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Built-in Skills

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Skills are built-in modules, written in Java, that provide a set of related built-in variables and built-in actions (in addition to those already provided by GAMA) to the species that declare them. A declaration of skill is done by filling the skills attribute in the species definition:

species my_species skills: [skill1, skill2] {

Skills have been designed to be mutually compatible so that any combination of them will result in a functional species. An example of skill is the moving skill.

So, for instance, if a species is declared as:

species foo skills: [moving]{

Its agents will automatically be provided with the following variables : speed, heading, destination and the following actions: move, goto, wander, follow in addition to those built-in in species and declared by the modeller. Most of these variables, except the ones marked read-only, can be customized and modified like normal variables by the modeller. For instance, one could want to set a maximum for the speed; this would be done by redeclaring it like this:

float speed max:100 min:0;

Or, to obtain a speed increasing at each simulation step:

float speed max:100 min:0  <- 1 update: speed * 1.01;

Or, to change the speed in a behavior:

if speed = 5 {
    speed <- 10;

Table of Contents

advanced_driving, driving, dynamic_body, fipa, MDXSKILL, messaging, moving, moving3D, network, public_transport, public_transport_scheduler, skill_road, skill_road_node, SQLSKILL, static_body,



  • acc_bias (float): the bias term used for asymmetric lane changing, parameter 'a_bias' in MOBIL
  • acc_gain_threshold (float): the minimum acceleration gain for the vehicle to switch to another lane, introduced to prevent frantic lane changing. Known as the parameter 'a_th' in the MOBIL lane changing model
  • acceleration (float): the current acceleration of the vehicle (in m/s^2)
  • allowed_lanes (list): a list containing possible lane index values for the attribute lowest_lane
  • current_index (int): the index of the current edge (road) in the path
  • current_lane (int): the current lane on which the agent is
  • current_path (path): the path which the agent is currently following
  • current_road (agent): the road which the vehicle is currently on
  • current_target (agent): the current target of the agent
  • delta_idm (float): the exponent used in the computation of free-road acceleration in the Intelligent Driver Model
  • distance_to_current_target (float): euclidean distance to the current target node
  • distance_to_goal (float): euclidean distance to the endpoint of the current segment
  • final_target (agent): the final target of the agent
  • follower (agent): the vehicle following this vehicle
  • ignore_oneway (boolean): if set to true, the vehicle will be able to violate one-way traffic rule
  • lane_change_cooldown (float): the duration that a vehicle must wait before changing lanes again
  • lane_change_limit (int): the maximum number of lanes that the vehicle can change during a simulation step
  • leading_distance (float): the distance to the leading vehicle
  • leading_speed (float): the speed of the leading vehicle
  • leading_vehicle (agent): the vehicle which is right ahead of the current vehicle. If this is set to nil, the leading vehicle does not exist or might be very far away.
  • linked_lane_limit (int): the maximum number of linked lanes that the vehicle can use; the default value is -1, i.e. the vehicle can use all available linked lanes
  • lowest_lane (int): the lane with the smallest index that the vehicle is in
  • max_acceleration (float): the maximum acceleration of the vehicle. Known as the parameter 'a' in the Intelligent Driver Model
  • max_deceleration (float): the maximum deceleration of the vehicle. Known as the parameter 'b' in the Intelligent Driver Model
  • max_safe_deceleration (float): the maximum deceleration that the vehicle is willing to induce on its back vehicle when changing lanes. Known as the parameter 'b_save' in the MOBIL lane changing model
  • max_speed (float): the maximum speed that the vehicle can achieve. Known as the parameter 'v0' in the Intelligent Driver Model
  • min_safety_distance (float): the minimum distance of the vehicle's front bumper to the leading vehicle's rear bumper, known as the parameter s0 in the Intelligent Driver Model
  • min_security_distance (float): the minimal distance to another vehicle
  • next_road (agent): the road which the vehicle will enter next
  • num_lanes_occupied (int): the number of lanes that the vehicle occupies
  • on_linked_road (boolean): is the agent on the linked road?
  • politeness_factor (float): determines the politeness level of the vehicle when changing lanes. Known as the parameter 'p' in the MOBIL lane changing model
  • proba_block_node (float): probability to block a node (do not let other vehicle cross the crossroad), within one second
  • proba_lane_change_down (float): probability to change to a lower lane (right lane if right side driving) to gain acceleration, within one second
  • proba_lane_change_up (float): probability to change to a upper lane (left lane if right side driving) to gain acceleration, within one second
  • proba_respect_priorities (float): probability to respect priority (right or left) laws, within one second
  • proba_respect_stops (list): probability to respect stop laws - one value for each type of stop, within one second
  • proba_use_linked_road (float): probability to change to a linked lane to gain acceleration, within one second
  • real_speed (float): the actual speed of the agent (in meter/second)
  • right_side_driving (boolean): are vehicles driving on the right size of the road?
  • safety_distance_coeff (float): the coefficient for the computation of the the min distance between two vehicles (according to the vehicle speed - security_distance =max(min_security_distance, security_distance_coeff * min(self.real_speed, other.real_speed) )
  • security_distance_coeff (float): the coefficient for the computation of the the min distance between two vehicles (according to the vehicle speed - safety_distance =max(min_safety_distance, safety_distance_coeff * min(self.real_speed, other.real_speed) )
  • segment_index_on_road (int): current segment index of the agent on the current road
  • speed (float): the speed of the agent (in meter/second)
  • speed_coeff (float): speed coefficient for the speed that the vehicle want to reach (according to the max speed of the road)
  • targets (list): the current list of points that the agent has to reach (path)
  • time_headway (float): the time gap that to the leading vehicle that the driver must maintain. Known as the parameter 'T' in the Intelligent Driver Model
  • time_since_lane_change (float): the elapsed time since the last lane change
  • using_linked_road (boolean): indicates if the vehicle is occupying at least one lane on the linked road
  • vehicle_length (float): the length of the vehicle (in meters)
  • violating_oneway (boolean): indicates if the vehicle is moving in the wrong direction on an one-way (unlinked) road



