diff --git a/fgpyo/sam/__init__.py b/fgpyo/sam/__init__.py
index 8290916d..b68ce5e6 100644
--- a/fgpyo/sam/__init__.py
+++ b/fgpyo/sam/__init__.py
@@ -197,13 +197,14 @@ class SamFileType(enum.Enum):
         ext (str): The standard file extension for this file type.
-    def __init__(self, mode: str, ext: str) -> None:
+    def __init__(self, mode: str, ext: str, index_ext: Optional[str]) -> None:
         self.mode = mode
         self.extension = ext
+        self.index_extension = index_ext
-    SAM = ("", ".sam")
-    BAM = ("b", ".bam")
-    CRAM = ("c", ".cram")
+    SAM = ("", ".sam", None)
+    BAM = ("b", ".bam", ".bai")
+    CRAM = ("c", ".cram", ".crai")
     def from_path(cls, path: Union[Path, str]) -> "SamFileType":
diff --git a/fgpyo/sam/builder.py b/fgpyo/sam/builder.py
index 6209763e..77c62802 100755
--- a/fgpyo/sam/builder.py
+++ b/fgpyo/sam/builder.py
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 from pysam import AlignmentHeader
 from fgpyo import sam
+from fgpyo import samtools
 from fgpyo.sam import SamOrder
@@ -544,7 +545,7 @@ def to_path(
         with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".bam", delete=True) as fp:
             file_handle: IO
-            if self.sort_order is SamOrder.Unsorted:
+            if self.sort_order in [SamOrder.Unsorted, SamOrder.Unknown]:
                 file_handle = path.open("w")
                 file_handle = fp.file
@@ -555,20 +556,14 @@ def to_path(
                 for rec in self._records:
                     if pred(rec):
-            default_samtools_opt_list = ["-o", str(path), fp.name]
-            if self.sort_order == SamOrder.QueryName:
-                # Ignore type hints for now until we have wrappers to use here.
-                pysam.sort(*(["-n"] + default_samtools_opt_list))  # type: ignore
-            elif self.sort_order == SamOrder.Coordinate:
-                # Ignore type hints for now until we have wrappers to use here.
-                pysam.sort(*default_samtools_opt_list)  # type: ignore
-                if index:
-                    # Ignore type hints for now until we have wrappers to use here.
-                    pysam.index(str(path))  # type: ignore
+            if self.sort_order not in [SamOrder.Unsorted, SamOrder.Unknown]:
+                samtools.sort(
+                    input=Path(fp.name),
+                    output=path,
+                    index_output=index,
+                    sort_order=self.sort_order,
+                )
         return path
     def __len__(self) -> int:
diff --git a/fgpyo/samtools.py b/fgpyo/samtools.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..189dbc5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fgpyo/samtools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+Type-Hinted Wrappers around pysam samtools dispatch functions.
+Calls pysam samtools functions, with type hints for relevant parameters and return types.
+.. code-block:: python
+   >>> from fgpyo import samtools
+   >>> Path("example1.sorted.bam.bai").exists()
+   False
+   >>> samtools.sort(input=Path("example1.bam"), output=Path("example1.sorted.bam"))
+   ''
+   >>> samtools.index(input=Path("example1.sorted.bam"))
+   ''
+   >>> Path("example1.sorted.bam.bai").exists()
+   True
+Module Contents
+The module contains the following public method definitions:
+    - :class:`~fgpyo.samtools.dict` -- Wrapper around pysam call to samtools dict with type hints
+        on inputs and return type
+    - :class:`~fgpyo.samtools.sort` -- Wrapper around pysam call to samtools sort with type hints
+        on inputs and return type
+    - :class:`~fgpyo.samtools.faidx` -- Wrapper around pysam call to samtools faidx with type hints
+        on inputs and return type
+    - :class:`~fgpyo.samtools.index` -- Wrapper around pysam call to samtools index with type hints
+        on inputs and return type
+import enum
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import List
+from typing import Optional
+from typing import Tuple
+from fgpyo.sam import SamFileType
+from fgpyo.sam import SamOrder
+def pysam_fn(*args: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Type hinted import of an example function from the pysam samtools dispatcher.
+    """
+    pass
+    _pysam_dict = pysam_fn
+    _pysam_sort = pysam_fn
+    _pysam_faidx = pysam_fn
+    _pysam_index = pysam_fn
+    from pysam import dict as _pysam_dict
+    from pysam import faidx as _pysam_faidx
+    from pysam import index as _pysam_index
+    from pysam import sort as _pysam_sort
+def dict(
+    input: Path,
+    output: Path,
+    no_header: bool = False,
+    alias: bool = False,
+    assembly: Optional[str] = None,
+    alt: Optional[Path] = None,
+    species: Optional[str] = None,
+    uri: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> str:
+    """
+    Calls the `samtools` function `dict` using the pysam samtools dispatcher.
