From b441d30303cbe80608ab95c82ceebf029301682e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: clintval <>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 19:38:49 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Add methods to fix mate info on non-primaries and templates

 fgpyo/sam/       | 166 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 tests/fgpyo/sam/ |  64 ++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fgpyo/sam/ b/fgpyo/sam/
index 7db6842..b0600a0 100644
--- a/fgpyo/sam/
+++ b/fgpyo/sam/
@@ -668,6 +668,35 @@ def build(
             return PairOrientation.RF
+def isize(r1: AlignedSegment, r2: Optional[AlignedSegment] = None) -> int:
+    """Computes the insert size for a pair of records."""
+    if r2 is None:
+        r2_is_unmapped = r1.mate_is_unmapped
+        r2_reference_id = r1.next_reference_id
+    else:
+        r2_is_unmapped = r2.is_unmapped
+        r2_reference_id = r2.reference_id
+    if r1.is_unmapped or r2_is_unmapped or r1.reference_id != r2_reference_id:
+        return 0
+    if r2 is None:
+        if not r1.has_tag("MC"):
+            raise ValueError('Cannot determine proper pair status without R2\'s cigar ("MC")!')
+        r2_cigar = Cigar.from_cigarstring(str(r1.get_tag("MC")))
+        r2_is_reverse = r1.mate_is_reverse
+        r2_reference_start = r1.next_reference_start
+        r2_reference_end = r1.next_reference_start + r2_cigar.length_on_target()
+    else:
+        r2_is_reverse = r2.is_reverse
+        r2_reference_start = r2.reference_start
+        r2_reference_end = r2.reference_end
+    r1_pos = r1.reference_end if r1.is_reverse else r1.reference_start
+    r2_pos = r2_reference_end if r2_is_reverse else r2_reference_start
+    return r2_pos - r1_pos
 DefaultProperlyPairedOrientations = {PairOrientation.FR}
 """The default orientations for properly paired reads."""
@@ -677,6 +706,7 @@ def is_proper_pair(
     r2: Optional[AlignedSegment] = None,
     max_insert_size: int = 1000,
     orientations: set[PairOrientation] = DefaultProperlyPairedOrientations,
+    isize: Callable[[AlignedSegment, AlignedSegment], int] = isize,
 ) -> bool:
     """Determines if a read pair is properly paired or not.
@@ -691,6 +721,7 @@ def is_proper_pair(
         r2: The second read in the template. If undefined, mate data set upon R1 will be used.
         max_insert_size: The maximum insert size to consider a read pair "proper".
         orientations: The valid set of orientations to consider a read pair "proper".
+        isize: A function that takes the two alignments and calculates their isize.
@@ -707,9 +738,7 @@ def is_proper_pair(
         and r2_is_mapped
         and r1.reference_id == r2_reference_id
         and, r2) in orientations
-        # TODO: consider replacing with `abs(isize(r1, r2)) <= max_insert_size`
-        #       which can only be done if isize() is modified to allow for an optional R2.
-        and 0 < abs(r1.template_length) <= max_insert_size
+        and 0 < abs(isize(r1, r2)) <= max_insert_size
@@ -794,14 +823,21 @@ def from_read(cls, read: pysam.AlignedSegment) -> List["SupplementaryAlignment"]
             return []
-def isize(r1: AlignedSegment, r2: AlignedSegment) -> int:
-    """Computes the insert size for a pair of records."""
-    if r1.is_unmapped or r2.is_unmapped or r1.reference_id != r2.reference_id:
-        return 0
-    else:
-        r1_pos = r1.reference_end if r1.is_reverse else r1.reference_start
-        r2_pos = r2.reference_end if r2.is_reverse else r2.reference_start
-        return r2_pos - r1_pos
+def sum_of_base_qualities(rec: AlignedSegment, min_quality_score: int = 15) -> int:
+    """Calculate the sum of base qualities score for an alignment record.