moves the agent towards along the path passed in the arguments while considering the other agents in the network (only for graph topology)
  • returns: float
  • path (path): a path to be followed.
  • target (point): the target to reach
  • speed (float): the speed to use for this move (replaces the current value of speed)
  • time (float): time to travel


Override this if you want to manually choose a lane when entering new road. By default, the vehicle tries to stay in the current lane. If the new road has fewer lanes than the current one and the current lane index is too big, it tries to enter the most uppermost lane.
  • returns: int
  • new_road (agent): the new road that's the vehicle is going to enter


Action to compute the shortest path to the target node, or shortest path based on the provided list of nodes
  • returns: path
  • graph (graph): the graph representing the road network
  • target (agent): the target node to reach
  • source (agent): the source node (optional, if not defined, closest node to the agent location)
  • nodes (list): the nodes forming the resulting path


action to drive toward the target
  • returns: bool


action to drive by chosen randomly the next road
  • returns: bool
  • graph (graph): a graph representing the road network
  • proba_roads (map): a map containing for each road (key), the probability to be selected as next road (value)


action that allows to define how the remaining time is impacted by external factor
  • returns: float
  • new_road (agent): the road on which to the vehicle wants to go
  • remaining_time (float): the remaining time


action to drive by chosen randomly the next road
  • returns: float
  • lane (int): the lane on which to make the agent move
  • acceleration (float): acceleration of the vehicle
  • time (float): time of move


action to choose a lane
  • returns: int
  • new_road (agent): the road on which to choose the lane


override this if you want to do something when the vehicle enters a new road (e.g. adjust parameters)
  • returns: void


action to compute a path from a list of nodes according to a given graph
  • returns: path
  • graph (graph): the graph representing the road network
  • nodes (list): the list of nodes composing the path


action to test if the vehicle cross a road node to move to a new road
  • returns: bool
  • node (agent): the road node to test
  • new_road (agent): the road to test


action to choose a speed
  • returns: float
  • new_road (agent): the road on which to choose the speed


