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MichealTheRatz (Studio not-so studios) edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the GXE wiki!

GXE is a simple LUA framework for making games! It has support for basic AABB overlap detection, rendering shapes, image rendering, and lots more! All you need is some basic programming knowledge and a passion for game development. A basic GXE program is very simple. It's just 3 functions. An init function where you load any images, fonts, etc. A update function where any game logic (player movement, collision, etc) happens. And then there is the draw function where you draw you sprites, text, etc.

Getting started

NOTE: 3 dots (...) indicates that we are continuing or editing the code block above.

On the top of the file BEFORE you create any functions or load any libraries, make a table called config

config = {
    -- How wide (or fat) the window is
    width = 600,
    -- How tall the window is
    height = 600,
    -- The text you will see on top of the window
    title = "Game!"

After you set that up, we have to define the functions:

function init(  )
	-- Setup

--NOTE: dt means delta time. We will go over that later!
function update( dt )
	-- Update

function draw(  )
	-- Draw

OK! Now you should see a black window. Black windows are boring so let's give it some color!

function draw()
     -- Good ol corn flower blue!

What this basically does is clear the screen with a light blue color every second. Now we are ready to draw to the screen! We will learn that next actually.

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