Easy tool for visualizing communities in graphs. You can load a JSON file so formatted:
"communities": [[1,2,3]],
"edges": ["1-2", "2-3"],
"nodes": [1,2,3,4]
You can obtain such file using this script, giving as input two files:
node 2plexesToJSON.js <path-to-communities-file> <path-to-edges-file> <output-file>.json
Where the two input files are so made:
communities file: (one community per row)
[33, 34, 35, 37]
[8, 19, 33, 36]
[11, 14, 15, 38]
edges file: (one edge per row, source and target separeted by a space character)
source target
source target
You need to install nodejs and npm.
git clone https://github.com/froma8/infovis-final-project communities-visualizer
cd communities-visualizer
npm install
npm start