- http://cis.gov.pl/
- https://github.com/cis-ncbj
- https://github.com/cis-gov-pl
- No license files in the repos but they claim on their Github Page that "Whenever possible we release the applications created at CIŚ under opensource licensing".
- https://www.csioz.gov.pl
- https://github.com/CSIOZ
- Only one little repo without license file, maybe they will publish something in the future.
- They seem not to like Github as they've just announced public tender for BitBucket licenses.
- http://www.coi.gov.pl/
- https://github.com/coi-gov-pl
- A lot of forks but they have some their own repos.
- Licenses used in original (non-forked) repos: Apache License Version 2.0.
- Jak COI wspiera ruch otwartego oprogramowania by Krzysztof Suszyński.
- OpenSourceDay 2016 presentation by Krzysztof Suszyński.
- http://www.cbk.waw.pl/
- https://github.com/CentrumBadanKosmicznych
- No license files in the repos.
- https://www.cert.pl (owner: NASK)
- https://github.com/CERT-Polska
- Repos with computer security tools.
- Licenses used: GPL 2.0, GPL 3.0.
- https://danepubliczne.gov.pl/ (owner: Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji, Departament Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego)
- https://github.com/DanePubliczneGovPl
- A lot of forks but they have some their own repos.
- Licenses used in original (non-forked) repos: GNU Affero GPL 3.0.
- Owner: Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii / Główny Geodeta Kraju
- https://github.com/GeoportalPL
- Licenses used: MIT.
- https://stat.gov.pl/
- https://github.com/Glowny-Urzad-Statystyczny
- https://github.com/Statistics-Poland (another repos)
- https://github.com/statisticspoland (yet another repos)
- All forks and derivative projects.
- https://www.gov.pl/web/govtech
- https://github.com/govtech-polska
- Notable repos:
- FakeHunter - browser extension for reporting questionable content published on the Internet regarding the SARS-CoV-2 virus
- Fake News Fighter - website with verified news
- Licenses used: MIT, Dofacts (based on MIT)
- http://www.ibe.edu.pl
- https://github.com/instytut-badan-edukacyjnych
- Notable repos:
- Licenses used: GPL 3.0.
- Not updated since 2015.
Instytut Podstaw Informatyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk (Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences)
- https://ipipan.waw.pl/
- http://git.nlp.ipipan.waw.pl/explore/projects
- Licenses used: many (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, MIT, GPL v3 and others)
STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe: https://github.com/ProteGO-Safe/
Licenses: GPL 3.0
Zespół GovTech Polska: fakehunter.pap.pl
Licenses: MIT
- http://www.gdansk.pl/
- No single organisation account/repo, each project has its own:
- Development of projects seems to be suspended.
- No license info.
- https://mc.gov.pl/
- https://github.com/Ministerstwo-Cyfryzacji
- No license files in the repos.
- See also: DanePubliczne.gov.pl
- http://muzhp.pl
- https://github.com/PolishHistoryMuseum
- License used: GPL 3.0 (there is no license file but comments in the source code indicate so).
- Not updated since 2010.
- http://www.nask.pl
- https://nask-polska.github.io
- https://github.com/NASK-Polska
- https://github.com/NASK-Instytut-Badawczy
- See also: CERT Polska.
- https://polona.pl/ (owner: http://bn.org.pl/, Biblioteka Narodowa / National Library of Poland)
- https://github.com/Polona
- One repo containing deep zoom image viewer.
- License: MIT.
- Last updated in 2015.
- https://www.pot.gov.pl/
- https://github.com/pot-gov-pl
- Licenses: Apache License 2.0, EUPL 1.2.
- https://www.polish-airports.com
- https://github.com/PolishAirports
- Licenses used: Apache License 2.0.
- https://uodo.gov.pl/
- https://github.com/uodogovpl
- Licenses used: EUPL 1.2