+    This function is useful for calculating the "mate score" as implemented in samtools fixmate.
+    Args:
+        rec: The alignment record to calculate the sum of base qualities from.
+        min_quality_score: The minimum base quality score to use for summation.
+    See:
+        [`calc_sum_of_base_qualities()`](
+        [`MD_MIN_QUALITY`](
+    """
+    score: int = sum(qual for qual in rec.query_qualities if qual >= min_quality_score)
+    return score
 def set_mate_info(
@@ -814,10 +850,10 @@ def set_mate_info(
         r1: Read 1 (first read in the template).
         r2: Read 2 with the same query name as r1 (second read in the template).
-        is_proper_pair: A function that takes the two reads and determines proper pair status.
+        is_proper_pair: A function that takes the two alignments and determines proper pair status.
     if r1.query_name != r2.query_name:
-        raise ValueError("Cannot set mate info on reads with different query names!")
+        raise ValueError("Cannot set mate info on alignments with different query names!")
     for src, dest in [(r1, r2), (r2, r1)]:
         dest.next_reference_id = src.reference_id
@@ -828,6 +864,9 @@ def set_mate_info(
         dest.set_tag("MC", src.cigarstring)
         dest.set_tag("MQ", src.mapping_quality)
+    r1.set_tag("ms", sum_of_base_qualities(r2))
+    r2.set_tag("ms", sum_of_base_qualities(r1))
     template_length = isize(r1, r2)
     r1.template_length = template_length
     r2.template_length = -template_length
@@ -837,6 +876,78 @@ def set_mate_info(
     r2.is_proper_pair = proper_pair
+def set_mate_info_on_secondary(
+    primary: AlignedSegment,
+    secondary: AlignedSegment,
+    is_proper_pair: Callable[[AlignedSegment, AlignedSegment], bool] = is_proper_pair,
+) -> None:
+    """Set mate info on a secondary alignment to the next read ordinal's primary alignment.
+    Args:
+        primary: The primary alignment of the secondary's mate.
+        secondary: The secondary alignment to set mate information upon.
+        is_proper_pair: A function that takes the two alignments and determines proper pair status.
+    Raises:
+        ValueError: If primary and secondary are of the same read ordinal.
+        ValueError: If the primary is marked as either secondary or supplementary.
+        ValueError: If the secondary is not marked as secondary.
+    """
+    if primary.is_read1 == secondary.is_read1 or primary.is_secondary or primary.is_supplementary:
+        raise ValueError("Secondary mate info must be set from a primary of the next ordinal!")
+    if not secondary.is_secondary:
+        raise ValueError("Cannot set mate info on an alignment not marked as secondary!")
+    if primary.query_name != secondary.query_name:
+        raise ValueError("Cannot set mate info on alignments with different query names!")
+    secondary.next_reference_id = primary.reference_id
+    secondary.next_reference_name = primary.reference_name
+    secondary.next_reference_start = primary.reference_start
+    secondary.mate_is_forward = primary.is_forward
+    secondary.mate_is_mapped = primary.is_mapped
+    secondary.set_tag("MC", primary.cigarstring)
+    secondary.set_tag("MQ", primary.mapping_quality)
+    secondary.set_tag("ms", sum_of_base_qualities(primary))
+    # NB: calculate isize and proper pair as if this secondary alignment was the primary alignment.
+    secondary.is_proper_pair = is_proper_pair(primary, secondary)
+    secondary.template_length = isize(primary, secondary)
+def set_mate_info_on_supplementary(primary: AlignedSegment, supp: AlignedSegment) -> None:
+    """Set mate info on a supplementary alignment to the next read ordinal's primary alignment.
+    Args:
+        primary: The primary alignment of the supplementary's mate.
+        supp: The supplementary alignment to set mate information upon.
+    Raises:
+        ValueError: If primary and secondary are of the same read ordinal.
+        ValueError: If the primary is marked as either secondary or supplementary.
