Copy 'config.json.sample' to 'config.json' and configuer the file appropriately. For purposes of the example setup, this file is placed in the home directory.
mkdir ~/mongo_data
<- place wherever appropriate
mkdir ~/cache
<- folder from which the webserver serves cached objects
sudo docker network create ng_network
sudo docker run --name ng_mongo --log-opt max-size=10m --memory=768m --restart always --net ng_network -v $HOME/mongo_data:/data/db -d mongo --storageEngine wiredTiger
sudo docker run --net ng_network -v $HOME/cache:/napcharts -v $HOME/config.json:/usr/src/napgodjs-build/config.json --log-opt max-size=10m --restart always -dit --name ng polyphasic/napgod_js
Edit any of the .md files. To help improve/format text.
- Make an account and log in
- Open the file you want to edit
- Click the pencil in the top left
- Make the changes you want
- Click Preview to make sure it looks right
- Add a short description at the bottom of the page
- Click commit
We're using markdown files.
Syntax guide found here :
- To add new commands just make a new .md file.
- The name of the file will be the name of the command that follows the +
- IE - will result in +garble showing the contents of on the server.
Updates will not be visible until I pull them and add them manually. You will not see your changes right away.