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Bonnes Pratiques Node.js

Bonnes Pratiques Node.js

53 items Last update: Nov 15, 2017 Updated for Node v.8.9

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Bienvenue! 3 Choses à Savoir Avant Tout:

1. Vous lisez ici un regroupement des meilleurs articles sur Node.js - il s'agit d'un résumé maintenu du meilleur contenu concernant les bonnes pratiques Node JS

2. Il s'agit du plus grand assemblage d'articles et cela s'agrandit chaque semaine - actuellement, plus de 50 pratiques, guides de style, et astuces d'architecture sont présentés. De nouvelles Issues et PR sont créées chaque jour pour permettre à cette page d'être à jour. Nous apprécions votre contribution, que cela soit la correction d'erreurs de code ou la suggestion de nouvelles idées brillantes. Voir nos étapes ici

3. La plupart des points abordés ont des informations additionelles - à côté de chaque point de pratique que vous trouverez 🔗Plus d'Info redirige vers un lien présentant des exemples de codes, des citations venant de pages sélectionnées et plus encore

Table des matières

  1. Structure de Projet (5)
  2. Gestion des Erreurs (11)
  3. Style du Code (12)
  4. Test et Qualité Globale (8)
  5. Mise en Production (16)
  6. Sécurité (à venir)
  7. Performance (à venir)

1. Structure de Projet

✔ 1.1 Organisez votre projet en composants.

TL;DR: Le pire obstacle des énormes applications est la maintenance d'une base de code immense contenant des centaines de dépendances - un tel monolithe ralentit les développeurs tentant d'ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Pour éviter cela, répartissez votre code en composants, chacun dans son propre dossier avec son code dédié, et assurez vous que chaque unité soit courte et simple. Visitez le lien 'Plus d'Info' plus bas pour voir des exemples de structure de projet correcte.

Autrement: Lorsque les développeurs codant de nouvelles fonctionnalités ont peur de casser d'autres composants dépendants car ils luttent pour réaliser l'importance de leur ajout - les déploiements deviennent plus lents et plus risqués. Il est aussi considéré plus difficile d'élargir un modèle d'application quand les unités opérationnelles ne sont pas séparées.

🔗 Plus d'Info: structure en composants

✔ 1.2 Organisez vos composants en strates, laissez Express gérer ses responsabilités.

TL;DR: Chaque composant devrait contenir des 'strates' - un objet dédié pour le web, la logique et le code d'accès aux données. Cela crée non seulement une séparation des responsabilités bien définie mais permet aussi de moquer et de tester le système de manière plus simple. Bien que cela soit un procédé commun, les développeurs d'API ont tendance à mélanger les strates en passant l'objet dédié au web (Express req, res) à la logique opérationnelle et aux strates de données - cela rend l'application dépendante et accessible seulement par Express.

Autrement: Les tests, jobs CRON et autres middlewares non-Express ne peuvent pas accéder à une application qui mélange les objets web avec les autres strates.

🔗 Plus d'Info: stratifier son appli

✔ 1.3 Externalisez les utilitaires communs en paquets NPM.

TL;DR: Dans une grande appli rassemblant de nombreuses lignes de codes, les utilitaires opérant sur toutes les strates comme un logger, l'encryption et autres, devraient être inclus dans le code et exposés en tant que paquets NPM privés. Cela permet leur partage au sein de plusieurs projets.

Autrement: You'll have to invent your own deployment and dependency wheel

🔗 Plus d'Info: Structure par fonctionnités

✔ 1.4 Séparez Express 'app' et 'server'.

TL;DR: Evitez la sale habitude de définir l'appli Express toute entière dans un seul fichier immense - déparez la définition d'Express en au moins deux fichiers : la déclaration de l'API (app.js) et les responsabilités de gestion de réseau (WWW). Pour une structure encore plus poussée, localisez la déclaration de l'API dans les composants.

Autrement: L'API sera seulement accessible aux tests par le biais d'appels HTTP (plus lent et plus difficile de générer des rapports de couverture). Cela ne sera pas un réel plaisir de maintenir des centaines de lignes de code dans un fichier unique.

🔗 Plus d'Info: séparez Express 'app' et 'server'

✔ 1.5 Utilisez une configuration de l'environnement consciente, sécurisée et hiérarchique.