action to test if the vehicle can take the given road
  • returns: bool
  • new_road (agent): the road to test


remove the vehicle from its current roads
  • returns: bool



  • lanes_attribute (string): the name of the attribut of the road agent that determine the number of road lanes
  • living_space (float): the min distance between the agent and an obstacle (in meter)
  • obstacle_species (list): the list of species that are considered as obstacles
  • speed (float): the speed of the agent (in meter/second)
  • tolerance (float): the tolerance distance used for the computation (in meter)



moves the agent along a given path passed in the arguments while considering the other agents in the network.
  • returns: path
  • speed (float): the speed to use for this move (replaces the current value of speed)
  • path (path): a path to be followed.
  • return_path (boolean): if true, return the path followed (by default: false)
  • move_weights (map): Weigths used for the moving.
  • living_space (float): min distance between the agent and an obstacle (replaces the current value of living_space)
  • tolerance (float): tolerance distance used for the computation (replaces the current value of tolerance)
  • lanes_attribute (string): the name of the attribut of the road agent that determine the number of road lanes (replaces the current value of lanes_attribute)


moves the agent towards the target passed in the arguments while considering the other agents in the network (only for graph topology)
  • returns: path
  • target (geometry): the location or entity towards which to move.
  • speed (float): the speed to use for this move (replaces the current value of speed)
  • on (any type): list, agent, graph, geometry that restrains this move (the agent moves inside this geometry)
  • return_path (boolean): if true, return the path followed (by default: false)
  • move_weights (map): Weigths used for the moving.
  • living_space (float): min distance between the agent and an obstacle (replaces the current value of living_space)
  • tolerance (float): tolerance distance used for the computation (replaces the current value of tolerance)
  • lanes_attribute (string): the name of the attribut of the road agent that determine the number of road lanes (replaces the current value of lanes_attribute)



  • angular_damping (float): Between 0 and 1. an angular decelaration coefficient that occurs even without contact
  • angular_velocity (point): The angular velocity of the agent in the three directions, expressed as a point.
  • contact_damping (float): Between 0 and 1. a decelaration coefficient that occurs in case of contact. Only available in the native Bullet library (no effect on the Java implementation)
  • damping (float): Between 0 and 1. a linear decelaration coefficient that occurs even without contact
  • velocity (point): The linear velocity of the agent in the three directions, expressed as a point.



An action that allows to apply different effects to the object, like forces, impulses, etc.
  • returns: unknown
  • clearance (boolean): If true clears all forces applied to the agent and clears its veolicity as well
  • impulse (point): An idealised change of momentum. Adds to the velocity of the object. This is the kind of push that you would use on a pool billiard ball.
  • force (point): Move (push) the object once with a certain moment, expressed as a point (vector). Adds to the existing forces.
  • torque (point): Rotate (twist) the object once around its axes, expressed as a point (vector)


The fipa skill offers some primitives and built-in variables which enable agent to communicate with each other using the FIPA interaction protocol.


  • accept_proposals (list): A list of 'accept_proposal' performative messages in the agent's mailbox
  • agrees (list): A list of 'agree' performative messages.
  • cancels (list): A list of 'cancel' performative messages.
  • cfps (list): A list of 'cfp' (call for proposal) performative messages.
  • conversations (list): A list containing the current conversations of agent. Ended conversations are automatically removed from this list.
  • failures (list): A list of 'failure' performative messages.
  • informs (list): A list of 'inform' performative messages.
  • proposes (list): A list of 'propose' performative messages .
  • queries (list): A list of 'query' performative messages.
  • refuses (list): A list of 'propose' performative messages.
  • reject_proposals (list): A list of 'reject_proposal' performative messages.
  • requests (list): A list of 'request' performative messages.
  • requestWhens (list): A list of 'request-when' performative messages.
  • subscribes (list): A list of 'subscribe' performative messages.



