3})|5(?:4\\d|5)\\d\\d)\\d|6(?:(?:(?:[0-246]|[78]\\d)\\d|37)\\d|5[2-8]))\\d\\d|(?:2(?:[569]\\d|8[2-57-9])|3(?:[013-59]\\d|8[37])|6[89]8)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1312345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:[1278]\\d|3[1-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '712345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:[01]\\d|20|8[0-8])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '86(?:1[12]|22|30|44|55|77|8[368])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8686123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[0-57-9]\\d{6,8}|6[0-24-9]\\d{6,7})|[38]\\d{9}|[35-8]\\d{8}|[3-6]\\d{7}|[1-689]\\d{6}|[1-3569]\\d{5}|[1356]\\d{4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:(?:3\\d|9)\\d|[4-8])|2(?:(?:(?:0(?:2[014]|5)|(?:2[0157]|31|84|9)\\d\\d|[56](?:[14]\\d\\d|20)|7(?:[089]|2[03]|[35]\\d\\d))\\d|4(?:2\\d\\d|8))\\d|1(?:2|[39]\\d{4}))|3(?:(?:123|(?:29\\d|92)\\d)\\d\\d|7(?:[19]|[56]\\d))|5(?:0|1[2-478]|26|[37]2|4(?:2\\d{3}|83)|5(?:25\\d\\d|[78])|[689]\\d)|6(?:(?:[16-8]21|28|52[013])\\d\\d|[39])|8(?:[1349]28|523)\\d\\d)\\d{3}|(?:4\\d\\d|9[2-9])\\d{4,5}|(?:(?:2(?:(?:(?:0|8[146])\\d|7[1-7])\\d|2(?:[278]\\d|92)|58(?:2\\d|3))|3(?:[26]|9\\d{3})|5(?:4\\d|5)\\d\\d)\\d|6(?:(?:(?:[0-246]|[78]\\d)\\d|37)\\d|5[2-8]))\\d\\d|(?:2(?:[569]\\d|8[2-57-9])|3(?:[013-59]\\d|8[37])|6[89]8)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1312345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7(?:[1278]\\d|3[1-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '712345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:[01]\\d|20|8[0-8])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '86(?:1[12]|22|30|44|55|77|8[368])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8686123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ZW',
     'countryCode' => 263,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:0[45]|2[278]|[49]8)|3(?:[09]8|17)|6(?:[29]8|37|75)|[23][78]|(?:33|5[15]|6[68])[78]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[49]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '80',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '24|8[13-59]|(?:2[05-79]|39|5[45]|6[15-8])2',
-                   1 => '2(?:02[014]|4|[56]20|[79]2)|392|5(?:42|525)|6(?:[16-8]21|52[013])|8[13-59]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:1[39]|2[0157]|[378]|[56][14])|3(?:12|29)',
-                   1 => '2(?:1[39]|2[0157]|[378]|[56][14])|3(?:123|29)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1|2(?:0[0-36-9]|12|29|[56])|3(?:1[0-689]|[24-6])|5(?:[0236-9]|1[2-4])|6(?:[013-59]|7[0-46-9])|(?:33|55|6[68])[0-69]|(?:29|3[09]|62)[0-79]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '29[013-9]|39|54',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,5})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '(?:25|54)8',
-                   1 => '258|5483',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:0[45]|2[278]|[49]8)|3(?:[09]8|17)|6(?:[29]8|37|75)|[23][78]|(?:33|5[15]|6[68])[78]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{2,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[49]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '80',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '24|8[13-59]|(?:2[05-79]|39|5[45]|6[15-8])2',
+                '2(?:02[014]|4|[56]20|[79]2)|392|5(?:42|525)|6(?:[16-8]21|52[013])|8[13-59]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:1[39]|2[0157]|[378]|[56][14])|3(?:12|29)',
+                '2(?:1[39]|2[0157]|[378]|[56][14])|3(?:123|29)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1|2(?:0[0-36-9]|12|29|[56])|3(?:1[0-689]|[24-6])|5(?:[0236-9]|1[2-4])|6(?:[013-59]|7[0-46-9])|(?:33|55|6[68])[0-69]|(?:29|3[09]|62)[0-79]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '29[013-9]|39|54',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3,5})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '(?:25|54)8',
+                '258|5483',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AC.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AC.php
index 347c383f..da460f3e 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AC.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AC.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AC',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AD.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AD.php
index f39dcd99..7e2c9993 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AD.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AD.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0268]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0268]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0268]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0268]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0268]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0268]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AD',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AE.php
index da94730b..1df759c9 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AE.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[149]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[7-9]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[7-9]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|445[16]|99[7-9]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '445\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4450',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[149]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[7-9]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[7-9]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|445[16]|99[7-9]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '445\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4450',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AF.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AF.php
index 239b8be2..7ef18e7d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AF.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AF.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[02]|19)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[02]|19)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[02]|19)|40404',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[02]|19)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[02]|19)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[02]|19)|40404',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AF',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AG.php
index f45208b5..0034eda2 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AG.php
@@ -1,113 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176|9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176|9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AI.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AI.php
index 21152979..fa4cf533 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AI.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AI.php
@@ -1,113 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176|9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176|9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AI',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AL.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AL.php
index 92b8731e..2238e056 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AL.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AL.php
@@ -1,124 +1,82 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[15]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6[01]\\d\\d)|2[7-9]|3[15]|41)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '50000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|2[7-9])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:6(?:000|1(?:06|11|23))|8\\d\\d)|65\\d|89[12])|5\\d{4}|1(?:[1349]\\d|2[2-9])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '123',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '131|5\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '131',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[15]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6[01]\\d\\d)|2[7-9]|3[15]|41)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '50000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|2[7-9])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:6(?:000|1(?:06|11|23))|8\\d\\d)|65\\d|89[12])|5\\d{4}|1(?:[1349]\\d|2[2-9])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '123',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '131|5\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '131',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AL',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AM.php
index 81df91fb..8a3eb7d6 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AM.php
@@ -1,119 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[148]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1|8[1-7])\\d\\d|40404',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[148]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1|8[1-7])\\d\\d|40404',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AO.php
index 580b74bc..fab35231 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AO.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[235]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[235]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[235]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[235]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[235]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[235]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AR.php
index 1e4f3292..c8871996 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AR.php
@@ -1,122 +1,80 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01389]\\d{1,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-              3 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:0[0-35-7]|1[0245]|2[015]|3[47]|4[478]|9)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '19',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[017]|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:0[0-35-7]|1[02-5]|2[015]|3[47]|4[478]|9)|3372|89338|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '19',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '893\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '89300',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:337|893\\d)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3370',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01389]\\d{1,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:0[0-35-7]|1[0245]|2[015]|3[47]|4[478]|9)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '19',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[017]|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:0[0-35-7]|1[02-5]|2[015]|3[47]|4[478]|9)|3372|89338|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '19',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '893\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '89300',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:337|893\\d)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3370',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AS.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AS.php
index 39ce5c32..40ae8f52 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AS.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AS.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[49]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '40404|9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[49]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '40404|9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AS',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AT.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AT.php
index 54c8c560..0ac35672 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AT.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AT.php
@@ -1,115 +1,71 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1268]\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|2[0238]|3[03]|4[0-247])|1(?:16\\d\\d|4[58])\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[12]2|33|44)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:17|23)))|2[0238]|3[03]|4(?:[0-247]|5[05]|84))|(?:220|61|8108[1-3])0',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:220|810\\d\\d)\\d|610',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '610',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1268]\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|2[0238]|3[03]|4[0-247])|1(?:16\\d\\d|4[58])\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[12]2|33|44)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:17|23)))|2[0238]|3[03]|4(?:[0-247]|5[05]|84))|(?:220|61|8108[1-3])0',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:220|810\\d\\d)\\d|610',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '610',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AT',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AU.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AU.php
index cb19c342..fa791a9a 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AU.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AU.php
@@ -1,137 +1,95 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0-27]\\d{2,7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-              4 => 7,
-              5 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:06|12|258885|55\\d)|733',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:2(?:34|456)|9\\d{4,6})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:06|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:06|1(?:00|2|9[46])|2(?:014[1-3]|[23]\\d|(?:4|5\\d)\\d{2,3}|68[689]|72(?:20|3\\d\\d)|8(?:[013-9]\\d|2))|555|9\\d{4,6})|225|7(?:33|67)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[09]\\d|24733)|225|767',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '225',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:258885|55\\d)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1550',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19\\d{4,6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '190000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0-27]\\d{2,7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:06|12|258885|55\\d)|733',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:2(?:34|456)|9\\d{4,6})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:06|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:06|1(?:00|2|9[46])|2(?:014[1-3]|[23]\\d|(?:4|5\\d)\\d{2,3}|68[689]|72(?:20|3\\d\\d)|8(?:[013-9]\\d|2))|555|9\\d{4,6})|225|7(?:33|67)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[09]\\d|24733)|225|767',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '225',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:258885|55\\d)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1550',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19\\d{4,6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '190000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AU',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AW.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AW.php
index ae1cdf3d..a1b6f1c9 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AW.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AW.php
@@ -1,113 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '100|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '100|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|18|76)|91[13]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '100|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '100|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|18|76)|91[13]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AW',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AX.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AX.php
index 26f162aa..dbc715d8 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AX.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AX.php
@@ -1,114 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|75[12]\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|75[12]\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AX',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AZ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AZ.php
index 3e1aeccd..612e03c4 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AZ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_AZ.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[148]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)|(?:404|880)0',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:404|880)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:404|880)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[148]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)|(?:404|880)0',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:404|880)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:404|880)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AZ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BA.php
index 0c9fba86..79c29eaa 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BA.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:16\\d{3}|2[2-4])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '122',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '12[2-4]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '122',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:16(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23))|2(?:0[0-7]|[2-5]|6[0-26])|(?:[3-5]|7\\d)\\d\\d)|1(?:18|2[78])\\d\\d?',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '122',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:16\\d{3}|2[2-4])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '122',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '12[2-4]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '122',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:16(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23))|2(?:0[0-7]|[2-5]|6[0-26])|(?:[3-5]|7\\d)\\d\\d)|1(?:18|2[78])\\d\\d?',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '122',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BB.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BB.php
index 1267d1a9..e8621886 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BB.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BB.php
@@ -1,112 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-689]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '988|[2359]11',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2359]11',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '988|[2-689]11',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[468]11',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '411',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-689]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '988|[2359]11',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2359]11',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '988|[2-689]11',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[468]11',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '411',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BB',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BD.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BD.php
index abf6afb1..57f67164 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BD.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BD.php
@@ -1,120 +1,78 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1579]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-26]|[19]99',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-2]|[19]99',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[0-369]|5[1-4]|7[0-4]|8[0-29])|1[16-9]|2(?:[134]|2[0-5])|3(?:1\\d?|6[3-6])|5[2-9])|5012|786|9594|[19]99|1(?:0(?:50|6\\d)|33|4(?:0|1\\d))\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:11|2[13])|(?:501|959)\\d|786',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '959\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9590',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1579]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-26]|[19]99',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-2]|[19]99',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[0-369]|5[1-4]|7[0-4]|8[0-29])|1[16-9]|2(?:[134]|2[0-5])|3(?:1\\d?|6[3-6])|5[2-9])|5012|786|9594|[19]99|1(?:0(?:50|6\\d)|33|4(?:0|1\\d))\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:11|2[13])|(?:501|959)\\d|786',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '959\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9590',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BD',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BE.php
index 77e9be8e..e44e1298 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BE.php
@@ -1,118 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-35-8]|1[0269]|7(?:12|77)|813)|(?:116|8)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:2[03]|40)4|(?:1(?:[24]1|3[01])|[2-79]\\d\\d)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1204',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-8]|16117|2(?:12|3[0-24])|313|414|5(?:1[05]|5[15]|66|95)|6(?:1[167]|36|6[16])|7(?:[07][017]|1[27-9]|22|33|65)|81[39])|[2-9]\\d{3}|11[02679]|1(?:1600|45)0|1(?:[2-4]9|78)9|1[2-4]0[47]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-35-8]|1[0269]|7(?:12|77)|813)|(?:116|8)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:2[03]|40)4|(?:1(?:[24]1|3[01])|[2-79]\\d\\d)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1204',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-8]|16117|2(?:12|3[0-24])|313|414|5(?:1[05]|5[15]|66|95)|6(?:1[167]|36|6[16])|7(?:[07][017]|1[27-9]|22|33|65)|81[39])|[2-9]\\d{3}|11[02679]|1(?:1600|45)0|1(?:[2-4]9|78)9|1[2-4]0[47]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BF.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BF.php
index 057596cd..5548f688 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BF.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BF.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BF',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BG.php
index 3dac4108..fa41285a 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BG.php
@@ -1,113 +1,70 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6\\d{3})|50|6[06])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|50|6[06])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:000|111))|50|6[06])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6\\d{3})|50|6[06])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|50|6[06])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:000|111))|50|6[06])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BH.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BH.php
index c8157ae5..0dc8acfa 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BH.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BH.php
@@ -1,119 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0189]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0[167]|81)\\d{3}|[19]99',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[148]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '91000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]99',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[02]\\d|12|4[01]|51|8[18]|9[169])|99[02489]|(?:0[167]|8[158]|9[148])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[67]\\d{3}|88000|98555',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '06000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '88000|98555',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '88000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0189]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:0[167]|81)\\d{3}|[19]99',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[148]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '91000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]99',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[02]\\d|12|4[01]|51|8[18]|9[169])|99[02489]|(?:0[167]|8[158]|9[148])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[67]\\d{3}|88000|98555',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '06000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '88000|98555',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '88000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BH',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BI.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BI.php
index 89294c3e..5bb5f503 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BI.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BI.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[16-9]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[237]|611',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[237]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1\\d|5[2-9]|6[0-256])|611|7(?:10|77|979)|8[28]8|900',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '611|7(?:10|77)|888|900',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '611',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:71|90)0',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '710',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[16-9]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[237]|611',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[237]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1\\d|5[2-9]|6[0-256])|611|7(?:10|77|979)|8[28]8|900',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '611|7(?:10|77)|888|900',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '611',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:71|90)0',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '710',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BI',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BJ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BJ.php
index e55df69b..038c9784 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BJ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BJ.php
@@ -1,115 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[78]|7[3-5]\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|2[02-5]|60)|7[0-5]\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '12[02-5]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '120',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[78]|7[3-5]\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|2[02-5]|60)|7[0-5]\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '12[02-5]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '120',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BJ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BL.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BL.php
index 2daf1849..cf501d7f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BL.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BL.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BL',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BM.php
index 564206e2..33c79454 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BM.php
@@ -1,113 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176|9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176|9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BN.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BN.php
index fd07908e..f0594e2c 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BN.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BN.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[135]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '991',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[135]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '991',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[135]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '991',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[135]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '991',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[135]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '991',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[135]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '991',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BN',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BO.php
index 3e6347f0..96f5af70 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BO.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[089]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[089]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[089]|40404',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[089]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[089]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[089]|40404',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BQ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BQ.php
index 1702acfc..326042db 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BQ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BQ.php
@@ -1,113 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|76)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|76)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BQ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BR.php
index cc187486..20f258ca 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BR.php
@@ -1,125 +1,82 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-69]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|12|28|8[015]|9[0-47-9])|4(?:57|82\\d)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|28|9[023])|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[02]|3(?:1[2-579]|2[13-9]|3[124-9]|4[1-3578]|5[1-468]|6[139]|8[149]|9[168])|5[0-35-9]|6(?:0|1[0-35-8]?|2[0145]|3[0137]?|4[37-9]?|5[0-35]|6[016]?|7[137]?|8[5-8]|9[1359]))|1[25-8]|2[357-9]|3[024-68]|4[12568]|5\\d|6[0-8]|8[015]|9[0-47-9])|2(?:7(?:330|878)|85959?)|(?:32|91)1|4(?:0404?|57|828)|55555|6(?:0\\d{4}|10000)|(?:133|411)[12]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '102|273\\d\\d|321',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '102',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '151|(?:278|555)\\d\\d|4(?:04\\d\\d?|11\\d|57)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '151',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '285\\d{2,3}|321|40404|(?:27[38]\\d|482)\\d|6(?:0\\d|10)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '321',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-69]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|12|28|8[015]|9[0-47-9])|4(?:57|82\\d)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|28|9[023])|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[02]|3(?:1[2-579]|2[13-9]|3[124-9]|4[1-3578]|5[1-468]|6[139]|8[149]|9[168])|5[0-35-9]|6(?:0|1[0-35-8]?|2[0145]|3[0137]?|4[37-9]?|5[0-35]|6[016]?|7[137]?|8[5-8]|9[1359]))|1[25-8]|2[357-9]|3[024-68]|4[12568]|5\\d|6[0-8]|8[015]|9[0-47-9])|2(?:7(?:330|878)|85959?)|(?:32|91)1|4(?:0404?|57|828)|55555|6(?:0\\d{4}|10000)|(?:133|411)[12]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '102|273\\d\\d|321',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '102',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '151|(?:278|555)\\d\\d|4(?:04\\d\\d?|11\\d|57)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '151',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '285\\d{2,3}|321|40404|(?:27[38]\\d|482)\\d|6(?:0\\d|10)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '321',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BS.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BS.php
index 8f6c541b..398dbc7c 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BS.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BS.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:1[19]|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[19]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:1[19]|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:1[19]|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[19]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:1[19]|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BS',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BT.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BT.php
index 2b403f64..6bd6fbd7 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BT.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BT.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0-6]|40404',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0-6]|40404',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BT',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BW.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BW.php
index d88154c2..8166cc8a 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BW.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BW.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|9[7-9])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|9[7-9])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[26]|3123)|9(?:1[14]|9[1-57-9])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '131\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '13100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '131\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '13100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|9[7-9])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|9[7-9])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[26]|3123)|9(?:1[14]|9[1-57-9])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '131\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '13100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '131\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '13100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BW',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BY.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BY.php
index ba9e5fc1..9a407539 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BY.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BY.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-79]|1[246]|35|5[1-35]|6[89]|7[5-7]|8[58]|9[1-7])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-79]|1[246]|35|5[1-35]|6[89]|7[5-7]|8[58]|9[1-7])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BY',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BZ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BZ.php
index 22a566b3..6699d6e5 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BZ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_BZ.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0|11|22|66|77|9[09])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0|11|90)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0|11|22|66|77|9[09])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0|11|22|66|77|9[09])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0|11|90)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:0|11|22|66|77|9[09])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BZ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CA.php