TL;DR: La mise en place d'une configuration parfaite doit s'assurer que (a) les clés peuvent être lues depuis un fichier ET des variables d'environnement (b) les secrets sont conservés hors du code source (c) la configuration est hiérarchique pour un accès plus simple. Certains paquets peuvent gérer la plupart de ces points comme rc, nconf et config.

Autrement: Ne pas se soucier de ces exigences va simplement embourber l'équipe de développement ou de devops, probablement les deux.

🔗 Plus d'Info: bonnes pratiques de configuration

⬆ Retour Haut de Page

2. Gestion des Erreurs

✔ 2.1 Use Async-Await or promises for async error handling

TL;DR: Handling async errors in callback style is probably the fastest way to hell (a.k.a the pyramid of doom). The best gift you can give to your code is using a reputable promise library or async-await instead which enables a much more compact and familiar code syntax like try-catch

Autrement: Node.JS callback style, function(err, response), is a promising way to un-maintainable code due to the mix of error handling with casual code, excessive nesting and awkward coding patterns

🔗 Plus d'Info: avoiding callbacks

✔ 2.2 Use only the built-in Error object

TL;DR: Many throws errors as a string or as some custom type – this complicates the error handling logic and the interoperability between modules. Whether you reject a promise, throw exception or emit error – using only the built-in Error object will increase uniformity and prevent loss of information

Autrement: When invoking some component, being uncertain which type of errors come in return – it makes proper error handling much harder. Even worse, using custom types to describe errors might lead to loss of critical error information like the stack trace!

🔗 Plus d'Info: using the built-in error object

✔ 2.3 Distinguish operational vs programmer errors

TL;DR: Operational errors (e.g. API received an invalid input) refer to known cases where the error impact is fully understood and can be handled thoughtfully. On the other hand, programmer error (e.g. trying to read undefined variable) refers to unknown code failures that dictate to gracefully restart the application

Autrement: You may always restart the application when an error appears, but why let ~5000 online users down because of a minor, predicted, operational error? the opposite is also not ideal – keeping the application up when an unknown issue (programmer error) occurred might lead to an unpredicted behavior. Differentiating the two allows acting tactfully and applying a balanced approach based on the given context

🔗 Plus d'Info: operational vs programmer error

✔ 2.4 Handle errors centrally, not within an Express middleware

TL;DR: Error handling logic such as mail to admin and logging should be encapsulated in a dedicated and centralized object that all endpoints (e.g. Express middleware, cron jobs, unit-testing) call when an error comes in.

Autrement: Not handling errors within a single place will lead to code duplication and probably to improperly handled errors

🔗 Plus d'Info: handling errors in a centralized place

✔ 2.5 Document API errors using Swagger

TL;DR: Let your API callers know which errors might come in return so they can handle these thoughtfully without crashing. This is usually done with REST API documentation frameworks like Swagger

Autrement: An API client might decide to crash and restart only because he received back an error he couldn’t understand. Note: the caller of your API might be you (very typical in a microservice environment)

🔗 Plus d'Info: documenting errors in Swagger

✔ 2.6 Shut the process gracefully when a stranger comes to town

TL;DR: When an unknown error occurs (a developer error, see best practice number #3)- there is uncertainty about the application healthiness. A common practice suggests restarting the process carefully using a ‘restarter’ tool like Forever and PM2

Autrement: When an unfamiliar exception is caught, some object might be in a faulty state (e.g an event emitter which is used globally and not firing events anymore due to some internal failure) and all future requests might fail or behave crazily

🔗 Plus d'Info: shutting the process

✔ 2.7 Use a mature logger to increase error visibility

TL;DR: A set of mature logging tools like Winston, Bunyan or Log4J, will speed-up error discovery and understanding. So forget about console.log.

Autrement: Skimming through console.logs or manually through messy text file without querying tools or a decent log viewer might keep you busy at work until late

🔗 Plus d'Info: using a mature logger

✔ 2.8 Test error flows using your favorite test framework

TL;DR: Whether professional automated QA or plain manual developer testing – Ensure that your code not only satisfies positive scenario but also handle and return the right errors. Testing frameworks like Mocha & Chai can handle this easily (see code examples within the "Gist popup")

Autrement: Without testing, whether automatically or manually, you can’t rely on our code to return the right errors. Without meaningful errors – there’s no error handling

🔗 Plus d'Info: testing error flows

✔ 2.9 Discover errors and downtime using APM products

TL;DR: Monitoring and performance products (a.k.a APM) proactively gauge your codebase or API so they can auto-magically highlight errors, crashes and slow parts that you were missing

