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Universal search field component.

Basic Usage

  import { SearchField } from '@folio/stripes/components';

    placeholder="Search for something"

Usage with searchable indexes

The component supports adding an array of searchable indexes which adds a select field to the component.

  import SearchField from '@folio/stripes/components';

  const searchableIndexes = [
    { label: 'ID', value: 'id' },
    { label: 'Title', value: 'title', placeholder: 'Search by Title' },
    { label: 'Identifier', value: 'identifier', localOnly: true },

    placeholder="Search for something"

    onChangeIndex={() => ...}
    searchableIndexesPlaceholder="Search for these fields.."

Usage with searchable options

The component supports adding custom searchable options, e.g. if the <optgroup> tag is required.

  import SearchField from '@folio/stripes/components';

  const searchableOptions = (
    <optgroup label="Fruits">
      <option value={apples}>Apples</option>
      <option value={bananas}>Bananas</option>
    <optgroup label="Vegetables">
      <option value={tomatoes}>Tomatoes</option>

    placeholder="Search for something"

    onChangeIndex={() => ...}
    searchableIndexesPlaceholder="Search for these fields.."


This component supports the same props as the TextField component among other props.

Name type Description
placeholder string Adds a placeholder to the search input field
id string Adds an ID to the input field
className string Adds a className to the root element
indexLabel string Applied as an aria-label to the index <Select>.
indexRef ref Reference to search index dropdown element.
inputClass string Adds a className to the input
inputRef ref Reference to search query input element.
inputType string Controls if input box should be input or textarea. Accepted values are input and textarea.
aria-label string Adds an aria label to the input field. Camel-case ariaLabel is also accepted.
value string The value of the input field
loading boolean Adds a loading state to icon (on fetch etc.)
lockWidth boolean Prevent user from changing textarea width. Applies only when inputType is textarea
newLineOnShiftEnter boolean Make pressing Shift+Enter enter a new line, and pressing Enter - submit a form. Applies only when inputType is textarea
onChange function On change handler for the input field
onClear function On clear search field callback
clearSearchId string Adds id to the clear search icon

With searchable indexes

Additional props for adding searchable indexes/fields.

Name type Description
searchableIndexes array of objects Adds a list of searchable indexes/fields
searchableOptions nodes/array of nodes Adds a list of custom searchable indexes/fields
selectedIndex string Currently selected index
onChangeIndex function On change handler for when changing index
searchableIndexesPlaceholder string Control the placeholder of the select field