Note: You can check the Avalonia docs for the Calendar and Calendar API if you need more information.
For Avalonia.FuncUI's DSL properties you can check Calendar.fs
The Calendar control is a standard Calendar control for users to select date(s) or date ranges.
Set a Date
If no calendar date is set, it will default to today's date.
Calendar.create [
Calendar.selectedDate DateTime.Today
Select Multiple Dates
For more information about selection modes you can see the SelectionModes API but more verbosely you can look at the ListBox Selection Modes for a better description of what they do.
Calendar.create [
Calendar.selectionMode SelectionMode.Multiple
Select Calendar Month First
You can change the CalendarMode so that you can select the year first with CalendarMode.Decade
, the month first with CalendarMode.Year
, or have the standard (default) format with CalendarMode.Month
Calendar.create [
Calendar.displayMode CalendarMode.Decade
Display Only the Upcoming Week
Calendar.create [
Calendar.displayDateStart DateTime.Today
Calendar.displayDateEnd (DateTime.Today + TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0, 0)) // TimeSpan constructor for 7 days