Releases: folkehelseinstituttet/Fhi.Frontend.Style
Releases · folkehelseinstituttet/Fhi.Frontend.Style
- 86c2673 Publish new npm package automatically if version in package.json is incremented (#21)
- 827f54e 1.2.1 (#20)
- 2b559b5 Add files["/fonts"] to package.json (#19)
- 5fdb4b1 Release/1.2.0 (#17)
- 004d11b Feature/new font fallbacks (#16)
- a43738d Remove NgbDatepicker (#14)
- df5785d Feature/getting up to date with azure repo (#13)
- 0350d5b Release/1.1.0 (#11)
- 8b75ea6 Opprettet github action for publisering av npm (#10)
- 0c2c700 Feature/btn design (#9)
- 148ec20 Removes exports field, adding main, unpkg, style field to package.json (#5)
- 1e15114 Add info about "How to contribute" and "Code of Conduct" (#2)
- 0f0a046 Added scss and basic setup (#1)
- 2fef61b Initial commit