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.. currentmodule:: iminuit

Quick Summary

These methods and attributes you will use a lot:

.. autosummary::


.. autoclass:: Minuit

Cost functions

.. automodule:: iminuit.cost


The :func:`iminuit.minimize` function provides the same interface as :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. If you are familiar with the latter, this allows you to use Minuit with a quick start. Eventually, you still may want to learn the interface of the :class:`iminuit.Minuit` class, as it provides more functionality if you are interested in parameter uncertainties.

.. autofunction:: iminuit.minimize

Utility Functions

.. currentmodule:: iminuit.util

The module :mod:`iminuit.util` provides the :func:`describe` function and various function to manipulate fit arguments. Most of these functions (apart from describe) are for internal use. You should not rely on them in your code. We list the ones that are for the public.

.. automodule:: iminuit.util
    :exclude-members: arguments_from_docstring, arguments_from_funccode,
        arguments_from_call_funccode, true_param, param_name,
        remove_var, format_exception, fitarg_rename

Data objects

.. currentmodule:: iminuit

iminuit uses various data objects as return values. This section lists them.

Function Minimum Data Object

Subclass of NamedTuple that stores information about the fit result. It is returned by :meth:`Minuit.get_fmin` and :meth:`Minuit.migrad`. It has the following attributes:

  • fval: Value of the cost function at the minimum.

  • edm: Estimated Distance to Minimum.

  • nfcn: Number of function call in last Migrad call

  • up: Equal to the value of errordef when Migrad ran.

  • is_valid: Whether the function minimum is ok, defined as

    • has_valid_parameters
    • and not has_reached_call_limit
    • and not is_above_max_edm
  • has_valid_parameters: Validity of parameters. This means:

    1. The parameters must have valid error(if it's not fixed). Valid error is not necessarily accurate.
    2. The parameters value must be valid
  • has_accurate_covariance: Whether covariance matrix is accurate.

  • has_pos_def_covar: Positive definiteness of covariance matrix. Must be true if the extremum is a minimum.

  • has_made_posdef_covar: Whether Migrad has to force covariance matrix to be positive definite by adding a diagonal matrix (should not happen!).

  • hesse_failed: Whether a call to Hesse after Migrad was successful.

  • has_covaraince: Has Covariance.

  • is_above_max_edm: Is estimated distance to minimum above its goal? This is the convergence criterion of Migrad, if it is violated, Migrad did not converge.

  • has_reached_call_limit: Whether Migrad exceeded the allowed number of function calls.

Minos Data Object

Subclass of NamedTuple which stores information about the Minos result. It is returned by :meth:`Minuit.minos` (as part of a dictionary from parameter name -> data object). You can get it also from :meth:`Minuit.merrors`. It has the following attributes:

  • lower: lower error value
  • upper: upper error value
  • is_valid: Validity of minos error value. This means lower_valid and upper_valid
  • lower_valid: Validity of lower error
  • upper_valid: Validity of upper error
  • at_lower_limit: minos calculation hits the lower limit on parameters
  • at_upper_limit: minos calculation hits the upper limit on parameters
  • lower_new_min: found a new minimum while scanning cost function for lower error value
  • upper_new_min: found a new minimum while scanning cost function for upper error value
  • nfn: number of call to FCN in the last minos scan
  • min: the value of the parameter at the minimum

Parameter Data Object

Subclass of NamedTuple which stores the fit parameter state. It is returned by :meth:`Minuit.hesse` and as part of the :meth:`Minuit.migrad` result. You can access the latest parameter state by calling :meth:`Minuit.get_param_states`, and the initial state via :meth:`Minuit.get_initial_param_states`. It has the following attrubutes:

  • number: parameter number
  • name: parameter name
  • value: parameter value
  • error: parameter parabolic error(like those from hesse)
  • is_fixed: is the parameter fixed
  • is_const: is the parameter a constant(We do not support const but you can alway use fixing parameter instead)
  • has_limits: parameter has limits set
  • has_lower_limit: parameter has lower limit set. We do not support one sided limit though.
  • has_upper_limit: parameter has upper limit set.
  • lower_limit: value of lower limit for this parameter
  • upper_limit: value of upper limit for this parameter

Function Signature Extraction Ordering

  1. Using f.func_code.co_varnames, f.func_code.co_argcount All functions that are defined like:

    def f(x, y):
        return (x - 2) ** 2 + (y - 3) ** 2


    f = lambda x, y: (x - 2) ** 2 + (y - 3) ** 2

    Have these two attributes.

  2. Using f.__call__.func_code.co_varnames, f.__call__.co_argcount. Minuit knows how to skip the self parameter. This allow you to do things like encapsulate your data with in a fitting algorithm:

    class MyLeastSquares:
        def __init__(self, data_x, data_y, data_yerr):
            self.x = data_x
            self.y = data_y
   = data_yerr
        def __call__(self, a, b):
            result = 0.0
            for x, y, ye in zip(self.x, self.y,
                y_predicted = a * x + b
                residual = (y - y_predicted) / ye
                result += residual ** 2
            return result
  3. If all fails, Minuit will try to read the function signature from the docstring to get function signature.

This order is very similar to PyMinuit signature detection. Actually, it is a superset of PyMinuit signature detection. The difference is that it allows you to fake function signature by having a func_code attribute in the object. This allows you to make a generic functor of your custom cost function. This is explained in the Advanced Tutorial in the docs.


If you are unsure what iminuit will parse your function signature, you can use :func:`describe` to check which argument names are detected.