© 2024 EBSCO Information Services.
This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.
mod-linked-data manages the data graph of the library's catalog, providing REST APIs for CRUD operations on the data graph.
This module is dependent on the following libraries:
mvn clean install
Skip tests:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
mod-linked-data can be executed in standalone mode or as part of the FOLIO platform.
In FOLIO mode, mod-linked-data integrates with other FOLIO modules:
- Receives MARC Bibliographic records from SRS via Kafka topics and updates the linked data graph.
- Sends linked data graph updates to the mod-search-ld module via Kafka topics.
- (Future) Receives MARC Authority records from SRS via Kafka topics and updates the linked data graph.
- (Future) Pushes linked data graph updates to the mod-inventory module via Kafka topics.
To run mod-linked-data in FOLIO mode, set the value of the environment variable spring.profiles.active
to folio,search
In standalone mode, mod-linked-data operates independently without communication with other FOLIO modules. In this mode, you can create and update graph using REST APIs. However, the graph will not be synced with other FOLIO modules.
To run mod-linked-data in standalone mode, set the value of the environment variable spring.profiles.active
to local
Name | Default Value | Description |
DB_HOST | localhost | Postgres hostname |
DB_PORT | 5432 | Postgres port |
DB_USERNAME | postgres | Postgres username |
DB_PASSWORD | postgres | Postgres password |
DB_DATABASE | postgres | Postgres database name |
server.port | 8081 | Server port |
spring.profiles.active | - | Indicates if the application has to be run in FOLIO mode or standalone mode |
kafka | Kafka broker hostname |
9092 | Kafka broker port |
PLAINTEXT | Kafka security protocol used to communicate with brokers (SSL or PLAINTEXT) |
- | The location of the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client. |
- | The store password for the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if 'ssl.keystore.location' is configured. |
- | The location of the Kafka trust store file. |
- | The password for the Kafka trust store file. If a password is not set, trust store file configured will still be used, but integrity checking is disabled. |
200 | Maximum number of records returned in a single call to poll(). |
- Applicable only in FOLIO mode
Full list of APIs are documented in src/main/resources/swagger.api/mod-linked-data.yaml.
Details of few important APIs are provided below.
At present, API support creation of Work and Instance resources.
Resources can be created by making a POST request to the /resource
Refer src/main/resources/swagger.api/schema/resourceDto.json for the schema of the request body.
curl --location '{{ base-uri }}/resource' \
--header 'x-okapi-tenant: {{ tenant identifier }}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'x-okapi-token: {{ token }} \
--data '{
"resource": {
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/Instance": {
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/marc/title": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/marc/Title": {
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/bflc/nonSortNum": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/marc/mainTitle": [
"Main title"
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/marc/subTitle": [
"Sub title"
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/marc/publication": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/providerDate": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/providerPlace": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/label": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/link": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/place": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/name": [
"Publisher Name"
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/date": [
"http://library.link/vocab/map": [
"http://library.link/identifier/LCCN": {
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/name": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/marc/status": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/label": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/link": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/marc/media": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/marc/term": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/link": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/marc/carrier": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/marc/term": [
"http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/link": [
"_workReference": [
"id": "{{ ID of the work resource }}"
Resource can be updated by making a PUT request to the /resource/{id}
endpoint. At present, only Instance and Work
resources can be updated through the API.
Refer src/main/resources/swagger.api/schema/resourceDto.json
for the schema of the request body.
A graph node can be viewed by making a GET request to the graph/resource/{id}
endpoint. Any kind of resources can be
retrieved through this API.
curl --location '{{ base-uri }}/graph/resource/{id}' \
--header 'x-okapi-tenant: {tenant}' \
--header 'x-okapi-token: {token}'
When running in FOLIO mode, this module listens to MARC bibliographic records from the Kafka topic
. The received MARC records are
converted to resource descriptions using the lib-linked-data-marc4ld
library and then persisted in the graph.
Note: This process will be updated to integrate with SRS module in Ramsons release.
When running in FOLIO mode, this module will push the new and updated Work resource descriptions to the Kafka topic
for consumption by mod-search-ld
module. mod-search-ld
will index the Work resource descriptions in OpenSearch
index for search and retrieval.