+        ValueError: If the secondary is not marked as secondary.
+    """
+    if primary.is_read1 == supp.is_read1 or primary.is_secondary or primary.is_supplementary:
+        raise ValueError("Supplementary mate info must be set from a primary of the next ordinal!")
+    if not supp.is_supplementary:
+        raise ValueError("Cannot set mate info on an alignment not marked as supplementary!")
+    if primary.query_name != supp.query_name:
+        raise ValueError("Cannot set mate info on alignments with different query names!")
+    supp.next_reference_id = primary.reference_id
+    supp.next_reference_name = primary.reference_name
+    supp.next_reference_start = primary.reference_start
+    supp.mate_is_forward = primary.is_forward
+    supp.mate_is_mapped = primary.is_mapped
+    supp.set_tag("MC", primary.cigarstring)
+    supp.set_tag("MQ", primary.mapping_quality)
+    supp.set_tag("ms", sum_of_base_qualities(primary))
+    # NB: for a non-secondary supplemental alignment, set the following to the same as the primary.
+    if not supp.is_secondary:
+        supp.is_proper_pair = primary.is_proper_pair
+        supp.template_length = -primary.template_length
 def set_as_pairs(
     r1: AlignedSegment,
     r2: AlignedSegment,
@@ -1118,6 +1229,10 @@ def all_recs(self) -> Iterator[AlignedSegment]:
             for rec in recs:
                 yield rec
+    def set_mate_info(self) -> "Template":
+        """Reset all mate information on every record in a template."""
+        return set_mate_info_for_template(self)
     def write_to(
         writer: SamFile,
@@ -1176,6 +1291,31 @@ def __next__(self) -> Template:
         return, validate=False)
+def set_mate_info_for_template(
+    template: Template,
+    is_proper_pair: Callable[[AlignedSegment, AlignedSegment], bool] = is_proper_pair,
+) -> Template:
+    """Reset all mate information on every record in a template.
+    Args:
+        template: The template of alignments to reset all mate information on.
+        is_proper_pair: A function that takes two alignments and determines proper pair status.
+    """
+    if template.r1 is not None and template.r2 is not None:
+        set_mate_info(template.r1, template.r2, is_proper_pair=is_proper_pair)
+    if template.r1 is not None:
+        for rec in template.r2_secondaries:
+            set_mate_info_on_secondary(template.r1, rec, is_proper_pair=is_proper_pair)
+        for rec in template.r2_supplementals:
+            set_mate_info_on_supplementary(template.r1, rec)
+    if template.r2 is not None:
+        for rec in template.r1_secondaries:
+            set_mate_info_on_secondary(template.r2, rec, is_proper_pair=is_proper_pair)
+        for rec in template.r1_supplementals:
+            set_mate_info_on_supplementary(template.r2, rec)
+    return template
 class SamOrder(enum.Enum):
     Enumerations of possible sort orders for a SAM file.
diff --git a/tests/fgpyo/sam/ b/tests/fgpyo/sam/
index 43d98b8..95c694f 100755
--- a/tests/fgpyo/sam/
+++ b/tests/fgpyo/sam/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 from fgpyo.sam import PairOrientation
 from fgpyo.sam import SamFileType
 from fgpyo.sam import is_proper_pair
+from fgpyo.sam import sum_of_base_qualities
 from fgpyo.sam.builder import SamBuilder
@@ -391,27 +392,23 @@ def test_pair_orientation_build_with_either_unmapped_but_no_r2() -> None:
     r1, r2 = builder.add_pair()
     assert r1.is_unmapped
     assert r2.is_unmapped
-    sam.set_mate_info(r1, r2)
     assert is None
     r1, r2 = builder.add_pair(chrom="chr1", start1=100)
     assert r1.is_mapped
     assert r2.is_unmapped
-    sam.set_mate_info(r1, r2)
     assert is None
     r1, r2 = builder.add_pair(chrom="chr1", start2=100)
     assert r1.is_unmapped
     assert r2.is_mapped
-    sam.set_mate_info(r1, r2)
     assert is None
 def test_pair_orientation_build_raises_if_it_cant_find_mate_cigar_tag() -> None:
     """Test that an exception is raised if we cannot find the mate cigar tag."""