+    Arguments will be formatted into the appropriate command-line call which will be invoked
+    using the pysam dispatcher.
+    Returns the stdout of the resulting call to pysam.dict()
+    Args:
+        input: Path to the FASTA files to generate a sequence dictionary for.
+        output: Path to the file to write output to.
+        no_header: If true will not print the @HD header line.
+        assembly: The assembly for the AS tag.
+        alias: Adds an AN tag with the same value as the SN tag, except that a 'chr' prefix is
+            removed if SN has one or added if it does not. For mitochondria (i.e., when SN is “M”
+            or “MT”, with or without a “chr” prefix), also adds the remaining combinations of
+            “chr/M/MT” to the AN tag.
+        alt: Add an AH tag to each sequence listed in the specified bwa-style .alt file. These
+            files use SAM records to represent alternate locus sequences (as named in the QNAME
+            field) and their mappings to the primary assembly.
+        species: Specify the species for the SP tag.
+        uri: Specify the URI for the UR tag. Defaults to the absolute path of ref.fasta.
+    """
+    args: List[str] = ["--output", str(output)]
+    if no_header:
+        args.append("--no-header")
+    if alias:
+        args.append("--alias")
+    if assembly is not None:
+        args.extend(["--assembly", assembly])
+    if alt is not None:
+        args.extend(["--alt", str(alt)])
+    if species is not None:
+        args.extend(["--species", species])
+    if uri is not None:
+        args.extend(["--uri", uri])
+    args.append(str(input))
+    return _pysam_dict(*args)
+class FaidxMarkStrand(enum.Enum):
+    RevComp = "rc"
+    No = "no"
+    Sign = "sign"
+    Custom = "custom"
+def faidx(
+    input: Path,
+    output: Optional[Path] = None,
+    length: int = 60,
+    regions: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+    region_file: Optional[Path] = None,
+    fai_idx: Optional[Path] = None,
+    gzi_idx: Optional[Path] = None,
+    continue_if_non_existent: bool = False,
+    fastq: bool = False,
+    reverse_complement: bool = False,
+    mark_strand: FaidxMarkStrand = FaidxMarkStrand.RevComp,
+    custom_mark_strand: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None,
+) -> str:
+    """
+    Calls the `samtools` function `faidx` using the pysam samtools dispatcher.
+    Arguments will be formatted into the appropriate command-line call which will be invoked
+    using the pysam dispatcher.
+    Returns the stdout of the resulting call to pysam.faidx()
+    Args:
+        input: Path to the FAIDX files to index / read from.
+        output: Path to the file to write FASTA output.
+        length: Length of FASTA sequence line.
+        regions: regions to extract from the FASTA file in samtools region format
+            (<chrom>:<1-based start>-<1-based end>)
+        region_file: Path to file containing regions to extract from the FASTA file in samtools
+            region format (<chrom>:<1-based start>-<1-based end>). 1 region descriptor per line.
+        fai_idx: Read/Write to specified FAI index file.
+        gzi_idx: Read/Write to specified compressed file index (used with .gz files).
+        continue_if_non_existent: If true continue qorking if a non-existent region is requested.
+        fastq: Read FASTQ files and output extracted sequences in FASTQ format. Same as using
+            samtools fqidx.
+        reverse_complement: Output the sequence as the reverse complement. When this option is
+            used, “/rc” will be appended to the sequence names. To turn this off or change the
+            string appended, use the mark_strand parameter.
+        mark_strand: Append strand indicator to sequence name. Type to append can be one of:
+            FaidxMarkStrand.RevComp - Append '/rc' when writing the reverse complement. This is the
+            default.
+            FaidxMarkStrand.No - Do not append anything.
+            FaidxMarkStrand.Sign - Append '(+)' for forward strand or '(-)' for reverse
+            complement. This matches the output of “bedtools getfasta -s”.
+            FaidxMarkStrand.Custom - custom,<custom_mark_strand[0]>,<custom_mark_strand[1]>
+            Append string <pos> to names when writing the forward strand and <neg> when writing the
+            reverse strand. Spaces are preserved, so it is possible to move the indicator into the
+            comment part of the description line by including a leading space in the strings
+            <custom_mark_strand[0]> and <custom_mark_strand[1]>.
