diff --git a/openquake/commands/plot_assets.py b/openquake/commands/plot_assets.py
index 15d4f529b8eb..698ef9b01202 100644
--- a/openquake/commands/plot_assets.py
+++ b/openquake/commands/plot_assets.py
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ def main(calc_id: int = -1, site_model=False,
from openquake.hmtk.plotting.patch import PolygonPatch
dstore = datastore.read(calc_id)
+ oq = dstore['oqparam']
- region = dstore['oqparam'].region
+ region = oq.region
except KeyError:
region = None
sitecol = dstore['sitecol']
@@ -72,6 +73,10 @@ def main(calc_id: int = -1, site_model=False,
disc = numpy.unique(dstore['discarded']['lon', 'lat'])
p.scatter(disc['lon'], disc['lat'], marker='x', color='red',
label='discarded', s=markersize_discarded)
+ if oq.rupture_xml or oq.rupture_dict:
+ lon, lat, dep = dstore['ruptures'][0]['hypo']
+ print('rupture(%s, %s)' % (lon, lat))
+ p.scatter([lon], [lat], marker='o', color='red', label='rupture')
ax = add_borders(ax)
diff --git a/openquake/commonlib/expo_to_hdf5.py b/openquake/commonlib/expo_to_hdf5.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0705ca816670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openquake/commonlib/expo_to_hdf5.py
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright (C) 2024, GEM Foundation
+# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with OpenQuake. If not, see .
+import logging
+import operator
+import pandas
+import numpy
+import h5py
+from openquake.baselib import hdf5, sap, general
+from openquake.baselib.parallel import Starmap
+from openquake.hazardlib.geo.utils import geohash3
+from openquake.commonlib.datastore import build_dstore_log
+from openquake.risklib.asset import _get_exposure
+U16 = numpy.uint16
+U32 = numpy.uint32
+F32 = numpy.float32
+CONV = {n: F32 for n in '''
+CONV['ASSET_ID'] = (numpy.bytes_, 24)
+for f in (None, 'ID_1'):
+ CONV[f] = str
+TAGS = {'TAXONOMY': [], 'ID_0': [], 'ID_1': [], 'OCCUPANCY': []}
+ .split())
+ 'LATITUDE', 'ID_0', 'ID_1'}
+def add_geohash3(array):
+ """
+ Add field "geohash3" to a structured array
+ """
+ if len(array) == 0:
+ return ()
+ dt = array.dtype
+ dtlist = [('geohash3', U16)] + [(n, dt[n]) for n in dt.names]
+ out = numpy.zeros(len(array), dtlist)
+ for n in dt.names:
+ out[n] = array[n]
+ out['geohash3'] = geohash3(array['LONGITUDE'], array['LATITUDE'])
+ return out
+def fix(arr):
+ # prepend the country to ASSET_ID and ID_1
+ ID0 = arr['ID_0']
+ ID1 = arr['ID_1']
+ arr['ASSET_ID'] = numpy.char.add(numpy.array(ID0, 'S3'), arr['ASSET_ID'])
+ for i, (id0, id1) in enumerate(zip(ID0, ID1)):
+ if not id1.startswith(id0):
+ ID1[i] = '%s-%s' % (id0, ID1[i])
+def exposure_by_geohash(array, monitor):
+ """
+ Yields pairs (geohash, array)
+ """
+ array = add_geohash3(array)
+ fix(array)
+ for gh in numpy.unique(array['geohash3']):
+ yield gh, array[array['geohash3']==gh]
+def store_tagcol(dstore):
+ """
+ A TagCollection is stored as arrays like taxonomy = [
+ "?", "Adobe", "Concrete", "Stone-Masonry", "Unreinforced-Brick-Masonry",
+ "Wood"] with attributes __pyclass__, tagnames, tagsize
+ """
+ tagsizes = []
+ tagnames = []
+ for tagname in TAGS:
+ name = 'taxonomy' if tagname == 'TAXONOMY' else tagname
+ tagnames.append(name)
+ tagvalues = numpy.concatenate(TAGS[tagname])
+ uvals, inv, counts = numpy.unique(
+ tagvalues, return_inverse=1, return_counts=1)
+ size = len(uvals) + 1
+ tagsizes.append(size)
+ logging.info('Storing %s[%d/%d]', tagname, size, len(inv))
+ hdf5.extend(dstore[f'assets/{tagname}'], inv + 1) # indices start from 1
+ dstore['tagcol/' + name] = numpy.concatenate([['?'], uvals])
+ if name == 'ID_0':
+ dtlist = [('country', (numpy.bytes_, 3)), ('counts', int)]
+ arr = numpy.empty(len(uvals), dtlist)
+ arr['country'] = uvals
+ arr['counts'] = counts
+ dstore['assets_by_country'] = arr
+ dic = dict(__pyclass__='openquake.risklib.asset.TagCollection',
+ tagnames=numpy.array(tagnames, hdf5.vstr),
+ tagsizes=tagsizes)
+ dstore.getitem('tagcol').attrs.update(dic)
+def gen_tasks(files, monitor):
+ """
+ Generate tasks of kind exposure_by_geohash for large files
+ """
+ for file in files:
+ # read CSV in chunks
+ dfs = pandas.read_csv(
+ file.fname, names=file.header, dtype=CONV,
+ usecols=file.fields, skiprows=1, chunksize=1_000_000)
+ for i, df in enumerate(dfs):
+ if len(df) == 0:
+ continue
+ if 'ID_1' not in df.columns: # happens for many islands
+ df['ID_1'] = '???'