Autrement: You might spend great effort on measuring API performance and downtimes, probably you’ll never be aware which are your slowest code parts under real world scenario and how these affects the UX

🔗 Plus d'Info: using APM products

✔ 2.10 Catch unhandled promise rejections

TL;DR: Any exception thrown within a promise will get swallowed and discarded unless a developer didn’t forget to explicitly handle. Even if your code is subscribed to process.uncaughtException! Overcome this by registering to the event process.unhandledRejection

Autrement: Your errors will get swallowed and leave no trace. Nothing to worry about

🔗 Plus d'Info: catching unhandled promise rejection

✔ 2.11 Fail fast, validate arguments using a dedicated library

TL;DR: This should be part of your Express best practices – Assert API input to avoid nasty bugs that are much harder to track later. Validation code is usually tedious unless using a very cool helper libraries like Joi

Autrement: Consider this – your function expects a numeric argument “Discount” which the caller forgets to pass, later on your code checks if Discount!=0 (amount of allowed discount is greater than zero), then it will allow the user to enjoy a discount. OMG, what a nasty bug. Can you see it?

🔗 Plus d'Info: failing fast

⬆ Retour Haut de Page

3. Code Style Practices

✔ 3.1 Use ESLint

TL;DR: ESLint is the de-facto standard for checking possible code errors and fixing code style, not only to identify nitty-gritty spacing issues but also to detect serious code anti-patterns like developers throwing errors without classification. Though ESLint can automatically fix code styles, other tools like prettier and beautify are more powerful in formatting the fix and work in conjunction with ESLint

Autrement: Developers will focus on tedious spacing and line-width concerns and time might be wasted overthinking about the project's code style.

✔ 3.2 Node JS Specific Plugins

TL;DR: On top of ESLint standard rules that cover vanilla JS only, add Node-specific plugins like eslint-plugin-node, eslint-plugin-mocha and eslint-plugin-node-security

Autrement: Many faulty Node.JS code patterns might escape under the radar. For example, developers might require(variableAsPath) files with a variable given as path which allows attackers to execute any JS script. Node.JS linters can detect such patterns and complain early

✔ 3.3 Start a Codeblock's Curly Braces in the Same Line

TL;DR: The opening curly braces of a code block should be in the same line of the opening statement.

Code Example

  // Do
  function someFunction() {
    // code block

  // Avoid
  function someFunction()
    // code block

Autrement: Deferring from this best practice might lead to unexpected results, as seen in the Stackoverflow thread below:

🔗 Plus d'Info: "Why does a results vary based on curly brace placement?" (Stackoverflow)

✔ 3.4 Don't Forget the Semicolon

TL;DR: While not unanimously agreed upon, it is still recommended to put a semicolon at the end of each statement. This will make your code more readable and explicit to other developers who read it.

Autrement: As seen in the previous section, JavaScript's interpreter automatically adds a semicolon at the end of a statement if there isn't one which might lead to some undesired results.

✔ 3.5 Name Your Functions

TL;DR: Name all functions, including closures and callbacks. Avoid anonymous functions. This is especially useful when profiling a node app. Naming all functions will allow you to easily understand what you're looking at when checking a memory snapshot.

Autrement: Debugging production issues using a core dump (memory snapshot) might become challenging as you notice significant memory consumption from anonymous functions.

✔ 3.6 Naming conventions for variables, constants, functions and classes

TL;DR: Use lowerCamelCase when naming constants, variables and functions and UpperCamelCase (capital first letter as well) when naming classes. This will help you to easily distinguish between plain variables / functions, and classes that require instantiation. Use descriptive names, but try to keep them short.

Autrement: Javascript is the only language in the world which allows to invoke a constructor ("Class") directly without instantiating it first. Consequently, Classes and function-constructors are differentiated by starting with UpperCamelCase.

Code Example

  // for class name we use UpperCamelCase
  class SomeClassExample {}
  // for const names we use the const keyword and lowerCamelCase
  const config = {
    key: 'value'

  // for variables and functions names we use lowerCamelCase
  let someVariableExample = 'value';
  function doSomething() {}

✔ 3.7 Prefer const over let. Ditch the var

TL;DR: Using const means that once a variable is assigned, it cannot be reassigned. Preferring const will help you to not be tempted to use the same variable for different uses, and make your code clearer. If a variable needs to be reassigned, in a for loop for example, use let to declare it. Another important aspect of let is that a variable declared using let is only available in the block scope in which it was defined. var is function scoped, not block scoped, and shouldn't be used in ES6 now that you have const and let at your disposal.