index 9d375706..6eeef9c1 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CA.php
@@ -1,120 +1,78 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|988|[29]11',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-35-9]\\d{4,5}|112|[2-8]11|9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[235-7]11',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-35-9]\\d{4,5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|988|[29]11',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-35-9]\\d{4,5}|112|[2-8]11|9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[235-7]11',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-35-9]\\d{4,5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CC.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CC.php
index 1fa3c20d..b5855de3 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CC.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CC.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CC',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CD.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CD.php
index f5483f37..de533f5e 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CD.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CD.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[348]|77|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[348]|77|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[348]|23|77|88)|40404',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[348]|77|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[348]|77|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[348]|23|77|88)|40404',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CD',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CF.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CF.php
index fb665e81..977d948b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CF.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CF.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|22\\d)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|220)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[478]|220)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '114',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|22\\d)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|220)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[478]|220)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '114',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CF',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CG.php
index 8f444b66..7b4032eb 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CG.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[178]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[126-8]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[178]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[126-8]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CH.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CH.php
index fa2e8544..b6f40111 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CH.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CH.php
@@ -1,132 +1,90 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[278]|6\\d{3})|4[47])|5200',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:14|8[0-2589])\\d|543|83111',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '543',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[278]|44)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[78]\\d\\d|1(?:[278]|45|6(?:000|111))|4(?:[03-57]|1[0145])|6(?:00|[1-46])|8(?:02|1[189]|[25]0|7|8[08]|99))|[2-9]\\d{2,4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:4[035]|6[1-46])|1(?:41|60)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '140',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:200|35)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '535',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{2,4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '200',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[278]|6\\d{3})|4[47])|5200',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:14|8[0-2589])\\d|543|83111',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '543',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[278]|44)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[78]\\d\\d|1(?:[278]|45|6(?:000|111))|4(?:[03-57]|1[0145])|6(?:00|[1-46])|8(?:02|1[189]|[25]0|7|8[08]|99))|[2-9]\\d{2,4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:4[035]|6[1-46])|1(?:41|60)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '140',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:200|35)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '535',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{2,4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '200',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CH',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CI.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CI.php
index 3ee7e8a0..315bce41 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CI.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CI.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[01]|[78]0)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[01]|[78]0)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[01]|[78]0)|4443',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '444\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4440',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '444\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4440',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[01]|[78]0)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[01]|[78]0)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[01]|[78]0)|4443',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '444\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4440',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '444\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4440',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CI',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CK.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CK.php
index 2b4bc242..8cdfee60 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CK.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CK.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[689]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '996',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[689]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '996',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[689]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '996',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[689]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '996',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[689]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '996',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[689]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '996',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CK',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CL.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CL.php
index 0df5792c..21594be4 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CL.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CL.php
@@ -1,124 +1,82 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:213|3[1-3])|434\\d|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '131',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:211|3(?:13|[348]0|5[01]))|(?:1(?:[05]6|[48]1|9[18])|2(?:01\\d|[23]2|77|88)|3(?:0[59]|13|3[279]|66)|4(?:[12]4|36\\d|4[017]|55)|5(?:00|41\\d|5[67]|99)|6(?:07\\d|13|22|3[06]|50|69)|787|8(?:[01]1|[48]8)|9(?:01|[12]0|33))\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1060',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '13[1-3]|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '131',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|21[13]|3(?:13|[348]0|5[01])|4(?:0[02-6]|17|[379])|818|919)|2(?:0(?:01|122)|22[47]|323|777|882)|3(?:0(?:51|99)|132|3(?:29|[37]7)|665)|43656|5(?:(?:00|415)4|5(?:66|77)|995)|6(?:131|222|366|699)|7878|8(?:011|11[28]|482|889)|9(?:01|1)1|13\\d|4(?:[13]42|243|4(?:02|15|77)|554)|(?:1(?:[05]6|98)|339|6(?:07|[35])0|9(?:[12]0|33))0',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:200|333)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '13(?:13|[348]0|5[01])|(?:1(?:[05]6|[28]1|4[01]|9[18])|2(?:0(?:0|1\\d)|[23]2|77|88)|3(?:0[59]|13|3[2379]|66)|436\\d|5(?:00|41\\d|5[67]|99)|6(?:07\\d|13|22|3[06]|50|69)|787|8(?:[01]1|[48]8)|9(?:01|[12]0|33))\\d|4(?:[1-3]4|4[017]|55)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1060',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:213|3[1-3])|434\\d|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '131',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:211|3(?:13|[348]0|5[01]))|(?:1(?:[05]6|[48]1|9[18])|2(?:01\\d|[23]2|77|88)|3(?:0[59]|13|3[279]|66)|4(?:[12]4|36\\d|4[017]|55)|5(?:00|41\\d|5[67]|99)|6(?:07\\d|13|22|3[06]|50|69)|787|8(?:[01]1|[48]8)|9(?:01|[12]0|33))\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1060',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '13[1-3]|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '131',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|21[13]|3(?:13|[348]0|5[01])|4(?:0[02-6]|17|[379])|818|919)|2(?:0(?:01|122)|22[47]|323|777|882)|3(?:0(?:51|99)|132|3(?:29|[37]7)|665)|43656|5(?:(?:00|415)4|5(?:66|77)|995)|6(?:131|222|366|699)|7878|8(?:011|11[28]|482|889)|9(?:01|1)1|13\\d|4(?:[13]42|243|4(?:02|15|77)|554)|(?:1(?:[05]6|98)|339|6(?:07|[35])0|9(?:[12]0|33))0',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:200|333)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '13(?:13|[348]0|5[01])|(?:1(?:[05]6|[28]1|4[01]|9[18])|2(?:0(?:0|1\\d)|[23]2|77|88)|3(?:0[59]|13|3[2379]|66)|436\\d|5(?:00|41\\d|5[67]|99)|6(?:07\\d|13|22|3[06]|50|69)|787|8(?:[01]1|[48]8)|9(?:01|[12]0|33))\\d|4(?:[1-3]4|4[017]|55)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1060',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CL',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CM.php
index 4992639d..53f4a2ac 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CM.php
@@ -1,121 +1,79 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[18]\\d{1,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[37]|[37])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '13',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[37]|[37])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '13',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[37]|[37])|8711',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '13',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '871\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8710',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '871\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8710',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[18]\\d{1,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[37]|[37])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '13',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[37]|[37])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '13',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[37]|[37])|8711',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '13',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '871\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8710',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '871\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8710',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CN.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CN.php
index 096fade0..76c5ece3 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CN.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CN.php
@@ -1,120 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[09]|2(?:[02]|1\\d\\d|395))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[09]|20)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|1[0249]|2395|6[08])|9[56]\\d{3,4}|12[023]|1(?:0(?:[0-26]\\d|8)|21\\d)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[0-26]\\d|8)\\d|1[24]|23|6[08])|9[56]\\d{3,4}|100',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '12110',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[09]|2(?:[02]|1\\d\\d|395))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[09]|20)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|1[0249]|2395|6[08])|9[56]\\d{3,4}|12[023]|1(?:0(?:[0-26]\\d|8)|21\\d)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[0-26]\\d|8)\\d|1[24]|23|6[08])|9[56]\\d{3,4}|100',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '12110',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CN',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CO.php
index 93900bfe..a139fb59 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CO.php
@@ -1,119 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-589]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[29]|23|32|56)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[29]|23|32|56)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:06|1[2-9]|2[35-7]|3[27]|4[467]|5[36]|6[4-7]|95)|(?:29002|39003)9|40404|5930\\d\\d|85432|(?:[2359][57]|8(?:7|9\\d))\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '106',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:40|85)4\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:40|85)4\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-589]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[29]|23|32|56)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[29]|23|32|56)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:06|1[2-9]|2[35-7]|3[27]|4[467]|5[36]|6[4-7]|95)|(?:29002|39003)9|40404|5930\\d\\d|85432|(?:[2359][57]|8(?:7|9\\d))\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '106',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:40|85)4\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:40|85)4\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CR.php
index 1e8b4f24..3501a47d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CR.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1359]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:00|15|2[2-4679])|1(?:1[0-35-9]|2|37|[46]6|7[57]|8[79]|9[0-379])|2(?:00|[12]2|34|55)|3(?:21|33)|4(?:0[06]|1[4-6])|5(?:15|5[15])|693|7(?:00|1[7-9]|2[02]|[67]7)|975)|3855|5(?:0(?:30|49)|510)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:385|5(?:0[34]|51))\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3850',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1359]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:00|15|2[2-4679])|1(?:1[0-35-9]|2|37|[46]6|7[57]|8[79]|9[0-379])|2(?:00|[12]2|34|55)|3(?:21|33)|4(?:0[06]|1[4-6])|5(?:15|5[15])|693|7(?:00|1[7-9]|2[02]|[67]7)|975)|3855|5(?:0(?:30|49)|510)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:385|5(?:0[34]|51))\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3850',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CU.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CU.php
index 09197646..0defb4b3 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CU.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CU.php
@@ -1,114 +1,71 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d\\d(?:\\d{3,4})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[4-7]|(?:116|204\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '104',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[4-6]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '104',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[4-7]|1(?:6111|8)|40)|2045252',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '104',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d\\d(?:\\d{3,4})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[4-7]|(?:116|204\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '104',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[4-6]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '104',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[4-7]|1(?:6111|8)|40)|2045252',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '104',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CU',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CV.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CV.php
index 25acf523..926e72de 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CV.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CV.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '13[0-2]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '130',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '13[0-2]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '130',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '13[0-2]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '130',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '13[0-2]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '130',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '13[0-2]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '130',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '13[0-2]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '130',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CV',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CW.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CW.php
index a99a6178..c79b3cc8 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CW.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CW.php
@@ -1,113 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|76)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|76)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CW',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CX.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CX.php
index f7de9ee3..35f244ae 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CX.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CX.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CX',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CY.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CY.php
index c08646fb..58483e82 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CY.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CY.php
@@ -1,113 +1,70 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6\\d{3})|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:000|111))|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6\\d{3})|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:000|111))|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CY',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CZ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CZ.php
index aa2e8c59..e73c108b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CZ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_CZ.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:11|23)))|5\\d)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|5\\d)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|8\\d)|(?:2|3\\d)\\d{2,3}|5\\d|99)|1(?:16|4)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:11|23)))|5\\d)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|5\\d)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|8\\d)|(?:2|3\\d)\\d{2,3}|5\\d|99)|1(?:16|4)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CZ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DE.php
index 0dfe9806..109a1d48 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DE.php
@@ -1,119 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[02]|6\\d{3})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[025]|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[167]|23))|800\\d)|3311|118\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '331\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3310',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[02]|6\\d{3})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[025]|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[167]|23))|800\\d)|3311|118\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '331\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3310',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DJ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DJ.php
index 87b501c9..7138a254 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DJ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DJ.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DJ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DK.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DK.php
index 2ae21bd2..e7f73f46 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DK.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DK.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[24]|6\\d{3})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[24]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[2-48]|6(?:00[06]|111))|619[0-2]|8(?:01|1[0238]|28|30|5[13]|8[18]))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[24]|6\\d{3})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[24]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[2-48]|6(?:00[06]|111))|619[0-2]|8(?:01|1[0238]|28|30|5[13]|8[18]))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DK',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DM.php
index 99969f9b..5d87684d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DM.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[39]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '333',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '333',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '333',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[39]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '333',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '333',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '333',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DO.php
index ba2ebeb8..f6b65d4a 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DO.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DZ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DZ.php
index 68083bf5..8f6f79e6 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DZ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_DZ.php
@@ -1,119 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]\\d{1,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[47]|54\\d)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '14',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[47])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '14',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:055|12|[47]|548)|730',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '14',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '730',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '730',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '730',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '730',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]\\d{1,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[47]|54\\d)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '14',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[47])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '14',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:055|12|[47]|548)|730',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '14',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '730',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '730',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '730',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '730',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DZ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EC.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EC.php
index 3c81626d..bdd9b7dc 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EC.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EC.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[12]|12)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[12]|12)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[12]|12)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[12]|12)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[12]|12)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[12]|12)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'EC',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EE.php
index 0224d0e1..2565d43f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EE.php
@@ -1,123 +1,80 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[02]|6\\d{3})|2(?:05|28)|3(?:014|3(?:21|5\\d?)|660)|492|5(?:1[03]|410|501)|6(?:112|333|644)|7(?:012|127|89)|8(?:10|8[57])|9(?:0[134]|14))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:18(?:00|[12458]\\d?)|2(?:0(?:[02-46-8]\\d?|1[0-36])|1(?:[0-4]\\d?|6[06])|2(?:[0-4]\\d?|5[25])|[367]|4(?:0[04]|[12]\\d?|4[24]|54)|55[12457])|3(?:0(?:[02]\\d?|1[13578]|3[356])|1[1347]|2[02-5]|3(?:[01347]\\d?|2[023]|88)|4(?:[35]\\d?|4[34])|5(?:3[134]|5[035])|666)|4(?:2(?:00|4\\d?)|4(?:0[01358]|1[024]|50|7\\d?)|900)|5(?:0[0-35]|1(?:[1267]\\d?|5[0-7]|82)|2(?:[014-6]\\d?|22)|330|4(?:[35]\\d?|44)|5(?:00|[1-69]\\d?)|9(?:[159]\\d?|[38]0|77))|6(?:1(?:00|1[19]|[35-9]\\d?)|2(?:2[26]|[68]\\d?)|3(?:22|36|6[36])|5|6(?:[0-359]\\d?|6[0-26])|7(?:00|55|7\\d?|8[89])|9(?:00|1\\d?|69))|7(?:0(?:[023]\\d?|1[0578])|1(?:00|2[034]|[4-9]\\d?)|2(?:[07]\\d?|20|44)|7(?:[0-57]\\d?|9[79])|8(?:0[08]|2\\d?|8[0178])|9(?:00|97))|8(?:1[127]|8[1268]|9[269])|9(?:0(?:[02]\\d?|69|9[0269])|1[1-3689]|21))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[02-579]|6(?:000|111)|8(?:[09]\\d|[1-8]))|2[36-9]|3[7-9]|4[05-7]|5[6-8]|6[05]|7[3-6]|8[02-7]|9[3-9])|1(?:2[0-245]|3[0-6]|4[1-489]|5[0-59]|6[1-46-9]|7[0-27-9]|8[189]|9[0-2])\\d\\d?',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:18[1258]|2(?:0(?:1[036]|[46]\\d?)|166|21|4(?:0[04]|1\\d?|5[47])|[67])|3(?:0(?:1[13-578]|2\\d?|3[56])|1[15]|2[045]|3(?:[13]\\d?|2[13])|43|5(?:00|3[34]|53))|44(?:0[0135]|14|50|7\\d?)|5(?:05|1(?:[12]\\d?|5[1246]|8[12])|2(?:[01]\\d?|22)|3(?:00|3[03])|4(?:15|5\\d?)|500|9(?:5\\d?|77|80))|6(?:1[35-8]|226|3(?:22|3[36]|66)|644|7(?:00|7\\d?|89)|9(?:00|69))|7(?:01[258]|1(?:00|[15]\\d?)|2(?:44|7\\d?)|8(?:00|87|9\\d?))|8(?:1[128]|8[56]|9(?:[26]\\d?|77))|90(?:2\\d?|69|92))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '126',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[02]|6\\d{3})|2(?:05|28)|3(?:014|3(?:21|5\\d?)|660)|492|5(?:1[03]|410|501)|6(?:112|333|644)|7(?:012|127|89)|8(?:10|8[57])|9(?:0[134]|14))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:18(?:00|[12458]\\d?)|2(?:0(?:[02-46-8]\\d?|1[0-36])|1(?:[0-4]\\d?|6[06])|2(?:[0-4]\\d?|5[25])|[367]|4(?:0[04]|[12]\\d?|4[24]|54)|55[12457])|3(?:0(?:[02]\\d?|1[13578]|3[356])|1[1347]|2[02-5]|3(?:[01347]\\d?|2[023]|88)|4(?:[35]\\d?|4[34])|5(?:3[134]|5[035])|666)|4(?:2(?:00|4\\d?)|4(?:0[01358]|1[024]|50|7\\d?)|900)|5(?:0[0-35]|1(?:[1267]\\d?|5[0-7]|82)|2(?:[014-6]\\d?|22)|330|4(?:[35]\\d?|44)|5(?:00|[1-69]\\d?)|9(?:[159]\\d?|[38]0|77))|6(?:1(?:00|1[19]|[35-9]\\d?)|2(?:2[26]|[68]\\d?)|3(?:22|36|6[36])|5|6(?:[0-359]\\d?|6[0-26])|7(?:00|55|7\\d?|8[89])|9(?:00|1\\d?|69))|7(?:0(?:[023]\\d?|1[0578])|1(?:00|2[034]|[4-9]\\d?)|2(?:[07]\\d?|20|44)|7(?:[0-57]\\d?|9[79])|8(?:0[08]|2\\d?|8[0178])|9(?:00|97))|8(?:1[127]|8[1268]|9[269])|9(?:0(?:[02]\\d?|69|9[0269])|1[1-3689]|21))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[02-579]|6(?:000|111)|8(?:[09]\\d|[1-8]))|2[36-9]|3[7-9]|4[05-7]|5[6-8]|6[05]|7[3-6]|8[02-7]|9[3-9])|1(?:2[0-245]|3[0-6]|4[1-489]|5[0-59]|6[1-46-9]|7[0-27-9]|8[189]|9[0-2])\\d\\d?',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:18[1258]|2(?:0(?:1[036]|[46]\\d?)|166|21|4(?:0[04]|1\\d?|5[47])|[67])|3(?:0(?:1[13-578]|2\\d?|3[56])|1[15]|2[045]|3(?:[13]\\d?|2[13])|43|5(?:00|3[34]|53))|44(?:0[0135]|14|50|7\\d?)|5(?:05|1(?:[12]\\d?|5[1246]|8[12])|2(?:[01]\\d?|22)|3(?:00|3[03])|4(?:15|5\\d?)|500|9(?:5\\d?|77|80))|6(?:1[35-8]|226|3(?:22|3[36]|66)|644|7(?:00|7\\d?|89)|9(?:00|69))|7(?:01[258]|1(?:00|[15]\\d?)|2(?:44|7\\d?)|8(?:00|87|9\\d?))|8(?:1[128]|8[56]|9(?:[26]\\d?|77))|90(?:2\\d?|69|92))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '126',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'EE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EG.php
index 5f1b7ece..fbdc5df0 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EG.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:2[23]|80)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '122',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:2[23]|80)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '122',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:2[23]|[679]\\d{3}|80)|34400',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '122',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '344\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '34400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '344\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '34400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:2[23]|80)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '122',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:2[23]|80)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '122',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:2[23]|[679]\\d{3}|80)|34400',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '122',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '344\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '34400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '344\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '34400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'EG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EH.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EH.php
index 027966b3..efcbebff 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EH.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_EH.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'EH',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ER.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ER.php
index 03c919b1..0b3b2026 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ER.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ER.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2-46]|(?:12[47]|20[12])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[2-46]|24422)|20(?:1(?:606|917)|2914)|(?:1277|2020)99',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[2-6]|24422)|20(?:1(?:606|917)|2914)|(?:1277|2020)99',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2-46]|(?:12[47]|20[12])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[2-46]|24422)|20(?:1(?:606|917)|2914)|(?:1277|2020)99',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[2-6]|24422)|20(?:1(?:606|917)|2914)|(?:1277|2020)99',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ER',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ES.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ES.php
index cde70878..30a560da 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ES.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ES.php
@@ -1,126 +1,82 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0-379]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:16|6[57]|8[58])|1(?:006|12|[3-7]\\d\\d)|(?:116|20\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '016',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]2\\d{1,4}|90(?:5\\d|7)|(?:118|2(?:[357]\\d|80)|3[357]\\d)\\d\\d|[79]9[57]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '120',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '08[58]|112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '085',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:1[0-26]|6[0-257]|8[058]|9[12])|1(?:0[03-57]\\d{1,3}|1(?:2|6(?:000|111)|8\\d\\d)|2\\d{1,4}|[3-9]\\d\\d)|2(?:2\\d{1,4}|80\\d\\d)|90(?:5[124578]|7)|1(?:3[34]|77)|(?:2[01]\\d|[79]9[57])\\d{3}|[23][357]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '010',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:[16][0-2]|80|9[12])|21\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '010',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3[34]|77)|[12]2\\d{1,4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '120',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[0-2]\\d|3[357]|[79]9[57])\\d{3}|2(?:[2357]\\d|80)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0-379]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:16|6[57]|8[58])|1(?:006|12|[3-7]\\d\\d)|(?:116|20\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '016',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]2\\d{1,4}|90(?:5\\d|7)|(?:118|2(?:[357]\\d|80)|3[357]\\d)\\d\\d|[79]9[57]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '120',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '08[58]|112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '085',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:1[0-26]|6[0-257]|8[058]|9[12])|1(?:0[03-57]\\d{1,3}|1(?:2|6(?:000|111)|8\\d\\d)|2\\d{1,4}|[3-9]\\d\\d)|2(?:2\\d{1,4}|80\\d\\d)|90(?:5[124578]|7)|1(?:3[34]|77)|(?:2[01]\\d|[79]9[57])\\d{3}|[23][357]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '010',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:[16][0-2]|80|9[12])|21\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '010',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3[34]|77)|[12]2\\d{1,4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '120',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2[0-2]\\d|3[357]|[79]9[57])\\d{3}|2(?:[2357]\\d|80)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ES',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ET.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ET.php
index 778030b1..bad45e1d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ET.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ET.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:07|11?|2|39?|9[17])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '91',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11?|2|39?|9[17])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '91',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:07|11?|2|39?|45|9[17])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '91',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:07|11?|2|39?|9[17])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '91',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11?|2|39?|9[17])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '91',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:07|11?|2|39?|45|9[17])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '91',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ET',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FI.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FI.php
