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Getting Started with CETEIcean

Introducción a la publicación de archivos TEI con CETEIcean

This tutorial will walk you through the steps to publish a TEI file online using CETEIcean. We will start with a simple (though quite large) file in TEI P5 form, fpn-washington.xml, which we want to display in a web browser.

Este tutorial te guiará a través de los pasos necesarios para publicar un archivo TEI en línea utilizando CETEIcean. Comenzaremos con un archivo simple (aunque un tanto extenso) en el formato de TEI P5, fpn-washington.xml, que queremos hacer visible en un navegador web.

First, a note about viewing the results of your work: CETEIcean's default method for displaying TEI relies on loading a TEI file from another location. Not all browsers will allow you to do this when you view an HTML file directly on your file system. You should try it, but if it doesn't work, then you will have to run a web server, put your files on a web server, or use a text editor with preview capabilities. Atom, with the atom-html-preview plugin is the example we will use for this tutorial, but there are many other options. You should download and install Atom, or an equivalent text editor, before starting this tutorial. A text editor is different from other programs you may already use for editing 'text', such as LibreOffice or Word, in that it edits only plain text files.

En primer lugar, una aclaración sobre la visualización de tu trabajo: El método por defecto de CETEIcean para mostrar archivos TEI consiste en cargar los archivos desde otra ubicación. No todos los navegadores te permitirán hacer esto cuando abras un archivo HTML directamente en el explorador de archivos de tu ordenador. Puedes hacer el intento, pero si eso no funciona, tendrás que generar un servidor local, colocar los archivos en un servidor en línea, o utilizar un editor de texto con funciones de previsualización. El editor de texto Atom, con el plugin atom-html-preview es el ejemplo que utilizaremos para este tutorial, pero existen varias opciones. Debes descargar e instalar Atom, o algún editor de texto equivalente, antes de comenzar este tutorial. Un editor de texto es diferente de otros procesadores de texto usuales, como LibreOffice o Word, ya que editan solo archivos de texto plano.

We will start by setting up a directory structure for our files. You may simply want to copy the structure of this tutorial, which looks like:

Comenzaremos por establecer una estructura de directorios para nuestros archivos. Puedes copiar la estructura de este tutorial, que se ve de la siguiente forma:

       --- css/
             --- tei.css
       --- js/
             --- CETEI.js
       --- fpn-washington.xml
       --- (the file you are reading)

Inside the root folder, create an index.html file, with the content:

En el directorio raíz crea un archivo index.html, con el siguiente contenido:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">

This will serve as a shell into which we will put the instructions that will display our TEI file. Like TEI, HTML files have a header, named head, and a body. We will put links to our CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript files and write a bit of JavaScript to get CETEIcean running. In the first empty line in the <head>, type:

Este archivo servirá como una estructura en la cual pondremos las instrucciones para mostrar nuestro archivo TEI. Al igual que en TEI, los archivos HTML tienen un encabezado, llamado head y un cuerpo de texto, llamado body. Agregaremos enlaces a nuestra CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) y a archivos de JavaScript, y escribiremos un poco de JavaScript para hacer que CETEIcean funcione. En la primera línea vacía del <head>, escribe:

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/tei.css">

This will link our CSS file to our HTML page, giving it access to the styling directives inside (there are only a few—we'll add more). Next, we'll link in the CETEIcean library by adding this line after the stylesheet link:

Esto conectará nuestro archivo CSS con nuestra página HTML, dándole acceso a las directivas de estilo que este contiene (solo hay unas pocas, pero añadiremos más). A continuación, incluiremos la librería de CETEIcean añadiendo la siguiente línea luego del enlace a la hoja de estilo:

  <script src="js/CETEI.js"></script>

Now we are ready to load our file. Add another <script></script> element to your index.html file, this time without a @src attribute (because we're going to put the script inside it).

Ahora ya estamos listos para cargar tu archive. Añade otro elemento <script></script> a tu archivo index.html, esta vez sin el atributo @src (porque vamos a poner el script dentro de él).

Inside your new script element, add the lines:

En el interior de tu nuevo elemento 'script', añade estas líneas:

  let c = new CETEI();
  c.getHTML5('fpn-washington.xml', function(data) {

You don't need to be a JavaScript expert to use CETEIcean, but learning how the basics work will be helpful. If you want advanced behaviors, you will have to know JavaScript. An excellent guide is available from the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) in many languages. The lines of code above are doing a few things: first, a variable, c is defined as a new CETEI object. This will do the work of loading and styling our source file for us. Next, we tell c to load the source file and turn it into HTML Custom Elements, and we're also giving it a function that will take the results and put them into the <body> of our index.html file. document.getElementsByTagName('body') calls a function available on the built-in document object (document is the HTML document loaded into the browser) that finds all the body elements and returns them in an Array (a list whose members can be accessed by index number). There is only one body element, so we're getting the first item in the Array, at index 0. To that item, an HTML Element, we are appending as a child the TEI document we just loaded.

