The functional components of ESP-IDF developed by myself
*Founder gengyuchao
*Created time 2019/2/16
*Content Description: Support ESP8266_RTOSV3.0 library
Since I often need to use the OLED screen, the driver used on the ESP8266 is slightly organized for use when needed.
Structure directory:
-component -i2c_oled_driver #oled driver (optional one) -CMakeLists.txt -include -i2c_oled_driver.h -library i2c_oled_driver.c
-i2c_oled_driver(offical i2c) #oled driver (optional one) -CMakeLists.txt -include -i2c_oled_driver.h -library -i2c_oled_driver.c
-spi_oled_dirver #oled driver (optional one) -CMakeLists.txt -include -spi_oled_driver.h -library spi_oled_driver.c
-oled_display #Must -CMakeLists.txt -include -oled_display.h -OLEDDisplayFonts.h -library -oled_display.c
Instructions: 1, oled_display for oled screen drawing, drawing character library 2, i2c_oled, i2c_oled (offical i2c), spi_oled are different ways to drive OLED screens 3, i2c_oled is the i2c driver mode written by using io port simulation, which I have written and modified, and the efficiency is high (no obvious delay after refresh) 4, i2c_oled (offical i2c) is the i2c driver provided by esp_idf as the oled i2c driver is slower than I wrote 5, spi_oled is to use the spi interface provided in esp_idf as the spi driver of oled
file: -printf with float Ets_printf.c Ets_sprintf.c Filef replaces the original ets_printf.c to achieve printf support for floating point numbers. Use the same method as %f in printf in C language. Add the ets_sprintf.c file and use ets_sprintf to implement sprintf support for floating point numbers. Use the same method as %f in sprintf in C language.