Replies a message with an 'accept_proposal' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Replies a message with an 'agree' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Replies a message with a 'cancel' peformative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Replies a message with a 'cfp' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Reply a message with an 'end_conversation' peprformative message. This message marks the end of a conversation. In a 'no-protocol' conversation, it is the responsible of the modeler to explicitly send this message to mark the end of a conversation/interaction protocol. Please note that if the contents of the messages of the conversation are not read, then this command has no effect (i.e. it  must be read by at least one of the agents in the conversation)
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Replies a message with a 'failure' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Replies a message with an 'inform' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Replies a message with a 'propose' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Replies a message with a 'query' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Replies a message with a 'refuse' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The contents of the replying message


Replies a message with a 'reject_proposal' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Replies a message. This action should be only used to reply a message in a 'no-protocol' conversation and with a 'user defined performative'. For performatives supported by GAMA (i.e., standard FIPA performatives), please use the 'action' with the same name of 'performative'. For example, to reply a message with a 'request' performative message, the modeller should use the 'request' action.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • performative (string): The performative of the replying message
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Replies a message with a 'request' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


Starts a conversation/interaction protocol.
  • returns: msi.gaml.extensions.fipa.FIPAMessage
  • to (list): A list of receiver agents
  • contents (list): The content of the message. A list of any GAML type
  • performative (string): A string, representing the message performative
  • protocol (string): A string representing the name of interaction protocol


Starts a conversation/interaction protocol.
  • returns: msi.gaml.extensions.fipa.FIPAMessage
  • to (list): A list of receiver agents
  • contents (list): The content of the message. A list of any GAML type
  • performative (string): A string, representing the message performative
  • protocol (string): A string representing the name of interaction protocol


Replies a message with a 'subscribe' performative message.
  • returns: unknown
  • message (24): The message to be replied
  • contents (list): The content of the replying message


This skill allows agents to be provided with actions and attributes in order to connect to MDX databases




  • returns: list
  • params (map): Connection parameters
  • onColumns (string): select string with question marks
  • onRows (list): List of values that are used to replace question marks
  • from (list): List of values that are used to replace question marks
  • where (list): List of values that are used to replace question marks
  • values (list): List of values that are used to replace question marks


  • returns: bool
  • params (map): Connection parameters


  • returns: float


A simple skill that provides agents with a mailbox than can be filled with messages


  • mailbox (list): The list of messages that can be consulted by the agent



  • returns: message
  • to (any type): The agent, or server, to which this message will be sent to
  • contents (any type): The contents of the message, an arbitrary object


The moving skill is intended to define the minimal set of behaviours required for agents that are able to move on different topologies


  • current_edge (geometry): Represents the agent/geometry on which the agent is located (only used with a graph)
  • current_path (path): Represents the path on which the agent is moving on (goto action on a graph)
  • destination (point): Represents the next location of the agent if it keeps its current speed and heading (read-only). ** Only correct in continuous topologies and may return nil values if the destination is outside the environment **
  • heading (float): Represents the absolute heading of the agent in degrees.
  • location (point): Represents the current position of the agent
  • real_speed (float): Represents the actual speed of the agent (in meter/second)
  • speed (float): Represents the speed of the agent (in meter/second)



moves the agent along a given path passed in the arguments.
  • returns: path
  • speed (float): the speed to use for this move (replaces the current value of speed)
  • path (path): a path to be followed.
  • move_weights (map): Weights used for the moving.
  • return_path (boolean): if true, return the path followed (by default: false)


moves the agent towards the target passed in the arguments.
  • returns: path
  • target (geometry): the location or entity towards which to move.
  • speed (float): the speed to use for this move (replaces the current value of speed)
  • on (any type): graph, topology, list of geometries or map of geometries that restrain this move
  • recompute_path (boolean): if false, the path is not recompute even if the graph is modified (by default: true)
  • return_path (boolean): if true, return the path followed (by default: false)
  • move_weights (map): Weights used for the moving.


moves the agent forward, the distance being computed with respect to its speed and heading. The value of the corresponding variables are used unless arguments are passed.
  • returns: path
  • speed (float): the speed to use for this move (replaces the current value of speed)
  • heading (float): the angle (in degree) of the target direction.
  • bounds (geometry): the geometry (the localized entity geometry) that restrains this move (the agent moves inside this geometry