Autrement: Debugging becomes way more cumbersome when following a variable that frequently changes.

🔗 Plus d'Info: JavaScript ES6+: var, let, or const?

✔ 3.8 Requires come first, and not inside functions

TL;DR: Require modules at the beginning of each file, before and outside of any functions. This simple best practice will not only help you easily and quickly tell the dependencies of a file right at the top, but also avoids a couple of potential problems.

Autrement: Requires are run synchronously by NodeJS. If they are called from within a function, it may block other requests from being handled at a more critical time. Also, if a required module or any of its own dependencies throw an error and crash the server, it is best to find out about it as soon as possible, which might not be the case if that module is required from within a function.

✔ 3.9 Do Require on the folders, not directly on the files

TL;DR: When developing a module/library in a folder, place an index.js file that exposes the module's internals so every consumer will pass through it. This serves as an 'interface' to your module and ease future changes without breaking the contract.

Autrement: Changing to the internal structure of files or the signature may break the interface with clients.

Code example

  // Do
  module.exports.SMSProvider = require('./SMSProvider');
  module.exports.SMSNumberResolver = require('./SMSNumberResolver');

  // Avoid
  module.exports.SMSProvider = require('./SMSProvider/SMSProvider.js');
  module.exports.SMSNumberResolver = require('./SMSNumberResolver/SMSNumberResolver.js');

✔ 3.10 Use the === operator

TL;DR: Prefer the strict equality operator === over the weaker abstract equality operator ==. == will compare two variables after converting them to a common type. There is no type conversion in ===, and both variables must be of the same type to be equal.

Autrement: Unequal variables might return true when compared with the == operator.

Code example

'' == '0'           // false
0 == ''             // true
0 == '0'            // true

false == 'false'    // false
false == '0'        // true

false == undefined  // false
false == null       // false
null == undefined   // true

' \t\r\n ' == 0     // true

All statements above will return false if used with ===

✔ 3.11 Use Async Await, avoid callbacks

TL;DR: Node 8 LTS now has full support for Async-await. This is a new way of dealing with asynchronous code which supersedes callbacks and promises. Async-await is non-blocking, and it makes asynchronous code look synchronous. The best gift you can give to your code is using async-await which provides a much more compact and familiar code syntax like try-catch.

Autrement: Handling async errors in callback style is probably the fastest way to hell - this style forces to check errors all over, deal with awkward code nesting and make it difficult to reason about the code flow.

🔗Plus d'Info: Guide to async await 1.0

✔ 3.12 Use Fat (=>) Arrow Functions

TL;DR: Though it's recommended to use async-await and avoid function parameters, when dealing with older API that accept promises or callbacks - arrow functions make the code structure more compact and keep the lexical context of the root function (i.e. 'this').

Autrement: Longer code (in ES5 functions) is more prone to bugs and cumbersome to read.

🔗 Read mode: It’s Time to Embrace Arrow Functions

⬆ Retour Haut de Page

4. Testing And Overall Quality Practices

✔ 4.1 At the very least, write API (component) testing

TL;DR: Most projects just don't have any automated testing due to short time tables or often the 'testing project' run out of control and being abandoned. For that reason, prioritize and start with API testing which are the easiest to write and provide more coverage than unit testing (you may even craft API tests without code using tools like Postman. Afterwards, should you have more resources and time, continue with advanced test types like unit testing, DB testing, performance testing, etc

Autrement: You may spend long days on writing unit tests to find out that you got only 20% system coverage

✔ 4.2 Detect code issues with a linter

TL;DR: Use a code linter to check basic quality and detect anti-patterns early. Run it before any test and add it as a pre-commit git-hook to minimize the time needed to review and correct any issue. Also check Section 3 on Code Style Practices

Autrement: You may let pass some anti-pattern and possible vulnerable code to your production environment.

✔ 4.3 Carefully choose your CI platform (Jenkins vs CircleCI vs Travis vs Rest of the world)

TL;DR: Your continuous integration platform (CICD) will host all the quality tools (e.g test, lint) so it should come with a vibrant ecosystem of plugins. Jenkins used to be the default for many projects as it has the biggest community along with a very powerful platform at the price of complex setup that demands a steep learning curve. Nowadays, it became much easier to setup a CI solution using SaaS tools like CircleCI and others. These tools allow crafting a flexible CI pipeline without the burden of managing the whole infrastructure. Eventually, it's a trade-off between robustness and speed - choose your side carefully.

