- The last text of clipboard will be pasted into text box when user using "Open separate translate window" keyboard with "Auto paste in the text box" option enabled now. (4ed8aae)
- Add "Restart webpage translating" button to webpage translating control bar. (8f80948)
- Add "import settings" button. (632422e)
- Add "export settings" button. (5df98fa)
- Add example to Bing translation. (2271af1)
- Add "custom webpage translate source".
- Add "Not displaying the translations discretely" option.
- Add "Translate current page" to "browser_action" context menu. (3f3359b)
- Add "Phonetic (Non-English)" option under "Display of translation". (e337fae)
- Improve the translate quality of webpage translation in translation only mode.
- Fix extension will send translate request automatically after opening popup page and type into input box in 0.6s even though "Auto translate after input in input box" is not enabled. (c626911)
- Fix translate button might be displayed outside the window. (ebc6486)
- Add "Display the translation when the mouse hovers over the original text" option. (95753cf)
- Add "Display the original text when the mouse hovers over the translation" option. (52af34c)
- Add "Add underline to translation" option. (e83c3c2)
- Fix webpage translation not repond to the scroll in elements. (2ce3ef2)
- Add translation collection.
- Optimize performance.
- Change logo. (626c816)
- Fix webpage translation source error. (00f49db)
- Add "Switch the display mode of webpage translations inside the webpage" keyboard shortcut. (d46a957)
- Add "Sync settings to other browsers" button. (81a58f8)
- Add "custom translate source". (5579df6)
- Make modify "multiple translate sources" simpler. (8766291)
- Fix webpage translating's control bar could be covered in some websites. (c081971)
- Remove optional permission "clipboardRead". (cd9fab9)
- Remove "Allow extension to read clipboard" option. (cd9fab9)
- Migrate to Manifest Version 3. (9ee0f39)
- Use Web Speech API to play audio if the normal way failed. (725f501)
- Remake the mechanism of playing audio. (8ad0aa1) (178214b) (18bc15f)
- Audio is able to be paused now. (83a634f)
- Add three "Translate to target language" buttons. (9791fb4)
- Webpage translating will treanslate the text in shadow dom now. (03ff2a3)
- Fix panel will be "flash" before displaying it. (5cc3a02)
- Fix translate source "Bing" unavailable. (837196e)
- Add text preprocessing of "after selecting text". (08cf862)
- Make the item of "text preprocessing" draggable in modify mode. (abed9e8)
- New section of options page named "Text preprocessing". (d3a533b)
- Reduce the probability of "BAD_REQUEST (http 429) from Google translate". (93126c7)
- Add "Not displaying control bar while first activating" option. (39d0e79)
- Add "Translate directly after activating webpage translating" option. (735e871)
- Add new section of options page named "webpage translating". (982fe45)
- Highlight the inserted translation with underscore. (59c8258)
- Webpage translating will skip the element with class name "notranslate" now. (4f24855)
- Fix webpage translating with "microsoft" and the text list is too long will cause the error code (400072). (4f24855)
- Fix assign wrongly of google's target language code in one case. (0ed3760)
- Remake translate buttons, now multiple buttons can be displayed at the same time. (22af8e2)
- Fix translate button can be showed outside the screen. (22af8e2)
- Fix can’t change the order of context menus. (f10fc03)
- Fix web page translating with "microsoft" that is not handling apostrophe correctly. (a8244b4)
- Fix web page translating with "microsoft" might request authorization for multiple times. (8ede34b)
- Add customize style. (6ffb7b4)
- Add web page translate source "microsoft translator". (833ce70)
- Upgrade PDF.js from v2.5.207 to v2.10.377.