Moves the agent towards a random location at the maximum distance (with respect to its speed). The heading of the agent is chosen randomly if no amplitude is specified. This action changes the value of heading.
  • returns: bool
  • speed (float): the speed to use for this move (replaces the current value of speed)
  • amplitude (float): a restriction placed on the random heading choice. The new heading is chosen in the range (heading - amplitude/2, heading+amplitude/2)
  • bounds (geometry): the geometry (the localized entity geometry) that restrains this move (the agent moves inside this geometry)
  • on (graph): the graph that restrains this move (the agent moves on the graph
  • proba_edges (map): When the agent moves on a graph, the probability to choose another edge. If not defined, each edge has the same probability to be chosen


The moving skill 3D is intended to define the minimal set of behaviours required for agents that are able to move on different topologies


  • destination (point): continuously updated destination of the agent with respect to its speed and heading (read-only)
  • heading (float): the absolute heading of the agent in degrees (in the range 0-359)
  • pitch (float): the absolute pitch of the agent in degrees (in the range 0-359)
  • roll (float): the absolute roll of the agent in degrees (in the range 0-359)
  • speed (float): the speed of the agent (in meter/second)



moves the agent forward, the distance being computed with respect to its speed and heading. The value of the corresponding variables are used unless arguments are passed.
  • returns: path
  • speed (float): the speed to use for this move (replaces the current value of speed)
  • heading (int): int, optional, the direction to take for this move (replaces the current value of heading)
  • pitch (int): int, optional, the direction to take for this move (replaces the current value of pitch)
  • roll (int): int, optional, the direction to take for this move (replaces the current value of roll)
  • bounds (geometry): the geometry (the localized entity geometry) that restrains this move (the agent moves inside this geometry


The network skill provides new features to let agents exchange message through network.


  • network_groups (list): The set of groups the agent belongs to
  • network_name (string): Net ID of the agent
  • network_server (list): The list of all the servers to which the agent is connected



Action used by a networking agent to connect to a server or as a server.
  • returns: bool
  • protocol (string): protocol type (MQTT (by default), TCP, UDP): the possible value ares 'udp_server', 'udp_emitter', 'tcp_server', 'tcp_client', otherwise the MQTT protocol is used.
  • port (int): Port number
  • raw (boolean): message type raw or rich
  • with_name (string): ID of the agent (its name) for the simulation
  • login (string): login for the connection to the server
  • password (string): password associated to the login
  • force_network_use (boolean): force the use of the network even interaction between local agents
  • to (string): server URL (localhost or a server URL)
  • size_packet (int): For UDP connection, it sets the maximum size of received packets (default = 1024bits).


  • returns: string
  • command (string): command to execute


  • returns: message


  • returns: bool


allow an agent to join a group of agents in order to broadcast messages to other membersor to receive messages sent by other members. Note that all members of the group called : "ALL".
  • returns: bool
  • with_name (string): name of the group


leave a group of agents. The leaving agent will not receive any message from the group. Overwhise, it can send messages to the left group
  • returns: bool
  • with_name (string): name of the group the agent wants to leave


Simulate a step to test the skill. It must be used for Gama-platform test only
  • returns: bool



  • is_stopped (boolean): Is the transport waiting for passengers
  • next_stop (agent): the next stop for the transport
  • stops (list): The list of stops the bus have and will going through
  • transport_line (string): The name of the bus line
  • transport_state (string): ?