Autrement: Choosing some niche vendor might get you blocked once you need some advanced customization. On the other hand, going with Jenkins might burn precious time on infrastructure setup

🔗 Plus d'Info: Choosing CI platform

✔ 4.4 Constantly inspect for vulnerable dependencies

TL;DR: Even the most reputable dependencies such as Express have known vulnerabilities. This can get easily tamed using community and commercial tools such as 🔗 nsp that can be invoked from your CI on every build

Autrement: Keeping your code clean from vulnerabilities without dedicated tools will require to constantly follow online publications about new threats. Quite tedious

✔ 4.5 Tag your tests

TL;DR: Different tests must run on different scenarios: quick smoke, IO-less, tests should run when a developer saves or commits a file, full end-to-end tests usually run when a new pull request is submitted, etc. This can be achieved by tagging tests with keywords like #cold #api #sanity so you can grep with your testing harness and invoke the desired subset. For example, this is how you would invoke only the sanity test group with Mocha: mocha --grep 'sanity'

Autrement: Running all the tests, including tests that perform dozens of DB queries, any time a developer makes a small change can be extremely slow and keeps developers away from running tests

✔ 4.6 Check your test coverage, it helps to identify wrong test patterns

TL;DR: Code coverage tools like Istanbul/NYC are great for 3 reasons: it comes for free (no effort is required to benefit this reports), it helps to identify a decrease in testing coverage, and last but not least it highlights testing mismatches: by looking at colored code coverage reports you may notice, for example, code areas that are never tested like catch clauses (meaning that tests only invoke the happy paths and not how the app behaves on errors). Set it to fail builds if the coverage falls under a certain threshold

Autrement: There won't be any automated metric telling you when a large portion of your code is not covered by testing

✔ 4.7 Inspect for outdated packages

TL;DR: Use your preferred tool (e.g. 'npm outdated' or npm-check-updates to detect installed packages which are outdated, inject this check into your CI pipeline and even make a build fail in a severe scenario. For example, a severe scenario might be when an installed package is 5 patch commits behind (e.g. local version is 1.3.1 and repository version is 1.3.8) or it is tagged as deprecated by its author - kill the build and prevent deploying this version

Autrement: Your production will run packages that have been explicitly tagged by their author as risky

✔ 4.8 Use docker-compose for e2e testing

TL;DR: End to end (e2e) testing which includes live data used to be the weakest link of the CI process as it depends on multiple heavy services like DB. Docker-compose turns this problem into a breeze by crafting production-like environment using a simple text file and easy commands. It allows crafting all the dependent services, DB and isolated network for e2e testing. Last but not least, it can keep a stateless environment that is invoked before each test suite and dies right after

Autrement: Without docker-compose teams must maintain a testing DB for each testing environment including developers machines, keep all those DBs in sync so test results won't vary across environments

⬆ Retour Haut de Page

5. Going To Production Practices

✔ 5.1. Monitoring!

TL;DR: Monitoring is a game of finding out issues before customers do – obviously this should be assigned unprecedented importance. The market is overwhelmed with offers thus consider starting with defining the basic metrics you must follow (my suggestions inside), then go over additional fancy features and choose the solution that ticks all boxes. Click ‘The Gist’ below for overview of solutions

Autrement: Failure === disappointed customers. Simple.

🔗 Plus d'Info: Monitoring!

✔ 5.2. Increase transparency using smart logging

TL;DR: Logs can be a dumb warehouse of debug statements or the enabler of a beautiful dashboard that tells the story of your app. Plan your logging platform from day 1: how logs are collected, stored and analyzed to ensure that the desired information (e.g. error rate, following an entire transaction through services and servers, etc) can really be extracted

Autrement: You end-up with a blackbox that is hard to reason about, then you start re-writing all logging statements to add additional information

🔗 Plus d'Info: Increase transparency using smart logging

✔ 5.3. Delegate anything possible (e.g. gzip, SSL) to a reverse proxy

TL;DR: Node is awfully bad at doing CPU intensive tasks like gzipping, SSL termination, etc. You should use ‘real’ middleware services like nginx, HAproxy or cloud vendor services instead

Autrement: Your poor single thread will stay busy doing infrastructural tasks instead of dealing with your application core and performance will degrade accordingly

