There are two "modes" how this role can be run:
- Scheduler mode: Role will request new certificate based on an existing
certificate request, replace the old certificate and restart the affected
service. Ansible should be run with dedicated minimally privileged user
account (by default
). - Setup mode: Role will run the initial setup for a new domain certificate
such as create required directories, generate RSA key and certificate
request. Further it will make sure that a dedicated user acount for the
scheduler mode is created and install the necessary :program:`sudo` rules
for the service restart. Role has to be run with
Before the role can be run to send certificate requests an account key has to be generated. This can be done with the official Certbot client. Make sure the key is converted into the correct format for :program:`acme-tiny` as described in Use existing Let's Encrypt key.
Eventually store the account key in :file:`/etc/ssl/acme-tiny/account.key`.
When requesting the certificate :program:`acme-tiny` will place a challenge
file in :file:`/var/www/acme-challenges` which has to be accessible through
for every domain requested in
the certificate. Make sure to point the DNS entry of the domain name
configured onto the system running this role and to add a corresponding
definition in your Web server configuration.
The following snippets are meant as an example. Depending on the Web server configuration they need to be slightly adjusted.
Apache 2
Alias /.well-known/acme-challenge/ /var/www/acme-challenges/
<LocationMatch "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*">
Header set Content-Type "text/plain"
location /.well-known/acme-challenge {
alias /var/www/acme-challenges;
location ~ /.well-known/acme-challenge/(.*) {
default_type text/plain;
alias.url += (
"/.well-known/acme-challenge/" => "/var/www/acme-challenges/",
A minimal playbook which would run the ganto.acme_tiny
role to request a
SSL certificate would looke like this:
.. literalinclude:: playbooks/acme_tiny.yml :language: yaml
When using the example playbook the host to run the role has to be added
to the [acme_tiny]
host group in the Ansible inventory:
[acme_tiny] hostname
Obviously, the :doc:`defaults` might not be suitable for everybody. Especially the :envvar:`acme_tiny__domain` variable needs to be defined individually. This can be done via Ansible host variables in :file:`/etc/ansible/host_vars/<hostname>/acme_tiny.yml`.
If there are multiple certificates that should be managed with this Ansible
role, the individual configurations could be defined in separate "domain"
files (e.g. :file:`/etc/ansible/vars/<domain>.yml`) and then passed with the
Ansible --extra-vars
argument to the playbook execution.
Such a variable file would look like this:
# acme_tiny role configuration for:
acme_tiny__domain: [ '', '' ]
acme_tiny__service: 'nginx'