diff --git a/conftest.py b/conftest.py
index 2ae6a1e..5235f31 100644
--- a/conftest.py
+++ b/conftest.py
@@ -68,6 +68,12 @@ def pytest_addoption(parser):
         '--skip-xfail', action="store_true",  dest="skip_xfail",
         help="Do not run the tests known to fail when in compare mode."
+    parser.addoption(
+        '--check-duplicates',
+        type=int,
+        dest="check_duplicates",
+        help="Activates the check that there is no duplicate in the nth first results"
+    )
 def pytest_configure(config):
@@ -75,6 +81,7 @@ def pytest_configure(config):
     CONFIG['MAX_RUN'] = config.getoption('--max-run')
     CONFIG['LOOSE_COMPARE'] = config.getoption('--loose-compare')
     CONFIG['GEOJSON'] = config.getoption('--geojson')
+    CONFIG['CHECK_DUPLICATES'] = config.getoption('--check-duplicates')
     CONFIG['SKIP_XFAIL'] = config.getoption('--skip-xfail')
     if config.getoption('--compare-report'):
         with open(config.getoption('--compare-report')) as f:
@@ -151,6 +158,13 @@ def __init__(self, name, parent, **kwargs):
         self.comment = kwargs.get('comment')
         self.skip = kwargs.get('skip')
         self.mark = kwargs.get('mark', [])
+        self.max_matches = kwargs.get('max_matches')
+        if self.max_matches:
+            self.max_matches = int(self.max_matches)
+        else:
+            self.max_matches = None
         for mark in self.mark:
@@ -161,7 +175,8 @@ def runtest(self):
             'query': self.query,
             'expected': self.expected,
             'lang': self.lang,
-            'comment': self.comment
+            'comment': self.comment,
+            'max_matches': self.max_matches
         if self.lat and self.lon:
             kwargs['center'] = [self.lat, self.lon]
diff --git a/geocoder_tester/base.py b/geocoder_tester/base.py
index b3bfacb..27d9f69 100644
--- a/geocoder_tester/base.py
+++ b/geocoder_tester/base.py
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 from geopy import Point
 from geopy.distance import distance
 from unidecode import unidecode
+from collections import defaultdict
 POTSDAM = [52.3879, 13.0582]
 BERLIN = [52.519854, 13.438596]
@@ -16,11 +18,38 @@
     'MAX_RUN': 0,  # means no limit
     'GEOJSON': False,
     'FAILED': [],
 http = requests.Session()
+def get_properties(f):
+    if 'geocoding' in f['properties']:
+        return f['properties']['geocoding']
+    else:
+        return f['properties']
+def get_duplicates_key(feature):
+    """
+    returns a key used to check if a feature has a duplicate.
+    This is a bit tuned on how the results are displayed to the end user.
+    For the majority of objects we use the label (or name if there is no label) + the type of the object
+    The type is used because for example there can be a POI with the same name as a Stop
+    For the POI it's a bit trickier, we also use the address of the POI
+    because there can be for example 2 bars with the same name in the same city
+    """
+    obj = get_properties(feature)
+    label = obj.get('label') or feature['name']
+    if obj.get('type') == 'poi':
+        addr = obj.get('address', {}).get('label', '')
+        return (label, obj['type'], addr)
+    return (label, obj.get('type'))
 class HttpSearchException(Exception):
     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
@@ -31,6 +60,41 @@ def __str__(self):
         return self.error
+class DuplicatesException(Exception):
+    """ custom exception for duplicates reporting. """
+    def __init__(self, duplicates, params):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.duplicates = duplicates
+        self.query = params.get('q')
+    def __str__(self):
+        lines = [
+            '',
+            'Duplicates found in the response',
+            "# Search was: {}".format(self.query),
+        ]
+        for key, features in self.duplicates.items():
+            lines.append('## Entry {} has been found for:'.format(key))
+            keys = [
+                'label', 'id', 'type', 'osm_id', 'housenumber', 'street',
+                'postcode', 'city', 'country', 'lat', 'lon', 'addr', 'poi_types'
+            ]
+            def flatten_res(f):
+                r = get_properties(f)
+                coords = f.get('geometry', {}).get('coordinates', [None, None])
+                r['lat'] = coords[1]
+                r['lon'] = coords[0]
+                r['addr'] = r.get('address', {}).get('label')
+                r['poi_types'] = "-".join(t['name'] for t in r.get('poi_types', []))
+                return r
+            results = [flatten_res(f) for f in features]