     builder = SamBuilder()
-    r1, r2 = builder.add_pair(chrom="chr1", start1=10, start2=30)
-    sam.set_mate_info(r1, r2)
+    r1, _ = builder.add_pair(chrom="chr1", start1=10, start2=30)
     r1.set_tag("MC", None)  # Clear out the MC tag.
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@@ -495,7 +492,16 @@ def test_not_is_proper_pair_if_too_far_apart() -> None:
     assert not is_proper_pair(r1, r2)
-def test_isize() -> None:
+def test_is_proper_pair_with_custom_isize_func() -> None:
+    """Test that reads are not properly paired because of a custom isize function."""
+    builder = SamBuilder()
+    r1, r2 = builder.add_pair(chrom="chr1", start1=100, start2=100)
+    assert is_proper_pair(r1, r2)
+    assert not is_proper_pair(r1, r2, isize=lambda a, b: False)
+def test_isize_when_r2_defined() -> None:
+    """Tests that an insert size can be calculated when both input records are defined."""
     builder = SamBuilder()
     r1, r2 = builder.add_pair(chrom="chr1", start1=100, cigar1="115M", start2=250, cigar2="40M")
     assert sam.isize(r1, r2) == 190
@@ -505,6 +511,40 @@ def test_isize() -> None:
     assert sam.isize(r1, r2) == 0
+def test_isize_when_r2_undefined() -> None:
+    """Tests that an insert size can be calculated when R1 is provided only."""
+    builder = SamBuilder()
+    r1, r2 = builder.add_pair(chrom="chr1", start1=100, cigar1="115M", start2=250, cigar2="40M")
+    assert sam.isize(r1) == 190
+    assert sam.isize(r2) == -190
+    r1, r2 = builder.add_pair(chrom="chr1", start1=100, cigar1="115M")
+    assert sam.isize(r1) == 0
+    assert sam.isize(r2) == 0
+def test_isize_when_r2_undefined_indels_in_r2_cigar() -> None:
+    """Tests that an insert size can be derived without R2 by using R2's cigar."""
+    builder = SamBuilder()
+    r1, _ = builder.add_pair(
+        chrom="chr1",
+        start1=100,
+        cigar1="115M",
+        start2=250,
+        cigar2="10S5M1D1M1D2I2D30M",  # only 40bp reference-consuming operators
+    )
+    assert sam.isize(r1) == 190
+def test_isize_raises_when_r2_not_provided_and_no_mate_cigar_tag() -> None:
+    """Tests that an insert size can be calculated when both input records are defined."""
+    builder = SamBuilder()
+    r1, _ = builder.add_pair(chrom="chr1", start1=100, cigar1="115M", start2=250, cigar2="40M")
+    r1.set_tag("MC", None)
+    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Cannot determine proper pair status without R2's cigar"):
+        sam.isize(r1)
 def test_calc_edit_info_no_edits() -> None:
     builder = SamBuilder(r1_len=30)
@@ -570,3 +610,15 @@ def test_calc_edit_info_with_aligned_Ns() -> None:
     assert info.deletions == 0
     assert info.deleted_bases == 0
     assert info.nm == 5
+def test_sum_of_base_qualities() -> None:
+    builder = SamBuilder(r1_len=5, r2_len=5)
+    single = builder.add_single(quals=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
+    assert sum_of_base_qualities(single, min_quality_score=0) == 15
+def test_sum_of_base_qualities_some_below_minimum() -> None:
+    builder = SamBuilder(r1_len=5, r2_len=5)
+    single = builder.add_single(quals=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
+    assert sum_of_base_qualities(single, min_quality_score=4) == 9