- class components
- basic ✅
- mixins ?!
- Vuetify
- axios ?
- build changes
- webpack -> vite
- Runtime config (BACKEND) (frontend done)
- Instead of creating a json file, it would be perfect to have a env file
- Nuxt will automatically replace config with env content during runtime
- https://nuxt.com/docs/guide/going-further/runtime-config
- jest ? or vitest ?
- pwa
- nuxt extends : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvTui3P0w-o
- translation / i18n
- Wait for transitions
- lazy load translations
- translations per SFC (Component)
- resx ? (maybe a migration tool when migrating over?)
- translation process (something else than copy pasting json files?)
Create further examples which might be useful
- vue use example ? (composable)
If we really want to migrate a project, collect how we are going to do things:
- mixins?
- mixins -> how to solve message mixin within nuxt -> plugin?
Possible future improvements
- Create dev-container with docker to have a base setup running ?