+ dt = hdf5.build_dt(CONV, df.columns, file.fname)
+ array = numpy.zeros(len(df), dt)
+ for col in df.columns:
+ array[col] = df[col].to_numpy()
+ if i == 0:
+ yield from exposure_by_geohash(array, monitor)
+ else:
+ print(file.fname)
+ yield exposure_by_geohash, array
+def store(exposures_xml, dstore):
+ """
+ Store the given exposures in the datastore
+ """
+ csvfiles = []
+ for xml in exposures_xml:
+ exposure, _ = _get_exposure(xml)
+ csvfiles.extend(exposure.datafiles)
+ files = hdf5.sniff(csvfiles, ',', IGNORE)
+ dtlist = [(t, U32) for t in TAGS] + \
+ [(f, F32) for f in set(CONV)-set(TAGS)-{'ASSET_ID', None}] + \
+ [('ASSET_ID', h5py.string_dtype('ascii', 25))]
+ for name, dt in dtlist:
+ logging.info('Creating assets/%s', name)
+ dstore['exposure'] = exposure
+ dstore.create_df('assets', dtlist, 'gzip')
+ slc_dt = numpy.dtype([('gh3', U16), ('start', U32), ('stop', U32)])
+ dstore.create_dset('assets/slice_by_gh3', slc_dt, fillvalue=None)
+ dstore.swmr_on()
+ smap = Starmap.apply(gen_tasks, (files,),
+ weight=operator.attrgetter('size'), h5=dstore.hdf5)
+ num_assets = 0
+ # NB: we need to keep everything in memory to make gzip efficient
+ acc = general.AccumDict(accum=[])
+ for gh3, arr in smap:
+ for name in FIELDS:
+ if name in TAGS:
+ TAGS[name].append(arr[name])
+ else:
+ acc[name].append(arr[name])
+ n = len(arr)
+ slc = numpy.array([(gh3, num_assets, num_assets + n)], slc_dt)
+ hdf5.extend(dstore['assets/slice_by_gh3'], slc)
+ num_assets += n
+ Starmap.shutdown()
+ for name in sorted(acc):
+ lst = acc.pop(name)
+ arr = numpy.concatenate(lst, dtype=lst[0].dtype)
+ logging.info(f'Storing assets/{name}')
+ hdf5.extend(dstore['assets/' + name], arr)
+ store_tagcol(dstore)
+ # sanity check
+ for name in FIELDS:
+ n = len(dstore['assets/' + name])
+ assert n == num_assets, (name, n, num_assets)
+ logging.info('Stored {:_d} assets in {}'.
+ format(n, dstore.filename))
+def main(exposures_xml):
+ """
+ An utility to convert an exposure from XML+CSV format into HDF5.