- Fix web page translating might ignore some elements. (9f8cd55)
- Fix context menus disappear. (a349aef) (#20)
- Fix typed input box's text will not update after you trigger a translate request which is not through typing in input box. (22afdef)
- Add web page translating. (5aa0505)
- Fix in customize theme, move anchor after saving color then switch to another type will make the color you save update. (d39e83f)
- Fix modify "RegExp list"/"preset" will make "preset"/"RegExp list" unavailable. (fb40d3a)
- Fix disable "Auto translate after input in input box" will not send translate requests after you use "Ctrl + Enter" in input box. (4c81693)
- Fix can not detect the pdf files with "application/octet-stream" content-type correctly. (f610545)
- Fix listening the text from "history" will send redundant request. (02cf245)
- Add text preprocessing (preset: convert camel case). (0851077)
- Add text preprocessing (regular expressions). (fdc206f)
- Add dictionary of translate resulte from "Bing". (1716827)
- Add "Toggle the option of 'insert translate results in web pages automatically'" keyboard shortcut. (34b2cc5)
- Add "Insert translate results in web pages automatically" option. (732caf3)
- Add "Allow extension to insert translate results in web pages" option. (d27fe3a)
- Fix translating text witch includes emojis in Baidu will cause an error. (97882ee) (#12)
- Add copy icons in translate result which can copy the text before by clicking. (5f3d0a5)
- Add "paste in input box automatically" option. (965439a)
- Typing in input box will not trigger the keyboard events in webpage now. (e60f00d)
- Fix translate source "Bing" unavailable. (c5479bf) (#10)
- Fix extension's bage can not be updated in Chromium v91. (a9e132b) (#9)
- Add related word in translate result if source support (English only). (4704fde)
- Improve the translate request logic. (e55f208)
- Remake context menus. (bfc32ae)
- Fix can not play audio in some case. (b349b35)
- Add "auto translate after input in input box" option. (3262b74)
- Improve the representation of errors. (7af1a7b)
- Fix auto remove the spaces on the right side of the text in the input box. (fe24829) (#4)
- Fix part of 'source selector' invisible in popup page (single-translate-mode only) in some case. (695a6e9)
- Add "do not respond in text box" option. (8f48391)
- Fix extension will send duplicate translate request with same text. (84acec1)
- Add "translate directly while translate panel pinning" option. (79a775b)
- Add "remember the status of translate history panel" option. (65c118f)
- Add recent language list of language selection. (4304d63)
- Add auto respond of separate translate window. (99f170f)
- Add translate panel's font size slider. (53647a2)
- Add options page's menu. (8de8ee4)
- Add translate panel's width slider. (7b46e18)
- Add translate panel's max height slider. (b965208)
- Beautify and clarify options page. (b808e14)
- Fix style disordered in "arabic" language. (53647a2)
- Add "remember the position of the pinned panel" option. (8c56c85)
- Add listener that listen window size change to keep panel inside document. (71a0d5b)
- Add "pin the panel while opening it" option. (3fb23b4)
- Add "open this page with PDF viewer" context menu of "browser_action". (2149773)
- Fix "respond to separate translate window" might send two duplicate requests at the same time. (6898b10)
- Remove permission "tabs". Implementing this by changing the way of getting the current web page's host. (0ba0154)
- Change the way of bage showing that content script is on or off on the current web page. (0ba0154)
- Update the interface of options page. (7ba1f3b)
- Fix uncheck "enable context menus" option will remove all context menus. (6a0c2e0)
- Add "multiple translate mode"'s history record. (f2b1bde)
- Add "second preferred language" selection. (8b9f49a)
- Remake translate history. (f2b1bde)
- Add close button of translate panel. (2f38803)
- Add close keyboard shortcut of translate panel. (2f38803)
- Add "remember separate translate window size and position" option. (c5b3fb2)
- Add "respond to separate translate window" option. (a030f34)
- Add "hide button after fixed time". (af6b18a)
- Add audio's volume slider. (e5822b4)
- Add audio's playback rate slider. (e5822b4)
- Update the panel's interface. (14ae16a)
- Fix separate window not responding to the translation option of the context menu. (51f0dbf)
- Fix clicking the "open separate window" menus option will call out the panel in current web page. (e906f55)
- Fix result box undraggable. (ae80653)
- Add "separate translate window". (6194bd0)
- Add "customize button's position". (45b005f)
- Add "customize shortcuts". (27ffeb7)
- Simplify the interface. (f334ce7)
- Fix google translate invalid. (9171cf0)
- Add "Call out extension in web page" keyboard shortcut (default: Alt + C). (b27c032)
- Show all keyboard shortcuts in the options page. (ba953a1)
- Add "Enable PDF viewer" option. (ce81425)
- Add translate source "baidu". (917ba0e)
- Add audio source "baidu". (917ba0e)
- Fix some language environment can't normally use this extension by adding "Preferred Language" selection. (99f75a2)
- Add audio source "bing". (1dde335)
- Add press "Ctrl" key and select text to translate. (74f9a9f)
- Optimize accurate representation of translate error. (74f9a9f)
- Optimize options page. (74f9a9f)
- Add "translate" keyboard shortcut (default: Alt + Z). (dc23235)
- Add option "show button after select". (dc23235)
- Add "listen" keyboard shortcut (default: Alt + X). (dc23235)
- Add translate source "bing". (dc23235)
- Add translate source "mojidict". (dc23235)
- Optimize get selection. (dc23235)
- Fix "context menus invalid". (dc23235)
- Separate "translate" and "listen". (dc23235)
- Initial (2957c5d)