+        custom_mark_strand: The custom strand indicators to use in in the Custom MarkStrand
+            setting. The first value of the tuple will be used as the positive strand indicator,
+            the second value will be used as the negative strand indicator.
+    """
+    mark_strand_str: str
+    if mark_strand == FaidxMarkStrand.Custom:
+        assert custom_mark_strand is not None, (
+            "Cannot use custom mark strand without providing the custom strand indicators to "
+            + "`custom_mark_string`"
+        )
+        mark_strand_str = f"{mark_strand.value},{custom_mark_strand[0]},{custom_mark_strand[1]}"
+    else:
+        mark_strand_str = mark_strand.value
+    args: List[str] = ["--length", str(length), "--mark-strand", mark_strand_str]
+    if output is not None:
+        args.extend(["--output", str(output)])
+    if continue_if_non_existent:
+        args.append("--continue")
+    if reverse_complement:
+        args.append("--reverse-complement")
+    if fastq:
+        args.append("--fastq")
+    if fai_idx is not None:
+        args.extend(["--fai-idx", str(fai_idx)])
+    if gzi_idx is not None:
+        args.extend(["--gzi-idx", str(gzi_idx)])
+    if region_file is not None:
+        args.extend(["--region-file", str(region_file)])
+    args.append(str(input))
+    if regions is not None:
+        args.extend(regions)
+    return _pysam_faidx(*args)
+class SamIndexType(enum.Enum):
+    BAI = "-b"
+    CSI = "-c"
+def index(
+    input: Path,
+    # See https://github.com/pysam-developers/pysam/issues/1155
+    # inputs: List[Path], Cant currently accept multiple
+    output: Optional[Path] = None,
+    threads: int = 0,
+    index_type: SamIndexType = SamIndexType.BAI,
+    csi_index_size: int = 14,
+) -> str:
+    """
+    Calls the `samtools` function `index` using the pysam samtools dispatcher.
+    Arguments will be formatted into the appropriate command-line call which will be invoked
+    using the pysam dispatcher.
+    Returns the stdout of the resulting call to pysam.index()
+    Args:
+        input: Path to the SAM/BAM/CRAM file to index.
+        output: Path to the file to write output. (Currently may only be used when exactly one
+            alignment file is being indexed.)
+        threads: Number of input/output compression threads to use in addition to main thread.
+        index_type: The type of index file to produce when indexing.
+        csi_index_size: Sets the minimum interval size of CSI indices to 2^INT.
+    """
+    # assert len(inputs) >= 1, "Must provide at least one input to samtools index."
+    # if len(inputs) != 1:
+    #     assert (
+    #         output is None
+    #     ), "Output currently can only be used if there is exactly one input file being indexed"
+    #     args = ["-M"]
+    # else:
+    #     args = []
+    args = []
+    if index_type != SamIndexType.BAI:
+        args.append(index_type.value)
+    if index_type == SamIndexType.CSI:
+        args.extend(["-m", str(csi_index_size)])
+    args.extend(["-@", str(threads)])
+    args.append(str(input))
+    if output is not None:
+        args.extend(["-o", str(output)])
+    return _pysam_index(*args)
+def sort(
+    input: Path,
+    output: Path,
+    index_output: bool = True,
+    sort_unmapped_reads: bool = False,
+    kmer_size: int = 20,
+    compression_level: Optional[int] = None,
+    memory_per_thread: str = "768MB",
+    sort_order: SamOrder = SamOrder.Coordinate,
+    sort_tag: Optional[str] = None,
+    output_format: SamFileType = SamFileType.BAM,
+    tempfile_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
+    threads: int = 1,
+    no_pg: bool = False,
+) -> str:
+    """
+    Calls the `samtools` function sort using the pysam samtools dispatcher.
+    Arguments will be formatted into the appropriate command-line call which will be invoked
+    using the pysam dispatcher.
+    Returns the stdout of the resulting call to pysam.sort()
+    Args:
+        input: Path to the SAM/BAM/CRAM file to sort.
+        output: Path to the file to write output.
+        index_output: If true, creates an index for the output file.
+        sort_unmapped_reads: If true, sort unmapped reads by their sequence minimizer, reverse
+            complementing where appropriate. This has the effect of collating some similar data
+            together, improving the compressibility of the unmapped sequence. The minimiser kmer
+            size is adjusted using the ``kmer_size`` option. Note data compressed in this manner
+            may need to be name collated prior to conversion back to fastq.
+            Mapped sequences are sorted by chromosome and position.
+        kmer_size: the kmer-size to be used if sorting unmapped reads.
+        compression_level: The compression level to be used in the final output file.
+        memory_per_thread: Approximately the maximum required memory per thread, specified either
+            in bytes or with a K, M, or G suffix.