+ NB: works only for the exposures of the global risk model, having
+ field names like LONGITUDE, LATITUDE, etc
+ """
+ dstore, log = build_dstore_log()
+ with dstore, log:
+ store(exposures_xml, dstore)
+ return dstore.filename
+main.exposure_xml = dict(help='Exposure pathnames', nargs='+')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # python -m openquake.risklib.expo_to_hdf5 exposure.xml
+ sap.run(main)
diff --git a/openquake/commonlib/logs.py b/openquake/commonlib/logs.py
index 67a0326df1a2..88df4e040569 100644
--- a/openquake/commonlib/logs.py
+++ b/openquake/commonlib/logs.py
@@ -217,12 +217,9 @@ def __init__(self, job_ini, calc_id, log_level='info', log_file=None,
if os.path.exists(path): # sanity check on the calculation ID
raise RuntimeError('There is a pre-existing file %s' % path)
self.usedb = True
- elif calc_id == -1:
- # only works in single-user situations
- self.calc_id = get_last_calc_id() + 1
- self.usedb = False
# assume the calc_id was alreay created in the db
+ assert calc_id > 0, calc_id
self.calc_id = calc_id
self.usedb = True
diff --git a/openquake/commonlib/tests/data/grm_exposure.csv b/openquake/commonlib/tests/data/grm_exposure.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..76c1b1cf451e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openquake/commonlib/tests/data/grm_exposure.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+68.4,2544048.0,V,21.6,59.1,Taiwan,134.4,780.0,Urban,124.5,V02,5653440.0,5436.0,1696032.0,CR/LFINF+DUH/HBET:2-5/RES,1413360.0,8.0,121.3270828794676,Taitung County,Res,TWN,Res_0,23.011250091869623,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag
+2.9,106002.0,V,0.9,2.5,Taiwan,5.6,780.1,Urban,5.2,V02,235560.0,226.5,70668.0,CR/LFINF+DUL/H:1/RES,58890.0,2.0,121.3270828794676,Taitung County,Res,TWN,Res_1,23.011250091869623,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag
+538.8,20034378.0,V,169.9,465.7,Taiwan,1059.1,780.0,Urban,980.8,V02,44520840.0,42808.6,13356252.0,CR/LFINF+DUL/HBET:2-5/RES,11130210.0,63.0,121.3270828794676,Taitung County,Res,TWN,Res_2,23.011250091869623,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag
+68.4,2544048.0,V,21.6,59.1,Taiwan,134.5,780.0,Urban,124.5,V02,5653440.0,5436.1,1696032.0,CR/LFINF+DUM/HBET:2-5/RES,1413360.0,8.0,121.3270828794676,Taitung County,Res,TWN,Res_3,23.011250091869623,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag
+57.0,2500560.0,V,18.0,49.2,Taiwan,112.0,920.0,Urban,103.7,V02,5556800.0,4530.0,1667040.0,CR/LWAL+DUH/HBET:6-12/RES,1389200.0,2.0,121.3270828794676,Taitung County,Res,TWN,Res_4,23.011250091869623,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag
+199.6,8751960.0,V,62.9,172.5,Taiwan,392.4,920.0,Urban,363.4,V02,19448800.0,15855.0,5834640.0,CR/LWAL+DUL/HBET:6-12/RES,4862200.0,7.0,121.3270828794676,Taitung County,Res,TWN,Res_5,23.011250091869623,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag
+28.5,1250280.0,V,9.0,24.6,Taiwan,56.0,920.0,Urban,51.8,V02,2778400.0,2265.0,833520.0,CR/LWAL+DUM/HBET:6-12/RES,694600.0,1.0,121.3270828794676,Taitung County,Res,TWN,Res_6,23.011250091869623,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag
+48.4,792000.7,V,15.3,41.8,Taiwan,95.1,520.0,Urban,88.1,V02,3168003.5,4264.5,1425601.6,MCF/LWAL+DUL/H:1/RES,950400.9,34.0,121.3270828794676,Taitung County,Res,TWN,Res_7,23.011250091869623,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag
+94.1,1537413.4,V,29.7,81.3,Taiwan,184.9,520.0,Urban,171.3,V02,6149653.8,8278.4,2767344.2,MCF/LWAL+DUL/HBET:2-5/RES,1844896.2,11.0,121.3270828794676,Taitung County,Res,TWN,Res_8,23.011250091869623,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag
+10.0,163058.8,V,3.2,8.7,Taiwan,19.8,520.1,Urban,18.3,V02,652236.1,877.9,293506.3,MCF/LWAL+DUM/H:1/RES,195671.0,7.0,121.3270828794676,Taitung County,Res,TWN,Res_9,23.011250091869623,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag,No_tag
diff --git a/openquake/commonlib/tests/data/grm_exposure.xml b/openquake/commonlib/tests/data/grm_exposure.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..549dde952e2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openquake/commonlib/tests/data/grm_exposure.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ exposure model
+ day night transit
+ grm_exposure.csv
diff --git a/openquake/commonlib/tests/expo_to_hdf5_test.py b/openquake/commonlib/tests/expo_to_hdf5_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e22a0531bcb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openquake/commonlib/tests/expo_to_hdf5_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
+# Copyright (C) 2024, GEM Foundation
+# OpenQuake is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
+# by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# OpenQuake is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with OpenQuake. If not, see .