🔗 Plus d'Info: Delegate anything possible (e.g. gzip, SSL) to a reverse proxy

✔ 5.4. Lock dependencies

TL;DR: Your code must be identical across all environments, but amazingly NPM lets dependencies drift across environments by default – when you install packages at various environments it tries to fetch packages’ latest patch version. Overcome this by using NPM config files , .npmrc, that tell each environment to save the exact (not the latest) version of each package. Alternatively, for finer grain control use NPM” shrinkwrap”. *Update: as of NPM5 , dependencies are locked by default. The new package manager in town, Yarn, also got us covered by default

Autrement: QA will thoroughly test the code and approve a version that will behave differently at production. Even worse, different servers at the same production cluster might run different code

🔗 Plus d'Info: Lock dependencies

✔ 5.5. Guard process uptime using the right tool

TL;DR: The process must go on and get restarted upon failures. For simple scenario, ‘restarter’ tools like PM2 might be enough but in today ‘dockerized’ world – a cluster management tools should be considered as well

Autrement: Running dozens of instances without clear strategy and too many tools together (cluster management, docker, PM2) might lead to a devops chaos

🔗 Plus d'Info: Guard process uptime using the right tool

✔ 5.6. Utilize all CPU cores

TL;DR: At its basic form, a Node app runs on a single CPU core while all other are left idling. It’s your duty to replicate the Node process and utilize all CPUs – For small-medium apps you may use Node Cluster or PM2. For a larger app consider replicating the process using some Docker cluster (e.g. K8S, ECS) or deployment scripts that are based on Linux init system (e.g. systemd)

Autrement: Your app will likely utilize only 25% of its available resources(!) or even less. Note that a typical server has 4 CPU cores or more, naive deployment of Node.JS utilizes only 1 (even using PaaS services like AWS beanstalk!)

🔗 Plus d'Info: Utilize all CPU cores

✔ 5.7. Create a ‘maintenance endpoint’

TL;DR: Expose a set of system-related information, like memory usage and REPL, etc in a secured API. Although it’s highly recommended to rely on standard and battle-tests tools, some valuable information and operations are easier done using code

Autrement: You’ll find that you’re performing many “diagnostic deploys” – shipping code to production only to extract some information for diagnostic purposes

🔗 Plus d'Info: Create a ‘maintenance endpoint’

✔ 5.8. Discover errors and downtime using APM products

TL;DR: Monitoring and performance products (a.k.a APM) proactively gauge codebase and API so they can auto-magically go beyond traditional monitoring and measure the overall user-experience across services and tiers. For example, some APM products can highlight a transaction that loads too slow on the end-users side while suggesting the root cause

Autrement: You might spend great effort on measuring API performance and downtimes, probably you’ll never be aware which is your slowest code parts under real world scenario and how these affects the UX

🔗 Plus d'Info: Discover errors and downtime using APM products

✔ 5.9. Make your code production-ready

TL;DR: Code with the end in mind, plan for production from day 1. This sounds a bit vague so I’ve compiled a few development tips that are closely related to production maintenance (click Gist below)

Autrement: A world champion IT/devops guy won’t save a system that is badly written

🔗 Plus d'Info: Make your code production-ready

✔ 5.10. Measure and guard the memory usage

TL;DR: Node.js has controversial relationships with memory: the v8 engine has soft limits on memory usage (1.4GB) and there are known paths to leaks memory in Node’s code – thus watching Node’s process memory is a must. In small apps you may gauge memory periodically using shell commands but in medium-large app consider baking your memory watch into a robust monitoring system

Autrement: Your process memory might leak a hundred megabytes a day like happened in Wallmart

🔗 Plus d'Info: Measure and guard the memory usage

✔ 5.11. Get your frontend assets out of Node

TL;DR: Serve frontend content using dedicated middleware (nginx, S3, CDN) because Node performance really gets hurt when dealing with many static files due to its single threaded model

Autrement: Your single Node thread will be busy streaming hundreds of html/images/angular/react files instead of allocating all its resources for the task it was born for – serving dynamic content

🔗 Plus d'Info: Get your frontend assets out of Node

✔ 5.12. Be stateless, kill your Servers almost every day

TL;DR: Store any type of data (e.g. users session, cache, uploaded files) within external data stores. Consider ‘killing’ your servers periodically or use ‘serverless’ platform (e.g. AWS Lambda) that explicitly enforces a stateless behavior