+            To prevent sort from creating a huge number of temporary files, it enforces a minimum
+            value of 1M for this setting.
+        sort_order: The sort order to use when sorting the file.
+        sort_tag: The tag to use to use to sort the SAM/BAM/CRAM records. Will be sorted by
+            this tag first, followed by position (or name, depending on ``sort_order``
+            provided).
+        output_format: the output file format to write the results as.
+            By default, will try to select a format based on the ``output`` filename extension;
+            if no format can be deduced, bam is selected.
+        tempfile_prefix: The prefix to use for temporary files. Resulting files will be in
+            format PREFIX.nnnn.bam, or if the specified PREFIX is an existing directory, to
+            PREFIX/samtools.mmm.mmm.tmp.nnnn.bam, where mmm is unique to this invocation of the
+            sort command.
+            By default, any temporary files are written alongside the output file, as
+            out.bam.tmp.nnnn.bam, or if output is to standard output, in the current directory
+            as samtools.mmm.mmm.tmp.nnnn.bam.
+        threads: The number of threads to use when sorting. By default, operation is
+            single-threaded.
+        no_pg: If true, will not add a @PG line to the header of the output file.
+    """
+    output_string = (
+        f"{output}##idx##{output}{output_format.index_extension}"
+        if index_output and output_format.index_extension is not None
+        else str(output)
+    )
+    args = ["-m", memory_per_thread, "-O", output_format._name_, "-@", str(threads)]
+    if sort_unmapped_reads:
+        args.extend(["-M", "-K", str(kmer_size)])
+    if compression_level is not None:
+        args.extend(["-I", str(compression_level)])
+    if sort_order == SamOrder.QueryName:
+        args.append("-n")
+    elif sort_order == SamOrder.TemplateCoordinate:
+        args.append("--template-coordinate")
+    else:
+        assert (
+            sort_order == SamOrder.Coordinate
+        ), "Sort order to samtools sort cannot be Unknown or Unsorted"
+    if sort_tag is not None:
+        args.extend(["-t", sort_tag])
+    if tempfile_prefix is not None:
+        args.extend(["-T", tempfile_prefix])
+    if no_pg:
+        args.append("--no-PG")
+    args.extend(["-o", output_string, str(input)])
+    return _pysam_sort(*args)
diff --git a/fgpyo/tests/test_samtools.py b/fgpyo/tests/test_samtools.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee0f97a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fgpyo/tests/test_samtools.py
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import List
+from typing import Optional
+import bgzip
+import pytest
+from pysam.utils import SamtoolsError
+from fgpyo import sam
+from fgpyo import samtools
+from fgpyo.sam import SamFileType
+from fgpyo.sam import SamOrder
+from fgpyo.sam.builder import SamBuilder
+from fgpyo.samtools import FaidxMarkStrand
+from fgpyo.samtools import SamIndexType
+EXPECTED_DICT: str = """\
+@HD	VN:1.0	SO:unsorted
+@SQ	SN:chr1	LN:16	M5:0b2bf1b29cf5338d75a8feb8c8a3784b	UR:consistent_location
+@SQ	SN:chr2	LN:13	M5:87afe3395654b1fe1443b54490c47871	UR:consistent_location
+@SQ	SN:chr1_alt	LN:14	M5:23ce480f016f77dfb29d3c17aa98f567	UR:consistent_location
+@SQ	SN:chr2_alt	LN:12	M5:2ee663b21d249ebecaa9ffbdb6e0b970	UR:consistent_location
+HEADERLESS_DICT: str = """\
+@SQ	SN:chr1	LN:16	M5:0b2bf1b29cf5338d75a8feb8c8a3784b	UR:consistent_location
+@SQ	SN:chr2	LN:13	M5:87afe3395654b1fe1443b54490c47871	UR:consistent_location
+@SQ	SN:chr1_alt	LN:14	M5:23ce480f016f77dfb29d3c17aa98f567	UR:consistent_location
+@SQ	SN:chr2_alt	LN:12	M5:2ee663b21d249ebecaa9ffbdb6e0b970	UR:consistent_location
+OTHER_TAG_DICT: str = """\
+@HD	VN:1.0	SO:unsorted
+@SQ	SN:chr1	LN:16	M5:0b2bf1b29cf5338d75a8feb8c8a3784b	AN:1	UR:consistent_location	AS:test1	SP:test3
+@SQ	SN:chr2	LN:13	M5:87afe3395654b1fe1443b54490c47871	AN:2	UR:consistent_location	AS:test1	SP:test3
+@SQ	SN:chr1_alt	LN:14	M5:23ce480f016f77dfb29d3c17aa98f567	AH:*	AN:1_alt	UR:consistent_location	AS:test1	SP:test3
+@SQ	SN:chr2_alt	LN:12	M5:2ee663b21d249ebecaa9ffbdb6e0b970	AH:*	AN:2_alt	UR:consistent_location	AS:test1	SP:test3
+"""  # noqa: E501
+def example_dict_fasta(tmp_path: Path) -> Path:
+    outfile = tmp_path / "example.fa"
+    with outfile.open("w") as out_fh:
+        out_fh.write(EXAMPLE_DICT_FASTA)
+    return outfile
