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Path: Plugin models/Pedestrian Skill/models/Simple environment - walk_to.gaml
* Name: pedestrian_simple_environment
* Author: Patrick Taillandier
* Description:
* Tags: pedestrian, agent_movement, skill, transport
model pedestrian_simple_environment
global {
float environment_size <- 50.0 parameter: true;
float margin <- 2.0;
int nb_obstacles <- 0 parameter: true;
int nb_people <- 100;
string scenario <- "frontal crossing" among: ["big crowd", "frontal crossing", "perpendicular crossing"] ;
bool display_free_space <- false parameter: true;
bool display_force <- false parameter: true;
bool display_circle_min_dist <- true parameter: true;
float P_shoulder_length <- 0.45 parameter: true;
float P_proba_detour <- 1.0 parameter: true ;
bool P_avoid_other <- true parameter: true ;
float P_obstacle_consideration_distance <- 5.0 parameter: true ;
float P_pedestrian_consideration_distance <- 5.0 parameter: true ;
float P_tolerance_waypoint <- 0.1 parameter: true;
bool P_use_geometry_waypoint <- true parameter: true;
string P_model_type <- "simple" among: ["simple", "advanced"] parameter: true ;
float P_A_pedestrian_SFM_advanced parameter: true <- 25.0 category: "SFM advanced" ;
float P_A_obstacles_SFM_advanced parameter: true <- 25.0 category: "SFM advanced" ;
float P_B_pedestrian_SFM_advanced parameter: true <- 0.5 category: "SFM advanced" ;
float P_B_obstacles_SFM_advanced parameter: true <- 0.1 category: "SFM advanced" ;
float P_relaxion_SFM_advanced parameter: true <- 0.1 category: "SFM advanced" ;
float P_gama_SFM_advanced parameter: true <- 0.35 category: "SFM advanced" ;
float P_lambda_SFM_advanced <- 0.1 parameter: true category: "SFM advanced" ;
float P_minimal_distance_advanced <- 0.5 parameter: true category: "SFM advanced" ;
float P_n_prime_SFM_simple parameter: true <- 3.0 category: "SFM simple" ;
float P_n_SFM_simple parameter: true <- 2.0 category: "SFM simple" ;
float P_lambda_SFM_simple <- 2.0 parameter: true category: "SFM simple" ;
float P_gama_SFM_simple parameter: true <- 0.35 category: "SFM simple" ;
float P_relaxion_SFM_simple parameter: true <- 0.54 category: "SFM simple" ;
float P_A_pedestrian_SFM_simple parameter: true <- 4.5category: "SFM simple" ;
geometry shape <- square(environment_size);
geometry free_space <- copy(shape);
geometry left_space;
geometry right_space;
geometry bottom_space;
geometry top_space;
float step <- 0.1;
init {
left_space <- polygon([{0,0}, {0, environment_size}, {environment_size/10, environment_size}, {environment_size/10,0}]);
right_space <- polygon([{environment_size,0}, {environment_size, environment_size}, {9 * environment_size/10, environment_size}, {9 * environment_size/10,0}]);
bottom_space <- polygon([{0, environment_size}, {0, 9 * environment_size/10}, {environment_size,9* environment_size/10}, {environment_size, environment_size}]);
top_space <- polygon([{0, 0}, {0, environment_size/10}, {environment_size, environment_size/10}, {environment_size, 0.0}]);
create obstacle number:nb_obstacles {
location <- any_location_in(square(8*environment_size/10) at_location {environment_size/2, environment_size/2} scaled_by 0.8);
shape <- sphere(1+rnd(environment_size/50.0));
free_space <- free_space - shape;
create people number: nb_people {
obstacle_consideration_distance <- P_obstacle_consideration_distance;
obstacle_consideration_distance <- P_obstacle_consideration_distance;
pedestrian_consideration_distance <- P_pedestrian_consideration_distance;
shoulder_length <- P_shoulder_length;
avoid_other <- P_avoid_other;
proba_detour <- P_proba_detour;
use_geometry_waypoint <- P_use_geometry_waypoint;
tolerance_waypoint <- P_tolerance_waypoint;