index fd5c7a29..835fea37 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FI.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FI.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23)))|(?:1[235-8]\\d|75[12])\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[235-8]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[17]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23)))|(?:1[235-8]\\d|75[12])\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[235-8]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FI',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FJ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FJ.php
index 27fd14ce..50b4f176 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FJ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FJ.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0-579]\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[17]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[17]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:1[34]|8[1-4])|1(?:0[1-3]|[25]9)|2[289]|30|40404|91[137]|[45]4|75',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0-579]\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[17]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[17]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:1[34]|8[1-4])|1(?:0[1-3]|[25]9)|2[289]|30|40404|91[137]|[45]4|75',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FJ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FK.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FK.php
index 3413069b..da65400f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FK.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FK.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FK',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FM.php
index 8fd64459..d6cfd41d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FM.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[39]\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '320\\d{3}|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:32022|91)1',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:32022|91)1',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[39]\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '320\\d{3}|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:32022|91)1',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:32022|91)1',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FO.php
index 6340ba51..a8a12186 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FO.php
@@ -1,113 +1,70 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[24]|81\\d)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[24]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[248]|819)|1(?:4[124]|71|8[7-9])\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[24]|81\\d)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[24]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[248]|819)|1(?:4[124]|71|8[7-9])\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FR.php
index 66c45bc7..c621c04a 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_FR.php
@@ -1,132 +1,89 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-8]\\d{1,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-              3 => 5,
-              4 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[02459]|[578]|9[167])|224|(?:3370|74)0|(?:116\\d|3[01])\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:0|18\\d)|366|[4-8]\\d\\d)\\d\\d|3[2-9]\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0\\d\\d|1(?:[02459]|6(?:000|111)|8\\d{3})|[578]|9[167])|2(?:0(?:00|2)0|24)|[3-8]\\d{4}|3\\d{3}|6(?:1[14]|34)|7(?:0[06]|22|40)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '202\\d|6(?:1[14]|34)|70[06]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '611',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '118777|224|6(?:1[14]|34)|7(?:0[06]|22|40)|20(?:0\\d|2)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '224',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '114|[3-8]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '114',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-8]\\d{1,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[02459]|[578]|9[167])|224|(?:3370|74)0|(?:116\\d|3[01])\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:0|18\\d)|366|[4-8]\\d\\d)\\d\\d|3[2-9]\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0\\d\\d|1(?:[02459]|6(?:000|111)|8\\d{3})|[578]|9[167])|2(?:0(?:00|2)0|24)|[3-8]\\d{4}|3\\d{3}|6(?:1[14]|34)|7(?:0[06]|22|40)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '202\\d|6(?:1[14]|34)|70[06]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '611',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '118777|224|6(?:1[14]|34)|7(?:0[06]|22|40)|20(?:0\\d|2)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '224',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '114|[3-8]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '114',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GA.php
index 297381b4..e2b34c50 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GA.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '18|1(?:3\\d|73)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3\\d\\d|730|8)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3\\d\\d|730|8)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '18',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '18|1(?:3\\d|73)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3\\d\\d|730|8)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3\\d\\d|730|8)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '18',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GB.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GB.php
index 8384d842..83853d14 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GB.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GB.php
@@ -1,122 +1,79 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-46-9]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05|1(?:[29]|6\\d{3})|7[56]\\d|8000)|2(?:20\\d|48)|4444|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '105',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[015]|1(?:[129]|6(?:000|1(?:11|23))|8\\d{3})|2(?:[1-3]|50)|33|4(?:1|7\\d)|571|7(?:0\\d|[56]0)|800\\d|9[15])|2(?:0202|1300|2(?:02|11)|3(?:02|336|45)|4(?:25|8))|3[13]3|4(?:0[02]|35[01]|44[45]|5\\d)|(?:[68]\\d|7[089])\\d{3}|15\\d|2[02]2|650|789|9(?:01|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:(?:25|7[56])\\d|571)|2(?:02(?:\\d{2})?|[13]3\\d\\d|48)|4444|901',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '202',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:125|2(?:020|13\\d)|(?:7[089]|8[01])\\d\\d)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1250',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-46-9]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05|1(?:[29]|6\\d{3})|7[56]\\d|8000)|2(?:20\\d|48)|4444|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '105',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[015]|1(?:[129]|6(?:000|1(?:11|23))|8\\d{3})|2(?:[1-3]|50)|33|4(?:1|7\\d)|571|7(?:0\\d|[56]0)|800\\d|9[15])|2(?:0202|1300|2(?:02|11)|3(?:02|336|45)|4(?:25|8))|3[13]3|4(?:0[02]|35[01]|44[45]|5\\d)|(?:[68]\\d|7[089])\\d{3}|15\\d|2[02]2|650|789|9(?:01|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:(?:25|7[56])\\d|571)|2(?:02(?:\\d{2})?|[13]3\\d\\d|48)|4444|901',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '202',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:125|2(?:020|13\\d)|(?:7[089]|8[01])\\d\\d)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1250',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GB',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GD.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GD.php
index cc912f8b..c3384b93 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GD.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GD.php
@@ -1,113 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176|9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176|9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GD',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GE.php
index 70765411..4cfc270c 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GE.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[014]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11|33)|11[1-3]|[01]22',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '011',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11|33)|11[1-3]|[01]22',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '011',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11|33)|11[1-3]|40404|[01]22',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '011',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[014]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11|33)|11[1-3]|[01]22',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '011',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11|33)|11[1-3]|[01]22',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '011',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11|33)|11[1-3]|40404|[01]22',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '011',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GF.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GF.php
index cd47dd95..3a2b65c7 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GF.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GF.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GF',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GG.php
index 0ba521bd..4b883301 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GG.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01]|1[12]|23|41|55|9[05])|999|1(?:1[68]\\d\\d|47|800)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01]|1[12]|23|41|55|9[05])|999|1(?:1[68]\\d\\d|47|800)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GH.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GH.php
index 2570b128..0ba16c39 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GH.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GH.php
@@ -1,121 +1,79 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14589]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1-3]|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '191',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1-3]|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '191',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1-3]|40404|(?:54|83)00|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '191',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d|(?:54|83)0\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d|(?:54|83)0\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14589]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1-3]|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '191',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1-3]|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '191',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1-3]|40404|(?:54|83)00|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '191',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d|(?:54|83)0\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d|(?:54|83)0\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GH',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GI.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GI.php
index 6888b672..909d55a6 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GI.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GI.php
@@ -1,126 +1,84 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[158]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|1[25]|23|4(?:1|7\\d)|5[15]|9[02-49])|555|(?:116\\d|80)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[1-69]\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[09])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|1(?:[25]|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23))|8\\d\\d)|23|4(?:1|7[014])|5[015]|9[02-49])|555|8[0-79]\\d\\d|8(?:00|4[0-2]|8[0-589])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '150|87\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '150',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|1(?:5|8\\d\\d)|23|51|9[2-4])|555|8(?:00|4[0-2]|8[0-589])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[158]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|1[25]|23|4(?:1|7\\d)|5[15]|9[02-49])|555|(?:116\\d|80)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8[1-69]\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[09])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|1(?:[25]|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23))|8\\d\\d)|23|4(?:1|7[014])|5[015]|9[02-49])|555|8[0-79]\\d\\d|8(?:00|4[0-2]|8[0-589])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '150|87\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '150',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|1(?:5|8\\d\\d)|23|51|9[2-4])|555|8(?:00|4[0-2]|8[0-589])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GI',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GL.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GL.php
index 0265f033..02edbdac 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GL.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GL.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[1-8]\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[1-8]\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GL',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GM.php
index 159308dc..3da7aa79 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GM.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[6-8]|[6-8])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '16',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[6-8]|[6-8])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '16',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[6-8]|[6-8])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '16',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[6-8]|[6-8])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '16',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[6-8]|[6-8])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '16',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[6-8]|[6-8])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '16',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GN.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GN.php
index 622e46bb..f7569246 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GN.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GN.php
@@ -1,114 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '12\\d|40404',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '120',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '12\\d|40404',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '120',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GN',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GP.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GP.php
index 2fcda684..29468a79 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GP.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GP.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GP',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GR.php
index 47625668..d1f494da 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GR.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[089]|1(?:2|6\\d{3})|66|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|12|66|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[089]|1(?:2|320|6(?:000|1(?:1[17]|23)))|(?:389|9)9|66)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '113\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '11300',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[089]|1(?:2|6\\d{3})|66|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|12|66|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[089]|1(?:2|320|6(?:000|1(?:1[17]|23)))|(?:389|9)9|66)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '113\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '11300',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GT.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GT.php
index 5e75feba..705e0703 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GT.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GT.php
@@ -1,119 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:10|2[03])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:10|2[03])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '110|40404|1(?:2|[57]\\d)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:10|2[03])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:10|2[03])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '110|40404|1(?:2|[57]\\d)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GT',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GU.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GU.php
index 569d4a31..19232b3f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GU.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GU.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GU',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GW.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GW.php
index 33cc11bd..adc35878 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GW.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GW.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[378]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[378]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[378]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[378]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[378]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[378]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GW',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GY.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GY.php
index 91f9ef62..8567d103 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GY.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_GY.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[019]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:02|(?:17|80)1|444|7(?:[67]7|9)|9(?:0[78]|[2-47]))|1(?:443|5[568])|91[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '002',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '144\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1440',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '144\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1440',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[019]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:02|(?:17|80)1|444|7(?:[67]7|9)|9(?:0[78]|[2-47]))|1(?:443|5[568])|91[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '002',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '144\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1440',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '144\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1440',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GY',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HK.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HK.php
index d8ec4bc1..0662ea9a 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HK.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HK.php
@@ -1,123 +1,81 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-              4 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[29]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[29]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:(?:[0136]\\d|2[14])\\d{0,3}|8[138])|12|2(?:[0-3]\\d{0,4}|(?:58|8[13])\\d{0,3})|7(?:[135-9]\\d{0,4}|219\\d{0,2})|8(?:0(?:(?:[13]|60\\d)\\d|8)|1(?:0\\d|[2-8])|2(?:0[5-9]|(?:18|2)2|3|8[128])|(?:(?:3[0-689]\\d|7(?:2[1-389]|8[0235-9]|93))\\d|8)\\d|50[138]|6(?:1(?:11|86)|8)))|99[29]|10[0139]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '109|1(?:08|85\\d)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '109',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '992',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '992',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[29]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[29]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:(?:[0136]\\d|2[14])\\d{0,3}|8[138])|12|2(?:[0-3]\\d{0,4}|(?:58|8[13])\\d{0,3})|7(?:[135-9]\\d{0,4}|219\\d{0,2})|8(?:0(?:(?:[13]|60\\d)\\d|8)|1(?:0\\d|[2-8])|2(?:0[5-9]|(?:18|2)2|3|8[128])|(?:(?:3[0-689]\\d|7(?:2[1-389]|8[0235-9]|93))\\d|8)\\d|50[138]|6(?:1(?:11|86)|8)))|99[29]|10[0139]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '109|1(?:08|85\\d)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '109',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '992',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '992',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'HK',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HN.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HN.php
index 05f54f8e..8e9b3079 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HN.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HN.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199|40404',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199|40404',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'HN',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HR.php
index 38ed6e8f..92ec3c9b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HR.php
@@ -1,127 +1,85 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{1,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-              3 => 5,
-              4 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])|9[34]|1(?:16\\d|39)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '93',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '118\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '11800',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])|9[34]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '93',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23))|8\\d\\d)|3977|9(?:[2-5]|87))|9[34]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '93',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '139\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '13900',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '139\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '13900',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{1,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])|9[34]|1(?:16\\d|39)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '93',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '118\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '11800',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])|9[34]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '93',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23))|8\\d\\d)|3977|9(?:[2-5]|87))|9[34]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '93',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '139\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '13900',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '139\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '13900',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'HR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HT.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HT.php
index 62276daf..686c6218 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HT.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HT.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[48]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '114',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[48]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '114',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[48]|40404',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '114',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[48]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '114',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[48]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '114',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[48]|40404',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '114',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'HT',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HU.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HU.php
index f90a7a0d..685fd2b3 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HU.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_HU.php
@@ -1,120 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[457]|12|4[0-4]\\d)|1(?:16\\d|37|45)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '104',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[457]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '104',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[457]|1(?:2|6(?:000|1(?:11|23))|800)|2(?:0[0-4]|1[013489]|2[0-5]|3[0-46]|4[0-24-68]|5[0-2568]|6[06]|7[0-25-7]|8[028]|9[08])|37(?:00|37|7[07])|4(?:0[0-5]|1[013-8]|2[034]|3[23]|4[02-9]|5(?:00|41|67))|777|8(?:1[27-9]|2[04]|40|[589]))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '104',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:4[0-4]|77)\\d|1(?:18|2|45)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1200',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '184\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1840',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[457]|12|4[0-4]\\d)|1(?:16\\d|37|45)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '104',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[457]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '104',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[457]|1(?:2|6(?:000|1(?:11|23))|800)|2(?:0[0-4]|1[013489]|2[0-5]|3[0-46]|4[0-24-68]|5[0-2568]|6[06]|7[0-25-7]|8[028]|9[08])|37(?:00|37|7[07])|4(?:0[0-5]|1[013-8]|2[034]|3[23]|4[02-9]|5(?:00|41|67))|777|8(?:1[27-9]|2[04]|40|[589]))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '104',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:4[0-4]|77)\\d|1(?:18|2|45)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1200',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '184\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1840',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'HU',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ID.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ID.php
index b0d87c57..ab904030 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ID.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ID.php
@@ -1,119 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[178]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02389]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02389]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[02389]|40\\d\\d|50264)|71400|89887',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:714|898)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '714\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '71400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[178]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02389]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02389]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[02389]|40\\d\\d|50264)|71400|89887',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:714|898)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '714\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '71400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ID',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IE.php
index 4e3ac845..e8c88f31 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IE.php
@@ -1,125 +1,83 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[159]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[37]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '53000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23)))|999|(?:1(?:18|9)|5[0137]\\d)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '51\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '51000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '51210',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '51210',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '51210|(?:118|5[037]\\d)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '11800',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[159]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5[37]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '53000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23)))|999|(?:1(?:18|9)|5[0137]\\d)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '51\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '51000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '51210',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '51210',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '51210|(?:118|5[037]\\d)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '11800',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IL.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IL.php
index d63e1b07..6c665f7b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IL.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IL.php
@@ -1,119 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|1(?:[013-9]\\d|2)|[2-9]\\d\\d)|2407|(?:104|27)00',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '104\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '104\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|1(?:[013-9]\\d|2)|[2-9]\\d\\d)|2407|(?:104|27)00',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '104\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '104\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IL',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IM.php
index 47ba00e3..63e5e97f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IM.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[189]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?|8(?:6444|9887)|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:64|98)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '86400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[189]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?|8(?:6444|9887)|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:64|98)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '86400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IN.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IN.php
index b0dcf861..01db46e3 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IN.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IN.php
@@ -1,142 +1,100 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12578]\\d{2,8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-              4 => 7,
-              5 => 8,
-              6 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-248]|1[289]|21|[39][89]|4[01]|6(?:1|6\\d?)|8[12])|777|800|1[05]5\\d|1(?:07|51|94)\\d\\d?|(?:1(?:[05]5\\d|70)\\d|261)\\d|1(?:0[369]|10|29|3[126]|9[0-256])\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[67]\\d{4}|56161561',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1160000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-28]|12|298)|2611',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[0-248]|3[39]|5(?:010|6)|6[3468]|7(?:[01357]|[28]0?|4[01])|9[0135-9])|1(?:00|[289])|2(?:1|98)|3(?:11|2[0-2]|63|[89])|4[01]|5(?:1(?:0[0-36]|[127])|54)|6(?:1|6[01]?)|7000|8[12]|9(?:0[013-59]|12|25|4[4-9]\\d?|50|6[1347]|[89]))|2611|5(?:0(?:0(?:0\\d|1|20?)|325|5[2-79]\\d{3,5})|1(?:234|555|717|818|96[49])|2(?:0(?:0[01]|[14]0)|151|555|666|888|9(?:06|99\\d?))|3(?:0[01]0|131|553|(?:66|77)6)|(?:464|55[05])\\d{1,3}|6(?:070|3[68]|43)|717\\d)|777|800|5(?:05(?:0|1\\d)|221|3(?:03|3[23]))\\d{1,4}|5(?:(?:04|88)0|2(?:2[0267]|3[16])|4(?:1[04]|20|3[02])|5(?:3[16]|67)|6(?:06|[67]\\d)|787|9(?:64|90))\\d\\d?|(?:1(?:05[79]|(?:1[67][0-2]|802)\\d|55[23])\\d|5(?:(?:00(?:0\\d|1)|(?:304|616)\\d\\d)\\d|1(?:0[12]|4[2-4])|2(?:2[3589]|3(?:1\\d{3}|2)|4[04]|7[78])|4(?:[02]4|32\\d{4}|4[04]|99)|5(?:1[25]|[36]5|4[45]|93)|7(?:(?:17\\d|57)\\d\\d|[27]7|88)|8(?:3[4-69]|4[01]|5[58]|88(?:8\\d\\d|9)|99)|9(?:0(?:0|2\\d{3})|55|6[67]|77|88)))\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:14(?:2[5-9]|[34]\\d)|757555)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '51425',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:(?:1[67]\\d\\d|70)\\d\\d|55330|909)|5(?:300\\d|6161(?:17[89]|561))|1(?:[19][89]|21|4[01])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '118',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-              4 => 7,
-              5 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:39|90[019])|5(?:14(?:2[5-9]|[34]\\d)|6161(?:17[89]|561)|757555)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '139',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12578]\\d{2,8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-248]|1[289]|21|[39][89]|4[01]|6(?:1|6\\d?)|8[12])|777|800|1[05]5\\d|1(?:07|51|94)\\d\\d?|(?:1(?:[05]5\\d|70)\\d|261)\\d|1(?:0[369]|10|29|3[126]|9[0-256])\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[67]\\d{4}|56161561',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1160000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-28]|12|298)|2611',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[0-248]|3[39]|5(?:010|6)|6[3468]|7(?:[01357]|[28]0?|4[01])|9[0135-9])|1(?:00|[289])|2(?:1|98)|3(?:11|2[0-2]|63|[89])|4[01]|5(?:1(?:0[0-36]|[127])|54)|6(?:1|6[01]?)|7000|8[12]|9(?:0[013-59]|12|25|4[4-9]\\d?|50|6[1347]|[89]))|2611|5(?:0(?:0(?:0\\d|1|20?)|325|5[2-79]\\d{3,5})|1(?:234|555|717|818|96[49])|2(?:0(?:0[01]|[14]0)|151|555|666|888|9(?:06|99\\d?))|3(?:0[01]0|131|553|(?:66|77)6)|(?:464|55[05])\\d{1,3}|6(?:070|3[68]|43)|717\\d)|777|800|5(?:05(?:0|1\\d)|221|3(?:03|3[23]))\\d{1,4}|5(?:(?:04|88)0|2(?:2[0267]|3[16])|4(?:1[04]|20|3[02])|5(?:3[16]|67)|6(?:06|[67]\\d)|787|9(?:64|90))\\d\\d?|(?:1(?:05[79]|(?:1[67][0-2]|802)\\d|55[23])\\d|5(?:(?:00(?:0\\d|1)|(?:304|616)\\d\\d)\\d|1(?:0[12]|4[2-4])|2(?:2[3589]|3(?:1\\d{3}|2)|4[04]|7[78])|4(?:[02]4|32\\d{4}|4[04]|99)|5(?:1[25]|[36]5|4[45]|93)|7(?:(?:17\\d|57)\\d\\d|[27]7|88)|8(?:3[4-69]|4[01]|5[58]|88(?:8\\d\\d|9)|99)|9(?:0(?:0|2\\d{3})|55|6[67]|77|88)))\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:14(?:2[5-9]|[34]\\d)|757555)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '51425',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:(?:1[67]\\d\\d|70)\\d\\d|55330|909)|5(?:300\\d|6161(?:17[89]|561))|1(?:[19][89]|21|4[01])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '118',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:39|90[019])|5(?:14(?:2[5-9]|[34]\\d)|6161(?:17[89]|561)|757555)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '139',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IN',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IQ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IQ.php
index 0f57e282..d188d703 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IQ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IQ.php