+def test_dict_produces_sequence_dict(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_dict_fasta: Path,
+) -> None:
+    output_access = tmp_path / "example.dict"
+    assert not output_access.exists()
+    samtools.dict(input=example_dict_fasta, output=output_access, uri="consistent_location")
+    assert output_access.exists()
+    output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open("r") as subset_fasta:
+        output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert output_contents == EXPECTED_DICT
+def test_dict_no_header_works(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_dict_fasta: Path,
+) -> None:
+    output_access = tmp_path / "example.dict"
+    assert not output_access.exists()
+    samtools.dict(
+        input=example_dict_fasta, output=output_access, no_header=True, uri="consistent_location"
+    )
+    assert output_access.exists()
+    output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open("r") as subset_fasta:
+        output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert output_contents == HEADERLESS_DICT
+ALT_FILE: str = """\
+chr1_alt	0	chr1	1	30	7M2D7M	*	0	0	*	*	NM:i:2
+chr2_alt	0	chr2	1	30	6M1D6M	*	0	0	*	*	NM:i:1
+def bwa_style_alt(tmp_path: Path) -> Path:
+    outfile = tmp_path / "example.alt"
+    with outfile.open("w") as out_fh:
+        out_fh.write(ALT_FILE)
+    return outfile
+def test_dict_other_tags_work(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_dict_fasta: Path,
+    bwa_style_alt: Path,
+) -> None:
+    output_access = tmp_path / "example.dict"
+    assert not output_access.exists()
+    samtools.dict(
+        input=example_dict_fasta,
+        output=output_access,
+        alias=True,
+        assembly="test1",
+        alt=bwa_style_alt,
+        species="test3",
+        uri="consistent_location",
+    )
+    assert output_access.exists()
+    output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open("r") as subset_fasta:
+        output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert output_contents == OTHER_TAG_DICT
+SUBSET_FASTA: str = SUBSET_FASTA_TEMPLATE.format(mark_strand="")
+def example_faidx_fasta(tmp_path: Path) -> Path:
+    outfile = tmp_path / "example.fa"
+    with outfile.open("w") as out_fh:
+        out_fh.write(EXAMPLE_FAIDX_FASTA)
+    return outfile
+def test_faidx_produces_functional_index(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_faidx_fasta: Path,
+) -> None:
+    output_index_expected = Path(f"{example_faidx_fasta}.fai")
+    # Make sure we're producing the index
+    assert not output_index_expected.exists()
+    samtools.faidx(input=example_faidx_fasta)
+    assert output_index_expected.exists()
+    output_access = tmp_path / "output_subset.fa"
+    # Make sure the index is functional
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta, output=output_access, regions=["chr1:1-7", "chr2:8-13"]
+    )
+    output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open("r") as subset_fasta:
+        output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert output_contents == SUBSET_FASTA
+def test_faidx_fails_if_non_existent_region_requested(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_faidx_fasta: Path,
+) -> None:
+    with pytest.raises(SamtoolsError):
+        output_index_expected = Path(f"{example_faidx_fasta}.fai")
+        # Make sure we're producing the index
+        assert not output_index_expected.exists()
+        samtools.faidx(input=example_faidx_fasta)
+        assert output_index_expected.exists()
+        output_access = tmp_path / "output_subset.fa"
+        # Make sure the index is functional
+        samtools.faidx(
+            input=example_faidx_fasta, output=output_access, regions=["chr3:1-4", "chr1:1-7"]
+        )
+def test_faidx_passes_if_non_existent_region_requested_when_continue_passed(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_faidx_fasta: Path,
+) -> None:
+    output_index_expected = Path(f"{example_faidx_fasta}.fai")
+    assert not output_index_expected.exists()
+    samtools.faidx(input=example_faidx_fasta)
+    assert output_index_expected.exists()
+    output_access = tmp_path / "output_subset.fa"
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+        output=output_access,
+        continue_if_non_existent=True,
+        regions=["chr3:1-4", "chr1:1-7"],
+    )
+def test_faidx_regions_and_regions_file_result_in_same_thing(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_faidx_fasta: Path,
+) -> None:
