Feature | Description | Type |
IdStudent | Student enrollment code | Numerical |
SocProgram | Attribute indicating if a student participate in social programs | Categorical |
ExamLang | Portuguese exam grade used for university application | Numerical |
ExamHuman | Humanities exam grade used for university application | Numerical |
ExamScien | Science exam grade used for university application | Numerical |
ExamMath | Mathematics exam grade used for university application | Numerical |
ExamWrite | Essay exam grade used for university application | Numerical |
Course | University academic course identification code | Numerical |
IdShift | Identification of shift the Undergraduate course | Numerical |
IdShiftCurr | Identification of currently shift the Undergraduate course | Numerical |
Shift | Shift course description | Categorical |
GPA | Student Grade Point Average | Numerical |
ApplicYear | Student course registration year | Numerical |
ApplicSemester | Student course registration semester: (1; 2) | Numerical |
ClosureYear | Student course closure year | Numerical |
ClosureSemester | Student course closure semester: (1; 2) | Numerical |
Age | Student age | Numerical |
Ethnicity | Student race, ethnicity or skin color | Categorical |
District | Student neighborhood | Categorical |
PoBox | Student address postal code | Categorical |
City | Student city | Categorical |
CultExchange | Attribute indicating if a student participates in an exchange program | Numerical |
TotalCourseHrs | Total Amount of the Course Hours conclude by student | Numerical |
MarialStatus | Student marital status | Categorical |
Withdrawal | Amount of withdrawals performed by the student in the enrolled course | Numerical |
NumYearsEnrolled | Number of years the student has been enrolled in the course | Numerical |
Gender | Student gender: (M; F) | Categorical |
FinalStatus | Attribute indicating if the student graduated (1) or not (0) | Numerical |