@@ -1,121 +1,79 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1479]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[04]|15|22)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[04]|15|22)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[04]|15|22)|4432|71117|9988',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:443|711\\d|998)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4430',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:443|711\\d|998)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4430',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1479]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[04]|15|22)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[04]|15|22)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[04]|15|22)|4432|71117|9988',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:443|711\\d|998)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4430',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:443|711\\d|998)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4430',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IQ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IR.php
index d1de7ad1..136d2500 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IR.php
@@ -1,123 +1,81 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[129]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[0-68]|2[0-59]|9[0-579])|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[025]|25)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[0-68]|2[0-59]|3[346-8]|4(?:[0147]|[289]0)|5(?:0[14]|1[02479]|2[0-3]|39|[49]0|65)|6(?:[16]6|[27]|90)|8(?:03|1[18]|22|3[37]|4[28]|88|99)|9[0-579])|20(?:[09]0|1(?:[038]|1[079]|26|9[69])|2[01])|9(?:11|9(?:0009|90))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:5[0-469]|8[0-489])\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1500',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:5[0-469]|8[0-489])|99(?:0\\d\\d|9))\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1500',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '990\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '990000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[129]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[0-68]|2[0-59]|9[0-579])|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[025]|25)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[0-68]|2[0-59]|3[346-8]|4(?:[0147]|[289]0)|5(?:0[14]|1[02479]|2[0-3]|39|[49]0|65)|6(?:[16]6|[27]|90)|8(?:03|1[18]|22|3[37]|4[28]|88|99)|9[0-579])|20(?:[09]0|1(?:[038]|1[079]|26|9[69])|2[01])|9(?:11|9(?:0009|90))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:5[0-469]|8[0-489])\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1500',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:5[0-469]|8[0-489])|99(?:0\\d\\d|9))\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1500',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '990\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '990000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IS.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IS.php
index a544b3ca..b4fe8b21 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IS.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IS.php
@@ -1,120 +1,78 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|71\\d)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[28]|61(?:16|23))|4(?:00|1[145]|4[0146])|55|7(?:00|17|7[07-9])|8(?:[02]0|1[16-9]|88)|900)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '14(?:0\\d|41)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:415|90\\d)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1415',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|71\\d)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[28]|61(?:16|23))|4(?:00|1[145]|4[0146])|55|7(?:00|17|7[07-9])|8(?:[02]0|1[16-9]|88)|900)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '14(?:0\\d|41)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:415|90\\d)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1415',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IS',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IT.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IT.php
index ff820e9f..a27b0352 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IT.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_IT.php
@@ -1,125 +1,83 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d{2,6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-              4 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[2358]|6\\d{3})|87)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:12|4(?:[478](?:[0-4]|[5-9]\\d\\d)|55))\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1200',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2358]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0\\d{2,3}|1(?:[2-57-9]|6(?:000|111))|3[39]|4(?:82|9\\d{1,3})|5(?:00|1[58]|2[25]|3[03]|44|[59])|60|8[67]|9(?:[01]|2[2-9]|4\\d|696))|4(?:2323|5045)|(?:1(?:2|92[01])|4(?:3(?:[01]|[45]\\d\\d)|[478](?:[0-4]|[5-9]\\d\\d)|55))\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:3(?:[01]|[45]\\d\\d)|[478](?:[0-4]|[5-9]\\d\\d)|5[05])\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '43000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d{2,6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[2358]|6\\d{3})|87)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:12|4(?:[478](?:[0-4]|[5-9]\\d\\d)|55))\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1200',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2358]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0\\d{2,3}|1(?:[2-57-9]|6(?:000|111))|3[39]|4(?:82|9\\d{1,3})|5(?:00|1[58]|2[25]|3[03]|44|[59])|60|8[67]|9(?:[01]|2[2-9]|4\\d|696))|4(?:2323|5045)|(?:1(?:2|92[01])|4(?:3(?:[01]|[45]\\d\\d)|[478](?:[0-4]|[5-9]\\d\\d)|55))\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4(?:3(?:[01]|[45]\\d\\d)|[478](?:[0-4]|[5-9]\\d\\d)|5[05])\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '43000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IT',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JE.php
index 7f654381..d2299f60 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JE.php
@@ -1,115 +1,73 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[129]\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|1(?:2|8\\d{3})|23|4(?:[14]|28|7\\d)|5\\d|7(?:0[12]|[128]|35?)|808|9[0135])|23[2-4]|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[129]\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:00|1(?:2|8\\d{3})|23|4(?:[14]|28|7\\d)|5\\d|7(?:0[12]|[128]|35?)|808|9[0135])|23[2-4]|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'JE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JM.php
index a31a887d..c76ae604 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JM.php
@@ -1,113 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[029]|9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[029]|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[029]|76)|9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '176',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[029]|9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[029]|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[029]|76)|9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '176',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '176',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'JM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JO.php
index 86228c8a..de78abb3 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JO.php
@@ -1,120 +1,78 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[235]|1[2-6]|9[127])|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '102',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[0-4689]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[127])|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[2359]|1[0-68]|9[0-24-79])|9[0-4689]\\d{3}|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '102',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[0-4689]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[0-4689]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[235]|1[2-6]|9[127])|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '102',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[0-4689]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[127])|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[2359]|1[0-68]|9[0-24-79])|9[0-4689]\\d{3}|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '102',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[0-4689]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[0-4689]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'JO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JP.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JP.php
index 5a3b7962..f4cb9a79 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JP.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_JP.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d\\d(?:\\d{7})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[089]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[09]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000[259]\\d{6}|1(?:0[24]|1[089]|44|89)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '102',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000[259]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0002000000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d\\d(?:\\d{7})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[089]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[09]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000[259]\\d{6}|1(?:0[24]|1[089]|44|89)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '102',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000[259]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0002000000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'JP',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KE.php
index 6d279719..f9afa96c 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KE.php
@@ -1,118 +1,73 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[246]|9\\d)|5(?:01|2[127]|6[26]\\d))|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '909\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '90900',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[24]|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[07-9]|1[0-25]|400)|1(?:[024-6]|9[0-579])|2[1-3]|3[01]|4[14]|5(?:[01][01]|2[0-24-79]|33|4[05]|5[59]|6(?:00|29|6[67]))|(?:6[035]\\d|[78])\\d|9(?:[02-9]\\d\\d|19))|(?:(?:2[0-79]|[37][0-29]|4[0-4]|6[2357]|8\\d)\\d|5(?:[0-7]\\d|99))\\d\\d|9(?:09\\d\\d|99)|8988',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:(?:04|6[35])\\d\\d|3[01]|4[14]|5(?:1\\d|2[25]))|(?:(?:2[0-79]|[37][0-29]|4[0-4]|6[2357]|8\\d)\\d|5(?:[0-7]\\d|99)|909)\\d\\d|898\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '130',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:(?:04|6[035])\\d\\d|4[14]|5(?:01|55|6[26]\\d))|40404|8988|909\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '141',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[246]|9\\d)|5(?:01|2[127]|6[26]\\d))|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '909\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '90900',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[24]|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[07-9]|1[0-25]|400)|1(?:[024-6]|9[0-579])|2[1-3]|3[01]|4[14]|5(?:[01][01]|2[0-24-79]|33|4[05]|5[59]|6(?:00|29|6[67]))|(?:6[035]\\d|[78])\\d|9(?:[02-9]\\d\\d|19))|(?:(?:2[0-79]|[37][0-29]|4[0-4]|6[2357]|8\\d)\\d|5(?:[0-7]\\d|99))\\d\\d|9(?:09\\d\\d|99)|8988',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:(?:04|6[35])\\d\\d|3[01]|4[14]|5(?:1\\d|2[25]))|(?:(?:2[0-79]|[37][0-29]|4[0-4]|6[2357]|8\\d)\\d|5(?:[0-7]\\d|99)|909)\\d\\d|898\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '130',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:(?:04|6[035])\\d\\d|4[14]|5(?:01|55|6[26]\\d))|40404|8988|909\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '141',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KG.php
index 259396ba..652d576f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KG.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-3]|4040',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[1-3]|4040',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KH.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KH.php
index 6ddcc843..73510119 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KH.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KH.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[146]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[7-9]|666',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[7-9]|666',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[7-9]|40404|666',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[146]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[7-9]|666',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[7-9]|666',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[7-9]|40404|666',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KH',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KI.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KI.php
index fbd5f003..892dc52c 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KI.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KI.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[179]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[2-5]|99[2-4]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '192',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[2-5]|99[2-4]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '192',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05[0-259]|88|9[2-5])|777|99[2-4]|10[0-8]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '103',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '103',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[179]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[2-5]|99[2-4]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '192',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[2-5]|99[2-4]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '192',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05[0-259]|88|9[2-5])|777|99[2-4]|10[0-8]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '103',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '103',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KI',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KM.php
index 7e17d332..4b66b88e 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KM.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KN.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KN.php
index 92155936..4ddeaed6 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KN.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KN.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[39]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '333',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '333',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '333',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[39]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '333',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '333',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '333|9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '333',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KN',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KP.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KP.php
index b58ec282..a5a401da 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KP.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KP.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[18]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[29]|819',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[29]|819',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[29]|819',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[18]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[29]|819',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[29]|819',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[29]|819',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KP',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KR.php
index 17d9af6e..ccd106cf 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KR.php
@@ -1,119 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[27-9]|28|330|82)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[29]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[016-9]114|3(?:0[01]|2|3[0-35-9]|45?|5[057]|6[569]|7[79]|8[2589]|9[0189]))|1(?:0[015]|1\\d|2[01357-9]|41|8[28])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01]|1[4-6]|41)|1(?:[06-9]1\\d|111)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[27-9]|28|330|82)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[29]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[016-9]114|3(?:0[01]|2|3[0-35-9]|45?|5[057]|6[569]|7[79]|8[2589]|9[0189]))|1(?:0[015]|1\\d|2[01357-9]|41|8[28])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01]|1[4-6]|41)|1(?:[06-9]1\\d|111)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KW.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KW.php
index e11da137..35bd68d1 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KW.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KW.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[18]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[0-7]\\d|89887',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '898\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '89800',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[18]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[0-7]\\d|89887',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '898\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '89800',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KW',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KY.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KY.php
index ce41aa26..66147e51 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KY.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KY.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KY',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KZ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KZ.php
index c962e799..31055e67 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KZ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_KZ.php
@@ -1,122 +1,80 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-4]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)|212\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-4]|12)|2121|(?:3040|404)0',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:304\\d|404)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:304\\d|404)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-4]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)|212\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-4]|12)|2121|(?:3040|404)0',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:304\\d|404)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:304\\d|404)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KZ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LA.php
index 79b4105c..bb3e89f6 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LA.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[015]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '190',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[015]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '190',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[015]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '190',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[015]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '190',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[015]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '190',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[015]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '190',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LB.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LB.php
index 9d4e2353..bdcd5917 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LB.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LB.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|40|75)|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|40|75)|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|40|75)|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|40|75)|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|40|75)|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|40|75)|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LB',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LC.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LC.php
index 43475fca..905a1cf2 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LC.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LC.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LC',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LI.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LI.php
index d4072d4e..90a9969e 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LI.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LI.php
@@ -1,114 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[278]|44)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[278]|44)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[278]|45)|4[3-57]|50|75|81[18])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[278]|44)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[278]|44)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[278]|45)|4[3-57]|50|75|81[18])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LI',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LK.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LK.php
index 1e77f8de..437daddf 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LK.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LK.php
@@ -1,114 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02689]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02689]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[024-9]|3(?:00|1[2-49]|2[23]|3[1-3]|44|5[07]|[67]9|88|9[039])|9(?:0[0-2589]|1[0-357-9]|2[0-25689]|3[0389]|4[0489]|5[014-69]|6[0-2689]|7[03579]|8[02457-9]|9[0-2569]))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02689]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[02689]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[024-9]|3(?:00|1[2-49]|2[23]|3[1-3]|44|5[07]|[67]9|88|9[039])|9(?:0[0-2589]|1[0-357-9]|2[0-25689]|3[0389]|4[0489]|5[014-69]|6[0-2689]|7[03579]|8[02457-9]|9[0-2569]))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LK',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LR.php
index e690a178..8d163705 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LR.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[3489]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '355|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '355',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '355|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '355',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '355|4040|8(?:400|933)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '355',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:404|8(?:40|93))\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:404|8(?:40|93))\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[3489]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '355|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '355',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '355|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '355',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '355|4040|8(?:400|933)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '355',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:404|8(?:40|93))\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:404|8(?:40|93))\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '4040',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LS.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LS.php
index 20cf57c0..a8ed33b9 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LS.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LS.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[257]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[257]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[257]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[257]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[257]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[257]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LS',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LT.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LT.php
index c62bcd6c..4c990893 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LT.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LT.php
@@ -1,115 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{3})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11?|22?|33?)|1(?:0[1-3]|1(?:2|6111))|116(?:0\\d|12)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11?|22?|33?)|1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11?|22?|33?)|1(?:0[1-3]|1(?:[27-9]|6(?:000|1(?:1[17]|23))))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{3})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11?|22?|33?)|1(?:0[1-3]|1(?:2|6111))|116(?:0\\d|12)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11?|22?|33?)|1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:11?|22?|33?)|1(?:0[1-3]|1(?:[27-9]|6(?:000|1(?:1[17]|23))))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LT',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LU.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LU.php
index c4754220..b3f8537b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LU.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LU.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[23]|6\\d{3})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[23]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[23]|6(?:000|111))|1(?:18|[25]\\d|3)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[23]|6\\d{3})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[23]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[23]|6(?:000|111))|1(?:18|[25]\\d|3)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LU',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LV.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LV.php
index 5c4783f2..094f18f7 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LV.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LV.php
@@ -1,127 +1,85 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[018]\\d{1,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-              3 => 5,
-              4 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-3]|11(?:[023]|6\\d{3})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1180|821\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1180',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-3]|11[023]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-4]|1(?:1(?:[02-4]|6(?:000|111)|8[0189])|(?:5|65)5|77)|821[57]4',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1181',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1181',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '165\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1650',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[018]\\d{1,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-3]|11(?:[023]|6\\d{3})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1180|821\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1180',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-3]|11[023]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-4]|1(?:1(?:[02-4]|6(?:000|111)|8[0189])|(?:5|65)5|77)|821[57]4',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1181',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1181',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '165\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1650',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LV',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LY.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LY.php
index 1f17e9af..270f269c 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LY.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_LY.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[013]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '190',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[013]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '190',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[013]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '190',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[013]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '190',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[013]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '190',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[013]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '190',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'LY',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MA.php
index 67fcd0fa..1765aea1 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MA.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[59]|77)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MC.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MC.php
index c2ccff55..161b4283 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MC.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MC.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|41|[578])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|41|[578])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MC',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MD.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MD.php
index a48322ca..fc1e9559 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MD.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MD.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6(?:000|1(?:11|2\\d)))|90[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|90[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23))|8\\d\\d?|99)|90[04-9])|90[1-3]|1(?:4\\d\\d|6[0-389]|9[1-4])\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6(?:000|1(?:11|2\\d)))|90[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|90[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23))|8\\d\\d?|99)|90[04-9])|90[1-3]|1(?:4\\d\\d|6[0-389]|9[1-4])\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MD',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ME.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ME.php
index 1497dc56..ffac1558 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ME.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ME.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|2[2-4])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|2[2-4])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:(?:[013-57-9]|6\\d\\d)\\d|2)|[249]\\d{3}|5999|8(?:0[089]|1[0-8]|888))|1(?:[02-5]\\d\\d|60[06]|700)|12\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|2[2-4])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|2[2-4])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:(?:[013-57-9]|6\\d\\d)\\d|2)|[249]\\d{3}|5999|8(?:0[089]|1[0-8]|888))|1(?:[02-5]\\d\\d|60[06]|700)|12\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ME',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MF.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MF.php
index 79694d27..40eb48b8 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MF.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MF.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MF',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MG.php
index e469a6cc..cd3ae705 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MG.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|[78])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|[78])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|[78])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|[78])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|[78])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|[78])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MH.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MH.php
index e6823da4..8b4de07b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MH.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MH.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MH',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MK.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MK.php
index 7a457290..e4c0f52d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MK.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MK.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6\\d{3})|9[2-4])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|8\\d)|3\\d|9[2-4])|1(?:16|2\\d)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6\\d{3})|9[2-4])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|8\\d)|3\\d|9[2-4])|1(?:16|2\\d)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MK',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ML.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ML.php
index a391533a..d1ac1f7f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ML.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ML.php
@@ -1,129 +1,87 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[136-8]\\d{1,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-              3 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]|(?:352|67)00|7402|(?:677|744|8000)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:12|800)2\\d|3(?:52(?:11|2[02]|3[04-6]|99)|7574)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1220',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[013-9]\\d|2)|2(?:1[02-469]|2[13])|[578])|350(?:35|57)|67(?:0[09]|[59]9|77|8[89])|74(?:0[02]|44|55)|800[0-2][12]|3(?:52|[67]\\d)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '37(?:433|575)|7400|8001\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3503\\d|(?:3[67]\\d|800)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '35030',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '374(?:0[24-9]|[1-9]\\d)|7400|3(?:6\\d|75)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[136-8]\\d{1,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]|(?:352|67)00|7402|(?:677|744|8000)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:12|800)2\\d|3(?:52(?:11|2[02]|3[04-6]|99)|7574)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1220',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[013-9]\\d|2)|2(?:1[02-469]|2[13])|[578])|350(?:35|57)|67(?:0[09]|[59]9|77|8[89])|74(?:0[02]|44|55)|800[0-2][12]|3(?:52|[67]\\d)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '37(?:433|575)|7400|8001\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3503\\d|(?:3[67]\\d|800)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '35030',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '374(?:0[24-9]|[1-9]\\d)|7400|3(?:6\\d|75)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ML',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MM.php
