This extension adds my live server to zed
- This is a very simple implementation of a live server
- its always running
- i dont know how to use commands(opening the browser) in zed/ maybe not possible yet
- the codeaction opens in browser & shows which port it is running on
- server: file change/save => sends update info over websocket
- css updates style tag, everything else reloads the page
- planed: extension that reloads only when the src was actually loaded fom the server(its only possible to monitor all outgoing requests with a extension ;( )
/// Set if update on save or keypress [Default: false]
lazy: bool,
/// or [Default: false]
public: bool,
start_port: number
Shortcut: g + .
Go to your HTML file. Use a secondary click (for me, it’s a two-finger push; for you, it might be a right-click). Click on Code Action.