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has a "link" definition, built implicitly in the proof, returning a value of type T
. We can extract the definition of this function calling the primitive:
evaluate : forall {Output : Set} `{Link Output} {e : M},
{{ e 🔽 Output }} ->
LowM.t (Output.t Output)
It returns a "link" computation in the LowM.t
monad. The output is often unreadable as it is, but we can step through it by symbolic execution. This will be useful for the next step to define and prove equivalent the "simulations".
Like the monad used for the translation of Rust programs by coq-of-rust
, the link's monad is a free monad but with fewer primitive operations. The primitive operations are only related to the memory handling:
Inductive t : Set -> Set :=
| StateAlloc {A : Set} `{Link A} (value : A) : t (Ref.Core.t A)
| StateRead {A : Set} `{Link A} (ref_core : Ref.Core.t A) : t A
| StateWrite {A : Set} `{Link A} (ref_core : Ref.Core.t A) (value : A) : t unit
| GetSubPointer {A Sub_A : Set} `{Link A} `{Link Sub_A}
(ref_core : Ref.Core.t A) (runner : SubPointer.Runner.t A Sub_A) :
t (Ref.Core.t Sub_A).
Compared to the side effects in the generated translation, we eliminate all the operations related to name handling (trait resolution, function calls, etc.). We also always use explicit types instead of the universal Value.t
type and get rid of the M.impossible
operation that was necessary to represent impossible branches in the absence of types.
We have presented our general strategy to formally verify large Rust codebases. In the next blog posts, we will go into more details to look at the definition of the proof of equivalence for the links, and at how we automate the most repetitive parts of the proofs.