index 91740f8c..5e81f0e5 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MM.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MN.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MN.php
index 1b1bb8b8..b27758e7 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MN.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MN.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-35]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-35]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-35]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-35]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-35]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-35]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MN',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MO.php
index 3b50fc40..33aaf184 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MO.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MP.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MP.php
index f752bcfe..c4d702e1 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MP.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MP.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MP',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MQ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MQ.php
index c5280258..3b62a8b8 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MQ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MQ.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MQ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MR.php
index e88a0c31..359cb2c1 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MR.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MS.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MS.php
index 798ba6dc..33203c94 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MS.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MS.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[29]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '211|9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[29]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '211|9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MS',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MT.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MT.php
index e426c7e8..21c16e25 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MT.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MT.php
@@ -1,113 +1,70 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6(?:000|1(?:11|23)))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d{3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6(?:000|1(?:11|23)))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MT',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MU.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MU.php
index c4a7f317..a45d5f52 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MU.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MU.php
@@ -1,115 +1,73 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[189]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[45]|99[59]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '114',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[45]|99[59]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '114',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,4}|(?:8\\d\\d|99)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[189]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[45]|99[59]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '114',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[45]|99[59]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '114',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,4}|(?:8\\d\\d|99)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MU',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MV.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MV.php
index de78cf28..9533bb0b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MV.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MV.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:02|1[89])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '102',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:02|1[89])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '102',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[0-37-9]|[4-6]\\d)\\d|4040|1[45]1',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[45]1',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '141',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:02|1[89])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '102',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:02|1[89])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '102',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[0-37-9]|[4-6]\\d)\\d|4040|1[45]1',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[45]1',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '141',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MV',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MW.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MW.php
index 054f74e4..be7836d8 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MW.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MW.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[189]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199|99[7-9]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199|99[7-9]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199|80400|99[7-9]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '804\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '804\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '80400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[189]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199|99[7-9]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199|99[7-9]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199|80400|99[7-9]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '804\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '804\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '80400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MW',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MX.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MX.php
index 8aab16d7..31bb6d32 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MX.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MX.php
@@ -1,120 +1,78 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0579]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:6[0568]|80)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '060',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:530\\d|776)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7760',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:6[0568]|80)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '060',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-9]\\d|53053|7766|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '010',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:[249]0|[35][01])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '020',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0579]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:6[0568]|80)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '060',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:530\\d|776)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7760',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:6[0568]|80)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '060',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-9]\\d|53053|7766|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '010',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:[249]0|[35][01])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '020',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MX',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MY.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MY.php
index fe32c5ed..c02f0f6f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MY.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MY.php
@@ -1,119 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1369]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01348]|1(?:[02]|1[128]|311)|2(?:0[125]|[13-6]|2\\d{0,2})|(?:3[1-35-79]|7[45])\\d\\d?|5(?:454|5\\d\\d?|77|888|999?)|8(?:18?|2|8[18])|9(?:[124]\\d?|68|71|9[0679]))|66628|99[1-469]|13[5-7]|(?:1(?:0[569]|309|5[12]|7[136-9]|9[03])|3[23679]\\d\\d)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '666\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '66600',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[23679]\\d|666)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '32000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1369]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01348]|1(?:[02]|1[128]|311)|2(?:0[125]|[13-6]|2\\d{0,2})|(?:3[1-35-79]|7[45])\\d\\d?|5(?:454|5\\d\\d?|77|888|999?)|8(?:18?|2|8[18])|9(?:[124]\\d?|68|71|9[0679]))|66628|99[1-469]|13[5-7]|(?:1(?:0[569]|309|5[12]|7[136-9]|9[03])|3[23679]\\d\\d)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '666\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '66600',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:3[23679]\\d|666)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '32000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MY',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MZ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MZ.php
index 5875c3dc..4c920981 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MZ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_MZ.php
@@ -1,114 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[79]|9[78])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[79]|9[78])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[02-5]\\d\\d|1[79]|9[78])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[79]|9[78])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[79]|9[78])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[02-5]\\d\\d|1[79]|9[78])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MZ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NA.php
index cdf62b1d..80cdb9ca 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NA.php
@@ -1,115 +1,73 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10111',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10111',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:10|93)111|(?:1\\d|9)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10111',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10111',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:10|93)111|(?:1\\d|9)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NC.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NC.php
index e423c72f..dc1e6cea 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NC.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NC.php
@@ -1,116 +1,73 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[135]\\d{1,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:00|1[23]|3[0-2]|8\\d)|[5-8])|363\\d|577',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[5-8]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:0[06]|1[02-46]|20|3[0-25]|42|5[058]|77|88)|[5-8])|3631|5[6-8]\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:67|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[135]\\d{1,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:00|1[23]|3[0-2]|8\\d)|[5-8])|363\\d|577',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[5-8]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:0[06]|1[02-46]|20|3[0-25]|42|5[058]|77|88)|[5-8])|3631|5[6-8]\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '5(?:67|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NC',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NE.php
index de713677..3669bed8 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NE.php
@@ -1,115 +1,71 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-3578]\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{3})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:18|[578])|723\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:18|[578])|723141',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01]|1[128]|2[034]|3[013]|[46]0|55?|[78])|222|333|555|723141|888',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01]|1[12]|2[034]|3[013]|[46]0|55)|222|333|555|888',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-3578]\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{3})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:18|[578])|723\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:18|[578])|723141',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01]|1[128]|2[034]|3[013]|[46]0|55?|[78])|222|333|555|723141|888',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[01]|1[12]|2[034]|3[013]|[46]0|55)|222|333|555|888',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NF.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NF.php
index 8074b508..76165aeb 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NF.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NF.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|55|77)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|55|77)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|55|77)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|55|77)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|55|77)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|55|77)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NF',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NG.php
index 3bd69e47..c7b295c4 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NG.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '199|40700',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '199',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '407\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40700',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '407\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40700',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '199|40700',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '199',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '407\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40700',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '407\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40700',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NI.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NI.php
index 11ccc724..3e7cf71a 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NI.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NI.php
@@ -1,113 +1,70 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12467]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[58]|2[08])|737\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '115',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[58]|2[08])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '115',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[58]|200)|4878|7(?:010|373)|12[0158]|(?:19|[267]1)00',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '115',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12467]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[58]|2[08])|737\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '115',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[58]|2[08])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '115',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[58]|200)|4878|7(?:010|373)|12[0158]|(?:19|[267]1)00',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '115',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NI',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NL.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NL.php
index 389d5d95..f732bf4d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NL.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NL.php
@@ -1,120 +1,78 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1349]\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:11|23)))|2(?:0[0-4]|3[34]|44)|3[03-9]\\d|400|8(?:[02-9]\\d|1[0-79]))|[34]000|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '120\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1200',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[34]00\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1349]\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:00[06]|1(?:11|23)))|2(?:0[0-4]|3[34]|44)|3[03-9]\\d|400|8(?:[02-9]\\d|1[0-79]))|[34]000|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '120\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1200',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[34]00\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NL',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NO.php
index 9333a1d2..179f465b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NO.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[023]|6\\d{3})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[0239]|61(?:1[17]|23))|2[048]|4(?:12|[59])|7[57]|8[5-9]\\d|90)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[023]|6\\d{3})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[0239]|61(?:1[17]|23))|2[048]|4(?:12|[59])|7[57]|8[5-9]\\d|90)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NP.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NP.php
index 6d8cb483..334a2dce 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NP.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NP.php
@@ -1,113 +1,70 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-36]|12)|1(?:09|11)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[0-36]|98)|1(?:1[1-4]|2))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-36]|12)|1(?:09|11)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:[0-36]|98)|1(?:1[1-4]|2))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NP',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NR.php
index 27bb8de4..f7bb4fc0 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NR.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0-2]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0-2]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[0-2]|23|92)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0-2]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0-2]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[0-2]|23|92)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NU.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NU.php
index a6193bf4..f1b7cc9a 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NU.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NU.php
@@ -1,112 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[019]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '01[05]|101|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '010',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '010',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '010',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[019]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '01[05]|101|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '010',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '010',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '010',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NU',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NZ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NZ.php
index 77592e7d..2df7ebf3 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NZ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_NZ.php
@@ -1,117 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{3,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '111',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '018',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '018',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '111',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '018|1(?:(?:1|37)1|(?:23|94)4|7[03]7)|[2-57-9]\\d{2,3}|6(?:161|26[0-3]|742)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '018',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '018|(?:1(?:23|37|7[03]|94)|6(?:[12]6|74))\\d|[2-57-9]\\d{2,3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '018',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{3,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '111',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '018',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '018',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '111',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '018|1(?:(?:1|37)1|(?:23|94)4|7[03]7)|[2-57-9]\\d{2,3}|6(?:161|26[0-3]|742)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '018',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '018|(?:1(?:23|37|7[03]|94)|6(?:[12]6|74))\\d|[2-57-9]\\d{2,3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '018',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NZ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_OM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_OM.php
index a766b821..e30a729f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_OM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_OM.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1444|999\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1444',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1444|9999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1444',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:111|222|4(?:4[0-5]|50|66|7[7-9])|51[0-8])|9999|1(?:2[3-5]|3[0-2]|50)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1444|999\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1444',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1444|9999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1444',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:111|222|4(?:4[0-5]|50|66|7[7-9])|51[0-8])|9999|1(?:2[3-5]|3[0-2]|50)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'OM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PA.php
index f4c85918..9d559f24 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PA.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[2-4]|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '102',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[2-4]|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '102',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PE.php
index 5bc5c66e..a34042e0 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PE.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05|1[67])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '105',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05|1[67])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '105',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05|1[67])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '105',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05|1[67])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '105',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05|1[67])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '105',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:05|1[67])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '105',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PF.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PF.php
index f33ce72c..593b6f2c 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PF.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PF.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PF',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PG.php
index 0bc39569..26b78c94 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PG.php
@@ -1,122 +1,80 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d{2,6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-              4 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|11[01]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|11[01]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:1[01]|5\\d\\d|6\\d{2,5})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '16\\d{2,5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1600',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d{2,6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|11[01]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|11[01]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '000|1(?:1[01]|5\\d\\d|6\\d{2,5})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '16\\d{2,5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1600',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PH.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PH.php
index c22dd813..0c890b35 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PH.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PH.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[27]|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[27]|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[27]|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[27]|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[27]|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[27]|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PH',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PK.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PK.php
index 1c2768f0..43b30abc 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PK.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PK.php
@@ -1,113 +1,69 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{1,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2\\d?|5)|[56])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:22?|5)|[56])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:122|3[014]|[56])|11[2457-9]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{1,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2\\d?|5)|[56])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:22?|5)|[56])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:122|3[014]|[56])|11[2457-9]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PK',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PL.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PL.php
index 853a6f9d..4a754966 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PL.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PL.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})|99[7-9]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[7-9]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|61(?:11|23)|891[23])|9\\d{3})|9(?:8[4-7]|9[1-9])|11[68]000',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})|99[7-9]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[7-9]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|61(?:11|23)|891[23])|9\\d{3})|9(?:8[4-7]|9[1-9])|11[68]000',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PL',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PM.php
index 36857347..28fed54b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PM.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13]\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]|3103',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '310\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13]\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]|3103',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '310\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PR.php
index 08807432..7aaefb95 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PR.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PS.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PS.php
index 548d3ee2..ec8def03 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PS.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PS.php
@@ -1,116 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|66)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-2]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|122|44|66|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1120',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|66)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[0-2]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|122|44|66|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1120',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PS',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PT.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PT.php
index d7802fc2..aeb54300 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PT.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PT.php
@@ -1,114 +1,71 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[257]|1(?:16\\d\\d|5[1589]|8[279])\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[25]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:45|5[01])|1(?:[2578]|600[06])|4(?:1[45]|4)|583|6(?:1[0236]|3[02]|9[169]))|1(?:1611|59)1|1[068]78|1[08]9[16]|1(?:0[1-38]|40|5[15]|6[258]|82)0',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[257]|1(?:16\\d\\d|5[1589]|8[279])\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[25]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:45|5[01])|1(?:[2578]|600[06])|4(?:1[45]|4)|583|6(?:1[0236]|3[02]|9[169]))|1(?:1611|59)1|1[068]78|1[08]9[16]|1(?:0[1-38]|40|5[15]|6[258]|82)0',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PT',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PW.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PW.php
index 61a6c8e3..ce321a46 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PW.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PW.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PW',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PY.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PY.php
index 390134da..da848a6d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PY.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_PY.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '128|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '128',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '128|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '128',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[1-9]\\d|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '128|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '128',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '128|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '128',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[1-9]\\d|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PY',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_QA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_QA.php
index 60a59fa6..8bae311f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_QA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_QA.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[129]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '990',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '900',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:00|[19]\\d)|(?:1|20|9[27]\\d)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[129]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '990',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '900',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:00|[19]\\d)|(?:1|20|9[27]\\d)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'QA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RE.php
index 049a330e..fa36556c 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RE.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|[578])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RO.php
index ac7a79d1..4756f5c2 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RO.php
@@ -1,122 +1,80 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[18]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:18[39]|[24])|8[48])\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1200',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:000|1(?:11|23))|8(?:(?:01|8[18])1|119|[23]00|932))|[24]\\d\\d|9(?:0(?:00|19)|1[19]|21|3[02]|5[178]))|8[48]\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[24]|8[48])\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1200',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[18]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1(?:18[39]|[24])|8[48])\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1200',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:000|1(?:11|23))|8(?:(?:01|8[18])1|119|[23]00|932))|[24]\\d\\d|9(?:0(?:00|19)|1[19]|21|3[02]|5[178]))|8[48]\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:1[24]|8[48])\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1200',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RS.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RS.php
index 77a13931..1da1c56b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RS.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RS.php
@@ -1,119 +1,77 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{1,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-              3 => 5,
-              4 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9[2-4]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '92',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9[2-4]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '92',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[189]\\d{1,4}|9[2-4]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '92',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{1,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9[2-4]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '92',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9[2-4]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '92',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[189]\\d{1,4}|9[2-4]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '92',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RS',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RU.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RU.php
index 5e7f6f34..71c7175c 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RU.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RU.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|(?:0|10)[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|(?:0|10)[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|(?:0|10)[1-4]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[01]\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|(?:0|10)[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|(?:0|10)[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|(?:0|10)[1-4]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RU',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RW.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RW.php