No necesitas ser un experto en JavaScript para usar CETEIcean, pero aprender su funcionamiento básico puede ser de utilidad. Si deseas incluir funciones avanzadas, tendrás que aprender JavaScript. En la red para desarrolladores de Mozilla puede encontrarse una excelente guía de JavaScript en varios lenguajes, incluido el español. Las líneas de código que añadimos están haciendo varias cosas: en primer lugar, una variable, c es definida como un nuevo objeto CETEI. Esto hará el trabajo de cargar y darle estilo a nuestro archivo fuente. A continuación, le indicaremos a c que cargue el archivo fuente y lo convierta en HTML (Custom Elements), y también le daremos una función que tomará los resultados y los pondrá en el <body>de nuestro archivo index.html. document.getElementsByTagName('body') llama a una función disponible en objeto document (document es el documento HTML cargado en el navegador) que busca todos los elementos 'body' y los devuelve como una lista ordenada (en la que se puede acceder a los miembros que la componen a través de su número índice). Solo hay un elemento 'body', por lo que obtendremos una sola entrada en nuestra lista, con el índice 0. Anexaremos este ítem, un elemento HTML, como un hijo del documento TEI que acabamos de cargar.

At this point, if you're using Atom, you should be able to run HTML Preview from the Packages menu and see your document. If you aren't using Atom, you can try putting your documents on a web server. If you're familiar with using GitHub, you can use GitHub Pages (tutorial—you can skip the themes step and just use a repository with the tutorial you're reading in it). If you have Python installed on your computer, you can run a simple web server in the tutorial directory with the command:

En este punto, si estás usando Atom, deberías poder ejecutar una previsualización del HTML desde el menú “Packages” y así ver tu documento. Si no estás usando Atom, puedes hacer esto colocando tus archivos en un servidor web. Si estás conoces el funcionamiento de GitHub Pages (aquí tienes un tutorial en inglés, puedes saltearte los pasos referidos al tema y solo usar un repositorio para cargar el tutorial que estás leyendo). Si tienes instalado Python en tu computadora, puedes ejecutar in servidor web simple en el directorio de este tutorial con el comando:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Your computer may also come with web serving capabilites built in, or you can install MAMP or something similar.

También es posible que tu computadora ya tenga los programas necesarios para ejecutar un servidor web, o puedes instalar MAMP o algún otro programa similar.

Your preview will have various things wrong with it that we will want to fix. We'll do this first by adding CSS to handle the TEI elements in our file, and then later we'll add some CETEIcean behaviors to do more sophisticated things. If you haven't already taken a look at the XML source file, you might want to do so now, to see what things CETEIcean is doing already, and what it isn't. You'll notice that figures with graphics are getting loaded properly (as long as you're online, because the pictures are hosted on a web site). The teiHeader's content isn't being displayed. Page beginnings and line beginnings are being ignored, but divs and p elements are being formatted as blocks. A bit of investigation will tell you that there are 19 kinds of element in the body of our source document:

Esta primera visualización tendrá varios errores que desearemos arreglarlos. Comenzaremos por añadir CSS para manipular los elementos de TEI en nuestro archivo y luego añadiremos funciones de CETEIcean para hacer modificaciones más complejas. Si todavía no le haz echado un vistazo al archivo fuente XML, es un buen momento para hacerlo, para ver lo que CETEIcean ya está haciendo y lo que no. Notarás que las imágenes con gráficos están siendo cargadas correctamente (siempre que estés en línea, ya que las imágenes están alojadas en un sitio web). El contenido del teiHeader no está siendo mostrado. Los comienzos de página y comienzos de línea están siendo ignorados, pero los elementos div y p están siendo formateados como bloques. Con un poco de investigación verás que hay 19 tipos de elementos en el 'body' de nuestro documento fuente:

  • div
  • head
  • p
  • pb
  • hi
  • figure
  • graphic
  • lb
  • sic
  • opener
  • dateline
  • closer
  • salute
  • signed
  • emph
  • lg
  • l
  • foreign
  • name.

Some of these may not need any special styling or behaviors, but others definitely will.

