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TFCB 2020: Homework 6

Nov 10, 2020

You can work through this homework by opening homework06.Rmd in RStudio and filling in your answers there.

When you are satisfied with your code and answers, use the “Knit” button in RStudio to create the final set of files. Save the result as a PDF and and submit it.

In this homework, we will work through a series of manipulations to analyze a recently published deep sequencing dataset using tidyverse functions.

In the process, we will learn some new functions in tidyverse and apply them to our data analysis.

For more information about the data used in this homework, please see this page.

You may find RStudio’s cheatsheets for data manipulation and data visualization useful, as well as this information about integrating Git/GitHub with RStudio.


Problem 1

10 points

For each of the following functions, provide a <100 character description (in your own words) and a URL reference.

  1. !
  3. is.numeric
  4. anti_join
  5. desc
  6. slice
  7. all_vars
  8. funs
  9. filter_if
  10. mutate_if

Problem 2

10 points

Add a comment above each code line below explaining what the code line does and/or why that code line is necessary.

Keep each comment to less than 2 lines per line of code and < 80 chars per line.

annotations <- read_tsv("") %>%
  select(ensembl_gene_id, symbol, name, gene_family, ccds_id) %>%
  filter(! %>%
data <- read_tsv("") %>%
  rename(ensembl_gene_id = `ENSEMBL gene`) %>%

Problem 3

10 points

Using the code below:

  1. Convert both axes to log10 instead of linear scales.
  2. Show axis tick labels as 100, 101, 102,103, 104, 105 for both axes.
  3. There are too many points overlapping in certain regions. Use a different geom_ function to convey to your reader how many overlapping points are present in each region.
data %>%
  select(CD34_shRPL5_RNA_1, CD34_shRPS19_RNA_1) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = CD34_shRPL5_RNA_1, y = CD34_shRPS19_RNA_1)) +

In problems 4 through 6, assign the result of your operation back to the data variable.

Problem 4

10 points

Write a code chunk to select the following columns from the data variable you created above and reassign back to data.

ensembl_gene_id, CD34_shRPL5_RPF_1, CD34_shRPL5_RPF_2, CD34_shRPL5_RNA_1, CD34_shRPL5_RNA_2, CD34_shRPS19_RPF_1, CD34_shRPS19_RPF_2, CD34_shRPS19_RNA_1, CD34_shRPS19_RNA_2, CD34_shLuc_RPF_1, CD34_shLuc_RPF_2, CD34_shLuc_RNA_1, CD34_shLuc_RNA_2.

Problem 5

10 points

Write a code chunk to filter the result from Problem 4 to include only rows where each of the 12 numerical columns you selected has 50 counts or more and reassign back to data. This is a simple way to avoid genes that have very low counts. You might be tempted to do this step separately for each of the 12 columns, but you will receive 5 bonus points if you instead use the filter_if and all_vars functions you learned above.

Problem 6

10 points

Write a code chunk to divide each of the 12 numerical columns by the corresponding median value for each column and reassign back to data. This median normalization is typically done in high-throughput experiments after filtering to normalize for sample-to-sample difference in read depth. Again, you can write lot less code if you use the mutate_if and funs functions you learned above.

Problem 7

10 points

After we do the above filtering and median-normalization, let us calculate translation efficiency as the average ratio of the RPF and RNA reads for each treatment condition. Then we calculate how this translation efficiency changes between target (rpl5 and rps19) and control (luc) shRNAs.

The code implementing the above steps is shown below, but it has a few errors. Correct them.

lfc <- data %>%
  mutate(mean_rpl5_te = ((CD34_shRPL5_RPF_1 + CD34_shRPL5_RPF_2) /
                            (CD34_shRPL5_RNA_1 + CD34_shRPL5_RNA_2)) %>%
  mutate(mean_rps19_te = ((CD34_shRPS19_RPF_1 + CD34_shRPS19_RPF_2) /
                            (CD34_shRPS19_RNA_1 + CD34_shRPS19_RNA_2)) %>%
  mutate(mean_shluc_te = ((CD34_shLuc_RPF_1 + CD34_shLuc_RPF_2) /
                            (CD34_shLuc_RNA_1 + CD34_shLuc_RNA2)) %>%
  select(ensembl_gene_id, mean_rpl5_te, mean_rps19_te) %>%
  mutate(lfc_te_rpl5 == log2(mean_rpl5_te / mean_shluc_te),
         lfc_te_rps19 == log2(mean_rps19_te / mean_shluc_te)) %>%

Problem 8

10 points

Write code that will create a new dataframe called mean_lfc from lfc containing a new column called avg_lfc. avg_lfc should be the average of the log2 fold-change in TE (lfc_te) upon knockdown of RPL5 and RPS19.

Then select only the gene id column and the new column that you just created (this will be your new dataframe mean_lfc).

Problem 9

10 points

Write code to join the mean_lfc dataframe with the annotations dataframe created at the top of the document and assign back to mean_lfc.

Problem 10

10 points

  1. Write code to select only the bottom 10 genes with the lowest avg_lfc and display the gene symbol, gene name and avg_lfc for these genes.
  2. Create a figure using ggplot to visualize these results. Write a few sentences to justify the choices you made when creating your figure.