index 97dc23cc..56ed24fc 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RW.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_RW.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[1245]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[12]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|1[0-24-6]|2[13]|70|99)|456',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[14]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[1245]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[12]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|1[0-24-6]|2[13]|70|99)|456',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RW',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SA.php
index 317fcfd1..515c8078 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SA.php
@@ -1,122 +1,80 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})|9(?:11|37|9[7-9])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9(?:11|9[79])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:00|2|6111)|410|9(?:00|1[89]|9(?:099|22|9[0-3])))|9(?:0[24-79]|11|3[379]|40|66|8[5-9]|9[02-9])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '141\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1410',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:10|41)\\d|90[24679]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '902',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|6\\d{3})|9(?:11|37|9[7-9])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9(?:11|9[79])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:00|2|6111)|410|9(?:00|1[89]|9(?:099|22|9[0-3])))|9(?:0[24-79]|11|3[379]|40|66|8[5-9]|9[02-9])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '141\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1410',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:10|41)\\d|90[24679]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '902',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SB.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SB.php
index b19f4fce..7e95a4c5 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SB.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SB.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[127-9]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[02]\\d|1[12]|[35][01]|[49][1-9]|6[2-9]|7[7-9]|8[0-8])|269|777|835|9(?:[01]1|22|33|55|77|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[127-9]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[02]\\d|1[12]|[35][01]|[49][1-9]|6[2-9]|7[7-9]|8[0-8])|269|777|835|9(?:[01]1|22|33|55|77|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SB',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SC.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SC.php
index bf238cde..97ab2a95 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SC.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SC.php
@@ -1,114 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[1468]|60)|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[06]\\d|1[0-246-8]|2[0-8]|3[13]|4[0-2]|5[15]|7[124-6]|8[158]|9[015])|9(?:6\\d\\d|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[1468]|60)|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[06]\\d|1[0-246-8]|2[0-8]|3[13]|4[0-2]|5[15]|7[124-6]|8[158]|9[015])|9(?:6\\d\\d|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SC',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SD.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SD.php
index f906dc2d..88708f6d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SD.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SD.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SD',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SE.php
index fe7518e1..f4cd2f5c 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SE.php
@@ -1,123 +1,80 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-37-9]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|(?:3|6\\d)\\d\\d|414|77)|900\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11811[89]|72\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '72000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|90000',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[25]|313|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23))|7[0-8])|2(?:2[02358]|33|4[01]|50|6[1-4])|32[13]|8(?:22|88)|9(?:0(?:00|51)0|12)|(?:11(?:4|8[02-46-9])|7\\d\\d|90[2-4])\\d\\d|(?:118|90)1(?:[02-9]\\d|1[013-9])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:2[02358]|33|4[01]|50|6[1-4])|32[13]|8(?:22|88)|912',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '220',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '70000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-37-9]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|(?:3|6\\d)\\d\\d|414|77)|900\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11811[89]|72\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '72000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|90000',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:[25]|313|6(?:00[06]|1(?:1[17]|23))|7[0-8])|2(?:2[02358]|33|4[01]|50|6[1-4])|32[13]|8(?:22|88)|9(?:0(?:00|51)0|12)|(?:11(?:4|8[02-46-9])|7\\d\\d|90[2-4])\\d\\d|(?:118|90)1(?:[02-9]\\d|1[013-9])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:2[02358]|33|4[01]|50|6[1-4])|32[13]|8(?:22|88)|912',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '220',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '70000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SG.php
index 8de41de0..de38b9fe 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SG.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[179]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[359]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '993',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[359]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '993',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:(?:[01368]\\d|44)\\d|[57]\\d{2,3}|9(?:0[1-9]|[1-9]\\d))|77222|99[02-9]|100',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '772\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '77200',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[179]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[359]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '993',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[359]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '993',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:(?:[01368]\\d|44)\\d|[57]\\d{2,3}|9(?:0[1-9]|[1-9]\\d))|77222|99[02-9]|100',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '772\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '77200',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SH.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SH.php
index 60e9339b..67cf570d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SH.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SH.php
@@ -1,115 +1,73 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[129]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}|26[01]\\d\\d|9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[129]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}|26[01]\\d\\d|9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SH',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SI.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SI.php
index b48330a8..d5bbf8c9 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SI.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SI.php
@@ -1,115 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:(?:0|6\\d)\\d\\d|[23]|8\\d\\d?)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[23]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:00[146]|[23]|6(?:000|1(?:11|23))|8(?:[08]|99))|9(?:059|1(?:0[12]|16)|5|70|87|9(?:00|[149])))|19(?:08|81)[09]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:(?:0|6\\d)\\d\\d|[23]|8\\d\\d?)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[23]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:00[146]|[23]|6(?:000|1(?:11|23))|8(?:[08]|99))|9(?:059|1(?:0[12]|16)|5|70|87|9(?:00|[149])))|19(?:08|81)[09]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SI',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SJ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SJ.php
index 0c12094d..51481121 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SJ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SJ.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SJ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SK.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SK.php
index bca91366..0548e7b1 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SK.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SK.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6\\d{3})|5[058])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|5[058])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:000|111)|8[0-8])|[248]\\d{3}|5[0589])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6\\d{3})|5[058])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|5[058])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6(?:000|111)|8[0-8])|[248]\\d{3}|5[0589])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SK',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SL.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SL.php
index d9e7583c..624ded27 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SL.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SL.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[069]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:01|99)9',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '019',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:01|99)9',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '019',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:01|99)9|60400',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '019',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '604\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '60400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '604\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '60400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[069]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:01|99)9',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '019',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:01|99)9',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '019',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:01|99)9|60400',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '019',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '604\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '60400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '604\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '60400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SL',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SM.php
index 20f0ab39..be900d87 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SM.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[358]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[358]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[358]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[358]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[358]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[358]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SN.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SN.php
index ff23806c..13dd28cc 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SN.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SN.php
@@ -1,130 +1,88 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d{1,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 4,
-              3 => 5,
-              4 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:515|[78])|2(?:00|1)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0[246]|[468])\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '24000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[69]|(?:[246]\\d|51)\\d)|2(?:0[0-246]|[12468])\\d{3}|1[278]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:01|2)\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[46]\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[468]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '24000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[12]\\d{1,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:515|[78])|2(?:00|1)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:0[246]|[468])\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '24000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[69]|(?:[246]\\d|51)\\d)|2(?:0[0-246]|[12468])\\d{3}|1[278]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:01|2)\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[46]\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2[468]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '24000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SN',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SO.php
index 81047d84..76b95658 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SO.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[57-9]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '555|888|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '555',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '555|888|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '555',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '555|777|888|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '555',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[57-9]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '555|888|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '555',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '555|888|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '555',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '555|777|888|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '555',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SR.php
index 563c7d95..45a9f272 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SR.php
@@ -1,114 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '115',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '115',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '115',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '115',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '115',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '115',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '115',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '115',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SS.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SS.php
index 96c7e8e5..3817844e 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SS.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SS.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SS',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ST.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ST.php
index 383d3399..e3a04e80 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ST.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ST.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ST',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SV.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SV.php
index 244c1899..6cb06252 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SV.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SV.php
@@ -1,120 +1,78 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[149]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '116\\d{3}|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[13]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6111)|2[136-8]|3[0-6]|9[05])|40404|9(?:1\\d|29)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[149]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2,3})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '116\\d{3}|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '91[13]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:2|6111)|2[136-8]|3[0-6]|9[05])|40404|9(?:1\\d|29)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '404\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '40400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SV',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SX.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SX.php
index 70a15bac..d6949b15 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SX.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SX.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:19|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '919',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '919',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '919',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:19|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '919',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:19|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '919',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '919',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '919',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:19|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '919',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SX',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SY.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SY.php
index 917e5109..a0d4a324 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SY.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SY.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[023]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SY',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SZ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SZ.php
index d1793534..1b906855 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SZ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_SZ.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SZ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TC.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TC.php
index c9dbfe8b..aba36484 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TC.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TC.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TC',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TD.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TD.php
index 41b20d82..87998a9b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TD.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TD.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '17',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[78]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '17',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TD',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TG.php
index b70cc474..251a0309 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TG.php
@@ -1,114 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|7[127])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|7[127])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '117',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:011|1[078]|7[127])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|7[127])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[78]|7[127])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '117',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:011|1[078]|7[127])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TH.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TH.php
index f713765d..4e262b34 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TH.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TH.php
@@ -1,118 +1,74 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:00|2[03]|3[3479]|7[67]|9[0246])|578|6(?:44|6[79]|88|9[16])|88\\d|9[19])|1[15]55',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '191',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:113|2[23]\\d|5(?:09|56))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:669|9[19])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '191',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|1(?:0[03]|1[1-35]|2[0358]|3[03-79]|4[02-489]|5[04-9]|6[04-79]|7[03-9]|8[027-9]|9[02-9])|2(?:22|3[89]|66)|3(?:18|2[23]|3[013]|5[56]|6[45]|73)|477|5(?:0\\d|4[0-37-9]|5[1-8]|6[01679]|7[12568]|8[0-24589]|9[013589])|6(?:0[0-29]|2[03]|4[3-6]|6[1-9]|7[0257-9]|8[0158]|9[014-9])|7(?:[14]9|7[27]|90)|888|9[19])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:03|1[15]|2[58]|3[056]|4[02-49]|5[046-9]|7[03-589]|9[57-9])|5(?:0[0-8]|4[0-378]|5[1-478]|7[156])|6(?:20|4[356]|6[1-68]|7[057-9]|8[015]|9[0457-9]))|1(?:1[68]|26|3[1-35]|5[689]|60|7[17])\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1103',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '114[89]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1148',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:00|2[03]|3[3479]|7[67]|9[0246])|578|6(?:44|6[79]|88|9[16])|88\\d|9[19])|1[15]55',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '191',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:113|2[23]\\d|5(?:09|56))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:669|9[19])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '191',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[0-2]|1(?:0[03]|1[1-35]|2[0358]|3[03-79]|4[02-489]|5[04-9]|6[04-79]|7[03-9]|8[027-9]|9[02-9])|2(?:22|3[89]|66)|3(?:18|2[23]|3[013]|5[56]|6[45]|73)|477|5(?:0\\d|4[0-37-9]|5[1-8]|6[01679]|7[12568]|8[0-24589]|9[013589])|6(?:0[0-29]|2[03]|4[3-6]|6[1-9]|7[0257-9]|8[0158]|9[014-9])|7(?:[14]9|7[27]|90)|888|9[19])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:03|1[15]|2[58]|3[056]|4[02-49]|5[046-9]|7[03-589]|9[57-9])|5(?:0[0-8]|4[0-378]|5[1-478]|7[156])|6(?:20|4[356]|6[1-68]|7[057-9]|8[015]|9[0457-9]))|1(?:1[68]|26|3[1-35]|5[689]|60|7[17])\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1103',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '114[89]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1148',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TH',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TJ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TJ.php
index 80b78790..d3692a96 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TJ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TJ.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TJ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TL.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TL.php
index 53a33083..395a1e0f 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TL.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TL.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[25]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[25]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[02]|1[25]|2[0138]|72|9[07])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[25]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[25]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[02]|1[25]|2[0138]|72|9[07])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TL',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TM.php
index 7ef89d61..7a7a89c4 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TM.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-49]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-3]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-49]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-49]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-3]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0[1-49]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TN.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TN.php
index f7e11b5b..7d360297 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TN.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TN.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[078]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '190',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[078]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '190',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[078]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '190',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[078]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '190',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[078]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '190',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[078]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '190',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TN',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TO.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TO.php
index 6c94c700..8025e01b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TO.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TO.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|22|33|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|22|33|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|22|33|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|22|33|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|22|33|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|22|33|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TO',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TR.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TR.php
index 6956d0d8..c806aa79 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TR.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TR.php
@@ -1,120 +1,78 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[02]|22|3[126]|4[04]|5[15-9]|6[18]|77|83)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[02]|55)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[02-79]|8(?:1[018]|2[0245]|3[2-4]|42|5[058]|6[06]|7[07]|8[01389]|9[089]))|3(?:37|[58]6|65)|471|5(?:07|78)|6(?:[02]6|99)|8(?:63|95))|2(?:077|268|4(?:17|23)|5(?:7[26]|82)|6[14]4|8\\d\\d|9(?:30|89))|3(?:0(?:05|72)|353|4(?:06|30|64)|502|674|747|851|9(?:1[29]|60))|4(?:0(?:25|3[12]|[47]2)|3(?:3[13]|[89]1)|439|5(?:43|55)|717|832)|5(?:145|290|[4-6]\\d\\d|772|833|9(?:[06]1|92))|6(?:236|6(?:12|39|8[59])|769)|7890|8(?:688|7(?:28|65)|85[06])|9(?:159|290)|1[2-9]\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:285|542)0',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2850',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3(?:37|[58]6|65)|4(?:4|71)|5(?:07|78)|6(?:[02]6|99)|8(?:3|63|95))|(?:2(?:07|26|4[12]|5[78]|6[14]|8\\d|9[38])|3(?:0[07]|[38]5|4[036]|50|67|74|9[16])|4(?:0[2-47]|3[389]|[48]3|5[45]|71)|5(?:14|29|[4-6]\\d|77|83|9[069])|6(?:23|6[138]|76)|789|8(?:68|7[26]|85)|9(?:15|29))\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '144',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[02]|22|3[126]|4[04]|5[15-9]|6[18]|77|83)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[02]|55)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1(?:[02-79]|8(?:1[018]|2[0245]|3[2-4]|42|5[058]|6[06]|7[07]|8[01389]|9[089]))|3(?:37|[58]6|65)|471|5(?:07|78)|6(?:[02]6|99)|8(?:63|95))|2(?:077|268|4(?:17|23)|5(?:7[26]|82)|6[14]4|8\\d\\d|9(?:30|89))|3(?:0(?:05|72)|353|4(?:06|30|64)|502|674|747|851|9(?:1[29]|60))|4(?:0(?:25|3[12]|[47]2)|3(?:3[13]|[89]1)|439|5(?:43|55)|717|832)|5(?:145|290|[4-6]\\d\\d|772|833|9(?:[06]1|92))|6(?:236|6(?:12|39|8[59])|769)|7890|8(?:688|7(?:28|65)|85[06])|9(?:159|290)|1[2-9]\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:285|542)0',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2850',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:3(?:37|[58]6|65)|4(?:4|71)|5(?:07|78)|6(?:[02]6|99)|8(?:3|63|95))|(?:2(?:07|26|4[12]|5[78]|6[14]|8\\d|9[38])|3(?:0[07]|[38]5|4[036]|50|67|74|9[16])|4(?:0[2-47]|3[389]|[48]3|5[45]|71)|5(?:14|29|[4-6]\\d|77|83|9[069])|6(?:23|6[138]|76)|789|8(?:68|7[26]|85)|9(?:15|29))\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '144',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TR',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TT.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TT.php
index 2ddc8498..e60d3163 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TT.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TT.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:88|9[09])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '988',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[09]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '990',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:88|9[09])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '988',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:88|9[09])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '988',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '99[09]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '990',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:88|9[09])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '988',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TT',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TV.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TV.php
index 3adf917e..bcf12edd 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TV.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TV.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TV',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TW.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TW.php
index bfad29ea..4c85f6c7 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TW.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TW.php
@@ -1,116 +1,72 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0289]|1(?:81|92)\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[56]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '105',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[029]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[04-6]|1[0237-9]|3[389]|6[05-8]|7[07]|8(?:0|11)|9(?:19|22|5[057]|68|8[05]|9[15689]))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '100',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:65|9(?:1\\d|50|85|98))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '165',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{2,3}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0289]|1(?:81|92)\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '10[56]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '105',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[029]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[04-6]|1[0237-9]|3[389]|6[05-8]|7[07]|8(?:0|11)|9(?:19|22|5[057]|68|8[05]|9[15689]))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '100',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:65|9(?:1\\d|50|85|98))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '165',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TW',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TZ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TZ.php
index af6448fb..1c0319be 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TZ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_TZ.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[149]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[0-79]|9[09])|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0-245]|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1\\d|9[09])|46400|999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '110',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '464\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '46400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '464\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '46400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[149]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[0-79]|9[09])|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[0-245]|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1\\d|9[09])|46400|999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '110',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '464\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '46400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '464\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '46400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TZ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UA.php
index 29a59779..7e54c0d6 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UA.php
@@ -1,120 +1,78 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[189]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|1(?:2|6\\d{3}))',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-49]|1(?:2|6(?:000|1(?:11|23))|8\\d\\d?)|(?:[278]|5\\d)\\d)|[89]00\\d\\d?|151|1(?:06|4\\d|6)\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '101',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:118|[89]00)\\d\\d?',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1180',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[189]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|1(?:2|6\\d{3}))',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-3]|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[1-49]|1(?:2|6(?:000|1(?:11|23))|8\\d\\d?)|(?:[278]|5\\d)\\d)|[89]00\\d\\d?|151|1(?:06|4\\d|6)\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '101',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:118|[89]00)\\d\\d?',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1180',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'UA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UG.php
index cdfc9e97..43323b73 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UG.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '999',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '999',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '999',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'UG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_US.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_US.php
index d26b74d4..4903cc7a 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_US.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_US.php
