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2. Install, Configure & Update

Genboy edited this page Jul 27, 2019 · 10 revisions

Download version: from Poggit Please report bugs -thank you! issues @ github and/or reviews @ poggit

or use devtools plugin and download zip package

Festival version 2.0.0 Install: (always save copies of your previous used config.yml and areas.json before re-install)

  1. place phar in plugins folder and restart server, devs can use the unzipped folder (+ devtools plugin)

The plugins/Festival folder content will look like this after first restart with new .phar install:

First install

The server console will show messages like this:

First install

  1. after restart; - if need previous used configs and areas: delete all files from the root folder and put your config.yml and areas.json in Festival (root) folder

The plugins/Festival folder content then will look like this:

First install

  1. Then restart again, now areas.json, a new levels.json and a new config.json in Festival (root) folder are used. The old config.yml can be removed;

First install

The server console will show messages like this:

First install

Config version 2 config.yml setup

  • During install we can setup old and new default options in config.yml;
    • Language: en - select language English = en, Dutch = nl, es = Español, pl = Polskie - translate please !
    • ItemID: 201 - Hold this Magic block/item to enter Menu and tab positions (default item Purpur Pillar block)
    • Msgtype: msg - Area Messages Display position (msg/title/tip/pop)
    • Msgdisplay: off - Area Messages persist display to ops (off/op/on)
    • Areadisplay: op - Area Floating Title display to ops (off/op/on)
    • FlightControl: on - To disable flight flag for all Festival usage (on/off)
    • LevelControl: off - Use level flag protection (on/off)
    • AutoWhitelist: on - Auto whitelist area creator (on/off)

Original config.yml is available in the stable repository

Compared to Config version 1 config.yml

  - language: en - select language English = en, Dutch = nl, translate please !
  - Msgtype: msg - Area Messages Display position (msg/title/tip/pop)
  - Msgdisplay: off - Area Messages persist display to ops (off/op/on)
  - Areadisplay: op - Area Floating Title display to ops (off/op/on)
  - AutoWhitelist: on - Auto whitelist area creator (on/off)

  version 2 
  - itemid: 201 - input id of block to be magic/action item
  - FlightControl: off- set on/off Flightcontrol flag function
  - LevelControl: off - set on/off Level flags function

Default Flags (server wide):

These are set under 'Default' (array), available in the configuration menu

  - edit: the area is save from building/breaking/farming
  - hurt: players in the area are save with hurt flag on
  - pvp: players in the area are save from PVP
  - flight: players in the area are not allowed to fly
  - touch: area is save from player interaction with doors/chests/signs etc.
  - animals: no animal spawning (including spawners & eggs)
  - mobs: no mobs spawning (including spawners & eggs)
  - effect: player can not keep using effects in the area 
  - msg: do not display area enter/leave messages or area floating titles 
  - passage: no passage for non-whitelisted players! (previously barrier flag)
  - drop: players can not drop things
  - tnt: placement/explosion protected area
  - fire: fire/lava protected area
  - explode: entity explosion protected area
  - shoot: player can not shoot (bow)
  - perms: player permissions are used to determine area command execution (experiment)
  - hunger: player does not exhaust / hunger
  - fall: player will not have fall damage (no fall damage)
  - cmd: area event commands only executing for ops (command test mode)

World specific Default Flags (world specific):

Worlds default flags are the same as server wide flags, only set to the specific worldname. In version 2 these are now available in the area management menu and level management menu.

To setup in config.yml during install: Copy the list of flags including 'DEFAULT' below the flag list and replace 'DEFAULT' with your world name.

In old config.yml the first Default flag config list is used for levels(worlds), unless there is a specified world flag-list added in the config.yml. Without other world managing plugins interfering(!) the default flag config proces should work like this;

  • Default flags = server (any level) unprotected area defaults If pmmp server properties flight is on, the Festival config Flight control is on, and Default Flight flag is TRUE, only regular players are not be able to fly, creative and op players are allowed to fly.

  • Worlds->DEFAULT flags = server default level unprotected area flag settings If player is in the server default level and Worlds->DEFAULT Flight flag is TRUE, only players should not be able to fly, if FALSE they can fly!

  • Worlds->(yourlevelname) = server level 'yourlevelname' unprotected area flag settings If player is in the server default level and worlds->(yourlevelname) Flight flag is TRUE, only players should not be able to fly, if FALSE they can fly!


In game experience can be very confusing because of many things, ie. op permissions, gamemodes, Festival whitelisting, Multiple Festival flags and other plugin settings.