+    output_index_expected = Path(f"{example_faidx_fasta}.fai")
+    # Make sure we're producing the index
+    assert not output_index_expected.exists()
+    samtools.faidx(input=example_faidx_fasta)
+    assert output_index_expected.exists()
+    output_access = tmp_path / "output_subset.fa"
+    # Make sure the index is functional
+    regions = ["chr1:1-7", "chr2:8-13"]
+    region_file = tmp_path / "regions.txt"
+    with region_file.open("w") as region_fh:
+        region_fh.writelines([f"{region}\n" for region in regions])
+    samtools.faidx(input=example_faidx_fasta, output=output_access, regions=regions)
+    manually_passed_output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open("r") as subset_fasta:
+        manually_passed_output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    samtools.faidx(input=example_faidx_fasta, output=output_access, region_file=region_file)
+    file_passed_output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open("r") as subset_fasta:
+        file_passed_output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert manually_passed_output_contents == file_passed_output_contents
+def test_length_parameter(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_faidx_fasta: Path,
+) -> None:
+    output_index_expected = Path(f"{example_faidx_fasta}.fai")
+    # Make sure we're producing the index
+    assert not output_index_expected.exists()
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+    )
+    assert output_index_expected.exists()
+    output_access = tmp_path / "output_subset.fa"
+    # Make sure the index is functional
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+        output=output_access,
+        regions=["chr1:1-7", "chr2:8-13"],
+        length=5,
+    )
+    output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open() as subset_fasta:
+        output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert output_contents == WRAPPED_SUBSET_FASTA
+RC_SUBSET_FASTA: str = """\
+def test_rc_parameter(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_faidx_fasta: Path,
+) -> None:
+    output_index_expected = Path(f"{example_faidx_fasta}.fai")
+    # Make sure we're producing the index
+    assert not output_index_expected.exists()
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+    )
+    assert output_index_expected.exists()
+    output_access = tmp_path / "output_subset.fa"
+    # Make sure the index is functional
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+        output=output_access,
+        reverse_complement=True,
+        regions=["chr1:1-7", "chr2:8-13"],
+    )
+    output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open() as subset_fasta:
+        output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert output_contents == RC_SUBSET_FASTA.format(mark_strand="/rc")
+    argnames=["mark_strand", "expected_fwd_mark_strand", "expected_rev_mark_strand"],
+    argvalues=[
+        (FaidxMarkStrand.RevComp, "", "/rc"),
+        (FaidxMarkStrand.No, "", ""),
+        (FaidxMarkStrand.Sign, "(+)", "(-)"),
+        (FaidxMarkStrand.Custom, "ex1a", "ex1b"),
+        (FaidxMarkStrand.Custom, "ex2a", "ex2b"),
+    ],
+    ids=["rev comp", "no", "sign", "custom1", "custom2"],
+def test_mark_strand_parameters(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_faidx_fasta: Path,
+    mark_strand: FaidxMarkStrand,
+    expected_fwd_mark_strand: str,
+    expected_rev_mark_strand: str,
+) -> None:
+    output_index_expected = Path(f"{example_faidx_fasta}.fai")
+    # Make sure we're producing the index
+    assert not output_index_expected.exists()
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+    )
+    assert output_index_expected.exists()
+    output_access = tmp_path / "output_subset.fa"
+    # Make sure the index is functional
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+        output=output_access,
+        reverse_complement=False,
+        mark_strand=mark_strand,
+        custom_mark_strand=(expected_fwd_mark_strand, expected_rev_mark_strand),
+        regions=["chr1:1-7", "chr2:8-13"],
+    )
+    output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open() as subset_fasta:
+        output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert output_contents == SUBSET_FASTA_TEMPLATE.format(mark_strand=expected_fwd_mark_strand)
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+        output=output_access,
+        reverse_complement=True,