@@ -1,128 +1,86 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{2,5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-              3 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|611|9(?:11|33|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '24280|(?:381|968)35|4(?:3355|7553|8221)|5(?:(?:489|934)2|5928)|72078|(?:323|960)40|(?:276|414)63|(?:2(?:520|744)|7390|9968)9|(?:693|732|976)88|(?:3(?:556|825)|5294|8623|9729)4|(?:3378|4136|7642|8961|9979)6|(?:4(?:6(?:15|32)|827)|(?:591|720)8|9529)7',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '24280',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|5[1-47]|[68]\\d|7[0-57]|98)|[2-9]\\d{3,5}|[2-8]11|9(?:11|33|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:3333|(?:4224|7562|900)2|56447|6688)|3(?:1010|2665|7404)|40404|560560|6(?:0060|22639|5246|7622)|7(?:0701|3822|4666)|8(?:(?:3825|7226)5|4816)|99099',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '23333',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '336\\d\\d|[2-9]\\d{3}|[2356]11',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '211',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{4,5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '20000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{2,5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|611|9(?:11|33|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '24280|(?:381|968)35|4(?:3355|7553|8221)|5(?:(?:489|934)2|5928)|72078|(?:323|960)40|(?:276|414)63|(?:2(?:520|744)|7390|9968)9|(?:693|732|976)88|(?:3(?:556|825)|5294|8623|9729)4|(?:3378|4136|7642|8961|9979)6|(?:4(?:6(?:15|32)|827)|(?:591|720)8|9529)7',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '24280',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11(?:2|5[1-47]|[68]\\d|7[0-57]|98)|[2-9]\\d{3,5}|[2-8]11|9(?:11|33|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:3333|(?:4224|7562|900)2|56447|6688)|3(?:1010|2665|7404)|40404|560560|6(?:0060|22639|5246|7622)|7(?:0701|3822|4666)|8(?:(?:3825|7226)5|4816)|99099',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '23333',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '336\\d\\d|[2-9]\\d{3}|[2356]11',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '211',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{4,5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '20000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'US',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UY.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UY.php
index 176bbc6d..cecab9d5 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UY.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UY.php
@@ -1,117 +1,75 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[129]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '128|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '128',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '128|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '128',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[4-9]|1[2368]|2[0-3568]|787|997\\d?)|21997|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '104',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '178\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1780',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[129]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '128|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '128',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '128|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '128',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0[4-9]|1[2368]|2[0-3568]|787|997\\d?)|21997|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '104',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '178\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1780',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'UY',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UZ.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UZ.php
index 162f39f6..6a103b7b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UZ.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_UZ.php
@@ -1,121 +1,79 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[04]\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:0[1-3]|[1-3]|50)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:0[1-3]|[1-3]|50)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:0[1-3]|[1-3]|50)|45400',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '01',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '454\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '45400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '454\\d\\d',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '45400',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[04]\\d(?:\\d(?:\\d{2})?)?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:0[1-3]|[1-3]|50)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:0[1-3]|[1-3]|50)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0(?:0[1-3]|[1-3]|50)|45400',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '01',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '454\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '45400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '454\\d\\d',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '45400',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'UZ',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VA.php
index cf256227..3015a194 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VA.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2358]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2358]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2358]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2358]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2358]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2358]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VC.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VC.php
index ad08bb3d..9f8ffe48 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VC.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VC.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VC',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VE.php
index 3a48f3a3..5b6094f4 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VE.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|71)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|71)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|71)|911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|71)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|71)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|71)|911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VG.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VG.php
index efaa5d4d..60fa2378 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VG.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VG.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88|99)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VG',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VI.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VI.php
index 12ed639f..696ae8d1 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VI.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VI.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '911',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|88)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VI',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VN.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VN.php
index 0623ee70..e3e4d849 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VN.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VN.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[3-5]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[3-5]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[3-5]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '113',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[3-5]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[3-5]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[3-5]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '113',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VN',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VU.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VU.php
index 6aea7889..1d48177d 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VU.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_VU.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'VU',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_WF.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_WF.php
index 70f703a9..f5e86645 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_WF.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_WF.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[578]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'WF',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_WS.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_WS.php
index 368d147f..2d8a2ccf 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_WS.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_WS.php
@@ -1,112 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|9[4-69])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|9[4-69])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '911',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[12]|2[0-6]|[39]0)|9(?:11|9[4-79])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '12[0-6]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '120',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|9[4-69])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9(?:11|9[4-69])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '911',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:1[12]|2[0-6]|[39]0)|9(?:11|9[4-79])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '12[0-6]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '120',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'WS',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_XK.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_XK.php
index a97a4ebb..412564f2 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_XK.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_XK.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|9[2-4])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'XK',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_YE.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_YE.php
index 4dc25bb7..54052088 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_YE.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_YE.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1459]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '191',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1459]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '191',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1459]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '191',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1459]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '191',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1459]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '191',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '19[1459]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '191',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'YE',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_YT.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_YT.php
index d549ffd3..e534cb9b 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_YT.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_YT.php
@@ -1,112 +1,68 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|5)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|5)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|5)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d\\d?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|5)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|5)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:12|5)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'YT',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZA.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZA.php
index 36d01ddf..a9cf3f07 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZA.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZA.php
@@ -1,125 +1,83 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[134]\\d{2,4}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 4,
-              2 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:01\\d\\d|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '41(?:348|851)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '41348',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:01(?:11|77)|12)',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:1(?:11|77)|20|7)|1[12]|77(?:3[237]|[45]7|6[279]|9[26]))|[34]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '107',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:078[23]|7(?:064|567)|8126)|4(?:394[16]|7751|8837)|4[23]699',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30782',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '111',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '111',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[34]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[134]\\d{2,4}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            4,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:01\\d\\d|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '41(?:348|851)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '41348',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:01(?:11|77)|12)',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:0(?:1(?:11|77)|20|7)|1[12]|77(?:3[237]|[45]7|6[279]|9[26]))|[34]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '107',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:078[23]|7(?:064|567)|8126)|4(?:394[16]|7751|8837)|4[23]699',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30782',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '111',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '111',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[34]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ZA',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZM.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZM.php
index 623efeb8..752dbb66 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZM.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZM.php
@@ -1,111 +1,67 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[139]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[139]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[139]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[19]\\d\\d',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[139]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[139]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[139]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ZM',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZW.php b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZW.php
index 4ee48d93..e720a179 100644
--- a/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZW.php
+++ b/src/data/ShortNumberMetadata_ZW.php
@@ -1,118 +1,76 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[139]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-              1 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9(?:5[023]|61|9[3-59])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[013-57-9]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30000',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'emergency' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[3-59]',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'shortCode' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2469]|3[013-57-9]\\d{3}|9(?:5[023]|6[0-25]|9[3-59])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'standardRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'carrierSpecific' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '114|9(?:5[023]|6[0-25])',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '114',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 3,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'smsServices' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[139]\\d\\d(?:\\d{2})?',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|9(?:5[023]|61|9[3-59])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3[013-57-9]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30000',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            5,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'emergency' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '112|99[3-59]',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'shortCode' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '11[2469]|3[013-57-9]\\d{3}|9(?:5[023]|6[0-25]|9[3-59])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'standardRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'carrierSpecific' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '114|9(?:5[023]|6[0-25])',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '114',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            3,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'smsServices' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'ZW',
     'countryCode' => 0,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_800.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_800.php
index 681cebc2..55b00a8b 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_800.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_800.php
@@ -1,160 +1,100 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 800,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_882.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_882.php
index ed064eaa..b643277d 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_882.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_882.php
@@ -1,160 +1,100 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 882,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_979.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_979.php
index 1a3211b8..7b7b21df 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_979.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_979.php
@@ -1,160 +1,100 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => '001',
     'countryCode' => 979,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AD.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AD.php
index 6d0bb416..db6be9f5 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AD.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AD.php
@@ -1,149 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AD',
     'countryCode' => 376,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AE.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AE.php
index 85e18fde..ed6a21e1 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AE.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AE.php
@@ -1,149 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '600\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '600123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '600\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '600123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AE',
     'countryCode' => 971,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AM.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AM.php
index 40a72bba..fb8d1029 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AM.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AM.php
@@ -1,158 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '10123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 5,
-              1 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '10123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            5,
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AM',
     'countryCode' => 374,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AO.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AO.php
index 6ee2d691..6ad02e51 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AO.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AO.php
@@ -1,163 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[29]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d(?:[26-9]\\d|\\d[26-9])\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '222123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[1-3]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '923123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[29]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2\\d(?:[26-9]\\d|\\d[26-9])\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '222123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[1-3]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '923123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AO',
     'countryCode' => 244,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0~0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0~0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AR.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AR.php
index dc7a12b2..7e8730a2 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AR.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AR.php
@@ -1,156 +1,103 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-3689]\\d{9,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-              5 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-3]\\d{5,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-              3 => 9,
-              4 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{10}|[1-3]\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8034567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(0\\d|10)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-3689]\\d{9,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-3]\\d{5,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{10}|[1-3]\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8034567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(0\\d|10)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AR',
     'countryCode' => 54,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
@@ -158,126 +105,104 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0(?:(11|343|3715)15)?',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '9$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '11',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[02-9]|[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$2 15 $3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '911',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$2 $3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:1[02-9]|[23])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$1 $CC',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[68]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '11',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[02-9]|[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '911',
-               ],
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '9(?:1[02-9]|[23])',
-               ],
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[68]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '11',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[02-9]|[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$2 15 $3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '911',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$2 $3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:1[02-9]|[23])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$1 $CC',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[68]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '11',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[02-9]|[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '911',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '9(?:1[02-9]|[23])',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[68]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AU.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AU.php
index b8f59674..1a40c2c1 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AU.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_AU.php
@@ -1,147 +1,94 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-578]\\d{4,14}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2378]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '4\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '190[0126]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-578]\\d{4,14}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2378]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '212345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '4\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '412345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '190[0126]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1900123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'AU',
     'countryCode' => 61,
     'internationalPrefix' => '001[12]',
@@ -149,36 +96,29 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2-478]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2-478]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BB.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BB.php
index 707f79e7..8e5edd81 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BB.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BB.php
@@ -1,151 +1,95 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '246\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '246\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2464567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '246\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '246\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2464567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BB',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BR.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BR.php
index cf9ee29f..15f363c7 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BR.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BR.php
@@ -1,151 +1,95 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '12345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BR',
     'countryCode' => 55,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BS.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BS.php
index 4cbb4ea1..6b2e6192 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BS.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BS.php
@@ -1,156 +1,97 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(242|8(00|66|77|88)|900)\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '242(?:3(?:02|[236][1-9]|4[0-24-9]|5[0-68]|7[3-57]|9[2-5])|4(?:2[237]|51|64|77)|502|636|702)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2425027890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '242(357|359|457|557)\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2423577890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(00|66|77|88)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(242|8(00|66|77|88)|900)\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '242(?:3(?:02|[236][1-9]|4[0-24-9]|5[0-68]|7[3-57]|9[2-5])|4(?:2[237]|51|64|77)|502|636|702)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2425027890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '242(357|359|457|557)\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2423577890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(00|66|77|88)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BS',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
     'nationalPrefix' => '1',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BY.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BY.php
index 192fbe4d..5e271e71 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BY.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_BY.php
@@ -1,187 +1,124 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{5}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '112345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{5}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '112345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'BY',
     'countryCode' => 375,
     'internationalPrefix' => '810',
     'nationalPrefix' => '8',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '80?|99999',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-8]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-8]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CA.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CA.php
index feca1595..f36a8efa 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CA.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CA.php
@@ -1,151 +1,95 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '226\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '226\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2261234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '226\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '226\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2261234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CA',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CC.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CC.php
index d0156907..66967670 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CC.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CC.php
@@ -1,151 +1,95 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2261234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2261234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CC',
     'countryCode' => 61,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CN.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CN.php
index 9d02099f..d5994794 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CN.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CN.php
@@ -1,178 +1,116 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-7]\\d{6,11}|8[0-357-9]\\d{6,9}|9\\d{7,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '91234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[38]\\d|4[57]|5[0-35-9]|7[0136-8])\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '13123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-7]\\d{6,11}|8[0-357-9]\\d{6,9}|9\\d{7,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '91234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(?:[38]\\d|4[57]|5[0-35-9]|7[0136-8])\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '13123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CN',
     'countryCode' => 86,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-9]',
-                   1 => '[3-9]\\d{2}[19]',
-                   2 => '[3-9]\\d{2}(?:10|95)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{5,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-9]',
+                '[3-9]\\d{2}[19]',
+                '[3-9]\\d{2}(?:10|95)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CO.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CO.php
index e2d51c13..fe7be8f1 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CO.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CO.php
@@ -1,176 +1,114 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:60|3\\d)\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '60\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '6012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:0[0-5]|1\\d|2[0-3]|5[01]|70)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3211234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:60|3\\d)\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '60\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '6012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3(?:0[0-5]|1\\d|2[0-3]|5[01]|70)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3211234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CO',
     'countryCode' => 57,
     'internationalPrefix' => '',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0(4(?:[14]4|56)|[579])?',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '($1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '0$CC $1',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CX.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CX.php
index 27abe427..08de26bb 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CX.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_CX.php
@@ -1,151 +1,95 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2261234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{8,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2261234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'CX',
     'countryCode' => 61,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_DE.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_DE.php
index 70d6a168..1a520bb4 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_DE.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_DE.php
@@ -1,244 +1,177 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{4,14}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-              5 => 9,
-              6 => 10,
-              7 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[24-6]\\d{2}|3[03-9]\\d|[789](?:0[2-9]|[1-9]\\d))\\d{1,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '30123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 2,
-              1 => 3,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(5\\d{9}|7\\d{8}|6[02]\\d{8}|63\\d{7})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '15123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900([135]\\d{6}|9\\d{7})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{4,14}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:[24-6]\\d{2}|3[03-9]\\d|[789](?:0[2-9]|[1-9]\\d))\\d{1,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '30123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            2,
+            3,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1(5\\d{9}|7\\d{8}|6[02]\\d{8}|63\\d{7})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '15123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900([135]\\d{6}|9\\d{7})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'DE',
     'countryCode' => 49,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,8})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2|3[3-9]|906|[4-9][1-9]1',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,11})',
-              'format' => '$1/$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[34]0|[68]9',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[4-9]',
-                   1 => '[4-6]|[7-9](?:\\d[1-9]|[1-9]\\d)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,7})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[4-9]',
-                   1 => '[4-6]|[7-9](?:\\d[1-9]|[1-9]\\d)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{1})(\\d{6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '900',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,8})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2|3[3-9]|906|[4-9][1-9]1',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4,11})',
+            'format' => '$1/$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[34]0|[68]9',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[4-9]',
+                '[4-6]|[7-9](?:\\d[1-9]|[1-9]\\d)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{2,7})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[4-9]',
