!!! Note "Citation"
**Beacon v2 and Beacon Networks: a "lingua franca" for federated data discovery in biomedical genomics, and beyond.**
Jordi Rambla, Michael Baudis, Tim Beck, Lauren A. Fromont, Arcadi Navarro, Manuel Rueda, Gary Saunders, Babita Singh, J.Dylan Spalding, Juha Tornroos, Claudia Vasallo, Colin D.Veal, Anthony J.Brookes. _Human Mutation_ (2022) [DOI](https://doi.org/10.1002/humu.24369).
??? faq "How do I emulate Beacon v1 while supporting the v2 protocol? "
The [Beacon Framework](/framework) describes the overall structure of the API
requests, responses, parameters etc. One can implement e.g. a Boolean beacon (_cf._ the
original protocol) without any use of the model, just by providing a well-formed
JSON response upon a request [very similar to the (pre-)v1 allele request](/variant-queries/#beacon-sequence-queries).
##### Minimal Example Request
This example is for a minimal SNV-type variant query.
##### Example Boolean Response
In this minimal response to the query above the beacon indicates that its default
response is Boolean and that it could interpreted it against the `genomicVariant` entity and in the context of the same Beacon version.
In principle one could launch a Beacon instance using the example response document as a template
in whatever server environment one has at hand. However, a proper Beacon v2
installation also has to provide informational endpoints (`/info`, `/map` ...)
to allow it's integration through [aggregators](/networks/).
"meta": {
"apiVersion": "v2.0.0",
"beaconId": "org.progenetix.beacon",
"receivedRequestSummary": {
"apiVersion": "v2.0.0",
"pagination": {
"limit": 2000,
"skip": 0
"requestedGranularity": "boolean",
"requestedSchemas": [
"entityType": "genomicVariant",
"schema": "https://progenetix.org/services/schemas/genomicVariant/"
"requestParameters": {
"alternateBases": "A",
"referenceBases": "G",
"referenceName": "refseq:NC_000017.11",
"start": [
"returnedGranularity": "boolean",
"returnedSchemas": [
"entityType": "genomicVariant",
"schema": "https://progenetix.org/services/schemas/genomicVariant/"
"responseSummary": {
"exists": true
###### last change 2023-02-17 @mbaudis
??? faq "Is it Beacon
or beacon
The uppercase `Beacon` is used to label API, framework or protocol and their
components - while lower case `beacons` are instances of these, _i.e._ individual
resources using the protocol.
###### last change 2022-10-01 by @mbaudis
??? faq "What types of genomic variants are supported in Beacon queries?"
Beacon v2.0 does not provide a mechanism to detect what types of genomic variant
queries are supported by a given instance.
Beacon had been originally designed to handle the "simplest" type of genomic
variant queries in which a `position`, `alternateBases` (_i.e._ one or more base
sequence of the variant at the position) and - sometimes optional - the reference
sequence at this position (necessary e.g. for small deletions).
Beacon v1.1 in principle supported "bracketed" queries and a `variantType` parameter
(pointing to the VCF use) - see the [current documentation](https://docs.genomebeacons.org/variant-queries/#beacon-bracket-queries) for details. However, the support & interpretation was - and still is (2022-12-13) -
left to implementers. Similar for [Beacon Range Queries](https://docs.genomebeacons.org/variant-queries/#beacon-range-queries).
However, the [Beacon documentation](https://docs.genomebeacons.org/variant-queries/#varianttype-parameter-interpretation)
provides information about use and expected interpretation of `variantType` values, specifically
for copy number variations.
###### last change 2022-12-14 @mbaudis
??? faq "How can I add e.g. an age limit to a query for a disease?"
Ages are queried as [ISO8601 durations](https://genomestandards.org/standards/dates-times/#durations)
such as `P65Y` (_i.e._ 65 years) with a comparator (`=`, `<=`, `>` ...). However,
the value needs an indication of _what_ the duration refers to and resources
may provide different ways to indicate this (as then shown in their `/filtering_terms`)
We recommend that all Beacon instances that support age queries support at
minimum the syntax of `age:<=P65Y` and map such values to the internal datapoint
most relevant for the resource's context (in most cases probably corresponding
to "age at diagniosis").
However, different scenarios may be supported (e.g. `EFO_0005056:<=P1Y6M` for
an "age at death" scenario).
###### last change 2023-05-31 by @mbaudis
??? faq "How can I handle haplotype queries & representation in Beacon v2? "
#### Queries
The Beacon framework currently (_v2.0_ and earlier) considers genomic
variants to be _allelic_ and does not support the query for multiple alleles
or "haplotype shorthand expressions" (e.g. `C,T`).
**Workarounds** In case of a specific need for haplotype queries implementers
of a given beacon with control of its data content in principle can extend their
query model to support shorthand haploype expressions, as long as they support
the standard format, too. However, such an approach may be superseeded or in conflict
with future direct protocol support.
An approach in line with the current protocol would be to query for one allelic
variant with a record-level `genomicVariation` response, and then query the
retrieved variants individually by their `id` in combination with the second
#### Variant representation
As with queries the Beacon "legacy" format does not support haplotype representation
but would represent each allelic variation separately. The same is true for the
VRSified variant representation which for v2.0 corresponds to VRS v1.2.
However, draft versions of the VRS standard (will) address haplotype and genotype
representations and will be adopted by Beacon v2.n after reaching a release state.
??? faq "Does the Beacon protocol support Boolean expressions? "
No (...but). Beacon queries as of v2 always assume a logical **AND** between query parameters
and individual filters, _i.e._ all conditions have to be met. There is currently
no support for Boolean expressions.
However, a logical exception is the use of multiple filters for the same parameter which
a Beacon implementation should treat as a logical **OR** since they otherwise
would fail in most instances. E.g. the query using `NCIT:C3493` and `NCIT:C2926`
(mapped against `biosample.histological_diagnosis.id`) would match both
_Lung Non-Small Cell Carcinoma_ (NCIT:C2926) and _Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma_
(NCIT:C3493) which are exclusive diagnoses.