set up next target
  • returns: bool


action to define a bus noria
  • returns: bool
  • pickup_point (agent): The pickup point where passengers are taken
  • evacuation_point (agent): The evacuation exit
  • return_point (agent): The bus re-entry on the graph
  • waiting_time (int): waiting time at pickup point in second (can be ignored if transport is full)
  • return_time (int): time before the re-entry on the graph in second


action to define the route of a bus
  • returns: bool
  • stops (list): The stops' list to go by
  • schedule (list): The times' list for each stop


initialise the vehicle
  • returns: bool


test the departure time
  • returns: bool



  • next_departure (int): ?
  • next_departure_cycle (int): ?
  • schedule (matrix): ?
  • start_time_hour (int): The name of the bus line
  • start_time_minute (int): The name of the bus line
  • start_time_second (int): The name of the bus line
  • stops (list): ?
  • transport_line (string): The name of the bus line



action to check if a transport must depart
  • returns: list


action to check next departure time
  • returns: bool


action to define the schedule of a bus_line
  • returns: bool
  • schedule (matrix): The stop(x)/time(y) matrix[x,y]



  • agents_on (list): for each lane of the road, the list of agents for each segment
  • all_agents (list): the list of agents on the road
  • linked_road (-199): the linked road: the lanes of this linked road will be usable by drivers on the road
  • maxspeed (float): the maximal speed on the road
  • num_lanes (int): the number of lanes
  • num_segments (int): the number of road segments
  • segment_lengths (list): stores the length of each road segment. The index of each element corresponds to the segment index.
  • source_node (agent): the source node of the road
  • target_node (agent): the target node of the road
  • vehicle_ordering (list): provides information about the ordering of vehicle on any given lane



register the agent on the road at the given lane
  • returns: bool
  • agent (agent): the agent to register on the road.
  • lane (int): the lane index on which to register; if lane index >= number of lanes, then register on the linked road


unregister the agent on the road
  • returns: bool
  • agent (agent): the agent to unregister on the road.



  • block (map): define the list of agents blocking the node, and for each agent, the list of concerned roads
  • priority_roads (list): the list of priority roads
  • roads_in (list): the list of input roads
  • roads_out (list): the list of output roads
  • stop (list): define for each type of stop, the list of concerned roads



This skill allows agents to be provided with actions and attributes in order to connect to SQL databases




  • returns: int
  • params (map): Connection parameters
  • updateComm (string): SQL commands such as Create, Update, Delete, Drop with question mark
  • values (list): List of values that are used to replace question mark


  • returns: string
  • dateFormat (string): date format examples: 'yyyy-MM-dd' , 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'


  • returns: string
  • dateFormat (string): date format examples: 'yyyy-MM-dd' , 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
  • dateStr (string): Start date
  • offset (string): number on day to increase or decrease


  • returns: int
  • params (map): Connection parameters
  • into (string): Table name
  • columns (list): List of column name of table
  • values (list): List of values that are used to insert into table. Columns and values must have same size


  • returns: matrix
  • param (list): Param: a list of records and metadata
  • getName (boolean): getType: a boolean value, optional parameter
  • getType (boolean): getType: a boolean value, optional parameter


  • returns: list
  • params (map): Connection parameters
  • select (string): select string with question marks
  • values (list): List of values that are used to replace question marks


  • returns: bool
  • params (map): Connection parameters


  • returns: float



  • aabb (geometry): The axis-aligned bounding box. A box used to evaluate the probability of contacts between objects. Can be displayed as any other GAMA shapes/geometries in order to verify that the physical representation of the agent corresponds to its geometry in the model
  • friction (float): Between 0 and 1. The coefficient of friction of the agent (how much it decelerates the agents in contact with him). Default is 0.5
  • mass (float): The mass of the agent. Should be equal to 0.0 for static, motionless agents
  • restitution (float): Between 0 and 1. The coefficient of restitution of the agent (defines the 'bounciness' of the agent). Default is 0
  • rotation (pair): The rotation of the physical body, expressed as a pair which key is the angle in degrees and value the axis around which it is measured



This action can be redefined in order for the agent to implement a specific behavior when it comes into contact (collision) with another agent. It is automatically called by the physics simulation engine on both colliding agents. The default built-in behavior does nothing.
  • returns: unknown
  • other (agent): represents the other agent with which a collision has been detected


This action can be redefined in order for the agent to implement a specific behavior when a previous contact with another agent is removed. It is automatically called by the physics simulation engine on both colliding agents. The default built-in behavior does nothing.
  • returns: unknown
  • other (agent): represents the other agent with which a collision has been detected