+            lines.extend(dicts_to_table(results, keys=keys))
+            lines.append('')
+        return "\n".join(lines)
 class SearchException(Exception):
     """ custom exception for error reporting. """
@@ -63,7 +127,7 @@ def __str__(self):
             'name', 'osm_key', 'osm_value', 'osm_id', 'housenumber', 'street',
             'postcode', 'city', 'country', 'lat', 'lon', 'distance'
-        results = [self.flat_result(f) for f in self.results['features']]
+        results = [self.flat_result(f) for f in self.results]
         lines.extend(dicts_to_table(results, keys=keys))
         if CONFIG['GEOJSON']:
@@ -85,19 +149,15 @@ def __str__(self):
         return "\n".join(lines)
     def to_geojson(self, coordinates, **properties):
-        self.results['features'].append({
+        self.results.append({
             "type": "Feature",
             "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": coordinates},
             "properties": properties,
-        return json.dumps(self.results)
+        return json.dumps({'features': self.results})
     def flat_result(self, result):
-        out = None
-        if 'geocoding' in result['properties']:
-            out = result['properties']['geocoding']
-        else:
-            out = result['properties']
+        out = get_properties(result)
         if 'geometry' in result:
             out['lat'] = result['geometry']['coordinates'][1]
             out['lon'] = result['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
@@ -132,24 +192,23 @@ def compare_values(get, expected):
 def assert_search(query, expected, limit=1,
-                  comment=None, lang=None, center=None):
-    params = {"q": query, "limit": limit}
+                  comment=None, lang=None, center=None,
+                  max_matches=None):
+    query_limit = max(CONFIG['CHECK_DUPLICATES'] or 0, int(limit))
+    params = {"q": query, "limit": query_limit}
     if lang:
         params['lang'] = lang
     if center:
         params['lat'] = center[0]
         params['lon'] = center[1]
-    results = search(**params)
+    raw_results = search(**params)
+    results = raw_results['features'][:int(limit)]
     def assert_expected(expected):
-        found = False
-        for r in results['features']:
-            passed = True
-            properties = None
-            if 'geocoding' in r['properties']:
-                properties = r['properties']['geocoding']
-            else:
-                properties = r['properties']
+        nb_found = 0
+        for r in results:
+            found = True
+            properties = get_properties(r)
             failed = properties['failed'] = []
             for key, value in expected.items():
                 value = str(value)
@@ -166,22 +225,50 @@ def assert_expected(expected):
                         if int(deviation.meters) <= int(max_deviation):
                             continue  # Continue to other properties
-                    passed = False
+                    found = False
-            if passed:
-                found = True
-        if not found:
+            if found:
+                nb_found += 1
+                if max_matches is None:
+                    break
+        if nb_found == 0:
             raise SearchException(
+        elif max_matches is not None and nb_found > max_matches:
+            message = 'Got {} matching results. Expected at most {}.'.format(
+                nb_found, max_matches
+            )
+            raise SearchException(
+                params=params,
+                expected=expected,
+                results=results,
+                message=message
+            )
     if not isinstance(expected, list):
         expected = [expected]
     for s in expected:
+        check_duplicates(raw_results['features'][:CONFIG['CHECK_DUPLICATES']], params)
+def check_duplicates(features, params):
+    results = defaultdict(list)
+    for f in features:
+        key = get_duplicates_key(f)
+        results[key].append(f)
+    duplicates = {k: dup for k, dup in results.items() if len(dup) != 1}
+    if duplicates:
+        raise DuplicatesException(duplicates, params)
 def dicts_to_table(dicts, keys):
     if not dicts:
@@ -207,7 +294,7 @@ def dicts_to_table(dicts, keys):
         l = lengths.copy()
         for key in keys:
             value = d.get(key) or '_'
-            if key in d['failed']:
+            if key in d.get('failed', {}):
                 l[key] += 10  # Add ANSI chars so python len will turn out.
                 value = "\033[1;4m{}\033[0m".format(value)
             row[key] = value