+        mark_strand=mark_strand,
+        custom_mark_strand=(expected_fwd_mark_strand, expected_rev_mark_strand),
+        regions=["chr1:1-7", "chr2:8-13"],
+    )
+    with output_access.open() as subset_fasta:
+        output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert output_contents == RC_SUBSET_FASTA.format(mark_strand=expected_rev_mark_strand)
+EXAMPLE_FASTQ: str = """\
+SUBSET_FASTQ: str = """\
+def example_fastq(tmp_path: Path) -> Path:
+    outfile = tmp_path / "example.fq"
+    with outfile.open("w") as out_fh:
+        out_fh.write(EXAMPLE_FASTQ)
+    return outfile
+def test_fastq_parameter(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_fastq: Path,
+) -> None:
+    output_index_expected = Path(f"{example_fastq}.fai")
+    # Make sure we're producing the index
+    assert not output_index_expected.exists()
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_fastq,
+        fastq=True,
+    )
+    assert output_index_expected.exists()
+    output_access = tmp_path / "output_subset.fq"
+    # Make sure the index is functional
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_fastq,
+        output=output_access,
+        regions=["chr1:1-7", "chr2:8-13"],
+        fastq=True,
+    )
+    output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open() as subset_fasta:
+        output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert output_contents == SUBSET_FASTQ
+def example_faidx_fasta_gz(tmp_path: Path) -> Path:
+    outfile = tmp_path / "example.fa.gz"
+    with outfile.open(mode="wb") as out_fh:
+        with bgzip.BGZipWriter(out_fh) as fh:
+            fh.write(bytes(EXAMPLE_FAIDX_FASTA, "Utf-8"))
+    return outfile
+def test_index_outputs(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    example_faidx_fasta: Path,
+    example_faidx_fasta_gz: Path,
+) -> None:
+    example_fai = Path(f"{example_faidx_fasta}.fai")
+    # Make sure we're producing the index
+    assert not example_fai.exists()
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+        fai_idx=example_fai,
+    )
+    assert example_fai.exists()
+    output_access = tmp_path / "output_subset.fa"
+    # Make sure the index is functional
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+        output=output_access,
+        regions=["chr1:1-7", "chr2:8-13"],
+        fai_idx=example_fai,
+    )
+    output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open() as subset_fasta:
+        output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert output_contents == SUBSET_FASTA
+    example_gzi = Path(f"{example_faidx_fasta_gz}.gzi")
+    assert not example_gzi.exists()
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta_gz,
+        gzi_idx=example_gzi,
+    )
+    assert example_gzi.exists()
+    output_access = tmp_path / "output_subset.fa"
+    # Make sure the index is functional
+    samtools.faidx(
+        input=example_faidx_fasta,
+        output=output_access,
+        regions=["chr1:1-7", "chr2:8-13"],
+        gzi_idx=example_gzi,
+    )
+    compressed_output_contents: str
+    with output_access.open() as subset_fasta:
+        compressed_output_contents = subset_fasta.read()
+    assert compressed_output_contents == SUBSET_FASTA
+    argnames=["index_type"],
+    argvalues=[
+        (SamIndexType.BAI,),
+        (SamIndexType.CSI,),
+    ],
+    ids=["BAI", "CSI"],
+def test_index_works_with_one_input(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    index_type: SamIndexType,
+) -> None:
+    builder = SamBuilder(sort_order=SamOrder.Coordinate)
+    builder.add_pair(name="test1", chrom="chr1", start1=4000, start2=4300)
+    builder.add_pair(
+        name="test2", chrom="chr1", start1=5000, start2=4700, strand1="-", strand2="+"
+    )
+    builder.add_pair(name="test3", chrom="chr2", start1=4000, start2=4300)
+    builder.add_pair(name="test4", chrom="chr5", start1=4000, start2=4300)
+    # At the moment sam builder doesnt support generating CRAM and SAM formats, so for now we're
+    # only testing on BAMs
+    input_file = tmp_path / "test_input.bam"
+    builder.to_path(input_file)
+    output_index_expected = Path(f"{input_file}.{index_type._name_.lower()}")
+    # Make sure we're producing the index
+    assert not output_index_expected.exists()
+    # samtools.index(inputs=[input_file], index_type=index_type)
+    samtools.index(input=input_file, index_type=index_type)
+    assert output_index_expected.exists()
+# Can't accept multiple inputs at the moment.