+import os
+import unittest
+from openquake.baselib import hdf5
+from openquake.commonlib.expo_to_hdf5 import main
+def test_main():
+ raise unittest.SkipTest('Avoid error MRD01TestCase: There is a pre-existing file')
+ # only tests that it runs
+ expo_xml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'data', 'grm_exposure.xml')
+ out = main([expo_xml])
+ with hdf5.File(out) as dstore:
+ assets = list(dstore['assets/ASSET_ID'])
+ assert assets == [b'TWNRes_0', b'TWNRes_1', b'TWNRes_2', b'TWNRes_3',
+ b'TWNRes_4', b'TWNRes_5', b'TWNRes_6', b'TWNRes_7',
+ b'TWNRes_8', b'TWNRes_9']
diff --git a/utils/build_global_exposure b/utils/build_global_exposure
index 9a2961f79c2a..90e47eb1f1b2 100755
--- a/utils/build_global_exposure
+++ b/utils/build_global_exposure
@@ -19,78 +19,27 @@
import os
import logging
-import operator
import pandas
import numpy
-import h5py
-from openquake.baselib import hdf5, sap, performance, general
-from openquake.baselib.parallel import Starmap
+from openquake.baselib import sap, performance
from openquake.hazardlib import nrml
-from openquake.hazardlib.geo.utils import geohash3
+from openquake.risklib.riskmodels import CompositeRiskModel, RiskFuncList
from openquake.commonlib.datastore import build_dstore_log
from openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation import OqParam
-from openquake.risklib.riskmodels import CompositeRiskModel, RiskFuncList
-from openquake.risklib.asset import _get_exposure
+from openquake.commonlib import expo_to_hdf5
from openquake.qa_tests_data import mosaic
U16 = numpy.uint16
-U32 = numpy.uint32
-F32 = numpy.float32
-CONV = {n: F32 for n in '''
-CONV['ASSET_ID'] = (numpy.bytes_, 24)
-for f in (None, 'ID_1'):
- CONV[f] = str
-TAGS = {'TAXONOMY': [], 'ID_0': [], 'ID_1': [], 'OCCUPANCY': []}
- .split())
MOSAIC_DIR = os.path.dirname(mosaic.__file__)
- 'LATITUDE', 'ID_0', 'ID_1'}
-def add_geohash3(array):
- """
- Add field "geohash3" to a structured array
- """
- if len(array) == 0:
- return ()
- dt = array.dtype
- dtlist = [('geohash3', U16)] + [(n, dt[n]) for n in dt.names]
- out = numpy.zeros(len(array), dtlist)
- for n in dt.names:
- out[n] = array[n]
- out['geohash3'] = geohash3(array['LONGITUDE'], array['LATITUDE'])
- return out
-def fix(arr):
- # prepend the country to ASSET_ID and ID_1
- ID0 = arr['ID_0']
- ID1 = arr['ID_1']
- arr['ASSET_ID'] = numpy.char.add(numpy.array(ID0, 'S3'), arr['ASSET_ID'])
- for i, (id0, id1) in enumerate(zip(ID0, ID1)):
- if not id1.startswith(id0):
- ID1[i] = '%s-%s' % (id0, ID1[i])
def collect_exposures(grm_dir):
Collect the files of kind Exposure_.xml.
