- fixes exception when getValue() returns an error
- merged PR #206 and #210
- new action commands:
- new protocol command:
- fixed tap position
- allow parenthesized xpath expressions (thanks to @zauberpony)
- enhanced README.md
- implemented browser side eventhandling as "experimental" feature
- re-add code removed by a refactor
- downgrade chainit version because of performance leaks of queue v2.0
- implemented event handling in WebdriverJS - register events on 'init','command','end','error' or register own costum events
- new commands: 'on','once','emit','removeListener','removeAllListeners'
- refactored lib modules - use events to log test process
- use real
objects, prefix error messages
- remove lodash.merge dependency hell
- added code coverage
- waitFor should not overwrite implicitWait globally
- fix find element strategy for name/css selector
- chain each instance separately
- added client.use() so command can be added from modules
- use mikeal/request
- fix .elements() to accept the new element syntax
- add .chooseFile(selector, localFile, cb), .file() protocol, .uploadFile command
- added touch protocol commands
- created simple phonegap app for mobile testing
- added orientation protocol commands, covered with tests
- added scroll command to cover scrolling for browser and native mobile applications
- implemented tap and flick actions with protocol commands
- added hold,release,touch commands (not implemented in appium yet)
- improved tests and coverage
- fix element old syntax API
- enhance click with middleClick, rightClick, leftClick
- add jshint. first step towards good code formatting
- remove unused packages
- add editorconfig, fix whitespace
- upgrade chainit
- allow local
npm test
- updated examples
- implement protocol binding for DELETE /session/:sessionId/cookie
- updated badges and packages
- added travis browser matrix
- outdated use of GET element/:id/value
- implemented small selector API for better element querying
- fix .remote() empty options bug
- fix .addCommand (was previously bugged if you tried to add multiple commands)
- logLevel defaults to silent
- use chainit as chain API
- removed implemented chain logic
- code refactoring
- try to use common modules instead of custom on obvious things like extend
- added implicitWait protocol command and improved waitFor command
- added newWindow command
- added 'keys' protocol command
- add pure function execution in .execute
- add .timeouts, Add .executeAsync
- now displays the actual original message, as well as the message in webdriverjs
- added close.js to commands - it allows to close the browser window.
- simplified remote connection establishment
- added documentation for using webdriverjs with TestingBot
- command
returns unfiltered value from browser-driver
- improved
command - enables proper use of modifier keys
- added tests using modifier keys
- execute travis tests with Sauce Labs, added badge README.md
- includes PR #82 - Fixed a wrong name on a local variable reference
- rewrote some parts in README.md
- added support for selenium-server-standalonver > v2.31.0
- improved command executions for click, waitFor and getLocation
- removed duplicate command setSize()
- added more tests
- removed selenium-server-standalonver jar from repository
- implemented install script for downloading this jar into .bin folder
- cleaned up git repository (got rid of big jar files in git history) - requires to re-checkout this repository
- Sauce Labs support
- support for unicode character (https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol#/session/:sessionId/element/:id/value)
- refactored tests
- minor formatting in README.md
- several bug and issue fixes
- updated readme file
- setValue clears element value before adding content (added addValue command to just add content)
- follow the nodejs convention by passing an error object in first place
- improved error reporting
- added tests (run by travis)
- removed assert and test commands - webdriverjs should be used with any desired test framework
- cookie support
- Use Buffer.byteLength instead of string length for Content-Length header
- fix back/forward command for safari driver
- major code refactorings and code style changes
- updated selenium standalone jar
- Added .doubleClick(cssSelector, [callback]);
- Added .dragAndDrop(sourceCssSelector, destinationCssSelector, [callback]);
- Added client.addCommand(commandName, function) to extend webdriverjs. Also merged with arcaniusx to fix conflict with colors module and waitFor response
- Bindings added: moveTo, elementIdLocationInView, elementIdName. Helper methods added: getTagName, getLocationInView, moveToObject. Also added some tests.
- Found bug that caused the incompatibility with Selenium Grid 2.
- Added suport for desiredCapabilities when calling the remote() method (only available in the init() method before).