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name value
name tract_indices
path tract_indices.csv
version 0.3.0
title Census Tract-Level Neighborhood Indices
description A collection of census-derived indices for all census tracts in the U.S.


name title type description
census_tract_id Census Tract Identifier NA NA
adi Neighborhood Atlas Area Deprivation Index number national percentile ranking at block group level from 1 to 100 averaged for each tract; higher adi indicates higher disadvantage (2019)
coi_education Child Opportunity Index Education Domain number weighted average of education domain component indicator z-scores, nationally normed (2015)
coi_health_env Child Opportunity Index Health and Environment Domain number weighted average of health and environment domain component indicator z-scores, nationally normed (2015)
coi_social_econ Child Opportunity Index Social and Economic Domain number weighted average of social and economic domain component indicator z-scores, nationally normed (2015)
coi Child Opportunity Index number weighted average of three domain averaged z-scores, nationally normed (2015)
dep_index_fraction_assisted_income Fraction Assisted Income number fraction of households receiving public assistance income or food stamps or SNAP in the past 12 months (2018)
dep_index_fraction_high_school_edu Fraction High School Education number fraction of population 25 and older with educational attainment of at least high school graduation (includes GED equivalency) (2018)
dep_index_median_income Median Household Income number median household income in the past 12 months in 2018 inflation-adjusted dollars (2018)
dep_index_fraction_no_health_ins Fraction No Health Insurance number fraction of poulation with no health insurance coverage (2018)
dep_index_fraction_poverty Fraction Poverty number fraction of population with income in past 12 months below poverty level (2018)
dep_index_fraction_vacant_housing Fraction Vacant Housing number fraction of houses that are vacant (2018)
dep_index Material Deprivation Index number composite index of 6 variables above characterizing community material deprivation; range 0 to 1, with higher values indicating higher deprivation (2018)
lead_paint Lead Paint Indicator number percent of housing units built pre-1960 (2019)
diesel_pm Diesel PM Concentration number concentration of diesel particulate matter in air (ug/m3) (2017)
cancer_risk Cancer Risk number lifetime cancer risk from inhalation of air toxics (2017)
resp_hazard_ind Respiratory Hazard Index number air toxics respiratory hazard index; ratio of exposure concentration to health-based reference concentration (2017)
traffic_proximity Traffic Proximity and Volume number Count of vehicles (AADT, avg. annual daily traffic) at major roads within 500 meters, divided by distance in meters (2019)
major_discharger_water Major Direct Dischargers to Water Indicator number RSEI modeled toxic concentrations at stream segments within 500 m divided by distance in km (2021)
nat_priority_proximity Proximity to NPL Sites number count of proposed or listed National Priority List (a.k.a. superfund) sites within 5 km (or nearest one beyond 5 km) (2021)
risk_management_proximity Proximity to RMP Facilities number count of Risk Management Plan (potential chemical accident management plan) facilities within 5 km (or nearest one beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in km (2021)
disposal_proximity Proximity to TSDF Facilities number count of hazardous waste facilities (Treatment Storage and Disposal Facilities and LQGs) within 5 km (or nearest beyond 5 km), each divided by distance in km (2021)
ozone_conc Ozone Cocentration number ozone seasonal average of daily maximum 8-hour concentration (ppb) (2018)
pm_conc PM Concentration number annual average PM2.5 level in air (ug/m3) (2018)
low_food_access_flag Low Food Access Flag boolean TRUE if tract has at least 500 people or at least 33% of the tract population living more than 1 mile from nearest food store in urban areas, or more than 10 miles in rural areas (2019)
low_food_access_pop NA number NA
low_food_access_pct Low Food Access Percentage number percent of tract population living more than 1 mile from nearest food store in urban areas, or more than 10 miles in rural areas (2019)
food_insecurity_pct Food Insecurity Percentage number estimated percentage of population in food insecure households (2019)
hpsa_mh Mental Health Professional Shortage Area boolean NA
hpsa_pc Primary Care Professional Shortage Area boolean NA
ice Racial Economic Index of Concentration at the Extremes number high income white non-Hispanic households versus low income people of color (not white non-Hispanic) households; -1 to 1 where 1 indicates all high income white households and -1 indicates all low income people of color households (2019)
pct_crowding Percent Crowding number percent of households with greater than 1 person per room (2019)
mrfei Modified Retail Food Environment Index number percentage of healthy food retailers (2011)
mua Medically Underserved Area boolean NA
pct_1or2_risk_factors Percent 1 or 2 Community Resilience Risk Factors number Rate of individuals with one to two community resilience risk factors (2019)
pct_3ormore_risk_factors Percent 3 or More Community Resilience Risk Factors number Rate of individuals with three or more community resilience risk factors (2019)
sdi Social Deprivation Index number Social Deprivation Index Score 1-100 (2015)
svi_socioeconomic Social Vulnerability Index Socioeconomic Theme number percentile ranking 0 to 1 for socioeconomic theme (2018)
svi_household_comp Social Vulnerability Index Household Composition Theme number percentile ranking 0 to 1 for household composition theme (2018)
svi_minority Social Vulnerability Index Minority Theme number percentile ranking 0 to 1 for minority status/language theme (2018)
svi_housing_transportation Social Vulnerability Index Housing and Transportation Theme number percentile ranking 0 to 1 for housing type/transportation theme (2018)
svi Social Vulnerability Index number overall social vulnerability percentile ranking 0 to 1 (2018)
walkability_index Walkability Index number national percentile rankings at the block group level from 1 to 20 averaged for each tract; 1 is least walkable, 20 is most walkable; accounts for intersection density, proximity to transit stops, employment mix, and employment/household mix (2021)