- :returns: exposure, xmlfiles, csvfiles
+ :returns: xmlfiles
out = []
- csvfiles = []
for region in os.listdir(grm_dir):
expodir = os.path.join(grm_dir, region, 'Exposure', 'Exposure')
if not os.path.exists(expodir):
@@ -99,125 +48,7 @@ def collect_exposures(grm_dir):
if fname.startswith('Exposure_'): # i.e. Exposure_Chile.xml
fullname = os.path.join(expodir, fname)
- exposure, _ = _get_exposure(fullname)
- csvfiles.extend(exposure.datafiles)
- return exposure, out, csvfiles
-def exposure_by_geohash(array, monitor):
- """
- Yields pairs (geohash, array)
- """
- array = add_geohash3(array)
- fix(array)
- for gh in numpy.unique(array['geohash3']):
- yield gh, array[array['geohash3']==gh]
-def store_tagcol(dstore):
- """
- A TagCollection is stored as arrays like taxonomy = [
- "?", "Adobe", "Concrete", "Stone-Masonry", "Unreinforced-Brick-Masonry",
- "Wood"] with attributes __pyclass__, tagnames, tagsize
- """
- tagsizes = []
- tagnames = []
- for tagname in TAGS:
- name = 'taxonomy' if tagname == 'TAXONOMY' else tagname
- tagnames.append(name)
- tagvalues = numpy.concatenate(TAGS[tagname])
- uvals, inv, counts = numpy.unique(tagvalues, return_inverse=1, return_counts=1)
- size = len(uvals) + 1
- tagsizes.append(size)
- logging.info('Storing %s[%d/%d]', tagname, size, len(inv))
- hdf5.extend(dstore[f'assets/{tagname}'], inv + 1) # indices start from 1
- dstore['tagcol/' + name] = numpy.concatenate([['?'], uvals])
- if name == 'ID_0':
- dtlist = [('country', (numpy.bytes_, 3)), ('counts', int)]
- arr = numpy.empty(len(uvals), dtlist)
- arr['country'] = uvals
- arr['counts'] = counts
- dstore['assets_by_country'] = arr
- dic = dict(__pyclass__='openquake.risklib.asset.TagCollection',
- tagnames=numpy.array(tagnames, hdf5.vstr),
- tagsizes=tagsizes)
- dstore.getitem('tagcol').attrs.update(dic)
-def gen_tasks(files, monitor):
- """
- Generate tasks of kind exposure_by_geohash for large files
- """
- for file in files:
- # read CSV in chunks
- dfs = pandas.read_csv(
- file.fname, names=file.header, dtype=CONV,
- usecols=file.fields, skiprows=1, chunksize=1_000_000)
- for i, df in enumerate(dfs):
- if len(df) == 0:
- continue
- if 'ID_1' not in df.columns: # happens for many islands
- df['ID_1'] = '???'
- dt = hdf5.build_dt(CONV, df.columns, file.fname)
- array = numpy.zeros(len(df), dt)
- for col in df.columns:
- array[col] = df[col].to_numpy()
- if i == 0:
- yield from exposure_by_geohash(array, monitor)
- else:
- print(file.fname)
- yield exposure_by_geohash, array
-def read_world_exposure(grm_dir, dstore):
- """
- Read the exposure files for the entire world (assume some conventions
- on the file names are respected).
- :param grm_dir: directory containing the global risk model
- """
- exposure, fnames, csvfiles = collect_exposures(grm_dir)
- dstore['exposure'] = exposure
- files = hdf5.sniff(csvfiles, ',', IGNORE)
- dtlist = [(t, U32) for t in TAGS] + \
- [(f, F32) for f in set(CONV)-set(TAGS)-{'ASSET_ID', None}] + \
- [('ASSET_ID', h5py.string_dtype('ascii', 25))]
- for name, dt in dtlist:
- logging.info('Creating assets/%s', name)
- dstore.create_df('assets', dtlist, 'gzip')
- slc_dt = numpy.dtype([('gh3', U16), ('start', U32), ('stop', U32)])
- dstore.create_dset('assets/slice_by_gh3', slc_dt, fillvalue=None)
- dstore.swmr_on()
- smap = Starmap.apply(gen_tasks, (files,),
- weight=operator.attrgetter('size'), h5=dstore.hdf5)
- num_assets = 0
- # NB: we need to keep everything in memory to make gzip efficient
- acc = general.AccumDict(accum=[])
- for gh3, arr in smap:
- for name in FIELDS:
- if name in TAGS:
- TAGS[name].append(arr[name])
- else:
- acc[name].append(arr[name])
- n = len(arr)
- slc = numpy.array([(gh3, num_assets, num_assets + n)], slc_dt)
- hdf5.extend(dstore['assets/slice_by_gh3'], slc)
- num_assets += n
- Starmap.shutdown()
- for name in sorted(acc):
- lst = acc.pop(name)
- arr = numpy.concatenate(lst, dtype=lst[0].dtype)
- logging.info(f'Storing assets/{name}')
- hdf5.extend(dstore['assets/' + name], arr)
- store_tagcol(dstore)
- # sanity check
- for name in FIELDS:
- n = len(dstore['assets/' + name])
- assert n == num_assets, (name, n, num_assets)
- return num_assets
+ return out
def read_world_vulnerability(grm_dir, dstore):
@@ -276,9 +107,8 @@ def main(grm_dir):
logging.info('Read %d vulnerability functions', n)
n = read_world_tmap(grm_dir, dstore)
logging.info('Read %d taxonomy mappings', n)
- n = read_world_exposure(grm_dir, dstore)
- logging.info('Created {} with {:_d} assets'.
- format(dstore.filename, n))
+ fnames = collect_exposures(grm_dir)
+ expo_to_hdf5.store(fnames, dstore)