+# See https://github.com/pysam-developers/pysam/issues/1155
+# @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+#     argnames=["index_type"],
+#     argvalues=[
+#         (SamIndexType.BAI,),
+#         (SamIndexType.CSI,),
+#     ],
+#     ids=["BAI", "CSI"],
+# )
+# def test_index_works_with_multiple_inputs(
+#     tmp_path: Path,
+#     index_type: SamIndexType,
+# ) -> None:
+#     builder = SamBuilder(sort_order=SamOrder.Coordinate)
+#     builder.add_pair(name="test1", chrom="chr1", start1=4000, start2=4300)
+#     builder.add_pair(
+#         name="test2", chrom="chr1", start1=5000, start2=4700, strand1="-", strand2="+"
+#     )
+#     builder.add_pair(name="test3", chrom="chr2", start1=4000, start2=4300)
+#     builder.add_pair(name="test4", chrom="chr5", start1=4000, start2=4300)
+#     # At the moment sam builder doesnt support generating CRAM and SAM formats, so for now we're
+#     # only testing on BAMs
+#     input_file1 = tmp_path / "test_input1.bam"
+#     builder.to_path(input_file1)
+#     input_file2 = tmp_path / "test_input2.bam"
+#     builder.to_path(input_file2)
+#     inputs = [
+#         input_file1,
+#         input_file2,
+#     ]
+#     # Make sure we're producing the indices
+#     for input in inputs:
+#         output_index_expected = Path(f"{input}.{index_type._name_.lower()}")
+#         assert not output_index_expected.exists()
+#     samtools.index(inputs=inputs, index_type=index_type)
+#     for input in inputs:
+#         output_index_expected = Path(f"{input}.{index_type._name_.lower()}")
+#         assert output_index_expected.exists()
+    argnames=["file_type"],
+    argvalues=[
+        (SamFileType.SAM,),
+        (SamFileType.BAM,),
+        (SamFileType.CRAM,),
+    ],
+    ids=["SAM", "BAM", "CRAM"],
+    argnames=["index_output"],
+    argvalues=[
+        (True,),
+        (False,),
+    ],
+    ids=["indexed", "not_indexed"],
+    argnames=["sort_order", "expected_name_order"],
+    argvalues=[
+        (SamOrder.Coordinate, ["test2", "test3", "test4", "test1"]),
+        (SamOrder.QueryName, ["test1", "test2", "test3", "test4"]),
+        (SamOrder.TemplateCoordinate, ["test2", "test3", "test4", "test1"]),
+    ],
+    ids=["Coordinate sorting", "Query name sorting", "Template Sorted"],
+def test_sort_types(
+    tmp_path: Path,
+    file_type: SamFileType,
+    index_output: bool,
+    sort_order: Optional[SamOrder],
+    expected_name_order: List[str],
+) -> None:
+    builder = SamBuilder(sort_order=SamOrder.Unsorted)
+    builder.add_pair(
+        name="test3", chrom="chr1", start1=5000, start2=4700, strand1="-", strand2="+"
+    )
+    builder.add_pair(name="test2", chrom="chr1", start1=4000, start2=4300)
+    builder.add_pair(name="test1", chrom="chr5", start1=4000, start2=4300)
+    builder.add_pair(name="test4", chrom="chr2", start1=4000, start2=4300)
+    input_file = tmp_path / "test_input.bam"
+    output_file = tmp_path / f"test_output{file_type.extension}"
+    builder.to_path(input_file)
+    samtools.sort(
+        input=input_file,
+        output=output_file,
+        index_output=index_output,
+        sort_order=sort_order,
+    )
+    with sam.reader(output_file) as in_bam:
+        for name in expected_name_order:
+            read1 = next(in_bam)
+            assert (
+                name == read1.query_name
+            ), "Position based read sort order did not match expectation"
+            read2 = next(in_bam)
+            assert (
+                name == read2.query_name
+            ), "Position based read sort order did not match expectation"
+    if index_output and file_type != SamFileType.SAM:
+        assert Path(f"{output_file}{file_type.index_extension}")
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-    {file = "coverage-6.2-cp311-cp311-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:b637c57fdb8be84e91fac60d9325a66a5981f8086c954ea2772efe28425eaf64"},
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-    {file = "coverage-6.2-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_i686.manylinux1_i686.manylinux_2_12_i686.manylinux2010_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:1219d760ccfafc03c0822ae2e06e3b1248a8e6d1a70928966bafc6838d3c9e48"},
-    {file = "coverage-6.2-cp36-cp36m-manylinux_2_5_x86_64.manylinux1_x86_64.manylinux_2_12_x86_64.manylinux2010_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:9a2b5b52be0a8626fcbffd7e689781bf8c2ac01613e77feda93d96184949a98e"},
-    {file = "coverage-6.2-cp36-cp36m-musllinux_1_1_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:8e2c35a4c1f269704e90888e56f794e2d9c0262fb0c1b1c8c4ee44d9b9e77b5d"},
-    {file = "coverage-6.2-cp36-cp36m-musllinux_1_1_i686.whl", hash = "sha256:5d6b09c972ce9200264c35a1d53d43ca55ef61836d9ec60f0d44273a31aa9f17"},
-    {file = "coverage-6.2-cp36-cp36m-musllinux_1_1_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:e3db840a4dee542e37e09f30859f1612da90e1c5239a6a2498c473183a50e781"},
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