All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
0.4.0 (2021-11-11)
- api: ffixed msp2 serial api (9cbcbf5)
- api: fixed beeperConfig read and write (2ca14a1)
- api: fixed modes for version 1.43.0 (15cebba)
- api: use percentage for rssi value (03f2656)
- codegen: fixed codegen configuration, removed graphql-let (6265416)
- allow receiver serial protocol to be set, api-server refactor (af79195)
- api-graph: finish OSD api resolvers (#59) (359a784)
- api-server: implement initial blackbox api (cdbfdfc)
- api: added mixer config api (50b0c19)
- api: added readName, readFcVariant, writePartialBlackboxConfig (325e4ce)
- api: additions to OSD api (#57) (5ba9092)
- api: create battery and meter apis (50e9aba)
- api: create pid apis (6dffa8e)
- api: create vtx config api (#54) (68cf39a)
- api: provide baudRate for connection (c27a9d0)
- api: read and write rxConfig, refactor api (4754bfe)
- api: start writing blackbox api (bbd3926)
- api: unpack target capabilities (95cb44d)
- auxiliary switch mode bindings (#28) (54f9eb4)
- configurator: blackbox settings and flash download (91a8293)
- configurator: use web serial when run in browser (#61) (9e88ec0)
- configure receiver port (837aca9)
- disable sensors (ee2bc2d)
- edit board alignment config (05493da)
- enable pid protocols to be set based on CPU type (3d0ac25)
- set channel map (2dfb730)
- set motor beeper (660b118)
- set motor idle speed (e61dbf4)
- set prop direction (8358cb8)
- set rssi channel, fix missing data on query variable change (c659f6d)
0.3.0 (2020-06-05)
- api: added more read board info tests, added readUID, added writeReboot (5fef163)
- api: changed osd element positions to object, start ports config (633cc8c)
- api-server: added serial query, fixed relative imports, upgrade eslint-typescript-airbnb (418da88)
- api-server: created mock api, deploy mocks to heroku (df4d2b4)
- configurator: created reset functionality, downgrade to AC2 (f504eee)
- ports: completed api-server ports, start work on ports settings table (73559b0)
- restructure project, extract betaflight api from msp, rename project to betaflight (4cc3956)