+                '[4-6]|[7-9](?:\\d[1-9]|[1-9]\\d)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{1})(\\d{6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '900',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_FR.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_FR.php
index ec2bc931..6fe14dab 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_FR.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_FR.php
@@ -1,163 +1,104 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3\\d{6}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3\\d{6}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'FR',
     'countryCode' => 33,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_GB.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_GB.php
index 5ebf3d5b..22411d6b 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_GB.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_GB.php
@@ -1,220 +1,157 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-6]\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 7,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[1-57-9]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8023456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[018]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9023456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:4[3-5]|7[0-2])\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8433456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7033456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5633456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '76\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7623456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-6]\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '7[1-57-9]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8023456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[018]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9023456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:4[3-5]|7[0-2])\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8433456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7033456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '56\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5633456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '76\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7623456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GB',
     'countryCode' => 44,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[1-59]|[78]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '6',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '7[1-57-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8[47]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[1-59]|[78]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '6',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '7[1-57-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8[47]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '(0$1)',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_GG.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_GG.php
index 908abade..460cb679 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_GG.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_GG.php
@@ -1,151 +1,95 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7033456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{6,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7033456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'GG',
     'countryCode' => 44,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_IT.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_IT.php
index c79b40ec..af34bf28 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_IT.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_IT.php
@@ -1,211 +1,147 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0389]\\d{5,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-              3 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0\\d{9,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '3\\d{8,9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:0\\d{6}|3\\d{3})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '89(?:2\\d{3}|9\\d{6})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '892123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-              1 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[0389]\\d{5,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0\\d{9,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '3\\d{8,9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80(?:0\\d{6}|3\\d{3})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '89(?:2\\d{3}|9\\d{6})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '892123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'IT',
     'countryCode' => 39,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[26]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '0[13-57-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '3',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,6})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '8',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[26]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '0[13-57-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '3',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3,6})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '8',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_JP.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_JP.php
index 0055f2f2..f268339a 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_JP.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_JP.php
@@ -1,251 +1,180 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '07\\d{5}|[1-357-9]\\d{3,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-              5 => 9,
-              6 => 10,
-              7 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '07\\d{5}|[1-357-9]\\d{3,10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0712345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '0777[01]\\d{2}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '0777012',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[23]\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '07\\d{5}|[1-357-9]\\d{3,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '07\\d{5}|[1-357-9]\\d{3,10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0712345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '0777[01]\\d{2}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '0777012',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[23]\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'JP',
     'countryCode' => 81,
     'internationalPrefix' => '010',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[57-9]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[57-9]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '111|222|333',
-                   1 => '(?:111|222|333)1',
-                   2 => '(?:111|222|333)11',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d)(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '222|333',
-                   1 => '2221|3332',
-                   2 => '22212|3332',
-                   3 => '222120|3332',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '077',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '*$1',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[23]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[57-9]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[57-9]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '111|222|333',
+                '(?:111|222|333)1',
+                '(?:111|222|333)11',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d)(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '222|333',
+                '2221|3332',
+                '22212|3332',
+                '222120|3332',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '077',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '*$1',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[23]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_KR.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_KR.php
index 515843a3..618a34bd 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_KR.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_KR.php
@@ -1,324 +1,243 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-7]\\d{3,9}|8\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 5,
-              2 => 6,
-              3 => 7,
-              4 => 8,
-              5 => 9,
-              6 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2|[34][1-3]|5[1-5]|6[1-4])(?:1\\d{2,3}|[2-9]\\d{6,7})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[0-25-9]\\d{7,8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1023456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '60[2-9]\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '602345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '50\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '5012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-7]\\d{3,9}|8\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            5,
+            6,
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:2|[34][1-3]|5[1-5]|6[1-4])(?:1\\d{2,3}|[2-9]\\d{6,7})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '22123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1[0-25-9]\\d{7,8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1023456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '60[2-9]\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '602345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '50\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '5012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '7012345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'KR',
     'countryCode' => 82,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00(?:[124-68]|[37]\\d{2})',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0(8[1-46-8]|85\\d{2})?',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:0|1[19]|[69]9|5[458])|[57]0',
-                   1 => '1(?:0|1[19]|[69]9|5(?:44|59|8))|[57]0',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[169][2-8]|[78]|5[1-4])|[68]0|[3-6][1-9][2-9]',
-                   1 => '1(?:[169][2-8]|[78]|5(?:[1-3]|4[56]))|[68]0|[3-6][1-9][2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '131',
-                   1 => '1312',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '131',
-                   1 => '131[13-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '13[2-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3-$4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '30',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         6 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:[26]|3[0-467])',
-                   1 => '2(?:[26]|3(?:01|1[45]|2[17-9]|39|4|6[67]|7[078]))',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         7 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2(?:3[0-35-9]|[457-9])',
-                   1 => '2(?:3(?:0[02-9]|1[0-36-9]|2[02-6]|3[0-8]|6[0-589]|7[1-69]|[589])|[457-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         8 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '21[0-46-9]',
-                   1 => '21(?:[0-247-9]|3[124]|6[1269])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         9 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '21[36]',
-                   1 => '21(?:3[035-9]|6[03-578])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         10 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-6][1-9]1',
-                   1 => '[3-6][1-9]1(?:[0-46-9])',
-                   2 => '[3-6][1-9]1(?:[0-247-9]|3[124]|6[1269])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         11 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[3-6][1-9]1',
-                   1 => '[3-6][1-9]1[36]',
-                   2 => '[3-6][1-9]1(?:3[035-9]|6[03-578])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:0|1[19]|[69]9|5[458])|[57]0',
+                '1(?:0|1[19]|[69]9|5(?:44|59|8))|[57]0',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[169][2-8]|[78]|5[1-4])|[68]0|[3-6][1-9][2-9]',
+                '1(?:[169][2-8]|[78]|5(?:[1-3]|4[56]))|[68]0|[3-6][1-9][2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d)(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '131',
+                '1312',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '131',
+                '131[13-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '13[2-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3-$4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '30',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:[26]|3[0-467])',
+                '2(?:[26]|3(?:01|1[45]|2[17-9]|39|4|6[67]|7[078]))',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2-$3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2(?:3[0-35-9]|[457-9])',
+                '2(?:3(?:0[02-9]|1[0-36-9]|2[02-6]|3[0-8]|6[0-589]|7[1-69]|[589])|[457-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '21[0-46-9]',
+                '21(?:[0-247-9]|3[124]|6[1269])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '21[36]',
+                '21(?:3[035-9]|6[03-578])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-6][1-9]1',
+                '[3-6][1-9]1(?:[0-46-9])',
+                '[3-6][1-9]1(?:[0-247-9]|3[124]|6[1269])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[3-6][1-9]1',
+                '[3-6][1-9]1[36]',
+                '[3-6][1-9]1(?:3[035-9]|6[03-578])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_MX.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_MX.php
index 416e5964..ff853194 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_MX.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_MX.php
@@ -1,149 +1,98 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{9,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{10}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '11234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{9,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[2-9]\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '2123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1\\d{10}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '11234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'MX',
     'countryCode' => 52,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
@@ -151,147 +100,121 @@
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '01|04[45](\\d{10})',
     'nationalPrefixTransformRule' => '1$1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]00',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '901',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '33|55|81',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2467]|3[0-24-9]|5[0-46-9]|8[2-9]|9[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '045 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:33|55|81)',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '045 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[124579]|3[0-24-9]|5[0-46-9]|8[02-9])',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]00',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
-              'format' => '$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '901',
-               ],
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '33|55|81',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         3 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[2467]|3[0-24-9]|5[0-46-9]|8[2-9]|9[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-         4 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:33|55|81)',
-               ],
-          ],
-         5 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1(?:[124579]|3[0-24-9]|5[0-46-9]|8[02-9])',
-               ],
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]00',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '901',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '33|55|81',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2467]|3[0-24-9]|5[0-46-9]|8[2-9]|9[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '045 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:33|55|81)',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '045 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[124579]|3[0-24-9]|5[0-46-9]|8[02-9])',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]00',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{5})',
+            'format' => '$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '901',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '33|55|81',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[2467]|3[0-24-9]|5[0-46-9]|8[2-9]|9[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '01 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{2})(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:33|55|81)',
+            ],
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1(?:[124579]|3[0-24-9]|5[0-46-9]|8[02-9])',
+            ],
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_NZ.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_NZ.php
index 20ba092f..0f477c2a 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_NZ.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_NZ.php
@@ -1,202 +1,140 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[289]\\d{7,9}|[3-7]\\d{7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-              2 => 9,
-              3 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '24099\\d{3}|(?:3[2-79]|[479][2-689]|6[235-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '24099123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-              1 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[027]\\d{7}|9\\d{6,7}|1(?:0\\d{5,7}|[12]\\d{5,6}|[3-9]\\d{5})|4[1-9]\\d{6}|8\\d{7,8})',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '201234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 9,
-              2 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{6,7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-              1 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[289]\\d{7,9}|[3-7]\\d{7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '24099\\d{3}|(?:3[2-79]|[479][2-689]|6[235-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '24099123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            7,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2(?:[027]\\d{7}|9\\d{6,7}|1(?:0\\d{5,7}|[12]\\d{5,6}|[3-9]\\d{5})|4[1-9]\\d{6}|8\\d{7,8})',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '201234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{6,7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'NZ',
     'countryCode' => 64,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '24|[34679]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,5})',
-              'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '2[179]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '24|[34679]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d)(\\d{3})(\\d{3,5})',
+            'format' => '$1-$2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '2[179]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{3,4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_PL.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_PL.php
index 15d8b7bd..694fa26d 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_PL.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_PL.php
@@ -1,164 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5[01]|6[069]|7[289]|88)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '501234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[1-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '(?:5[01]|6[069]|7[289]|88)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '501234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '800123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '70\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '701234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'PL',
     'countryCode' => 48,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_RE.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_RE.php
index e10c977c..37431722 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_RE.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_RE.php
@@ -1,165 +1,102 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[268]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '262\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '262161234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:9[23]|47)\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '692123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:1[01]|2[0156]|84|9[0-37-9])\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '810123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[268]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '262\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '262161234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6(?:9[23]|47)\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '692123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:1[01]|2[0156]|84|9[0-37-9])\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '810123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RE',
     'countryCode' => 262,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '0$1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '262|6(?:9[23]|47)|8',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_RU.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_RU.php
index f87838c3..a9483499 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_RU.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_RU.php
@@ -1,152 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[347-9]\\d{9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[348]\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '3011234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[347-9]\\d{9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[348]\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '3011234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'RU',
     'countryCode' => 7,
     'internationalPrefix' => '810',
     'nationalPrefix' => '8',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '8',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_SE.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_SE.php
index 43dfdefa..b3dbb3de 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_SE.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_SE.php
@@ -1,149 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '\\d{9}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '123456789',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SE',
     'countryCode' => 46,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_SG.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_SG.php
index f2497ae6..f90f4564 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_SG.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_SG.php
@@ -1,196 +1,134 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13689]\\d{7,10}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-              1 => 10,
-              2 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[36]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '31234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[89]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1?800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-              1 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '1900\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '19001234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 11,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13689]\\d{7,10}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[36]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '31234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[89]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1?800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '1900\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '19001234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            11,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'SG',
     'countryCode' => 65,
     'internationalPrefix' => '0[0-3][0-9]',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '777777',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[369]|8[1-9]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '1[89]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         2 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '800',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[369]|8[1-9]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{4})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '1[89]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '800',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_TA.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_TA.php
index 5497730f..e6345fd0 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_TA.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_TA.php
@@ -1,156 +1,99 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{3,7}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-              1 => 6,
-              2 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '812345',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 6,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{3}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8123',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 4,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '81234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 8,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{3,7}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+            6,
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '812345',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            6,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{3}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8123',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            4,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '81234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            8,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'TA',
     'countryCode' => 290,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_US.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_US.php
index 6e9bb195..452426e7 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_US.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_US.php
@@ -1,146 +1,91 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13-689]\\d{9}|2[0-35-9]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 10,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13-689]\\d{9}|2[0-35-9]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13-689]\\d{9}|2[0-35-9]\\d{8}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '1234567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|66|77|88)\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8004567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '9004567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '8004567890',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13-689]\\d{9}|2[0-35-9]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            10,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13-689]\\d{9}|2[0-35-9]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[13-689]\\d{9}|2[0-35-9]\\d{8}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '1234567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '8(?:00|66|77|88)\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8004567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '900\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '9004567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '800\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '8004567890',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'US',
     'countryCode' => 1,
     'internationalPrefix' => '011',
@@ -148,45 +93,34 @@
     'preferredExtnPrefix' => ' extn. ',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '1',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => true,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-         1 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
-          ],
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{3})(\\d{3})(\\d{4})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => true,
+        ],
+    ],
     'mainCountryForCode' => true,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => true,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_UZ.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_UZ.php
index 96b71540..56b5e19c 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_UZ.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_UZ.php
@@ -1,142 +1,89 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[69]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '6122\\d{5}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '662345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-              0 => 7,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[0-57-9]\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[69]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '6122\\d{5}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '662345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [
+            7,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '9[0-57-9]\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '912345678',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'UZ',
     'countryCode' => 998,
     'internationalPrefix' => '810',
@@ -144,24 +91,19 @@
     'nationalPrefix' => '8',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '8',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-         0 =>
-          [
-              'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
-              'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
-              'leadingDigitsPatterns' =>
-               [
-                   0 => '[679]',
-               ],
-              'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
-              'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
-              'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
-          ],
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [
+        [
+            'pattern' => '(\\d{2})(\\d{3})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})',
+            'format' => '$1 $2 $3 $4',
+            'leadingDigitsPatterns' => [
+                '[679]',
+            ],
+            'nationalPrefixFormattingRule' => '8 $1',
+            'domesticCarrierCodeFormattingRule' => '',
+            'nationalPrefixOptionalWhenFormatting' => false,
+        ],
+    ],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,
diff --git a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_YT.php b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_YT.php
index ca487adf..53f738ae 100644
--- a/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_YT.php
+++ b/tests/core/data/PhoneNumberMetadataForTesting_YT.php
@@ -1,153 +1,93 @@
- * This file has been @generated by a phing task by {@link BuildMetadataPHPFromXml}.
- * See []( for more information.
- *
- * Pull requests changing data in these files will not be accepted. See the
- * [FAQ in the README](] on how to make
- * metadata changes.
- *
- * Do not modify this file directly!
+ * libphonenumber-for-php-lite data file
+ * This file has been @generated from libphonenumber data
+ * Do not modify!
+ * @internal
-return  [
-    'generalDesc' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '[268]\\d{8}',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => 9,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'fixedLine' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '2696[0-4]\\d{4}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '269601234',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'mobile' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '639\\d{6}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '639123456',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'tollFree' =>
-     [
-         'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
-         'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'premiumRate' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'sharedCost' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'personalNumber' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voip' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'pager' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'uan' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'voicemail' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
-    'noInternationalDialling' =>
-     [
-         'PossibleLength' =>
-          [
-              0 => -1,
-          ],
-         'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' =>
-          [
-          ],
-     ],
+return [
+    'generalDesc' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '[268]\\d{8}',
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            9,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'fixedLine' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '2696[0-4]\\d{4}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '269601234',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'mobile' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '639\\d{6}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '639123456',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'tollFree' => [
+        'NationalNumberPattern' => '80\\d{7}',
+        'ExampleNumber' => '801234567',
+        'PossibleLength' => [],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'premiumRate' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'sharedCost' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'personalNumber' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voip' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'pager' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'uan' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'voicemail' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
+    'noInternationalDialling' => [
+        'PossibleLength' => [
+            -1,
+        ],
+        'PossibleLengthLocalOnly' => [],
+    ],
     'id' => 'YT',
     'countryCode' => 262,
     'internationalPrefix' => '00',
     'nationalPrefix' => '0',
     'nationalPrefixForParsing' => '0',
     'sameMobileAndFixedLinePattern' => false,
-    'numberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
-    'intlNumberFormat' =>
-     [
-     ],
+    'numberFormat' => [],
+    'intlNumberFormat' => [],
     'mainCountryForCode' => false,
     'leadingDigits' => '269|639',
     'mobileNumberPortableRegion' => false,