pedestrian_model <- P_model_type;
if (pedestrian_model = "simple") {
A_pedestrians_SFM <- P_A_pedestrian_SFM_simple;
relaxion_SFM <- P_relaxion_SFM_simple;
gama_SFM <- P_gama_SFM_simple;
lambda_SFM <- P_lambda_SFM_simple;
n_prime_SFM <- P_n_prime_SFM_simple;
n_SFM <- P_n_SFM_simple;
} else {
A_pedestrians_SFM <- P_A_pedestrian_SFM_advanced;
A_obstacles_SFM <- P_A_obstacles_SFM_advanced;
B_pedestrians_SFM <- P_B_pedestrian_SFM_advanced;
B_obstacles_SFM <- P_B_obstacles_SFM_advanced;
relaxion_SFM <- P_relaxion_SFM_advanced;
gama_SFM <- P_gama_SFM_advanced;
lambda_SFM <- P_lambda_SFM_advanced;
minimal_distance <- P_minimal_distance_advanced;
pedestrian_species <- [people];
switch scenario {
match "frontal crossing" {
int id <- int(self);
location <- any_location_in(even(id) ? left_space : right_space);
current_target <- closest_points_with(location, even(id) ? right_space : left_space)[1];
} match "perpendicular crossing" {
int id <- int(self);
location <- any_location_in(even(id) ? left_space : bottom_space);
current_target <- closest_points_with(location, (even(id) ? right_space : top_space))[1];
} match "big crowd" {
location <- any_location_in(free_space);
current_target <- any_location_in(world.shape.contour);
reflex end_simulation when: empty(people) {
do pause;
species people skills: [pedestrian] schedules: shuffle(people) {
rgb color <- rnd_color(255);
float speed <- 3 #km/#h;
bool avoid_other <- true;
point current_target ;
reflex move when: current_target != nil{
if (nb_obstacles > 0) {
do walk_to target: current_target bounds: free_space;
} else {
do walk_to target: current_target;
if (self distance_to current_target < 0.5) {
do die;
aspect default {
if (display_circle_min_dist and minimal_distance > 0) {
if not empty(people at_distance minimal_distance) {
draw circle(minimal_distance) color: #red;
draw triangle(shoulder_length) color: color rotate: heading + 90.0;
if display_force {
loop op over: forces.keys {
if (species(agent(op)) = obstacle ) {
draw line([location, location + point(forces[op])]) color: #red end_arrow: 0.1;
else if ((agent(op)) = self ) {
draw line([location, location + point(forces[op])]) color: #blue end_arrow: 0.1;
else {
draw line([location, location + point(forces[op])]) color: #green end_arrow: 0.1;
species obstacle {
aspect default {
draw shape color: #gray border: #black;
experiment big_crowd type: gui {
float minimum_cycle_duration <- 0.02;
action _init_ {
create simulation with: [scenario :: "big crowd", nb_people::500];
output {
display map {
species obstacle;
species people;
experiment frontal_crossing type: gui {
float minimum_cycle_duration <- 0.02;
action _init_ {
create simulation with: [scenario :: "frontal crossing", nb_people::100];
output {
display map {
graphics "areas" transparency: 0.5{
draw right_space color: #green border: #black;
draw left_space color: #red border: #black;
species obstacle;
species people;
experiment perpendicular_crossing type: gui {
float minimum_cycle_duration <- 0.02;
action _init_ {
create simulation with: [scenario :: "perpendicular crossing", nb_people::100];
output {
display map {
graphics "areas" transparency: 0.7{
draw right_space color: #green border: #black;
draw left_space color: #red border: #black;
draw bottom_space color: #yellow border: #black;
draw top_space color: #magenta border: #black;
species obstacle;
species people;
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- Introduction
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- Using Driving Skill
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- Using Headless
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- Built-in Skills
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