This action must be called when the geometry of the agent changes in the simulation world and this change must be propagated to the physical world. The change of location (in either worlds) or the rotation due to physical forces do not count as changes, as they are already taken into account. However, a rotation in the simulation world need to be handled by calling this action. As it involves long operations (removing the agent from the physical world, then reinserting it with its new shape), this action should not be called too often.
  • returns: unknown
  1. What's new (Changelog)
  1. Installation and Launching
    1. Installation
    2. Launching GAMA
    3. Updating GAMA
    4. Installing Plugins
  2. Workspace, Projects and Models
    1. Navigating in the Workspace
    2. Changing Workspace
    3. Importing Models
  3. Editing Models
    1. GAML Editor (Generalities)
    2. GAML Editor Tools
    3. Validation of Models
  4. Running Experiments
    1. Launching Experiments
    2. Experiments User interface
    3. Controls of experiments
    4. Parameters view
    5. Inspectors and monitors
    6. Displays
    7. Batch Specific UI
    8. Errors View
  5. Running Headless
    1. Headless Batch
    2. Headless Server
    3. Headless Legacy
  6. Preferences
  7. Troubleshooting
  1. Introduction
    1. Start with GAML
    2. Organization of a Model
    3. Basic programming concepts in GAML
  2. Manipulate basic Species
  3. Global Species
    1. Regular Species
    2. Defining Actions and Behaviors
    3. Interaction between Agents
    4. Attaching Skills
    5. Inheritance
  4. Defining Advanced Species
    1. Grid Species
    2. Graph Species
    3. Mirror Species
    4. Multi-Level Architecture
  5. Defining GUI Experiment
    1. Defining Parameters
    2. Defining Displays Generalities
    3. Defining 3D Displays
    4. Defining Charts
    5. Defining Monitors and Inspectors
    6. Defining Export files
    7. Defining User Interaction
  6. Exploring Models
    1. Run Several Simulations
    2. Batch Experiments
    3. Exploration Methods
  7. Optimizing Model Section
    1. Runtime Concepts
    2. Optimizing Models
  8. Multi-Paradigm Modeling
    1. Control Architecture
    2. Defining Differential Equations
  1. Manipulate OSM Data
  2. Diffusion
  3. Using Database
  4. Using FIPA ACL
  5. Using BDI with BEN
  6. Using Driving Skill
  7. Manipulate dates
  8. Manipulate lights
  9. Using comodel
  10. Save and restore Simulations
  11. Using network
  12. Headless mode
  13. Using Headless
  14. Writing Unit Tests
  15. Ensure model's reproducibility
  16. Going further with extensions
    1. Calling R
    2. Using Graphical Editor
    3. Using Git from GAMA
  1. Built-in Species
  2. Built-in Skills
  3. Built-in Architecture
  4. Statements
  5. Data Type
  6. File Type
  7. Expressions
    1. Literals
    2. Units and Constants
    3. Pseudo Variables
    4. Variables And Attributes
    5. Operators [A-A]
    6. Operators [B-C]
    7. Operators [D-H]
    8. Operators [I-M]
    9. Operators [N-R]
    10. Operators [S-Z]
  8. Exhaustive list of GAMA Keywords
  1. Installing the GIT version
  2. Developing Extensions
    1. Developing Plugins
    2. Developing Skills
    3. Developing Statements
    4. Developing Operators
    5. Developing Types
    6. Developing Species
    7. Developing Control Architectures
    8. Index of annotations
  3. Introduction to GAMA Java API
    1. Architecture of GAMA
    2. IScope
  4. Using GAMA flags
  5. Creating a release of GAMA
  6. Documentation generation

  1. Predator Prey
  2. Road Traffic
  3. 3D Tutorial
  4. Incremental Model
  5. Luneray's flu
  6. BDI Agents

  1. Team
  2. Projects using GAMA
  3. Scientific References
  4. Training Sessions


  1. Videos
  2. Conferences
  3. Code Examples
  4. Pedagogical materials
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