Take a look at the tei.css file in the css/ folder. As you can see, it only has a couple of rules so far:

tei-div {
  display: block;
tei-p {
  display: block;
  margin-top: .5em;
  margin-bottom: .5em;

Some things to notice: the element names in our CSS selectors are prefixed with "tei-", which is what CETEIcean does to turn TEI elements into HTML Custom Elements. These rules mean divs are displayed as blocks (they start on a new line and are followed by a break at the end), as are paragraphs, and the latter also have some spacing before and after. Deciding what styles to apply to the currently unstyled elements may not always be easy, but we can begin by picking some simple cases. The source document uses lists for its table of contents and indices, always with @type="simple". We can use CSS to format these as lists. Add the following to the tei.css file:

tei-list[type=simple] {
  list-style-type: none;
tei-list[type=simple]>tei-item {
  display: list-item;

The first selector will match <tei-list type="simple"> elements and specifies that list items should not be decorated with bullets or numbers. The second identifies <tei-item> elements as list items (like <li> in HTML). If you make this change and reload your preview, you will see that the table of contents is now formatted as a list. You can experiment with adding margins and other styles to make it look better. The <hi rend="italics"> elements can be dealt with easily too:

tei-hi[rend=italics] {
  font-style: italic;

Line beginnings are a little trickier, and require a CSS "pseudo-selector":

tei-lb:before {
  white-space: pre;
  content: "\A";

This tells the browser to insert a new-line character (the "\A") before each <tei-lb> and to treat it as preformatted text (as you would a block of code, for example). We have to do this because in HTML new lines are normally ignored for formatting purposes. There's more we can do with CSS, but this is a good point to look at where you might use CETEIcean behaviors for formatting instead. HTML has an element equivalent to <lb/>, the <br> element. What if we just put a <br> inside our <tei-lb>? We can do that by adding some behaviors. In your index.html, add the following between the first and second lines of the code in the <script></script> tags:

  let behaviors = {
    "tei": {
      "lb": ["<br>"],

What this will do is create a Javascript object and assign it to a variable, behaviors, which we then pass to the CETEI object we created earlier, using the addBehaviors method. Inside that behaviors object, we have a section labeled "tei" (which is the prefix for all of our Custom Elements), and inside that, we define behaviors for elements. When CETEIcean sees a match for an element name, like "lb" (note that it uses the un-prefixed TEI name), it applies what it finds. For "lb", it sees an Array with one element, <br>, so it will insert that <br> tag before the content of any <tei-lb> element it finds. <tei-lb> is an empty element anyway, so the final result as seen by the browser will be


The browser will not know what to do with <tei-lb> and so will ignore it, but it will know what to do with <br>, and will display it as a new line. Note that if you use the behavior, you won't want the CSS rule for tei-lb, or you'll get two line breaks for every one in your source.

Behaviors can get more complex than this. You may have noticed that our source document has <div> elements, which nest, and which may have <head> elements. In HTML, the convention is to represent different levels of header with h1, h2, h3, and so on (up to h6). We can do this using a more sophisticated behavior:

  let behaviors = {
    "tei": {
      "head": function(e) {
        let level = document.evaluate("count(ancestor::tei-div)", e, null, XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE, null);
        let result = document.createElement("h" + level.numberValue);
        for (let n of Array.from(e.childNodes)) {
        return result;
      "lb": ["<br>"],

This new "head" behavior is doing something different. It takes a JavaScript function instead of an Array, which gets the element being processed as a parameter (the e). It creates a level variable, which contains the depth of the <tei-div> containing the <tei-head>, creates an <h[level]> element corresponding to the level, copies the content of the current element into it, and returns the new header element. CETEIcean will hide the content of the <tei-head> and show the heading element instead. Note that the code shown here has a potential bug: a very deeply nested document might produce, e.g. an <h7> element, which is not valid HTML. Our current source doesn't go more than three levels deep, but we might want to add a check ensure we don't go beyond <h6>.

CETEIcean has a number of built-in behaviors, which is why it was able to deal with TEI <graphic>s, for example, without any work on our part. You can replace or switch off built-in behaviors by adding matches for them. If you want to display the contents of the TEI Header, which is hidden by default, you can add:

  "teiHeader": null,

to your behaviors object. You will want to add CSS styles or behaviors to cope with the header contents if you do so.

We will not work through all of the possibilites for our source document in this tutorial. You should experiment and decide how you want to represent the source's markup. A more fully worked out example is available in the example/ folder, and the original HTML version and TEI P4 source may be found at