Autrement: Failure at a given server will result in application downtime instead of just killing a faulty machine. Moreover, scaling-out elasticity will get more challenging due to the reliance on a specific server

🔗 Plus d'Info: Be stateless, kill your Servers almost every day

✔ 5.13. Use tools that automatically detect vulnerabilities

TL;DR: Even the most reputable dependencies such as Express have known vulnerabilities (from time to time) that can put a system at risk. This can get easily tamed using community and commercial tools that constantly check for vulnerabilities and warn (locally or at GitHub), some can even patch them immediately

Autrement: Autrement: Keeping your code clean from vulnerabilities without dedicated tools will require to constantly follow online publications about new threats. Quite tedious

🔗 Plus d'Info: Use tools that automatically detect vulnerabilities

✔ 5.14. Assign ‘TransactionId’ to each log statement

TL;DR: Assign the same identifier, transaction-id: {some value}, to each log entry within a single request. Then when inspecting errors in logs, easily conclude what happened before and after. Unfortunately, this is not easy to achieve in Node due its async nature, see code examples inside

Autrement: Looking at a production error log without the context – what happened before – makes it much harder and slower to reason about the issue

🔗 Plus d'Info: Assign ‘TransactionId’ to each log statement

✔ 5.15. Set NODE_ENV=production

TL;DR: Set the environment variable NODE_ENV to ‘production’ or ‘development’ to flag whether production optimizations should get activated – many NPM packages determining the current environment and optimize their code for production

Autrement: Omitting this simple property might greatly degrade performance. For example, when using Express for server side rendering omitting NODE_ENV makes the slower by a factor of three!

🔗 Plus d'Info: Set NODE_ENV=production

✔ 5.16. Design automated, atomic and zero-downtime deployments

TL;DR: Researches show that teams who perform many deployments – lowers the probability of severe production issues. Fast and automated deployments that don’t require risky manual steps and service downtime significantly improves the deployment process. You should probably achieve that using Docker combined with CI tools as they became the industry standard for streamlined deployment

Autrement: Long deployments -> production down time & human-related error -> team unconfident and in making deployment -> less deployments and features

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To maintain this guide and keep it up to date, we are constantly updating and improving the guidelines and best practices with the help of the community. You can follow our milestones and join the working groups if you want to contribute to this project.


Yoni Goldberg

Independent Node.JS consultant who works with customers at USA, Europe and Israel on building large-scale scalable Node applications. Many of the best practices above were first published on his blog post at Reach Yoni at @goldbergyoni or [email protected]

Ido Richter

👨‍💻 Software engineer, 🌐 web developer, 🤖 emojis enthusiast.

Refael Ackermann @refack <[email protected]> (he/him)

Node.js Core Collaborator, been noding since 0.4, and have noded in multiple production sites. Founded node4good home of lodash-contrib, formage, and asynctrace. refack on freenode, Twitter, GitHub, GMail, and many other platforms. DMs are open, happy to help.

Bruno Scheufler

💻 full-stack web developer and Node.js enthusiast.

Thank You Notes

This repository is being kept up to date thanks to the help from the community. We appreciate any contribution, from a single word fix to a new best practice. Below is a list of everyone who contributed to this project. A 🌻 marks a successful pull request and a ⭐ marks an approved new best practice.

🌻 Kevin Rambaud, 🌻 Michael Fine, 🌻 Shreya Dahal, 🌻 ChangJoo Park, 🌻 Matheus Cruz Rocha, 🌻 Yog Mehta, 🌻 Kudakwashe Paradzayi, 🌻 t1st3, 🌻 mulijordan1976, 🌻 Matan Kushner, 🌻 Fabio Hiroki, 🌻 James Sumners, 🌻 Chandan Rai, 🌻 Dan Gamble, 🌻 PJ Trainor, 🌻 Remek Ambroziak, 🌻 Yoni Jah, 🌻 Misha Khokhlov, 🌻 Evgeny Orekhov, 🌻 Gediminas Petrikas, 🌻 Isaac Halvorson, 🌻 Vedran Karačić, 🌻 lallenlowe, 🌻 Nathan Wells, 🌻 Paulo Vítor S Reis, 🌻 syzer, 🌻 David Sancho, 🌻 Robert Manolea, 🌻 Xavier Ho, 🌻 Aaron Arney, 🌻 Jan Charles Maghirang Adona, 🌻 Allen Fang, 🌻 Leonardo Villela

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